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Зарегистрированные пользователи получают AGold за вход на сайт и тратят их на покупки в любых играх на платформе.
Игры как
Rescue Team: Power Eaters
Rescue Team: Planet Savers
Ramses: Rise of Empire
The Great Empire: Relic of Egypt
New Yankee: Battle for the Bride
Robin Hood: Spring of Life
Golden Rails: Small Town Story
Hermes: Sibyls' Prophecy
New Yankee: Under the Genie's Thumb
Incredible Dracula: Legacy of the Valkyries
New Yankee 9: The Evil Spellbook
Merchants of the Caribbean
Robin Hood: Hail to the King
Farm Frenzy: Refreshed
Hermes: Tricks of Thanatos
Viking Heroes 2
Splash Cars
Invincible Cleopatra: Caesar's Dreams
12 Labours of Hercules X: Greed for Speed
Rescue Team: Danger from Outer Space!
Aeolis Tournament
Dungeon Overseer
Hermes: War of the Gods
Rescue Team 7
New Yankee 8: Journey of Odysseus
Viking Brothers 4
Happy Empire
Incredible Dracula: Chasing Love Collector's Edition
Hell Girls
Christmas Stories: Puss in Boots Collector's Edition
MOAI 2: Path to Another World
Weather Lord: Following the Princess Collector's Edition
12 Labours of Hercules IV: Mother Nature (Platinum Edition)
Elven Legend
12 Labours of Hercules VI: Race for Olympus
Elven Legend 2: The Bewitched Tree
Alicia Quatermain: Secrets Of The Lost Treasures
Prehistoric Tales
Multishop Tycoon Deluxe
Rescue Team: Evil Genius
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