MechWarrior 3 чит-файл №4

11.07 PM
Written by Kopio(
Version 0.9

This FAQ is strictly PUBLIC DOMAIN-
it's free and no one should profit from selling any part of it to anyone.

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Controls List
-Movement Controls
-Weapon Controls
-View Controls
-Targeting Controls
-Cockpit Controls
-Communication Controls
-Mission Controls
Section 3: Credits
Section 1: Introduction
This Movelist is a quick guide to the controls of MechWarrior 3.
It may be confusing at first (almost the whole keyboard is used!), but
persevere and you'll surely get the hang of it. Me, I'm still confused.:)
Even though these controls can be obtained from the options menu, I still
hope this guide could assist you in your mastery of MechWarrior 3.
I'll keep this section short for now and will include future updates here.
Happy blasting!

Section 2: Controls List

Movement Controls
Forward throttle Up
Reverse throttle Down
Turn left Left
Turn right Right
Twist left ,
Twist right .
Pitch up -
Pitch down =
Center torso to legs Shift /
Center legs /
Toggle throttle direction Backspace
0% throttle 1
10% throttle 2
30% throttle 3
40% throttle 4
50% throttle 5
60% throttle 6
70% throttle 7
80% throttle 8
90% throttle 9
100% throttle 0
Jump jet J
Jump jet reverse End
Jump jet left Del
Jump jet right Pg Dn
Rotate left Insert
Rotate right Pg Up
Get up G
Crouch C
Startup/shutdown S
Toggle MASC V

Weapon Controls
Fire weapon Space or Left-mouse-button
Next weapon group ]
Previous weapon group [
Previous weapon in group Ctrl+[
Next weapon in group Ctrl+]
Next weapon Enter
Weapon group 1 F1
Weapon group 2 F2
Weapon group 3 F3
Weapon group 4 F4
Weapon group 5 F5
Assign weapon to group 1 Shift+F1
Assign weapon to group 2 Shift+F2
Assign weapon to group 3 Shift+F3
Assign weapon to group 4 Shift+F4
Assign weapon to group 5 Shift+F5
Toggle fire mode \
Alpha strike Numpad enter
Flush coolant F
Override thermal shutdown O
Jettison ammo Shift+K

View Controls
Cycle camera mode X
Look left Alt+Numpad 4
Look right Alt+Numpad 6
Look up Alt+Numpad 2
Look down Alt+Numpad 8
Look back Alt+Numpad .
Look forward Alt+Numpad 5
Cycle resolution Shift+V

Targeting Controls
Target next enemy E
Target previous enemy Shift+E
Target nearest enemy Ctrl+E
Target next ally W
Target previous ally Shift+W
Target nearest ally Ctrl+W
Target object under reticule Q
Clear target selection T
Target head Numpad 8
Target left arm Numpad 7
Target right arm Numpad 9
Target center torso Numpad 5
Target left torso Numpad 4
Target right torso Numpad 6
Target left leg Numpad 1
Target right leg Numpad 3

Cockpit Controls
Zoom reticule Z
Lock zoom reticule Numpad 0
Toggle torso mode Ctrl+Numpad 0
Freelock L or Right-mouse-button
Toggle damage display D
Toggle enemy damage display Ctrl+D
Toggle radar size R
Toggle radar mode Alt+R
Toggle radar map Shift+R
Toggle HUD on/off H
Toggle AMS on/off A

Communication Controls
Attack my target F6
Defend my target F7
Follow me F8
Hold position F9
Repair in MFB F10
Lancemate command screen F11
Lock awaiting orders Shift+F11
Cancel awaiting orders Ctrl+F11
Order MFB M
Next op point N
Previous op point Shift+N
Nearest op point Ctrl+N
Send message to team Numpad -
Send message to all Numpad *

Mission Controls
Mission objectives F12
Exit mission Ctrl+Q
Message window `
Section 3: Credits
This is the second FAQ I have done (the first one is a NBA99 movelist; can
also be found on GameFaqs). Well, this guide could't have been possible
without the following people & I'll like to thank them...

Gamefaqs ( for putting up this faq and for having
the faqs when u need 'em.
Greatest FAQ site ever!

Microprose ( Delivers the goods big time..Tops!

Official Site ( Info on MechWarrior 3

...and last but not least, thanks to all of you who have used this guide
as your reference.

Bye everyone, hope u liked the guide.
Please send all comments, criticism, and notification of any typos to:

MechWarrior 3 and all associations(C)1999 Hasbro Interactive, Inc.