Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion чит-файл №1

A Walkthrough by Polar

You are a detective invited by Ian Masque to a party at his mansion at the top
of the mountain. You start out on the deck of a ship which will bring you to
the foot of the mountain.

The Ship
First look at the items in your inventory by moving the cursor to the bottom
of the screen. You will find a newspaper cutting about the building of
Masque's mansion and his letter of invitation. Talk to Scarlet, she will ask
you to bring her a drink. Turn to the left and talk to Green. Then go into the
cabin and talk to Peacock and White. Go down the stairs and move your cursor
until it is slanting towards the room under the stairs. Talk to Kell and Plum.
You can't talk to Popov, who is playing the piano, and Sabata will ignore your
questions. Talk to Urfe and he will inform you that Masque asked you to bring
a puzzle box to him. He then gives you the key to the cabinet. Turn and talk
to Mustard to get a drink for Scarlet. Then go back up the stairs, out onto
the deck and give the drink to Scarlet. She will tell you of her fear that
something bad will happen. Go back indoors and use the key Urfe gave you to
open the cabinet opposite Peacock and White. Get the puzzle and Masque will
appear. After his speech, go down the stairs and talk to him. Then give him
the puzzle box. Masque will show the puzzle box to the other guests and falls
down dead in the middle of his speech. After the commotion is over, look
downwards and you will see the puzzle box lying on the floor. Try to touch it
and Kell will stop you. Time to talk to the guests again. Now you can talk to
Popov and Sabata, Popov will give you some cards and Sabata will demand you to
show him something magical. Talk to Urfe and get him to teach you a magic
trick, then show the trick to Sabata. He will give a picture. Talk to White
and she will drop and urn. Look at the pieces and you will find 2 artifacts.
After picking up the artifacts, go out onto the deck and use the cards Popov
gave you on Scarlet. She will give you the numbers for today's date, 12, 31
and 38. Go back down and go through the door where Green took Masque's body.
Look at the door on the right and use the numbers Scarlet gave you to unlock
the door. turn the dial right to 12, past 12 to ! 31 and lastly right to 38.
Go into the room and you will stop in front of some shelves. Take the gloves
and turn to your right. You will see a big wooden box on the floor. Click on
the arrow to move closer to the box and try to open it. Before you can do
that, Green will come and tell you that he put Masque's body in the upper
rooms. Open the box again and take the gear from it. Go back out and use the
gloves to pick up the puzzle box and an artifact from Masque. To open the box,
click on Masque's artifact and use it to click on the puzzle box. Open the
first lock using Masque's artifact, it will open a secret compartment. Remove
the paper from the compartment and use the big artifact from the urn to open
the second lock in the top left corner of the compartment. Then use the small
artifact from the urn to open the last lock. You will find a clamp. Go back
through the double doors and down the corridor, then up the stairs on the left
of the corridor. You have reached the door to the wheelhouse. Use the clamp
from the puzzle box to open the door and go in. Take a look at the captain and
you discover that he is a machine! You have to fix him to get off the ship.
Turn to the right and you will see a generator. Press the power button until
it turns red. Turn back to the captain and use the gear to fix him. Back to
the generator again and press the power button until it turns yellow, then
press Blow Downs, Valve, Cross Conn and finally Feed Valves. Scarlet will come
and tell you that the ship is slowing down. Time to get off the ship.

The Cable Car Mountain
You're outside the cable car shed and Green is with you. Talk to him and he
will tell you that the operating instruction is in the shed somewhere. Go in
and turn to the right where a cupboard is. Open the cupboard and get the
torchlight, funnel and kerosene can. Now go inside the cable car and look at
the interior. It's too dark to see anything so use the torch. The operating
manual lies on the floor near the left. It's torn up so you have to sort it
out. Now you have to fill the gas tank with gas using the funnel and kerosene
can. It's quite hard to find the gas tank, I spent a long time looking for it.
Go right up to the door of the shed and turn around so that you are facing the
interior. Then move your cursor until you see and arrow pointing towards the
right. Click on it and you're at the gas tank. Use the funnel and kerosene can
on it, then move to the control panel on the right of the cable car. Flick the
3 switches on the right and the big lever on the left, and you will find
yourself in the cable car. To start it, turn the lever on the left until the
red light disappears. Then move the lever on the right upwards. The cable car
will now move upwards. Oh no, ice has formed on the cables and you can't move
forward. To break the ice, you have to go down and go forward twice. Now you
can reach the mansion.

