Knights of Xentar чит-файл №1

1. Knights of Xentar - Notes on game operation:
a) The CD-ROM version requires the disc to remain in the drive during
play. Ensure that, if any changes are made via the INSTALL program, the
correct drive is pointed to when all is said and done. Otherwise, you may
be asked to put your disc in a floppy drive, or in the hard drive. The
only way out is to reboot and run INSTALL again.
b) Again, the initial music volume is much too loud, but this time
pressing Ctrl-Alt-D (reduce volume for a PAS16) will cause the
introduction graphics to be skipped. Don't worry about it the first time,
just use the System menu once you start a game to lower the Background
Music Volume (BGM) to an acceptable level. This will take effect
immediately and affect the introduction music too. Then you can exit, and
watch the whole introduction once without covering your ears.
c) There is a noticeable temporary slowdown in tempo of the background
music in both 16 and 8-bit PAS modes sometimes, for no apparent reason.
And for some reason voice won't play, if Windows was ever loaded, until
you reset or reboot the computer.
d) The English in the manual and the text of the game is noticeably
better than even Metal & Lace. However, the voices are a bit too contrived
(not everyone has to have a silly accent!), and some of the spoken
dialogue doesn't match the text (this is probably dramatic ad-libbing by
the actors).
e) Miscellaneous: Use the default names of Desmond, Rolf, and Luna to
avoid strangeness between text and speech. The 3D mode doesn't really gain
you anything. MDF stands for Magical Defense Factor, summarizing the odds
of avoiding the effects of hostile magic. Too bad there's no map of the
whole land. A right-click during combat will make you run away. Maximum
inventory of 99 per item.
f) This is the English version of the third game of a 5-game Japanese
series. So when are the other ones coming? Also, I can see how there was
-one- game previous to this, but two?

2. Knights of Xentar - Walkthrough:
a) General Considerations Throughout Game:
Unlike Cobra Mission or Metal & Lace, there aren't bonus items under
every bush, but there are some. Every chest has fixed contents; they won't
change if you restore and open them again, so don't bother (I checked
early on and then stopped). However, the bonus that you get from a Stamina
Drink, Speed Drink, Power Drink, Vitamin Mix, or level advance is random.

Desmond 8 to 11 1 to 3 1 to 3 0 to 2
Rolf 9 to 12 1 to 4 1 to 2 0 to 2
Luna 7 to 10 3 to 6 0 to 2 1 to 4 1 to 3

Use Status Player to find how many experience are needed for the next
level advance, and save game when one is close. The HP, MP (for Luna
only), STR (not shown if 0), and DEX are shown when you advance, but to
find out the INT, you have to use Status Player. If you don't get a good
level bonus, load the saved game and try again. When a character gets over
about 370 HP maximum, the HP display line splits into two and reaches a
maximum at 740. HP over 740, to a maximum of 999, aren't displayed at all.

Characters will stop advancing at level 99, about 155,000 experience.

Talking to wandering people isn't easy - you have to pick a spot and
wait for them to come to you, because Desmond can't move as fast as them.
With 2 or 3 characters, you move even slower. Some people are just there
to insult you or waste time, but some tell you things of interest. Note
that if text has a little "down arrow" in the bottom right corner, the
text will scroll if you click on the arrow. Be careful, because if you
miss the arrow, you will be clicking on the box to remove the text
instead! You may want to turn on voice and listen to everything at least
once. Also, you aren't just talking, because sometimes you do things or
give things to people, and they can give you things back or do things too.
If somebody starts repeating themselves, move on. One exception is a pig
in Dreadsden, where having voice is your only clue that something strange
is about to happen.

There are several times in the game where people will run away after
talking to you.
You'll freeze until they've walked off the screen; just wait for it to end.

To talk (or buy and sell) with people behind counters, you must be
standing directly underneath (across the counter) from them, then click on
the person. Use the arrow keys for doing precision movement like getting
close to people without talking to them, or checking lots of jars or
bushes for bonus items.

There is never any combat in a town, but there may be inside other

Most but not all buildings and towns are entered from the south, and
left the same way.

If you are just exploring the land of Xentar and don't want to be
bothered by monsters all the time, use a Skunk Oil. Effect is temporary,
you will be warned a little before it wears off completely. Or you can use
a Smoke Grenade for each combat. Or you can take your chances with running
away each time.

The price for a SELL at a store is 3/4 of the amount for a BUY, drop
off fractions.

The calculations for DEF and MDF also drop off fractions. See the
weapons and armor sections later for these.

The number and type of monsters encountered are a function of both
where you are and how tough your character is. As you go up in levels but
stay in the same area, you will meet more of the same monster (up to 6)
and get less experience for them. Eventually you can get only 1
experience for multiple monsters. However, you can only get at least one
monster, so if a Death Doll is too nasty for your level, you will still
get one if you are in the area where they appear.

Some monsters may leave behind booty when you defeat them. This is one
item of a consistent type (according to monster), except that some have a
second item they leave less often. And some monster types never seem to
have anything! The really rare and desirable ones seem to show up only
when you go up a level! There's a possibility that the game allows only
some rare item types, and never allows certain other types to show up in a
given game.

The game starts off tough in the money department, but then from Squalor
Hollow to Phoenix there isn't much to spend it on! Its easy to accumulate
horrendous amounts of cash from monsters. The amounts found in jars and
chests are then trivial. But you'll need $70,000 in Mellions...

Megatech suggests the following for combat (with my snide comments):
1) Slow down battle speed when you encounter unfamiliar monsters - find a
setting that doesn't drag it out, but lets you see if characters are
getting too low before they die. 2) Avoid offensive tactics until you have
accumulated hit points and armor - the best defense is a good offense, but
I used only "NORMAL" or "KNOWLEDGE" for Desmond, and early on "DEFENSIVE"
too for Rolf. 3) Avoid combat if you are wounded and not carrying any heal
potions - you deserve to die then, nobody said you can't go back to town
often or carry sacks of potions into the dungeons.

Before encountering any of the unique monsters, set combat to
"NORMAL", and in some cases to "G8", and remember to restore your usual
settings after. After getting to a new city and resting, run around
outside the city until you've got 100% in the monsters found nearby,
before trying to go too far away.

You can never go up stairs in any Inn. You can't use any stairs
blocked by people or even some others that others tell you not to enter.

Most monsters have yellow hit point bars, but a white one means they
have even more. Something similar happens to Luna's MP bar later; it
changes from flesh to white at about 355 maximum MP.

b) Squalor Hollow:
Although always level 25 with 10,000 experience, the other starting
statistics for Desmond are random. In several tries, DEX is 49 to 55, STR
is 48 to 56, INT is 25 or 26, and HP is 255 to 261.

Start off the game by wandering naked around Squalor Hollow. Talk to
people and get the hang of clicking on the screen, including on the
borders, to move around. You can try to leave town, but the game won't let
you yet. To start progressing you have to go to the tavern and Frump.

Once you understand talking and moving around, go to the tavern in the
NE of the town, and save your game under the title "MONARAPE"; this is
your first sexy graphics in the game. Now walk into any one of the men,
and spend a while reading or listening until things drop back to
walk-around mode. Before you leave the tavern, get $50 by talking to the
man behind the counter!

Go to the SW of town to enter Don Frump's house. Go upstairs to talk
to him and get a (poultry) Knife and (at least it covers) Leather Suit.
There's also $100 in a jar upstairs at Frump's. You can now leave town and
start adventuring, although you might want to wander around and see how
people talk to you once you have covered your "assets". Click on the town
to re-enter.

Save the game as soon as you exit the town (through the opening to the
south), and after every combat that didn't result in horrible wounds. Once
your Knowledge value for a monster has gotten up to a reasonable amount (I
use 10%), switch from "NORMAL" to "KNOWLEDGE" tactics for those monsters.
I suggest using "kill weakest" all the time. You can wander around the
wilderness getting small amounts of experience and money, but the big
stuff is in the cave to the west (Mount Litmus).

The type and number of monsters are very random. Don't be in a rush to
get to the end of the winding hallway. Just keep saving the game after
good combats, and accumulate enough cash to pay for rest in the Inn ($10 a
night for full healing) and better equipment (get the best stuff before
you leave the area). Eventually, you can make it all the way to the end
room. Open all the closed chests before you go to the "bandit leader". You
won't fight him, just go through another text and graphics sequence with a
demon, and end up outside the cave. There's no point in going back in -
there's nothing there now except monsters in the hallway.

You should have gone up several levels by this point. For now, don't
worry about what the bonus values were. Why? Because you will be losing
all those levels soon! But it would be a good idea to get lots of levels,
because they do translate into higher hit points later on. It also helps
if you raise your Knowledge % for the monsters found outside, as it will
help with combat later.

Also, if you get either a BRONZE SHIELD or DAGGER+1 as booty from cave
monsters, immediately save the game! These are rare items, and you won't
be able to get them elsewhere until later.

