Sam & Max Hit the Road чит-файл №1

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An FAQ/Walkthrough for Sam & Max Hit the Road


Game: Sam & Max Hit the Road
Guide author: Tom Hayes
Guide version: 1.0
Guide last updated: December 5th, 2000

Version History

Version 1.0 - December 5th, 2000

- Copyright Information section added
- Introduction section added
- Walkthrough section added
- Frequently Asked Question section added
- Easter Eggs section added


1. Copyright Information
2. Introduction
3. Walkthrough
4. Frequently Asked Questions
5. Easter Eggs


1. Copyright Information


This guide is copyright 2000 Tom Hayes.

This guide is not to be distributed in any form without the permission
of the author, Tom Hayes. To ask permission to post this guide on a
website, send a simple e-mail to, including the details
and address of the website.

Distributing or altering this guide without my permission is illegal. As
soon as a guide goes on an games site such as, it is
immediately protected by copyright law.

This guide may be printed, but must be used for private use only. This
guide may not be sold or given away for public use.


2. Introduction


Sam & Max is a point and click adventure game, similar in style to the
Day of the Tentacle, and Monkey Island series of games.

The plot for this game is simple, yet strange. The game is based on two
freelance police, Sam & Max. Near the start of the game, Sam & Max find
out that they are needed to solve a case at the carnival. Travelling
over to the carnival, they find that a bigfoot has been stolen, and that
they are required to somehow find the bigfoot and bring him back to the
carnival. It's a weird plot, but with all of the excellent puzzles,
characters and locations in this game, it works very well.


3. Walkthrough


Part 1 - Apartment

You start the game in an apartment. Use the mouse hole to get some cash.
Walk to the far right of the apartment, and pick up the light bulb.
Leave the apartment, and go down the stairs. Use Max on the cat to get
the orders. Use the car.

Part 2 - Snuckey's

Pick up the cup from the floor outside of Snuckey's. Enter Snuckey's.
Get the candies off the top of the left shelf. After a while, Max will
say that he wants to go to the bathroom. Talk to the shop attendant. Ask
about the candies. Ask about the bathroom. Max will leave the shop to
use the bathroom. Stop speaking to the shop attendant. Quickly leave
Snuckey's and talk to Max before he goes into the shop. Ask him about
the rasp. Stop talking to Max, and then use the car.

Part 3 - Carnival

Try to enter the Hall of Oddities, and Flambй will stop you from
entering. Show him the orders, and he will let you pass into the Hall of
Oddities. In the Hall of Oddities, Shep and Burl will give you a pass.
Get the severed hand in the jar near the left exit. Get Bruno's fur from
the floor. Leave the Hall of Oddities by the right exit. Play the Wak -
A- Rat arcade, and hit over 19 rats to win a flashlight. Get the
flashlight out of the slot. Take the fishbowl magnifying lens near the
Wak -A- Rat arcade. Walk over to the Cone of Tragedy and talk to the
man. Ask about the Cone of Tragedy. After leaving the Cone of Tragedy,
check the inventory to find that most of the items have fallen out. Talk
to the man and ask him about the inventory. He will give you a claim
ticket. Exit the screen to the left. Walk left past the Tunnel of Love
and exit the screen to the left to arrive back outside of the entrance
to the Hall of Oddities. Walk right past the Hall of Oddities, and then
enter the Lost and Found tent. You will get all of the original items
back in the inventory, plus a fish magnet. In the inventory, look at the
fish magnet, and the location of the World of Fish will appear on the
map. Walk left past the Hall of Oddities and go up the path to arrive at
the Tunnel of Love. In the inventory, use the light bulb with the
flashlight. Get on the swan to ride into the Tunnel of Love. Take the
flashlight from the inventory and shine it on the walls. Once you shine
the flashlight on the fuse box, the flashlight will stay on. Quickly use
Max on the fuse box to stop the ride. Look at the man on the right. Sam
will pull the beard, and a small door in the castle will open. Walk
through the door. Talk to Doug, and ask him about the bigfoot. The
location of the largest ball of twine will appear on the map. Give Doug
the candy, and he will give you a crowbar. Press the reset switch near
the door, and then leave the room. After leaving the Tunnel of Love,
exit the screen to the right, and then continue walking to the right to
arrive at Trixie's trailer. Use the crowbar on the door, and then enter
the trailer. Open the blue chest to get a costume. Open the closet and
get the golf score card. The location of the Gator Golf Emporium will
appear on the map. Leave the caravan. Leave the carnival.

Part 4 - Worlds Largest Ball of Twine

Use the tram to ride up to the Ball of Twine restaurant. After riding up
the tram, walk left to enter the restaurant. Walk over to the right side
of the restaurant, and talk to the man. Click on the question icon, and
then ask him about the spanner. He will give you a spanner. Use the
elevator to leave the restaurant. Use the tram. Use the car.

