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Светлая тема

Обзор Call of Duty: WWII
от Tramandai

New CoD goes back to the very roots of the series. And it’s not a good thing! The new game doesn’t take all the best from its ancestors, instead it picks a lifeless single player with a dull story and an old casual multiplayer that evokes nothing but a yawn. Oh, also the loot box system.

The critics praised it. You know why? Coz they all reviewed it at an event held by Activision, journalists being supervised for their impressions. Such journalism.

So at this point CoD feels like something people buy out of habit. not interest. I bought it and was utterly disappointed. The thing is I have lots of friends who fell in love with CoD when they were teenagers but continue to buy every single game now like this is some sort of a drug to them. Well, now it looks like it was also a drug for me, but I’m not buying any CoD in the future from this day.
For those, who are not familiar with the series — there’s no reason to buy it, it’s one of the worst games in the series. If you want to play a CoD, play one of the earlier games. If you are familiar with it — don’t repeat my mistake. don’t buy it.

Другие рецензию2

Худшая игра в серии, сюжет вообще не интересный. 
«Разочарование года»
«Потеря времени»
Интересно, что в качестве ориентира Sledgehammer Games взяли скорее не части Call of Duty про Вторую мировую войну, а Medal of Honor Allied Assault. 
Но при этом геймплей игры конструировался с учётом всех новшеств серии, благодаря чему он весьма динамичный и не надоедает. 
Сюжетная история заслуживает отдельной похвалы.
В общем, Call of Duty в очередной раз показала, кто король сингла в шутерах. Зрелищный, адреналиновый, захватывающий, интересный - это всё про него. 