Last Bronx чит-файл №1

Hint: As with a lot of beat-'em-ups, playing solo in two-player mode gives you
a stationary opponent that you can practice your combo moves and special
throws on without fear of reprisal.

Hint: Turn all graphic options to the max and the game speed will shift to
super slow motion (even on a fast Pentium). This can be quite useful for
players who find themselves overwhelmed by the machine-gun pace of normal
combat. You can fine tune this to arrive at a speed that best suits your
fighting style.
Hint: Block constantly. Your opponents are wielding powerful weapons that can
deplete huge chunks of your strength with one blow; so don't let your guard
down until you see a clear opening. Just remember that the blocking command
won't protect you from throws and leg sweeps; so remember to maintain a little
distance from your opponent.