Part 5 - World of Fish

Pick up the bucket of fish from the bait hut. Use the spanner on the
large fish in the water. Climb into the fish. Once in the fish, use Max
on the fish. The fish will fall into the water and slowly float towards
the fisherman. You will get taken by the helicopter to the restaurant on
top of the ball of twine.

Part 6 - Worlds Largest Ball of Twine

The loose piece of string is over the railing. Use Max on the piece of
string. Use the car.

Part 7 - Gator Golf Emporium

Pick up the broken golf ball retriever from the basket outside of the
Pro Shop. Walk down the path to get to the driving range. Conroy Bumpus
will hit Max into the Dunk the Beast tank. Use the bucket of fish on the
bucket of golf balls. Get the golf club. Position the flag vertically in
line with the Dunk the Beast tank, and horizontally in line with the
first crocodile. Then click the Swing button. Position the rest of the
flags in this way to form a path across the driving range to the Dunk
the Beast tank. When a path has been made, Sam will automatically walk
across the driving range. Open the glass door on the Dunk the Beast
tank. Max will give you some sasquatch fur and hair. Open the door on
the Dunk the Beast tank, and get the sno globe. The location of the
Mystery Vortex will appear on the map. Leave the driving range. Leave
the Gator Golf Emporium.

Part 8 - Snuckey's

Enter Snuckey's. Give the severed hand in the jar to the shop attendant.
Leave Snuckey's. Use the car.

Part 9 - Worlds Largest Ball of Twine

Walk down the path and enter the museum. In the inventory, use the
severed hand with the broken golf ball retriever. In the inventory, use
the fish magnet with the severed hand on the broken golf ball retriever.
Put the fish magnet with the broken golf ball retriever into the ball of
twine. Sam will find a mood ring in the ball of twine. Leave the museum.
Use the car.

Part 10 - Mystery Vortex

Enter the Mystery Vortex. Use the mirror to enter into a room with some
magnets. The magnets control which doors you can enter. For example, if
the combination of the magnets create a green colour, then you would be
able to enter through the green door. Shuv-Oohl is through one of the
coloured doors, but the location varies on each game. Keep trying the
different doors until you arrive at the room with Shuv-Oohl. Once you go
through the door, Sam will automatically start talking to Shuv-Oohl. Ask
him about Bruno the Bigfoot. He will tell you to find Frog Rock. He also
wants his mood ring, which he lost in the Worlds Largest Ball of Twine.
Give him his mood ring, and he'll give you some mystic mole man powder.
Leave the room with Shuv-Oohl. Go to the far right of the room, and go
through the curtains. Get the sasquatch fur and hair, and then leave the
room. Leave the Mystery Vortex. Use the car.

Part 11 - Worlds Largest Ball of Twine

Use the tram to ride up to the Ball of Twine restaurant. After riding up
the tram, walk left to enter the restaurant. Pick up the wires from near
the elevator, and then use the wires with the binoculars. Use the
fishbowl magnifying lens on the binoculars. Use the binoculars. As you
connected the wires to the binoculars, you are able to control the
direction of the binoculars. Left click the mouse to make the binoculars
move to the left. Right click the mouse to make the binoculars move to
the right. Look out for the rock that Shuv-Oohl mentioned. After finding
Frog Rock with the binoculars, the location of Frog Rock will appear on
the map. Use the elevator to leave the restaurant. Use the tram. Use the

Part 12 - Frog Rock

Put all three pieces of sasquatch hair onto the rock. Use the mystic
mole man powder on the rock. The location of Bumpusville will appear on
the map.

Part 13 - Bumpusville

Open the door and enter the house. Walk right along the red carpet, and
enter the door with the horns over the top. Get the pillow. Use the
broken golf ball retriever with the severed hand attached to it, to get
the blue maintenance droid manual over the top of the door. Sam will
read the manual. Leave the room. Wait for the maintenance droid to come
along, and then use the maintenance droid. To set the alarm on the
house, unplug the wires that are connected, and then connect all of the
wires. Stop looking at the robot by clicking both left and right mouse
buttons. The robot will leave and set off an alarm in the house. Lee-
Harvey will leave the room. Walk along the carpet to the right, and
enter the room at the top right of the red carpet. Use the virtual
reality helmet. Get the rock from the sword. Walk into the cave, and a
dragon will come out. Quickly use the sword on the middle of the dragon.
Get the heart, and you will get a key. After leaving the virtual reality
machine, Lee-Harvey will come along and you will leave the room. Walk
left along the carpet and go through the door at the far left. Get the
portrait of John Muir. Go left through the door to arrive in a room with
Trixie and Bruno. Use the key on the keyhole near the door. The location
of the Savage Jungle Inn will appear on the map. Leave the house. Use
the car.

Part 14 - Savage Jungle Inn

Enter the Savage Jungle Inn. Talk to Evelyn Morris. Click on one of the
icons. Stop talking to Evelyn Morris, and she will give you a brochure.
In the inventory, look at the brochure. The location of the Mount
Rushmore Dinosaur Tarpit and Bungee Jumping National Park, and the
location of the Celebrity Vegetable Museum will appear on the map. Leave
the Savage Jungle Inn. Use the car.

