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Dogs of War чит-файл №1





Written by Orochi K

E-mail: kof_2k@hotmail.com

Game: Dogs of War

System: PC





Copyright 2001 by Orochi K. This FAQ is for personal use only. Do not
distribute it or use it for profitable purposes. If you want to post
this FAQ on a website, contact me at kof_2k@hotmail.com before doing
anything. Plagiarism is a crime, just ask. I have no objection on my
FAQ being posted on someone else's website but you must give credit
where it is due. Also, please keep in mind that under no circumstances,
are you allowed to make any changes to this FAQ! It must remain as it is
and moreover, you are not allowed to rip off part(s) of this FAQ to put
in another FAQ.
Dogs of War is copyright Silicon Dreams.




This FAQ is solely intended to see through to the end of the game as soon
as possible and the fastest way in accomplishing a mission. I got the idea of
writing this FAQ because I've noticed that there was no FAQ for the game.
I was myself looking for a FAQ for the game and am writing this so that
others will find one when they play Dogs of War. Feel free to write me for
anything concerning the FAQ. Remember though that it only covers the best
way to complete the missions so I won't bother including secrets, other stuff
or anything of the kind for that matter.




Version 1.0 on April 22, 2001.
- FAQ complete.

Final Version on May 26, 2001.
- No more updates!






MISSION NOTES: The WarMonkeys threaten the bridge. They are currently
located in the North-East. You must destroy the location to be able to take
over the bridge. Destroy all the WarMonkeys in the region.

You'll start at the South-East. Now, put your soldiers in your Protector
unit and go to the North. If you go to the right of the map, you'll see a
hill about mid-way there. Hide your units behind it. The enemy troop should
be to the North-East of the bridge. Don't forget that it's the main target
on this mission. You'll need to destroy it. Just take your Geezer tank and
try to go to the opposite side of the river. You must be very careful here,
you might run into the enemies. To avoid this, use your mad to go to the
North and use the hill as a shield. However, once you reach the troop, they
will open fire at you and it's hard to avoid this. Just shoot at it until
it's destroyed while hoping that your tank doesn't get destroyed before!
When this is done, go to the South towards the bridge. Aim for the Ranger
Missiles and destroy them quickly if you don't want to die a very painful
death! Kill the troops as well. There are still a few troops around the
bridge but now that you've already destroyed most of them, the rest is a
piece of cake...Just make sure your tank insn't blown up in the process.
You'll complete the mission once you've destroyed all the troops


MISSION NOTES: 3 snipers have crashed to on their way to intercept 3
tanks and to free some hostages. You have to find them and help them.

You will have a Santini for this mission. It will come from the North-Ouest.
You'll quickly notice the soldiers to the right of the first hill (wonder
now they ended here!). Take them and go to the East (you should be on the
border of the map when you've stopped!). From where you are, you'll see 3
tanks along with 2 Specters and some enemy units guarding these. Don't
worry about these for now and go up the hill you'll see on the border.
First, you should take a sniper with you. Don't worry about losing him
though; I managed to kill all the enemy snipers with him alone as the hill
will protect you. There are 8 enemy sniper in all, make sure you kill all
of them (forgetting one of them can prove fatal here!!). Once they're all
dead, take the Specters with you. But you msut do the following stuff quite
quickly or else, it won't work and you'll lose them in the process. Take
them and go to the middle of the map. You see, the enemy tanks have gone to
the South so you'll be able to move. Once you reach the middle of the map,
you'll see the tanks waiting for some soldiers. Try to get as close to them
as possible while ensuring that they can't aim for you directly from their
current position. Destroy the tanks (it may take some time). Note that these
will continue to move but you must keep on shooting at them even so! When
they start going towards the hostages, follow them and keep shooting at
them. The trick here is to destroy them before the reach the camp. By doing
so, you're eliminating the bigger threats. And once they're destroyed, it's
again a piece of take to kill the plain soldiers guarding the hostages.
Mission complete!


