Legend of Kyrandia, The (Book One) чит-файл №3

Some general notes.
1) It is always wise to click on someone or something until the response
is the same each time, thus ensuring that you haven't missed some
meaningful dialogue or a needed hints.
2) You should SAVE before doing anything or using anything which might be
irreversable. For example, SAVE before placing gems on a plate,
crossing a lava flow, or drinking a potion. Thus, you can experiment
freely, find the correct solution, LOAD the saved game, and do it
right without using anything more than neccesary.
3) After SAVEing at a critical point, it is often worthwhile to do
something obviously wrong, just to see what happens. For example, even
if you know what to do at the Lava Bridge in the Dark Caverns, you
should SAVE and do it wrong... it's hilarious!
4) Click on anything that looks like an object, things in shadow or that
blend in to the background might just be useful items.

What follows is NOT a hintbook, there are no gentle suggestions.This is a
straight,point by point breakdown of the solution of The Legend of Kyrandia.
The game is basically linear.That is, you must solve each puzzle in sequence
before the next is presented.There are some parallel or simultaneous puzzles,
but for the most part, the game goes step by step. Also, there are some
puzzles that cannot be 'solved' until other conditions are met.For example,
Hermann will not fix the bridge till you have done everything you need to in
the first areas.If you've been given a quest which seems unsolveable, or you
are banging your head against a particular area of the game (finding the
Quill,Fixing the Pantheon of Moonlight, or crossing the lake to the castle),
it is often a good idea to SAVE a scratch game and then run around to old
areas, or seemingly unrelated areas of the game throwing things in holes,
using spells,magic items or amulet powers and generally flailing around. You
CAN get lucky and stumble into the solution.

A good rule of thumb is;if you find yourself saying "I've done everything
but ..." ... do it.It might just solve the puzzle. Some puzzles are quite
ingenious and have clever solutions with hints throughout the game. Others
are just 'try every combination till you hit it' type obstacles.

If you find an area you just can't solve, start reading the below
step-by-step instructions at the beginning,reading till you get to the part
you are stuck at. If you see something you didn't do, or something is
described that didn't happen to you,back up to that area and work from there.
Try not to read any further ahead than you need, as this is akin to turning
to the last page of a mystery. It takes all the fun out of solving it
yourself, and you'll feel cheated.

Please note that I've given only the absolutely neccesary steps. There are
many actions which can be performed which I don't go into,many of which can
be amusing,helpful,or even costly. Feel free to experiment. Who knows, maybe
I missed something... I'm only human!

I hope these instructions and maps will help you finish The Legend of
Kyrandia without diminishing any of the enjoyment found within. This is
definately one of the best games I've played on my PC in the past few years,
if not one of the best ever.

Good luck, and enjoy!


Things that appear as Proper Nouns are being referred to using the
_GAME'S_ wording.If you think you have something close, or are in the right
area,but thing's aren't going right, check to see if the Names involved are
really the same.Area Names are taken from the description line at the bottom
of the window. Item Names are derived from handling the items.

If you are told to move in a direction _without_ Capital Letters, that
means in a general way.E.g.: "Go south to the cave and give Hermann.." means
you should head in a generally southerly direction till you find a cave with
Hermann in it. Directions given in CAPITALS are explicit directions. "Chase
Merith by going EAST, EAST,EAST.." means follow those directions precisely,
moving one screen east for each "EAST" given.

If you are to go to a location by name, the map reference for tha location
is also given. For example, "Go east to Pool of Sorrow (1G)" means to head
east to find the Pool which is on the map for Stage 1, at location G.

TAKE means to click on the and place it in your inventory.
DROP means click on the in your inventory, and the put it
anywhere on the screen.
GIVE means DROP the on a specific person on the screen.
PLACE means DROP the in a specific location on the screen.
TALK means click on the .

For the first part of the game, you should TAKE any and all gemstones you
come across in your travels. You should wander the maps (when possible)
looking for items. There are many placed items that vary from game to
game. Gems are one of these. I can not tell you where to find specific gems,
just that there are 11 which will (or MAY) be needed for the "Birthstone
Quest": Diamond, Peridot, Garnet,Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Opal,
Pearl, Topaz, Onyx.

