Counter-Strike чит-файл №4

||||| The OMNI Counter-Strike Irritation/Weapons Guide! ||||

Version 1.0. No updates will be added to this. I am lazy. If you can't deal
with that, then write your own guide! This is by me, Clayton Walker. If you
see this anywhere but gamefaqs, drop me a line at

I should begin by saying that I like CS casually. I play it every now and
then, and I have to say that I'm good at it... as much as I can be compared to
a CS "veteran." Now, this guide is not intended to make you a great player.
In fact, if that's what you're looking for, or to find the spread of a Steyr
TMP at such-and-such range, then consort elsewhere.
The main point of this guide is to give you some useful ideas, positive or
otherwise, for you to use within CS. I'll go over each weapon as is in version
1.0, as well as giving some really ruthless ideas as far as gameplay goes.
Many of the "tactics" listed here will make hardcore CS veterans cry, or more
appropriately, bitch. Read on for enlightenment.
You'll find that tricks to pissing your team off are listed first, while
actual strategies for improving your game is listed last. Skewed priorities?
Maybe. Remember that it's pretty funny if done covertly, but if you keep
flashbanging people at the beginning of the round, for no reason, you're not
being objective at making them mad. "Accidents" will happen.

///////////CS: The Bare Minimum\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
If you have no idea how conventional FPS (first person shooters) work,
this is
for you. Typically, your mouse is used to aim. You fire when you see an
enemy. You often have keys that move laterally from side to side (strafing),
and those that move back and forth. Those who grew up on keyboard games like
Doom, Wolf 3d, and Blake Stone will find the jump to "Mouselook" a tad tricky.
Regardless, there's no way to play the game besides that. If you continue
onward with the control setup from doom, you'll die.
You are on one of 2 teams, Terrorists or Counter-Terrorists. Shoot at team
members that are not on your team. If everyone dies on the other team, you
win. Complete your objectives as a team, and you win. When you win, you get
money to buy stuff. The more money you have, the more you'll be apt to
complete your objectives.

///////////////Know your Enemies!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
At this point, I'm not talking about Terrorists or Counter Terrorists,
will be Ts and CTs respectively now. Your enemies in this game are those who
feel a simple mod for a well-known game supercedes the course of action of life
itself. To these misguided souls and social rejects, there is no happiness
other than bitching about changes from version so and so. These are the
so-called "veterans".
These veterans are usually in what we in the cynical "get a life"
call CLANS. Clans are groups of social rejects that form a team and fight over
the Internet for superiority. Most people in these groups are smelly, ugly,
and fat. However, they've already coined you as a "Newbie". This is a new
player ostracized from "greatness" because he or she is a tad oblivious to the
rules and course of action the game has. Typically, you'll find yourself dying
constantly at the start of a game by these people. They have no lives. They
play CS for hours at a time. Subsequently, they're incredibly good. Remember
the positive affirmation of, "I'd be good too if I sat around playing this game
all day." This is a cornerstone to fighting the clan gods.
To discern the people who are in clans, bring up the menu of teams and
usually the TAB key on a default configuration. The people at the top of the
list are royal bastards. The people at the bottom are folks like you. A
sure-fire tip off to whether one is in a clan or not is the brackets. Something
akin to a name of "[USMC] Recon Soldier" designates the person is in the clan
of USMC. However, the US Marine Corps would not admit fat, smelly, nearsighted
jerks into their ranks. Remember your affirmation.
Now that you can identify which people are social rejects based on scores,
it's time to move on to the next section.

/////////////////Choosing a name\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Your name is the backbone to a great start as a whiny jerk. There are
4 main types of names.

1) Unintelligent. These people use names that ramble on with some insult,
ALWAYS written in Caps Lock. A good example is
"IWILLRAPEYOUINTHEASS". Due note the drawn out insult as a name, and the
telltale caps lock.
2) Mumbo-Jumbo. These people choose to rely on gibberish that only they
understand. Expect clan names to precede these. Such notable ones are "[HZW]
90-D.E.T" In most circles, this is known as "|337 speak". Sometimes, hacker
language. A more obvious paradigm could be "[DEG] M@$+3R 0w^Z J00". Hacker
use of special characters and bad spelling is always noted.
3) Witty/Funny. Many confuse this with the first type, but this demonstrates a
severe lack of brainpower. Most people who opt for these choose something
short, sweet, and free of clan names or hacker speak. No caps, either. Good
ones include "Mc-Fillet-O-Fish Sandwich", "Dirty Ass" and the one I usually
use, "Wangmaster". If any of you take Wangmaster, you're dead. That's mine.
This is by far the greatest breed of names. Who wants to get killed by some
guy named "Wangmaster?" I've also gone by "Stomach" and "Flavor country".
4) Threatening. Some people figure that you'll be scared away if they have a
spooky enough name. Mostly, these people are 14-year-old kids that really
shouldn't be playing the game until after they get visited by the hair fairy
(read: puberty). Expect to see "Agent Slaughterer", "Supreme Destroyer", "Lord
Viper Scorpion", and others. Especially funny is when it comes out sounding
Japanese-like, as in "SuperMegaDeathKill". Super A-number-1!

Now based on that, pick the best and most irritating name you can, based on the
stereotypes. I'll help you out!
Type 2 parody: S.P.A.S.K. (or any other mongoloid acronym).
Type 3 parody: ......Just be creative. Anything goes, really.
Type 4 parody: NapalmEaterDemon

Good Eating!