MISSION NOTES: You have to free the hostages by destroynig the generator
so that the alarm doesn't give you away. You must then go to a given
location. You're dead if the enemies spot you. Actually, that's one of the
hardest missions on the game. I played it 5 times before completing it

You'll take control of a sniper. At the beginning, you'll be in a camp.
Go straight into the corridor (take care of the guards first)! Once you
reach the wall, turn to the left a first time and then once more to the
left to reach the middle of the enclosure. You'll see the generator, keep
shooting at it until it's destroyed. Go on rapidly to the right until you
see some hostagesbehind an energy barrier. You need to go on the grey spot
you'll see here to desactivate the barrier (you can't miss it). The hostages
will then be free. Take one of the tanks and kill the guards around. Next
put your soldiers in your Protector (good ol' Protector!!) and position
the 3 vehicles on the road. Take one Geezer and go down the road alone
(leave the others where they are). Go on until you reach a bridge. You'll
see 2 enemies further down on your radar. You need to be careful of those,
they're really dangerous. In order to defeat them, go to the other side of
the bridge to lure them while shooting at them. Shoot at them, while keeping
on going backwards on the bridge, until you've finally crossed it. DON'T LET
THEM GET CLOSE TO YOU!! Once you're on the other side, go to the side of the
bridge quickly. They will go towards the prison to take it over (talk about
AI here...), leaving you free to shoot them in the back. It's easy to
destroy them now.
Then, take the other units (those you left behind) and go on towards the
second bridge. Once you've crossed it, you'll meet other units facing
some enemy troops. Help them! Take a Zippy (choose one who's been badly
hit) and send it to the left near the Solar Beam. This will cause the tanks
there to go away. Choose a sniper and go towards these but keep on the left
side of the map. Use him to destroy the helicopter you'll see in the
distance (use the map). You msut act quicky from now on. Take a Geezer and
go on the left side. Keep on going until you reach the enclosure (a bit a
after the enemy's position). Choose another tank and do the same thing
again. Destroy the targets here. Once you've destroyed them, everything will
explode, along with your tank, in 5 seconds. You'll be completing the
mission as the other untis will be waiting for you to the South. Mission


MISSION NOTES: Your first battle against the Mantai. You must investigate
a deserted base located in the middle of the map.

Send the empty Protector on the road and you'll see some enemies fighting.
Just watch them and once they're dead, move all your units and position them
so that just below the wall. Take the Protector again and follow the road
to the deserted base. You will be attacked by some Mantai if you go further
to the South. Leave the Protector there to lure the Mantai and move the rest
of your units. When the Mantai start appearing, just attack them. After some
time, they will go to the centre of the base and will try to regroup. Follow
them (they won't pay attention to you) and kill all the enemies you find.
Finally, kill those you have been following...It's very easy!


MISSION NOTES: You must proctect some trucks which follow the road to
the left. There are 10 in all and you must make sure that at least 5 reach
the destination.

You'll start with a Corbett and a Reaper. Move them to the enemy base
located on the right (it's marked with an X). The Corbett should normally
arrive first. Position it near the top and shoot at the rocks above the
door when the tanks appear. The rocks will block the passage! Now, move the
Corbett to the other side of the bridge located to to the South-West. Take
the Reaper et shoot at the tanks and the Firemonkeys which you see. The
trucks will then appear, protect them from the enemy. It doesn't matter if
you lose the Reaper here if you've done everything I've said so far (I
finished the mission with only the Corbett!). Move the Corbett to the North
and kill the soldiers before they attack the trucks. Once they're all dead,
do to the upper left and wait for the trucks to appear. This shouldn't take
long. As soon as they appear, some soldiers will come show up. Kill these
too. You should have at least 7 trucks at this point. If you have more than
that, you should be writing this FAQ :)
Another group of soldiers (I still don't know how to call them- Missile
Soldiers?) will show up near the end of the road. Kill 'em all! When the
trucks finally arrive, you'll get the Zippy, Geezer and Specter and some
soldiers (for the sacrifice? =D ). You will be attacked by some Mongrels
and soldiers now. They're are also some tanks but they's shooting you from
the bridge, the cowards!! Destroy the Mongrel and the soldiers but make sure
that you still have the bigger machines and that they're not hit. Once this
is done, take a Specter and go to the North, then East. You should be on the
hill now. From here, destroy the tanks (very easy from this position). The
mission will be over once you've destroyed them all.


MISSION NOTES: Use your Protector and your Santini (Corleone!? :D ) to
rescue 5 groups of soldiers.

