Cabela's Big Game Hunter 10th Anniversary Edition: Alaskan Adventure чит-файл №1

Start the game using one or both of the following codes as the command line


Open the game Console by pressing Tilde key [~] and enter the following codes.
All codes can be entered multiple times.

noClip 0 / 1 - Ghost mode, you can fly around the world and pass through solid
godMode 0 / 1 - Take no damage from falls and animal attacks
showPosition 0 / 1 - Display the X Y Z location of where you're pointing
mod_fireCamSpeed #.# - Not sure, but it may affect the Bullet Cam
mod_bulletCamFade F - Not sure, but it may affect the Bullet Cam
mod_AnimalFreeze 0 / 1 - Prevent animals from moving (they will be stuck at
their current locations)
mod_AnimalForceAnim 0 / 1 - Omg that is weird, try this one for sure. Funny as
hell. Oh and be sure there are some animals around when you do it!
mod_StealthMode 0 / 1 - Make you invisible
mod_Outlaw 0 / 1 - Allows you to be an Outlaw and not get kicked off of a hunt
mod_enablefog 0 / 1 - Toggle the fog
mod_drawSpawnPoints 0 / 1 - Show the location of spawning points in the game
mod_drawTreeStandBones 0 / 1 - Display some sort of vector information about the
game_buyItem STRING - Buy an item (it still costs you money)
game_equipItem STRING - Equip an item in your inventory
mod_MoveToAnimal - Teleports you to the Location of an Animal
mod_MoveToEnt STRING - Teleports you the Entity "STRING"
mod_MoveToPos # # # - Teleport to the specified "X Y Z" map location
mod_buyBullets int - Buy # of bullets
mod_buyArrows int - Buy # of arrows
mod_buyAmmo int - Buy # of ammo (both bullets and arrows)
mod_addMoney int - Increases your Credits by the # specified (will not work if
you are in the Outpost building)
mod_setTime # # - Set the Time of day in the game (Hours Minutes)
mod_EndObjective 0 / 1 - Win the currently loaded Mission
AppVersion - Display the Game Name and Version Number
Exit - Terminate the entire game
help - Display *most* of the Console Commands