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Daemonsgate чит-файл №1

You must talk to the people on your own. This is to provide an outline
for the story, but you won't have the complete picture unless you talk to
people yourself. Despite that most people are generic, the innkeepers tend to
be more knowledgable.

Remember, that even though you can probably skip through some parts of
the game, things are event driven. Meaning certain things and people won't be
in certain locations unless something gets accomplished first. For example,
Abdula won't be in Morgan unt il you chase him off Barchetta.

You start the game off at the "Pigge and Ballbearing" inn in the besieged
city of Tormis. Look around you and talk to the several characters in the inn.
You should pick up two companions here, Anvil and Jeremiah. Both of them are
excellent fighters. It i s also suggested that you rest here, and bring your
primary weapons skills to the max. Also, at the first opportunity teach (and
bring up to the master level) Gustavus the skill of lock picking. You will be
doing a lot of that in the game, and it will fr ee up your party from
dragging an otherwise useless thief along. You should also locate the
Mercenary Guild in Tormis. Go there, and pick up Dark Sky (awesome fighter),
and Cyless. You can also pick up Grom and Grim, the two thieves, but they
generally s uck. Its a good idea to ask someone about inns, to get names and
relative locations of all the city's inns. PART I: TORMIS Your mission is to
get the hell out of Tormis. Not an easy task considering the city is
surrounded by Daemonic Hordes (TM), and you cannot just walk out the front
gates. You should walk around and ask about Thieves or Thieve's Guild (a good
idea is to as k a guard or a jailor or any other "government" figure) until
you get the message that you should go find Moll in the "Harvester of Sorrow"
inn. Go there and find Moll. Ask her about the Thieve's Guild. She will tell
you to wait till midnight the next da y. Just buy lodgings and rest till the
appropriate time (anywhere past the midnight of the next day is fine, Moll
will wait for you), talk to Moll again. Follow her a few blocks north, and she
will take you to the current leader of the Thieve's Guild. Th e leader will
tell you that one Travis Sewer breath, is being held in a city jail, and you
gotta spring him. Go to the sewers beneath the Thieve's Guild and take them to
the city jail. You will have to fight a few guards, but they are quite easy
(don't f orget to take the guard's weapons for some $$), free Travis. Travis
will tell you to meet him at the "Harvester of Sorrow". Meet him there, and he
will tell you that he wants you to get Heinze's ring off the current Thieve's
Guild leader. Go to the Thieve's Guild and the leader will attack you. Kill
him, collect the ring, go to Travis, give him the ring. Travis will give you
a key to a passage outside. You can also take Travis along if you want. He has
some useful abilities, but he isn't much good in the long run. Go back to the
Thieve's Guild, go downstairs, and head through the locked door in the west
part of the sewers. U nlock the door and continue down the passage You will
make it outside. You can revisit Tormis as often as you want. Now you have to
start heading for Attiea, which is to the far north west of Tormis. Also, you
might as well buy some Black Blower Ale from the "Dark horse Brewery" as you
shall need it later on. PART II: ATTIEA Now, that you arrived in Attiea, ask
around about Elsopeans. You will be told that there is one in the "Quaffing
Pig" inn. This inn is right north of where you first enter the town. When you
go to the inn, ask the owner or a barmaid about Elsopeans. They will tell you
that he is gone but his servant Theodore Mcalstre is still around. Find
Theodore in the same inn, and ask him about Elsopeans. He will tell you that
his master, Alathon has been abducted by Hellast (the ruler of Attiea) and
that only the W arriors of Light can help you. Ask him about Warriors of
Light, and he will tell you a key phrase Incontinence. Go to the "Laughing
Heretic" inn, which is on the east side of the main road leading through the
walled part of Attiea. Talk to the barkeep ab out Incontinence. He will tell
you to go to the leader of the Warriors of Light, through the fake wall by a
cuckoo clock. Talk to the leader, Francisco Antonio, about Alathon, and
Hellast. Leave his secret room, and you will be captured by the Attiean se
cret police. They will put you in a jail cell. In the jail cell pick up the
lock picks on the bed, use them to get out of your cell. Since you have been
stripped of your possessions, find them; they should be all on a table in the
