Interstate '76 чит-файл №1

Press and hold [Crtl][Shift] while typing these codes in:

THIRDNOSTRIL - Increase radar range
GETDOWN - Level skip
FREELANCE - Taursus Poetry
WIGGLEBURGER - Wobbly screen

Drive Tank
To drive a tank, select the Phaedra Rattler at the vehicle selection
screen and name its variant: KNAT.

Fly Helicopter

To pilot a helicopter, select the Phaedra Rattler at the vehicle selection
screen and name its variant: RETPOCILEH.


To destroy your vehicle, press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + X.


To save a vehicle in peril, press [F12] twice.

Use the Helicopter on the Final Level

At the vehicle selection screen for the final level, click on the
helicopter in the upper left-hand corner.

View Development Team

To see the I-76 team, look in the back of the school bus!