Curses! чит-файл №1

Table of Contents:

1) The straight forward walkthru,
2) Explanations and clue location,
3) History of the Meldrews - Contents,
4) Dictionary of Mythology - Contents,
5) Lagachable Objects,
6) Amusing things to do,
7) Different ways to open the medicine bottle.

1) The straight forward walkthru

N to the old winery; worry about the key later. W, S. Look under the
sheets. Push the radio N to Aunt Jemima's lair and turn it on. W to the
potting room. Wait (`Z') until the radio starts playing music. Take the
gloves. Wear the gloves. E, E. Open the demijohn. S, S, SE, E.
Examine the insulation rolls. Take the new battery. Open the torch.
Empty it. Put the new battery in the torch. Close it. S. Take the

N. Open the cupboard. N. Take the painting. Take the gas mask. S, W,
NW, N, N. Take the nasty red battery and the map from the demijohn. E.
Take the wrench. Enter the dumbwaiter. Take the wishbone. Pull the rope.
Get out of the dumbwaiter. Take the mouse. S. Drop the mouse. Type:
`mouse, W', `hole, W', `hole, W', `hole, W', `hole, N', `hole, W', `hole,
N', `hole, S', `hole, E', `hole, S', `hole, E', `hole, E', `hole, E', and
`hole, E'. Take the attic key. N. Enter the dumbwaiter. Pull the rope.
Get out. Wear the gas mask. N. Unlock door with the brass key. Open
door. S. Enter the dumbwaiter. Pull the rope. Get out. W, S. Examine
the teachest. Look inside the teachest. E. Lie down. Sleep. E, N.
Take the mascot. The word `lagach' will be `heard'. It's a magic word
that allows you to travel between different artifacts. Drop the mascot.
S, W, SW and E. Get up. Take the dictionary and scarf. W, S. Take all
(from the cupboard). Open the parcel. N, N, W. Examine the calendar.
Flip through the calendar (to February) until you find Merlyn's Hat
daisies. Remember the colour. W. Give the box of chocolates to Jemima.
Remove gas mask. Answer her question `say yellow'. E, E, S, S, SE, W.
Pull the cord. Examine the postcard. Take the flash. Open flash. Put
the nasty red battery in the flash. Close flash. Look at the photograph.
Read about Roger in the history book.

E, E and N. Turn the crank. U, NW. Take the key. Give the wishbone to
the ghost. SE, D. Put the torch and the brass key into the fireplace.
Drop all. Enter the fireplace. D. Take all. Unlock the hatch with the
brass key. Open the hatch. D, E. Turn off wheel. Turn wheel. Enter
the dumbwaiter and pull the rope. Turn the wheel. Enter the dumbwaiter.
Pull the rope. Pull the rope. Get out of the dumbwaiter. W, S, S, SE, E,
N. Drop all. Take the rucksack. Take all. S, W, NW, N, N, E. Turn
wheel off. Turn wheel. Drop the medicine bottle in the shaft. Turn the
wheel. Enter the dumbwaiter. Take the tablet. Get out of the dumbwaiter.
W, W, W, E, E, S, S, SE, D. Clean the glass ball. W. Take the wrench.
Fix the pipe. Take the books. Read the romance novel. Read the book of

N, U. Push the bell. Say even. N, U. Take the Tarot cards. D, E.
Examine the mural. W, S, W. Take the silk handkerchief. Wave it. Board
the boat. Say time. NW. Climb the tree. Look at the maze. D, W, W.
Take all. Board the roller. Turn it on. E, E, E, W, N, N, W, W, N, N, N,
N, W, W, W. Get off the roller. Take the miniature. Board the roller.
E, E, E, S, S, S, S, E, E, S, S. Turn off the roller. Get off the roller.
Wear gas mask. S, D. Turn wheel. Enter dumbwaiter. Pull the rope. Pull
the rope. Get out of the dumbwaiter. W, S, S, SE, S, S. Turn on the
slide projector. Turn the dial. Put the Ace of Cups into the slot. S.
Search the crates. Take the mounted bottle. Pull the anchor on the ship.
Put the stick ship into the mounted bottle. Examine the ship. Climb the
mast. Take the flag. Go port. Take all. Go fore. Take the green
branch. Go aft. Go aft. Turn the wheel. D.