north west corner of th e jail compound. Now, get out of the compound. Head
towards the north eastern part of the city, where Hellast's palace is. Enter
the palace (note: just about everyone in the palace will attack you) and find
Hellast (he is in the south western part of the palace), kill him, and Alathon
will teleport himself away, saying he will meet you at Jornuli Point. Now get
out of the city, and head for Dryleaf; a port city on the west coast, far to
the north of Attiea. PART III: JORNULI POINT When you enter Dryleaf, find the
tavern, which is located just east of the marketplace, and talk to the ship's
captain there. Pay them for a passage to Jornuli Point. Remember to click on
the price while conversing, to buy the passage. Leave Dryleaf, and board the
ship. Note: you may be attacked by several assassins on the way to Jornuli
Point. When you arrive, in Jornuli, go to the scholar's hostel to the east of
the main entrance, there you will find Alathon. Talk to him. He will tell you
to obtain hi s master's notes from Tan-Eldorith in the far Elsopea. You can
also see the dean of the scholars of Jornuli, he is in the most south eastern
building in the city. He will give you some items, and he can provide
information on almost any subject. Prepare well for the journey ahead, for its
a long one. PART IV: TAN-ELDORITH You must venture far south. Preferably
hugging the east coast, move south until you find the city of Tan-Eldorith. In
the centre of the city, on top of a tower is the Daemonsgate. You cannot do
anything about it just yet. The notes you seek are difficult to locate, they
are in the Elsopean Academy of Magic building. It has a lot of pentagrams
drawn on the ground. There is a large daemon sitting on top of the notes so
you can't see them until you kill him. Get the notes and get out. Return to
Jornuli Poi nt. Go to where Alathon was staying, and talk to the maid about
him. She will tell give you a note that will say he left for Trade Town. In
Trade Town you can also pick up Two edge, an awesome magic user. Return to
Dryleaf and head north along the wester n coast until you come to Trade Town.
Alathon is in the inn in the very north eastern part of town. Give Alathon the
notes, and he will tell you that you need to find out about a device called
"Matrix Configuration". A set of 5 magical towers created by the Kzzir, which
when activated form a barrier, that would prevent daemons from reinforcing
their armies at Tormis. If you activate the barrier, Alathon may be able to
help you shut the Daemonsgate. Alathon also hints that you need to find a
mystical cap ital of the creators of "Matrix Configuration" -The Yelda. Yelda
promises to hold the answers to how the "Matrix Configuration" is operated. A
proper way to search for Yelda is to return to Jornuli Point and inquire about
Kzzir. That would yield information about one Roberto Zildar in Vorsai, who is
an expert on the subject. You can skip that part, and move straigh t to
Vorsai-a city north of Tormis just west of the Sisters (mountain range north
of Tormis). PART V: THE SEARCH FOR YELDA Upon arriving in Vorsai, search out
Roberto Zildar (if you want, he is in the central library) and inquire about
Yelda. He will tell you that a book called Examination of Elder Races is in
possession of Ludovic Gruber. He lives in the eastern part of the town. You
can also pick up some rumours saying that Gruber is an experimenting
daemonologist. When you go to Gruber's house you will find his diary, and a
book called Codex Deamonicus which when read can bestow Spirit Lore on the
reader. NOTE: If you examine this book, you will get information about
Holtsweig's Staff. This is a subplot and can be skipped. THE STAFF SUBPLOT
Ask around about the owner of the staff (Moebius Holtsweig) and you shall be
told that he was last seen at Sayville Town in the middle of the stumps (small
hills that fill the centre of the continent) go there, and inquire about him.
You will be directed to his house, and therein you can pickup a rusty amulet
and his diary. Read the diary and it will tell you that he ventured to a
barrow, and never returned. Ask around for the location of the barrow, and you
will be told its south ea st of town. Go there (on the map it looks like a
clump of trees) and open one of the tombs (only one opens) with the rusty
amulet. Go in, and you will have to fight a ghost prince and his ghost
cronies, including the ghost of Moebius. After the fight you can retrieve his
staff, which can be used to banish daemons. Now, you have to go to Gruber's
basement, and as you go towards east, you will encounter a Daemon Lord - Lab.
