Послезавтра чит-файл №1

Final Cut:
A New Team - Finished Chapter1: Leaden Air

Agent Agitator - Making Oggy see red

And it just gets worse! - Finished Chapter 6: Atlas, Part II

Boo! - Doctor Hinrichs is not impressed

Engineer Fay - Who needs a manual anyway?

Expert Saboteur - Finished Chapter 2: A Night In the Global

Explorer of an Old World - What a strange animal!

Farewell... - Bid an old companion farewell

Get to the point! - Photographs, shmotographs! I wanna play, dammit!

Insignificant Details - Bugging the doctor for no reason

Journeyman Saboteur - Diaries are Cruel

Kidnapping with a Twist - Finished Chapter 3: Rude Awakening

Leader - The crowd's going wild!

Lone Wolf - Nigel will do fine without me

Mission Impossible - Made the impossible...possible. Somehow.
Modern Times - A piece of advanced technology competently handled
On All Frequencies - I just like this phone
Prince of Tides - We can do this without climate change
Radio Operator Fay - Good training pays off
Scrapped and Trashed - A contemplative day at the fjord
Team Player - I spend time with my colleagues
The End's Beginning... - Finished Chapter 5: Atlas, Part I
We do this on OUR Terms - Finished Chapter 4: The Conference
Welcome to Atlas - I'd prefer a friendly handshake
What can go wrong now? - Finished Chapter 7: Bent Svensson Is Dead
World's Savior... - ...or maybe not?
You Call That Service? - Quickie endured