Firstly, I don't think it is necessary to rescue all of them to complete the
mission. I managed to rescue only 4 and still moved on to the next mission.
Send the Protector to the upper right and take the soldiers. Then, go on to
the South. While they're moving, take the Corle...sorry, Santini and kill
all the Mantai you find below you. You should then regroup your unit in the
lower right, all of them! Next, send your Protector to the upper left,
there's another group of soldiers here. There are more soldiers to the
South but they're being attacked, so you should just forget about them
unless you're interested in losing your Santini! Once you've gotten the
soldiers at the upper left, take them to the base in the middle (I do think
the bases are always in the middle now!). Go back to the lower right to
where the others are wiating for you and take them to the base too (you'll
have to repeat the process twice to move all of them though).
Once all your troops are in the base, you'll get a Specter and some tanks.
You must kill all the Mantai with those. I did this using only the Spectre.
Just shoot the Mantai from a distance and the mission will be over quickly.


MISSION NOTES: You have 12 soldiers and a Reaper and must protect the
townspeople from an attack perpetrated by the WarMonkeys. The mission is
over if all the townspeople perish.

At the beginning of the mission, a truck will be coming from the South. In
fact, there are some Mantai behind it (they keep getting brighter and
brighter =D). Take your Reaper and go towards the South entrance. Kill
the Mantai as quickly as possible. A neat way to do so is to use your mines
against them. Once the truck is safely in town, the driver will inform you
that lots of Mantai are coming!! You'll then be notified that you'll obtain
help from the air but that this will take some time, so you'll have to do
something during that time. There's no real strategy to this mission. BTW,
it's probably the most difficult one in the whole game. I find it easier to
kill the Mantai and to keep them from further progressing into the town.
Thankfully, they attack from only one direction but they keep on changing
so you'll have to be careful. You should at all cost protect the town
entrance with mines. The Mantai will keep on coming in numbers to make
matters worse. Try to know from where their attack is coming and place your
mines them, this should take care of them.
If a Mantai avoids your traps and manages to enter the town, choose some
soldiers to kill him. Choose 3 soldiers to make things easier but make sure
that the Mantai cannot harm them too much. After a lot of time (half an
hour, I think), the airplanes will arrive and will take care of the rest.
This mission sure is a tough one! Good luck...


MISSION NOTES: Time now for the big battle!! Don't fret, if you managed
to complete Garrison Duty in Cherton, this one is easy...Note that the
mission will end if your tank is destroyed!!

You'll be controlling a Panzer Zwei Plasma (cool name!). Don't worry about
the rest, they can take care of themselves (hmmm...a boost in AI!?). You'll
begin on the lower right of the screen. From where you are, go to the South
of town and destroy the tanks which will be moving alongside some FireMonkeys.
Then, try to destroy all the bigger units. It will take some time but doing
this makes things easier. Don't worry about the little ones for now. When you
engage in a battle, make sure that your troops don't take too much damage.
Also, even if some enemies are far from where you are, go after them and
destroy them. The mission will be over once all the enemy troops are
NOTE: They will retreat to the other side of the bridge and you'll win if
they do so but it's more fun to destroy them right away :)
You can now play as the WarMonkeys.





MISSION NOTES: You now control the WarMonkeys. The game gets much harder
here as the WarMonkeys don't have that much equipment. Learn your enemy's
weakness and use it to your advantage.

Take the helicopter and go to the South until you see a group of tanks being
attacked. You can't save them. The enemy units are destroying the tanks
and moving to the right to engage battle with the other tanks. Here, you can
use your helicopter and throw mines at them, try to take away most of them.
You just have to fly above them et throw your mines on them. Follow them
and just keep pummelling them with mines. They won't do anything to you.
Next, choose 2 tanks and place them to the right of the base. Take your
helicopter above the hill and you'll see more units here. Avoid their attacks
and destroy them. You must destroy the 2 last ones as these can easily
destroy your helicopter. Once all the tanks are destroyed (it shouldn't be
that difficult if you've followed my advice), the mission ends.


MISSION NOTES: Again those damn Mantai!

Take your soldiers and move them towards the lost units. These are located
to the right of your own location. Your soldiers will liberate them and
you'll now have the means to defeat the Mantai.
The Mantai should now start attacking you. Take a FireMonkey and kill them
as soon as they arrive (FireMonkeys are grat against them). The Mantai will
just keep on coming in great numbers and will attack you like mad. At one
point, you'll get an unexpected shield when the truck on the side of the
enclosure falls down. This will make it harder for the Mantai to pass through
and thus make your job easier. Just keep one of your tanks at the back to
take care of any stray Mantai. The Mantai will soon be unable to pass through
and reach you. Now, take all your units and go on to the left through the
newly-formed barrier. This will be tough though as the Mantai will be waiting
for you at various points on the road. Use your FireMonkeys if you still have
them. They will take care of the on-coming Mantai and protect the rest of your
troops. When you reach the end of the road, you'll see the SL18 which you need
to destroy. Use your tanks to destroy them and destroy the whole building.
But don't forget to place your FireMonkeys so that they can protect your
troops from more Mantai (they'll still keep coming). The mission is over
once the building is destroyed.


