Амнезия. Призрак прошлого чит-файл №1

Unlimited Health, Oil, and Sanity:

To activate these codes, you need to find your save files in a folder something
like (.../My Documents/Amnesia/Main/) and then click on your profile name.
Open the save file you wish to alter with notepad, and press [CTRL]+F.
Then, search one of the things (Health, Oil, Sanity) and look for the command
streams below.
Once the command stream is found, edit the number at the end

(ex. edit [ var type="3" name="mfLampOil" val="0.000000" /]
to [ var type="3" name="mfLampOil" val="9999.000000" /]

then just load up that specific save file and the amount you entered should be
granted to you.

Effect Code
Unlimited Health - [ var type="3" name="mfHealth" val="9999.000000" /]
Unlimited Oil - [ var type="3" name="mfLampOil" val="9999.000000" /]
Unlimited Sanity - [ var type="3" name="mfSanity" val="9999.000000" /]