POSTAL 2 чит-файл №3

To activate Postal 2 cheats, press the [Shift] and the [@] key or the [~] key on
some systems to make the Game Console Window Appear. Type in SISSY to enable the
cheat modes then enter any of the following below for goodies...

Alamode - God Mode
PackNHeat - Gives player every destructive weapon in the game
PayLoad - Set all current weapons to have lots of ammo
IAmSoLame - Gives all weapons, max ammo and turns you invinivible
PiggyTreats - Gives lots of doughnuts
JewsForJesus - Gives player lots of cash
BoyAndHisDog - Gives player lots of dog treats (yep your dog is very useful when
Jones - Gives player lots of health pipes
SwimWithFishes - Gives player all radar related items
FireInYourHole - Enables rocket cameras (fun!)
IAmTheOne - Gives player lots of catnip
LotsAPussy - Gives player lots of cats (for use as silencers)
BlockMyAss - Gives player body armor
SmackDatAss - Gives player the gimp suit
IAmTheLaw - Gives player the cop clothes
Healthful - Gives player full health and several (4) medkits
Whatchutalkinbout - Turns all non-player, bystander pawns into Gary Colemans
Osama - Turns all non-player, bystander pawns into Fanatacs
RockinCats - Guns that use cat silencers now shoot cats
DokkinCats - Removes cat repeating guns (turns them back to normal)
Slowmo 1 - Slow motion mode (0 to turn it off)
IFeelFree - Ghost mode (toggled, enter code again to turn off)
LikeABirdy - Fly mode (toggled, enter code again to turn off)
Fly - Fly mode (toggled, enter code again to turn off)
Walk - Disable flight and ghost modes

The following codes require v1337 patch:

Headshots - One shot to the head kills
BoppinCats - Cats ricochet after shot off guns
SplodinCats - Cats ricochet after shot off guns OFF
NowWeDance - Scissors machinegun
exec function SetThisErrandComplete(String UniqueName) - Set an errand complete
and turn on hate-player-groups.
function SetThisDaysErrandsComplete(int DayI) - Set all of the specified day's
errands as complete and turn on hate-player-groups.
SetTodaysErrandsComplete() - Set all of today's errands as complete and turn on
SetAllErrandsUnComplete() - Reset all the errands and make hate groups not hate
you anymore (may not work for all errands).
SetAllErrandsComplete() - Set all errands as complete and turn on hate-player-
SetDay(int day) - All errands before that day will be completed, along with
anything you're supposed to retain.
WarpToDay(int day) - Skip to seleced day.
Goto(String LevelName) - Load level (use this instead unreal's built-in "open"
ChangeDude() - Change player to opposite of his current morality.
ResetCops() - Reset cops so you aren't wanted any more.
set gamestate demotime 9999 - Play demo indefinitely.
playersonly - Toggle all non-player triggered animations and actions to stop.


Slow Motion and Playersonly
To enable 2 classic Unreal Engine cheats enter the following into the console:
slomo - turns on slow motion (WARNING: I don't know command to turn it off!)
playersonly - stops every animation and action in the game that is'nt triggered
by a human player.

Turn off timer in Demo
Go into the Console
Set Gametate Demotime 9999
Enjoy the demo for as long as you like