When you go back to Squalor Hollow to rest and then get your reward,
you are told to go to a nameless village to the north. The only other
things of interest in the region are Mount Litmus (the bandit cave) to the
west, a large rock blocking the path south to Phoenix, and a small
building in the pass to the north. Inside are Larousse (the old man from
Squalor Hollow, or is it?) and 2 guards. This is the "barricade", because
you can't get through (or progress in the game) without clicking on
Larousse in the center. You go through a sequence that sets you back to
level 1 (I told you, but it was a surprise the first time!) and drops you
in the Nameless Village. There's no way to avoid losing all those levels,
but it won't happen again.

c) The Nameless Village:
At first, you can't buy anything in the Nameless Village and most of
the people won't even talk to you. There is $150 if you click on the jar
in the NE of the building otherwise filled with barrels (on the NE side of
town); apparently there is a side entrance that the character can see but
you can't. To progress, find Don Frump in the big building on the north
side of town, and go down many levels to meet him again. There is another
encounter with a demon, handled automatically as before, and then you get
to walk back out.

Now you can buy the best equipment you can get here, if you don't have
it or better already, and people will talk to you. You will have to go all
the way back to Squalor Hollow to get your reward from Frump (this time
for real). But for now, spend some time wandering outside the Nameless
Village to build your character back up. And this time, try to get good
level bonuses! Go back into town and rest at $15 a night when you get low
on HP; that's a lot cheaper than using up potions.

Work your way up to at least level 10 before you start travelling too
far. When you can handle 5 Daos (if you haven't seen that many at once,
explore some more) without getting severely beaten up, its time to go
south to Squalor Hollow. You will get your $100 reward from Don Frump, and
Larousse denies leaving town. The hermit on the NW side of Squalor Hollow
will also give you $200 the first time you talk to him.

Now go back north and start exploring further out around the Nameless
Village. There's nothing to the east or north, and south is the other
side of the barricade building (which you can now pass through at will).
West is where all the action is.

d) Clara's Place:
To the SW of the nameless village, just S of an opening in the
mountains that has three trees in front of it, is a building. This is
Clara's Place, where she (the girl) lives with her grandmother. But when
you first show up Grandma is out and Clara is about to be raped by the Big
Bad Wolf. Yes, Clara does have a red hood on.

Before you walk more than a few steps into the house, save the game as
"WOLFRAPE". Then walk in, get a sexy screen, a lot of text, and beat the
wolf in combat. He shouldn't be too tough. You get a Stamina Drink as
booty. After combat is over, save the game under another name, then try
the Stamina Drink until you get the maximum of +9 HP.

Now leave the house, go back in, and save the game as "CLARA" before
you talk to Clara again. When you do, you have several sexy screens with
Clara and get a rhinestone which sounds like one of your lost jewels.

The third time you enter the house, you get to meet Grandma. You get
$100 the first time you talk to her. Do this before talking to Clara
again, or you will miss some text and dialogue. From now on, you can enter
the house to rest for free by talking to either Clara or Grandma. No
important changes here for rest of game.

Although this place should be optional, Megatech says that in order to
pass Tymm (see below) you must have saved Clara from the wolf.

e) Dreadsden:
Quite a ways W of Clara's place is the village of Dreadsden. You may
come across a sign out in the middle of nowhere that gives you vague
directions. If you wander too far S, the monsters will get really nasty.
If you can't handle Death Dolls yet, go N because you are heading towards
Coventry instead. Dreadsden is just a little E of the ocean and the south
end of some north-south mountains. There are also large groups of trees in
the vicinity.

The first time you enter Dreadsden, you run into (literally) the Dark
Knight. Nothing really happens, but note that one old man in town tells
you that he's normally very polite. You'll be sort of chasing the Dark
Knight (Arstein) for the rest of the game.

The Inn charges $20 to rest here. A man in the Inn gives you random
and silly directions to Phoenix which are good for nothing but laughs a
few times.

In the house W of the Inn, there is a Flammo Pocket Warmer in the jar
on the W side. This is a TREASURE, so save the game before you talk to
the man in the house. He will give you $100 for it, and there being no
other apparent use for it in the rest of the game, you might as well.
However, selling it with Luna along may get you a Flame Gem too, but I
haven't confirmed that yet.

To the NW is a pig pen. If you persist in talking to the pig on the
right, it will eventually say several strange things before refusing to do
anything but "Oink". One is "that's a fair thought, to lie between maid's
legs" (this is explained at the end of the game). The others are a
suggestion to visit the SE corner of town for the dwarf cave, and that
there is a pretty maid nearby with magical trinkets. The first is
wrong, because the place you need to visit in town is in the NW corner
(unless the game thinks that the town stretches outside the little icon on
the map), but the second could refer to the treasure in Priscilla's house
to the SE.

Other people in town say something about a house to the SE with
desperate women (must mean Priscilla), mention Desmond's Tower in Phoenix
but monsters are blocking the way there, and that Coventry is to the S.

At the pool area in the SE of town, after talking to the old man, you
can get an infinite (you want to try?) amount of money, one at a time, by
walking around to the south-facing nook above the old man and going S.
Remember this spot for Luna later.

You can walk around the outside of the town wall (save game after
each click along the S edge in case you step outside) to get to the NW
corner. You need to talk to the hermit down there later.

Make sure you have the best weapon and armor from the shops in this
town before going on. If you can't afford it, go out and beat up some
monsters, but if you haven't been using Run Away, Smoke Grenades, or Skunk
Oil this shouldn't be a problem here or elsewhere in the game.

f) Priscilla's Place:
The easiest way to find Priscilla's Place the first time is to start
from Clara's Place. Rest there (no sex after that first time, sorry), and
then start walking W, S and E along the mountains. You will pass several
interesting places. First is a lake that appears to be surrounded by
mountains - looks inaccessible. Second is a cave entrance, which shouldn't
be hard to spot. That is Visel's Cave, and although you can go in there,
the monsters were rather nasty, and Megatech says this causes a logic bug
in version 1.08 of the CD - so don't go in!. You can safely enter with the
Mystic Marble later.

Keep walking along the edge of the mountains until you see another
building with mountains to the south. Right after you enter, save the game
as "PRISRAPE". Walk in and see Priscilla being raped by 7 dwarfs! You
fight 6 Dwarves (this may be tough - use healing if necessary) and get a
High Potion as booty. Then, without a chance to save, you fight Belcho and
get another High Potion. Finally you get to talk to Priscilla and get the
story. She says you need the Mystic Marble to enter Visel's Cave, which is
almost directly north from here, and promises to give herself to you when
you defeat Visel.

There is $100 in a jar N of the W exit. Go around the outside of the
house through the W door to get to the stairs on the E side. There are 8
chests in there, with a total of $1100, 2 Heal Potions, Magic Wing, Skunk
Oil, and a Speed Drink. Save the game under another name, and try the
Speed Drink until you get the maximum of +5 DEX.

Once you leave the house, you can now return and rest for free until
you defeat Visel. Sorry, no sex until you defeat Visel. By the way, this
is the cookie house mentioned elsewhere, although you can tell only by
looking carefully at the background of the graphics with Priscilla.

Head back to Dreadsden to that hermit in the NW corner. Now he will
give you the Mystic Marble (a TREASURE), $200, and talk about that female
presence looking out for you. Go back to Priscilla's and use it as a rest
base for trips into Visel's Cave.

g) Visel's Cave:
Approach this place the same way you handled Mount Litmus. Expect a
combat in each section of hallway. If running low on HP, run back to
Priscilla's to rest. Open all the closed chests you see. There's a Vitamin
Mix in one of them. Defeat Visel at the end of the hallway (get to SE
corner then go N). Killing Visel will get you a Magic Nut. Fight your way
back to Priscilla's Place.

Save as "PRIS" before you get too far into the house. You get the
Magic Mirror (TREASURE) from Priscilla, and have several sexy scenes
involving ropes. If you return here later, you get to rest for free, but
no sex. Now head W and N to Dreadsden, then S towards Coventry.

h) Coventry:
The Inn is $30 a night. People in town tell you that the way to
Phoenix (to the E through mountains) is blocked by the monster Tymm. They
also mention a "cookie house" to the NE (Priscilla's), naked people to the
SE and Nero's Retreat to the SE (the same, and really E towards Phoenix,
then S). The mention of a key to a wall safe is useless. Note that there
are 2 sets of stores here - the tables below count the total of both as

Buy two Quinine Shields here. This is the only known place to get
them, and you may want to optimize equipment for high magic defense

In the room with no apparent entry in the bar (just click on the jar
to enter through the side) there is $200 in the jar. There is another $200
in a jar in the NW of the upstairs hallway in the bar. Talk to the Dark
Knight (Arstein). He tells you to use the Magic Mirror to kill Tymm. If
you don't have it, you have to go back and make sure you killed Visel and
visited Priscilla afterwards.

There's a second Inn in Coventry that charges $100 for a night, but
nothing special happened if I stayed there, even with Rolf and Luna.

