Level Skip: While playing, hold R1 and press Square, Square, Square, Circle. Release R1 then hold L1 and press Triangle, Triangle. Release L1 then hold R1 and press Square, Square. Sword Upgrade: While playing, press pause then hold L1 + R1 and press Circle, Square, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Square.
Big Heads: While playing, hold R1 and press Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle. Release R1 then hold L1 and press Triangle, Triangle. Release L1 then hold R1 + L1 and press Triangle, Circle, Triangle.
NOTE: The following codes work only when used with an Action Replay device. These codes WILL NOT WORK without this device. There are 8 codes for this game.
(M) ec8f5efc 143e92f4
Infinite Health 1ca552f0 d856e7a5
Max Health 1ca552f4 d856e7a5
Max Continues 4ca55590 1456e404
Max Score 1ca55588 17e9c70c
Max Coinage 4ca55570 1456089c
Infinite Coinage 4ca55564 1456e404
Open Debug Option: Flag Setters 3c8a5f68 1456e79d
NOTE: The following codes work only when used with an Action Replay device. These codes WILL NOT WORK without this device. There are 7 codes for this game.