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Игры как
Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire
Ultima VI: The False Prophet
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny
Knights of Legend
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
Ultima 4+5+6
Dragon Lapis
Knights of Pen & Paper 2, РПГ, пиксельная игра
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Gordian Quest
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games
Serin Fate
Skald: Against the Black Priory - the Prologue
King's Bounty
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Mind Scanners
Forgotten Realms: The Archives - Collection Two
The Bard's Tale (1985)
Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra
Jagged Alliance 1: Gold Edition
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Cadence of Hyrule
Ambition of the Slimes
Final Fantasy IV (1991)
Dead Horizon
Spirit of Excalibur
Tower of Time
Kate's Test
Realms of Arkania 2 - Star Trail Classic
Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World
The Dark Queen of Krynn
Ken ga Kimi
Grandia II Anniversary Edition
C14 Dating
Treasures of the Savage Frontier
Tears of a Dragon
Uncharted Waters / 大航海時代
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
Shadowgate (1987)
Labyrinth of AO
X-Men: Madness in Murderworld
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