All the Maps are included at the end of the solutions.

All that said, on to the solutions:

Having gone through the introductory sequence, you are standing in
Brandon's Home.

First Stage: The Amulet Quest/Crossing the Bridge

TAKE: Grandfathers Saw, Garnet, Note.
GO: east to the Pool of Sorrow (1G).
TAKE: (Catch) Teardrop.
GO: south to Cave (1J).
GIVE: Grandfather's Saw to Hermann.
GO: northeast to the Forest Altar (1H).
TAKE: Lavender Rose.
GO: west (past Brandon's Home) to the Temple of Kyrandia (1F).
GIVE: Note to Brynn.
GIVE: Lavender Rose to Brynn.
TAKE: Silver Rose.
GO: southeast to the Willow (1D).
PLACE: Teardrop in Dent in Willow.
GO: (Chasing Merith) EAST, EAST, EAST, EAST, NORTH
TAKE: Marble.
GO: east to Forest Altar (1H).
PLACE: Marble in top of Altar.
PLACE: Silver Rose on Altar.

Thus, you have gained the Amulet of Kyrandia. This is NOT the Kyragem. This
is referred to from now on as"the Amulet".Solving certain puzzles will cause
one of the 4 gems in the Amulet to light up a color. When you are told to
"USE Gem", simply click on the Gem in the Amulet display.

GO: south to the Cave (1J).
(If you have completed the Amulet Quest, Hermann will be here, having
finished repairing the bridge. You may now cross into the next stage.)

Second Stage: The Timbermist Woods

GO: WEST to Darm's Abode (2B).
TALK to Darm.
GO: southwest to Marble Altar (2D).
DROP: Gems (do NOT put gems on plate yet.)
(NOTE: It's a good idea to DROP any gems you may find
at the Altar giving you more inventory slots for other
items. You will to have all 11 gems here at a later point.)
GO: WEST, WEST to Oak Grove (2E).
TAKE: Acorn
GO: east to Bird's Nest (2G).
TAKE: Walnut.
GO: Around Timbermist woods looking for a pinecone. It may
appear in a random area.
TAKE: Pinecone.
GO: to Deadwood Glade (2K).
PLACE: All three nuts (Pinecone, Walnut, Acorn) in Dark Hole.
GO: north to Bird's Nest (2G)
USE: Yellow Amulet Gem.
TAKE: Feather.
GO: to Darm's Abode (2B).
GIVE: Darm the Feather.
TAKE: Magic Scroll.

Thus, you have completed the first quest in the Second Stage, the "Quill
Quest". You should have the first Amulet Gem lit Yellow. You should be
carrying a Magic Scroll and any Gems you have found and not left at the
Marble Altar.

Darm will now set you on a second quest, the "Birthstone Quest". His clue is
not very helpful. He is NOT making a reference to the birthstone for the
first summer month, but rather to an arbitrary Sunstone which you may have
encountered, but woud not have been able to take yet. The clue is also
misleading in that it implies that you should be placing the Gems on the
Plate in order of season. Not so. The order you place the Gems (after the
initial Sunstone) is random and changes each game.

GO: southeast to Bubbling Spring (2J)
TAKE: Sunstone (found IN the stream leading off the
bottom of the picture).
GO: around the Timbermist Woods and the Land Around randon's Home (First
Stage) looking for Gems. There are 11 (listed above). They were not
available until Darm set you on the quest. They are distributed randomly
around both Stages. You can find multiple Rubies at the Ruby Tree (2F).
When you take one (or more), a Snake will bite you. After taking nay
rubies you want and BEFORE leaving the area, USE the Yellow Amulet Gem.
Once you have all 11 (either in your possession or DROPped at the Marble
Altar), NOT counting the Sunstone, continue on...

GO: to the Marble Altar (2D).
PLACE: the Sunstone on the Plate.
You now have to begin a process of elimination. PLACE each
Gem on the plate, until one dissapears in colored light,
rather than in flames. This is the 'second birthstone'.
LOAD your SAVEd game, PLACE the Second Birthstone on the
plate, SAVE the game again, and repeat the process to find
the Third, and Fourth Birthstones.
TAKE: the Flute, any one Red Gem (Ruby, Garnet), any one Blue Gem
Sapphire, Opal, Aquamarine), and the Topaz. If you have used
these gems to get the Flute, you will have to travel around
to re-find them.