If you go all the way S, there's a man and a sign near the end of the
peninsula. Once I had Luna, I was able to make the man go away by getting
the Snow Gem in Dreadsden, then had to go to Nero's Retreat to get the
man's speech about "suicide cliffs", then came back to the sign to find a
Lightning Gem.

j) Tymm:
From Coventry, head E to the mountains, then follow them SE and E to a
"stone igloo" blocking a mountain pass. If you have the Magic Mirror, you
talk with Tymm and he vanishes. Megatech says that version 1.08 of the
game (see CD inner ring) has a logic bug that prevents you from getting
past Tymm if you entered Visel's Cave without the Mystic Marble (oops!);
download their patch 1.08A to fix this. Also, you must have saved Clara
and talked to the Dark Knight in Coventry to pass Tymm.

If you return to Coventry after this, the upstairs of the bar is
empty, the bartender says he may make it a brothel, and the Dark Knight
and other guests are gone.

As you proceed E of the encounter with Tymm, there is a stairway to
the N. Go up and save game as "MARIE" before you approach the girl. Sexy
scene here with Marie, apparently optional. Either way, when you leave a
bunch of people will shout and scatter.

From the far side of the stone igloo, Phoenix is roughly NE, but
there's a forest in the way. Go either N, then E, or (easier to not miss
it) E around the S side of the forest, then N between them.

k) Phoenix:
You'll find Rolf in Phoenix, but he won't join you until you have
taken care of Kate in the SW corner behind the tree. Save game as "KATE"
before approaching her. You have sex, she gives you a diamond, and ruins
her marriage to Pietro for the rest of the game.

The Inn charges $60 the very first time and $50 from then on. It
apparently doesn't do anything special the first time.

People in town generally go on about Desmond's previous adventures.
They do mention that Arcadia is S then E through a mountain pass, only
women allowed there. Also, Carnage Corners is to the SE - home of the
House of Horrors (a strange name for a whore house!).

In the NW building, there is $500 in a jar.

If you leave through the north center, you enter the Tower of Desmond.
If you enter with Rolf, you get two extra lines of funny dialogue. Talk to
Marie, then go up to the top. Save the game, then open the boxes in this
order: Right, Left, Middle. You should get a "Desmond (TM) Action Figure"
(TREASURE), which is worth $1000 to the man in SW corner of Coventry. Like
the Warmer, there's no apparent use for this elsewhere in the game, so you
might as well sell it (wait until you get Luna rather than walking back
and forth). If you don't get it, load and try all the other combinations.
Saving and restoring is the only way to go! While a message on the
Megatech BBS says you get a Flame Gem when you sell the Action Figure with
Luna along, I haven't confirmed that.

Go through the SE exit in town to enter the Cemetery where you meet
Nora and get the hint to try bumping into tombstones. You will find a
BRONZE ARMOR, BRONZE HAT, and Angelic Mist here. Then go S into the Crypt
and get $300 from the chest, an AXE+1 in the SW corner, and a HEAD GEAR+1
in the NW corner (these look like rocks). Do these before spending money
on equipment for Rolf, because some of these are the best offered in

Rolf is in what looks like a bar, the second building E of the NW
building in Phoenix. If you do Kate first, you can get him by talking,
leaving the building, and then talking again. If you haven't done Kate, he
won't join until after you do. Note that you'll now get slightly different
speeches because Rolf chimes in, although I think that what the other
people say doesn't change.

Rolf starts off 4 to 6 levels below Desmond with random values for
HEAD GEAR. Get him the best equipment available before you leave town, set
him at a lower Attack Gauge than Desmond, and turn on Defensive for now.
At first, especially against the tough monsters E of Phoenix, Rolf may die
quickly. So just take it easy at first, and build them up before going too
far. Eventually you can make it to Carnage Corners or Nero's Retreat.

With Rolf, you can now go N along the coast and move the boulder to
get you through to Squalor Hollow, and can get back through again that
way, or you can walk around the long way.

Go to Squalor Hollow and find that everyone except Larousse is gone,
and that your Falcon Sword is supposedly at Castle Kalist. The mention
that it is a brewery to the N is bogus. Larousse will give you "Ivy's
Twig" (TREASURE), but you don't know what to do with it yet. The Inn and
stores here can't be used! The trigger for all this is getting Rolf to

If you go to Nameless Village, the only change is that one man will
mention that Squalor Hollow is now empty. No change elsewhere.

l) Nero's Retreat:
Generally S of Phoenix, but you have to go to the SE and then SW. At
the far SW of the land from Coventry there is a sign and a man telling you
that Nero's Retreat is to the E, but walking along the coast, bypassing
Tymm, is impossible.

This town is optional now, but a good idea with Luna later. Entry is
$300 for the party. Don't worry, although you are literally stripped of
all equipment in the town, you'll get it all back when you leave. If you
save the game in town, then load, you can then do an Equip - otherwise the
game won't allow it until you leave town.

You can't buy or sell in the weapons shop, but there is a potion store.

In the building on the E side with three stairs, there is $300 in a
jar on the ground floor, $400 in a jar at the top of the right tower, and
in a jar at the top of the left tower you'll get $1 several times and then
a Diamond Ring (Snow Gem). The kid's treasure is a jar full of rats, but
it won't do anything else without Luna.

To the NE are three girls. Talk to the one on the left long enough to
start guessing their ages, then go talk to their Gramps at the top of the
middle tower (enter from N outside), then save as "3GIRLS" before talking
to them again. This optional one is now turned on for almost the rest of
the game, even if you leave town and return.

The other girl to the NW doesn't ever actually show you anything.

The Inn charges $40.

Note that entering here with Luna later gets you an extra line of
dialogue, but she strips down anyway. It isn't anything you can't get by
removing her robe. The real reasons to come here are in the kid's jar and
the jar at the top of the left tower. You'll find a Lightning Gem (grants
Thunder) and a Diamond Ring (really Snow Gem - raises Blizzard)
respectively in them.

m) Carnage Corners:
Go S then E from Phoenix, over the bridge (yes, there's a bridge!),
then go straight E.

The House of Horrors is a brothel with 5 girls inside, which you
enter from the W side of the bar in the NE of town. Pay $500 and walk
upstairs to see a girl.

Reactions afterwards indicate that the first 3 are bad and the last 2
are good. From left to right, they are Lilith (domination), Nina (nurse),
Mimi (under age?), Elena (OK), and Irina (talks about your mother). I
saved before paying, then paid and saved in front of each girl as
"LILITH", "NINA", "MIMI", "ELENA", and "IRINA",. You get different
dialogue if you see the same girl more than once, but no change in

You are told Carnage Cemetery is to the N. That's where a tournament
is being held. You need to pay $500 per person in the party to enter, and
the game notices when you add more people. You get an Entry Card
(TREASURE) when you've paid.

The stairs down where you get the entry card are useless for the
whole game. There are 3 sets of stores here. The selection differs
slightly between them, but the lists below show only the total

An old man E of the NW corner says the (apparently) Dark Knight was
here and left already. Most of the rest about being able to bust barrier
to Arcadia is bogus, except for the passing mention of a twig. Arcadia is
to the E, a young sorceress (Luna) is there.

The Mayor's house is in the NW corner. $200 in a jar there, and the
Mayor's daughter who just says random things for now. With Luna you get
extra dialogue.

n) Carnage Cemetery:
Go N from Carnage Corners, then follow the narrowing peninsula to a
man and the cemetery. You must have an Entry Card from Carnage Corners to
enter, and you must have paid for all the people in the party.
Theoretically, you could enter alone, or with Rolf, or with Rolf and Luna,
according to the voice files.

Be careful because you can't use Skunk Oil, Magic Wings, or Warp in here.
Most of the chests weren't great, but the 3 on the island had a BRONZE
ARMOR+1, a Heal Potion, and $1000.

Anyway, make your way completely through here once. Go over the intact
bridge, and through the first building. After the first building, go to
the SW and save game as "DRAWING" before opening the chest and getting the
Sexy Drawing (TREASURE). Now go into the second building. In there you'll
find (in the SW corner inside mummy cases) a Speed Drink, Vitamin Mix, and
an Angelic Mist. In chests you'll find a Heal Potion and a receipt for
$100. Keep looking at the empty chest with the receipt to get 2 Vitamin
Mix. A skeleton in the NW near the stairs has a High Potion. When you
start having choices between hallways and stairs, take the middle hall,
middle stairs, middle stairs, right stairs, left stairs, and finally
middle stairs. You will end up pushing a man into a warp and then (might
as well) going in yourself. This will put you back outside the Cemetery.
But don't expect to do this in one trip! Unless you've built up both
Desmond and Rolf a lot between Phoenix and Carnage Corners, you'll be
making multiple trips to get experience and explore.

Upon going back to Carnage Corners, a young man will tell you to go
get Luna. The old man promises to give Transsexual Nuts for a sexy picture
in the cemetery. If you went through the warp, you can trade the drawing
for the nuts. With Ivy's Twig and the nuts, you can go to Arcadia to get

o) Arcadia:
Head E and a little N from Carnage Corners, until you get to a gap in
the mountains to the east. You can get through with the Transsexual Nuts
and Ivy's Twig, although there are no graphics of the sex change.