Take the Ace of Cups. Put the Fool into the slot. N, N, E, S, E, NE, N.
Examine the cross. Read about Alison in the history book. S, SW, W. Push
the south wall. S. Lie down. Put the flag on the bed. Sleep. Wait.
Once the man is gone, go E and E. Turn the wheel. Pinch yourself (pinch
me). Get out of bed. Take the stick from the rucksack. Look in the
mirror. Where's the stick? Wave the stick. Wave the timber spar. Break
the window. S. Look under the window. Take the gold key. N, N, N, W,
NW, N. Close the door. Take the box. Open the door. Unlock the box with
the gold key. Open the box. Take the four leaf clover. Wave the clover.
N, E. Enter the dumbwaiter. Pull the rope. Pull the rope. Get out of
the dumbwaiter. N, E, E. Take the charcoal sketch. Break the frame.
Take the letter and the sketch. Open the coffin. Wear the gloves (if you
took them off). Read the inscription. Read the letter. Put a mahogany
rod into the coffin. Close the coffin. Take the `named' rod. Do this for
every mahogany rod you have now and in the future. This will be referred
to as `convert the rod'. Take the scroll. SE. Hang the painting on the
hook here. Search the umbrella stand. Take the sceptre.

U, U. Read about 1420 in the map of Hamburg. Turn the door. NE. Push
the ball SW. Push the ball S. Take the tarot box. Open it. E. Remove
gas mask. Break the cabinet. Take all from the cabinet. Take the tablet
and the Rod of Returning (if they are in the rucksack). Strike the Rod of
Returning. Wait until druids take you. Eat the tablet. Take the
Shepherd's crook. Point the Rod of Returning at yourself (point returning
at me). Return to the souvenir's room. Take the fool. Put the miniature
in the slot. Strike the Rod of Returning. S. E, E, E, E, E, S, E, S, E,
E, S, S. (In whitewashed area). W. Squeeze the weed killer bottle. E,
N, N, W, W, N, W, N, W, W, W, W, W. Take the bean pole. Point the Rod of
Returning at yourself.

Return back to the library storage room and take the poetry book. E, N,
NW, N, N, E. Turn the wheel. Enter the dumbwaiter. Pull the rope. Pull
the rope. Get out of the dumbwaiter. N, NW. Board the roller. Turn on
the roller. N, N, E, E, E. Get off the roller. Take the marble rose. D.
Examine the mural. Read the poetry book. Take the tarot cards from the
Tarot box. N, U. Put the 8 of wands on the deck. Put the maiden on the
deck. Put the star on the deck. Push the bell. N, U. Take the tarot
cards. D, S ,W. Board the boat and say time. Return to the octagon room.
Convert the quarterstaff, the crook, the bean pole and the 8 of wands. SE.
Type: lagach, painting. Then lagach the artifacts until you return to the
bronze mural. Take the poetry book. Strike the Rod of Bronze. Point it
at the mural. D. Take the key. E, E. Read the tombstone. W, W, S.
Smell. Smell. D. Turn off the switch. U, W. Examine the panel.
Examine the bronze wall. Strike the Rod of Bronze. Point it at the wall.
N. Examine the panel. Slide i. Slide k. Slide c. Slide a. Slide n.
Slide e. Slide l. Slide o. Slide s. Slide t. S. Slide k. Slide k.
E, U, U, U. Board the roller. W, W, W, S, S, E. Turn off the roller.
Get off the roller.

Take the golden orb. W, SE, S, E, E, SE, U, U, W, S, SE, S, S. Put the
Maiden into the slot. S, U, E, S. Strike the Rod of Fire. Point it at the
wall. Strike the Rod of Luck. Point it at yourself. S, S. Take the
copper coin. SE. Take the inscribed stone. Examine the inscribed stone.
SW. Wake Homer. Say Agamemnon. Say Ptolemy. Say yellow. D. SW. Push
the statue NE. NW. Push Dionysus SE and SW. NE, NE. Push Demeter SW
and NW. SE. Push Poseidon NE. SW. Put the inscribed stone the opening.
D. Take the amber gem. U, U, NE, NW, N, N, N. Strike the Rod of
Husbandry. Point it at the goats. E. Take the fig. S. Give the coin to
the bartender. Take the dessert. N, W, W, D. Give Andromeda the dessert.
U, SW. Play the pan-pipes. Put the fig in the urn. Type: priestess, tell
me about fig. Write down her response because they contain coordinates you
will need later.

