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Easy Game Trick
You have to start a new game as Jill. Then after you enter the dining room
return to the Main Hall. Wesker will tell
you to investigate the shots. The game will return you to the dining room.
Turn back to the door and try to go
through. Barry will say "Lost your courage already? That's not like you."
Move to the blood stain and look at it.
Barry will talk like normal. Go in front of the grandfather clock. As soon
as you do this, a zombie will appear from
the other room and chase after Jill. Barry will kill the zombie and use a
curse word. Return to the Main Hall with
Barry. In the cinema that follows, Barry will give you a lock pick. Now go
to the scene were the zombie was was
previously eating Kenneth (in the Living Room next to the Dining Room) and
you will see that he has no legs and
no clips to pick up. The game is supposed to get a lot easier then it is.

Get the Rocket Launcher

If you finish the game in less than three hours, your saved game will allow
you to start a new game with a Rocket
Launcher. It has infinite ammunition and can kill almost anything with one
shot. Believe me it's worth the time.

Special Key

In the room with the Large Mirror, there¦s a locked closet that you can¦t
into. To get the key that unlocks that
door, you must finish the game with two characters rescued. (If you are
playing with Chris, you have to have Jill
and Rebecca with you when you leave the Mansion. Jill has to rescue Chris
Barry.) If you do this, your saved
game will allow you to start a new game with the special key. Inside the
closet, you can change your characters'
clothes. Man, you gotta see Jill.

Frogmen Trick

When you re-enter the house you will encounter some nasty frogmen who will
tear you to pieces when you try to
kill them. A simple way to stop them attacking you is to NOT point your gun
at them as the sight of your gun will
trigger them to attack you. Stay still until they walk right up to you then
quickly draw and fire.

Extra Costumes
Start a game on Normal Mode. Now don't take ANY items. When you reach the front
yard of the Police Station, run down the stairs to find Brad Vickers in zombie
form. Kill him, then check his body for the Special Key. Now continue through
game to the Dark Room. Unlock the locker in the corner. Claire has 1 extra
costume and 1 extra weapon, Leon has 2 extra costumes.
Rocket Launcher w/ Infinite Ammo
Complete either character's A scenario with an A or B rank in under 2 1/2 hours.

Gatling Gun w/ Infinite Ammo
Complete either character's B scenario with an A or B rank in under 2 1/2 hours.

Sub Machine Gun w/ Infinite Ammo
Complete either character's B scenario with an A or B rank in under 3 hours.

Secret Film
Check the desk in front of the S.T.A.R.S. logo in the S.T.A.R.S. Office 49 times
for Film. When developed, it shows Rebecca Chambers in her RPD basketball

HUNK Mini-game
Complete the A scenario of one character and the B scenario of the other with
an "A" rank on each to unlock the HUNK mini-game. HUNK is one of the soldiers
sent by Umbrella to recover the G-virus.

TOFU Mini-game
Complete the A scenario of one character three times and the B scenario of the
other three times with an "A" rank on each to unlock the TOFU mini-game. It's
same as the HUNK Mini-game, except you're a chunk of Tofu armed with only a

Extreme Battle Mode
Complete either character's A scenario, then complete the other character's B

Play as Ada Wong in Extreme Battle Mode
Complete Level 1 of Extreme Battle Mode.

Play as Chris Redfield in Extreme Battle Mode
Complete Level 2 of Extreme Battle Mode.

Infinite Ammo
At the Status Screen, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Aim.

Unlock All Unlockable Cheats
In Windows, open the Registry Editor. Navigate yourself