Unlock in-game T-Shirts:
Enter one of the following codes at the Extras -> Network -> Enter passcode
screen. (you need a PSN account)
Code:............. Result:
2000016537833.... Big Boss face a la Che shirt (Red)
2000016756791.... Big Boss face a la Che shirt (White)
2000016032758.... Black T-Shirt with Big Boss text
2000016032390.... Black T-Shirt with Peace Walker text
2000016038415.... Black T-Shirt with White Peace Walker Logo
2000016036022.... Gray T-Shirt with Coffee Cup art design
2000016032567.... Gray T-Shirt with MSF logo
2000016032574.... Gray T-Shirt with MSF Logo
2000016032338.... Gray T-Shirt with Snake Art at the Back
2000016032635.... Navy Blue T-Shirt with MSF logo
2000016035902.... Olive T-Shirt with Snake Art
2000016038576.... Plain Tan T-Shirt
2000016032680.... White T-Shirt with Big Boss text
2000016035933.... White UNIQLO T-Shirt (unknown design
Enter one of the following codes at the Extras -> Network -> Enter passcode
screen. (you need a PSN account)
Code:............. Result:
2000016537833.... Big Boss face a la Che shirt (Red)
2000016756791.... Big Boss face a la Che shirt (White)
2000016032758.... Black T-Shirt with Big Boss text
2000016032390.... Black T-Shirt with Peace Walker text
2000016038415.... Black T-Shirt with White Peace Walker Logo
2000016036022.... Gray T-Shirt with Coffee Cup art design
2000016032567.... Gray T-Shirt with MSF logo
2000016032574.... Gray T-Shirt with MSF Logo
2000016032338.... Gray T-Shirt with Snake Art at the Back
2000016032635.... Navy Blue T-Shirt with MSF logo
2000016035902.... Olive T-Shirt with Snake Art
2000016038576.... Plain Tan T-Shirt
2000016032680.... White T-Shirt with Big Boss text
2000016035933.... White UNIQLO T-Shirt (unknown design