He is very powerful, and unless you have a powerful weapon, such as an
Elemental Sword, you have to successfully run away on him. In the chamber s
beyond, you will find the book. Upon its examination you will find that it
hints Cooltag's Rest to be the location of Yelda. Go there (Cooltag's Rest is
in the middle of the stumps, slightly west). Once in Cooltag's you will find
out from people that t he mines are closed due to mysterious hauntings.
Gather gossip about an alleged affair between Francisca Whiplash and the mayor
of the town. Confront the mayor with the information (you may have to talk to
him a few times, and/or talk to his wife). He wi ll give you the key to the
mine. Go to one of the warehouses near the mines, and retrieve one lubricant
and one lead weight. You can get the weights in the mayor's office, too. Enter
the mines, go down to the third level (use the lift) of the mines, and in the
eastern part, you will fin d Yelda through an illusionary wall (it is kind of
obvious, though). You way will be blocked by a rusty door. In the inventory
screen, use the lead weight and the lubricant on it. Go through and explore
till you find a book called Translation Notes. Ther ein, you will be told that
the first temple of the "Matrix Configuration" is on the island of Scaeth. Go
to Pestur's Wake. (Pestur's Wake is on the eastern coast, in the north) PART
VI: THE FIRST TEMPLE Once you go into Pestur's Wake, you should be met by a
messenger from Councillor Pestur. He will want you to meet him in a "Broone's
Bane" inn. Go there, and follow the messenger to Pestur. Ask the councillor
about Scaeth. He will tell you that he wants you to do a mission for him, and
rescue a lost diplomat - Hans Middle thorn. He will tell you about the
situation in Essam (on Scaeth) and how he intends to restore order by
completing the Wheel of Essam (which is in fact the Matrix Tablet-a device
neede d to activate the temple) a piece of which is held by each of the three
main gangs on Essam. He will now provide you with a piece of the Wheel of
Essam (which is actually fake) and transportation to Scaeth. You will also be
told that the diplomat was las t in Hotel Essam. Take the ship, go to Essam.
Find Hotel Essam (North of the central market), inquire about Hans Middle
thorn, you will be told that he went for a meeting in "Spiting Camel" inn
(which is by the southern docks). Go there ask about him, an d you will be
told he met with Gray Stalkers, but was captured by someone else. Now, go to
the Gray Stalkers headquarters, and ask about him. They will tell you he was
captured by the Assassins Guild. Go to the Silver Garrote, and ask the
proprietor abou t Hans. Pay for his release. Go upstairs, talk to Hans. He
will meet you at Gray Stalkers HQ. Go there, and you will be given 3 letters
to be taken to leaders of the other 3 gangs. Use the underground tunnels
beneath the Gray Stalkers HQ to visit the oth er gangs HQ. Give the letters
to the messengers (the people that talk to you) and make sure you stick around
till they tell you that the message will be received. Once all 3 are delivered
go back to Hans, and he will to meet the leaders at the city grave yard. Go
there, find the leaders (in the north part of the graveyard) they will attack
you. Kill them, and collect their 3 pieces of the tablet. ( Hans will offer to
join you now, let him in if you want). Now walk around and ask around about
the Wheel of Essam until someone mentions that the leader of Silver Talons
lost a piece. Ask about Silver Talons, and make sure that you get the name
Joolz the Blade before you leave Essam. Leave Essam, find the temple on the
south end of the island (its a small skull on the map) and tell the Jolly
Beardy Man that he is "Joolz the Blade". He will give you the real 4th piece
of the tablet (the Bannar). Go to the top level of the temple and d rop all 4