Thus, you have completed the Birthstone Quest. You should now have in your
posession: 1 Red, 1 Blue and 1 Yellow gem; the Magic Scroll; the Flute.

GO: to Darm's Abode (2B).
TALK: to Darm.
GO: to Bubbling Spring (2J).
TAKE: Tulip.
GO: southeast to Serpent's Grotto.
GO: Into the Cave Mouth.
When Malcom throws the knife at you, all you can do is throw it back.
To do so, CLICK on the knife. Malcom will Freeze the entrance up.
USE: the Flute (CLICK it on Brandon).
DROP: the Flute.
GO into the Cave Mouth.

Thus, you have completed the Second Stage. You must have: 1 Tulip; 1 Red, 1
Blue, and 1 Yellow Gem; the Magic Scroll to complete the rest of the game.

Third Stage: The Shadowlands (AKA The Dark Caves)

The Dark Caves are easily the most frustrating area of the game. Carefull
mapping is the key to getting through this Stage with your sanity intact.
There are some general rules that you should follow in the caves. First:
Fireberries will last for four rooms, they dim each time you carry them into
another room. So you can pick a berry, go into a room, go into another room,
go into a third room, each dimming the berry. When you go into the foruth
room, the berries will go out. Unless there is a lightsource in the room
(Fireberry Bush, or it's not a Dark Cave), you will die. Second, Berries do
not burn out unless they are moved from room to room. A Berry DROPped in a
room will always be there. It will provide a safe, lit room as long as you
don't move the berry to another room. If you want to map the caves yourself,
you should use the following method:

1) Pick three Berries.
2) Move to a new room.
3) DROP a Berry in the room. You can drop berries in almost all of the
rooms so that you never have to carry them again, but this is very time
consuming and unneccesary as well.
4) When you are about to move to the fourth room (you will have no berries,
since it would burn out anyway, you don't need to carry a fourth), SAVE
the game. If you walk into a Dark Cave and die, LOAD the game and try
another path. Make notes of the rooms you have NOT successfully entered.
Just because you can;t get there now, dowsn;t mean you never will. In
fact, ALL rooms are accessable, eventually.

Unless you are very lucky, you will probably have to die dozens of times
while trying to map the caves. It is not worth the effort. Just use the Map
provided here.The included map has the most efficient route marked on it. If
you follow this path, you will find all neccesary items, encounter all
neccesary rooms/characters,and be able to get through the caves with a
minimum of Fireberry toting.

Having entered the caves, you are now standing at a Natural Mineral Sring.

GO: east to the Treacherous Crossing (3A).
DROP: ALL items. You will need alot of open inventory slots in the
TAKE: 3 berries.
DROP: 1 berry.
DROP: 1 berry.
DROP: 1 berry.
TAKE: 3 berries.

Using the above GO/DROP pattern, follow the path as directed:

TAKE: Heavy Rock.
GO: NORTH, EAST, NORTH, EAST, EAST to the Pantheon of Moonlight (3D).
TALK: to the Floaters.
TAKE: Heavy Rock.
Twighlight (3F).
TAKE: Coin, Heavy Rock.
TAKE: Heavy Rock.
GO: EAST, EAST, SOUTH, EAST, NORTH to Cavern of Emeralds (3E)
GO: back to the Treacherous Crossing (3A).
PLACE: All 5 Heavy Rocks on the Balance.
TAKE: All items previously DROPped here.
GO: to Serpent's Grotto (2L).
GO: northwest to the Ancient Well.
PLACE: Coin in Well.
TAKE: Moonstone.
GO: to Pantheon of Moonlight (3D).
PLACE: Moonstone in Hole in Temple.
USE: Purple Amulet Gem.
GO: southeast to the Volcanic River.
USE: Magic Scroll. (Do NOT DROP it.)
TAKE: Iron Key.
USE: Purple Amulet Gem.
GO: to Fireberry Bush EAST of Treacheroius Crossing (3A).
TAKE: 1 Berry.
GO: to Chasm of Everfall (3B).
GO: across Chasm to Dark Cave (3C).
DROP: Fireberry here. If you ever need to return to the caves later
in the game, having this berry here will keep you from
dying if you forget that walking into a dark cave kills you.
(No, I _NEVER_ did THAT! Who, ME? NAH!)
GO: EAST to ... OUT!

