Empire: Wargame of the Century чит-файл №1

Preliminary Edition
Peter Langston

Copyright (c) 1977 by P. Langston

Overview of the Empire game

(as of 5/78)

The game empire is the most recent in a series of territorial
conquest games inspired by a board game of the same name played
at Reed College (Portland, Oregon). Earlier versions have been
written at Reed by Peter Langston and at The Evergreen State
College (Olympia, Washington) by Chuck Douglas, Peter Langston,
Ben Norton and Mike Rainwater. The current version was written
partly on the HRSTS Unix system at the Harvard Science Center,
(Cambridge, Mass.), partly on the Unix system at Commercial Union
Leasing Corporation, (New York, N. Y.) and partly on the Unix
system at Davis Polk & Wardwell, (New York, N. Y.) by Peter
Langston with invaluable goading from Joe Stetson, Robert
Bradbury, Nat Howard and others.

Empire falls into the broad category of simulation games,
involving both military and economic factors. Although no goal
is explicitly stated, players rapidly derive their own, ranging
from the mundane desire to be the biggest, mightiest country in
the game and conquer all others to the more refined goals of
having the most efficient land use possible or the lowest ratio
of military to civilians while still surviving, etcetera.

The role of the computer in Empire is that of modeling the
physical/economic system. Players interact through the computer
rather than with the computer. The games is played in a "real-
time" environment; players log on and allocate resources, attack
neighbors, send diplomatic communiques, etc. whenever they have
time and the program keeps track of their activities such that
when they are not logged on the time accumulates until they do
log on; (accumulated time is expressed in "bureaucratic time
units" or B.T.U.s).

The purpose of the B.T.U. Concept is three-fold:
I) The fact that commands use up B.T.U.s limits the amount of
time that any player can spend developing his/her country so that
the insomniacs won't necessarily out-play (or perhaps over-play)
the players with less free time;
II) The build up of B.T.U.s not being dependent on being logged
on at any particular time allows players to participate when it
is convenient rather than at some fixed time (as in the case of
monopoly, the stock market, etc);
III) The B.T.U. arrangement helps compensate for the fact that in
concept, the governments of each country are always "playing"
although the player representing that country may only play

The geography of the game is embodied in a rectangular map
partitioned into M x N sectors (where M and N are typically but
not necessarily powers of two, usually 32, 64 or 128) that is
approximately 50% sea, 45% habitable land and 5% uninhabitable
mountains. This "map" is generated by a program (the "creation")
that places volcanoes pseudo-randomly forming land masses,
(continental drift was too complicated), and then pseudo-randomly
places veins of gold and iron ore.

New countries may join the game at any time; upon entry into the
game a new country is given two adjacent sectors. These sectors
are initially designated "sanctuaries" and are inviolable. (Each
country uses its own coordinate system with sector 0,0 being the
current capital, a sanctuary, initially. The initial two sectors
are always numbered 0,0 and 1,0.) The new nation may stay in
these two sectors for any length of time and thereby be safe from
attack. However, in order to build or expand it is necessary to
leave the safety of the sanctuary. The sector of land that was a
sanctuary can then be redesignated as one of a multitude of other
land-use types ranging from weather stations to gold mines to
munitions plants.

For further information, here are a few "info" command topics
that are basic to the understanding of the game:

build designate prayers update
bye info sector-types weather
census innards spy
commands map telegram
country move time

Empire Command Summary

This list contains one-line descriptions of each Empire command;
further information on a particular command may be obtained by
running info on that command (e.g. "info attack").

Bye Log out of Empire
Census Report contents of sectors
Commands Brief list of commands
Country List last access, BTUs, status and name for each country
Deliver Establish delivery routes for shells, ore, etc
Declare Formally declare alliance, neutrality or war
Designate Specify sector utilization
Dissolve Dissolve your government and country (suicide)
Execute Take commands from the specified file
Forecast Predict future weather conditions
Headlines Summarize the weeks events (part of "news")
Info Provide information on various topics
List Brief command list
Map Generate a map showing sector types, seas, etc
Move Transport ore, civilians, guns, etc
Nation The state of your nation
News The yellow press
Power Display arbitrarily measured strengths of all countries
Read Read your telegrams
Realm Print out or modify one of your four "realms"
Route Display delivery routes
Shell Spawn a shell
Update Perform updates in all sectors and set "realm"
Weather Produce a weather map

Attack Attempt to seize a sector from another country
Change Change country name, representative's name or user
Checkpoint Designate checkpoint code for sector(s)
Defend Specify defending artillery fire
Enlist Turn civilians into military
Fire Fire artillery from sector/ship on sector/ship
Fly Fly planes from sector/ship to sector/ship and bomb or snoop
Grant Give away sectors to another (adjacent) country
Offer Offer a treaty to another country
Spy Snoop on adjacent enemy sectors
Telegram Send "diplomatic" communique to another country
Treaty Listing of all current and pending treaties
Vote Accept, reject or postpone consideration of offered treaty

Assault Attack coastal sector from ship
Board Board enemy ship
Build Build ships or bridges in specified sectors
Create Designate members of a "fleet"
Load Load goods, people, etc onto a ship
Lookout Check from ship/sect for other ships and/or sector types
Mine Drop mines from destroyer
Navigate Move ship or fleet around
Radar Perform radar scan from ship or sector
Ship Report status of ship, fleet or ships in a given area
Tend Supply ships with guns and/or shells
Torpedo Slip a torpedo to some poor sucker (from a sub)
Unload Inverse of load (above)

Accept Accept, reject or defer consideration of a loan
Collect Foreclose an overdue loan
Contract Arrange to sell production (automatically) to country #0
Ledger Report on outstanding loans
Lend Offer a loan
Repay Repay a loan (all or part)
Set Establish price for an item in an exchange sector or a ship
Trade Generate a report on items for sale and perhaps buy some


The Empire command interpreter, (shell), expects input in the form:
[##:##] Command: VERB ARG1 ARG2 ...
VERB is any one of the command words in "command list",
("map", "move", "info", etc).

The ARGs will vary from command to command, but certain basic
argument types recur often and are abbreviated in the following

(cname) ::= country name

(cno) ::= country number

(item) ::= any one (or unambiguous abbreviation) of:
efficiency minerals gold (mineral)
mobility production checkpoint
defended contracted civilians
military shells guns
planes ore bars (of gold)

(loan) ::= loan number

(sect) ::= sector coordinates in the form: x,y

(sects) ::= sector(s) in the form:

lox:hix,loy:hiy ?cond&cond&...

"lox", "hix", "loy", "hiy" are coordinates bounding the
rectangular area to be considered

"cond" is a condition of the form:


(value) is either an (item), as above, a number in the
range 0 to 127, or a sector designation, ("m" for mine,
"c" for capital, etc),
(operator) can be any one of "" or "#",

Thus "mob>100", "ore#0", "7=guns", "civciv" will
list all highways within 3 of your capital with exactly 5
guns and more military than civilians.

Note that "hix", "hiy", and "?cond" are all optional.
Also, the entire "lox:hix,loy:hiy" section may be
replaced by either "#", "#0", "#1", "#2", or "#3" which
refer to the four "realm"s that you can define. (See
"info realm".) Note that "#" and "#0" are equivalent.

(ship) ::= one ship number

(fleet) ::= fleet designation, which may be a single ship, a
list of ships separated by slashes, `/', a fleet letter,
the character `~' which means all ships not in a specific
fleet, or a rectangular sector area.

Note that (fleet) specifications may have an optional
?cond&cond... argument like that used for (sects)
arguments. In the case of ships either "civ" or "mil"
may be used for the "crew" of a ship and "designation" is
used for ship type. For instance, "ship ~ ?des=d&mil>5",
will list all destroyers not currently in any fleet with
more than 5 crew.

The output from commands may also be sent to a file or another
process by utilizing these alternate syntaxes:
[##:##] Command: VERB ARG1 ARG2 ... >FILE
which sends the output to the file "FILE".
[##:##] Command: VERB ARG1 ARG2 ... >>FILE
which appends the output to the file "FILE".
[##:##] Command: VERB ARG1 ARG2 ...
which sends the output to the program "PROG" along with the
specified arguments, (which can also include redirection of
output or further piping). To get the output to go to both the
terminal and a file use:
[##:##] Command: VERB ARG1 ARG2 ...

The Empire shell also recognizes a few control characters:
name code meaning
---- ---- -------
interrupt Abort command and return to Empire command level
quit ^\ Exit Empire
EOT ^D Exit Empire

See also: realm, command

Concept : TIME

Because of the unique nature of Empire governments (i.e. the
decision makers spend most of their time on vacation) and the
fact that ideally the Empire "environment" will mirror the "real"
world, various heuristics dealing with time have been

The first is the Bureaucratic Time Unit (BTU) concept which keeps
track of the potential for doing "work" posessed by your

The second heuristic (i.e. hack) is the Elapsed Time Limit which
limits the amount of time that players may be logged on each day.
The ETL is not cumulative and is reset to a value X (defined when
the game is built and installed), typically somewhere between 30
minutes and two hours, every night at midnight.

The ETL and BTU counts are displayed with each command prompt as
[##:##] Command:
See also : overview, innards

Empire Sector Designations

. sea ^ mountain s sanctuary
- wilderness c capital u urban area

d defense plant i shell ind. m mine
g gold mine h harbor w warehouse
* airfield a agribusiness (farm)

Military / Scientific
t technical center f fortress r research lab

+ highway ) radar station ! weather station
# bridge head = bridge span

b bank x exchange

-sea- Sea sectors form natural barriers that can only be crossed
by ships (made in harbors, below). You can not designate
anything else to be sea nor sea to be anything else.

-mountain- Mountain sectors form another natural barrier that
cannot be redesignated; however, they can be moved through (at
great expense in terms of mobility units).

-sanctuary- Sanctuary sectors are created when a new nation is
created. They are inviolate in that no one can fire at them or
attack them. This protection ends when the new country first
moves out of the sanctuary (called "breaking sanctuary"); the
sector then becomes a capital.

-wilderness- Most of the world is wilderness at the beginning of
the game. Wilderness has no particular attributes; you can move
into it if unoccupied, thereby making it your territory, but will
probably want to designate it as something else once you own it.

-capital- Capitals are the source of bureaucratic time units
(B.T.U.s) they accrue in proportion to the efficiency of the
capital and the number of civilians at work in it. If a country
has a 100% efficient capital with 100 civilians in it B.T.U.s
will accrue at the rate of 4 per hour. Most commands use up
B.T.U.s, (see "list of commands" for numbers of B.T.U.s used per
command). A nation may only have one active capital at a time
(although many sectors may be designated as capitals). The last
sector designated as a capital is the currently active one. If
an active capital is captured by an attack a new one must be
designated by the victim. Capitals are twice as efficient at
defending against attack as other sectors (except fortresses).

-urban area- Urban areas are cities. People move into and out of
cities in groups of 10 (families). An urban sector can hold up
to 1270 civilians but only 127 military. The urban area consumes
ore in providing essential services for the city-dwellers leaving
them more time to "fool around" therefore the birth rate in
cities is particularly high. However, if no ore is supplied to
an urban area the lack of essential services allows the death
rate to be as high as the birth rate.

-defense plant- In these sectors ore is turned into guns, going
through the intermediate form of "production units". It takes 10
units of ore and 5 hours in a 100% efficient defense plant with
100 civilians working in it to produce 10 units of production (
or 10 hours for 50 civil, etc). It takes 10 units of production
to make a gun. The rate at which ore is converted to production
is dependent on the efficiency of the sector, the number of
civilians in the sector and the presence of ore. Only 127
production units can be kept in any one sector so if there is ore
and 127 production units already in a "d" sector the production
of guns ceases until the production units are converted into guns
(see info "innards") and the message "production bottleneck in
x,y" is printed.

-shell industry- These sectors are similar to defense plant
sectors except they turn ore into production into shells. It
takes 2 units of production to produce one shell and the maximum
number of shells that can be kept in one sector is 127; in case
of overflow, production stops and "production bottleneck in x,y"
is printed. One shell is used each time you fire, (except for
submarines which use three shells to make one torpedo).

-mine- Ore comes from mines. The rate at which it is produced is
dependent on three factors; the efficiency of the mine, the
number of civilians working in the mine, and the mineral sample
for the sector ("min" on the census report). Mines start
producing ore at about 60% effic, assuming a reasonably high
mineral sample and 80-100 civilians.

-gold mine- Gold mines are similar to ordinary mines, (above),
except that they dig up gold ore and include a smelter to refine
the ore to gold bars. The raw ore can not be transported to any
sector other than gold mines as in the case of ordinary minerals.
Gold ore is a non-renewable resource; a gold mine with a 70% gold
sample can only yield 140 units of gold ore after which it will
have a 0% gold sample. One half unit of gold mineral converts to
one unit of ore which converts to one unit of production which
converts to 1/5 of a gold bar (see info "innards" for further

-harbor- Harbors combine shipyard facilities and docks. Ore is
turned into production in harbors to build ships and the ships
can be loaded and unloaded in the harbor. The rate at which
production units are generated depends on efficiency and civilian
workforce as in other industries. Ships are built using the
"build" command, (see "info build"). Ships vary in their
"production cost"; p.t. boats require 30 production units whereas
battleships require 127 (see info "ship-types" for further info).

-warehouse- Warehouses are used to store shells, guns, and ore.
These items are stored in lots of ten (containerized) so that
they may be moved more cheaply (costing 1/10 as many mobility
units). Note that moving 19 shells into a warehouse will only
result in a lot of ten being stored, with the other 9 being
returned to the originating sector.

-airfield- Airfields are where planes are built (ore becomes
production, becomes planes). Airfields are also particularly
good for landing and taking off, and as a matter of fact it is
virtually impossible to take off from any other sector, although
you can often land in other sectors.

-agribusiness- These sectors are large farms and provide food.
Food is currently not implemented.

-technology center- These sectors are actually universities with
massive defense department grants. They turn ore into production
units into technological advances thereby raising the technology
level of the country (which affects gun ranges and pollution).

-fortress- Fortress sectors have many special characteristics;
you can fire guns from fortresses, whenever an attack is launched
from a fort or on a fort the military in the fort are stronger
than military in any other type of sector by an amount
proportional to the efficiency of the fort. e.g. 100 military in
a wilderness attacking a 100% efficient fort that has 25 military
gives even odds.

-research lab- The research lab is a bastion of "pure" medical
research which is to say it is a large university with massive
March-of-Dimes funding. The research lab turns ore into
production units into medical discoveries which raise the
research level of the country and help retard the spread of
disease, (usually caused by the pollution from technical

-highway- Whenever you move civilians, ore, gold, etc, mobility
units ("mu" on the census) are consumed dependent on how far and
how much you move. If the movement is over 100% efficient
highway however it costs nothing to move. In addition, highway
sectors are useful for international trade in that any nation may
move onto and/or from highway sectors owned by any other nation
unless the sector has been checkpointed (see "info checkpoint").

-radar- Radar stations can scan the surrounding area (up to 6
units away for 100% efficiency) and generate a radar plot
identifying sector types at distances up to 1/3 their range and
ships up to their full range.

-weather station- Weather stations are used to forecast the
weather conditions at any particular spot or spots for a given
time in the future. The area for which they can predict is
governed by their efficiency and the length of time in the future
that they can foresee is dependent on the size of their civilian

-bridge head- Bridge heads are the land based ends of bridges.
They, like harbors, turn ore into units of production which are
then used to build bridge spans.

-bridge span- A bridge span is the suspended part of a bridge
that crosses water sectors. They are built and supported by
bridge heads and are much like highways except for two things:
(1) Bridge spans can't even provide the minimal amount of food
that any other land sector provides, therefore civilians or
military left on bridges for long periods of time will slowly die
off, (negative population growth). (2) Bridge spans must
maintain at least 20% efficiency or else they collapse.

-bank- Banks are of the fort knox variety; they are more
impervious to shelling than any other sector and military in them
fight twice as hard against attack as those in industries. Banks
are also particularly adept at moving gold bars around; bars are
moved and stored in groups of four and half as many mobility
units are required to move a gold bar out of a bank as anywhere

-exchange- Exchanges are the trading posts of empire, they are
used to put commodities up for sale and to buy those being sold
by other countries, (see "info trade").

