Egypt 1156 B.C.: Tomb of the Pharaoh чит-файл №1


You are Ramose, an ordinary man about to be thrown into an extraordinary
situation. Your father has been accused of arranging the robbery of the royal
tomb of Sehti 1. You must find proof of your father's innocence and show this
proof to To, the Pharaoh, or your father will be punished with death for a crime
he didn't commit, and his name will be forever erased from history.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you get started playing Egypt 1156, keep in mind that if
you miss any of the four critical clues in the game, you will not be able to go
back and get it. You will have to start over or go back to a save game to
retrieve the missed clue. So, save your game often.

1. The Tomb of the Pharaoh

You, Ramose, begin your journey in the center of a night time plains setting.
Turn slightly right to find the Temple of Sethi 1. And, just above it, the Tomb
of Sethi 1. Click on on the pointing finger to meet Montoumes, Chief of the
Medjai, who is in charge of the safety of the Valley of Kings. Talk to
and ask all possible questions. (This will mean clicking on him more than once.)
He will give you a lighted torch and will tell you to go and search the tomb.

From your next position, just inside the tomb on the stairway, turn and go
forward once. When you come to a stop, turn extreme right and click on the fist
that appears over the plank (leaning against a support beam) to pick it up. Turn
back around and continue going forward six times. You will come to a dark hole
with no apparent way to cross. Use your plank to span the hole. Go forward
twice to cross to the opposite side. You find yourself in a small antechamber.
Look at the first pillar on your left. Use the coded message in your inventory
on the pillar, to find your first clue: Ptah.

There is a stairway leading down in the left corner of this room. And, there is
a doorway straight ahead of you. Walk forward to the doorway. Walk into the
room. Toward the back of the room, behind a pillar, you will find a long rod.
Pick it up. Turn and leave the room. Go forward to the doorway where you left
the wooden plank. Turn right and go forward twice. Then, turn right and go
forward again to descend the stairs.

Go forward six times to enter a second antechamber. Turn and go forward to the
chamber on the right. Use the rod on the snake to get the amulet. Return to
main chamber and go forward to overhear a conversation between two men in the
room ahead of you. They are talking about the tomb robbery and the delayed
delivery of wheat.

When the two men have finished their conversation, go forward into the pit of
rocks you see ahead of you. Look at the Ostracon. Pick up three rocks to see
the complete carved symbol on the Ostracon. Pick it up. Go up, turn and leave
the pit. Turn around and go forward to the two men.

If you try to talk to the men and you haven't used the rod on the snake,
Inherkhaou the Young, will take the rod away from you. The other man is
Imennakht, the scribe. Talk to him about the condition of the tomb and who was
responsible for the robbery. He will assist you in your investigation.

Talk to both he and Inherkhaou until they have nothing further to tell you.
both of them the coded message and the Ostracon in your inventory. Imennakht
will tell you that the Ostracon bears a sketch made by a craftsman of the
village. Ask him about it again and he will tell you the monkey sketch was made
by Hori.

Click the Ostracon on Imennakht again. He will tell you he can see a map of
tomb on the Ostracon. Click the Ostracon on the ? next to your inventory to
a closeup of the monkey sketch. Click again to turn the Ostracon over and see a
map of the tomb. Put the Ostracon back into your inventory and use the up
pointing cursor to exit the closeup.

Click on both men several times with the amulet you got from the snake. It is a
cartouche, a sign of King Ammenotep. The amulet must have come from the workman
in the village. You must go to the village. But, Imennakht eventually tells
that you cannot use Montoumes' pass to enter. Then, click the Ostracon on
Imennakht and he will give you a ring for safe passage at the house of
Penmenefer, the wise man and guardian.

Go back to the entrance of Sehti's tomb and talk to Montoumes. In the following
cut scene, you will go to the quarry to look for Hori and hear the foreman call
the morning roll. You will be given the roll call list by Montoumes, with the
admonition that Hori, the missing workman, must be accounted for.