Thus, you have completed the Shadowlands Stage. At this point you should
have 1 Red, 1 Blue and 1 Yellow Gem, 1 Tulip, the Magic Scroll.

Fourth Stage: Fariewood

GO: out of Shadowland to Cavernous Entrance (4A).
TAKE: Apple.
GO: EAST, EAST to Dark Woods (4B)

Awaken in Zanthia's Laboratory (4C)

TAKE: Empty Flask.
GO: west to Fountain (4E).
GO: east to Flaming Tree (4H).
USE: Magic Scroll.
DROP: Magic Scroll.
TAKE: Crystal Ball.
GO: to Fountain (4E).
PLACE: Crystal Ball on Fountain.
USE: Empty Flask on Fountain Water (thus filling it).
USE: Flask of Magic Water on Brandon (thus drinking it).
RE-FILL: Flask with Magic Water.
GO: to Zanthia's Laboratory (4C).
GIVE: Filled Flask to Zanthia.
TAKE: Both Empty Flasks.
GO: east to Cascading Waterfall (4I).
TAKE: Blueberry from Bush.
GO: to Zanthia's Laboratory (4C).
TAKE: Empty Flask.
TAKE: Moved Rug.
USE: Trapdoor to GO to Strange Stump (4J).
GO: northeast to Tropical Lagoon (4L).
TAKE: 1 Orchid.
GO: to Strange Stump (4J).
USE: Trapdoor to Zanthia's Laboratory (4C).
TAKE: Empty Flask (you should now have 4 flasks).

In Zanthia's Laboratory:
PLACE: 1 Red Gem and 1 Orchid in Cauldron.
FILL: 2 (TWO) Flasks with Red Potion.
PLACE: 1 Blue Gem and 1 Blueberry in Cauldron.
FILL: 1 (ONE) Flask with Blue Potion.
PLACE: 1 Yellow Gem and 1 Tulip in Cauldron.
FILL: 1 (ONE) Flask with Yellow Potion.

USE: Trapdoor to Strange Stump (4J).
GO: south to Crystals of Alchemy (4K).
PLACE: 1 RED POTION in one side of Crystals,
PLACE: 1 BLUE POTION in other side.
TAKE: Purple Potion.
PLACE: 1 RED POTION in one side,
PLACE: 1 YELLOW POTION in other side.
TAKE: Orange Potion.

Thus, you have completed the Quest of Zanthia's Potions. You should now be
carrying 1 Purple Potion, 1 Orange Potion, an Apple, the Iron Key.

GO: north to Strange Stump (4J).
USE: Trapdoor to Zanthia's Laboratory (4C).
GO: southwest of Magic Fountain to Dark Forest where the Royal Chalice is
floating (4F).
USE: Blue Amulet Gem.
GO: EAST to Natural Clearing (4G).
(Make sure you have an Apple with you before proceeding.)
DRINK: Purple Potion.

Inside Pipsqueak's House,
DROP: Empty Flask.
GIVE: Apple to Pipsqueak.

GO: out of Pipsqueak's House.
TAKE: Royal Chalice (behind bush, next to door).
GO: To Zanthia's Laboratory (4C).
USE: Trapdoor.
GO: northeast to Tropical Lagoon.
TAKE: Orchid.

Thus, you have completed the Fourth stage of the game. You should have in
your possession: 1 Orange Potion, the Royal Chalice, the Iron Key, and an
Orchid. Three Amulet Gems should be lit: Yellow, Purple, Blue.
DO NOT PROCEED WITH OUT THESE ITEMS. Once you cross to the Island, you can
not return. You will have to LOAD an old game if you cross without these

The Fifth Stage: The Dark Island

At the Tropical Lagoon:
DRINK: the Orange Potion.
GO: Ooh and Ahh at the cool graphics!