See also : designate

Empire Ship Types

At present there are 8 different ship types:

pt boat submarine battleship
destroyer freighter minesweep
tender carrier

These ship types differ in their fundamental capabilities; some
can carry (and fire) two guns, the sizes of the guns differ on
all of them; freighters can carry 127 guns but can't fire them;
etc. The following table contains all these parameters:

cost sp vis rng civ mil sh gun plns ore gold vrng
pt 30 50 6 1 - 10 10 1 - - - 4
sub 70 25 1 2 - 25 25 2 - - - 3
bat 127 25 25 8 - 127 127 4 - - - 6
des 60 35 15 3 - 80 40 2 - - - 4
fre 80 20 20 - 127 - 127 127 - 127 127 3
min 50 20 20 1 - 25 10 1 - - - 3
ten 100 30 20 1 - 100 127 30 - - - 3
car 127 25 25 2 - 60 40 2 127 - - 4


cost is the number of production units required to build

sp is the distance/mu for moving in relative units
vis is how visible the ship is

rng is twice the distance the guns can fire (assuming a
very high technology level)

civ, mil, sh, gun, ore & gold are the amounts of
civilians, military, shells, guns, ore & gold the ships can carry

vrng is how far the ship can see (i.e. how good the
communication equipment is) again in relative units

Concept : RESEARCH

The research level of an Empire country is determined by the
output of research sectors in the following way. Whenever a
research sector is updated and there are 25 or more units of
production they are turned into "medical discoveries"; for each
25 units of production the research level of the country is
raised by 1. The researchhow far the ship can see (i.e. how good the
communication equipment is) again in relative units