2. The Village of Deir el-Medineh

After the cut scene, it is morning. You are again in the middle of the plain.
turn until you find the Village of Deir el-Medineh. Travel to the village and
meet Pentaour, a guard. He will not let you pass initially. Do not show him
ring you got from the scribe, Immenakht. When he starts repeating himself, turn
around and talk to Montoumes, who is standing behind you. He will just remind
you that you have what you need. Turn back to Pentaour and show him the ring.
He will acknowledge the ownership of the ring and allow you to enter the

Knock on doors and get various interesting responses from the villagers, until
you come to the home on the left side of the street where you will find the
Worker Hardly Awake. (His house is four clicks forward from Pentaour's position
at the entrance.) Keep the man talking until he has responded to all possible
questions. He will tell you Hori's name in on his house. Now you know to look
above the doors for a sign. (Note: Hori's sign is also on the the roll call
stone you have in your inventory. But, it does not look like the one over his
house. To make it easy for you, there is only one house that has a sign over it
in the village. That one is Hori's.)

Turn right and continue forward, looking for a house with a sign above the door.
You will come across a Woman Innkeeper down near the end and to the right of the
main street. When you talk to her, don't go with her. Instead, ask her about
Hori. She will tell you where Hori's house is if you "satisfy her heart." Show
her the ring. She loves it, but still won't tell you where Hori's house is.

Go right, then left, then right, from the Woman Innkeeper down a narrow
alleyway. Turn around to see a ladder. Take the ladder. Leave the area and go
right, then left to see Penmenefer standing in a lane. Ask him all questions.
He tells you, among other things, that Hori's house is to the right.

Go back to the Woman Innkeeper. Then go two clicks to your left. Turn around
find an Old Man sitting on the ground. Talk to him. Ask all questions. You
won't find out where Hori's house is from him either. Turn and go back to the
Woman Innkeeper. Take your ladder out of inventory and place it on the wall to
the left of the red door with the markings on the top of the door frame. This
Hori's house, after all.

When the Woman Innkeeper starts yelling, "Thief, " give her the gold ring.
climb the ladder to enter Hori's house. Inside the house, go left to check out
the bedroom. Return to the main room and go forward to a second bedroom. Look
at the closed bed. You will find Ostraca fragments drawn by Hori. Place the
Ostracon you found in the tomb with the other fragments.

Turn around. Go back to the other end of the room and turn left to go further
into the back of the house. In the next room, you will find broken pottery
strewn all over the floor. Look at the covered basket to the left of the next
doorway. Open the basket to find more evidence; a broken amulet belonging to
Hori. Place the other half of the amulet, you got from the tomb, with the piece
in the basket. Turn left and walk to the end of the room where you see a bed
platform. Pick up the black mat on the platform. Go forward down the hidden
stairs to find Hori's murdered body on the earthen floor. Get the Papyrus of 7
Knot Necklace that Hori has clenched in his hands.

Turn and go back up the stairs. Turn to your right and check out the red
Lararium niche on the wall. Look at it to find a statuette. Take it. Under
statuette, in a recess, you will find a Silver Urn. More evidence. It is part
of the stolen items taken from Sehti's tomb. Turn around and enter the room to
your immediate left. Nothing in there except some amphora jars which you can't
access. Go back out to the room with the broken pottery. Turn left. Enter the
last room of the house. Nothing of value to check out here, either.

Leave the house via the front door and go forward, left, and forward all the way
back to the entrance of the village. Talk to Pentaour about everything. Tell
you think Tchai may also be implicated in the theft at the tomb. You need to
find Tchai.

Go six clicks forward down the long main street and enter the house on the left.
Go into the right rear room and pick up the Fire-lighter and Tow from the floor.
Return to the center room and go to the left rear room. Look at the engraved
headrest on the mat. You will get a close up view of an engraving of
Pedjet: "bow" in Egyptian; also means troops. Use your coded message on the
engraving to pick up the second clue: Pedjet.

Leave the house, turn right and continue down the street one click. Turn right
and see Penmenefer. Go talk to him, He wants the parchment (7-knot necklace)
found in Hori's hand. Give it to him. Show him the Urn from your inventory.
says he will take it to Montoumes.

Turn around and go forward out of the alleyway. Turn right, go forward twice.
Find the ladder in front of Hori's house. Turn left from the ladder. Go
forward twice and turn left to where the Old Man was sitting. This is Tchai's
house. Take the peg above the door and use it to solve the puzzle and open the
door. (Just keep pulling on the two colored pieces of twine until you are able
to pull the peg out.)