GO: east from the Dark Island where you land (A) to Misty Grave (5B).
PLACE: Orchid on Grave.
GO: EAST, EAST to Castle Gate (5C).
USE: Red Amulet Gem.
PLACE: Iron Key in Gate Lock.
GO: WEST into Castle.

Thus, you have entered the Final Stage of the game.

The Sixth (Final) Stage: Inside Castle Kyrandia.

GO: UPSTAIRS to Grand Balcony (6B).
USE: Yellow Amulet Gem on Hermann.
GO: EAST to Bedroom (6C).
TAKE: Mallet on Chimes.
USE: Chimes in this order: Green, White, Yellow, Purple.
TAKE: Gold Key from behind Painting.
GO: south to the Grand Balcony (6B).
GO: Downstiars to the Castle Entry Hall.
GO: EAST, NORTH, NORTH, EAST to the Kitchen (6G).
TAKE: Royal Scepter (found at the right of the screen, the gold
poker at the table).
GO: west across Great Hall (6F) to Small Study (6H).
USE: Books. Pull OUT the books which start with "O", "P", "E", and "N".
Make sure all other books are pushed IN.
TAKE: Royal Crown.
USE: Fireplace (click on face).
GO: NORTH into the Hidden Passages.
GO: north to the Dark Passage with glowing green archway.
USE: Blue Amulet Gem.
USE: Out of place flagstone on floor.
TAKE: Gold Key from beneath stone.
GO: to Great Hall (6F).

Thus, you are about to enter the last section of the game. You should have
ALL the Amulet Gems lit (Yellow, Purple, Blue, Red), and should have the
Royal Scepter, Crown, and Chalice. You should have two Gold Keys. You will
not be able to proceed without all these items.

USE: BOTH Gold Keys on the Great Double Door.
GO: NORTH to the Royal Foyer (6L).
PLACE: The Royal Vestaments on the Pedestals in order, left to right:
Scepter, Crown, Chalice.

Thus, you unlock the Kyravault. Malcom now appears to challenge you.
GO: EAST into the Kyravault (6M).
USE: (Immediately!) the Red Amulet Gem.
GO: east to stand in front of the mirror at the right of the screen.

Malcom's own rage will now become his undoing. Thus, you have saved Kyrandia
and Restored the Glory of the Kingdom. Enjoy the lovely closing sequence.


Having played this game rather intently for about a month now, I have
noticed some peculiarities.There are many objects in the game which never
have a use: The Rainbowstone, the Items you find in the Castle Bedrooms, the
Emeralds in the Shadowlands. There ar some red herrings too: The old man at
the Oldes Tree in Kyrandia (Nolby) asks you "are these my shoes?", but never
quests you to give him any... nor are there any to be found.

Further, I have done some poking into the code and resource files for the
game, and have discovered references to objects I could never find:Shamrock?

Mushroom? Falling Star? Never saw 'em. These objects are listed in the
MAIN.EXE program and in the .EMC files which govern the conversation and
item interactions, but I can't find them anywhere.

My hunch is that these are parts of the game that didn't make the final
revision. Much like scenes being cut from a movie before final release.
The programmers just left out the code that uses these areas, but never
deleted the actual items themselves. Curious, at the least.

I hope this solution sheet helps you solve the Legend of Kyrandia without
taking the fun out of the adventure. There are many things to do in the game
which I don't list in this solution sheet. They are 'asides', which are not
neccesary to completing the quest.For instance,in Brandon's hme, inside the
big pot is an Apple which you can eat. There are many story ends which you
won't see unless you do something wrong (like trying to cross the broken
bridge before t's fixed, or crossing the Volcanic River without using the
Magic Scroll (one of my favorite scenes! I Lost it!)

Some of the best fun in the game is playing with things the wrong way, or
going where you're not supposed to, just to see what happens. Try doing the
wrong thing ... it may have a reward all its own.

If you find any errors in my sheet, please let me know so I can correct
it before giving it to others. You can drop me a line on the Virgin Support
Board or a postcard to me at the adress below would be even better. Enjoy
the game, and see ya in the silicon!