Arcadia is the only useful thing in the area, which is otherwise
surrounded by mountains, and not too big.

Once again, the town is full of women that have a history with
Desmond, or want to make some...

There's $1000 in the jar in the building in the SE corner of town.
There's a Magic Nut in the bush behind the church in the NE corner.
Another one is in a barrel on the E side of the church. There's a High
Potion in the jar in the front of the Weapons Shop. And there's an Angelic
Mist in a bush (says barrel!) on the S side of the central pool.

The women you'll meet say: Mellions to the N has rich men; go see the
Princess; Mellions is N and Castle Kalist is E from there; and Sheila
gives you silly random "measurements" for several women (Lulu, Luna,
Princess, The Goddess, Jane, Helen, etc.).

Luna is the one on the left in the church, her mother is Ethel. Save
the game as "LUNA" before talking to her, because Luna's statistics are
randomly determined (and she has impressive cleavage). She will be ? to ?
(6) levels below Desmond with random values for HP, MP, DEX, STR, and INT.
INT and MP are important for Luna. All you have to do to get her to join
the party is talk to her, and sit through a lot of talking. Note that I
haven't mentioned the Inn yet. That's because you get a full heal when you
get Luna to join. Its $60 in case you need it later. Luna regains all her
MP when she rests at an Inn.

One sexy scene here is with Helen in the Weapons Shop (save as
"HELEN"). It doesn't matter if Luna is with the group, although you do get
extra dialogue with her.

Another sexy scene is with Lulu in the Tower. Enter the Tower from the
SW corner of town. Lulu is in the SW corner of one of the middle levels,
save as "LULU" before talking to her. Again, it doesn't matter if Luna is
with the group, but she has extra dialogue. Lulu and the whole tower are
apparently optional, but you should go to the top to talk to Aquarina. You
can get $1000 (and some flavored gels?), an Angelic Mist, and a Stamina
Drink here.

Luna must be in the party before you can see the Princess by going N
between the guards on the N side of town, although only Desmond goes in.
There are 4 Maids (nothing but a little talk) and the Princess. Talk to
her once, then save the game as "DIANA" after all the maids leave. Talk to
her again for too talkative sexy scenes and to get the Virgin Medal
(TREASURE), mandatory for progress. There are also a Vitamin Mix in the SE
corner of the room, and a Stamina Drink if you walk between some of the
columns in the NW of the room.

The last (optional) sexy scene occurs if you go back in the church
after finishing Diana. There's a match girl ("MATCH") in the NW corner of
the church.

Some strange things were noticed here: the guards to the Princess
sometimes don't say anything when you talk to them (you get text but no
voice), and if you talk for the first time to Annie (outside Inn) with
Luna in the party, she and Annie both show blank text screens in the
middle of the dialogue until you click on them.

You can't buy any equipment in Arcadia, the Weapons Shop is just a
empty counter where you can get an item and meet Helen. Luna has a Robe
and Magic Ring to start with, but if you were smart you got a Robe+1 and
Lune Ring in Carnage Corners earlier. Although you might start wanting to
get Magic Nuts and Magic Potions now, you can get by without them if you
use Luna's Warp spell (or Magic Wings) to get back to a town when she
starts running low on MP. Luna knows Earth, Warp, and Fire when she joins.
You'll find the other spells (Blizzard and Thunder) later.

The Earth spell cures variable HP for 5 MP. The Warp spell costs 8 MP
to put the party just inside the entry of any town already visited, or at
the Wasteland warp location. The Fire spell costs 3 MP to do variable
damage in combat. The spells with variable effects are better with a
higher ATK value or higher level. After finishing all your business in
Arcadia, either walk out through the barrier or warp to Carnage Corners.
With Luna along, you get extra dialogue in a few places (Clara's, House of
Horrors), some of it amusing.

Although this is cheating, because I didn't find any of these until
the endgame, you can get most of Luna's missing spells now. In Dreadsden,
that pool that gave $1 each time will give a Snow Gem after several tries
and then be empty.

Two other gems are at Nero's Retreat. A Lightning Gem is in the kid's
rat jar, and gives Luna the Thunder spell, which shows on the lower right
corner of the Magic Gem treasure. The jar at the top of the left tower
gives a Diamond Ring (really a Snow Gem) after 10 tries of $1 each, then
is empty, and you can get that one even without Luna.

Another Lightning Gem is at the sign S of Coventry. You may have to
visit Nero's Retreat first to get the "suicide cliffs" speech, then return
to the sign to get the gem once the man is gone.

You might get other (Flame?) gems by selling the Pocket Warmer and
Action Figure with Luna in the party, but I haven't confirmed that yet.

The only other gem I know of is a Snow Gem gained through combat with
Haggis in Castle Kalist. None of these gems is really an item; stores
won't buy them, just use them and be happy. The first gem gives Luna the
spell (Blizzard or Thunder), the second upgrades the spell to affect
multiple enemies, and the third enhances the spell further. The Magic Gems
treasure will show how many you've used by changing its lower left or
right corner on the Treasure screen. The picture in the manual even shows
it as Magic Status. So far, the total is 3 Snow Gems and 2 Lightning Gems.

p) Carnage Cemetery (finally):
Make your way to Carnage Corners and pay another $500 to put Luna on
the Entry Card. You can't get in the Cemetery otherwise. Now go all the
way through the Cemetery again (this is at least the second time here!).
Save before the warp point. At the warp point, nothing will happen. Well,
you will meet two Devilars running a monster generator, fight them, and
get a Magic Potion. If they're too tough, do the cemetery some more, or
use Luna's Fire spells.

Now save the game again before going further S. Next you'll meet and
eventually fight Yrnie. He leaves a Power Drink and the Key of Kalist
(TREASURE). Now there are no monsters in the Cemetery for the rest of the
game, and a girl is in the SW corner of the room. Save as "MONA" before
talking to her. She's mandatory, because the game won't recognize that
you've completed the Cemetery without her. She gives you a ruby pendant.
The people of Squalor Hollow reappear then go home. Your new goal is now
Castle Kalist to get the Falcon Sword (that's what you think!).

After Mona finishes, you can walk out of the Cemetery. The guard will
talk, then leave, and you can finally walk N to the end of the peninsula -
nothing there, sorry. Go back to Carnage Corners to get your reward(s).

The man behind the counter in Carnage Corners N center will give you
$5000 for completing the Cemetery. The message for the stairs is different
but they're still useless. Some other people's messages have changed but
nothing substantial. The girls in the House of Horrors are the same too.
Save as "CLAIRE" before talking to the girl in the NW house, but she's

If you go to Squalor Hollow, people say different things but nothing
important. Your next objective is to walk NE and N to Mellions because
its the closest town to Castle Kalist.

q) Mellions:
Out to the NE of Carnage Corners, there is a sign that says: Arcadia S,
Mellions N, Castle Kalist NE. You can read the back of this sign to get a
full set of directions for the puzzle in Castle Kalist. Mellions is N and
a little W from the sign.

An old man in the NW corner of town tells you that Castle Kalist is to
E, monsters and treasures there, need virgin and key to enter castle. A
girl on the E side tells you that the Virgin Medal, owned by the Princess
of Arcadia, powers the barrier, only a virgin can draw its power. An old
man just NW of the town entry tells you the Virgin Medal changes from iron
to gold on a virgin.

The Inn is $70.

You can't go down stairs (now or ever, although the message changes
during the rest of the game) in the building just N of the town entry.

To get all the information about the "9 staircase trap" in Castle
Kalist, you have to save the game before talking to either Marcy (SE) or
Arl (SW). Marcy will tell you to go down the upper right, then up the
bottom left stairs. Or Arl will tell you to go down one, then up the
bottom left, then down the bottom middle stairs. But you can't talk to
both without saving and loading! Or you could just read the back of the

There's a Magic Potion in a jar in Marcy's basement, and a Magic Nut
in one in Arl's. Also $500 in a jar on the first floor of Marcy's.

There is $10,100 in a jar in the Potion Store; be persistent. There is
$5000 in a barrel in the Weapons Store.

You'll need $70,000 to afford all the equipment improvements available
here! Bash monsters outside town to get more cash if necessary. When
you're ready, head roughly E to Castle Kalist.

r) Castle Kalist:
A "dungeon" to the E of Mellions. The Falcon Sword is supposed to be
here. You'll have to detour either N or S around a forest to get to the
Castle. There's nothing in the other territory around, except for another
land to the E that you can't get to yet, because its separated by water
from Xentar. That's the Wasteland, which you'll get to later. You can also
walk all the way around the mountains surrounding Arcadia.

Yes, Luna is a virgin, and you need the Virgin Medal, the Key of
Kalist, and Luna to enter Castle Kalist.

On the entry level, you'll find a locked door and a "dimensional
disturbance". Remember where these are for later, but you can't do
anything with them yet.