Concept : RESEARCH

The research level of an Empire country is determined by the
output of research sectors in t- File area 4
Verschiedene IBM-Programme
- This file last updated on Saturday October 22, 1988 at 1:26 PM
- Files newer than 21 days:
- 4X6.FON 285 fuer DS + DSS
- 8X8.FON 2048 [1]fuer DS + DSS
- COMETFIL.DAT 4500 Batch Datei fuer Komentenunlaufbahne
- CONFIG.BAT 128 DS/DSS Konfigurationsbatchdatei
- CONFIG.CHN 4629 fuer DS + DSS
- CONFILE.DAT 1852 fuer DS + DSS
- DS.COM 15232 [1]Deep Space Astronomieprogramm
- DSS.COM 17792 Deep Space (slow) Astronomieprogramm
- EPHEM87.CHN 24830 [1]fuer DS
- EPHSLOW.CHN 24832 fuer dss
- ERROR.MSG 567 fuer DS + DSS
- FILES866.TXT 2053 DS + DSS Dateibeschreibung 1/2
- FILES867.TXT 1448 DS + DSS Dateibeschreibung 2/2
- GO.BAT 38 Selbsterklaerend, DS + DSS
- GO.TXT 771 Selbsterklaerend, DS + DSS
- GROUP1.DAT 58760 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 1/6
- GROUP2.DAT 45980 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 2/6
- GROUP3.DAT 65520 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 3/6
- GROUP4.DAT 65520 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 4/6
- GROUP5.DAT 65520 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 5/6
- GROUP6.DAT 58700 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 6/6
- MAPS87.000 2560 fuer DS
- MAPS87.001 27392 fuer DS
- MAPS87.002 6144 fuer DS
- MAPS87.003 7424 fuer DS
- MAPS87.CHN 28984 fuer DS
- MAPSLOW.000 2560 fuer DSS
- MAPSLOW.001 27136 fuer DSS
- MAPSLOW.002 6144 fuer DSS
- MAPSLOW.003 7424 fuer DSS
- MAPSLOW.CHN 29056 fuer DSS
- MENU87.CHN 1600 fuer DS
- MENUSLOW.CHN 1664 fuer dss
- NUMNAMES.DAT 37836 Daten fuer DS + DSS
- PLANETS.BAT 128 DS/DSS Batchdatei fuer Planeten
- PLS.CHN 18563 fuer DS + DSS
- README.BAT 128 druckt Dukumentation
- README.DOC 25984 ds/DSS Dokumentation
- STOPPUHR.PRG 9344 Stoppuhr
- Total of 38 new files
FILES.BBS This file as of Saturday October 22, 1988
4X6.FON fuer DS + DSS
8X8.FON [1]fuer DS + DSS
ASEASY.ARC [2]Schoener LOTUS 1-2-3- Clone
ASMCALLS.ARC Assembler-Routinen
ASSM.ARC [4]Schoener Mikro-Assembler mit Debugger
BIO.ARC [2]Biorythmus-Berechnung
BLACKBIR.ARC Sehr schoener Editor
BOX.ARC [2]Flaechenorientierter Maskeneditor
CO-PILOT.ARC Hervorragender Desk-Organizer (resident)
COMETFIL.DAT Batch Datei fuer Komentenunlaufbahne
COMPOSER.ARC Zum Komponieren von Musikstuecken
CONFIG.BAT DS/DSS Konfigurationsbatchdatei
CRAZY.ARC Sehr schoener Editor mit verrueckten Ideen
CROSSWOR.ARC [1]Erstellt Kreuzwortraetsel
DCAT03.ARC Diskettenkatalog
DESKMATE.ARC Hilfsprogramm, aehnlich wie Sidekick
DS.COM [1]Deep Space Astronomieprogramm
DSS.COM Deep Space (slow) Astronomieprogramm
EDIT.ARC Screen Editor
EPHEM87.CHN [1]fuer DS
EPHSLOW.CHN fuer dss
ESIEA.ARC Kuenstliche Intelligenz, sehr gut !!!
EXPERT.ARC Kuenstliche Intelligenz
FALLBUCK.ARC [2]Screen loest sich auf (einstellbar, TP)
FILES866.TXT DS + DSS Dateibeschreibung 1/2
FILES867.TXT DS + DSS Dateibeschreibung 2/2
FRED.ARC Schoener Editor
FREMDWOR.ARC Fremdwortgenerator
GAGS_1_0.ARC Adventure-Creater
GALAXY22.ARC Sehr schoenes Textverarbeitungsprogramm
GO.BAT Selbsterklaerend, DS + DSS
GO.TXT Selbsterklaerend, DS + DSS
GROUP1.DAT Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 1/6
GROUP2.DAT Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 2/6
GROUP3.DAT Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 3/6
GROUP4.DAT Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 4/6
GROUP5.DAT Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 5/6
GROUP6.DAT Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 6/6
ITALIAN.ARC Vokabelprogramm Italienisch-Deutsch (Basic)
MAGAZINE.ARC Verwalten von Zeitschriften
MAPS87.000 fuer DS
MAPS87.001 fuer DS
MAPS87.002 fuer DS
MAPS87.003 fuer DS
MAPS87.CHN fuer DS
MAPSLOW.000 fuer DSS
MAPSLOW.001 fuer DSS
MAPSLOW.002 fuer DSS
MAPSLOW.003 fuer DSS
MENU87.CHN fuer DS
MULTI.ARC [2]Multitasking Programm
NO_VIRUS.ARC [2]Mehrere Anti-Virus-Programme
PCDEMO.ARC Super Programm zum Erstellen von Demos
PCED.ARC Netter Editor
PCIQ.ARC Intelligenzquotiententest
PCPM.ARC PC Project Management
PLANETS.BAT DS/DSS Batchdatei fuer Planeten
PRIVLINK.ARC Verbindung von PC zu PC
PROT021.ARC [2]Utility fuer MS Windows
QA.ARC SUPER Analysierer! VORSICHT!!.txt lesen!
README.BAT druckt Dukumentation
README.DOC ds/DSS Dokumentation
SPEECH.ARC [6]Der PC labert (einstellbar auf AT's)
TALK.ARC [6]Der PC faengt zu Labern an
TPHILF.ARC Residentes Hilfsprogramm fuer Turbo Pascal
TSR21.ARC [2]Verwaltet residente programme
UNPROT.ARC Kopierschutzentfernen bei 100 prog.
VISIBLE.ARC Tools fuer Turbo Pascal
XLISPEXE.ARC [2]Objekt-orientierte Sprache
XPRO.ARC [2]Kuenstliche Intelligenz, Deutsch!!!!
Z80EMUL.ARC [2]Emulator fuer CP/M auf MSDOS
ZINS.ARC Versch. Arten der Zins u. Darlehen.
- Total of 83 files in file area number 4
.ARC Erzeugt Toene
ULIST.ARC Macht ASCII-Userliste
ULOG.ARC Userlog- Editor
USERS.ARC Userverwaltung
USER_P5.ARC Druckt Users.bbs aus und mehr
VIEWER.ARC ANSI-Bilder mit Musik
WXMODEM.ARC Windowed XModem
X00V1_10.ARC Der neueste X00.sys-Treiber
XLIST.ARC Masterlist-Creator
YUTILS.ARC Viele Utilities
- Total of 97 files in ferminalprogramm
ULTRA3.ARC Sucht nach Tel.nummern mit Rechneranschluss
UUPC.ARC [2]UUCP-Mailer fuer PC's C-Source!
WATCHCD.ARC Wenn kein Carrier,wird BOOT.COM aufgerufen
WEAKLINK.ARC Uebertraegt mit 115200 Baud zwischen 2 Rechnern
ZCOMMEXE.ARC Wohl das beste Terminalprogramm
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Interaktives Lernprogramm zu ZComm
ZSOURC.ARC ZModem - Sourcecode
- Total of 38 files in file area number 7
[8]Wird von TELIX1.ARC benoetigt
TERM.ARC Kleines Terminalprogramm
TMODEM.ARC Einfaches T- File area 4 Verschiedene
- This file last updated on Sunday October 23, 1988 at 5:33 AM
- Files newer than 21 days:
- 4X6.FON 285 fuer DS + DSS
- 8X8.FON 2048 [1]fuer DS + DSS
- COMETFIL.DAT 4500 Batch Datei fuer Komentenunlaufbahne
- CONFIG.BAT 128 DS/DSS Konfigurationsbatchdatei
- CONFIG.CHN 4629 fuer DS + DSS
- CONFILE.DAT 1852 fuer DS + DSS
- DS.COM 15232 [1]Deep Space Astronomieprogramm
- DSS.COM 17792 Deep Space (slow) Astronomieprogramm
- EPHEM87.CHN 24830 [1]fuer DS
- EPHSLOW.CHN 24832 fuer dss
- ERROR.MSG 567 fuer DS + DSS
- FILES866.TXT 2053 DS + DSS Dateibeschreibung 1/2
- FILES867.TXT 1448 DS + DSS Dateibeschreibung 2/2
- GO.BAT 38 Selbsterklaerend, DS + DSS
- GO.TXT 771 Selbsterklaerend, DS + DSS
- GROUP1.DAT 58760 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 1/6
- GROUP2.DAT 45980 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 2/6
- GROUP3.DAT 65520 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 3/6
- GROUP4.DAT 65520 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 4/6
- GROUP5.DAT 65520 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 5/6
- GROUP6.DAT 58700 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 6/6
- MAPS87.000 2560 fuer DS
- MAPS87.001 27392 fuer DS
- MAPS87.002 6144 fuer DS
- MAPS87.003 7424 fuer DS
- MAPS87.CHN 28984 fuer DS
- MAPSLOW.000 2560 fuer DSS
- MAPSLOW.001 27136 fuer DSS
- MAPSLOW.002 6144 fuer DSS
- MAPSLOW.003 7424 fuer DSS
- MAPSLOW.CHN 29056 fuer DSS
- MENU87.CHN 1600 fuer DS
- MENUSLOW.CHN 1664 fuer dss
- NUMNAMES.DAT 37836 Daten fuer DS + DSS
- PLANETS.BAT 128 DS/DSS Batchdatei fuer Planeten
- PLS.CHN 18563 fuer DS + DSS
- README.BAT 128 druckt Dukumentation
- README.DOC 25984 ds/DSS Dokumentation
- STOPPUHR.PRG 9344 Stoppuhr
- Total of 38 new files
FILES.BBS This file as of Sunday October 23, 1988
4X6.FON fuer DS + DSS
8X8.FON [1]fuer DS + DSS
ASEASY.ARC [2]Schoener LOTUS 1-2-3- Clone
ASMCALLS.ARC Assembler-Routinen
ASSM.ARC [4]Schoener Mikro-Assembler mit Debugger
BIO.ARC [2]Biorythmus-Berechnung
BLACKBIR.ARC Sehr schoener Editor
BOX.ARC [2]Flaechenorientierter Maskeneditor
CO-PILOT.ARC Hervorragender Desk-Organizer (resident)
COMETFIL.DAT Batch Datei fuer Komentenunlaufbahne
COMPOSER.ARC Zum Komponieren von Musikstuecken
CONFIG.BAT DS/DSS Konfigurationsbatchdatei
CRAZY.ARC Sehr schoener Editor mit verrueckten Ideen
CROSSWOR.ARC [1]Erstellt Kreuzwortraetsel
DCAT03.ARC Diskettenkatalog
DESKMATE.ARC Hilfsprogramm, aehnlich wie Sidekick
DS.COM [1]Deep Space Astronomieprogramm
DSS.COM Deep Space (slow) Astronomieprogramm
EDIT.ARC Screen Editor
EPHEM87.CHN [1]fuer DS
EPHSLOW.CHN fuer dss
ESIEA.ARC Kuenstliche Intelligenz, sehr gut !!!
EXPERT.ARC Kuenstliche Intelligenz
FALLBUCK.ARC [2]Screen loest sich auf (einstellbar, TP)
FILES866.TXT DS + DSS Dateibeschreibung 1/2
FILES867.TXT DS + DSS Dateibeschreibung 2/2
FRED.ARC Schoener Editor
FREMDWOR.ARC Fremdwortgenerator
GAGS_1_0.ARC Adventure-Creater
GALAXY22.ARC Sehr schoenes Textverarbeitungsprogramm
GO.BAT Selbsterklaerend, DS + DSS
GO.TXT Selbsterklaerend, DS + DSS
GROUP1.DAT Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 1/6
GROUP2.DAT Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 2/6
GROUP3.DAT Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 3/6
GROUP4.DAT Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 4/6
GROUP5.DAT Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 5/6
GROUP6.DAT Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 6/6
ITALIAN.ARC Vokabelprogramm Italienisch-Deutsch (Basic)
MAGAZINE.ARC Verwalten von Zeitschriften
MAPS87.000 fuer DS
MAPS87.001 fuer DS
MAPS87.002 fuer DS
MAPS87.003 fuer DS
MAPS87.CHN fuer DS
MAPSLOW.000 fuer DSS
MAPSLOW.001 fuer DSS
MAPSLOW.002 fuer DSS
MAPSLOW.003 fuer DSS
MENU87.CHN fuer DS
MULTI.ARC [2]Multitasking Programm
NO_VIRUS.ARC [2]Mehrere Anti-Virus-Programme
PCDEMO.ARC Super Programm zum Erstellen von Demos
PCED.ARC Netter Editor
PCIQ.ARC Intelligenzquotiententest
PCPM.ARC PC Project Management
PLANETS.BAT DS/DSS Batchdatei fuer Planeten
PRIVLINK.ARC Verbindung von PC zu PC
PROT021.ARC [2]Utility fuer MS Windows
QA.ARC SUPER Analysierer! VORSICHT!!.txt lesen!
README.BAT druckt Dukumentation
README.DOC ds/DSS Dokumentation
SPEECH.ARC [6]Der PC labert (einstellbar auf AT's)
TALK.ARC [6]Der PC faengt zu Labern an
TPHILF.ARC Residentes Hilfsprogramm fuer Turbo Pascal
TSR21.ARC [2]Verwaltet residente programme
UNPROT.ARC Kopierschutzentfernen bei 100 prog.
VISIBLE.ARC Tools fuer Turbo Pascal
XLISPEXE.ARC [2]Objekt-orientierte Sprache
XPRO.ARC [2]Kuenstliche Intelligenz, Deutsch!!!!
Z80EMUL.ARC [2]Emulator fuer CP/M auf MSDOS
ZINS.ARC Versch. Arten der Zins u. Darlehen.
- Total of 83 files in file area number 4
17280 [2]B.H.P. # 3 ! Was sonst? UL Roger Neumann
- BHP4.ARC 19200 Bayrische Hackerpost # 4
- BHP6.ARC 31616 Dumme Frage!!!!!!!!
- Total of 7 new files
FILES.BBS This file as of Saturday October 22, 1988
05070430.LST [4]Alle donloadbaren Files der C.A.C.-BOX
ABOUT Kurzes ueber die C.A.C.-BOX
ANTRAG No description given at upload
ASTROH.ARC Hilfsfile zu Astro
BHP3.ARC [2]B.H.P. # 3 ! Was sonst? UL Roger Neumann
BHP4.ARC Bayrische Hackerpost # 4
BHP6.ARC Dumme Frage!!!!!!!!
BHP_01.ARC No Description given at upload
BHP_02.ARC No Description given at upload
BOXLISTE [2]Mailboxliste
CCC.ARC [6]Die Letzte Datenschleuder des CCC
CHAT.TXT [2]Story: Naechtlicher Chat
CONFNEU.ARC [2]No description given at upload
COOLNESS.ARC Wie werde ich ein Cooler Typ?
CPLUSBIB.ARC C++ Bibliography October 11, 1988
DANCADD.ARC Doc zu Dancad
DATEX.ARC Parameter etc von Datex-P
FIDO.ARC [2]Bechreibung des Fido-Netzes und der
FILES.ARC [6]Alle Files der C.A.C.-BOX gearct
FSC-0000.ARC [2]Fido-Protokoll, Uebersicht
FSC-0001.ARC [2]FidoNet Technical Standard
FSC-0002.ARC [2]Distribution Nodelist explained
FSC-0003.ARC [2]FidoNet Route Files explained
FSC-0004.ARC [2]Randy Bush: Zones
FSC-0005.ARC [2]Opus Matrix Passwords
FSC-0006.ARC [2]YOOHOO Matrix Handshake
FSC-0007.ARC [2]FidoNet RFC822-Style Message Format
FSC-0008.ARC [2]FOSSIL Implementation
GALAXY.ARC [2]Doc zu Galaxy
GRAFFITI.TXT Graffitti fuer alle
HEC-ART.ARC Artikel aus der H.E.C. Clubzeitung
HILFE.COM Residentes Hilfeprogramm zu QBBS
KERMITD.ARC Doc zu Kermit
KEYDRAWD.ARC Doc zu Keydraw1.arc
KQ3.ARC [2]Anleitung zu Kings Quest III
KRYPTOD.ARC Doc zu Krypto
LARRY.ARC [2]Die Antworten zu Larry
LARRYNEU.ARC Antworten zu Larry vom 1.9.88
LONOFFD.ARC Doc zu Logon-off
M2DOC.ARC Doc zu Modula-2
MAILBOX.TST Mailboxtest MUENCHEN UL Roger Neumann
MAILBOX.TXT [3]Mailboxliste und NUAS
MODEM.TXT [2]Beschreibung der Hayesmodem-Befehle
MURPHY.TXT Murphy's Computerlaw (Deutsch)
NETHACK.DOC [2]Docu zu Nethack
NEWFILES.ARC Alle neuen Files gearct
NEWFILES.LST Alle neuen Files seit 21 Tagen
PC-LOGD.ARC Doc zu PC-log
PCT-DOC.ARC Manual zu PCTOOLS 4.xx (Deutsch)
PIANOD.ARC Doc zu Pianoman
POLICEQ.ARC [2]Hilfe zu Policequest
POLITIK [2]Politische Systeme - neu definiert
PRCMDOCP.ARC [4]Lange Doc zu Procomm Plus
PROPLUSD.ARC [2]Doc zu Procomm plus
SIERRAWO.ARC Filtert Worte aus Sierra-Spielen
SPACE.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest
SPION.TXT Die wahre Geschichte ueber Helmut Wladimir Kohl
SQ2.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest II
SQ_3.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest III
TRAUMWEL.TXT Story: Traumwelt
TWINSTR.DOC Deutsches Hilfefile zu TRADE WARS
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of 70 files in file area number 5
HACKTIPS [1] Ein paar Kilo Net-Hack Tips
4 C++ Bibliography October 11, 1988
- Total of 5 new files
FILES.BBS This file as of Sunday October 23, 1988
05070430.LST [4]Alle donloadbaren Files der C.A.C.-BOX
ABOUT Kurzes ueber die C.A.C.-BOX
ANTRAG No description given at upload
ASTROH.ARC Hilfsfile zu Astro
BHP3.ARC [2]B.H.P. # 3 ! Was sonst? UL Roger Neumann
BHP4.ARC Bayrische Hackerpost # 4
BHP6.ARC Dumme Frage!!!!!!!!
BHP_01.ARC No Description given at upload
BHP_02.ARC No Description given at upload
BOXLISTE [2]Mailboxliste
CCC.ARC [6]Die Letzte Datenschleuder des CCC
CHAT.TXT [2]Story: Naechtlicher Chat
CONFNEU.ARC [2]No description given at upload
COOLNESS.ARC Wie werde ich ein Cooler Typ?
CPLUSBIB.ARC C++ Bibliography October 11, 1988
DANCADD.ARC Doc zu Dancad
DATEX.ARC Parameter etc von Datex-P
FIDO.ARC [2]Bechreibung des Fido-Netzes und der
FILES.ARC [6]Alle Files der C.A.C.-BOX gearct
FSC-0000.ARC [2]Fido-Protokoll, Uebersicht
FSC-0001.ARC [2]FidoNet Technical Standard
FSC-0002.ARC [2]Distribution Nodelist explained
FSC-0003.ARC [2]FidoNet Route Files explained
FSC-0004.ARC [2]Randy Bush: Zones
FSC-0005.ARC [2]Opus Matrix Passwords
FSC-0006.ARC [2]YOOHOO Matrix Handshake
FSC-0007.ARC [2]FidoNet RFC822-Style Message Format
FSC-0008.ARC [2]FOSSIL Implementation
GALAXY.ARC [2]Doc zu Galaxy
GRAFFITI.TXT Graffitti fuer alle
HACKTIPS [1] Ein paar Kilo Net-Hack Tips
HEC-ART.ARC Artikel aus der H.E.C. Clubzeitung
HILFE.COM Residentes Hilfeprogramm zu QBBS
KERMITD.ARC Doc zu Kermit
KEYDRAWD.ARC Doc zu Keydraw1.arc
KQ3.ARC [2]Anleitung zu Kings Quest III
KRYPTOD.ARC Doc zu Krypto
LARRY.ARC [2]Die Antworten zu Larry
LARRYNEU.ARC Antworten zu Larry vom 1.9.88
LONOFFD.ARC Doc zu Logon-off
M2DOC.ARC Doc zu Modula-2
MAILBOX.TST Mailboxtest MUENCHEN UL Roger Neumann
MAILBOX.TXT [3]Mailboxliste und NUAS
MODEM.TXT [2]Beschreibung der Hayesmodem-Befehle
MURPHY.TXT Murphy's Computerlaw (Deutsch)
NETHACK.DOC [2]Docu zu Nethack
NEWFILES.ARC Alle neuen Files gearct
NEWFILES.LST Alle neuen Files seit 21 Tagen
PC-LOGD.ARC Doc zu PC-log
PCT-DOC.ARC Manual zu PCTOOLS 4.xx (Deutsch)
PIANOD.ARC Doc zu Pianoman
POLICEQ.ARC [2]Hilfe zu Policequest
POLITIK [2]Politische Systeme - neu definiert
PRCMDOCP.ARC [4]Lange Doc zu Procomm Plus
PROPLUSD.ARC [2]Doc zu Procomm plus
SIERRAWO.ARC Filtert Worte aus Sierra-Spielen
SPACE.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest
SPION.TXT Die wahre Geschichte ueber Helmut Wladimir Kohl
SQ2.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest II
SQ_3.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest III
TRAUMWEL.TXT Story: Traumwelt
TWINSTR.DOC Deutsches Hilfefile zu TRADE WARS
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of 71 files in file area number 5
17280 [1]B.H.P. # 3 ! Was sonst? UL Roger Neumann
- BHP4.ARC 19200 Bayrische Hackerpost # 4
- BHP6.ARC 31616 Dumme Frage!!!!!!!!
- Total of 7 new files
FILES.BBS This file as of Wednesday October 19, 1988
05070430.LST [4]Alle donloadbaren Files der C.A.C.-BOX
ABOUT Kurzes ueber die C.A.C.-BOX
ANTRAG No description given at upload
ASTROH.ARC Hilfsfile zu Astro
BHP3.ARC [2]B.H.P. # 3 ! Was sonst? UL Roger Neumann
BHP4.ARC Bayrische Hackerpost # 4
BHP6.ARC Dumme Frage!!!!!!!!
BHP_01.ARC No Description given at upload
BHP_02.ARC No Description given at upload
BOXLISTE [2]Mailboxliste
CCC.ARC [6]Die Letzte Datenschleuder des CCC
CHAT.TXT [2]Story: Naechtlicher Chat
CONFNEU.ARC [2]No description given at upload
COOLNESS.ARC Wie werde ich ein Cooler Typ?
CPLUSBIB.ARC C++ Bibliography October 11, 1988
DANCADD.ARC Doc zu Dancad
DATEX.ARC Parameter etc von Datex-P
FIDO.ARC [2]Bechreibung des Fido-Netzes und der
FILES.ARC [6]Alle Files der C.A.C.-BOX gearct
FSC-0000.ARC [2]Fido-Protokoll, Uebersicht
FSC-0001.ARC [2]FidoNet Technical Standard
FSC-0002.ARC [1]Distribution Nodelist explained
FSC-0003.ARC [1]FidoNet Route Files explained
FSC-0004.ARC [1]Randy Bush: Zones
FSC-0005.ARC [1]Opus Matrix Passwords
FSC-0006.ARC [1]YOOHOO Matrix Handshake
FSC-0007.ARC [1]FidoNet RFC822-Style Message Format
FSC-0008.ARC [1]- File area 6 IBM-Programme (noch nicht getestet)
- This file last updated on Sunday October 23, 1988 at 5:33 AM
FILES.BBS This file as of Sunday October 23, 1988
DSM206.ARC Dosmatic, Benutzeroberflche
WIN.ARC Nur interesant fuer schneider-window.use
- Total of 13 files in file area number 6
9!§[3]Mailboxliste und NUAS
MODEM.TXT [2]Beschreibung der Hayesmodem-Befehle
MURPHY.TXT Murphy's Computerlaw (Deutsch)
NETHACK.DOC [1]Docu zu Nethack
NEWFILES.ARC Alle neuen Files gearct
NEWFILES.LST Alle neuen Files seit 21 Tagen
PC-LOGD.ARC Doc zu PC-log
PCT-DOC.ARC Manual zu PCTOOLS 4.xx (Deutsch)
PIANOD.ARC Doc zu Pianoman
POLICEQ.ARC [2]Hilfe zu Policequest
POLITIK [2]Politische Systeme - neu definiert
PRCMDOCP.ARC [4]Lange Doc zu Procomm Plus
PROPLUSD.ARC [2]Doc zu Procomm plus
SIERRAWO.ARC Filtert Worte aus Sierra-Spielen
SPION.TXT Die wahre Geschichte ueber Helmut Wladimir Kohl
TRAUMWEL.TXT Story: Traumwelt
TWINSTR.DOC Deutsches Hilfefile zu TRADE WARS
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of 67 files in file area number 5
SQ_3.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest III
SPACE.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest
SQ2.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest II
C Filtert Worte aus Sierra-Spielen
SPION.TXT Die wahre Geschichte ueber Helmut Wladimir Kohl
TRAUMWEL.TXT Story: Traumwelt
TWINSTR.DOC Deutsches Hilfefile zu TRADE WARS
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of - File area 7 IBM-Dfue-Programme
- This file last updated on Saturday October 22, 1988 at 1:27 PM
FILES.BBS This file as of Saturday October 22, 1988
BINKLEY.ARC [6]Erweitert Procomm um das schnelle ZModem
BOYAN-D3.ARC Schoenes Terminalprogramm mit neuem QModem
BRAIN.ARC Gutes Terminalprogramm
DIALER.ARC Waehlt im Hintergrund
DSZNEU.ARC Versch. Uebertragungsprotokolle
IBMMINI.ARC Nettes kleines Uebertragungsprogramm
IT.ARC Terminalprogramm mit VT100-Emu
MINI7.ARC Kleines Terminalprogramm
MINIHOST.ARC Mailbox im Miniformat
MSKERMIT.ARC Terminalprogramm mit Kermit
ONE2ONE.ARC Dfue-Programm
PC-DIAL.ARC Schoenes Terminalprogramm mit eingeb. Editor
PCOTHEL.ARC Othello-Version ueber RS232
PM314.ARC [1]Powermenu 3.14 (sehr schoen!)
PRIVATE.ARC Verschluesselt Dateien speziell fuer Dfue
PROCOMM3.ARC [6]Procomm Version 3.0
PROCUTIL.ARC [4]Nuetzliche Utilities zu Procomm
PRODTSCH.ARC Procomm Deutsch V.2.4.2.
PROLOGIN.ARC [4]Utility fuer Procomm
PROPLUS.ARC [7]Das neueste Procomm:PLUS,mit Verbesserungen
QMODEM1.ARC [2]Terminalprogramm
QMODEM2.ARC Wird von QMODEM1.ARC benoetigt
QMODEM3.ARC Wird von QMODEM1.ARC benoetigt
QMODEM4.ARC Wird von QMODEM1.ARC benoetigt
QMODEM5.ARC Wird von QMODEM1.ARC benoetigt
RESIDIAL.ARC Residentes Terminalprogramm
SIMPTERM.ARC Nettes Terminalprogramm
TELIX1.ARC [4]Das neue TELIX... SUPER !!!!
TELIX2.ARC [8]Wird von TELIX1.ARC benoetigt
TERM.ARC Kleines Terminalprogramm
TMODEM.ARC Einfaches Terminalprogramm
ULTRA3.ARC Sucht nach Tel.nummern mit Rechneranschluss
UUPC.ARC [2]UUCP-Mailer fuer PC's C-Source!
WATCHCD.ARC Wenn kein Carrier,wird BOOT.COM aufgerufen
WEAKLINK.ARC Uebertraegt mit 115200 Baud zwischen 2 Rechnern
ZCOMMEXE.ARC Wohl das beste Terminalprogramm
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Interaktives Lernprogramm zu ZComm
ZSOURC.ARC ZModem - Sourcecode
- Total of 38 files in file area number 7
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
WINBO- File area 7 IBM-Dfue-Programme
- This file last updated on Sunday October 23, 1988 at 5:34 AM
FILES.BBS This file as of Sunday October 23, 1988
BINKLEY.ARC [6]Erweitert Procomm um das schnelle ZModem
BOYAN-D3.ARC Schoenes Terminalprogramm mit neuem QModem
BRAIN.ARC Gutes Terminalprogramm
DIALER.ARC Waehlt im Hintergrund
DSZNEU.ARC Versch. Uebertragungsprotokolle
IBMMINI.ARC Nettes kleines Uebertragungsprogramm
IT.ARC Terminalprogramm mit VT100-Emu
MINI7.ARC Kleines Terminalprogramm
MINIHOST.ARC Mailbox im Miniformat
MSKERMIT.ARC Terminalprogramm mit Kermit
ONE2ONE.ARC Dfue-Programm
PC-DIAL.ARC Schoenes Terminalprogramm mit eingeb. Editor
PCOTHEL.ARC Othello-Version ueber RS232
PM314.ARC [1]Powermenu 3.14 (sehr schoen!)
PRIVATE.ARC Verschluesselt Dateien speziell fuer Dfue
PROCOMM3.ARC [6]Procomm Version 3.0
PROCUTIL.ARC [4]Nuetzliche Utilities zu Procomm
PRODTSCH.ARC Procomm Deutsch V.2.4.2.
PROLOGIN.ARC [4]Utility fuer Procomm
PROPLUS.ARC [7]Das neueste Procomm:PLUS,mit Verbesserungen
QMODEM1.ARC [2]Terminalprogramm
QMODEM2.ARC Wird von QMODEM1.ARC benoetigt
QMODEM3.ARC Wird von QMODEM1.ARC benoetigt
QMODEM4.ARC Wird von QMODEM1.ARC benoetigt
QMODEM5.ARC Wird von QMODEM1.ARC benoetigt
RESIDIAL.ARC Residentes Terminalprogramm
SIMPTERM.ARC Nettes Terminalprogramm
TELIX1.ARC [4]Das neue TELIX... SUPER !!!!
TELIX2.ARC [8]Wird von TELIX1.ARC benoetigt
TERM.ARC Kleines Terminalprogramm
TMODEM.ARC Einfaches Terminalprogramm
ULTRA3.ARC Sucht nach Tel.nummern mit Rechneranschluss
UUPC.ARC [2]UUCP-Mailer fuer PC's C-Source!
WATCHCD.ARC Wenn kein Carrier,wird BOOT.COM aufgerufen
WEAKLINK.ARC Uebertraegt mit 115200 Baud zwischen 2 Rechnern
ZCOMMEXE.ARC Wohl das beste Terminalprogramm
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Interaktives Lernprogramm zu ZComm
ZSOURC.ARC ZModem - Sourcecode
- Total of 38 files in file area number 7
RC tig!
CAT.ARC Lasst die Katze Mauese fangen!
CHESS.ARC Schachspiel
COREWAR.ARC Taktisches Spiel, Doc ist dabei
DADDLHIT.ARC Spielhallenhits
DIGGER.ARC [2]Das schoene alte Buddelspiel...
DRUNK.ARC Basic-Source, betrunkener Fahrer
FLIPPER.ARC 5 verschiedene Flipper-Versionen
FROGGER.ARC Lass Dich nicht vom Laster ueberfahren!
FTHCHESS.ARC [2]SUPER 3-D-Schach !!!
GOMOKU.ARC Geschicklichkeitsspiel
HARDHAT.ARC Kletterspiel
INVADER.ARC [1]Nette Space-Invader-Simmulation
JACKPOT.ARC Einarmiger Bandit
JETSET.ARC [2]Flugsimmulator
KARATE.ARC [2]Werde zum Karatekaempfer!
KENO.ARC Nettes Casino-Game
MAHJONG.ARC Das beruehmte Brettspiel nun auch fuer
MONOPOLY.ARC Monopoly gegen den Rechner,nett
ORACLE.ARC Tarot-Spiel,wer will seine Zukunft
OTHELLO.ARC Othello in Schwarz-weiss oder Color
Q-BERT.ARC Nettes geschicklichkeitsspiel
RAIN.ARC Flipper mit 5 Baellen gleichzeitig
REVERSI.ARC Wer dreht am meisten Steine um ???
ROBOTRON.ARC Bekaempfe die Roboter!
ROULETTE.ARC Roulette-Spiel
SIMGAMES.ARC Sammlung verschiedener Spiele
SKAT.ARC Skatspiel, recht gut gemacht
SNAKE.ARC Die Schlange,die immer groesser wird !
SOPWITH.ARC Mit einem Flugzeug Feinde abschiessen
SPACEWAR.ARC Ballerspiel
STARTREK.ARC Irgend so ein Weltraumspiel, mit Doc.
STRIP.ARC [4]Strippoker,4 frauen
STYX.ARC Geschicklichkeitsspiel
TAIPAN2.ARC Nettes Handelsspiel
TAPPER.ARC Bierkruege werfen, nett!
TREK.ARC [2]Eine Startrek-Version,nettes Spielchen
WILLY.ARC Nettes,schnelles Geschicklichkeitsspiel
WIZARD.ARC [1]Rollenspiel (Basic)
XONIX.ARC Ich glaub so ein Ballerspiel
YATZEE.ARC Das bekannte Yatzee-Spiel
ZAXXON.ARC [3]Ballern im All
- Total of 50 files in file area number 8
C [3]Mailboxliste und NUAS
MODEM.TXT [2]Beschreibung der Hayesmodem-Befehle
MURPHY.TXT Murphy's Computerlaw (Deutsch)
NETHACK.DOC [1]Docu zu Nethack
NEWFILES.ARC Alle neuen Files gearct
NEWFILES.LST Alle neuen Files seit 21 Tagen
PC-LOGD.ARC Doc zu PC-log
PCT-DOC.ARC Manual zu PCTOOLS 4.xx (Deutsch)
PIANOD.ARC Doc zu Pianoman
POLICEQ.ARC [2]Hilfe zu Policequest
POLITIK [2]Politische Systeme - neu definiert
PRCMDOCP.ARC [4]Lange Doc zu Procomm Plus
PROPLUSD.ARC [2]Doc zu Procomm plus
SIERRAWO.ARC Filtert Worte aus Sierra-Spielen
SPION.TXT Die wahre Geschichte ueber Helmut Wladimir Kohl
TRAUMWEL.TXT Story: Traumwelt
TWINSTR.DOC Deutsches Hilfefile zu TRADE WARS
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of 67 files in file area number 5
SQ_3.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest III
SPACE.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest
SQ2.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest II
C Filtert Worte aus Sierra-Spielen
SPION.TXT Die wahre Geschichte ueber Helmut Wladimir Kohl
TRAUMWEL.TXT Story: Traumwelt
TWINSTR.DOC Deutsches Hilfefile zu TRADE WARS
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of - File area 8 IBM-Spiele
- This file last updated on Sunday October 23, 1988 at 5:34 AM
FILES.BBS This file as of Sunday October 23, 1988
3-DEMON.ARC [2]Irrgarten in 3-D
42.ARC gelungenes ballerspiel
5WINS.ARC Fuenf gewinnt (Spiel)
ARCHON.ARC Art Schach, sehr gut, aber schwer
ARGH.ARC Gutes Geschicklichkeitsspiel
ASTRO.ARC Version eines Ballerspieles (ab 18)
BEBOP.ARC [2]Maze Running haunted by dangerous hunter
BRIDGE.ARC Bridge-Simmulation,Drucker noetig!
CAT.ARC Lasst die Katze Mauese fangen!
CHESS.ARC Schachspiel
COREWAR.ARC Taktisches Spiel, Doc ist dabei
DADDLHIT.ARC Spielhallenhits
DIGGER.ARC [2]Das schoene alte Buddelspiel...
DRUNK.ARC Basic-Source, betrunkener Fahrer
FLIPPER.ARC 5 verschiedene Flipper-Versionen
FROGGER.ARC Lass Dich nicht vom Laster ueberfahren!
FTHCHESS.ARC [2]SUPER 3-D-Schach !!!
GOMOKU.ARC Geschicklichkeitsspiel
HARDHAT.ARC Kletterspiel
INVADER.ARC [1]Nette Space-Invader-Simmulation
JACKPOT.ARC Einarmiger Bandit
JETSET.ARC [2]Flugsimmulator
KARATE.ARC [2]Werde zum Karatekaempfer!
KENO.ARC Nettes Casino-Game
MAHJONG.ARC Das beruehmte Brettspiel nun auch fuer
MONOPOLY.ARC Monopoly gegen den Rechner,nett
ORACLE.ARC Tarot-Spiel,wer will seine Zukunft
OTHELLO.ARC Othello in Schwarz-weiss oder Color
Q-BERT.ARC Nettes geschicklichkeitsspiel
RAIN.ARC Flipper mit 5 Baellen gleichzeitig
REVERSI.ARC Wer dreht am meisten Steine um ???
ROBOTRON.ARC Bekaempfe die Roboter!
ROULETTE.ARC Roulette-Spiel
SIMGAMES.ARC Sammlung verschiedener Spiele
SKAT.ARC Skatspiel, recht gut gemacht
SNAKE.ARC Die Schlange,die immer groesser wird !
SOPWITH.ARC Mit einem Flugzeug Feinde abschiessen
SPACEWAR.ARC Ballerspiel
STARTREK.ARC Irgend so ein Weltraumspiel, mit Doc.
STRIP.ARC [4]Strippoker,4 frauen
STYX.ARC Geschicklichkeitsspiel
TAIPAN2.ARC Nettes Handelsspiel
TAPPER.ARC Bierkruege werfen, nett!
TREK.ARC [2]Eine Startrek-Version,nettes Spielchen
WILLY.ARC Nettes,schnelles Geschicklichkeitsspiel
WIZARD.ARC [1]Rollenspiel (Basic)
XONIX.ARC Ich glaub so ein Ballerspiel
YATZEE.ARC Das bekannte Yatzee-Spiel
ZAXXON.ARC [3]Ballern im All
- Total of 50 files in file area number 8
of Saturday October 22, 1988
DSM206.ARC Dosmatic, Benutzeroberflche
WIN.ARC Nur interesant fuer schneider-window.use
- Total of 13 files in file area number 6
MAILBOX.TXT [3]Mailboxliste und NUAS
MODEM.TXT [2]Beschreibung der Hayesmodem-Befehle
MURPHY.TXT Murphy's Computerlaw (Deutsch)
NETHACK.DOC [1]Docu zu Nethack
NEWFILES.ARC Alle neuen Files gearct
NEWFILES.LST Alle neuen Files seit 21 Tagen
PC-LOGD.ARC Doc zu PC-log
PCT-DOC.ARC Manual zu PCTOOLS 4.xx (Deutsch)
PIANOD.ARC Doc zu Pianoman
POLICEQ.ARC [2]Hilfe zu Policequest
POLITIK [2]Politische Systeme - neu definiert
PRCMDOCP.ARC [4]Lange Doc zu Procomm Plus
PROPLUSD.ARC [2]Doc zu Procomm plus
SIERRAWO.ARC Filtert Worte aus Sierra-Spielen
SPION.TXT Die wahre Geschichte ueber Helmut Wladimir Kohl
TRAUMWEL.TXT Story: Traumwelt
TWINSTR.DOC Deutsches Hilfefile zu TRADE WARS
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of 67 files in file area number 5
SQ_3.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest III
SPACE.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest
SQ2.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest II
C Filtert Worte aus Sierra-Spielen
SPION.TXT Die wahre Geschichte ueber Helmut Wladimir Kohl
TRAUMWEL.TXT Story: Traumwelt
TWINSTR.DOC Deutsches Hilfefile zu TRADE WARS
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of - This file last updated on Saturday October 22, 1988 at 1:27
FILES.BBS This file as of Saturday October 22, 1988
BABYRUTH.ARC [8]Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
BROOKE.ARC Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
CAROL.ARC [4]Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
CHERRY.ARC Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
CHERYL.ARC [2]Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
COOKIE.ARC Jede Menge dummer Sprueche
FROGGER.ARC Wie waers mal mit Froescheln?
GAGSOFT.ARC [4]Bayerische Command.Com
HOTBOOT.ARC Selbererstellen von Schreckutilities
INGRID1.ARC [2]Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
INGRID2.ARC Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
ISABEL.ARC [2]Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
MACINPC.ARC [2]Macintosh-Emulator
OHA.ARC [6]Fuer Leute mit starken Nerven (ab 18!)
PORNO.ARC [5]Wems gefaellt...(ab 18!)
PORNO2.ARC [12]heisse sache fuer grosse
RANDI.ARC [2]Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
RODNEY.ARC Bloede Sprueche
SEXBILD.ARC [4]Sexy-Girls (nur fuer Hercules!!)
SHE.ARC Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
SOFTPORN.ARC [2]Partnerschaftsanalyse (lechtz)
STRIP.ARC [6]Drei Damen legen einen Strip hin
TUSSI.ARC Pinup-Girls,nur aus ASCII-Zeichen
ULK.ARC [2]Auspacken, Laden und Wundern
WITZ1.ARC Eine Sammlung netter Witzutilities
WITZ2.ARC Zweiter Teil netter Witzutilities
WITZ3.ARC [2]Dritter Teil guter Witzutilities
WITZ4.ARC Vierter Teil guter Witzutilities
ZEIG.ARC [10]Zeige-Programm fuer die nachfolgenden
- Total of 32 files in file area number 9
C Uebertraegt mit 115200 Baud zwischen 2 Rechnern
ZCOMMEXE.ARC Wohl das beste Terminalprogramm
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Interaktives Lernprogramm zu ZComm
ZSOURC.ARC ZModem - Sourcecode
- Total of 38 files in file area number 7
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
WINBO- This file last updated on Sunday October 23, 1988 at 5:34 AM
FILES.BBS This file as of Sunday October 23, 1988
BABYRUTH.ARC [8]Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
BROOKE.ARC Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
CAROL.ARC [4]Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
CHERRY.ARC Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
CHERYL.ARC [2]Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
COOKIE.ARC Jede Menge dummer Sprueche
FROGGER.ARC Wie waers mal mit Froescheln?
GAGSOFT.ARC [4]Bayerische Command.Com
HOTBOOT.ARC Selbererstellen von Schreckutilities
INGRID1.ARC [2]Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
INGRID2.ARC Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
ISABEL.ARC [2]Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
MACINPC.ARC [2]Macintosh-Emulator
OHA.ARC [6]Fuer Leute mit starken Nerven (ab 18!)
PORNO.ARC [5]Wems gefaellt...(ab 18!)
PORNO2.ARC [12]heisse sache fuer grosse
RANDI.ARC [2]Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
RODNEY.ARC Bloede Sprueche
SEXBILD.ARC [4]Sexy-Girls (nur fuer Hercules!!)
SHE.ARC Nur mit "ZEIG.ARC" lauffaehig !
SOFTPORN.ARC [2]Partnerschaftsanalyse (lechtz)
STRIP.ARC [6]Drei Damen legen einen Strip hin
TUSSI.ARC Pinup-Girls,nur aus ASCII-Zeichen
ULK.ARC [2]Auspacken, Laden und Wundern
WITZ1.ARC Eine Sammlung netter Witzutilities
WITZ2.ARC Zweiter Teil netter Witzutilities
WITZ3.ARC [2]Dritter Teil guter Witzutilities
WITZ4.ARC Vierter Teil guter Witzutilities
ZEIG.ARC [10]Zeige-Programm fuer die nachfolgenden
- Total of 32 files in file area number 9
bis auf das angegebene
DELDIR.ARC [4]Loescht Dir's mit Inhalt
DELQ.ARC Selektives Loeschen von Files
DIFF.ARC Modifiziert Filenamen
DIRNOTES.ARC [2]Directory mit Programmerklaerungen
DISKPREP.ARC Repariert Disketten
DISKQ.ARC Beschleunigt Diskettenlaufwerke
DISKUTIL.ARC Sehr gute Festplattenutilities
DJ.ARC Probleme mit Disketten? Fremdformat
DMOVE.ARC Verschiebt Files in andere Directorys
DR.ARC Disk-Repair, erneuert fehlerhafte
FILEDISK.ARC Harddisk mit 512 Byte-Cluster
FINDDUPE.ARC Findet doppelte Dateien auf der HD
FLASHBAK.ARC Backup-Utility
FLOPCAT.ARC [2]Diskettenverwaltung
HDINFO.ARC [2]Harddisk-Info,sehr gut
ILEAVE15.ARC [14]Festplatten optimieren (IL-Faktor)
JZCHKDSK.ARC [2]Erweitertes Chkdsk
LF33.ARC Schoener Disk-Doc
LISTFILE.ARC Listet alle Files eines Dir's auf
MKEY.ARC [2]Diskettenutilities (aehnlich wie Norton U.)
PACKDISK.ARC Macht die Laufwerke schneller
PARKDISK.ARC Parkt die Festplatte
PRNDSK.ARC Leitet Ausgabe auf Diskette um
QFILER.ARC [2]Utilities fuer die Harddisk
REFRESH.ARC organisiert die Diskette
REMDIR.ARC Unterverz. werden unsichtbar (und mehr)
SDF.ARC [2]Schnelles Formatierprogramm
SIZE.ARC [2]Zeigt Festplattenbelegung an
SSORT.ARC Gutes Sortierprogramm
STAT.ARC Status aller angeschlossener Laufwerke
TRE.ARC Menubaum
VIEWDISK.ARC Disksektoren anschauen
VMAP.ARC Belegung der Festplatte
VOO.ARC Schoener Disk-Optimizer
WOIS.ARC Sehr schnelles Suchprogramm
WPHD.ARC [2]Schreib-und Formatierschutz der HD
- Total of 46 files in file area number 10
[3]Mailboxliste und NUAS
MODEM.TXT [2]Beschreibung der Hayesmodem-Befehle
MURPHY.TXT Murphy's Computerlaw (Deutsch)
NETHACK.DOC [1]Docu zu Nethack
NEWFILES.ARC Alle neuen Files gearct
NEWFILES.LST Alle neuen Files seit 21 Tagen
PC-LOGD.ARC Doc zu PC-log
PCT-DOC.ARC Manual zu PCTOOLS 4.xx (Deutsch)
PIANOD.ARC Doc zu Pianoman
POLICEQ.ARC [2]Hilfe zu Policequest
POLITIK [2]Politische Systeme - neu definiert
PRCMDOCP.ARC [4]Lange Doc zu Procomm Plus
PROPLUSD.ARC [2]Doc zu Procomm plus
SIERRAWO.ARC Filtert Worte aus Sierra-Spielen
SPION.TXT Die wahre Geschichte ueber Helmut Wladimir Kohl
TRAUMWEL.TXT Story: Traumwelt
TWINSTR.DOC Deutsches Hilfefile zu TRADE WARS
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of 67 files in file area number 5
SQ_3.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest III
SPACE.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest
SQ2.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest II
C Filtert Worte aus Sierra-Spielen
SPION.TXT Die wahre Geschichte ueber Helmut Wladimir Kohl
TRAUMWEL.TXT Story: Traumwelt
TWINSTR.DOC Deutsches Hilfefile zu TRADE WARS
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of - This file last updated on Sunday October 23, 1988 at 5:34 AM
FILES.BBS This file as of Sunday October 23, 1988
ALTER.ARC Aendert Fileattribute
BAC.ARC Sicherungsutility
CACHE.ARC [1]Schneller Zwischenspeicher fuer die HD
CHKMEM.ARC [2]Zeigt freien Speicherplatz an
CM.ARC Change Mode, aendert Attribute
COPYPC.ARC Schnelles Diskcopy
COPYQ.ARC Selektives Kopieren
CPY.ARC Fuellt die Diskette bis zum letzten
DDIR.COM Directory doppelseitig dargestellt
DELBUT.ARC [2]Loescht alle Files bis auf das angegebene
DELDIR.ARC [4]Loescht Dir's mit Inhalt
DELQ.ARC Selektives Loeschen von Files
DIFF.ARC Modifiziert Filenamen
DIRNOTES.ARC [2]Directory mit Programmerklaerungen
DISKPREP.ARC Repariert Disketten
DISKQ.ARC Beschleunigt Diskettenlaufwerke
DISKUTIL.ARC Sehr gute Festplattenutilities
DJ.ARC Probleme mit Disketten? Fremdformat
DMOVE.ARC Verschiebt Files in andere Directorys
DR.ARC Disk-Repair, erneuert fehlerhafte
FILEDISK.ARC Harddisk mit 512 Byte-Cluster
FINDDUPE.ARC Findet doppelte Dateien auf der HD
FLASHBAK.ARC Backup-Utility
FLOPCAT.ARC [2]Diskettenverwaltung
HDINFO.ARC [2]Harddisk-Info,sehr gut
ILEAVE15.ARC [14]Festplatten optimieren (IL-Faktor)
JZCHKDSK.ARC [2]Erweitertes Chkdsk
LF33.ARC Schoener Disk-Doc
LISTFILE.ARC Listet alle Files eines Dir's auf
MKEY.ARC [2]Diskettenutilities (aehnlich wie Norton U.)
PACKDISK.ARC Macht die Laufwerke schneller
PARKDISK.ARC Parkt die Festplatte
PRNDSK.ARC Leitet Ausgabe auf Diskette um
QFILER.ARC [2]Utilities fuer die Harddisk
REFRESH.ARC organisiert die Diskette
REMDIR.ARC Unterverz. werden unsichtbar (und mehr)
SDF.ARC [2]Schnelles Formatierprogramm
SIZE.ARC [2]Zeigt Festplattenbelegung an
SSORT.ARC Gutes Sortierprogramm
STAT.ARC Status aller angeschlossener Laufwerke
TRE.ARC Menubaum
VIEWDISK.ARC Disksektoren anschauen
VMAP.ARC Belegung der Festplatte
VOO.ARC Schoener Disk-Optimizer
WOIS.ARC Sehr schnelles Suchprogramm
WPHD.ARC [2]Schreib-und Formatierschutz der HD
- Total of 46 files in file area number 10
c--ЕБAQUARIUM.ARC [4]Diese Fische braucht man nicht zu fuettern
BILDER.ARC Wie der Name schon sagt...
CGA.ARC CGA-Emulation fuer Herkules
CGADEMO.ARC Schoene Grafik-Demo
DANCAD.ARC Zeichenprogramm
EDRAW.ARC Zeichenprogramm (auch fuer EGA!!!)
F-PAINT.ARC Schoener Semigrafik-Editor
FANTASY.ARC Sehr gutes Grafikprogramm (auch mit Maus)
FRACTALS.ARC [4]Menuegesteuertes Fraktal-Programm
GRAFDEMO.ARC Grafikdemo,Umschalten Text-und
HGCIBM.COM color-emu auf hercules
ICONM.ARC iconmaker fr cga-karte
IMAGE.ARC 3D-Zeichenprogramm
KEYDRAW1.ARC SUPER Zeichenprogramm
KEYDRAW2.ARC Wird von Keydraw1 benoetigt
KUGEL.ARC Ray-Tracing in TP aus c't 9/88
MANDEL.ARC Apfelmaennchenprogramm
MANFST.ARC Sehr schnelles Apfelmaennchenprogramm
MGRAF2.ARC [2]Multigraph 2,simmuliert CEGA auf
MONALISA.ARC Schoenes Bild, nur fuer EGA-Karte
SLIDESHO.ARC Nette Dia-Show fuer CEGA
SPIRO.ARC Zeichnet Kurven
TDRAW300.ARC SUPER Zeichenprogramm, bewegte ANSIgrafiken
TEXTBILD.ARC Schoenes Einbinden von Grafiken in Texte
WATCH.ARC [2]Die Uhr mal etwas groesser...
WORLD.ARC [2]Die Welt digitalisiert fuer CEGA
- Total of 28 files in file area number 11
DSM206.ARC Dosmatic, Benutzeroberflche
WIN.ARC Nur interesant fuer schneider-window.use
- Total of 13 files in file area number 6
FILEMAN.BBS- File area 11 IBM-Grafik-Programme
- This file last updated on Sunday October 23, 1988 at 5:34 AM
- Files newer than 21 days:
- KUGEL.ARC 8824 Ray-Tracing in TP aus c't 9/88
- ICONM.ARC 34816 iconmaker fr cga-karte
- Total of 1 new files
FILES.BBS This file as of Sunday October 23, 1988
ANSPAINT.ARC Sehr schoener ANSI-Grafikeditor
AQUARIUM.ARC [4]Diese Fische braucht man nicht zu fuettern
BILDER.ARC Wie der Name schon sagt...
CGA.ARC CGA-Emulation fuer Herkules
CGADEMO.ARC Schoene Grafik-Demo
DANCAD.ARC Zeichenprogramm
EDRAW.ARC Zeichenprogramm (auch fuer EGA!!!)
F-PAINT.ARC Schoener Semigrafik-Editor
FANTASY.ARC Sehr gutes Grafikprogramm (auch mit Maus)
FRACTALS.ARC [4]Menuegesteuertes Fraktal-Programm
GRAFDEMO.ARC Grafikdemo,Umschalten Text-und
HGCIBM.COM color-emu auf hercules
ICONM.ARC iconmaker fr cga-karte
IMAGE.ARC 3D-Zeichenprogramm
KEYDRAW1.ARC SUPER Zeichenprogramm
KEYDRAW2.ARC Wird von Keydraw1 benoetigt
KUGEL.ARC Ray-Tracing in TP aus c't 9/88
MANDEL.ARC Apfelmaennchenprogramm
MANFST.ARC Sehr schnelles Apfelmaennchenprogramm
MGRAF2.ARC [2]Multigraph 2,simmuliert CEGA auf
MONALISA.ARC Schoenes Bild, nur fuer EGA-Karte
SLIDESHO.ARC Nette Dia-Show fuer CEGA
SPIRO.ARC Zeichnet Kurven
TDRAW300.ARC SUPER Zeichenprogramm, bewegte ANSIgrafiken
TEXTBILD.ARC Schoenes Einbinden von Grafiken in Texte
WATCH.ARC [2]Die Uhr mal etwas groesser...
WORLD.ARC [2]Die Welt digitalisiert fuer CEGA
- Total of 28 files in file area number 11
RSTUVWXY  [\  ^_`    cdefghijklmnopq¦stuvwxyz  }  АБВ  ДЗь"Ї¶И¬E/МНОПРСТУбХЦЧШЩ  ЫЬЭЮЯа+в  дежзик2§лм  оп---¦+¦  ¬¬¦¦¬----L+T+-§[¶¦-¶г¦¶T¦=+¦¦TTLL-г+¦¶ё---¦¦-  стуфхцч  щъыьэюяЁxЄєЇї  ў°•·u№¤¦ 
CRCDEMO.TXT CRC-Demo (die 9 screens als Textfile)
DEFER.4TH DEFER und IS fuer UR/Forth
DOTIF.4TH bedingt compilieren, nestable (LMI)
F83.ARC FORTH-Interpreter/Compiler fuer PC/AT
F83DEMO.ARC u.a. Prolog in Forth
FFT.ARC [2]Fast Fourier Transform (CP/M 68K)
FINDFILE.ARC loescht z.B. .BAK-Files (UR/Forth)
FORTHBIB.ARC Englische Forth-Literatur (Verzeichnis)
NANO.TXT winziges Forth-System fuer Z80
PHOENIX.PAT Phoenix BIOS bug fixed!
QAFAKED.ARC create Q & A segments (UR/Forth)
RHETORIK.BLK ("f83 rhetorik.blk" - "1 load" - "go")
RTXWORDS.ARC So wird Forth in RTX-Code uebersetzt
SHOWSTAK.ARC zeigt Stack dauernd an (UR/Forth)
STD83.ARC [2]Forth-83 Standard: komplett
- Total of 16 files in file area number 12