//////////////////Your Team(s)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Well, now that you have a name that should get you some recognition, it's
to get to know your team, and the other team as well. You have 2 keys to type
to people. One is for only your team, the other is for everyone to hear.
Configure your keys so that these keys are Super A-number-one in reaching
distance. With that done, give your teammate's positions away with the radio.
Hit the all message key and say something to the effect of "Good hiding spot in
the back row of the plane!" This will vary with the map, but you're sure to
get people mad at you.
The other thing that's a great way to completely lose all respect from
"Veterans" is to constantly bitch after you die. Hit your talk key and whine.
Try the ugly labels of "cheater", "cheap-killer", "camper", "Pansy", and
especially good is making up your own insults and pretending like they mean
something. I've put the derogatory remark of "podlatcher" into great use.
Make up a phrase, and a definition, and give it to someone if they ask about
it. It just might catch on!
Soon, both teams will hate you. Mission complete. The only people who
care as of this point are those that take the game too seriously... that's
right! THE VETERANS!!! Score!
Expect many evil messages to flash across your screen.

/////////////Advanced Irritation Strategies\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
To a clan-jerk, nothing infuriates more than you being where he wants to
or you giving his position away. The clan-gods usually sneak around, waiting
for the perfect time to strike. You can either inform everyone of his position
after shadowing him throughout the level, or you could stab him over and over.
Your knife has no ammo. If friendly fire is off, an audible "SHINNK!" will be
heard over and over. Pistol fire is good too, as it's considerably louder. If
you manage to get ahead of the group, go to a high traffic area and sit there.
Nobody can move you. They'll shoot at you, yell at you, but they cannot move
you. You can impede their progress. This is a real doozy in stairwells. I'll
tell you that!
Now, should friendly fire be on, you would take damage from shots fired by
teammates, and vice-versa. If there's no dignity to be had, try to take down
as many teammates as possible. Eventually, if you do it enough, they'll make
you a priority like they do the enemies! There's nothing like taking your
teammates down, and then being killed in a hail of bullets from your own men.
Remember to aim at the head, it does more damage. With the default CT weapon,
at most it takes 2 headshots to down a teammate. Trust me, they don't see it
Another great thing is playing the role of mister thrifty. Head with a
of people going to a high-traffic area, and stay back. Offer no support, and
pick up a gun when the dust settles. Oftentimes, people will keel over and
leave a shiny new gun full of ammo. If you and a teammate stumble onto an
enemy, stay back until your teammate dies, then take his gun and steal his
kill! AMEN!
I can't stress this next one enough. Only do this one round, two at
Kill every hostage. The round will end, and no matter which side you're on,
the people will hate you for it. Stupid geeks. Get a life. Refer back to
your affirmation if the going gets rough.
CS Snipers pride themselves in getting in position to make a kill. If
you see
anyone with a sniper rifle in your team, make it a point to move in front to
them whenever possible, effectively blocking any shot they have. If enemy
opposition is light, attempt to stab them in the forehead, over and over.
This one is amazing for getting people really boiled over. Both HE
and Flashbangs affect your team. In virtually every server, friendly fire for
any grenade is turned on. Kill a hefty chunk of your team when they're rushing
a base by throwing out some explosives! Nobody can really trace it back to
you, and chances are that it won't be fatal. The great thing is that their
life is now very small. Any booger-flicker can take them out at this stage.
Flashbangs are not death inducing, but very fun. The gist of them is that if
you look at the explosion, you're blinded. Any member of your team (or
otherwise) will see a white screen for 4 or more seconds if the Flash hits
them. Use this when 3 or more of your team is in a firefight. Invaluable in
Radio Commands! These are single-handedly the most irritating things to
over and over. Not only does every team member hear this, but they also hear
it every time you do it. Hit the radio command key, and select "go go go!"
every time you can. This will drown out any ambient noise around them, and
enemy sounds to boot! Get voted the MVP for the other team!
The APC! This is only on a few maps, but make it count! Tell all of your
guys to get into the back, and back the thing up against the wall. All your
teammates will be stuck in there until someone gets in it and drives forward.
Don't let this happen. Stay in the top of the APC until all of your team
except you and the trapped soldiers are the only ones alive. If you want to be
really mean, use them as bait.

///////////CAMPING.... The topic nobody dared to defend\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
In real life, snipers do not rush. Neither does anyone else for that
In every war, people have won by either superior technology, or by taking the
safest path. Therefore, it is only smart that you should be able to plan an
ambush for someone walking around. Welcome to Vietnam.
Oddly enough, people consider this a tactic for the unskilled. After your
antics from the previous sections, they should hate you enough. It shouldn't
matter by now. The cold fact is that every weapon is more effective when its
target is unaware that the back of his head will be shot at. Additionally, if
the people who whine about it were as great as they say they are, they should
check their surroundings. They have the maps memorized, so why not?
Regardless, this is actually a change of pace. This does take nominal
to do, and it levels the playing field. Not too good at hyper-reflexes?
Camping is your game. There are 2 great weapons to use as a camper. The first
is the AWP rifle. This will kill in one shot, if aimed at the head or chest,
and has a double zoom. It's accurate enough to be fired without zoom. Keep a
normal focus, and zoom in when you see someone run past you. The second weapon
is the Auto-shotgun. There is no weapon that beats this at close range. If
you chase the guy with this after spotting him and fire at close range
repeatedly, he will die. Without question.
It goes to say that camping is most effective in 2 cases. The first is
you will be able to see someone before they see you. A good case of this is to
monitor all ways to get at where you are with your rifle, preferably zoomed in
a ways to give you time to kill the other guy with a sniper rifle. The second
is to hide in the shadows near a high traffic area. Nobody can identify
whether you are a friend or foe until you know what they are, and therefore you
have the clear advantage.
When you are the last guy left on your team, camp. The enemy, if they
complete an objective, will be forced to look for you. In all instances, they
get lazy. They won't check any hiding place, and will stumble around blindly.
The worst you could do is take down at least one guy. In this ideal case, they
have to find you. If you stand still or hide on one place, the enemy has no
idea where you are, but any sound made by them alerts you to their location.
Flashbangs are good in these cases.
It's in all cases better for you to hide and kill than rush and be
It's smarter, easier, and more efficient. Most people whine about it because
it puts the advantage solely to you. Remember this.