Return to the souvenir's room (via the Rod of Returning, etc.). Put the
castle card in the slot. S. Look under the table. Examine the scarf.
Pull the blue wire. Pull the green wire. Pull the black wire. Pull the
red wire. Wait until the timer runs out. Strike the Rod of Returning and
point it at yourself. Return to the souvenir's room. Put the star in the
slot. S, D. Examine the frieze. U. Open the flash. Set the timer. Put
the timer in the flash. Close the flash. Put the flash in the device.
Wait until the timer goes off. E, E. Lagach the mosaic and keep
`lagaching' until you get back to the frieze. U. Take all.
Return to the souvenir's room. Put the charcoal sketch into the slot.
Find Austin in the house. Keep pushing him towards the souvenir's room.
Jump. S, N. Drop the smooth round stone into the grating. S, SE, SW, S.
Examine the writings. N. Blow the bird whistle. Take the cloak. Wear
the cloak. NE, NE, SE, S. Type: anoint me. N, SE. Take the spindle.
NW. Wait until the messenger arrives. Take the tubes. Swap the scrolls
in the tubes. E. Give the Kappa tube to Callimachus. S. Give the Alpha
tube to Apollonius. Take all. N, W, NW, N, W. Take the stone. Take the
key. (If you want) Play dice with the sailor to learn the ancient words for
one to six. They are, one:thu, two:zal, three:si, four:ca, five:mach, and
six:huth. E, S, SW, NW, N. Unlock the grating with the rusty key. Open
the grating. D. Take the heart. Board the skiff. Sail until you reach
the Garden Stream.

S, E, E. Convert the spindle and the hairband. U. SE, U, U, W, S, SE, E,
S, E, NE, D. Wave the green branch. Take the nuts. NW. Examine the
mosaic. Take the wooden ball. Lagach to Mad Isaac's painting. NE, E, N.
Take the croquet mallet. S, E. Use the coordianates the priestess gave
you and walk paces west and paces south (other possibilities
include east and south, east and north, and west and north). Dig with the
gardening implement. Unlock the strongbox with the gothic key. Open it.
Take the astrolabe. Fill the hole. Drop the wooden ball. Hit it with the
croquet mallet. NW. Put the nuts in the crack. S. Blow the bird
whistle. Take the gold watch.

S, W, SW. Lagach back to Alexandria. N. Put the amber gem into the
socket. D. Lie down on the couch. Sleep. Lie down on the couch. Sleep.
Lie down on the couch. Sleep. Lie down on the couch. Sleep. Wait and
watch the French soldiers. Wait until they leave. Get up and go W
repeatedly until you have returned to the `present'. Twist the sphinx's
nose. W. Take the model. W. Move in various directions until you
dislodge a greenish oak. Take the oak. Put the sceptre into the first
socket. Turn it to `si'. Put the sceptre into the second socket. Turn it
to `huth'. Put the sceptre into the third socket. Turn it to `thu'.
Enter the coffin. Close the lid. Close the lid. U.

W, W, U. Lagach back to Alexandria. N, NE, SE. Remove the cloak. Turn
the cloak. Wear the cloak. Open the door. Enter the tower. Put the
green oak timber onto the table. NW. Remove the cloak. Turn the cloak.
N, N, N. Remove the cloak. N. Wear the purple sash. N, NE, E, S.
Type: anoppe. Put the astrolabe on the mounting. Look in the eyepiece.
Take the hand. D, D, W. Put the hand on the statue. Tighten the hand.
Put the skull on the statue. Tighten the skull. Put the heart in the
statue. Strike the Rod of Fire. Point it at the statue. Point E. E.
Point E. E. Give the marble rose to the knight. Show the keepsake to the
knight. Point W. W. Type: knight, open moonstone. Type: open moonstone.
Type: knight, open moonstone. Point D. Strike the Rod of Ice. Point it
at the Rod of Love. Take the Rod of Love. Take the Rod of Love. S.
Hypnotise Evans with the watch. Type: evans, give me the mascot. S, SW,
W, S. Take the model of the ugly animal from the rucksack. Look in the
mirror. N, E, NE, N.

