Pizza Syndicate чит-файл №1

Increase reputation:
Make a syndicate and find jails (large red/brown and pink buildings with bars)
in all the cities. Click on the building and the "Jail" column will appear.
Then, click on the first picture at the top to get the men to help with the
mission. Kill the cops and get some people out to increase your reputation.

Easy clean and dirty money:
When starting a new game, start your own syndicate. You can decide to rob a
bank, and by doing this by yourself you can get around $50,000 dirty money. You
can choose to keep this or launder it. By laundering enough, you can drive the
rate down to about 6:1 or 7:1. That means that instead of 20 dirty for 1 clean,
you get 6 to 7 dirty for 1 clean. This is a great way to get money immediately.

Invincible thugs, burglars, killers:
-When starting your own game, join your own syndicate. Select your branch. Go
to "Employees", and select "Security Guards". On the right, you can select a
Thug, Burglar, etc. Choose your Thug, hire him, then look at his stats. You can
choose to beat him until his health refills. Do this a few times, then send him
on his own mission. He will have an icon above his head, like an anvil or
something else, and he will not take damage.
-First, set up your own syndicate. Then, go the staff screen and hire a thug.
After that, press the "Punish" button (red face at the end of the health bar)
until it goes so far down it replenishes itself and will not go down from full.
Find a bank with a full safe, equip your thug with a gun (preferably a machine
gun), and rob the bank. Make sure your player moves out of the way as he/she
will not be invincible. You can do this for any member of your own syndicate,
except for yourself.

Bicycle rider and miniskirt woman:
When you click on the woman wearing the pink miniskirt, a bicycle rider will
appear and run into her. When he goes to help her up, click on him. A censor
blur will appear and you will hear them having sex. Once they are done he will
leave and she will walk around without her skirt.