As if it weren't painfully obvious, clans are wastes of time. Avoid like
plague. However, there is something to be said to making up your own clan
name. I'm usually one to go by [omc], or one man clan. It's the only clan
that plays at the leisure of every one of its members. Also good is [GEP], or
giant erect penis. A friend who isn't too lucky at the game suggested [DIKY],
for "Dude! I killed you!" Also from this saint was [HISS], after "Hey, I shot
someone." If you like my stuff, please affix [GEP] to your name. I'd like
some disciples.

Since so many websites out there seem to be written by anemic 14-year-old goth
kids, I'll add my own perspective to the CS weapons. Note that ALL WEAPONS ARE
GOOD FOR CERTAIN THINGS. No one weapon sucks. If you find that it does, you
aren't using it right. Game developers do not intentionally make crappy guns
or other things, unless it's a joke. It's no joke here. Read on.
A note on the rating system: this is my opinion. It's not rocket science, and
I didn't read the source code to back up my opinions. However, the description
of each weapon is dead on. I have put as little bias into these as I can. This
is a change from the "FNP90 IS GAY" descriptions that no doubt some of you have
run across.
As far as the accuracy of each weapon goes, the first shot of each weapon is
LASER ACCURATE. The first bullet will go where you fire. After that, a nasty
effect called bullet spread kicks in, and honestly you cannot predict where
your bullets will go after the first shot. The more accurate the gun, the more
chance the bullets will go where you're aiming after the first shot.


>Glock 18 Select Fire>:
Power: Piss poor
Rate of Fire: Good, if you can fire fast
Bullet amount: 20, very good
Accuracy: Very good
Special feature: Select between burst fire/semi-auto
This is the Terrorist start weapon. Against an opponent with any other
with the same attributes as you, you will die. This gun is NOT an offensive
weapon. If you rush with this, you will be killed. Each shot does around 10
hp of damage. More if you hit in the head, less in the legs. A glock shot to
the eyeball will not kill anyone if they are at full health.
It's easy to see how this is a cause of frustration amongst terrorists.
Remember though, that the Glock is a secondary weapon, meaning that you
use it secondarily to your primary. When you know you've shot someone many
times with your primary, and you have the enemy in your sight, but no more
ammo, switch to the glock to finish them off. It has a high rate of fire, and
is very accurate. This should be your first instinct instead of reloading when
your clip empties.
The burst fire mode is helpful when you want to take larger chunks off of
someone. It shoots 3 bullets at once, but has a low fire rate. You have a 1
second delay after each shot, so it's like a mini-shotgun, with piss-poor
damage. However, the damage is about a third as piss-poor as the regular
shooting, should you connect. Some people like it, others don't.
In the first round, terrorists should get another pistol unless they want
intentionally die for some easy cash the second round. If you have already
bought a primary weapon, don't buy another pistol. For it's intentions, it
should do you well.

>HK USP .45>
Power: Good
Rate of Fire: Medium
Bullet amount: 12, decent
Accuracy: Fair
Special Feature: Removable Silencer
This is a mighty fine weapon. Shooting 45 caliber rounds means that your
enemy will go down quick. One shot to the melon of your enemy means that
they'll die for sure (if they have a helmet, one more shot anywhere will put
them down). Even more to it's advantage. It also has the capability of a
silencer, which is more of a novelty than anything else. Your enemy can't hear
your shots, however, they will know that you're shooting at them, obviously.
Use only in very dark areas to hide your muzzle flash. Note that the silencer
degrades accuracy and damage, so for all intents and purposes, leave it off.
The USP does great damage for a pistol. You can usually get 50 percent of
someone's health with no effort. Typically, shots do around 10-25 damage.
Rushing with this or getting in a firefight with it is not advised. However,
make your shots count. You only have 12 before a reload, so capitalize on the
fact that the first shot is laser accurate. After that, your chance of hitting
if you mash the button is nil at long ranges, but a 3 shot barrage at close to
medium range works well.
As a CT start weapon, it gives them a great advantage of being able to buy
body armor the first round. If you want to win the first one, keep your USP
and get the Kevlar vest. The rat bastard Terrorists will take a beating.
Remember that this is not an offensive gun. This is a secondary weapon so
that you can lay down cover fire for your teammates or yourself, or finish off
a wounded foe.

>Sig P228>
Power: Good
Rate of Fire: High
Bullet Amount: 13, decent
Accuracy: Fair

I'd recommend that terrorists should start round one by buying this gun.
people say that this is the worst gun in the game. Look at these people's
writing, and then you tell me if they have credibility. The fact is, this gun
does a little more damage than the USP, has a better rate of fire, holds
another bullet, and has better penetration through Kevlar vests.
This is a great weapon to use if you want an early lead in the game. The
shoots .357 magnum rounds. You'd be an idiot to call that weak. Accuracy for
this weapon demands that it be used at close range, and after a couple taps,
the accuracy starts to go down the crapper. Be cautious. One headshot is
lethal, helmet or not. This is a great pistol for a camper.
Try to sneak up on a guy with this. It's got a fair amount of recoil,
and you
need the other person to take all the hits. This gun can rock if given some

>Desert Eagle .50 AE>
Power: Very High
Rate of Fire: Somewhat Slow
Bullet Amount: 7, poor

The IMI desert eagle will put large holes in your opponent. It's also
and has very few shots. Do not tap the button like you would any other gun.
Shoot, retreat, shoot. This pattern is deadly, as it allows you to take
careful aim. If a person is shot with this in the chest, it usually does about
40 damage. This is a very high number.
However, the smart person would usually go with another person with a
amount of ammo, mainly so that that person can distract and shave off life
while you take the kill with minimal ammo.
A headshot is lethal again, helmet or no helmet. This gun stings.
you really need to conserve your shots. You'll die as soon as you realize you
need to reload. As soon as that counter goes from 7 to 0, you're dead. The
reload is just a tad longer than other guns, which is another reason to play it
As a first round weapon, you have the advantage over any wounded player,
anyone using a glock. Seeing as how virtually nobody will have body armor, you
can also take those people out quicker.