MISSION NOTES: This one is fairly easy. Use your Protector to capture
Professor Hjoak. Also, don't forget that you don't have a lot of time for
this mission, so you need to hurry!

First things first, capture the enemy's Protector. There's a small base to
the North of your lacation, destroy it to do so. Once you have the Protector,
move your soldiers onto it and go to the North. Send your tanks to fight
against the enemy tanks further to the North. But keep a tank alongside the
Protector just in case. Cross the bridge. Once you've crossed the bridge,
you'll be attacked. This is an easy battle but you need to be quick. You now
need to go to the South-East and cross the bridge you'll see there. But you'll
meet another group of tanks there. And this will be really tough. Use
everything you have to destroy them. You need to have at least one tank left
when you cross the bridge. Once you've crossed the bridge, go onto the path
which leads to the North. You will be attacked along the way, destroy these
(concentrate on the tanks and don't worry about the others, it'll save you
time). You'll eventually end up in the South part of the island. You'll be
attacked again. Cross the bridge as quickly as possible. From there, hide
where you can (you can do so to the North, the enemies will find it difficult
to aim you there) and destroy the enemy troops. When they're all destroyed,
go to the South. There, you'll see a building. Professor Hjoak is in it. You
will also encounter another bunch of tanks there and some other enemies which
are fairly easy. Destroy them all to capture Professor Hjoak and you'll have
completed the mission.


MISSION NOTES: You need to control an enemy base. This mission is a bit
difficult since you'll be facing a bunch of enemies on the way.

From where you begin, move all your units along the road. When you reach the
end of the second bend, you'll see small grey squares. If you touch these,
they'll explode and kill your units. In order to avoid them, use the passage
by the main road. You'll meet some enemies on the way but they're easy to
defeat. You'll eventually reach a bridge. Beware though as it's protected
by a turret. Destroy it first and then enter the town. Go to the South-East
when you're inside to get your soldiers. Put the latter in your Spume and
head for the enemy headquarters along the road to the West of the town.
You'll reach a bridge. Again, destroy the turret first. But don't move your
soldiers first, there's another turret at the top of the headquarters. Send
your strongers unit to care take care of it first. Once it's finally destroyed,
continue along the road. When you reach a hill, place all your units by the
hillside and just remain there. Eventually, some enemy tanks will appear.
Destroy these. Once they're all destroyed, the base is yours and the mission
is complete.


MISSION NOTES: Control 3 bases and free more units.

Take a Mongrel and go to the southern wall of the first base. You'll be
by a bunch of Corbetts. Destroy these (it's really easy with the Mongrel) and
return to your initial location. You'll then be attacked by some Geezers.
Destroy these too. Once the battle's over, go into the base and stop in the
first passage. The units are just here but they're well-guarded by a Zwei
Plasma Panter. It's difficult to beat but if you follow my advice, you'll
destroy it without much damage. First choose one of your soldiers and send it
forward. Needless to say, he will be killed as soon as he steps into the zone.
Now, while it's loading its weapons, send your tanks forward and shoot at it.
When it's finished loading, retreat to your initial position before it gets
the chance to destroy the tanks. Repeat this until it's destroyed. Then, take
all the units and go on to the second base. You will be attacked but the
enemies are easy now that your troop's been increased. When you reach the
base, you'll meet some Corbetts and soldiers. Destroy these. Use the same
strategy as against the Panther and it should be quite easy. When you head
for the third base, you will now have an impressive troop and this makes
things very easy for you. Once you've killed all the enemies, follow the path
until you complete the mission.


MISSION NOTES: Certainly the best mission in DoW. You only have a FireMonkey
in this one.