Take the lamp from the stand to the left of the red doorway. Enter the dark
to the rear of the house. In inventory, combine your Firelighter and Tow with
the lamp you just picked up to light the lamp. In the left corner of the room,
click on the Casket for Oushebites. Look at the dagger in the open drawer. You
will not be able to take the dagger. Retreat from the closeup and use the fist
icon to pick up the entire Casket. Put the Casket in inventory.

Now go back to the main room where you found the lamp. Turn to your left and
look left, past the center pillar. You will see an alcove in the wall. Click
enter another part of the house. Go forward into the back room. You can check
out everything in here. But, there is nothing to interact with. Leave the
and find the main street again. Look left as you go, to find the lane where you
talked with Penmenefer. Turn down the lane and you will see a door on your
left. Go forward into Penmenefer's house. Talk to him. When the initial
conversation is over, turn to see Imennakht, the scribe from the tomb. Talk to
him also. When he is finished talking, click the Casket with the dagger from
Tchai's house on him. He will tell you that you need to find Tchai (whom you
suspect of murdering Hori) by going to the Embalmer's shop and posing as Tchai's

You must now deliver the casket. Click on the floor mat to sleep and dream.
When you are awakened by Penmenefer, you will find yourself outside the village
again, ready to find the Embalmer's workshop.

3. The Embalmer's Workshop

Turn until you find the Workshop of the Embalmers. It is just to the right of
the Temple of Ramses II. Click on the workshop.

Go forward, right and forward twice to knock on the Embalmer's door. Talk to
him. When he asks, give him the Casket with the dagger. He asks you to wait
bends over the Casket. Follow him inside. Turn right and go forward into the
embalming room. Go forward again. Turn left and right, moving forward, to
examine the natron bodies under the linens. You will find that the middle body
on the left side is wearing a 7 Knot Necklace. It is Tchai. Use the necklace
you have in your inventory on Tchai's body to take the necklace. Go forward
the rear of the shop. Go to the left rear corner. You can check out the
embalming area and tools of the trade, but there is no interaction here.

Turn back into the first room and talk to the Embalmer who has reappeared there.
He pays you 2 debens and asks you to follow him because you need to answer a few
questions. Uh oh!

Follow the Embalmer into the room behind where he was standing. He is waiting
for you and now wants you to give him the amulets connected with the evil deeds
of the god Seth, as a sign of recognition. You need to choose the four correct
amulets. Pass your cursor over each amulet until you get a question mark. Then
click for more description of what each amulet means. Remember that the key
is Seth.

Here's the layout of the amulets:

Oudjat Eye Heart Scarab Serpent's head
light blue dark blue pale green

Ousekh necklace


Djed-Pillar Vulture Ouadj-sm column Tit-Knot
med. blue pink pale green red

If you figured out the correct solution, you should have picked up the Oudjat
Eye, The Djed-Pillar, Ouadj-sm column, and the red Tit-Knot and put them into
your inventory.

Now, the Embalmer has another riddle: "That which is broken bears that which has
been wounded. Under the belt of the widow, is found the body of the victim."
four squares at top left on the amulet display screen must be filled with the
correct four amulets from the first puzzle solution.

Correct placement of amulets:

1.The Oudjat Eye 2.The Tit Knot
that which is broken under the belt of the widow

injured during the fight the buckle of the red belt of
with Uncle Seth Isis, Seth's widow

3.The Ouadj-sm column 4.The Djed-Pillar
bears that which has is found the body of the victim.
has been wounded

broken in two by Seth wakes the backbone of Osiris,
killed by Seth

After you have solved the second puzzle, the Embalmer tells you its about time
be leaving with the funeral cortege. Take time to check out the body in the
process of being mummified and the rest of the articles in the room. Then, turn
left and enter the room where the Embalmer stores furniture to be entombed with
the dead.

On the right side of the room, as you move toward the back, look at the lamp
base. Then open it to find a statuette, also a piece of the treasure stolen
Sehti's tomb. DO NOT take the statuette.

Turn back to your left and go forward again. Look at the green and gold
sarcophagus. Use the coded message on the symbols near the top of the
sarcophagus. You have picked up the third clue: Heri.

Look down and to the right of the green sarcophagus and click on the golden vase
sitting on the floor. Another stolen item from the tomb. DO NOT pick it up.
(Note: If you take the statuette and vase, you will die.)

Turn and go forward down the length of the room. Exit out the left doorway into
the courtyard. Follow the funeral procession to see the death ritual and the
burial of the nobleman.