>Dual Berretta Elites>
Power: Piss Poor
Rate of Fire: Amazing
Bullet Amount: 30, incredible
Accuracy: Ungodly

These little wonders are good for 3 things and 3 things only: Cover Fire,
Taking out wounded soldiers, and Gloating.
These guns are expensive, considering their stopping power is nil. Reason
for? You have 30 rounds to take out, confuse, or run away from your opponent.
In a one-on-one confrontation, you'll be dead before you hit 15 shots. Try it!
These things are basically 2 glocks. However, for twice the crappy firepower,
you really get 4 times the reload. NEVER EVER EVER rush with these, unless
you're actually trying to get a gloat factor. It's humiliating to be killed by
However, a sniper's best friend is the Beretta. You can lay down a
blanket of
intimidating fire, while constantly backpedaling. You'll get out of harm's
way, and have enough room to shoot from a large distance.
So why is it that these make really bad attacking weapons, assuming that
guy isn't at 10 health? For starters, they're glock powered. You could almost
get the same rate of fire from the glock if you hit the button enough. The
reload is upwards of 8 seconds. This is way too long to wait, if you are in a
dangerous situation. The accuracy past the second shot degrades to ass. The
only way to connect is to get closer, which you really do not want to do.
Try them out, it's at least worth it to form your own opinion of them.

>HK Mp5N>
Power: Medium-Poor
Rate of Fire: really high
Bullet Amount: 30, really good
Accuracy: Very Good

This gun is the bread and butter of CS. Losing teams can afford it,
teams use it, you can snipe and camp with it, and it's very accurate. However,
for specializing in so many areas, it doesn't particularly excel in any one.
This is the most well rounded weapon there is. It's the Joe-Blow SMG of CS.
This is not to say in the least that it's bad though. A headshot kills an
opponent without a helmet, it's incredibly cheap so that anyone can buy it
after the first round, and it sprays out ammo with unparalleled accuracy for
how fast it's shooting.
There are actually no real bad points. If anything, you could do better
the level of power, seeing as how it's 9mm. You need to pelt the guy for a
while before he dies, but if you hit in the head/chest, you'll put him down
fast. Reload speed is good. Try it out, and you'll like it. However, in my
humble opinion, it's rather boring. You find it all over the level, and if
you're planning on buying it with the goal of saving money, don't. You'll find
it on the ground within a minute.

>Steyr TMP>
Power: Piss Poor
Rate of Fire: Really high
Bullet Amount: 30, Very Good
Accuracy: Good

Did you ever think, "If only this shot faster and was silenced" when
the Berettas? Chances are, you didn't. You were focusing in on the atrocious
damage that the guns did. The TMP is no better. It's a 9mm peashooter, but it
does have its good qualities.
The gun is the most inexpensive SMG in CS, as well as having an amazing
of fire and a silencer. If you're hiding in the dark, this is the best gun to
have. There is no sound or muzzle flash, and the damage does add up; faster in
fact than the silenced USP.
The bad thing though is that most maps lack dark areas to hide in. There
a few, but usually they're in very low-traffic areas. The best way to use this
is by sneaking. Hold your walk or crouch key and walk around. No Sound! Fire
your gun. No sound! To anyone trying to figure out why in the hell they're
taking damage when there's no other audible noises coming from anywhere, this
is very frustrating. If you're in a good spot, they'll freeze dead, and look
frantically around. Take the opportunity to finish them off.
It's not impossible to kill someone with this. It just feels like you need to
hose them down for a long time before they finally drop.

>Mac 10>
Power: Amazing
Rate of Fire: Very Good
Bullet Amount: 25, Decent
Accuracy: Fair
There's a large misconception that this gun is as weak as the TMP and
than the MP5N. How this came about, I have no idea. The Mac 10 shoots 45
caliber rounds as fast as the MP5 does 9mms. The tradeoff is that the gun is
more inaccurate, and only holds 25 rounds.
At anything other than close range, retreat. This gun is made to take
corners and to rush people. Spray someone with this, and they die. No
question about it. The reload speed is good, and the rate of fire is
astounding. Even better, the recoil is nearly straight up, and to a minimal
amount. Against a person far away, you will not be able to hit them.
I like this gun, and I think you will too if you give it a chance.
The great thing about this gun is that it's also cheap. As a T, you can
it every round, and usually a flash bang too. Throw the flash bang, rush in,
and dispose of people. Easy peasy. There's no reason to play conservatively
with it.
If you're good with it, or feel like you're getting to the point where
good with it, try to go from burst fire to full-auto. Although this only works
for close range, if you aim at the stomach, the kick is slow and upwards, which
can result in a great headshot if not killing them with countless .45s.
Remember to reload, and only try this if the guy is alone. if you run out
before he's dead, switch to the pistol.

>FN P90>
Power: Good
Rate of Fire: Amazing
Bullet Amount: 50, Amazing
Accuracy: Good

This is the main competitor to the MP5. It costs twice as much, but if
can afford it, then by all means use it. It shoots very fast, and deals damage
just a tad less than the MAC 10. It also holds a whopping 50 shots, which
means that this is good for assaulting and rushing when a reload can put you in
However, it's accuracy is horrible at longer ranges. This is a
saturation-style weapon, which is intended to spray over your enemy's body at
medium range. At close range, they're dead. Headshots are common and fatal
with this gun, and if you can get good with it, you'll get many kills.
However, the steep cost makes the buyer wonder if it's worth it, when he
she could buy a lower-end rifle, or if they'll be in a financial slump the next
round. Consider your playing style with this gun, and be more defensive when
you're running about. Cover fire is a good thing to keep in mind with this
spray-cannon. Remember though, that this weapon is a defensive one. It's made
for a squad, holds 50 shots, and does a fair amount of damage to its target.
It is however, somewhat inaccurate, so it would be best to let another player
into dangerous waters to test them before you go in.

