Цыплёнок Цыпа: Герой галактики чит-файл №1

Enter these codes at the cheats option.

For PC
Enter one of the following codes using a gamepad or the cursor keys to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
Press [Tab] at the "Briefing" menu (with the "Start Mission" and "Buy Stuff"
options. The "Cheat Codes" menu will appear. Press [Esc] to exit from the
"Cheat Codes" menu.

weapons and upgrades.............Right, Down, Right, Left
Infinite shield..................Right, Down, Right, Down, Right
Level select.....................Right, Up, Left, Right, Up
All movies.......................Left, Up, Left, Right, Down.
Unlimited secondary ammunition...Up, Down, Down, Right, Down, Up.
+50,000 Arconium.................Right, Left, Left, Down, Up.