Amber: Journeys Beyond чит-файл №3

* Beginning
* 1940s
* Gazebo
* Frozen Lake
* Ending


Explore your surroundings and find the garage. Enter the garage and get the
crowbar hanging on one of the support beams. Up the stairs is Roxy, passed

Go to the boathouse by the lake and use the crowbar on the wooden boards
across the front of the boathouse.

Go to the front door of the house.

Open the mailbox to the right of the door. Read the note and take the
oscillator inside.

Open the front door and go inside. It will be dark, so you'll need to locate
the power switch. Go forward to the staircase and turn left and ascend the
stairs. Once on top of the stairway, locate the open door which leads into the
office. Go inside the office. Turn to the right and you'll faintly see a
switch on the far wall. Flip the switch.

Explore the office. Go up stairs to a end table and get the Peek device.
Examine the computer and find the video tape. Also, examine Roxy's desk and
find the instructions on how to work the devices you'll find in the house.

With the lights now on, explore the house. You'll definitely want to read
Roxy's diary, which is in the left table beside her bed. Also, there is a book
of interest in the living room downstairs.

Find the dining room and examine the cabinets. Open them all and you'll find
the weed killer. On top of the cabinets is the video camera. Use the tape on
the camera to watch what Roxy has been up to.
Enter the kitchen and go out the backdoor. Attached to the knob on the outside
part of the door is a device you'll need that tracks paranormal echos.

Across from the living room is an area which contains a generator and strange
machine. Use the oscillator on the oscillator-shaped hole in the machine. Go
to the living room.

Find the device on a table in the rear of the room. Examine it closely.

Turn the power on and use the following settings:

* Level - 6
* Gain - 5
* Frequency - 8

Ok, you can now begin searching the house for paranormal activity. Usethe
device you found on the kitchen door outside doorknob on ALL possible doors
(front and back), which include the kitchen door, garage door, boathouse,
bathroom, locked bedroom door. To use it, just place it on the door knob and
push the red button. If it stops immediately, there is no paranormal activity
detected. Your PEEK device will flash in your inventory, check it out when it
does. If the doorknob device continues to move, you'll have to wait a few
minutes for it to isolate the paranormal echo.

During all of this, the cameras set up around the house will start to pick up
strange activity and ghosts and stuff. Eventually you will see a movie
sequence of a key being placed in Roxy's nightstand table. Use the key on the
locked bedroom door.

You are now ready to embark on your paranormal journey. Go downstairs to the
strange machine in the generator room. It will expand and you'll be able to
put on the device.

Although you can do these in any order for purposes of the walkthrough, I will
just follow the following order: Maggie, Brice, Edwin. Go upstairs to the
formerly locked bedroom and notice the spooky mirror. Click on the spooky

Maggie - 1940s

Go to the dresser and examine the boxes. Click on them and you'll eventually
figure out that you can say the phrase "I miss you Maggie." Find the radio on
the far table.

Move the knob to the right and the surroundings will get all static. Keep
going until it comes into focus. You are now in the kitchen.

Examine the dumbwaiter. Click the up button on the dumbwaiter. Turn the radio
knob to the left till you are back in the bedroom.

Click on the knitting needle on the table and it will be placed in the
dumbwaiter. Go back to the kitchen.

click on the needle and it will go onto the radio. You now have access to
another location, the dining room. Move the knob in between the kitchen and
the bedroom location to find the dining room. Find the clock on the dining
room table.

You need to move the clock so it becomes 7 o'clock. To do this, you must open
and close the doors. The door to the right of the radio moves the clock 15
minutes and the one of the left movies it 30 minutes. Once you have turned the
clock to 7 o'clock, turn the radio station to 129.8. You will now have access
to the den area.

Examine the trash can. Solve the slider puzzle to learn Maggie's husband's

This will now take you back to the real world. The lights will be out again,
so you'll need to find the office and turn the power back on. Go outside the
house and go toward the garage. To the left and behind the garage is a clump
of weeds. Use the weed killer on the weeds to open a pathway. Follow the
pathway to the gazebo, where you will take your second journey.

Brice - Gazebo

Check out the greenhouse, which contains the hanging Brice and an interesting
keyhole. Leave the greenhouse and follow the path which lies to the left. The
bees will talk to you but don't provide any clues or insight unless you can
figure out what they are saying.

Follow the path and you'll arrive at a fountain surrounded by bushes. Walk
around behind the fountain to find the tool shed. Open the tool shed and walk
inside. Close the door behind you, making it nice and dark. Go to the far end
of the shed and look near the rake, you'll see a peephole with a sliding
mechanism. Click on the hole to look through. Go back outside.

Go to the other side of the shed, where the holes are. You'll need to align
this pot and the pot at the front of the fountain so you can see a new view.
Go back inside the shed to check your new view. If you did it correctly, you
should see a window pane formation with a note. Take notice of the pattern the
note makes in the window. Leave the shed and return to the bees.

Go to the path to the right of the screen till you find a bench with a heart
on top. Examine the heart. You'll need to move the nails until they are all in
the middle. Once you have solved this puzzle, you receive a combination which
opens a location inside the gazebo.

Follow the path by the bench (not the way you came) which leads you to the
gazebo. Go to the back of the gazebo and press the button. Go inside the
gazebo and look down at the grate. Use the combination from the heart on the
lock. Go underground. Look around. Find the white flag. Click on the rope
which the flag is on. Click now on the other side. You should now have raised
a newly painted red flag. Examine the door, and the buttons which lie beside

Enter the pattern from the window into the buttons. Click on the button above
the panel which opens the door. You have now finished Brice's area and you
will once again be taken back to the real world. Power is once again off, so
once inside the house you will need to turn the power back on.

Now, travel down to the boathouse to go on your third and final journey.

Edwin - Frozen Lake

Explore your surroundings. Find the puppet trapped in the ice. You'll need to
find a way to get him out.

Explore the frozen lake some more and locate the windmill. Turn the lever so
it is activated. Find the boathouse.

Enter the boathouse and turn the crank on the backwall. Turn it clockwise
twice, which lowers a pulley. Look at the pulley and clock on it. It will bump
out a bag of rock salt onto the lake, which will conveniently release the
puppet. Exit the boathouse.

Walk to the rear of the boathouse and climb up the side. Examine the weather
vane. Turn the vane until it is facing WEST.

Explore the frozen lake and find the boat. Get into the boat and pull the
rope. The wind will move the boat to a hole in the ice. Return to the
boathouse and turn the weather vane again so it is pointing EAST. Go inside
the boat and pull the rope again which moves the boat to its original
location. Walk to the hole in the ice and notice the teddy bear.

Return to where you found Chippy, the puppet. Click the hole in the ice and
you will jump into the water. Click on the rubber duck, which brings up the
car. Click on the car. Click on the windshield to clear it up. Go forward in
the car, down the middle path. You'll go down the rollercoaster and reach an
intersection. Go forward which will take you to a castle. Chippy will get out
and tell you to bring him the bear. You'll begin anew in the car.

Go down the left path. Once at the intersection, go down the middle path.
You'll be able to automatically snag the bear and reach the castle. You have
finished the frozen lake.


Return to the house and turn on the power. An appiration will greet you and
tell you the password to Roxy's computer: Wisdom. Solve the puzzle on the
computer by clicking on the correct sequence of buttons on the right side,
which stops the left stars from spinning. Next, align the three rows of
symbols. Click on the your headgear to remove it. Go to Roxy in the garage and
use the headgear on her. You will automatically be moved from the garage and
watch the ending.

The End

Doug Radcliffe (01/05/97)