>HK UMP 45>
Power: Amazing
Rate of Fire: Piss Poor
Bullet Amount: 25, decent
Accuracy: Very Good

For those that want a rifle, but can't afford one, this is the weapon to
It's range is better than any other SMG, and spits out 45 caliber rounds as a
bonus. However, to achieve the accuracy, the gun has a slower rate of fire.
Basically, it's a USP that's a tad more accurate and holds more shots.
While not a bad weapon, you have to adjust. This fills the gap between
and the rifles. The weapon is best suited to conservative players that like to
hang back. Against most other SMGs, this will win if at a longer range. Go
for headshots, and aim carefully. You don't have the ability to spray as it
depends on controlled shots.
This is also a very good squad weapon, as you can hang back and dispose of
enemies that have been wounded by your buddies. Cover fire is more controlled,
and is more useful if actually trying to hit the guy.
Essentially, this is the Mac 10 if the rate of fire was slower and the accuracy
higher. Different uses for different people, however, most may not like it.

Power: Poor to Fatal, depending on saturation to the buckshot
Rate of Fire: Piss-Poor
Bullet Amount: 8, Good
Accuracy: N/A

This is a shotgun. It's the meanest type of weapon up close, considering
die as soon as you get hit. At long range, it's laughable. One pellet may hit
you and cause as much damage as a glock shot to the foot. However, it's your
duty to use this at close range. If all the dispersed pellets hit the chest,
the guy will die. If half hit, he'll be critically wounded.
However, because of the bad rate of fire, you'll need to find a place with
ample cover. Fighting in the open against a guy with a rifle or SMG will be
certain death. Hell, even a pistol wielder can take you out should you miss
the first shot.
This shotgun is more powerful than the XM101 Benelli auto-shotgun.
its not an auto-shotgun. It is about half the price though, so taking it on a
second-round fight is advisable. Pair up with a SMG user to get the most
mileage out of this gun. You'll find that if you shoot a guy at close range,
but die, he'll have a maximum of 10 health. Being the trailblazer in a group
of people will ensure your survival and ability to get easy kills.
The shotguns are also very light. Use this to your advantage to get to
quickly without having to knife-rush.
Sneaking around with this weapon is invaluable. Blow someone's brains out by
getting close. This is not hard to do at all. Camping with this weapon is also
very good as well. By the time the guy turns around to see you, he'll be
missing some essential body chunks.
Reloading is not as essential as one would think. If you take your time
lining up shots, you'll be amazed at the fact that it takes a long time to
drain this. Only reload if less than 3 shots are left. Realistically, if you
miss with this one, the other guy will probably kill you. Decrease your
chances of this happening.
They are again wrong and biased. The shotgun is an acquired CS taste, but if
you master it, there's little one can do to stop you.

>Benelli XM101 Automatic Shotgun>
Power: Amazing
Rate of Fire: Amazing
Bullet Amount: 7, Bad
Accuracy: N/A
Every problem that the shotgun had, the auto-shotgun fixed. This thing
at the power (well, a little under to get technical) of the regular shotgun
with a pistol firing rate. If you miss, you can sweep them down with the next
couple shots. However, the only time that you can be killed while holding this
weapon comes from the amount of ammo it has.
The auto-shotgun has 7 rounds, which it eats like popcorn. Typically,
fire 5 rounds at the guy, and he'll die. Reload. For god's sakes, reload.
Keep the auto-shotgun at close ranges and full of ammo, and you'll rule the
All other strategies and properties of the regular shotgun are applicable
here. know however, that this gun can be a great equalizer between players.
Most veterans like using a SMG or rifle at close ranges. A newbie with an
auto-shotgun can take him down if he plays cautiously.

Power: Amazing
Rate of Fire: Good
Bullet Amount: 30, Fair
Accuracy: Piss Poor
Most people new to CS hate this gun. This is because they have a huge
hangover. The AK is meant to be burst fired. By this, you hold the button down
for a bit, so that 2 or 3 shots come out, and then you lay off. People who
don't like letting off the fire button will find that they die quick using
this. After the second shot, you start to outline the guy. You shoot rounds
everywhere near him, except of course to WHERE HE IS. This is referred to as
"outlining" an enemy. You make an outline of him with bullets while he is
unscathed. The AK is notorious for doing this.
By burst firing, you're controlling your accuracy. You should rightly do
so that you shoot where the enemy is. The AK is deadly in this regard. You
send 2 or 3 near lethal spikes at the poor fella that is on the business end of
your assault rifle. This is painful. I haven't seen anybody live through 4 AK
shots, regardless of where they hit. Most folks will drop after 2 or 3. Burst
fire, and your enemies have a funny habit of dying fast. However, there
are a
few more flaws that the AK has. It shoots fairly fast, but still enough to
allow you to run out faster than you expect. Automatic weapons in CS should
constantly be reloaded when it's safe. If not, switch to the secondary to
finish someone off or to give cover or retreating fire.
This weapon is a great middle ground for people that want a rushing
but feel the need to snipe. The first 2 rounds shoot death at people, and if
your position is unknown, your enemies will die fast. Know however, that the
AK has a very identifiable gunshot noise, and very loud. Hit and run, and
you'll make it out alive and over.
This weapon is one that every CS player should learn to use. It's cheap,
powerful, and good at nearly any distance. Learn to control it, and it will up
your kill count faster than any other weapon.