The Mansion
You go into the mansion and find the others all gathered together in the
dining room. Green informs you that six of the guests are given a riddle to
find the jewels. They are Green, Peacock, White, Scarlet, Plum and Mustard.

Finding Green's Jewel
You are left in the room with Green and Peacock. Talk to Green and he will
tell you his riddle, Peacock won't tell you hers+ yet. Then go to the
fireplace behind Green and pick up a photo under a log from the fireplace that
is not burning. Go out of the room and enter the kitchen, which is next door.
Talk to White and she will tell you about a dream that's bothering her. Then
go into the ice room by turning to the right. Go and open the refrigerator and
remove the 4th tray from the top. The turn left and look at the body of
Masque. Click on the tattoo near his neck. Exit and move the cursor until it
is slanting towards the left. Click on it and use the ice tray on the pot,
then heat the pot by clicking on the switch that is lighter in color. You have
found Green's jewel!
Finding White's Jewel
You have to find Kell to explain White's dream. Exit from the kitchen and
you'll find yourself in the great hall. Go up the stairs and enter the first
room on the left. Go in and turn to the right. Talk to Kell and she will give
you an explanation about White's dream. back to White again. After you give
her the explanation, she will tell you the riddle. Now go up to the Kell's
room. Go in, forward and turn left. You will see a chest of drawers with lots
of skulls on it. Best to save at this spot because there are some bugs at this
part of the game, I had to start all over again. You have to open all the
small drawers before you can open the big one. Open them in this order, 1st
row - 2nd drawer, 2nd row - 4th drawer, 3rd row - 1st drawer, 4th row - 3rd
drawer. Now you can open the big drawer and there is White's jewel!

Finding Scarlet's Jewel
Exit from Kell's room, go down the corridor and enter the left door. To talk
to Scarlet, go forward and turn right. Ask her about the photo, the tattoo and
the riddle. Then go downstairs and enter the corridor beside Sabata. Go
forward then turn right when you see Mustard and enter the magic room. Forward
and turn right to talk to Popov. Get her to teach you hypnotism and then ask
Urfe to teach you a magic trick. Now go to the artifacts room at the end of
the corridor and you can find Plum looking at some artifacts from Masque's
collection. Go up to him and turn right. Take the pendant from the bust and go
to the lion statue at the back of the room. You have to press various parts of
the lion's body to reveal the hiding place of Scarlet's jewel. Press the eye,
the right leg, the nose and the ear. If done correctly, laser beams will shoot
out from the statue, showing you where the jewel is hidden. Just follow the
beams and you will get Scarlet's jewel!

Finding Plum's Jewel
After getting Scarlet's jewel, exit from the room and enter the magic room
which lies opposite where Mustard is standing. Enter the room, go forward and
turn right. Give Popov the pendant you got from the bust and let her show you
the correct way to hypnotize people. Then go and talk to Urfe and get him to
teach you a magic trick, it will come into use later. Exit and return to the
artifacts room. Talk to Plum and hypnotize him. You have to keep the pendant
at the right speed for 3 seconds, he will then recall the riddle. Go out of
the room and turn to the left, you will see a statue of a mummy. Go closer and
you can see that she is holding a round disc with five buttons. To get Plum's
jewel you have to press the buttons in a certain order: top left, top right,
bottom center, bottom left, bottom right, top left. The disc will open, giving
you Plum's jewel!

