Руна чит-файл №1

A Smart Viking:
Different creatures in the Rune universe will fight with each other. Waiting to
take care of the remaining enemies makes Ragnar's job a little easier.

Know When to Fold Em...:
The key to a low death count in multiplayer is to know when to run and seek food
(or preferably a Blue Rune). Also a good understanding of the layout of each map
really helps.

Sneaky Bloodluster:
In multiplayer on the Hildir map, you don't need to ring the gong to raise the
Bloodlust. Just go over to where it rises and grab it through the floor.

Get That Crap Out of Here:
When a weapon is thrown at you, if timed correctly you can use your weapon to
knock the thrown projectile out of the air. Cool!

It's All in the Wrist:
The Dwarven Work Sword (or "Curvey Sword") can kill a man (or Maiden) with a
single blow no-matter how big their life-bar is. All it takes is a well timed
Jump-&-Spin strike.

The Disappearing Act:
In the Game Options, if you turn on "Dodging" you'll be able to Double Tap in
direction to quickly leap or dodge in that direction. Very helpful.