CRCDEMO.TXT CRC-Demo (die 9 screens als Textfile)
DEFER.4TH DEFER und IS fuer UR/Forth
DOTIF.4TH bedingt compilieren, nestable (LMI)
F83.ARC FORTH-Interpreter/Compiler fuer PC/AT
F83DEMO.ARC u.a. Prolog in Forth
FFT.ARC [2]Fast Fourier Transform (CP/M 68K)
FINDFILE.ARC loescht z.B. .BAK-Files (UR/Forth)
FORTHBIB.ARC Englische Forth-Literatur (Verzeichnis)
NANO.TXT winziges Forth-System fuer Z80
PHOENIX.PAT Phoenix BIOS bug fixed!
QAFAKED.ARC create Q & A segments (UR/Forth)
RHETORIK.BLK ("f83 rhetorik.blk" - "1 load" - "go")
RTXWORDS.ARC So wird Forth in RTX-Code uebersetzt
SHOWSTAK.ARC zeigt Stack dauernd an (UR/Forth)
STD83.ARC [2]Forth-83 Standard: komplett
- Total of 16 files in file area number 12
к] [1] Witzprogramm,einfach mal testen!
ROCKET Umsetzung des Spiels Missile-Attack
SPRMAKER.ARC Utility zum Erstellen von Sprites
ZOO200.ARC Sehr guter ARCer
- Total of 23 files in file area number 13
tzung des Spiels Missile-Attack
SPRMAKER.ARC Utility zum Erstellen von Sprites
ZOO200.ARC Sehr guter ARCer
- Total of 23 files in file area number 13
r 11
DSM206.ARC Dosmatic, Benutzeroberflche
WIN.ARC Nur interesant fuer schneider-window.use
- Total of 13 files in file area number 6
FILEMAN.BBSIK [2]Politische Systeme - neu definiert
PRCMDOCP.ARC [4]Lange Doc zu Procomm Plus
PROPLUSD.ARC [2]Doc zu Procomm plus
SIERRAWO.ARC Filtert Worte aus Sierra-Spielen
SPION.TXT Die wahre Geschichte ueber Helmut Wladimir Kohl
TRAUMWEL.TXT Story: Traumwelt
TWINSTR.DOC Deutsches Hilfefile zu TRADE WARS
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of 67 files in file area number 5
SQ_3.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest III
SPACE.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest
SQ2.ARC Doc zu Space-Quest II
C Filtert Worte aus Sierra-Spielen
SPION.TXT Die wahre Geschichte ueber Helmut Wladimir Kohl
TRAUMWEL.TXT Story: Traumwelt
TWINSTR.DOC Deutsches Hilfefile zu TRADE WARS
USERHELP.DOK Hilfefile fuer OPUS
VT100.DOC [2]Dokumentation ueber VT100-Kommandos
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of - File area 14 AMIGA Dfue
- This file last updated on Saturday October 22, 1988 at 1:27 PM
FILES.BBS This file as of Saturday October 22, 1988
- Total of 0 files in file area number 14
BOOT.ARC booten aus Batchfiles
CHECKUP.ARC [2]Soll Viren checken
CHK4BOMB.ARC Passt auf trojanische Pferde auf
CL.ARC [1]Speicherbelegung in HEX und ASCII
CLOCK.ARC [1]Speicherresidente Alarmzeit
CMD185.ARC Patch fuer die Command.com
CORE.EXE [4]HD speed test prg
COVER.ARC [2]Druckt Directory im Miniformat
CR8CMD.ARC [1]Schoenes Druckerutility
CURSIVE.ARC Erzeugt Kursivschrift
DATLOCK.ARC [1]Verschluesselt Datein, Passwort erforderl.
DIAGS.ARC [1]interessantes Diagnoseprogramm
DISK-MAP.ARC Zeigt Clusterbelegung und bad Tracks an
DISKDOC.ARC Schoener Diskmonitor
DOSEDIT.ARC [4]Befehlswiederholung mit Cursortasten
EE.ARC [2]Environment-Editor
EQUIP.ARC Ausruestung des Computers
EXEC.ARC Debugger-Utility
FASTKEY.ARC [2]Macht den Cursor schneller
FFM.ARC DOS-Oberflaeche
FILT.ARC Universeller Filter
FLIP.ARC [2]Ins,Del und andere Tasten belegen
FREE.ARC [2]Zeigt freien Speicherplatz auf
FREEALL.ARC [4]Speichert und loescht Inhalt des RAM
GLOBAL.ARC Fuehrt DOS-Befehle in allen Unterverz.
HD-PARK.ARC [2]Park Harddisks (auch mehr als 1 HD)
HGCIBM.COM [2]Version 2.02 - simuliert auch auf DanCAD
INT16H.ARC Zeigt Speicherstelle 16 HEX an
IRQ-VECT.ARC Inhalt der Interrupt Vektoren zeigen
KAL.ARC residenter Kalender
KEY-FAKE.ARC Aendert die Tastaturbelegung
KEYCLICK.ARC [2]Erzeugt den ach so beliebten keyclick
KEYIN.ARC [2]Zeigt Key-Codes an
KEYLOC- File area 14 AMIGA Dfue
- This file last updated on Sunday October 23, 1988 at 5:34 AM
FILES.BBS This file as of Sunday October 23, 1988
- Total of 0 files in file area number 14
3еr DS + DSS, 2/6
GROUP3.DAT 65520 17/10-88 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 3/6
GROUP4.DAT 65520 17/10-88 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 4/6
GROUP5.DAT 65520 17/10-88 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 5/6
GROUP6.DAT 58700 17/10-88 Datenbank fuer DS + DSS, 6/6
MAPS87.000 2560 17/10-88 fuer DS
MAPS87.001 27392 17/10-88 fuer DS
MAPS87.002 6144 17/10-88 fuer DS
MAPS87.003 7424 17/10-88 fuer DS
MAPS87.CHN 28984 17/10-88 fuer DS
MAPSLOW.000 2560 17/10-88 fuer DSS
MAPSLOW.001 27136 17/10-88 fuer DSS
MAPSLOW.002 6144 17/10-88 fuer DSS
MAPSLOW.003 7424 17/10-88 fuer DSS
MAPSLOW.CHN 29056 17/10-88 fuer DSS
MENU87.CHN 1600 17/10-88 fuer DS
MENUSLOW.CHN 1664 17/10-88 fuer dss
NUMNAMES.DAT 37836 17/10-88 Daten fuer DS + DSS
PLANETS.BAT 128 17/10-88 DS/DSS Batchdatei fuer Planeten
PLS.CHN 18563 17/10-88 fuer DS + DSS
README.BAT 128 17/10-88 druckt Dukumentation
README.DOC 25984 17/10-88 ds/DSS Dokumentation
STOPPUHR.PRG 9344 14/10-88 Stoppuhr

