Leviathan: Warships чит-файл №1

Atlas Crushed: Win a 4-player game where everyone is fielding the Atlas class

Deconstructed: Complete the 'The Arctic Serpents' Campaign

Dreadnought Mastery: Complete the 'Battle of Triem' Challenge.

Extreme Power Dunk: Hit five enemies with a single railgun shot.

Friendship: Add a friend to your friend list.

Gatemaster: Complete the 'Attack on the Strait of Labris' Challenge.

Have One on Us: Finish the tutorial.

It Floats Alright: Create a blueprint.

Just Like Trafalgar: Win a match without losing a ship.

Killer of Giants: Complete the 'Defense of Outpost 77' Challenge.

Nipped at the Heels: Complete 'The Arctic Serpents' Mission 5 without
destroying your pursuer.

Party on International Waters: Finish a multiplayer match with four Players.

Power Dunk: Hit three enemies with a single railgun shot.

Rock Solid: Complete 'The Arctic Serpents' Mission 2 without losing any

Shipwright: Create a fleet.

Survived the Fury: Complete the 'The Sinking of Charybdia' Challenge.

The Cold Lady: Complete the 'Skirmish in the Floral Isles' Challenge.

The Great Giant: Finish Mission 3 of The Arctic Serpents campaign.

You are Tiny.: Win a 4-player game where everyone is fielding the Buzzer class

You're a Wizard: Finish Mission 6 of The Arctic Serpents campaign.