The Paranoia monster has the rare booty MAGIC HELMET. Two of these
would be nice if you can get them.

Make your way down to the large area with multiple down stairs.
Following a combination of Arl's and Marcy's directions (or the back of
the sign S of Mellions), take the upper right one down (the first one
you'll come across), then walk SW and take the bottom left one up, and
finally walk a little E and take the bottom middle one down. Save game
before you take that last staircase. You'll be losing Luna for a while,
and things can be tough if you're used to magic winning combats. From this
point on, you can't get back out without Luna.

You eventually come to a small level with two chests. In them are what
appear to be the Falcon Sword and Genji Armor, but (spoiler) they're
really fakes. Their Equip values don't match what you actually get, and
you're better off using a Light Sword and Gold Armor anyway. So, don't
equip them, but you have to get them both while you're here. If you don't,
you can't get Luna back (she won't appear in the last room). Note that the
first chest will always be the sword, and if you leave the room with only
the sword it will make the left chest be open when you return.

After some more stairs, you see what appears to be Luna lying on the
ground to the N. I suggest healing Desmond and Rolf to full, and changing
combat to "G8 NORMAL" for both, before you talk to "Luna". Save the game
as "HAGGIS" (hint). You'll eventually fight Haggis, and she heals, so this
may take a while. You get $1000, 300 experience, and a Snow Gem from her,
and Luna will rejoin the party. The fakes will disappear. Make sure you
equip Luna before you start moving again, and change combat back to your
previous settings. The Snow Gem isn't really an item - you can't sell it
or even get a value for it in a store. But if you use it, Luna learns
Blizzard (4 MP combat spell), and the Magic Gems treasure now displays 3
little colored things instead of 2. If you've found the other two Snow
Gems already, this one gives you "enhanced power".

Now fight your way back up to the entry level. Ignore the extra
staircases and just walk around to the NE after you come up the bottom
middle one this time. You'll find that the original entry is blocked, but
the locked door is now open and there's a Demonic Key (TREASURE) in the
chest behind there. Now go to the "dimensional disturbance", and enter the
pentagram to be warped to Wasteland.

This is a new land to explore. You can warp back and forth from here
(Wasteland) now. Unless you went through Castle Kalist without a scratch,
warp back to a town and return here after a rest and re-supply.

You can't enter Castle Kalist anymore. While wandering around later
(it doesn't matter where), you'll get some strange messages about a black
cloud, which is apparently the Darkness others talk about later.

s) Wasteland:
There is a whole new cast of monsters here, not just one or two new
ones. This means that for ALL the monsters your Knowledge will be zero at
first. I suggest setting combat to "NORMAL" for a while. Note that the
"Mad Hand" is particularly nasty; if you don't kill it quickly, it will
rush around and squeeze Luna for lots of damage before disappearing.

From the warp (starting) location, follow the spiral around until you
start getting choices of where to go. There will eventually be an opening
to the W, leading to a sign that says Moronvia is to the S. Go S (either
way) to the town.

t) Moronvia:
This is a small town. Half of it is underground, but you can't go down
there yet. Your incentive is that the Pearl of Sorrow (a treasure) and
Alice (the chief's beautiful grand-daughter) are both down there. But the
guard wants some food first.

A girl tells you the Xentar Temple is far to the N but it can't be
seen. You are also told that is no conventional way back to the rest of
Xentar from here, although you don't have to worry.

There is a Magic Nut in the well in the SE corner, $2000 in the NE
corner, and a Magic Potion in the barrel in the house just NE of the town
entry. The Inn is $80.

Get improved equipment here for a total of $29,500 before going on.

Your next destination should be the town of sexy cat people to the E
then N. Their prized possession was stolen, and they will reward you for
returning it.

u) Feline Farms:
From Moronvia, go E, follow the path NE, then go N where there's a
choice. Keep going N after the sign. Where you have 3 choices, take the
left. If going back S, again take the left. The town icon looks like a cat

Here you'll learn that the Temple of Xentar is to the NE, a shining
sword was seen being sucked into the Temple. There are dogs in a cave to
the N that stole the cats' tuna liver lumps, there are hidden passages in
the dogs' lair. There is "Darkness in the sky" and "The Light is not here
now". Also there are fairies at the forest lake to the N, and a human girl
was seen rubbing her thighs against a tree in the northern forest. A
Moronvia girl is to be a god's bride; Moronvia is S then W of here, where
the Pearl of Sorrow is. Tuna liver lumps have a strange effect on humans,
and are normally sold in the SE building. Almost all the cats (all are
female!) are pining for tuna liver lumps.

There is a Magic Potion in the bushes E of the town entry, and another
one in the bushes W of the entry. In the central north building, there is
$10 in a jar and a Magic Potion in the bed. You must talk to Partesia (fur
fiends don't worry, you have sex later) to be able to get the Tuna Liver
Lumps later. In the SE building, there is $10 and $500 in jars. In the SE
corner, there is a Vitamin Mix at one of the graves. The Inn charges $50,
$60, $70, $80, $90, or $100 randomly. There is cat food in a jar here that
raises Desmond's INT by 5 one time. No weapons or potion shop in this
town, but it is a Warp destination. Use it as a base for the dog cave to
the N.

In the territory to the N and W, the Gull and Vampire monsters both
have the rare booty MAGIC SHIELD. The Kumonger monster has the rare booty
MAGIC ARMOR. If you get one, save game and give the first to Rolf. But
like other rare items it only showed up when someone went up a level.

v) Cave of Doggies:
Not that far N, and just a little W, between two groups of trees.
Finish the cave before going too far W outside. Home of brand new Para
Dog, Killer Dog, and Gigantes monsters. Use Blizzard rather than Fire on
them. On the entry level, there is $2000 in the NE corner chest. From the
entry, go N, down stairs, around and up stairs, to room with Vitamin Mix
and Magic Potion in 2 chests.

From the entry, go N, E towards SE corner, through a "hidden passage"
to get to stairs in SE corner. There are more hidden passages to the E and
W just S of the skeleton in the hall below. Keep talking to that skeleton
to get a Magic Potion. Go E, then N, and get Angelic Mist and Magic Potion
from the 2 chests even though they look open. At the doorway, fumble your
way through the darkness (click on the room N when you can see it).

Set combat to "NORMAL" and save game before talking to Dog Boss. He
heals but isn't too tough. Get $2000, 666 experience, and a Speed Drink.
Tuna Liver Lumps (TREASURE) are in chest. Now fight your way back out.

Go back to Feline Farms, and save as "PARTESIA" before talking to the
chief in the central north building. Between sex, she tells you there was
a dark evil form in the sky recently, and two lights (sword and armor)
flew to Temple at same time. Tristrap is to the (N then W then) N. Xentar
Temple is E of there, need Pearl of Sorrow and key to enter. Fairies to N
hidden in lake have key. Tuna liver lumps will make a man fall asleep for
several days. The Dark Knight was just here. You keep the lumps treasure
for now.

"MEWI" in the NW house, and "SILVIA" in the NE corner of the Inn, are

I'm not sure if you can get in underground Moronvia yet by giving the
man the lumps, leaving town, and trying again.

w) Village of the Fairies:
To the W and N of the cave, sometimes the ground is white. The Gust
monster is healed by either Fire or Blizzard spells. The Magic Face
monster is healed by Blizzard spells. You'll get sick and tired of these
around Tristrap later. On the E side of the northern ice area (be careful
about movement when saving "TREEGIRL"), you find an un-named girl humping
a tree (optional). She doesn't show up in NR-13 mode, just NR- 18 mode.

There's a sign telling you to try the next path W, eventually you
should find the small lake that you enter to get to the fairy village.

This is a warp location, but there are no stores, no Inn, and no items
in any of the trees or buildings here. What you will find is a key you
can't get to, a Magic Nut and a Magic Potion in bushes near the key, and 6
fairies to talk to. The important one is Sylphie, third from the left and
NW of the key. In total: the other fairies help Sylphie guard the key;
evil is coming through the Temple now; there are monsters outside
(really!?); motionless Darkness fills the sky (not noticeable like cloud
effect once earlier); Tristrap is S, W, then N from here; two bright
objects were sucked into Xentar Temple. I think talking to Sylphie is

Make your way to Tristrap, the last village in the game.

x) Tristrap:
The Inn is $90. The weapons shop on the W side of town is the one
listed below. Later the SE shop will open.

They tell you: SE there is a "proper lady" in a clearing (that was
TREEGIRL), the Moronvia chief believes his grand-daughter will marry a
young god, the Temple to the E was the entrance to the gods' world, the
Dark Knight was headed to the Temple, and there are Fairies in the lake to
the SE.

There is a Vitamin Mix in a jar in the building E of the Inn. There is
$1000 in a jar in the NE building.

Use Tristrap as your base to explore the area. The Xentar Temple is to
the E, but you can't get in yet without the key. The next few movements
are handled easiest as Warps.