¦ File Area #05 ¦ Allgemeine Texte und Informationen ¦

FILES.BBS 3508 19/10-88 This file as of Wednesday October 19, 1988
05070430.LST 0 19/10-88 [2]Alle donloadbaren Files der C.A.C.-BOX
BHP3.ARC 17280 02/10-88 [1]B.H.P. # 3 ! Was -
File area 15 AMIGA Utilities
- This file last updated on Saturday October 22, 1988 at 1:27 PM
FILES.BBS This file as of Saturday October 22, 1988
ARC [2]Archivierungsprogramm der
CLOCK Uhr im Menue
DMON [1]DMON is a diskmonitor 4 the amiga
FHANDLER Wird von Funckey gebraucht
FLAMKEY Sehr nuetzliches Utility. Gut gegen
FLAMKEY.DOC Erklaert Flamkey. Mit Type-Befehl
FUNCKEY Belegt die Funktionstasten deines
FUNCKEY.DOC Erklaert Funckey. Mit Type-Befehl
INTWIN2 Ein Progbeispiel fuer ein
LED powerled/on.off cli-befehl
RAMSPEED Beschleunigt die Ram Disk
RAMSPEED.C Wird benoetigt von RamSpeed
RESETMEM schaltet Speichererw. b. Addr.C0000
TRANSWP.ARC [2]Textkonvertierer zw. Amiga, Atari
VCHECK.DOC [1]Doc zu VCheck1.2
VCHECK1.2 [1]Sucht nach Viren. Was sonst ?
VT100 [3]VT100 - Emulation
VT100.INI [5]Parameterdatei, wird von vt100
ZOO Noetig fuer ZOOBINK.ZOO (Aehnlich ARC)
- Total of 19 files in file area number 15

RHETORIK.BLK ("f83 rhetorik.blk" - "1 load" - "go")
RTXWORDS.ARC So wird Forth in RTX-Code uebersetzt
SHOWSTAK.ARC zeigt Stack dauernd an (UR/Forth)
STD83.ARC [2]Forth-83 Standard: komplett
- Total of 16 files in file area number 12
14/08-88 10:38:54 80
[ 9] FILEMAN.BBS 24/09-88 09:25:40 933
[10] FILEMAN.BBS 14/08-88 10:38:26 931
[10] FILEMAN.EXC 14/08-88 10:38:54 80
[11] FILEMAN.BBS 14/08-88 10:38:26 931
[11] FILEMAN.EXC 14/08-88 10:38:54 80
DATEX.ARC Parameter etc von Datex-P
FIDO.ARC [1]Bechreibung des Fido-Netzes und der
FILES.ARC [3]Alle Files der C.A.C.-BOX gearct
FSC-0000.ARC [1]Fido-Protokoll, Uebersicht
FSC-0001.ARC [1]FidoNet Technical Standard
FSC-0002.ARC [1]Distribution Nodelist explained
FSC-0003.ARC [1]FidoNet Route Files explained
FSC-0004.ARC [1]Randy Bush: Zones
FSC-0005.ARC [1]Opus Matrix Passwords
FSC-0006.ARC [1]YOOHOO Matrix Handshake
FSC-0007.ARC [1]FidoNet RFC822-Style Message Format
FSC-0008.ARC [1]- File area 15 AMIGA Utilities
- This file last updated on Sunday October 23, 1988 at 5:34 AM
FILES.BBS This file as of Sunday October 23, 1988
ARC [2]Archivierungsprogramm der
CLOCK Uhr im Menue
DMON [1]DMON is a diskmonitor 4 the amiga
FHANDLER Wird von Funckey gebraucht
FLAMKEY Sehr nuetzliches Utility. Gut gegen
FLAMKEY.DOC Erklaert Flamkey. Mit Type-Befehl
FUNCKEY Belegt die Funktionstasten deines
FUNCKEY.DOC Erklaert Funckey. Mit Type-Befehl
INTWIN2 Ein Progbeispiel fuer ein
LED powerled/on.off cli-befehl
RAMSPEED Beschleunigt die Ram Disk
RAMSPEED.C Wird benoetigt von RamSpeed
RESETMEM schaltet Speichererw. b. Addr.C0000
TRANSWP.ARC [2]Textkonvertierer zw. Amiga, Atari
VCHECK.DOC [1]Doc zu VCheck1.2
VCHECK1.2 [1]Sucht nach Viren. Was sonst ?
VT100 [3]VT100 - Emulation
VT100.INI [5]Parameterdatei, wird von vt100
ZOO Noetig fuer ZOOBINK.ZOO (Aehnlich ARC)
- Total of 19 files in file area number 15
LT routine that lets you screen melt !!!
YACHTC Wuerfelspiel
- Total of 11 files in file area number 16
SPRMAKER.ARC Utility zum Erstellen von Sprites
ZOO200.ARC Sehr guter ARCer
- Total of 23 files in file area number 13
YACHTC Wuerfelspiel
- Total of 11 files in file area number 16
len von Sprites
ZOO200.ARC Sehr guter ARCer
- Total of 23 files in file area number 13
r 11
DSM206.ARC Dosmatic, Benutzeroberflche
WIN.ARC Nur interesant fuer schneider-window.use
- Total of 13 files in file area number 6
FILEMAN.BBSenstliche Intelligenz, Deutsch!!!!
Z80EMUL.ARC [1]Emulator fuer CP/M auf MSDOS
ZINS.ARC Versch. Arten der Zins u. Darlehen.
- Total of 83 files in file area number 4
er PC faengt zu Labern an
TPHILF.ARC Residentes Hilfsprogramm fuer Turbo Pascal
TSR21.ARC [1]Verwaltet residente programme
UNPROT.ARC Kopierschutzentfernen bei 100 prog.
VISIBLE.ARC Tools fuer Turbo Pascal
XLISPEXE.ARC [1]Objekt-orientierte Sprache
XPRO.ARC [1]Kuerminalprogramm
ULTRA3.ARC Sucht nach Tel.nummern mit Rechneranschluss
UUPC.ARC [1]UUCP-Mailer fuer PC's C-Source!
WATCHCD.ARC Wenn kein Carrier,wird BOOT.COM aufgerufen
WEAKLINK.ARC Uebertraegt mit 115200 Baud zwischen 2 Rechnern
ZCOMMEXE.ARC Wohl das beste Terminalprogramm
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Interaktives Lernprogramm zu ZComm
ZSOURC.ARC ZModem - Sourcecode
- Total of 38 files in file area number 7
it D-Paint gemacht.
MELT Bildschirm schmilzt
NETZGRAF Grafik Programm
PORSCHE [1]Bilder im IFF-Format. Mit D-Paint gemacht.
ROBOGOLD Bilder im IFF-Format. Mit D-Paint gemacht.
SABREJET [3]Bilder im IFF-Format. Mit D-Paint gemacht.
TREE zeichnet einen rekursiven Baum
- Total of 13 files in file area number 17
PHOENIX PAT schmilzt
NETZGRAF Grafik Programm
PORSCHE [1]Bilder im IFF-Format. Mit D-Paint gemacht.
ROBOGOLD Bilder im IFF-Format. Mit D-Paint gemacht.
SABREJET [3]Bilder im IFF-Format. Mit D-Paint gemacht.
TREE zeichnet einen rekursiven Baum
- Total of 13 files in file area number 17
er mit Text
POPCALC.ARC 12423 09/04-88 Netter residenter Taschenrechner
PRINT.ARC 10732 09/04-88 Druckerspooler
PRNBUFFR.ARC 15360 30/06-88 [1]Druckerpuffer, sehr gut!
PRTSWAP.ARC 532 09/04-88 Zeigt den Inhalt der Portadressen
PUSH-POP.ARC 4224 04/05-88 Schreibt Inhalt des Bildsch. in Datei
QK.ARC 404 09/04-88 Macht den Cursor schneller
QT.ARC 512 03/04-88 [1]Eine andere Art der Zeitansage, nett!
QUICK.ARC 3924 09/04-88 Beschleunigt Bildschirmausgabe
RAM.ARC 529 09/04-88 Zeigt freien Arbeitsspeicher an
RAMCLEAR.ARC 443 09/04-88 Loescht RAM
RAMTEST.ARC 44673 01/07-88 [1]Testet das RAM
RAW.ARC 955 09/04-88 Beschleunigt den Bildschirm
REQ.ARC 3154 09/04-88 nur fuer AT's
RESET.ARC 51 09/04-88 fuehrt Softwarereset aus
RESTOOLS.ARC 2048 24/05-88 Sammlung residenter Tools
SCROLLK.ARC 522 07/05-88 Belegt die Scroll-Lock-Taste
SEARCH.ARC 2731 09/04-88 Komf
ZCOMMHLP.ARC Helpfile zu Zcomm
- Total of 71 files in file area number 5
ith time, (the technology becomes passe) at a rate of 1% per day
(48 time units). Therefore if a country has 5 technology centers
each of which is able to produce 40 units of production a day the
total daily production of technological breakthroughs will be 200
/ 25 ( = 8) and the technology level of the country will approach
800, where the 1% daily loss exactly equals the daily gain of 8.

The technological level affects the range that guns can fire, the
range over which radar is effective, the range that planes can
fly and the range that torpedoes can travel. The "nation"
command will display, among other things, your current technology

See also : innards research nation

Concept : PLAGUE

Plague is used in Empire to symbolize all forms of communicable
disease and is the only health hazard associated with the Empire
game. The characteristics of plague are, therefore, an
unavoidable compromise of disease features (or "bugs").

The Empire Plague takes between 96 and 189 time periods to run
its course in a particular sector (i.e. 2 to 3.9 days) and in so
doing goes through three stages:

Stage I -- The gestatory phase in which no symptoms appear.

Stage II -- The infectious phase in which the symptoms first
appear; blue and orange blotches on the face and hands,
sometimes accompanied by grey stripes on the genitalia,
itching of the heart and liver, an uncontrollable fear of ripe
tomatoes, etc. During this phase the plague is extremely
communicable, a simple delivery of ore from an infectious
sector is certain to infect the destination sector.

Stage II -- The terminal phase in which almost everybody dies,
usually in the act of fleeing from real or imagined tomatoes.

All three phases are of roughly equal duration (about 48 time
periods or 1 day).

Plague usually arises in countries with high technological
development and comparatively little medical research and
specifically in sectors with high population and low efficiency.
Dr. M. Welby in his pioneering work "Demographic considerations
and the Empire Plague" wrote:

It appeared that our original hypothesis based
on the high percentage of Lumbagan Legionnaires
among the afflicted had led us down a blind
alley and that if we were to solve this complex
puzzle before the end of the series in the
spring [probably a reference to the series of
tests leading to the mysterious Neilson Rating]
we would have to turn to other disciplines for
help. It was only by the merest lucky
coincidence that as I drove home one evening
... [here he relates an amusing anecdote about
a Girl Scout and a film director] ... leading
us to the following amazing formulation of the
relationship between medical research,
technology, population, standard of living and
the Empire Plague.

likelihood (civ + mil) (t_level + ore + 100)
of = ----------- * -------------------------------
plague 254 (r_level + effic + mobil + 100)

Later formulations of this relationship show great similarity to
his statement (see info "innards").