4. Inside The Tomb

After you find that you have deliberately been closed up inside the tomb, use
your Firelighter and Tow to light the standing lamp, which is to the left of
where you are standing when you hear the noise of the tomb being sealed.

On a chair to the left of the now burning lamp, you will see a boomerang and a
knife. Pick up both items. Pan around further left, just past the amphora jars
piled in the corner. Look at the wall. See the outline of an opening? Use
knife to access the opening, the way out.

After crawling through the passage, you find yourself in a lighted room with a
draftsman who is attempting to complete a mural on the wall. Talk to him until
he tells you to get out of there " quickly as possible." Go forward and
turn right to see the outer courtyard. Go forward to the outside.

Turn right in the center of the courtyard to see a figure standing near the
wall. Approach and talk to this old woman, who tells you she has been sent by
the Cobra. You must solve a puzzle. Leave the puzzle display when it comes up
and walk over to the carvings on the far wall to your right. Click on the
leftmost carving identified as Senet. Use your coded message on the ? in your
inventory to compare the message with the Senet game carving on the wall. There
is a difference in the placement of markers within the two grids. Your coded
message doesn't have a marker in the upper eighth square from the left.

Leave the wall. Go back to the stele beside the old woman. Click on the stele.
From the left, click on the 8th square in the top row of the puzzle display.
your coded message from inventory on the Cobra symbol. You have found the
and final clue: Nefer

Come back out of the closeup and click the now completed coded message on the
woman. You find yourself back in the middle of the plain. Turn completely
around and find the House of Panehesy to the right of the Domain of Mout. Go

5. The House of Panehesy

Talk to the guardian standing in the courtyard in front of you. Answer "Ahmose"
and then "Your master is called: Panehesy." When he maligns your ragged
garments ask him "Would you let me enter....if I rewarded you?" Give him your
two debens from the Embalmer's shop.

Go straight ahead once, turn right and go forward to a darkened area where you
will find two doors. The leftmost door is not accessible. Go to the right
the footpath. Turn left and enter the bamboo door to the inner garden.

A sniper with a bow and arrow will immediately start shooting arrows at you.
Repeatedly use your boomerang on the hot spots across the garden. You will see
cut scene when you succeed in bringing down the sniper. He is standing just to
the right of the tree that is directly in the middle of your screen. Man,
is really out to see that you don't succeed in finding the real robbers of
Sehti's tomb!

After the sniper falls, turn left and go forward. Turn left again. Enter
Panehesy's house through the yellow door. You will be accompanied by a noisy
orange cat.

In the house, you will need to find several articles to make your appearance
acceptable for a banquet. When you enter, go forward and through the doorway on
your right. Turn left and go forward into the room with the door ahead of you.
Look at the articles on the floor and pick up the bowl of milk. Turn and exit
the room. Go forward and right out the doorway. Turn right and enter the room
with the door ahead of you. Turn until you hear the cat. Place the bowl of
on the mat beside the two sticks. The cat will come into the room. Look at the
cat and take the earring its wearing. Look up to the right of the cat and use
the earring on the outline of a niche, about midway up the wall. The door of
niche will open to reveal a letter and an ivory square; a Senet piece.

Turn and exit the room. Go forward. Turn and go forward twice. Turn right, go
forward. Turn left, forward and enter the room with the closed door. Go to the
room on your right where you see two baskets and a lamp. Find the necklace and
the wig. Go to the next room to the right of this one and find a tunic. It
disappear, meaning you are wearing it. Then go to the next room to the right of
this one, a bathroom, and find the mirror and the kohl (makeup). Use the
mirror. Put on the wig by using it on your face in the mirror. Use the kohl
same way. Turn around and go out to the woman servant standing in the center

Note: You may come across this woman servant before you find all the articles
make yourself less shabby for the upstairs banquet. She will give you some
static about your appearance. But, there is no rush to find all the items. She
will stand right there until you are dressed entirely for the banquet.