>Sig 552 Commando>
Power: Good
Rate of Fire: Great
Bullet Amount: 30, good
Accuracy: Great
Special Feature: Single Zoom
This is my favorite CS weapon. The 2X zoom allows you to switch from a
semi-auto mid/long range sniper to a close range rusher with the tap of a
button. The gun, given time and consideration, can take down snipers and
rushers alike. It also sprays lead like bullets are going out of style.
However, there are some major flaws that one should be aware of. The
rate of fire in normal mode is very fast. After 4 seconds, you're empty or
nearly empty. If you're not prepared to reload, you're dead. It also is
nowhere near the power of the AK. This gun is weak compared to the single-shot
power of the other rifles.
However, with the rate of fire, and the overwhelming accuracy of the
fire, tapping the button to a controlled pace defeats nearly everyone. Up
close, the fury of the bullet spray rips apart the enemy. This is an essential
weapon for terrorists to master. This is also the perfect compliment to an AK
or to help out a sniper with support fire. You may even steal his kill.
Learn to use this. Don't scoff at the relatively weak power, or the need
reload more than you would like. Remember that this gun has the power to make
your bullets go where you want them. Just be patient.
As an aside, if the enemy is any distance away where you would have to
fire the Sig, zoom in. If you disregard this bit of advice, you won't have the
level of success that you need. The rapid fire of the normal mode is only good
for close range. After that, switch to the zoom.

>M4A1 Colt Carbine>
Power: Good
Rate of Fire: Great
Bullet Amount: 30, Good
Accuracy: Very Good
Special Feature: Removable Silencer
The M4A1 is very much similar to the Sig552 or the Steyr AUG. However,
selling point is that its burst fire is more accurate than either, and it has
the option of a silencer, which still emits audible noise, but does away with
any muzzle flash. This is the Steyr TMP for people who want to do some damage.
This is really the one gun that every CT will use. It's affordable, fires
fast, and is very accurate. Burst firing is needed even less than any other
rifle, as one can get about 6 shots to where they need to be. It spits those
rounds out fast.
However, the strength of the gun is good, but not great. It's on the same
level as the Sig552 or the AUG, but with a better and more accurate ROF and no
zoom. Although the weapons seem similar statistically, all 3 are better suited
to different reasons and users, and each has a uniqueness all its own.
The M4A1 is primarily a medium range weapon designed for kicking SMG user
The rounds are more powerful, the rate of fire is about equal, and it has a
silencer for sneaking up on people. Overall, it's a great weapon, and one that
CTs should use often.

>Steyr AUG>
Power: Good
Rate of Fire: Great
Bullet Amount: 30, Good
Accuracy: Great
Special Feature: Single Zoom
Basically, the Aug and the Sig552 have more or less the same stats. Equal
zoom, equal rate of fire, equal power. However, the AUG has a different recoil
than the Sig552. Instead of bouncing around within a set area, it sprays up
and out, at either straight up, or at a steep upward diagonal. Some people
like this, as it allows for ease in head shots. However, I don't like the
immense degree at which it does it.
Burst fire more with this gun while zoomed in, because it can get out of
control. Otherwise, all stats, pros and cons are the same as the Sig552. It's
CT only, so get this if you want the Sig552, which is T exclusive anyway.

>Steyr Scout>
Power: Fair
Rate of Fire: Bad
Bullet Amount: 10, fair
Accuracy: Amazing
Special Feature: Double Zoom
This is by no means a budget sniper rifle. People scoff at this, as the
seems to have it beat hands down for damage. By no means though, is this a pea
shooter. This fires AK 47 7.62 mm rounds, which are very deadly. This will
kill someone if you hit the head.
More selling points include the fact that it's as fast as running with a
when you have it equipped, and you can run, duck, and jump while aiming at your
target without any sacrifice in movement. People who are good with this gun
tend to do very good at CS. A chest shot, while non-lethal, is enough to graze
off 40 health and disorient them enough for a second attempt.
However, this gun is not feared. It cannot kill in one hit, so therefore
must be considered "an inferior sniper rifle". This is not the case. If you
want to snipe, and have about 3000 bucks, you can. This is a good
cost-effective way to beat someone at a distance game.
My personal bent though is that it's fun, but I don't use it often. The
way I
figure it, if you're shooting at a guy with a sniper rifle, you're going to hit
an area that isn't his head, and that better put him out. Otherwise, he's
going to rush you with an automatic and mow you down while you try to make a
crappy attempt to kill him with a dumb-luck snipe or pistol-kill a full-health
target. This is where the Scout falls short for me.
Don't use it if you don't want to die a few times, if your aim isn't
good, and
if you have a high-ping. However, failing that, it makes a useful and fun
weapon that's just as deadly as the next contender.

>Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Police model (the AWP)>
Power: Fatal
Rate of Fire: Atrocious
Bullet Amount: 10, Fair
Accuracy: Amazing
Special feature: Double Zoom
This is what happens when the Steyr Scout works out for a solid week.
bolt-action wonder kills anyone if it doesn't hit them in the leg or foot. If
it does, it leaves them with less than 20 health. For all intents and
purposes, it's one-shot-one-kill.
However, it has a major downside, which is that it's very heavy, making
rushing into unfamiliar areas a must, which generally isn't safe, and it's rate
of fire is the worst in the game. You shoot, and it takes a second and a half
to readjust. However, this bullet GOES THROUGH PEOPLE. You can get a triple
AWP kill if your enemies are standing single file. The sheer power of this
weapon is amazing.
If your enemy gets close though, there's generally nothing you can do to
your life. The gun is meant to be used at extreme ranges. Close up, a guy can
Glock you. You're slow, and you have huge lag time between your shots. It's
gonna take a lot of skill not to shoot early or late when the guy's dancing in
front of your face shooting at you.
The AWP is meant to be used by a guy in an unknown stationary position
high traffic areas of people. Otherwise, you miss or get turned into SMG
fodder. Make your 5000 bucks count. Don't get killed, and play it smart. By
the way, you'll get bitched at for camping with this gun. Ignore all taunts
coming from the monitor. It's just jealous crap people are flinging at you for
playing it safe. None of them will be constructive criticisms either. Ignore
the monkeys.