Fortunately the plague is not infectious during the gestatory
stage so that the most effective method for curing plague has
been to isolate it by emptying adjoining sectors during the
gestation period.

See also : innards sector-types technology research

Concept : INNARDS
Sector Updates

Several characteristics of the empire game are dependent on
sector updates -- mobility, efficiency, mining of ore, generation
of production units, etc. An understanding of the calculations
involved is often necessary in planning the timing of various
actions. This info topic is included to help explain how this
(complex) task is carried out, and although it is unlikely that
it is strictly up to date, it should provide a feel for the
overall philosophy.

All commodities in a sector are kept as integers, some as 16 bits
but most in 8 bits (i.e. values range from -128 to 127). Because
of this an update that gives a population growth of .9 civilians
becomes a growth of 0. On the other hand, an update that
produces 150 units of ore in a sector can at most add 127 units
of ore.

Here is an approximate description of the algorithm that is
called whenever a sector is accessed:

Variables used are:
curup = the present time (in half hours)
lstup = the time of the last update for the sector
dt = curup - lstup, elapsed time since last update
civ, mil = civilians & military for the sector
desig, effic = designation & efficiency for the sector
miner, gmin = regular & gold mineral content of the sector
t_level, r_level = technology & research level of the country
p_stage, p_time = plague stage & plague stage duration
workforce = an intermediate variable that represents work potential
iwork = the amount of work done in the sector

If lstup == 0 (i.e. never been updated) go away and don't update anything
workforce = (civ + mil / 5) / 100
If workforce = 0 go away and don't update anything
dt = curup - lstup
If dt > 256 then set it to 256
iwork = dt * workforce
If t < 1 and we weren't told to ignore time,
go away and don't update anything
A few other strange considerations enter here, e.g. if the sector
does not belong to the current player and iwork is less than 48
then don't update, etc
Check the weather, if it's bad enough do some damage to the sector

If the weather is good enough for construction then
effic becomes effic + t (if possible) and costs $1 for each
percentage point gained.
Set q equal to dt * civ
If desig is urban then
set q = min(127, civ + min(q/100, ore)) - civ
set civ = civ + 10 * q
set ore = ore - q
Else if desig is bridge span
set civ = civ - q / 400
Else If civ > 31 and civ < 97
set civ = min(127, civ + q / 200)
set civ = min(127, civ + q / 400)

Add dt to mobil (to a max of 127)
Add dt to lstup

Pay for military supplies and amount equal to
((mil / 32) * dt) / 8 dollars

Check for plague conditions:
If p_stage = "third" kill off a bunch of people,
alert the owner and the news and decrement p_time by dt.
If p_time <= 0 set p_stage = zero
(the plague has burned itself out).
If p_stage = "second" report
to the owner and the news and decrement p_time by dt.
If p_time <= 0 set p_stage = "third"
and randomly reset p_time in the range of 32 to 64.
If p_stage = "first" decrement p_time by dt.
If p_time <= 0 set p_stage = "second"
and randomly reset p_time in the range of 32 to 64.
If p_stage = zero and a random number in the range 0-99
is less than the following figure:
(civ + mil) (t_level + ore + 100)
----------- * -------------------------------
254 (r_level + effic + mobil + 100)
then set p_stage = "first" and set p_time to a random number
of half hours between 32 and 64.

If anything is being delivered from this sector and there is
more of it than the delivery threshold deliver as much of
the excess as mobility allows. If plague_stage is "second"
(the infectious stage) set plague_stage and plague_time in
the delivered sector.

If effic is less than 60 or the current player is broke skip
the rest.

If desig is bank then accrue dt * $.125 interest per gold
If desig is capital, radar, or wethr pay dt * $1 for
If desig is technology or research then pay dt * $1 for
utilities, convert units of production into tecnological
or medical advances, and then turn up to effic * iwork /
100 units of ore into production units
If desig is defense plant, shell industry or airport then
convert units of production into guns, shells or planes
then turn up to effic * iwork / 100 units of ore into
production units If production is being sold (contract)
collect money for it
If desig is harbor or bridge head then turn up to effic *
iwork / 100 units of ore into production units If
production is being sold (contract) collect money for it
If desig is goldmine then turn production units into gold
bars, turn up to effic * iwork / 100 units of ore into
production units If production is being sold (contract)
collect money for it Dig up gmin * iwork / 100 units of
ore decrement gmin by gmin * iwork / 200
If desig is mine then dig up miner * effic * iwork / 10000
units of ore If ore is being sold (contract) collect
money for it

Note that the work done in a sector (ore dug up, efficiency
growth, population growth, production units generated, etc)
is dependent on the product of time since last update and
work force (iwork above) while the accumulation of mobility
is independent of work force.

Concept : INNARDS

Also note that civilian populations between 32 and 96 grow
at twice the rate of those lower or higher.

Finally, note that if the population of a sector is very low
it may take a long time before t is greater than 1 so the
sector may not be updated for quite a while.

Ship Updates

Ships are also updated only when accessed however the
mechanism is much simpler. The only characteristics that
are changed by ship updates are the mobility units and the
efficiency (if less than 100%).

The algorithm here is:
t = curup - lstup
if t < 3 don't update anything
add t to mobility (with a maximum of 127)
add t to efficiency (with a maximum of 100)
Note that since an Empire Time Unit is half an hour, ships
will only be updated every one and a half hours.

Bureaucratic Time Units

There is one further update that is not handled in the
sector update routine; that is the update of bureaucratic
time units (B.T.U.). These are the numbers printed in
brackets before the command prompt. Most commands given use
B.T.U.s, some use 1/2, some use 1 and some use more, making
B.T.U.s a vital commodity. The generation of B.T.U.s is
dependent on the efficiency and the work force in the
capital sector. Note that no capital implies no B.T.U.s.

The relationship governing the accumulation of B.T.U.s is:
B.T.U. = B.T.U. + (curup-lstup) * civil * effic / 50
Therefore, a 100% capital with 100 civilians gains 96 B.T.U.
a day, while a 30% capital with 38 civilians only gains 11
(10.94) B.T.U. a day.

Command : ACCEPT

The accept command allows you to sign or decline a loan offered
by another country. If you accept the money is immediately
credited to your account.

Warning : The terms of the loan are printed out... take note of
the due date; if you do not pay by then the interest will double
and you are subject to "collection".

To accept (or decline) a loan type:
[##:##] Command: accept (loan)
where (loan) is the loan number.

The command will list the conditions of the loan then ask
"accept/decline/postpone". The meaning is obvious. Loan offers
are withdrawn if not accepted within a number of days equal to
the proposed loan's duration.

See also: Financial [status], Ledger, Lend, Collect

Command : ASSAULT

The assault command allows your marines to "hit the beaches". To
run this command type:
[##:##] Command: assault 32,54
if sector 32,54 is to be assaulted. The program will ask which
ship is doing the assaulting and how many brave troops to
disembark... These suckers face the problem of reaching the
beach, i.e. they are less effective than any land troops they
encounter. Both capitals and forts fight twice as hard as other
sectors against sea assaults.

See also: Attack, Board

Command : ATTACK

The attack command is used to conquer sectors owned by other
countries. It should not be used to take over unoccupied sectors
("move" can do that).

To attack a sector type:
[##:##] Command: attack 12,-7
This will initiate the attack sequence against sector 12,-7
(note: you may only attack one sector at a time). You will be
informed of the sector's status, e.g.
Sector 34,45 is a 15% fortress with 40 military or so.

At this point you will be asked how many military you wish to
dedicate from each sector of yours that adjoins the victim's
sector; (thus you could attack with up to 508 military).

Troops from each type of sector normally fight with equal
stamina, however troops in fortresses fight especially hard, as
do troops defending a capital. Defending forts at 100%
efficiency give their troops a 4-to-1 advantage over ordinary
troops and 100% efficient capitals give their troops a 2-to-1
advantage over ordinary attacking troops. Attacking forts give a
2-to-1 advantage over other types. Of course this effect is
degraded by lower efficiency.

Before considering an attack one should weigh the possibilities
of that sector being defended by a gun! (see "info defend") It
need not be a fort; however attacking forts can be doubly deadly;
for if the fort has a gun and is defended by another fort, both
will fire at your troops with devastating effect. In your favor
is the fact that the defending gun can only be fired from a fort
and that fort must be within range of you.

The next big question - cost?? Attacking costs you in three
B.T.U. cost
(the cost of flying desks) = # of total troops killed * .15

Mobility cost
(for gasoline & k-rations) depends on terrain:

Mobility Cost (Per Military) in Attacks
type of sector being attacked
attacking from (+) (?) (-) (^)
(+) Highway .125 .208 .291 21.3
(?) others .167 .250 .333 21.3
(-) Wasteland .208 .291 .375 21.4
(^) Mountain 10.7 10.8 10.9 31.9

and finally
Ill-will cost (distrust from peaceniks) = ???

The battle will rage until someone is wiped out (the victim
fights with all of his troops). Each time a soldier is killed a
character is typed; "!" if a defending soldier, "@" if an
attacking one and "*" if an entire attacking sector is lost. If
you lose, tough! However, if you win, your attacking forces that
survive will move into the victim's sector. When planning an
attack remember that overwhelming forces greatly increases your
odds; i.e. attacking 10 men with 40 will result in your losing
fewer troops than if you had attacked with 20.

A few notes:
The deity (country 0) is pacifistic and unlikely to help
attackers (except in response to a large offering on sunday).

Finally, before initiating an attack you should consider whether
the real answer to your problem might be diplomacy, (you heavy-
handed clod!)

See also: Assault, Prayers, Telegram, Move, Fire, Defend

Command : BOARD

The board command enables two ships' crews to engage in hand-to-
hand combat. To board a ship type
[##:##] Command: board (ship)
where (ship) is the ship number you wish to attack. The program
will ask from which ship you wish to board. You may only board
from one ship at a time... One more problem --- you can not
board a freighter while it is in a fleet and protected by
gunships... Take note that the boarders are at a disadvantage
while swinging across to the other ship. Weather can prevent
boarding when the sea is too rough...

Command : BUILD

The build command is used to specify the types of ships to be
built in your harbors and the directions in which bridge spans
are to be built from bridge head sectors. Its general form is:
[##:##] Command: build (sects)
Given sufficient labor force, time and ore each harbor or bridge
head will accumulate up to 127 production units which can be used
to build ships or bridge spans.


If you type:
[##:##] Command: build -4:2,3:16 ?des=h
You build in any harbor sectors within the -4:2,3:16 area. The
program responds:

37 production units in harbor at -3,14 kind of ship?

You now have your choice as to what kind of ship to build
assuming you have sufficient production units and money.

Your choices are :
Ship type Production Money
pt boat 30 270
minesweeper 50 450
destroyer 60 540
submarine 70 630
freighter 80 720
tender 100 900
battleship 127 1016
carrier 127 1016

Only the first letter is required to indicate your choice.

If the optional argument is used the program will try to
build the specified ship type in all harbors in the given area
and will not ask you to specify ship type for each harbor.

Note that ships first appear at 50% efficiency. As time passes
they grow to 100% efficiency.


If you type
[##:##] Command: build 2,2
and 2,2 is a bridge head, (#), the program will respond:
Bridge head at 2,2; build span in what direction? (udlr) d
Bridge span built over 2,3

Note that bridge spans require 127 production units in the bridge
head and cost about $2000 each to build.

If the optional argument is used the program will try
to build a span in the specified direction from all bridge heads
in the given area that have the necessary 127 production units.

Command : BYE

The bye command is how you go bye-bye. The general form is:
[##:##] Command: bye
This command costs zero BTUs. Use it often.

If, for some obscure reason, you would like to end an Empire
session but prefer not to use the "bye" command you may achieve
the same result by typing either the quit character, (^\), or the
EOT character, (^D).

See also: shell

Command : CENSUS

The census command allows you to see specific information on some
or all of the sectors you occupy. The general form of the
command is:
[##:##] Command: census (sects)
where (sects) is the area on which you wish information (see
"info syntax").

A typical usage might be:
[##:##] Command: census -3:3,-3:3
which would list data for the area extending three sectors out
from the capital in each direction; or
[##:##] Command: census 0:9,0:9 ?des=m
which would list data for mines to the south-east of the capital.

A census lists each of your sectors in that area followed by:

cmsgpob des eff min gold mob civ mil sh gun pl ore bar prod

These abbreviations are:

* indicates a checkpointed sector (see "info checkpoint")
cmsgpob Seven delivery columns corresponding to: civilians,
military, shells, guns, planes, ore, and bars of gold.
$ indicates a sector whose produce is being sold to The
Deity (see "info contract")
0-7 indicate delivery to an adjacent sector: 0 is for north,
1 is for north-east, 2 for east, 3 for south-east, etc.
% indicates a sector that is being defended (see "info

des the sector designation, (see "info sector-types")

eff the efficiency of the sector (affects all benefits of a
designated sector except mobility units)

min the percentage richness of non-gold minerals (not used
up, i.e. a renewable resource)

gold the amount of gold ore (in absolute tons, i.e. non-

mob the number of mobility units, (see "move")

civ the number of civilians

mil the number of military troops

sh the number of shells in storage

gun the number of guns in storage

pl the number of planes present

ore the number of units of ore

bar the number of gold bars

prod the number of production units, (an intermediate
commodity between ore and products, usually ignored
except in harbors and bridge heads; see "info build").

Command : CENSUS

Final example:
[##:##] Command: cens -9:9,-9:9 ?des=f&mil<25&mob>20
will list all forts in the surrounding area that have fewer than
25 military and more than 20 mobility units.


This simple command enables you to rename your country or your
representative or to change the computer account ("user")
associated with your country.

You will first be asked for your current (not new!)
representative's name (just to make sure you are legit).
[##:##] Command: change country name
I.D. check: Your name? (here you type 'goofball' or whatever)
New name -- Mountainia
This will change the name of your country to "Mountainia".
Similarly, to change your representative's name:
[##:##] Command: change representative
I.D. check: Your name? (goofball again)
New name -- quasimodo
Your representative's name will now be "quasimodo", (note that
although the name you typed for "I.D. check" didn't print out,
the new name you typed did print out, in case of a typing error.
As a consequence, you won't want to do this while your arch-enemy
is watching.)

[##:##] Command: change user
I.D. check: Your name? (quasimodo)
Currently only kissinger can use this country.
You may reset it to only you (kissinger) or to anyone.
Which? (answer "me" or "any") any
This will allow anyone who knows your representative's name to
log in in to your country. This would be handy if several people
were running one country as a "team" (polite word for
"committee"). Similarly, to reestablish the check on user
[##:##] Command: change user
I.D. check: Your name? (quasimodo)
Currently anyone can use this country.
You may reset it to only you (kissinger) or to anyone.
Which? (answer "me" or "any") me
This will disallow anyone but you to log in to mountainia. The
switch to "any" and then back to "me" could also be used to
transfer control of a country from one user to another.

See also : country-roster


The checkpoint command allows you to grant access privileges to
another country. Anyone knowing the checkpoint code can pass thru
the sector and/or remove anything residing in the sector.

To run this command type:
[##:##] Command: checkpoint 0:3,-2:4
The program will ask for your representative name to prevent
others from changing your codes.

It will then request the code for each sector. The code can be
any number between -128 and 127 (inclusive) but if it is 0 the
checkpoint is removed...

Census will indicate checkpoints with a * in the "code" column.

Note that whereas most sectors are closed to general access
unless they are checkpointed (and then open only to people who
know the code), highway sectors are normally open to access from
everyone (i.e. anyone can move people in and, more importantly,
out) unless they are checkpointed.

See also : census, move

Command : COLLECT

The collect command is the loan-shark's delight! Through the
collect command overdue loans can be "cleared up". If you should
find that you have a problem debtor who refuses to pay up on your
kind loan you can always seize one or more of his/her sectors.
Perhaps the mere threat of a collection on someone's capital may
do the trick! To settle up accounts on overdue loan #9 you would
[##:##] Command: collect 9
The program would then ask which sector you would like to claim
as just and rightful compensation for the outstanding debt.

What sector do you wish to confiscate?

To which you reply with the coordinates of a sector owned by your
debtor to which you are adjacent. The program then paws over the
sector and assesses its value:

That sector (and its contents) is valued at $2345.00

If the amount you are owed exceeds this amount the sector becomes
yours! If the value of the sector is close to the amount you are
owed the debt is considered to be repaid.

See also : Lend, Ledger, Accept

Command : CONTRACT

The contract command allows you to sell the output of a
particular industry directly to the outside world (via The Deity,
country 0). For instance, to sell the production units generated
in a shell industry located at -3,3 type:
[##:##] Command: contract -3,3
and the program will reply with something like:
The Deity offers $3.15 per unit of production in -3,3 do you accept?
At which point you can take it or leave it (answer "yes" or
"no"). If you already have a contract for the given sector a
"yes" answer will reset the sale price to the current offer (the
prices offered vary slightly with time) and a "no" answer will
end the contract.

The presence of a contracted sale in a sector is indicated by a
dollar sign, ("{{ APP_CONTENT }}quot;) in the census.

See also : census


The country roster command allows you to determine the number,
names and various other information about countries currently in
the game. The general form is:
[##:##] Command: country
The country roster will also contain the time that each country
last logged out of the game (or the terminal they are on if
currently logged in), the number of Bureaucratic Time Units
(B.T.U.s) remaining and each nation's status.

For example:
[123] Command : country
Wed Feb 2 18:06:51 1984
# last access time slots status country name
0 Tue Feb 1 18:14 [127] 0 0 DEITY GOD HIMSELF
1 [127] 15 20 Active Amerika
2 Fri Jan 28 18:15 [73] 12 18 Active Bongo - Bongo
3 Tue Feb 1 18:40 [81] 16 19 Active California
4 Mon Jan 31 21:04 [54] 16 21 Active Dog Dish
5 Fri Jan 28 20:00 [106] 17 20 Active East Eden
6 Tue Feb 1 12:15 [0] 16 18 Active Frodo
7 Wed Feb 2 15:51 [127] 16 22 Active Greenland

See Also : power

Command : DECLARE

The declare command allows you to make official your diplomatic
relations with other countries. The general form is:
[##:##] Command: declare (position) (cno/cname)
Position may be "alliance", "neutrality", or "war"; (cno/cname)
is either the name or number of the other country in question.