Finding Mustard's Jewel
Go down the corridor and talk to Mustard. He is willing to tell you the riddle
but you need to find someone to draw it out. Go and find Sabata in the great
hall. Use the magic trick from Urfe on Sabata and he will draw Mustard's
riddle for you. Mustard's riddle shows a half-filled beaker, a clock and an
eaten apple. The beaker means "half", the clock "an hour" and the apple means
"ate", same sound as "eight". The riddle is telling you to turn the clock in
the hall half an hour past eight. To get to the clock, go back into the
corridor and return to the great hall again, only this time turn to the left.
You will see a clock surround by stone lions. Move closer and turn the hands
to 8:30, then click on the clock face and you will get Mustard's jewel!

Finding Peacock's Jewel
Peacock riddle is the most complicated so I'll leave hers to the last. After
you have Mustard's jewel and heard some information about Peacock, go and talk
to her. She will now tell you her riddle. Go back to the magic room and turn
right the moment you enter the door. Go to the table in the corner, this is
Peacock's riddle. The goal is to remove the barriers in the hall on the right
of the table and get the marble into the topmost hole. Tilt the table by
dragging the mouse in the direction you want. The marble starts in the top
left corner. Go to the dark gray hole and then to the bottom right hole and
back to the start. Red hole to the hole at the center of the spiral. You're at
the start again. now the white hole and you'll be in the right hall. Go to the
top exposed hole and you're in the bottom left. Hit the blue buttons until you
can get to the hole which takes you back to the hall. Go to the newly exposed
hole at the top to go back to start. Now down the white hole and into the hall
to the new exposed hole. Hit the blue buttons again and back to the start. Now
all the barriers are gone, so down the white hole, into the hall and into the
top hole. You'll get Peacock's jewel!

Now return the jewels to their owners and go to the magic room. Urfe will
begin his magic trick but something goes wrong and he's dead. Popov is left in
the room, talk to her and she'll tell you that it is time for a s•ance. Go to
the dining room, forward and turn left. Open the cupboard doors to get the
ouiji board. Back to the magic room to give it to Popov and follow her to the
dining room. you have to spell out the names of the people present, Green,
Peacock, White, Plum, Mustard, Scarlet and Popov. A ghostly figure will appear
and steals the jewels. Go up to Scarlet's room and you'll find her lying dead
on the floor. Go to the artifacts room and talk to Plum, then back to
Scarlet's room again. Green will attack you but you'll be saved by Scarlet.
Seems she is faking death all the time. Talk to her and she'll give you a key.
Now go to the top of the stairs and turn left. use the key on the locked door
and go in. Go right and you'll enter a room that looks exactly like the
previous one. Go left and click on the pokers standing by the fireplace. It
will reveal a secret door. Enter and go right. Open the drawer to get the
jewels, then read the diary. Now turn left and go through the door, down the
spiral staircase, through the red door and left, left, right, right, right,
left, left. Move the arrow until it is pointing downwards, click on it and you
will be looking at a set of scales. Using the paper you got from the puzzle
box, place the jewels on the scales. On the left, green, red and yellow; on
the right, blue, purple and white. The cover will open, revealing the skeleton
of a dead man. Pick up the dagger and the paper near his head. Scarlet, Masque
and Green will appear. Turns out that Masque and Green are the ones behind the
murders. They will then leave, trapping you and Scarlet. Click on the stones
around the door to remove the bars. First, right 3 (third stone from top on
the right), top center, left 3, right 6, left 6, right 4, left 5, top second
stone from left, top second stone from right, lef! t 4, left 1, right 2. Then
go back the way you came, right, right, left, left, left, right, right. Masque
has planted a bomb on the door. Disarm it by using the dagger to cut the wires
in the order of the colours of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo and violet. Up the staircase and sit back and enjoy the ending.

Clue Chronicles: The Fatal Illusion is a product of Hasbro Interactive.
щ 1999 Hasbro Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
щ 1999 Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.