Warp to Moronvia, give the guard the lumps, leave town, come back, and
finally go underground.

y) Moronvia Underground:
There is a Magic Nut in a jar in the entry building. There is a Magic
Potion in the "Inn" building. After seeing Alice once with the Chief, he
sends her away to hide. You can't go down the stairs until later.

Warp to Tristrap, and the man E of the entry will give you the clue to
go to the fairies.

Save the game as (mostly optional, from left to right) "RAMIE",
"LOLA", "SYLPHIE" (mandatory), "CECILIA", "CAMRY", and "LISA" in the
Village of the Fairies. Personally, I'm a little disgusted by
considering crying raped fairies as sexy. The key is gone, but you won't
need it. Back to Moronvia.

Everybody is gone except for the man guarding the lowest stairs, then
he disappears too. Save the game as "ALICE" before talking to her
(mandatory) to get the Pearl of Sorrow (TREASURE). Warp to Tristrap and
prepare for more monster bashing. The SE Weapons Shop in Tristrap is now
open, and "NASTASIA" (optional) appears in the SW house in Tristrap. Note
that the DRAGON AXE isn't as good as the MIRACLE AXE if Rolf has STR 185
or above. Except for the FALCON SWORD and GENJI ARMOR, this is as good as
it gets until the end of the game - which is soon.

You should hang out bashing Gusts and Magic Faces until their
experience starts decreasing, before you go on to the Temple.

z) Xentar Temple:
For all the grief you get going to this place, its a shame they didn't
make it a Warp destination. Walk here E from Tristrap, kill some monsters,
then Warp out either outside or in one of the "safe" rooms. When you first
get here, you find the door open, and meet Arstein just inside before he

Among the new monsters in here, note that the Devilar is not the same
as the two encountered in Carnage Cemetery. The narrow hallways have
monsters, but the big rooms are "safe" (no random monsters) and you can
Warp out there. On the entry level, the left door leads to 2 chests with a
Speed Drink and Vitamin Mix; the right door is an empty room; the center
leads up to level 2 right door.

On the second level go W then N in the door. In this safe room, take
the first S opening to a chest with the GENJI ARMOR. Note that it can't be
sold. The second S opening leads to a chest with a Power Drink. The third
opening S leads to the 3rd level E side.

On the third level, the far W door leads to a chest with the FALCON
SWORD. Again, it can't be sold. Also, although the FALCON SWORD should be
amazingly great, it doesn't seem to be in combat. Anyway, the center door
on the 3rd level leads to the W side of the 4th (and top of this building)

On the fourth level, you can't enter the E door. The center door is
opened by the Pearl of Sorrow (which isn't consumed). From this point on,
you are always safe and can Warp out, although monsters still exist
elsewhere. Walk through a lot of short hallways and finally reach the
"clouds" level where the gods live.

Here you can talk to a bunch of seraphs, but you eventually must talk
to the Goddess Althea. You get a long speech which I won't spoil and
finally are fully healed and teleported to a small island, just S of the
entrance to the Arena. Desmond gets to do the next few things alone.

Note that the sign for the Arena might take a long time to show up,
and then only flash on the screen momentarily. Anyway, send Desmond in and
N through a lot of hallway. You could avoid Arstein but you must talk to
him to continue. When the sequence completes, save the game before trying
to go back S. Desmond eventually fights Deimos. You should have a pile of
healing available, and set combat to "G8 NORMAL"; I found that with G5
Desmond doesn't do enough damage to keep up with Deimos healing himself,
and "Attack only" is a quick way to die. Anyway, after winning there's
more talk with Althea and Altair (who you never see) and Desmond is fully

Leave S and rejoin Luna and Rolf. Find the Mirror of Illusion
(TREASURE) under the sign, then Warp anywhere (Arcadia if you're in a

aa) Endgame:
Well, the game is now over except for a few things. There are now no
more monsters anywhere, and all the Inns and shops are useless. Most of
the people in towns and elsewhere say things about your victory and
consequences of it.

That pig in Dreadsden confirms that the line was from Hamlet, act 3,
scene 2, and tells you to go to Arcadia now. When you leave Dreadsden, a
group of people outside town start running a marathon (except one guy).

In Coventry (Pietro's mom) and Phoenix, Pietro and Kate are still on
the rocks. The boxes in Desmond's Tower in Phoenix are closed again, but
there's nothing in them. The rumor about Frump hiding his treasure in the
Phoenix Cemetery turns out to be false. Nero's Retreat is now free, but
you can't see the 3 girls. And in Carnage Corners, you can't see the girls
in the House of Horrors either now that its free. In fact, the only
optional girl that you can still see is Lulu in the tower in Arcadia. The
cat women are about to leave. The fairies have recovered, and will be gone
if you visit them, leave, and return.

Anyway, to end the game completely, visit Aquarina at the top of the
tower in Arcadia, and then the Princess. You do get one shot of Priscilla
and her dwarves in NR-18 mode, but nothing else with anyone, and
especially no sex with Luna (bummer!). A sequel is suggested during
Diana's speech and a hands-off animated sequence with the credits. When
the screen finishes the English credits, press ESC to exit the game.

The "Xentar Photo Shop" option on the main menu shows up only if you
finish the entire game with the Mirror of Illusion and see the credits
screen. The next time you start the game, the presence of the 'KX.CRD'
file controls if the option appears. You get an animated slide show of the
girls in the game which Desmond "officially saw", but it doesn't include
Haggis, Althea with baby, or hurt Althea. I've saved a "full" KX.CRD file
if you want to see what it looks like.

zz) Miscellaneous:
?Something about a picture of a girl ("look at the hooters on her!")
in Visel's Cave voice file? never found anything like that, unless maybe
you're supposed to ignore Vitamin Mix chest until later, or you get this
only by going in without Mystic Marble?

?What happens if you don't go up and down the correct stairs in
Castle Kalist?

?After Deimos, is there now a bridge or some way to walk between
Wasteland area and rest of Xentar? It's possible to be trapped on the
Wasteland island if you run out of MP to cast Warp spells!?

?Messages on the Megatech BBS say that you get Flame Gem(s) if you
sell the Pocket Warmer and Action Figure when Luna is in the group. I
haven't confirmed this yet.?

?What's going on with these gems you get from girls - rhinestone from
Clara, diamond from Kate - are these magic gems or something else?

If you don't install the NR-18 upgrade, the sexy scenes are either
not shown (but you get some of the voices and text), or are edited for
modesty. One in particular, Elena in Carnage Corners, actually looks

I'm a little disappointed in the endgame credits animated sequence. I
was expecting a sex scene between Desmond and Luna, and it never happened.
Don't expect me to believe she's still a virgin in the sequel!

3. Knights of Xentar - Weapons, Armor, and other Items:
a) Weapons: For the weapons, the numbers given are the bonus (or penalty)
that it gives to various character statistics (except HIT), compared to
NOTHING (hands). Those statistics not listed are not affected by choice of
weapon. In a store, values are shown for ATTACK, MAGIC DEF., and SPEED;
these are really (as on the Status Player screen) ATK, FTL, and SPD
modifiers. When doing an Equip, WEIGH is the negative of the SPD penalty
of the item, and the ATK modifier and HIT value are as shown. All weapons
set the character's HIT % to the given value instead of adding on to it,
when equipped. "DRL" signifies if an item is useful to, respectively,
Desmond, Rolf, or Luna; "Y" is yes, "n" is no, and "-" is unknown
(probably no). Note that FTL % is shown as MAGIC DEF. in the store
display; Status Player proves it is changing FTL instead of MDF. Luna
doesn't use a weapon per se, but her "fillet" items do affect her ATK
value although based on INT (max 255?) rather than STR (max 255). Items
with a "?" after the price are never bought, but the price is calculated
to be that value.