Your official realtions with other countries affect various
aspects of the game; for instance, if a country with whom you are
at war spies on one of your sectors and you catch the spy he/she
will be shot, if however, you had been neutral to the spy's
country she/he would merely have been deported. (If the spy was
from an allied country he/she would never be caught in the first
place.) See also : nation, spy

Command : DEFEND

The defend command allows forts to defend other sectors from
attack. The defending fort will fire upon any attacking forces.
To run type:
[##:##] Command: defend (sects)
The program will ask from which fort this area is to be defended,
(note that forts can only protect as far as they can fire). The
census report indicates sectors that are being defended with a
percent sign ("%").

If you wish to find out which fort(s) are defending a particular
area use the following form of the defend command:
[##:##] Command: defend (sects) %
The presence of the percent sign ("%") causes the program to run
an I.D. check on you and then display the protecting fort
location for each sector in the area given.

See also : census

Command : DELIVER

The deliver command is used to specify to which sector the
various commodities in a sector will be delivered at each update.

The general form is:
[##:##] Command: deliver (item) (sects)
where (sects) is the sector or sectors from which the deliveries
are made, (item) is one of the following:
c civilians
m military
s shells
g guns
p planes (believe it or not)
o ore (not gold ore, though)
b bars of gold
and can be one of three optional arguments.

A numeric argument in parentheses, "(thresh)", specifies a
minimum amount to be left in each delivering sector.

For example, "(64)" specifies that only the amount in excess of
64 can be delivered. This is particularly handy in cases where
you wish to maintain some stock in a given sector but pass along
any extra to an adjoining sector.

A numeric argument preceded by a plus sign, "+thresh", specifies
that all thresholds in the specified area should be set to the
thresh value and no delivery destinations should be changed.

A thresh argument of "-" requests a list of deliveries and
thresholds for all sectors in the specified area and changes
nothing. This is the only way to examine the delivery

Except in the "+thresh" and "-" cases described above, the
program asks the destination for each sector's delivery of the
designated item.

The destination must be specified as the x,y of one of the eight
surrounding sectors or just a carriege return, (in which case the
delivery will not be changed in that sector).

You may also specify a threshold at this time which will override
any threshold specified by the command arguments by following the
destination with a number in parentheses.

The census report will indicate deliveries by the numbers 0 - 7
in the "codes" column. 0 indicates a delivery to the north, 1 to
the northeast, 2 to the east, etc.

If, when accessing the sector has caused an update to be
performed, and the destination sector is not owned by you the
message "delivery walkout between x,y & x,y" will be printed and
none will be delivered UNLESS the destination sector is
checkpointed in which case delivery will proceed normally. This
facilitates exchange of goods between adjoining countries.

Delivery routes may also be mapped out with the "route" command.

See also : census, route, innards, syntax


In Empire all sectors (land) have a "designation". The
"designation" represents the principal industry or activity
taking place in that area. When a sector is designated a harbor,
for example, the civilians in the sector start building
shipyards and docks (with a little help from any military
present). At first the sector's efficiency will drop to 0%,
indicating that no harbor facilities are available. As work
progresses the efficiency will climb toward a maximum of 100%.

The general form of the designate command is:
[##:##] Command: designate (sects)
The program will ask for each sector specified what you want the
new sector designation to be. However, if you wish to designate
one or several sectors to be one particular thing and don't want
to be asked on them you can type:
[##:##] Command: designate (sects) designation
For example:
[##:##] Command: designate -3:3,-3:3 ?des=- +
This will designate all wildernesses (that you own) within three
sectors of your capital to be roads.

One special note on designating capitals. You can have more than
one sector designated as a capital, however the most recently
designated one is your 'real' capital. It is this capital that
is used for the computation of your B.T.U.'s and for that reason
it is also the one your enemy will try to capture during a war.

See also : sector-types

Command : DISSOLVE

The dissolve command is the coward's way out of Empire. It does
several things: it gives all your sectors back to The Deity, pays
off any debts that it can, voids any treaties in which you were
involved, and allows your ships to decide their own fate. Some
ships riot, some go up for sale, and some are scuttled.

Using the dissolve command is simplicity itself:
[##:##] Command: dissolve
You will be asked your name (to make sure you have the authority
to do it) and then it's curtains...

See also : Prayers

Command : ENLIST

The enlist command invokes a draft in the sectors given. To run
this command type:
[##:##] Command: enlist (sects)
The command will ask you how many troops you wish to call up. It
will then list each sector where troops answer the call and the
number who showed up. Note that only 50% of the civilians in a
sector can be called upon at any one time and that no one in an
urban area is willing to be drafted. In addition the military
become unix irreversibly (no population growth) and lazy workers.

Command : EXECUTE

The execute command lets you run command files in empire. Its
general form is:
[##:##] Command: execute file
where "file" is the name of the file containing (empire)
commands. For instance, if you had a file called "empdaily"
which looked like:

update >grunch
news >>grunch
map # >>grunch
census # >>grunch
ship >>grunch

and then you logged in to Empire and said:
[##:##] Command: execute empdaily
the program would perform an update, read the news, make a map,
output a census, list the status of each of your ships into the
file "grunch" and then prompt you for further commands.

Beware however, if your file says "bye" you will be logged off!

Command : FIRE

The fire command is used to shoot up land sectors or ships. The
general form for shooting at land is:
[##:##] Command: fire (sect)
Where (sect) is the sector AT which you are shooting, (NOT the
sector FROM which you are shooting).

The general form for firing at ships is:
[##:##] Command: fire (ship)
Again, (ship) is the victim ship number.

The program will then ask for the sector or ship FROM which you
are firing.

The only sector that may fire is a fortress which must have at
least 5 military for a firing crew, at least 1 shell to fire, and
a gun big enough to reach the victim location; range is equal to
the "number" of guns (with a maximum of 7) times the technology
factor (which has a maximum of 1. see "info technology").

Any ship other than a freighter may fire as long as it has at
least one gun, at least one shell, and has at least 60%
efficiency. If the ship can fire more than one gun the program
will ask how many you wish to fire. See info "ship-types" for
gun ranges.

The program then prints a satisfying "Kaboom!!!" and, assuming
you were in range, inflicts damage.

The damages inflicted vary with efficiency of the attacker, the
size of the guns (battleship guns are four times as big as pt
boat guns), the number of guns fired, etc.

A table of approximate damages looks like:
From To Range of dmages
land land 11% .. 16%
land sea 14% .. 49%
pt * land 7%
pt * sea 9% .. 28%
bat ** land 25%
bat ** sea 30% .. 64%
* pt here is the example of the wimpiest sea gun while
** bat means a battleship firing four guns at once.

An illustrative example of shelling land:
[##:##] Command: fir 34,18
Firing on sector 34,18 from 35,18
Meanwhile, the owner of sector 35,18 might be logged on and would
perhaps see the following:

Command : FIRE

[##:##] Command: cen 34,18
Sat Jul 30 16:18:01 1984
sect sgpob des eff min gold mob civ mil sh gun pl ore bar prod
34,18 4..10% i 100% 17 23 127 127 107 127 0 0 0 0 101
1 sector
You have a telegram waiting ...
[##:##] Command: read
BULLETIN! dated Sat Jul 30 16:18:26 1984
Country #19 shelled 34,18
Shall I burn it? y
[##:##] Command: cen 34,18
Sat Jul 30 16:19:26 1984
sect sgpob des eff min gold mob civ mil sh gun pl ore bar prod
34,18 4..10% i 87% 17 23 110 110 94 111 0 0 0 0 88
1 sector
Note that the shell did about 13% damage in the sector.

If the sector fired on is a fort with guns and shells it will
fire back with approximately the same damages (assuming it has
the range). If a ship fired on has guns and shells it will fire
back AND any other ships of the same nationality that are in
range will also fire on you.

See also: attack, assault, torpedo, technology

Command : FLEETADD

The fleetadd command is used to specify the fleet groupings of
your ships. The general form is:
[##:##] Command: fleetadd (fleet) (ships/fleet)
where (fleet) is the alphabetic character to be used as the fleet
designation, upper or lower case a-z and `~'. The pseudo-fleet
specification `~' specifies all ships not currently in any fleet.

The specification of ships, (ships/fleet), can have one of several syntaxes:

ex meaning
-- -------
23 ship 23
2/14/23 ships 2, 14, and 23
c all ships currently in fleet `c'
~ all ships currently in the "null" fleet
2,3 all ships in sector 2,3
-1:3,0:2 all ships in the area bounded by -1 & 3 (EW) and 0 & 2 (NS)
All fleets, (with the exception of the `~' fleet), are limited to
some maximum size and you will be informed how many ships can be
added when this command is run.

Having ships organized into fleets can be very helpful in
loading, moving, etc. in that fewer commands are required to
perform these commands on groups of ships if they can be
specified by fleet number.

Note that you can remove ships from a fleet by adding them to the
`~' fleet. e.g.
[##:##] Command: fleetadd ~ A
This command would purge all ships from fleet `A'. See also :
load, lookout, navigate, radar, ship, unload

Command : FLY

The "fly" command is the "move" or "navigate" of the air. It
represents a complete mission for one or several planes taking
off from one place (and perhaps ending up in one place). The
general form of the command is:
[##:##] Command: fly (sect)
[##:##] Command: fly (ship)
Although planes can land on any kind of sector, (with varying
degrees of success), they can only take off from airfields and
aircraft carriers; thus (sect) must be the x,y of an airfield and
(ship) must be the ship number of an aircraft carrier.

The program requests information as to number of planes and bombs
on the mission and tells you how many of each is available to
you, (note that each plane requires 2 military as crew). And
then you're in the air.

Vital statistics such as fuel, (mobility), are displayed with the


which indicates 7.5 fuel units, 6 planes, 2 bombs (each), flying
over sector -6,4. The number of fuel units loaded in each plane
is the same and is calculated as:

fuel_available = sector_mobility * 4;
fuel_used = min(fuel_available, 32) (fuel tank size is 32)
fuel-units = technology_factor * fuel_used

If your planes are carrying no bombs, and the weather is not
stormy, they will be able to travel 1 sector, (orthogonally), per
fuel unit. If they are carrying bombs the per sector fuel cost
rises by 1 for each bomb rack required, (each bomb rack can hold
up to three bombs), and by .2 for each bomb, (although this is
often only a one-way cost). All the commands take the same
amount of fuel except the diagonal motions which take 1.414 times
as much.

The possible responses to the prompt and their meanings are:

u for up
d for down \l u /r
r for right
l for left \/
\l for up-left l -- -- r
/r for up-right /\
/l for down-left
\r for down-right /l d \r
b for drop a bomb from each plane
v for circle once and take a look down
e for land in the current sector or on a ship in this sector

The safest place to land is on a 100% efficient carrier or 100%
efficient airfield. If the airfield is less than 60% built your
chances of a safe landing are proportionately less than 100%.
Other sectors are also possible landing sites as in this table:

sector efficiency
designation 0% 50% 100%
----------- --- --- ----
airfield 0% 83% 100%
road 40% 57% 73%
other 50% 30% 10%

When flying over land owned by another country great care should
be taken to avoid flying over sectors that automatically shoot at
you (unless they are checkpointed and you know the code).
Fortresses, capitals and airfields all fire on "foreign" aircraft
(assuming they have the guns & shells). When this happens to you
the flak will appear on your terminal along with the dying groans
of your pilots, (kinda makes it hard to sleep at night).

Three final words of caution:
1) Always keep an eye on the fuel gauge
2) Be careful where you land.
3) Don't do anything that you shouldn't.

Command : FORECAST

The forecast command is used to predict the weather around a
weather station. It requires one civilian for each hour in the
future you wish to peruse. The range of the prediction depends on
its efficiency. Thus a 100% weather station can predict up to 7
sectors away. To run this command type:
[##:##] Command: forecast (sects)
The program will request the location of the weather station and
list the location of the high and low at the hour you requested
and then one hour later. Thus you can plot the motion of the
weather centers.. It will also give you a map of the area as it
will appear in that future hour...

See also : weather, map, sector-types

Command : GRANT

The grant command is a means of donating a sector to another
country. To run this command type:
[##:##] Command: grant 3,-11
The program will request the country number to whom you wish to
donate the sector.

There are a few restrictions on the use of this command:

You can not donate a capital or a sanctuary. You can only offer
a sector to an adjacent country, ie. the recipient country must
own a sector next to the sector being sacrificed... You must own
the sector you are donating.

See also : map, spy


The headlines command lets you read just the important, summary
part of the news without boring you with the confusing details.
[##:##] Command: headlines
If you include a number in the command it will print headlines
based on the news from that many previous days. See also : news

Command : INFO

The info command gives a brief description of a particular aspect
or command in the empire game. To get info on a specific topic
[##:##] Command: info (topic)
where (topic) is "move", "sector-types" or whatever.

The program will type out the date of the last modification to
that particular info topic and then print the first page. The
program will then wait for a before printing the second
page, and before the third, etc.

To get a list of available info topics type:
[##:##] Command: info
and a list will be given.

For example, to get information about the info command type:
[##:##] Command: info info
and this description will be typed out (again).

Command : LEDGER

The ledger command prints the information on all outstanding
loans in which you are involved. The general form is:
[##:##] Command: ledger
The loan number, loaner's name, loanee's name, principal,
interest rate, expiration date, amount due, etc. will be printed
for each loan.

See also : lend, finances, accept

Command : LEND

The lend command is used to offer loans to other countries. The
general form is:
[##:##] Command: lend (cno/cname)
where (cno/cname) is the number or name of the country to whom
you are offering the loan. The program then prompts with various
questions concerning the terms of the loan and sends a telegram
to (cno/cname) informing them of the loan offer.

See also : ledger, accept, collect, repay

Command : LIST

The list command gets you a list of commands with their
associated B.T.U. costs, (see "info time" for description of
B.T.U.s). This should not be confused with "info commands" which
generates a brief summary of each command.

The general form is:
[##:##] Command: list
[##:##] Command: command list

See also : Commands, Time

Command : LOAD

The load command enables the loading of ships. To run type:
[##:##] Command: load (ship) (percent)
where (ship) is the ship number. The ship must be in a harbor.
If the harbor is not yours but has been checkpointed you may
still load from it if you know the checkpoint code. The optional
percent argument indicates that you wish to load the the
specified percentage of the maximum amount possible of each
commodity. If you do not use the percent argument the program
will interactively ask you how many of each item to load.

The maximum each ship can hold is:
type civil milit guns shells ore gold planes
pt 0 10 1 10 0 0 0
sub 0 25 2 25 0 0 0
des 0 80 2 40 0 0 0
bat 0 127 4 127 0 0 0
fre 127 0 127 127 127 20 0
min 0 25 1 10 0 0 0
ten 0 100 30 127 0 0 0
car 0 60 2 40 0 0 127

See also : unload, checkpoint, navigate

Command : LOOKOUT

The lookout command allows ships to report sightings of other
ships and land sectors and allows coastal sectors to report
sightings of ships. The general form is:
[##:##] Command: lookout (ship/fleet/sect)
The various ranges over which lookout is effective break down
into three groups:
ship to ship
This range is dependent on both the visibility of the ship being
observed and the visual range of the observing ship. (see "info
ship-types") Destroyers seeing Submarines is a special case; if
the sub is out of "regular" visual range (i.e. not in the same
sector) but within 3 or so of the destroyer the message "Snorkel
at X,Y" is printed.
ship to land
This range is either 1.4 in good weather (barometer > 700.) or 1.
in bad weather (barometer < 700.).
land to ship
In good weather this range is essentially equal to twice the
sector efficiency expressed as a decimal; e.g. 100% can see 2
sectors away. The exception is radar installations which have a
range approximately equal to seven times the sector efficiency.

See also : Ship-types, Sector-types, Radar

Command : MAP

A map gives you a graphic image of all or part of your country.
Your own sectors show up as a designation mnemonic (see "sector-
types") while sectors held by other countries appear as question
marks ("?"). Mountains and seas appear as '^^' and '..'
(respectively) but, if the map is being sent to a file or the
printer, the mountains will appear as '##' for greater printer

The form of the map command is:
[##:##] Command: map (sects)
where (sects) is the area for which you wish a map.

[##:##] Command: map -8:8,-5:3
generates a 17 x 9 sector map based on data supplied by the
sectors in the area specified.

? ^ ? ? ? -4
. - ? ^ ^ ^ ? - ^ - ? -3
. f . ^ b ^ a f ? f f - -2
. f a m m m a i . g * . -1
. . ) m i c c ^ u g . 0
. h h ! h * h x . . 1
. . . . . . . . 2
- - - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

[##:##] Command: map # >mapfil
where your "realm" ( or '#', see "update") is -5:5,-6:6 will type
out a 11 by 13 sector map and also put the map in the file

Command : MINE

The mine command drops mines in the sea and is only functional
from destroyers. Each mine introduces a 5% chance that a passing
ship will be hit. The damage is severe but dependent upon the
size of the ship.

To drop mines type:
[##:##] Command: mine (ship)
Where (ship) is the number of one of your destroyers.

You will be asked how many mines you wish to drop and that number
of shells (assuming you got 'em) will be dropped in the sector
that (ship) occupies, magically becoming mines as they hit the

Mines can only be removed safely by a minesweeper. (Other ships
can remove them by hitting them, but...)

For various reasons harbors and bridge spans can not be mined.

Note that the sector is checked for possible mine hits only when
a ship moves into it; thus, a destroyer may safely drop mines in
a sector and then move out. On the other hand, the mines know no
allegiance, so moving back into a mined sector is foolish at

See also : navigate

Command : MOVE

The move command is crucial to Empire; it facillitates the
movement of civilians, military, ore, guns, shells, planes, and
gold bars. To run it type:
[##:##] Command: move ITEM
where ITEM is one of:
c civilians
m military
o ore
g guns
s shells
p planes
b bars of gold

The program will request the starting sector then display the
number of mobility units in that sector and its coordinates in
the form:

<97.0: -6,4>

which indicates 97 mobility units and sector -6,4. You may
respond with any combination of:

u for up
d for down \l u /r
r for right
l for left \/
\l for up-left l -- -- r
/r for up-right /\
/l for down-left
\r for down-right /l d \r
v for view
e for end of movement

Typical mobility costs are:

1 mu per 5 civilians
1 mu per 5 military
1 mu per 5 tons of ore
2 mu per gun
2 mu per 5 shells
4 mu per plane
10 mu per bar of gold

These costs are for an orthogonal move, (u, d, l or r), through a
100% efficient "regular" sector in "good" weather; diagonal moves
cost 1.414 times as much, wastelands cost twice as much,
mountains cost lots more & highways can cost as little as nothing
(if 100% efficient).