>HK G3/SG-1>
Power: Good
Rate of Fire: Good
Bullet Amount: 20, Great
Accuracy: Fair
Special Feature: Double Zoom
This weapon has few friends. This is very odd, considering that it's
a good weapon, once you get to know it well. The gist of the g3/sg-1 is that
it's a semi-auto sniper rifle, meaning that it fires whenever you click. This
sounds very good on paper.
The downside is that it's got the weight of the AWP coupled with the
power of
the scout. There's not much to like there. If there's not a direct hit to the
skull, you'll need roughly 3 shots to put someone down. Even more complicated
is the fact that the recoil is a bitch. After shot number 3 with your rifle,
you'll find that your crosshairs are bouncing around madly. Don't allow this
to happen. Shoot 3 rounds, and lay off for a while. Blind firing is not the
key to doing well with this weapon.
So with all these flaws, it must have something going for it, right?
yes. The gun holds an amazing 20 rounds. You can fire quite a bit at some
poor fool, and he'll usually take a good beating if you've got him in your
sights. There's less chance and less punishment of missing shots with this
gun. You can take out SMG users and rifle users from a distance, easy. Click
that button until you think you can't hit the guy any more, then click some
more. Never allow the gun to have less than 7 shots however, as even a
semi-auto rifle depletes those rounds fast.
However, this gun is not meant to take on any full-fledged sniper rifle.
AWP will beat this weapon hands down in a distance game. Your shots do much
less damage, you're a slow target, and they're less accurate than an AWP
bullet. However, people that aren't sniping will be extremely hesitant to rush
you, and often they'll shoot at you and miss. Take the opportunity to waste
Used in the hands of a master, this is an extremely powerful and fearsome
weapon, but it has enough bad qualities to turn people off of it.

>Sig550 sniper rifle>
Power: Fair
Rate of Fire: Good
Bullet Amount: 30, amazing
Accuracy: Fair
Special Feature: Double Zoom
I fondly refer to this gun as the funky sniper rifle. Reason being is
that it
doesn't perform like a sniper rifle so much as it does a pistol with an AWP
scope on it. The gun uses the same ammo as does the M4A1, the Sig552 and the
Steyr AUG. Needless to say, all those guns relied on an ability to spray an
area with gunfire. However, to those that liked to pistol-tap the AUG and the
Sig552, the Sig550 is very enjoyable. It's got a rate of fire better than the
G3/SG-1, and it holds 10 more rounds. At a range game with anyone else not
holding an AWP, you're the winner.
Additionally, the recoil is less than that of the G3/SG-1. This means
you can round off at an area without much fear of missing after a couple of
shots. However, this rifle, much like the G3, loses accuracy severely after
the third shot or so. Tap, don't hold the button down. When the crosshairs
bounce around, let them settle for a bit, and then go back to shooting.
Areas where this gun proves itself are in the sewers of Militia, should
give yourself enough room, and Office, where there are long hallways and blind
corners. Don't use this in areas with heavy sniper support, unless you feel
you can actually get 4 or so shots on the other guy before he has the chance to
AWP you in the chest. This usually is a freak occurrence. Don't try it,
unless you like the free-chase camera mode's cinematic angles that much.
The main point of this gun, and it's similar cousin is that it doesn't
like a nipper rifle. It's more like a rifle-rifle. You're not nearly as
helpless at close range than you would be if using a bolt-action. Give it a
shot, and see what you think.

>FN249 PARA>
Power: Decent
Rate of Fire: Good
Bullet Amount: 100, Amazing
Accuracy: Poor
To anyone who's thinking of buying this for power: don't. This has power
to the weaker rifles, which isn't as much as one might expect for as big as
this gun is. The fact of the matter is that this gun uses the same rounds as
the Sig552, but has a slower rate of fire. You run slowly with it, as it's as
heavy as an AWP. The accuracy is horrible, and you can't shoot more than 4
rounds before they scatter all over the place. However, for the insane price
tag, there are ways to use this well.
For starters, the magazine is bigger than anything else in the game. If
you're not below 15, you don't need to reload. This gun has 100 bullets to
spray out, and I think upwards of 150 in reserve. Don't attempt to reload when
you don't need to. Come to think of it, don't reload at all. This weapon has
enough ammo to hose down an entire team if you make your shots count.
This is another misconception, that the PARA was made to hold the button
for you to let loose. It wasn't. Burst firing this like an AK will lead you
to victory. It has roughly the same fire rate, with about the same recoil.
It's really not a bad weapon. It is meant to be used with a teammate, for
something called cover fire. Just keep tapping it, not holding the button, and
you'll shoot round after intimidating round at the enemy, allowing your team to
more safely navigate around the area. You'll have enough rounds to do this and
go after the guy if you work it right.
The last selling point of the PARA is that it's made to flush out campers
kill snipers, if you're close enough. This can be thanked by it's ability to
shoot through most objects, although admittedly at the sacrifice of power.
However, the guy won't haul ass out of there, he'll sit for about 5 seconds and
upwards debating whether or not it was some stray bullets, if someone knows
he's there, or if he should move anyways. During this time, you can wail on
him through the wall or box.


>HE Grenade>
Power: Splash
Rate of Fire: n/a
Usefulness: High

Many shun this wonder-can beacuse they see it as non-fatal. However,
little guys are very good for 2 reasons and 2 reasons alone. If used
correctly, they are a great asset to your well being.
The primary cause is not to do damage. It's to disorient and confuse
Chuck one in one side of a hallway and go the other way. People will swear
that you're going to burst through wherever that grenade exploded like the
Kool-aid man. You're not. This is only a diversion. This is also great for
keeping people at bay. If you see a sniper, make them retreat by hurling a
grenade at them.
The second use is to take life off of soldiers. It seems simplistic, but
you're really hoping to hurt them, and not kill them instantly. Basically, a
grenade wounds for around 30-50 health. If you're lucky when you throw it, it
can kill someone. The great thing though, is that it deals tremendous amounts
of splash damage. Anyone near it will be hurt. If in a firefight from your
team, they'll be hurting just enough to be dispatched by a grenade.
Typically, these grenades do the most amount of damage in the beginning
of the
game, where both sides try to get to the same choke points. 30 health taken
from a cluster of guys can be the line between life and death in a rush.