Take the golden orb from the rucksack. Clean it. Strike the Rod of
Sacrifice. Point it on black. S, SW, W, N, W,NW, N, N, E. Turn the
wheel. Enter the dumbwaiter. Pull the ropes. Get out of the dumbwaiter.
W. Unlock the door with the wrought iron key. Open the door. NW. Put
all the rods, except the Rod of Eternity, into the lemniscus. Put the orb
in the opening. Strike the Rod of Infinity. Point it at the Lemniscus.
Take the torch. W, D. Swing the rope. Take the daisy. Wear the daisy.
U, E, NE, E, S. Take the horn. S, E. Take the sandals. Wear the
sandals. W, W. Open the cover. Put the torch in the well. D, E. Blow
the horn. Wave the horn. Strike the Rod of Language. Point it at
yourself. Listen until the druids are finished talking. W, U. Wait until
the saxon spy in thrown into the tent. Take the pole. E. Take the blue
stone. Wave the tent pole. Strike the Rod of Returning. Point it at

Read the book of poetry. E, D. Wave the blue stone. Give the fifty-franc
note to the man. Say carte. U, W, W. Board the boat. Say time. SE, E.
Enter the dumbwaiter. Pull the rope. Pull the rope. Get out of the
dumbwaiter. W, S, D. Congratulations! You've scored 544 out of 550
2) Explanations and clue locations

It is important to read the history of the Meldrews ask check any new name
you come across. For instance, when you look at the photograph in the
Darkroom, then read about Roger in the history book.

Reading about Isaac in the history book gives the clue about Merlyn

Looking at the maze from the top of the Family Tree shows on spot which is
inaccessible. This gives the clue are where to squeeze the killer weed
bottle in the past.

From the Stone Cross, if you look up the name Gerard in the history book
and have read that Marie Swelldon is the author of the romantic novel, then
you should figure out that Marie Swelldon is the nom de plume of Roger
Meldrew's wife. Marie Swelldon is an anagram for Alison Meldrew. Reading
about Alison provides the clue to push the south wall in the Dead End.

The inscribed stone and the dog-eared letter provide the game player with
the necessary translations to complete the game.

Either looking in Alison's mirror or checking your inventory (Merlyn's hat)
give clues to the possession of a rod.

The mural in the crypt gives the clue of stacking the deck in the
consulting room.

Looking up Henri in the history book give the clue to solve the panel
puzzle in Contraption Room.

Clues to answer Homer's questions can be found both in Alexandria and in
the dictionary.

The priestess, if you make food offerings, can give additional clues to
solving Doktor Stein and defusing the bomb.

The papyrus fragment and the smooth stone provide the solution to the maze
in the palace.

The clue to using the Rod of Sacrifice in the orb comes from a) noticing
you are actually in a chess board and b) reading about Helene, then Anton
in the history book.

3) History of the Meldrews - Contents

Alison, Anton, Capability, Ebeneezer, Gerard, Helene, Henri, Isaac, Joshua,
Peter and Roger.

4) Dictionary of Mythology - Contents

Aeschyus, Agememnon, Alexander, Alexandria, Andromeda, Aphrodite, Apollo,
Apollonius, Ares, Arthur, Athene, Callimachus, Chlamys, Demeter, Diana,
Dionysus, Eraina, Eumenides, Galita, Hades, Helicon, Hephaetus, Hera,
Homer, Iliad, Kraken, Leda, Loxias, Memelaus, Odyssey, Odysseus, Pan,
Perseus, Pharos, Pluto, Poseidon, Ptomemy, Pythian, Selenae, Sosostris,
Syrinx, Ulysses, Zeus.

5) Lagachable Objects

Mosaic, both murals, still life, painting (when placed on the hook), frieze
and the writings.

6) Amusing things to do
Drop the robot mouse where Austin can get it.
Shut Austin out of the attic with the trap door.
Ram or knock on various doors.
Cast all the rods on yourself.
Ask the demon (or angel - I didn't tell you where to use the Rod of
Stalking!) about heaven and hell.
Eat a genuine Ekmek special.

7) Different ways of opening the medicine bottle

By dropping it down the empty dumbwaiter shaft.
Putting it at the foot of the shaft and dropping the dumbwaiter on
Running over it with the garden roller.
Dropping it from the foot of the beanstalk. (Rats, I gave away a
Dropping it from the top of the mast.
Aunt Jemima can open it.
The jaws of Dobbin (Doktor Stein's goat).

This walkthrough was written by Marc Leduc (100435,772) and he can be e-
mailed at