If you wish you may give all or part of the information for a
move on the command line:
[##:##] Command: move c -3,0 20 rrre
This command will try to move 20 civilians from -3,0 to your
capital, (0,0).

Command : NATION

The nation command displays various data about your country. Its
usage is:
[##:##] Command: nation
The data displayed by the nation command should be self
explanatory, but if not let country #0 know and more descriptive
text will appear.

See also : power, country-roster

Command : NAVIGATE

The navigate command is the move command applied to the sea. You
can control one ship or a fleet. To run type:
[##:##] Command: navigate (ship/fleet)
where (ship/fleet) is the ship number or the fleet letter.

If you are moving a fleet and the flagship stops, the fleet
stops. (The lowest numbered ship is considered the flagship.)

The program will prompt with the mobility of the flagship, the
minimum mobility value for the fleet and the current sector
coordinates in the form:

<97.0:23.5: -6,4>

which means the flagship has 97 mobility units, some other ship
in the fleet has 23.5 mobility units and the flagship is in
sector -6,4. You may indicate the direction you would like the
fleet to move by typing a string of letters consisting of any
combination of the following:
u for up
d for down \l u /r
r for right
l for left \/
\l for up-left l -- -- r
/r for up-right /\
/l for down-left
\r for down-right /l d \r
v for view
e for end of movement

Typical orthogonal, (u, d, l or r), moving costs in good weather
ship 25% tech factor 50% tech factor 100% tech factor
type cost/sector cost/sector cost/sector
------ ---- ---- ----
pt boat 7.68 6.4 4.8
submarine 15.36 12.8 9.6
battleship 15.36 12.8 9.6
destroyer 10.96 9.13 6.85
freighter 19.2 16.0 12.0
minesweep 19.2 16.0 12.0
tender 12.8 10.67 8.0
carrier 15.36 12.8 9.6

In bad weather movement costs more (on the order of 10%); in very
bad weather ships may be damaged by moving them.

Moving a ship through a sector that has been mined by a destroyer
introduces a 5% chance per mine (cumulative) that you will be
damaged by "detecting" one of the little cuties. Minesweeps can
remove up to five mines per pass through a sector (indicated by
the message "Sweep...").

See also : mine, weather, ship types

Command : NEWS

The news command is the local newspaper run by The Deity. This
"morning after" daily recounts financial exploits, the telegram
traffic between countries, and political maneuvering in addition
to the chronicling of such mundanities as shelling and attacking.
It's great breakfast reading!

[##:##] Command: news

[##:##] Command: news 2
if you only wish to see the news for the last two days. See also
: headlines

Command : OFFER

The offer command allows you to suggest a written treaty to
another country. The treaty once signed is not binding!

To run type:
[##:##] Command: offer (cno/cname)
where (cno/cname) is the name or number of the country to whom
you wish to offer a treaty.

You will be asked to set both the conditions for yourself and for
the other country. The conditions from which you may choose are:
Condition Command(s) affected
No ship attacks assault, board
No ship shelling fire
No sector attack attack
No sector shelling fire
No peeking (spying) spy
No enlistments enlist
No building ships build

See also : vote, treaty

Command : POWER

The power report will give you an accurate picture of world
strengths. It is particularly worthwhile in planning defense
strategies and treaty voting.

A power report is obtained by typing:
[##:##] Command: power
If someone has generated a power report within the last hour, you
will be graced with an immediate output of that information.
Otherwise it will take 1-2 minutes to obtain the report.

Output consists of the following information :
a # of sectors
b # of civilians
c # of military
d # of guns
e # of shells
f # of planes
g average sector efficiency
h # gold bars
i # of ships
ii tons of ships (not displayed)
j # of dollars
k power - a measure of military/industrial capability

k is determined by the following relation:

k = (a*g+d)/3 + (b+c+e+ii)/10 + j/100 + f + i + 5*h

See also : census, country-roster

Concept : PRAYERS

There is one country in the game that has no material possessions
yet owns everything... That country is country #0 (often called
"The Deity"). The power of this ethereal country is unbounded --
it can do anything from creating a civilian (as was the case with
the first civilian), to literally moving mountains.

Despite this great power The Deity is the champion of the meek
and it is to country #0 that the downtrodden turn when in need of
aid. The most common form of prayer is the telegram; if you
should be in need of aid type:
[##:##] Command: telegram 0
When the program asks your message for The Deity
state it simply, e.g.
Enter message for The Deity; end with ^D
<122> Fumia took my capital and then deleted my
<71> HELP!!
<64> ^D
If this doesn't get helpful results then you should
send a second prayer with more specific details.
<122> I'll donate a bar of gold (to charity)
<83> for 20% more efficiency in my capital.
<43> okay?
<38> ^D

This last message is sure to move the compassionate
Deity to provide help.

Note that The Deity wouldn't consider providing instruments of
destruction like guns & shells (unless, of course, the church had
a particularly great need for a new set of gold candlesticks or
the like).

See also : telegram

Command : RADAR

The radar command bears every resemblance to modern high-
resolution radar. It has a circular range dependent upon its

To run land radar type:
[##:##] Command: radar (sect)
where (sect) must be the sector where the radar station resides.

The program will respond with the station's efficiency and range
and then display the area. What is displayed is dependent upon
the range, i.e. sectors and ships within 1/2 of its range are
displayed with their sector or ship designations. At further
distances a '?' is used to indicate the presence of another
pilgrim not of your faith.

A 100% radar station has a range of 6.1. The range is linearly
related to efficiency so a 25% radar can see 1.525 sectors away.

!!WARNING!! Radar cannot spot submarines. Even worse, should you
possess a cunning enemy he might move troops right to your
doorstop leaving the sector designated a wilderness which would
show up on your very efficient radar as '-'. Thus you would never
know he was there....well almost never. If you worry about this
try taking a map -- he can't hide there!

To run naval radar type:
[##:##] Command: radar (ship)
where (ship) is the number of the ship.. The sea radar is highly
dependent upon what kind of ship you have and what kind the
opponent has... e.g. Battleships can see battleships far away
but not pt boats.. Battleships have a 100% range of 6 while p.t.
boats, destroyers and carriers have a range of 4 and all other
ships see only 3. On the other hand, the ships vary in size and
consequently, vary in visibility: battleships and carriers are
the easiest to see (25), next come freighters, minesweeps and
tenders (20) followed by destroyers (15), pt boats (10) and
lastly, submarines (2).

Note that although subs can not be found via radar that
destroyers automatically use sonar too so they will see subs up
to 2.86 sectors away..

See also : census, map, ship-types

Command : READ

The read command is used to read the telegrams sent you by other
countries and by the game (e.g. when you make a sale or are
attacked). When telegrams arrive you are informed with:
"You have a new telegram waiting ..." if there is just one new one, or
"You have ten new telegrams waiting ..." if there are ten of them, or
"You have several new telegrams waiting ..." if there are very many.
The command to read them is:
[##:##] Command: read
After reading them all you may discard them by answering "yes" to
the question posed. If you answer "no" the telegrams will remain
pending but you will not be reminded of them.

See also : Telegram

Command : REALM

The realm command allows you to manipulate the contents of the
four "realm"s associated with your country which provide a
convenient way to save coordinates that are frequently used, (see
"info syntax" for use of realm arguments). The general form of
the realm command is:
[##:##] Command: realm (number)
(Number) is the number of the realm to be set and must be in the
range 0:3. Note that the update command manipulates realm 0 (see
"info update").

The (sects) argument is optional; if included the specified realm
will be set to (sects), if ommitted the coordinates of the
specified realm will be printed. e.g.

[##:##] Command: realm 1 -3:2,4
[##:##] Command: realm 1
Realm 1 is -3:2,4:4

Also note that "#"-type arguments may be used in the (sects)
[##:##] Command: realm 0 #1
Now realm 0 is set to -3:2,4:4.

The nation report includes the coordinates of all four realms.

See also : syntax, nation, update

Command : REPAY

The repay command is used to repay loans from other countries.
The general form is:
[##:##] Command: repay (loan)
where (loan) is the number of the loan you are repaying. You can
repay all or part of the loan with this command, however beware
of letting the loan become overdue -- the lender may decide to
force collection (see "info collect"). When you repay on a loan
a telegram is sent to the lender informing them of the amount

See also : lend, ledger, accept, collect

Command : ROUTE

The route command generates a graphic display of the delivery
specifications for the various deliverable items in a given
sector area. The general form of the command is:
[##:##] Command: route (item) (sects)
(sects) is as described in "info syntax" and (item) is one of the
s shells
g guns (not gold)
p planes
o ore
b bars of gold

The delivery routes are indicated with "go-to's" (as opposed to
"come-from's") using the following codes (assuming sector in
question is a mine):

^m^ up (0 in census)
m/ up-right (1 in census)
m> right (2 in census)
m\ down-right (etc)
vmv down
/m down-left

[36:101] Command : shell
Toodles...type '^D' to return to Empire
$ print mapfile
$ ^D
Welcome back to Empire.
[37:100] Command :

See also : syntax, map


The ship report command is a census of your ships and lists all
the info available in readable format.

To run type:
[##:##] Command: ship (arguments in <>
The is in case you only wish to look at one
ship or one fleet or all ships within a given area. If no
argument is given your entire navy will be listed. The report
format is:

# type x,y f eff c/m sh gun pln ore gold mu
where # is ship number, type is "pt boat", "submarine", etc, x,y
is its location (relative to your capital), f is the fleet
designation letter (set by "create" command), eff is the ship's
efficiency, c/m is the number of crew (civilians on a freighter,
military otherwise), sh is shells, guns is guns, pln is planes,
ore is ore, gold is gold bars, mu is mobility units.

For example:
[6:119] Command : ship b
# type x,y f eff c/m sh gun pln ore gold mu
0 pt boat 6,29 b 100% 10 10 1 0 0 0 10
4 carrier 6,31 b 100% 35 16 2 3 0 0 104
16 pt boat 3,-31 b 100% 10 0 0 0 0 0 40
20 submarine 6,29 b 100% 15 12 2 0 0 0 10

See also : create, navigate, load

Command : SPY

The spy command allows reconnaisance operations to enforce an
oral treaty or as preparation for an attack (or even for a prayer
to the Deity). The spy report will reveal (in round figures) the
numbers of troops, civilians, guns, shells, and the sector
designation and efficiency in neighboring sectors.

To perform this type of research type:
[##:##] Command: spy (sects)
The sectors denoted by "(sects)" are those from which you are
spying, (see "info syntax" for format).

Note that the number of BTUs consumed is dependent upon the
number of sectors into which you spy, e.g. A 5x8 area costs one
full BTU.

Warning!! If you are spying on an unallied country your spy could
be apprehended... his/her chances are dependent upon the number
of patrolling military in the sector. If the other country has
declared itself at war with you the spy will be shot and the
other country (and the rest of the world, through the news) will
be warned that you tried to spy on him... If the other country
is neutral towards you the spy will be deported.

See also : census, read, declare

Command : TELEGRAM

The telegram command allows non-treaty communication to take
place between representatives. Currently you are given only 512
characters per telegram, so telegrams encourage succinct

The general form is:
[##:##] Command: telegram (cno/cname)
where (cno/cname) is either the number or name of the recipient
nation. Telegrams sent to country #0 appear as prayers, (favors
are best obtained in this manner.)

While entering your telegram you may use ^U to delete the current
line, (or ) to delete the previous character,
(including s) and ^R to print the number of characters left
and re-type the telegram so far. For example:
[##:##] Command: tel 7
Enter telegram for Groonland; end with ^D

B.F.D. Pouncetrifle
Groonland Embassy

Dear Ambassador Pouncetrifle,

Just a little note to express the friendly wishes that all of us
in Curmudgeon feel toward you backward savages in Groonland. As
to the matter of the treaty you've proposed please remember that
if we wished we could TRASH your capital.

As always I remain,
Your humble and obedient servant, etc, etc
E. D. Amen Dada
Under Asst. West Coast Promo.
the Sovereign State of Curmudgeon

An alternate form of the telegram command allows you to send a
telegram from a file. It is:
[##:##] Command: telegram (cno/cname) (file)
which sends the file to the specified country. For example:
[##:##] Command: telegram Groonland threat
would send the file "threat" to Groonland.

See also : Read, Prayers

Command : TEND

The tend command allows your tender ships to resupply pt boats,
submarines, battleships, destroyers and minesweeps while at sea.

To tend ship #16 type:
[##:##] Command: tend 16
You will then be asked the number of the tender providing the
goodies. If the tender is in the same sector as the tendee, and
they're both yours, etc the program will ask how many military,
guns and shells you want to transfer.

See also : load, unload

Command : TORPEDO

The torpedo command is used to shoot up ships. The general form
[##:##] Command: torpedo (ship)
Where (ship) is the victim ship number.

The program will then ask for your sub number and check that it
meets the following criteria:
1) It must be a submarine
2) It must have at least 1 gun (torpedo tube)
3) It must have at least 3 shells (3 shells = 1 torpedo)
4) It must be at least 60% efficient
Meeting all these criteria, your torp will be launched toward the
victim ship... A countdown of seconds until the expected
detonation will commence. Since the range of torpedos is a
maximum of 1.99999 or so, anything a distance of 2 or more from
you will be out of range and you will be told so, (after your
torp is in the water). If you are in range, your chance of
making a hit will be dependent on your distance from the target:
90% if you're in the same sector, 22% if you're orthogonally
adjacent and 13% if you're diagonally adjacent. A hit which will
be reported to you as "BOOM!" followed by a report of the damage
done to the victim ship. The damage done is dependent on the
size of the victim ship. A torpedo does between 63% and 100%
damage to a pt boat and between 28% and 56% damage to a
battleship or aircraft carrier.

In order to simulate the "real-time" situation your mobility will
go negative (forcing you to stick around). Your first torp will
make your mobility go to -10; the second will make it -20; etc.
If your torpedo scores a hit your victim will be informed of the
fact and will be told the number of the sub, but not the country
(so you can deny it).

The victim's only automatic protection against sub attacks is
that any destroyer of his (hers) that is in the same sector as
you and that has shells will drop them on you as depth charges.
Each depth charge does 30% to 40% damage to your sub.

See also: attack, assault, fire


The trade report lists all items for sale in exchange sectors
and/or all ships that are being sold and allows you to buy these
items. The three forms of the trade command are:
[##:##] Command: trade
[##:##] Command: trade land
[##:##] Command: trade naval
The "land" and "naval" forms deal only in exchange items and
ships, respectively. The first form deals with both. Because
the first and second forms require a scan of the entire world
they take a few moments to run. Typical output looks like:
[##:##] Command: trade
Empire Trade Report
Thu Aug 25 11:47:21 1977
2 guns @ $133.35 100 shells @ $8.40 Lot #0
3 bars of gold @ $850.50 18 shells @ $7.35 Lot #1
100% submarine crew:25 guns:1 shells:4 @$3675.00 lot #0
54% battleship crew:3 guns:0 shells:4 @$17742.00 lot #1
Which lot? ( for none) 0
To be delivered to exchange at 12,7
How many guns? 2
You are now $266.70 poorer.

See also: Set [prices]

Command : TREATY

The treaty command will report on all outstanding treaties and
all pending treaties. The conditions and durations are

To run type:
[##:##] Command: treaty

See also: Vote [on treaty]

Command : UNLOAD

The unload command is the opposite of load and follows the exact
same syntax...so why are you looking here for documentation?
[##:##] Command: unload (ship)
where (ship) is the ship number..

See also (instead) load

Command : UPDATE

The update command causes all your sectors to be brought up to
date in terms of digging up ore, building efficiency, generating
mobility units, etc. It also defines the coordinates associated
with"realm 0" ("#" or "#0").

The general form is:
[##:##] Command: update
[##:##] Command: update (sects)
In the first example the entire world would be scanned for
sectors of yours that need updating, and realm 0 ("#") would be
set to include all of your sectors. In the second case only the
area specified would be scanned and "#" would be set to encompass
all sectors of yours in that area.

For example:
[37:105] Command : update -1:1,-1:1
Production bottleneck in 0,-1
guns built in 0,1
Your "realm 0"(#0) is -1:1,-1:1 and consists of 7 sectors.

[37:105] Command : update
Your "realm 0"(#0) is -3:1,-1:1 and consists of 9 sectors.
Note that the first time through only the sectors in the area
specified were counted and that some of them produced messages
when they were updated, while the second time through caught all
the sectors, (and took 2 minutes) but the middle sectors had
already been updated so they did not produce further messages.

An additional argument to update allows you to control the
printing of the update messages. If the argument "quiet" is
specified, (e.g. "update 12:15,-3:4 quiet"), NO update messages
will be printed except the "realm" message and certain emergency
messages. If, on the other hand "verbose" is specified not only
will the standard messages be printed but also messages
describing attempts to deliver blivets to sectors that are
already full of blivets will be printed.

See also : innards, syntax, realm

Command : VOTE

The vote command allows you decide on a written treaty. You may
vote yes, no , or abstain. Yes - of course you accept. No - i
guess you turn it down. Abstain - you haven't got the guts to
say no but are too ambitious to say yes (i.e. You can come back
to vote again another day). To run type:
[##:##] Command: vote (treaty)
where (treaty) is the treaty number.

See also: Treaty report

Command : WEATHER

For each sector in a weather map an integer indicates the local
barometric pressure Negative integers show low-pressure sectors
(bad weather), and positive integers show high-pressure sectors
(good weather). A map gives you an instantaneous picture of the
pressure centers, (for weather prediction you must build a
weather station). To get a weather map type:
[##:##] Command: weather (sects)
where (sects) is the area to be covered by the map.

A typical example might be:
[##:##] Command: weat -23:0,-8:2
2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - 0
3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-8 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -8
-7 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -7
-6 8 8 8 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2 -6
-5 8 9 8 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2 -5
-4 8 8 8 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-2 -4
-3 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-3-3-3 -3
-2 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-2-2-3-3-3-3 -2
-1 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-2-2-2-3-3-4-4 -1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-3-4-6-6 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-3-4-6-9 1
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-2-2-3-3-4-6-9 2
2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - 0
3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
extreme low pressure center at 1,2; extreme high at -22,-5

(this weather map was taken during the great storm of '77 when
two ships sank off the coast of East Eden at 0,1.)

See also : forecast

Frank Kaefer fkk@stasys.UUCP Heavy Metal is the law