SPD = DEX - total WEIGH of equipped items (SPD minimum 1)
ATK = STR + weapon's ATK bonus (for Desmond and Rolf)(ATK maximum 255)
ATK = INT + "fillet" ATK bonus (for Luna)(ATK maximum 255)
HIT% = weapon's HIT value (50 to 100%)
FTL% is weapon-specific *shown as MAGIC DEF. at stores* (0 to 25%)
DEX, STR, INT, DEF, EVA, and MDF are not affected by weapons
Weapon Store codes are:
S = Squalor Hollow
X = Nameless Village
D = Dreadsden
Y = Coventry (composite)
P = Phoenix
C = Carnage Corners (composite)
$ = Mellions
M = Moronvia
T = Tristrap (west shop)

Weapon Name DRL ATK FTL% HIT% WEIGH Cost Stores
KNIFE Ynn +10 0 70 1 50? (free from Don Frump)
KNIFE+1 Ynn +15 0 80 1 150 SX
DAGGER Ynn +20 2 70 2 300 D
DAGGER+1 Ynn +25 3 75 2 500 Y (rare
Minotarus booty)
DAGGER+2 Ynn +30 4 80 2 800 YC
LONG SWORD Ynn +40 5 90 4 1000 P
POWER SWORD Ynn +50 5 85 5 3000 C
LIGHT SWORD Ynn +60 8 85 5 5000 $
FALCON SWORD Yn- +40 0 50 8 - (fake in Castle
LIGHT SWORD+1 Ynn +70 10 90 5 8000 M
LIGHT SWORD+2 Ynn +80 12 95 5 10000 T
FALCON SWORD Ynn +100 25 100 3 - (in Temple)
AXE nYn +10 2 60 5 400? (Rolf at start)
AXE+1 nYn +20 3 70 5 800 PC (and in
Phoenix Crypt)
WARRIOR AXE nYn +30 5 75 6 2000 C
WARRIOR AXE+1 nYn +50 7 80 6 4000 $
MIRACLE AXE nYn +70 10 100 4 7000 MT
DRAGON AXE nYn +100 10 90 5 10000 (new shop SE
MAGIC RING nnY +20 0 90 0 200? (Luna at start)
LUNE RING nnY +40 0 95 0 500 C
POWER RING nnY +55 0 90 0 2000 $
BARRIER RING nnY +70 0 95 0 5000 M
ANGEL RING nnY +90 5 100 0 10000 T (and new shop
SE Tristrap)
NOTHING YYY +0 0 50 0 - (at start,
always available)

b) Armor: Armor items are either for the body (armor), head (helmet), or
shield. In a store, values are shown for DEFENSE, MAGIC DEF., and SPEED;
these are really (as on the Status Player screen) DEF, MDF, and SPD
modifiers. When doing an Equip, WEIGH is the negative of the SPD penalty
of the item, and the DEF and MDF modifiers are as shown. You won't see the
EVA modifier at a store or when doing an Equip, you have to do a Status
Player to see it. "DRL" signifies if an item is useful to, respectively,
Desmond, Rolf, or Luna; "Y" is yes and "n" is no, and "-" is unknown
(probably no). Luna can only wear body items, which are shown as "ROBE".
Note that the Dragon Gear is for Rolf's head, not feet as stated in the
manual. Items with a "?" after the price are never bought, but the price
is calculated to be that value.

SPD = DEX - total WEIGH of equipped items (SPD minimum 1)
DEF = DEX/8 + total armor DEF bonus
EVA % = total armor EVA bonus (see Status Player)
MDF = INT/2 + total MDF bonus
DEX, STR, INT, ATK, HIT, FTL are not affected by armor
Weapon Store codes are:
S = Squalor Hollow
X = Nameless Village
D = Dreadsden
Y = Coventry
P = Phoenix
C = Carnage Corners
$ = Mellions
M = Moronvia
T = Tristrap (west shop)

Armor Item DRL DEF MDF WEIGH EVA% Cost Stores
LEATHER SUIT Ynn +5 +0 0 +30 30? (from Don Frump)
LEATHER ARMOR YYn +15 +2 2 +10 100 SX
LEATHER ARMOR+1 YYn +20 +2 2 +10 300 SXDYP
BRONZE ARMOR YYn +25 +5 3 +10 2000 YP (and in
Phoenix Crypt)
BRONZE ARMOR+1 YYn +30 +5 3 +10 3000 PC
IRON ARMOR+1 YYn +40 +7 4 +10 7000 $
IRON ARMOR+2 YYn +45 +7 4 +10 15000 $M
GENJI ARMOR Yn- +25 +0 4 +0 - (fake in Castle
GOLD ARMOR Ynn +60 +15 10 +5 30000 $
MAGIC ARMOR YYn +60 +20 5 +25 50000? (rare Kumonger
& Devilar booty)
DRAGON ARMOR nYn +55 +15 5 +15 12000 (new shop SE
GENJI ARMOR Ynn +70 +25 3 +30 - (in Temple)
ROBE nnY +30 +10 0 50 300? (Luna at start)
ROBE+1 nnY +50 +20 0 50 800 C
BARRIER ROBE nnY +70 +30 1 80 2000 $
POWER ROBE nnY +80 +40 1 60 3500 M
MAGIC ROBE nnY +100 +50 2 70 7500 T (and new shop
SE Tristrap)
NOTHING YYY - - - - - (at start,
always available)

Helmet Item DRL DEF MDF WEIGH EVA% Cost Stores
LEATHER HAT Ynn +5 +0 1 +5 100 X
LEATHER HAT+1 Ynn +10 +0 1 +5 300 DY
BRONZE HAT Ynn +20 +1 2 +5 500 YC (and in
Phoenix Crypt)
IRON HAT Ynn +30 +1 2 +5 1200 C$M
GOLD HAT Ynn +40 +3 3 +0 2500 M (and new shop
SE Tristrap)
MAGIC HELMET YYn +45 +15 2 +15 50000? (rare Paranoia booty)
HEAD GEAR nYn +5 +0 1 +0 200? (Rolf at start)
HEAD GEAR+1 nYn +10 +0 1 +0 400 P (and in
Phoenix Crypt)
PROTECT GEAR nYn +20 +0 2 +5 1000 C
MIRACLE GEAR nYn +30 +3 2 +15 2000 $
DRAGON GEAR nYn +40 +5 2 +10 3500 MT (and new
shop SE Tristrap)
NOTHING YYn - - - - - (at start,
always available)

Shield Item DRL DEF MDF WEIGH EVA% Cost Stores
LEATHER SHIELD YYn +5 +0 1 +20 100 SXP
LEATHER SHIELD+1 YYn +10 +0 1 +20 200 SXP
BRONZE SHIELD YYn +15 +1 2 +10 400 DY (rare Mani booty)
BRONZE SHIELD+1 YYn +20 +1 2 +10 800 YPC
QUININE SHIELD YYn +10 +15 1 +20 2000 Y (buy 2 of these)
IRON SHIELD YYn +30 +2 4 +5 1500 YC$
IRON SHIELD+1 YYn +35 +2 4 +5 3000 C$
IRON SHIELD+2 YYn +40 +2 4 +5 5000 $MT
MAGIC SHIELD YYn +60 +15 4 +10 50000? (rare Gull &
Vampire booty)
DRAGON SHIELD nYn +55 +4 5 +5 5000 T (and new shop
SE Tristrap)
GOLD SHIELD Ynn +50 +3 5 +0 8000 (new shop SE
NOTHING YYn - - - - - (at start,
always available)

c) Items: These appear in the Item menu. The last 5 could be sold, but no
store ever stocks them. Snow Gems and Lightning Gems can never be sold.
The Eraser Pen can rename Desmond, Rolf, or Luna; you can only rename
Desmond at the start of a new game.

Potion Store codes are:
S = Squalor Hollow
X = Nameless Village
D = Dreadsden
Y = Coventry
P = Phoenix
N = Nero's Retreat
C = Carnage Corners
A = Arcadia
$ = Mellions
M = Moronvia
T = Tristrap

Heal Potion 100 SXDYPNCA$MT Heals 100 HP, booty
High Potion 200 SXDYPNCA$MT Heals 250 HP, booty
Angelic Mist 400 YP CA$MT Restore 200 HP to each character, booty
Deluxe Potion 1000 Heal all HP, never seen!
Smoke Grenade 200 SXDYPNCA$MT Exit battle, booty
Skunk Oil 250 XDYPNCA$MT Prevent outside encounters
Magic Wing 150 DYPNCA$MT Teleport to previous town
Magic Nut 1500 PNCA$MT Restore 50 MP, booty
Magic Potion 4000 A$MT Restore 250 MP, booty
Eraser Pen (3334) Rename one character, rare Evil
Sprite booty
Stamina Drink (6667) +5 to 9 HP, rather rare booty/find
Speed Drink (6667) +3 to 5 DEX, rather rare find
Power Drink (6667) +3 to 5 STR, very rare booty
Vitamin Mix (6667) +3 to 5 INT, rather rare find

d) Treasures: The Status Treasure screen shows 15 boxes which are all
empty at the start of the game:
> Flammo Pocket Warmer - from SW house in Dreadsden - sell to man in
same house for $100 - ? sell with Luna in group to get Flame Gem ?
> Mystic Marble - from hermit in Dreadsden after Priscilla - to enter
Visel's Cave
> Magic Mirror - from Priscilla after killing Visel - to remove Tymm
> Desmond (TM) Action Figure - from chests in top of Tower of Desmond in
Phoenix - sell to man in SW of Coventry for $1000 - ?sell with Luna in
group to get Flame Gem?
> Ivy's Twig - from Larousse in Squalor Hollow after others vanish - to
get through barrier near Arcadia
> Entry Card - from man in north center of Carnage Corners after paying
$500 per party member - to enter Carnage Cemetery
> Sexy Drawing - from chest in Carnage Cemetery (go over bridge, through
first building, then SW) - give to old man in Carnage Corners for
Transsexual Nuts
> Transsexual Nuts - from old man in Carnage Corners for Sexy Drawing -
to pass barrier to Arcadia
> Magic Gems - shows up when Luna joins, starts as 2 halves, Snow Gem
makes 3, Lightning Gem makes 4 - spells known status only
> Virgin Medal - from Diana (Princess) in Arcadia - to enter Castle of
Kalist with Luna
> Key of Kalist - from Yrnie at end of Carnage Cemetery - to enter
Castle of Kalist
> Demonic Key - from Castle Kalist after Haggis - to get to pentagram
and Wasteland
> Tuna Liver Lumps - from Cave of Doggies - talk to Partesia then give
to guard in Moronvia, leave and return to proceed
> Pearl of Sorrow - from Alice in underground Moronvia - to enter center
door 4th level of Temple of Xentar
> Mirror of Illusion - from sign after Deimos - turns on Xentar Photo
Shop option after sitting through credits