Show the necklace to the woman servant. She will tell you that it will serve to
complete your wardrobe. Walk past her up the stairs. Turn right at the top and
enter the banquet room where the guests have already gathered. Go to your
to hear about an upcoming celebration from two women talking in the corner.
to the woman on the left. She will warn you of danger and tells you to meet her
later on the terrace. Go down the right side of the room to where the men are
gathered. Listen to a brief discussion on local politics and then talk to
Ptahemheb. We will invite you to have a drink. (You can do that if you like.
You can have several drinks. But, not more than five or you will face dire

Go out on the terrace through any one of the curtains on the side of the room.
Walk to the Senet game table. Look at it. Place your ivory piece in the empty
spot on the Senet board. In inventory, look at your coded message again by
placing it over the ? It shows you the proper order of the four codes you
picked up along the way: Heri, then Pedjt, then Ptah, and lastly, Nefer. Look
the document that appears. Leave it up on your screen and put the little icon
back in inventory. The document will stay in view. Move your cursor around
until you see the words "The chief of the Ptahnefer troops....Heri, Pedjet,
Nefer". Now exit the document and view the Senet game once again. Use the
cursor to click on (only) the four chiefs in the proper order. A small drawer
will open on the far end of the Senet board. SAVE YOUR GAME here.

Note: If you go beyond this point you will have to play the game of Senet. The
instructions on game play are on page 12 of the game manual. But if you don't
want to play......After Panehesy comes onto the terrace and warns you that you
will be playing for your life, just turn and run off the terrace. You will
escape and can successfully complete the game.

After the game, or your hasty retreat from Panehesy's house, you are back on the
plain. Find the Domain of Amon-Re. Click on it and you are on your way

6. The Temples at Karnak

Look to your right to find a woman, Aamerout, standing next to a wall. Talk to
her. She has been helping you to thwart her father-in-law, Ptahnefer's evil
plan. He is behind the tomb robbery to disgrace To, the first dignitary of the
court. Your father, as To's scribe, was the scapegoat to bring about To's
disgrace and dismissal from his position.

After your conversation with Aamerout, enter the temple by clicking forward,
just in front of her, on the palm trees. Aamerout will end up behind you after
brief cutscene. She won't let you leave if you decide to speak to her again at
this point. Otherwise, go forward into the temple eight times and stop as you
see a priest standing in front of you. Turn left. Go forward twice. Turn
and go up the stairs to the roof of the temple. Talk to the man in white, the
Timekeeper. With the Meket the Timekeeper gives you, click on the Assistant of
the Timekeeper sitting nearby. The Meket will transform itself into a crude
astronomical instrument. Position it so that the bright, yellow star, just
the Timekeeper, is in the notch at the top of the Meket. Click on it. Then, go
back down the stairs, just one flight. Turn left to see the Timekeeper standing
in a small antiroom. He will ask you about your star sighting. Tell him you
found the yellow star "...just above the assistant." He will ask you to
corroborate your finding with the bowls.

Click on the large basin on the floor, the Clepsedra. Then, exit this view.
Tell the Timekeeper the bowl indicates the ninth hour. He thinks the instrument
is wrong and must check further with another instrument. The Timekeeper
disappears. SAVE YOUR GAME here.

Note: The next puzzle is a timed sequence. You cannot save your game once you
start the puzzle.

Look at the basin again. Pick up the little wooden bowl beside it. Put it in
inventory. Click on the basin again for a closeup. Then click again with the
little bowl. (The water in the bowl will disappear and you will see the water
draining from a small measuring cup in the upper right of your screen. This is
the puzzle timer.) Put the little bowl back in inventory. Get out your knife
click on one of the two covered buttons on either side of the basin. Take the
set of gold icons. Go back down to the temple floor and stop when you see the
pillars. Turn right and go forward four times, passing in front of the priest
dressed in white. Go all the way to the side of the temple wall. Turn right and
look down to see a damaged portion at the base of one of the pillars. Click on
it and remove the item from the chest necklace of Sehti. Now, turn right again,
go back to where the priest in white is standing. Turn left and go straight
ahead to the entrance of the temple where you will meet Aamerout, who is has
waiting for you. Show her the set of two items from the water bowl first. Then
the item from Sehti's necklace.

You will be given the opportunity to see the ritual cut scene (Note: You will
have already seen it, if you failed earlier with the timed water bowl puzzle.)
When it comes time for To to ask you to identify Ptahnefer as the guilty one,
tear the front of his tunic revealing the gold necklace, and place the last
from the water bowl and the base of the pillar, on the necklace.

You will be rewarded with restoral of your father's position as Chief Scribe and
you will be promoted to Chief Scribe of the Troops. Ptahnefer will pay for his
crimes with his life.

Game over. GOOD WORK!