Steve Elfenbein
Ghola Productions, Ltd.
P.O. Box 266
Lanesborough, MA
ATTN: Kyrandia

First Stage : The Land Around Brandon's Home

--м --м -+м --м --м --м --м
жF+--+Eж жBж ж +--+ +--+H+--+ ж
L-- LT- LT- L-- LT- L-- L--
ж ж ж
-+м --м -+м --м --м -+м
ж +--+D+--+C+--+ +--+G+--+ ж
L-- L-- L-- L-- L-- LT-
ж ж
--м -+м
L-- L--

A: Inside Brandon's Home F: Inside Temple
B: Outside Brandon's Home G: Pool of Sorrow
C: Below Brandon's Home H: Forest Altar
D: Rotting Tree I: Cavernous Entrance
E: Temple of Kyrandia K: Bridge

Second Stage: The Timbermist Woods

--м --м --м --м FROM
жFж жB+--+A+--+ +--CAVE A: A Strange Hut
LT- L-- LT- L-- B: Inside Darm's Abode
ж ж C: A Large Statue
-+м --м -+м --м D: Marble Altar
жE+--+D+--+C+--+Gж E: Oak Grove
LT- L-- LT- LT- F: Ruby Tree
ж ж ж G: Bird's Nest
-+м --м -+м -+м --м H: Oldest Tree in Kyrandia
ж +--+ +--+H+--+I+--+Jж I: An Ancient Well
L-- LT- LT- LT- LT- J: Bubbling Spring
ж ж ж ж K: Deadwood Glade
-+м -+м -+м -+м L: Serpent's Grotto
ж +--+ +--+ +--+ ж
L-- L-- LT- LT-
ж ж
-+м -+м --м
жK+--+ +-+Lж
L-- L-- L--

Third Stage: The Shadowland (AKA The Dark Caves)

--м ----м --м --м --м --м --м --м
жC+-+OUTж ж +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ ж
LT- L---- LT- LT- LT- L-- LT- LT-
] [ ж ж ж ж ж
-+м --м -+м -+м -+м --м -+м -+м --м --м --м
жBж ж +--+ +--+ +--+ ж==жDж==ж*+--+ +--+ +--+ ж жOж
LT- LT- LT- LT- LT- L-- LT- LT- LT- LT- LT-
ж ж ж ж ж ж ж ж ж ж
-+м -+м -+м -+м -жм --м -жм -+м -+м -+м --м --м -жм
ж ж==ж ж ж ж==ж*ж==ж +--+ ж жO+--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ ж==ж*ж==ж ж
LT- LT- LT- LT- LT- L-- LT- L-- LT- LT- LT- LT- L--
ж ж ж ж ж ж ж ж ж ж
--м --м -жм -жм -жм -+м -+м --м -жм --м -+м -+м -жм -+м
-+*+-+A+--+*ж ж +--+O+--+ +--+ ж ж ж==ж ж жOж==ж ж==ж +--+Eж ж ж
L-- L-- L-- LT- LT- LT- L-- LT- LT- LT- LT- LT- LT- LT-
ж ж ж ж ж ж ж ж ж ж
-жм -жм -+м --м -жм -+м -жм -+м -жм -жм -+м --м
ж*ж==ж ж ж ж ж +--+*ж ж ж ж*+--+ ж ж*ж==ж ж ж +--+ ж
LT- LT- LT- LT- LT- LT- LT- L-- L-- L-- L-- L--
ж ж ж ж ж ж ж
-+м -+м -+м -+м -жм -+м -жм --м --м у=м у=м
ж +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ ж ж +--+ ж==ж +--+ +--ж ж жHж
L-- LT- LT- LT- LT- L-- L-- LT- LT- LT- LT-
ж ж ж ж ж ж ж ж
-+м ужм -+м -жм --м --м -жм -+м ужм ужм
ж +--жIж--+ +--+ ж==жFж==ж*ж==ж +--+ ж ж ж--жGж
L-- L=- L-- LT- L-- LT- L-- L-- L=- L=-
ж ж
-+м --м -+м
ж +--+ +--+ ж
L-- L-- L--

Legend: ж Room you ж
ж * = Fireberry Bush -+м ужм can't get ж
ж O = Heavy Rock + + = Room ж ж = to using ж
ж ж= = Recommeded Path LT- LT- Fireberries ж
ж +- = Available exit alone. ж

A: Treacherous Crossing E: Cavern of Emeralds
B: Chasm of Everfall F: Cavern of Twighlight
C: Dark room G: Volcanic River
D: Pantheon of Moonlight H: Important Room
(AKA Temple of Love & I: Un-important Room
Tides) OUT: uhh... Out? Y'know?

