CyberRace чит-файл №1

Try to go in between the orange dots to follow the track. The pair
of white dots is the finish line. If you get hit, you'll spin
around for a little. You can still shoot, just no steering.

The Keys Are:

F1 - Normal View (what you start out with)
F6 - Outside, far away view.
Space - Fires Current Weapon
Enter - Selects a target if using a homing weapon
( when you target a guy, little picture of his ship
appears in the bottom window, along with his name and
team. This can be useful in case you need to kill a
certain guy to get money.)
[ and ] brackets - cycle through available weapons.
'Arrow Keys' - control your sled. Hit Up a couple of
times to get to max speed.
ESC - Brings up the game menus.
The 3 little windows on the top center of the screen are
(left to right):

Left - Radar (inside the green V is what you can see)
Center - Current Weapon (missile, laser, flare, etc)
Right - # Of shots remaining

Underneath the Shots remaining box is a little icon that is
a missile if your weapon system is all charged up and ready
to fire, or a red box if not.

The the window in the bottom center does lots of things:
F2 - Status Window (shows # laps, who is leading, and how
far behind)
F3 - Rear View (good for dodging missiles)
F4 - Left View
F5 - Right View
Also shows the targeted guy when using a homing weapon.

Hitting ESC during a race brings up the game menus, where you
can save, load, restart games, pick your controller, change
the detail level, and other stuff. There is also a replay
option, which plays back the race like a movie.

Upgrade your laser when you can. Also, remember to use the
guys in the bar to aid you in the next race. For a price,
you can get advanced weapons, sabatoge the enemy, or make
bets as to who will win the next race.