Go to the bar in the Mos Eisley Cantina. In the Code section enter the codes
Code:.... Result:
HHY697... Boss Nass
QRN714... Captain Tarpals
DDD748... Count Dooku
EUK421... Darth Maul
BRJ437... Disguise
AAB123... Droid Tri-Fighter
EWK785... Ewok
CLZ738... Force Grapple Leap
PMN576... General Grevious
ZZR636... Greedo
HUT845... Imperial Shuttle
4PR28U... Invincibility
LD116B... Minikit detector
EVILR2... r2-q5 droid
INT729... Tie Interceptor
NBN431... Unlock Stormtrooper
GIJ989... Unlocks IG88
KLJ897... Unlocks Jango Fett
DBH897... Unlocks Tiefighter
BDC866... Unlocks Vulture Droid
PLL967... Watto
584HJF... Zam Wesell
UUU875... Zam's Speeder
Code:.... Result:
HHY697... Boss Nass
QRN714... Captain Tarpals
DDD748... Count Dooku
EUK421... Darth Maul
BRJ437... Disguise
AAB123... Droid Tri-Fighter
EWK785... Ewok
CLZ738... Force Grapple Leap
PMN576... General Grevious
ZZR636... Greedo
HUT845... Imperial Shuttle
4PR28U... Invincibility
LD116B... Minikit detector
EVILR2... r2-q5 droid
INT729... Tie Interceptor
NBN431... Unlock Stormtrooper
GIJ989... Unlocks IG88
KLJ897... Unlocks Jango Fett
DBH897... Unlocks Tiefighter
BDC866... Unlocks Vulture Droid
PLL967... Watto
584HJF... Zam Wesell
UUU875... Zam's Speeder