Saira чит-файл №1

Different Endings:

To unlock all 6 endings in Saira, you will need to acquire all items from each
planet in the game.
Return to the first planet (Lemond) and use the items in the teleporter with the
following combinations:

Note: Other combinations are possible to produce the same

Unlockable How to unlock
Knytt Ending (Cameo Ending) - Targeting: basic + Impulse: high power
+ Fuse: high power.
Lemond Ending (Bad Ending) - Targeting: basic + Impulse: homebrew
+ Fuse: standard.
Skomvaer Ending (Bad Ending) - Targeting: basic + Impulse: regular
+ Fuse: standard.
Total Failure (Bad Ending) - Targeting: basic + Impulse: regular
+ Fuse: high power.
True Ending - Targeting: extra precision + Impulse:
high power + Fuse: high power.
Universum Ending (Neutral) - Targeting: extra precision + Impulse:
regular + Fuse: standard.