Cheat Codes
Enter these codes with the keyboard while playing.
* QUICKEN - invincibility
* RAMBO - all weapons and ammo
* RAVSKEL - all skeleton keys
* COCKADODDLEDOO - turn into a chicken
* RAVMAP - changes the map mode (must be in map mode)
* KITTY - walk through walls
* ENGAGE## - level warp (## = Episode/level)
* ENGAGE41 - Death Match level
* PONCE - Full Health
* SHAZAM - Toggles Power-Up mode
* MASSACRE - kills all monsters on the level
* GIMMEA - ring of invulnerability
* GIMMEB - Shadowsphere
* GIMMEC - Quartz flask
* GIMMEE - Tome of Power
* GIMMEF - Torch
* GIMMEG - Time bomb of the ancients
* GIMMEH - Morph ovum
* GIMMEI - Wings of wrath
* GIMMEJ - Gives item that warps you to the beginning of the level
* NOISE - Toggle sound debug information
* TICKER - toggles ticks-per-frame counter
* IDDQD - instant death
* IDKFA - get no weapons or ammo
* RAVPIC - enter at game startup (to take pictures of the game at any time
press F1) Secret Level
To get to the secret level "Grave Yard" you must follow these steps. First
go to the Cathedral (level 6)а and flip the end switch. Don't beat the level
instead go back up the green key stairs and turn right. Go down the hall
until you see an opening in the wall that wasn't there before. Go in there
and kill the badguys and flip the switch to open another door down there.
Then hopefully you'll go on the right "end" teleport. You'll beat the level
then will be sentа to the Grave Yard.
Enter these codes with the keyboard while playing.
* QUICKEN - invincibility
* RAMBO - all weapons and ammo
* RAVSKEL - all skeleton keys
* COCKADODDLEDOO - turn into a chicken
* RAVMAP - changes the map mode (must be in map mode)
* KITTY - walk through walls
* ENGAGE## - level warp (## = Episode/level)
* ENGAGE41 - Death Match level
* PONCE - Full Health
* SHAZAM - Toggles Power-Up mode
* MASSACRE - kills all monsters on the level
* GIMMEA - ring of invulnerability
* GIMMEB - Shadowsphere
* GIMMEC - Quartz flask
* GIMMEE - Tome of Power
* GIMMEF - Torch
* GIMMEG - Time bomb of the ancients
* GIMMEH - Morph ovum
* GIMMEI - Wings of wrath
* GIMMEJ - Gives item that warps you to the beginning of the level
* NOISE - Toggle sound debug information
* TICKER - toggles ticks-per-frame counter
* IDDQD - instant death
* IDKFA - get no weapons or ammo
* RAVPIC - enter at game startup (to take pictures of the game at any time
press F1) Secret Level
To get to the secret level "Grave Yard" you must follow these steps. First
go to the Cathedral (level 6)а and flip the end switch. Don't beat the level
instead go back up the green key stairs and turn right. Go down the hall
until you see an opening in the wall that wasn't there before. Go in there
and kill the badguys and flip the switch to open another door down there.
Then hopefully you'll go on the right "end" teleport. You'll beat the level
then will be sentа to the Grave Yard.