Хроники Нарнии. Принц Каспиан чит-файл №1


NOTE: The following codes work only when used with an
Action Replay device. These codes WILL NOT WORK without this
Game ID: YQNX-3D42CD30

Infinite Health
02069768 20002000

1 Hit Kill
1206975a 00002001
1206975c 00002001

Infinite Item Slot 1:
a213c5b4 0000a0a0
a213c5b4 ff000000
2213c5b4 00000009
d2000000 00000000

Infinite Item Slot 2:
a213c5bc 0000a0a0
a213c5bc ff000000
2213c5bc 00000009
d2000000 00000000

Infinite Item Slot 3:
a213c5c4 0000a0a0
a213c5c4 ff000000
2213c5c4 00000009
d2000000 00000000

Infinite Item Slot 4:
a213c5cc 0000a0a0
a213c5cc ff000000
2213c5cc 00000009
d2000000 00000000

Infinite Item Slot 5:
a213c5d4 0000a0a0
a213c5d4 ff000000
2213c5d4 00000009
d2000000 00000000

Infinite Item Slot 6:
a213c5dc 0000a0a0
a213c5dc ff000000
2213c5dc 00000009
d2000000 00000000

Super Item Modifier Slot 1:
a4000136 ffbf0000
02000100 00000000
d0000000 00000000
94000136 ffbf0000
a2000100 00000001
da000000 0213c5b0
94000130 feff0000
d4000000 00000001
d0000000 00000000
d7000000 0213c5b0
8213c5b0 0000001c
0213c5b0 00000001
d0000000 00000000
02000100 00000001
d2000000 00000000

On the menu, Hold R and tap the item in the first slot of your inventory to turn
it into another item.