Hint: You'll get a lot farther a lot faster using a joystick. With responsive cars and tricky, fast corners, you should find the quick, tight action of a stick preferable to the longer physical throws of a wheel-and-pedal set.
Hint: Redlining rules. Especially on sections with elevation changes, try to keep your car at marginal redline rather than shifting up where the torque isn't nearly as high. This may require changing gears a lot, but that's why you have a manual tranny, isn't it?
Hint: Once you've had a good look at the game, switch off the visual effects. Granted, you'll suddenly be without some of the graphical perks, but you'll also be without the smoke and dust that often obscure the view. As a bonus, you may also find your frame rate substantially improved.
Hint: Cut corners! There's lots of run-off room on the shoulders and sidewalks surrounding these tracks; a good human driver must take advantage of this leeway.
Hint: For a faster start, try the following: Keep the rpm at the quarter mark before the green flag. Shift immediately when you hear "Go!" and, to keep wheel spin to a minimum, accelerate gently rather than flooring it.
Hint: If you're faced with an oncoming cop in Hot Pursuit mode, chances are he'll try a slide block to his weak side (the most open side) of the track. If you head straight for him and then veer to his strong side (the narrowest opening), you'll usually blow past his limited AI.
Hint: Shortcuts often aren't. They're usually quite difficult to negotiate and often don't eliminate enough track. Nevertheless, there are three really good ones: Redrock Ridge: Just a second or two before the balancing rock hairpin, turn to the left (cuts the entire hairpin corner). Country Woods: Several seconds after the two sharp lefts following the first tunnel, turn to the right and wind through the trees. Empire City: Seven or eight seconds after the start, turn to the left and drive through the laneway. (This one continues after you've crossed the track.)
More distance between the police: After the police are on your tail, flip a U-turn by pressing [Space] (E-Brake) so you are heading right for them. Once you pass them, they will also turn around. Flip another U-turn and quickly accelerate. Flipping the U-turn takes the police more time, and will give you a couple more seconds to get ahead of them.
Empire City shortcut: Close to the start of the Empire City track is gap in the wall. Drive through it and end up on the other side. Straight across the road is a roadblock. Drive through it and the other roadblock on the other side.
Atlantica shortcut: When you are at the split roads, stay to the right. A wooden passage will be visiable at the second split. Use the hand brake and turn into it. Then drive straight. You then have to go left and then straight. After that, turn right.
Country Woods shortcut: There is a shortcut in the Country Woods track that can save 18 seconds on your time. It is located where the fence ends near a lot of trees.