Fourth Stage: Faeriewood

--м --м --м --м
FROM --+A+--+ +--+B+--+ ж
--м --м --м --м --м -+м --м --м --м
жI+--+ ж жHж ж +--+ +--+E+--+ +--+D+--+C+ - -
LT- LT- LT- LT- L-- LT- L-- L-- L--
ж ж ж ж ж
-+м -+м --м -+м -+м --м -+м --м
ж +--+ +--+ +--+ ж ж +--+F+--+G+--+ ж
L-- L-- L-- LT- LT- LT- LT- L--
ж ж ж ж
-+м -+м -+м -+м
ж +--+ +--+ +--+ ж
L-- L-- L-- L--

A: Cavernous Entrance F: Royal Chalice
B: Broken Branch G: Natural Clearing
C: Zanthia's Laboratory H: Flaming Tree
D: Zanthia's Dwelling I: Cascading Waterfall
E: Enchanted Fountian

жLж J: Strange Stump
LT- K: Crystals of Alchemy
ж L: Tropical Lagoon
--м --м --м -+м --м
ж +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ ж
LT- LT- L-- LT- LT-
ж ж ж ж
-+м -+м -+м -+м
ж +-+ ж ж +-+ ж
ж ж ж ж
--м -+м -+м --м -+м -+м
жC+- - +J+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ ж
L-- LT- L-- L-- LT- L--
ж ж
-+м -+м
ж ж ж ж
ж ж
--м -+м --м --м -+м
ж +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ ж
LT- L-- LT- LT- LT-
ж ж ж ж
-+м --м -+м -+м -+м
ж ж жKж ж +-+ +-+ ж
LT- LT- L-- L-- LT-
ж ж ж
-+м -+м --м --м -+м
ж +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ ж
L-- L-- L-- L-- L--

Fifth Stage: The Dark Island
ж ж
--м -+м --м --м A: Dark Island
жA+-+B+-+ +-+Cж B: Misty Grave
L-- LT- L-- L-- C: Gate of Castle
ж Kyrandia
ж ж

Sixth Stage: Castle Kyradia

First Floor:
(The hidden passages)

--м --м --м
жK+-+ +-+ ж
First Floor: L-- LT- L--
--м --м --м -+м --м
жL+-+Mж ж +-+Jж ж ж
LT- L-- LT- L-- LT-
| ж ж ж
-+м -+м --м --м -+м --м -+м --м
жH+-+ +-+ +-+Gж ж +-+ +-+ +-+ ж
L-- ж ж L-- L-- LT- LT- LT- LT-
жFж ж ж ж ж
--м ж ж --м -+м -+м -+м -+м
ж +-+ +-+ ж ж +-+ +-+ ж ж ж
LT- L-- LT- L-- LT- LT- L--
ж | ж ж ж
-+м -+м -+м -+м -+м --м
ж +-+A+-+ ж ж +-+ +-+Iж
L-- L-- L-- L-- L-- LT-

The Second Floor: A: Castle Entry Hall L: Royal Foyer
B: Grand Balcony M: Kyravault
--м --м --м --м --м C: Bedroom
жE+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+Eж D: Great Hall (2nd Flr)
L-- L-- ж ж L-- L-- E: Bedroom(s)
жDж F: Great Hall (1st Flr)
--м --м ж ж --м --м G: Kitchen
жC+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+Eж H: Small Study
L-- LT- L-- LT- L-- I: Dark Passage (behind
ж ж Study Fireplace)
-+м --м -+м J: Dark Passage (with
ж +-+B+-+ ж glowing green arch)
L-- LT- L-- K: Dark Passage (with
| out of place flagstone)