>Flashbang Grenade>
Power: None
Usefulness: Amazing

This is canned whoopass. Throw one, and anyone near it will be seeing a
screen for at least 4 seconds. More if closer, less if far away. Needless to
say, this is very powerful for getting you where you need to be. Throw a FB,
haul ass past the point of where someone was guarding, and they'll be in no
position to shoot at you, considering they'll be blinded completely.
However, your teammates can do the same to you, as you're well aware of
previous bastardry mentioned earlier. What you need to do is use this so that
you don't blind yourself. If a direct line cannot be drawn from the explosion
to you without going through a wall or obstruction, you will not be blinded.
However, even if you turn around upon the blast, you'll still be somewhat
blinded. Don't let this happen. Throw to blind someone, make sure you're not
around it, and tear through the area. Take any people out if they're blinded.
To avoid being killed when blinded, burst fire your weapon and retreat
backwards, heading towards any cover that you can remember. FB throwers never
go after people who are firing their weapon at them if they're shooting in the
right direction. Remember that.

>Smoke Grenade>
Power: none
Usefulness: Fair

There's not much to be said about this grenade. It spits out smoke when
blows up. I suppose it would be useful for gaining ground, but people tend to
look at the smoke for a long time. You'll come out of it, and they'll shoot
you. The primary use of this weapon is beaten by the FB.
However, for anyone that has a ping above 60, this weapon is incredible.
nicknamed the Lag grenade, as anyone who happens to be looking at it suffers
incredible slowdown. If you've got a fast computer, throw some out and go for
lag kills.

Power: Fatal
Usefulness: Immense

This is only given to one terrorist on DE maps. Now, this item has a
way of making the terrorists win. If you have this bomb, plant it at a bomb
site by selecting it (5), and holding down fire until you plant it at one of 2
bombsites. The timer will tick down, and beep faster until it goes off. If
you're a terrorist, sit near the bomb and fight off any CTs that try to defuse
it. Do not let them defuse the bomb, otherwise you'll lose. Be deceptive, and
plant it out in the open, but snipe it. Anyone that sees an empty area, and
goes for it will get shot by you, hopefully.
As a T, make it a priority to get to a bombsite and plant it. It's fun,
you usually rack up some kills. If anybody gets caught in the blast, they die.
It's your choice to try to make it go off or run from it as a T. Death for
the team, or cowardice to save your guns?

Usefulness: very little

Don't buy this. It's expensive, and there's hardly any maps that use it
anymore. You can get the same effect if you turn your monitor brightness up a
lot. Yahoo. Aren't you glad you didn't waste your cash to see in the dark?

////////Other Points of Interest\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Always be above people if given the chance. It's more difficult to look
aim up, for some reason. At any rate, a good spot from a rooftop with an AK
will yeild more kills than being on the groun with an MP5. Headshots are also
easier to obtain. Good high-up spots can be found on the maps Nuke, Italy,
Seige, and Dust. Otherwise, if it's a few feet off the ground, don't bother.
Learn to duck. This makes you a much better camper, if you're going for
as well as making you a smaller target, and the other guy will have to adjust
his aim to compensate, while you blast him. Crouch-walking also makes no
noise. Sneak up and destroy. Sneakiness pays off on Oilrig, Militia, Italy
and Dust.
As a camper, pick out of the way areas that allow no attacks from the
back or
sides. Keep every area of enemy entrance covered. If spotted, you should be
able to fight your assailant off. Great camping spots can be found on Prodigy,
Milita, Italy and Arabstreets.
Take routes that other people travel less. Your survival rates when
single opponents is much greater than when it's a 2 on 1 deal. Don't get
caught unawares. Remember to think of what areas you don't check or go
through, and where you're often caught off guard when you play the other team.
In this game, the third time is never a charm. Do something once, and
repeat it the next round. When people die, they usually try to find your
camping spot and hit it the next round. Don't be a moron. If anything, camp
at a spot that people will need to go through to get to that specific point you
were last time. This way, they won't check because they'll be enamored with
the idea of flushing you out and killing you from your previous spot. Also,
get about a few hiding spots you can switch every now and then to keep people
Think of hostages as body armor. If you surround yourself with them,
will be less apt to shoot at you. Put them right in front of doors as well, so
that an enemy may freak out and shoot one of them. Hide near the hostage so
that you can take your opponent out as the guy's rounding off at a poor
If you're the VIP, stay back. You've got a pistol. While it isn't bad,
hardly enough to combat an assault rifle. Let other people do the fighting,
you should take cover. Don't throw your gun away, as you cannot pick up any
others. Also, if you happen to be the last guy on your team, camp with the
objective of not being seen as opposed to trying to kill people. If a guard
runs past alone, kill him. If a group of 3 run past, sneak to where they were
and high-tail it out of there. Remember to walk or crouch-walk.
If you see a sniper far away, don't try to kill him. That's suicide.
aorund the back, and he'll more than likely be there. Wait him out, and he'll
most of the time give up. No worries after that.

//////Getting Kicked\\\\\\\\
If you do everything here, or mostly just the bastardly stuff, you will
kicked from the server. However, you can just as easily join under a different
name. Or you can go to another. It's your call. However, do have some
consideration for some of the other people playing. After a while, give up.
Although funny, you can kill it. It's people with simple senses of humor that
do something over and over again till it isn't cool.

Again, send all hate mail to, although if it's too
Neanderthal like, I won't reply. If you decide to trash me, read it over and
think of how much of a loser you might sound like, and if still pressed to
send, raise some intelligent arguments. Thanks a lot.
Ninja Vanish!