From whre you begin, go to the North and wait until a Protector arrives. Try
to destroy it before the soldiers come out of it. If they ever manage to get
out, just keep shooting at them to kill them. Once they're killed, you'll
see 5 huge rocks all around you. If you move all around the zone, you'll also
see 5 squares with steam coming out of them. Now, use the Firemonkey to put
a boulder on each square. Now, follow the path. You'll then see a wall with
a couple of turrets and a barrier protecting it. Go straight to the wall. As
you do so, one turret will shoot at you but since you are now close to the
wall, it will only manage to destroy the other one. Now, go to the boulder
in front of the wall while avoiding the turret's attacks. Move it onto the
grey square and you'll hear an explosion. The barrier will vanish and the
turret will be out of order. Now, go into the base to the South-West until
you see some prisoners. Free them. You'll be attacked by the missile-soldiers
along the way. Use your FireMonkey to kill them quickly. Just move on along
the wall while shooting at them as soon as they appear. Then, free the soldiers
and go on to the volcano (it's in the centre of the map). From there, destroy
the enemy troops. The mission is complete once they're all destroyed.


MISSION NOTES: A quite difficult one. You need a good strategy for this one.
Also, there are a lot of enemies in this mission and you need to kill them

From where you start, take your tanks and send them to the base which is
located to the North, behind the hill. The base is protected by Geezers and
Corbetts and you'll battle these. Destroy them all (all of them!!). Once you've
done this, you'll be attacked by other units which you need to kill to be
able to move on. Continue in the base and destroy the building to finish
your first objective. Your troop will increase with 3 more units at this
point. Take these and shoot the turrets on the hill. Stay out of range and
destroy these. Some soldiers and tanks will try to attack you from the North,
so dispatch some of your units to take care of these. Once the turrets are
destroyed, go to the West until you can aim at the next turrets. Destroy these
and use all your troops to destroy the base itself after this. There are more
turrets to the upper-left, destroy these too. Once they've disappeared, kill
the enemies present in the region to complete the mission.


MISSION NOTES: The last WarMonkey mission. You control a helicopter while
your other units stay in the middle of the map. You must simply drop mines
with the helicopter to kill the Mantai.

First, drop mines to the North of your units. Then, note the direction taken
by the Mantai and drop mines on them. Just keep doing this. Don't wander off
around the map in case your mines are used and the Mantai can move. You must
absolutely stay around the troops. and continue on dropping mines. There is
no real strategy to this mission. If the Mantai manage to pass and attack
the building, go above it and drop mines as they enter. Your other units will
try to stop them but they will eventually fail if you don't help them. The
helicopter is the main unit here. The mission is complete when all the
Mantai are killed.
You can now play as the Mantai.





MISSION NOTES: Your first Mantai mission. You need to free your troops and
kill the enemies.

Go to the East and you'll see soldiers. You can try and kill them first but
with only a Mantai, it is difficult. Instead, go further to the East until
you see a Firebug. Now that you have the Firebug, you can kill the soldiers.
Next, go to the North until you see the lava and stop it. Go up the path and
destroy the turrets. Once this is done, move on to the Psychoraptor. Next,
go the the upper-left of the map. You'll see some more turrets and the soldiers
armed with missiles them. Destroy them all (my advice is to use the Firebug
against the turrets and the Psychoraptor against the soldiers). Once you've
gotten the Rhinoid, go to the East until you again see a couple of turrets
and other enemy troops. Choose a Mantai which you won't be needing and send
it towards the 4 Raptors there. Then, use the Raptors to kill the soldiers
and the Firebug to destroy the turrets (or you can still use the other
strategy but this one is better). Once this is done, move all your troop
towards the East and the mission will come to an end.


MISSION NOTES: The second Mantai Mission. And a very esay one.

Choose all your units and go to the West. You'll see a bridge guarded by 2
soldiers. Take a Firebug to kill them but don't cross the bridge yet. You'll
see more enemies come, just take them out with the Firebug. You can then cross
the bridge. Go to the centre of the map until you see a radar and a bunch of
tanks. Take out those first and then, destroy the radar. Then, go along the
path leading to the North until you reach the island to the left. Destroy the
enemy units you'll encounter there. After that, there's a village. Enter it
and destroy everything using all your units. The mission ends once the whole
village is destroyed.

And if you've managed to finish this mission, you've just completed the whole
game. Of course, there are various other strategies for each mission, but
following these will ensure you an easy game.




- Silicon Dreams
for making this game.

- GameFAQs
for posting this FAQ.



Copyright 2001, Orochi K. All rights reserved.