pieces on the top of the column (right in the centre of top level). Now the
temple is active, and you will receive the location of the next one, on the
island of Garl east of Anchor. PART VII: THE SECOND TEMPLE Go to Anchor
(which is on the east coast, south of Pestur's Wake) and you will be met by a
messenger that will ask you to come along to Lord Hooley. Follow him, and ask
Hooley about Garl. He will ask you to retrieve 3 items from Eloran. A
document, a coi n mould, and a notebook belonging to Karlos Slumm. Go to
Eloran (which is south east of Anchor) and find the Foreign Offices building
(its in the centre of the town) and get the document from one of the desks
there. Now go to "The Prince" inn, and inquir e about coin moulds (you can
retrieve one yourself, from the royal mint of Eloran but you may be forced to
a fight) and someone will offer to get them for you for a price. Pay them,
and meet that person in the south east corner of the town, outside the gate to
the slave pens. You will get your mould. Now comes the hard part. Go to the
Eloran jail, and ask about Karlos Slumm, they will tell you he was transferred
to the sla ve pens. Go to the slave pens, and (during the day) you can find a
guy named Theodore. Ask him about Slumm, and he will tell you that he can
check his ledger (for a price) do that and you will find out that one Peter
Helbar bought him. Go to the "Forgott en Heroes" inn and ask the rumour
monger Erwin about Peter. He will tell you that he hangs around that inn
often. Find him, and ask him about Slumm. He will tell you that he gave him to
Joseph Traal-a slave trader. An alternate way to get the topic of Jo seph
Traal in your vocabulary is to go to "The Prince" and ask a girl named Ferrit
about Peter Helbar. Either way, you must ask Ferrit about Joseph Traal. She
will tell you that he went to Halfway with his slave caravan. Go there (its
located between Tor mis and Eloran) and inquire about him in the local inn.
You will be directed to Graybrook. Its a city on the west coast, barely north
of Tormis. Go there, and once again, inquire about Traal. Now you will be told
to go to Attiea. Go there and ask about T raal, and you shall be told that he
went on to Dryleaf. Go there, and ask about him again, you will be told to ask
Arienne Toogal. Ask her about him, also ask Ivan Helmhand (captain of the
Northern Rangers-located just east of the Dryleaf's only inn) abo ut Traal.
You won't be told anything conclusive, so go to Trade Town and ask people
there about him, then you shall be directed to his villa, just east of Trade
Town. Go there, and you will find Traal's journal in a house in the south
west of the compound. Upon examining it, you will find that he is immortal
now, and only a spider can kill him. Get the spider dagger from the bed
nearby, and proceed to the north of the building. There you shall find Traal.
Kill him, and retrieve Slumms notes. If you want you can turn in the Traal's
Journal to Ivan Helmhand in Dryleaf for a lousy reward. Return to Anchor.
Return the items to Hooley in Anchor. Board the ship he gives you. Go to Garl.
Go to the tower there, and you will encounter a mad scientist who will want a
brain in exchange for a Matrix Tablet he is holding. Make sure you get the
topic of bodies before your return to Anchor. Go back to Anchor, and visit the
Medical College. Ask the dean of the college (he is in the eastern building of
the college) about bodies. He will tell you that he obtains them from one Axel
Forkbeard. Ask around, and you will find out that he is hanging around the
"Daemon Bell" inn. The "Daemon Bell" and "Black Spot" are both in the south
east of town near the docks there, with "Black Spot" being just slightly north
east of the "Daemon Bell". Go there, and talk to Axel Forkbeard about bodies.