4. Monsters and their Booty
While the list in the manual is pretty good, it does leave out some
monsters, doesn't say where any are found, if they throw magic or heal
themselves, and especially what sort of booty (spoils) they might leave
behind. Booty doesn't happen every time, and for rare items may not seem
to ever happen. If two booty items are listed, the second one is the rare
one. If one of Luna's spells seems to be much more useful than the others
for defeating the monster, it is listed as "use ...". The boundaries where
different monsters appear are where movement towards one screen edge
produces a jump to another edge rather than scrolling. It is possible to
run into "near Mellions" monsters NW of Feline Farms due to this. Unique
monsters always have the listed booty, and you should set combat to "G8
NORMAL" before fighting them. Experience for monsters is the most for a
single monster, increases by 1/2 that amount for each additional monster
in group, but decreases once Desmond is above a certain level. Money for
monsters increases for each one in group, but never decreases due to

Near Squalor Hollow:
Slime - Heal Potion, Eraser Pen
Daos - Heal Potion, Stamina Drink
Battle Bee - throw Blizzard - Smoke Grenade, Heal Potion
Mount Litmus:
Giant Clam - Heal Potion, Smoke Grenade
Mani - Heal Potion, BRONZE SHIELD - 1 or 2
Minotarus - Heal Potion, DAGGER+1 - only 1
Near Nameless Village & Clara's Place:
Daos - Heal Potion, Stamina Drink
Battle Bee - throw Blizzard - Smoke Grenade, Heal Potion
Joker - (rare) Speed Drink
Clara's Place:
? Wolf (unique = War Wolf) - Stamina Drink
Near Dreadsden & Priscilla's Place:
Battle Bee - throw Blizzard - Smoke Grenade, Heal Potion
Joker - (rare) Speed Drink
War Wolf - Smoke Grenade
Bandit - heals - High Potion, Heal Potion
Priscilla's Place:
Dwarves (unique group of 6 = Pygmy) - High Potion
Belcho (unique = Pygmy Boss) - High Potion
Visel's Cave:
Pygmy Boss - heals - Smoke Grenade
Blue Devil - heals
Visel (unique = Paranoia) - Magic Nut
Near Coventry:
War Wolf - Smoke Grenade
Bandit - heals - High Potion, Heal Potion
Death Doll - throw Blizzard & Fire, Blizzard heals! - Smoke Grenade,
Magic Nut
Evil Sprite - throw Blizzard, heals, Fire or Blizzard heals! - (rare)
Eraser Pen
Near Phoenix & Nero's Retreat:
Death Doll - throw Blizzard & Fire, Blizzard heals! - Smoke Grenade,
Magic Nut
Evil Sprite - throw Blizzard, heals, Fire or Blizzard heals! - (rare)
Eraser Pen
Fire Bird - throw Fire, use Blizzard - Smoke Grenade
Demon Eye - throw Thunder - (rare) Stamina Drink
Near Carnage Corners:
Fire Bird - throw Fire, use Blizzard - Smoke Grenade
Demon Eye - throw Thunder - (rare) Stamina Drink
Living Tree - High Potion
War Bear - Smoke Grenade
Carnage Cemetery:
Skeleton - Angelic Mist
Zombie - High Potion
Mummy - High Potion
Devilar (unique group of 2 = Blue Devil) - Magic Potion
Yrnie (unique) - Power Drink & Key of Kalist
Near Arcadia:
War Bear - Smoke Grenade
Poison Cobra - Angelic Mist
Near Mellions:
War Bear - Smoke Grenade
Poison Cobra - Angelic Mist
Orc - heals - Angelic Mist, MIRACLE AXE
Castle Kalist:
Ghost - throw Blizzard, Blizzard heals! - Magic Nut, High Potion
Wizard - throw Fire & Blizzard & Thunder, heals - Magic Nut, High Potion
Paranoia - throw Thunder - (rare) MAGIC HELMET
Mini Devil - throw Fire & Blizzard - Magic Nut
Haggis (unique) - throw Fire & Blizzard & Thunder, heals - Snow Gem
Near Moronvia:
Evil Elephant - Angelic Mist, Magic Nut
Goblin - heals - use Blizzard - (rare) Stamina Drink
Kumonger - throws Blizzard - use Fire - Magic Nut, MAGIC ARMOR
Mad Hand - use Fire - throws Thunder, grabs Luna if not killed quickly!
- Angelic Mist, Vitamin Mix - only 1
Near Feline Farms:
Goblin - heals - (rare) Stamina Drink
Mad Hand - use Fire - throws Thunder, grabs Luna if not killed quickly!
- Angelic Mist, Vitamin Mix - only 1
Kumonger - throws Blizzard - use Fire - Magic Nut, MAGIC ARMOR
Gull - heals - use Fire - Magic Potion, MAGIC SHIELD
Cave of Doggies:
ParaDog - use Blizzard - Smoke Grenade
Killer Dog - use Blizzard
Gigantes - heals, use Blizzard - Angelic Mist
Dog Boss (unique) - heals - Speed Drink
Near Fairy Village:
Kumonger - throws Blizzard - use Fire - Magic Nut, MAGIC ARMOR
Gull - heals - use Fire - Magic Potion, MAGIC SHIELD
Mad Hand - use Fire - throws Thunder, grabs Luna if not killed quickly!
- Angelic Mist, Vitamin Mix - only 1
Vampire - use Fire - (rare) MAGIC SHIELD
Near Tristrap (on ice):
Gust - Fire or Blizzard heals!, use Thunder - Magic Nut, Vitamin Mix
Magic Face - Blizzard heals!, use Fire - Magic Potion, Vitamin Mix
Temple of Xentar:
Cockatris - use Blizzard - Angelic Mist
Ninja - heals, use Fire - Magic Potion
Tetsuo - throws Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, heals - (rare) Vitamin Mix
Devilar - throws Thunder - (rare) MAGIC ARMOR - 1 or 2
Deimos (unique) - heals, throws Fire & Blizzard & Lightning

5. Sexy Scenes
There are quite a few sexy scenes in this game, some of which are
mandatory for progress. The following lists all known sexy graphics and if
they are optional or mandatory. You might as well do them all. Seeing
these girls sets specific values in the KX.CRD file used by the Xentar
Photo Shop option at the main menu.

MONARAPE Squalor Hollow bar mandatory to start Don Frump sequence
WOLFRAPE Clara's Place mandatory according to Megatech
CLARA Clara's Place ditto, after WOLFRAPE
PRISRAPE Priscilla's Place mandatory to eventually get Magic Mirror
PRIS Priscilla's Place mandatory to get Magic Mirror
MARIE E of Tymm optional
KATE Phoenix SW mandatory to get Rolf
3GIRLS Nero's Retreat NE optional
LILITH C. Corners NE #1 optional
NINA C. Corners NE #2 optional
MIMI C. Corners NE #3 optional
ELENA C. Corners NE #4 optional
IRINA C. Corners NE #5 optional
DRAWING Carnage Cemetery mandatory to get Sexy Drawing
LUNA Arcadia church mandatory but just cleavage
HELEN Arcadia weapons optional
LULU Arcadia tower optional (bytes $22-23 now A1 3A)
DIANA Arcadia princess mandatory to get Virgin Medal
MATCH Arcadia church optional
MONA C. Cemetery end mandatory to complete Cemetery
CLAIRE C. Corners NW optional
HAGGIS Castle Kalist mandatory to return Luna (Haggis not
in slideshow)
PARTESIA Feline Farms mandatory to give lumps to man
MEWI Feline Farms optional
SILVIA Feline Farms optional
TREEGIRL E of Fairy Village optional (not found NR-13 mode)
RAMIE Fairy Village optional
LOLA Fairy Village optional
SYLPHIE Fairy Village mandatory
CECILIA Fairy Village optional
CAMRY Fairy Village optional
LISA Fairy Village optional
ALICE under Moronvia mandatory to get Pearl of Sorrow
NASTASIA Tristrap optional
ALTHEA1 Temple cloud level mandatory pretty but clothed
ALTHEA2 Arena mandatory Althea healed, Althea rising
both clothed
ENDSHOT Arcadia endgame mandatory (one shot of Priscilla in
endgame sequence NR-18 only)

If you have anything to add to this file, or would like to trade
other adult anime games, please let me know.

Pete Karsanow -