IKARI WARRIORS чит-файл №1

Moving your character to the middle of the screen makes the computer
move the screen down 1/3 the way to show more of what's above you. A
good technique I have used is to move till the screen shifts and then
move back down to plan my attack.

You start with a repeating type rifle that also shoots a grenade if you
hold down the fire button. The bullets seem to have a life of only
1/3rd of the screen.

Watch for special areas that light up when destroyed that give you more
ammunition. Also don't forget to make use of the occasional tank that
you may happen upon. Don't forget to get out of it when it catches

Bonuses found when you blow up installations or the red suited men:

K Smart bomb
B High power grenades
L Longer range bullet
S,A Shorter shot
F Faster bullet rate of fire.


When you have a high score, instead of typing your name, type "FREERIDE"
and press the RETURN key. Now when you play the game you should be

When you enter the first tank, crash into the first pillbox. Immediately
press the F1 key to end the game. Restart and do it again, now your
tanks will have shields.
Also pressing the space bar allows your man to hide in the folliage on
the far right and left. It also fixes the tank barrel and operates as
anfixed and unfixed toggle.