He will get pissed off, and tell you off. Then he will send some heavies to
rough you up. After dealing with them, go to the "Black Spot" tavern, and take
the stairs down to the passage to the lighthouse. Take the passage, and in the
lighthouse you will find Axel, and his cronies. Beat them, get the brain from
the floor, and Axel's notes (which you can bring to the medical col lege for
a lame reward). Return to Garl, give the brain to the mad doctor. He will give
you the tablet. Go to the temple (just south of the tower) and drop your
tablet in the centre of the top level again. The location of the next temple
(in the Border P eaks) will be shown. PART VIII: THE THIRD TEMPLE This is
probably the easiest temple. Go to the Border Peaks (a massive range covering
the most of the south and Elsopea) and in them find a large lake, which has a
village beside it (if you find Hope-the stronghold of the Hillcats -where you
can pick up Shadwell for a valuable addition to your fighting force -then you
are quite close). It is almost in the centre of the border peaks. Enter the
village. You will find its quite burned down, but in the east part, there is a
large, black building. Enter it. Find your way to its centre, and talk to the
Kzzir leader there. He will tell you that he needs an energy crystal from the
middle level of the temple. Go there, and after a few fights you should be
able to reach the crystal. Return it to the Kzzir. He wi ll give you the
Matrix Tablet. Go to the third level, and use it in its centre (just like the
previous two temples). The temple will become active, and the location of the
next one (on the island of Barchetta) will be revealed. Go to Dryleaf. Ask
about B archetta, and take the ship to Mashan, the city on the island. PART
IX: THE FOURTH TEMPLE The city of Mashan is ruled by pirates. Gather enough
rumours to get the topic of Rebel Pirates in your vocabulary. Now find the
leader of the city, Friday the Sword (he should be in the middle of the town,
in the town keep) and ask him about Rebel Pirat es (make sure you have Abdula
in your vocabulary before you leave him) and about Skull Mountain (you should
have this topic from the Translation Notes). He will tell you about the
Catacombs. Ask him about those, and in turn, he will tell you that the key
to the catacombs is with the jailor, Bruno of Mashan. Go to Bruno, and ask him
about the Catacomb Key. He will give it to you, and since the entrance to the
catacombs is in the keep, return there and enter them. Make your way roughly
towards the south e astern corner of the catacombs. You should find the exit
to the main part of Barchetta there. Explore Barchetta down the eastern coast
until you find a small port. Enter it, for its the hideout of the Rebel
Pirates. Fight the guy right in front of the ex it (Gus the Helmsman), and
you will be told that Abdula sailed away, with the Matrix Tablet needed to
activate the Skull Temple/Mountain west of the port. Now, you must return to
Dryleaf. Ask around Dryleaf about Abdula. You will be told to ask a scholar
. Ask any scholar in any town, and you will be told that this sort of
information can be obtained through a Daemon Oracle. You can buy those at any
major store for a hefty price. Use it. BUG WARNING: THE DAEMON ORACLE CAUSED
MY SYSTEM TO CRASH Thus, I ha d to search blindly for Abdula. Go to Morgan, a
small fishing village, just south of Dryleaf. Go to the inn in that village.
In the backroom of the inn, you will notice a person that looks like your
party. Talk to that person (named Ulweyrn) about Abdula . It will turn out
that this person is in fact Abdula, and you will be attacked. After the fight
collect the Matrix Tablet, and return to Mashan, go through the catacombs
again, and install the tablet in the temple like you did before (third level,
middl e-top of energy column). The location of the last temple will be
revealed to be on the island of Soramuth. Return to Dryleaf. PART X: THE FIFTH
TEMPLE Once you returned to Dryleaf, go to the local inn, and find the man
called Harald Half Troll. Talk to him about Soramuth. Give him the Blower Ale
you obtained from the "Dark Horse" brewery in Tormis. Board his ship, and you
will be attacked by a Leviatha n on your way to Soramuth. After you wash up
on shore, follow the western coast, until you come across a tower. Enter it
and talk to the man inside it. Ask him about Skull Mountain. He will tell you
that he will give you the tablet needed to activate it, if you accomplish a
series of tasks for him. He will tell you that the first task is to deactivate
the Leviathan (which of course is basically a submarine). The way to do this
is to shut off the valves inside it, in a specific order. To do that enter
the underground complex beneath the tower. First of all, you will have to
retrieve a set of keys to access the Leviathan. They are in a room, in the
north part, marked "Gorak Halan". Next, proceed to the south eastern part of
the complex and use the keys on the door, to get to the Leviathan. Once
inside, go to the central console, and the screen should turn to display of
symbols with gauges beside them. Clicking on a symbol will disarm that
particular part of the Leviathan. You're expec ted to disarm the valves in
the following order: Armory Systems, Energy, Navigation, Propulsion, Air
Ballast, Brain. I will try to draw in ASCII what those symbols looked like,
however, yo can deduce it for yourself, for the same symbols are used by door
s to rooms that store certain items (example: the Armory symbol is used by the
door to a room full of weapons). `Armory Systems: ` O