Part 15 - Celebrity Vegetable Museum

Walk over to the far right of the Celebrity Vegetable Museum and pick up
the Conroy Bumpus eggplant. Give the John Muir portrait to the woman.
Use the car.

Part 16 - Dinosaur Tarpit and Bungee Jumping National Park

Go down the steps and walk over to the dinosaurs. Use Max on the mammoth
to get some woolly mammoth hair. Walk over to the green dinosaur. Press
the button, and the dinosaur will start speaking. When the mouth of the
dinosaur is open, open the inventory. The dinosaur's mouth will open.
Get the 91 yards of twine from the inventory, and use it on the
dinosaur's mouth. The twine will hook onto the tooth. Use Max on the
twine to get the tooth. Walk down the steps and go to the dinosaur
tarpit. Go right past the tarpit, and use the elevator. Use the screen
to change into bungee jumping equipment. In the inventory, use the
Snuckey's cup on the broken golf ball retriever. Use the bungee cord.
Use the broken golf ball retriever and cup on the tarpit to collect some
tar. Use the screen. Leave the dinosaur tarpit. Use the car.

Part 17 - Celebrity Vegetable Museum

Walk over to the far right of the Celebrity Vegetable Museum. Talk to
the woman, and ask her about the John Muir vegetable. Stop talking to
the woman. Use the car.

Part 18 - Bumpusville

Open the door and enter the house. Walk right along the red carpet, and
enter the door with the horns over the top. Use the Conroy Bumpus
eggplant on the toupee. The alarm will sound and Lee-Harvey will throw
you out of the house, but you'll get the toupee. Use the car.

Part 19 - Savage Jungle Inn

Enter the Savage Jungle Inn. Give the rasp to the bigfoot. Use the tar
with the woolly mammoth hair. Use the tar and woolly mammoth hair with
the blue costume. Use the toupee with the woolly costume. Use the woolly
costume. The bigfoot will let you pass. Walk through the door to arrive
in the bigfoot hall. Get the wine bottle from the table. Walk through
the top left door to arrive in the kitchen. Get the ice pick from near
the freezer. Attempt to walk out the room, and Conroy Bumpus and Lee-
Harvey will kick down the door. Lee-Harvey will leave to get the net. In
the inventory, use the bigfoot costume. Conroy Bumpus and Lee-Harvey
will enter the freezer. Talk to Max, and he will shut the door. A
bigfoot will take you outside. Leave the Savage Jungle Inn. Use the car.

Part 20 - Worlds Largest Ball of Twine

Use the tram to ride up to the Ball of Twine restaurant. After riding up
the tram, walk left to enter the restaurant. Walk over to the right side
of the restaurant, and talk to the man. Give the ice pick to the man.
Use the elevator to leave the restaurant. Use the tram. Use the car.

Part 21 - Mystery Vortex

Enter the Mystery Vortex. Go to the far right of the room, and go
through the curtains. In the inventory, use the ice pick on the wine
bottle to remove the cork. In the inventory, use the cork on the sno
globe. Use the mini vortex. In the mini vortex, use the empty sno globe.
Leave the room. Leave the Mystery Vortex. Use the car.

Part 22 - Savage Jungle Inn

Enter the Savage Jungle Inn. Walk through the door to arrive in the
bigfoot hall. Enter the door at the far left of the hall. Walk right
past the totem poles to arrive at the pool. Use the John Muir gourd with
the pool. Use the dinosaur tooth with the pool. Use the pillow with the
pool. Use the sno globe with the pool.


4. Frequently Asked Questions


Questions about Part 1 - Apartment

Q. Where do I get the cash?

A. In the mouse hole in the apartment.

Q. Where is the light?

A. Over on the right side of the apartment. You need to walk all the way
over to the right, so that the screen moves. The light will be in the

Q. What should I do with the cat? He won't give me the orders!

A. Use Max on the cat to get the orders.

Questions about Part 2 - Snuckey's

Q. Do I need to get anything from outside Snuckey's?

A. Yes, pick up the cup from the floor.

Q. Okay, I'm in Snuckey's. Do I need to buy anything off of the shelves?

A. Get the candies off the top of the left shelf.

Q. What should I talk to the shop attendant about?

A. Ask about the candies and the bathroom.

Q. Max left the shop with the rasp, but he brings it in again. How do I
get the rasp?

A. Quickly leave Snuckey's before Max enters with the rasp. Outside of
Snuckey's, talk to Max about the rasp.

Questions about Part 3 - Carnival

Q. Flambй stops me from entering the carnival. How do I get past him?

A. Show him the orders that you got from the cat outside of the

Q. What should I get from the Hall of Oddities?

A. Get the severed hand and the bigfoot fur.

Q. What do I need to do with the Wak -A- Rat arcade?

A. Hit over 19 rats, and you win a flashlight. The flashlight is found
in the slot of the Wak -A- Rat arcade.

Q. What happens if I hit all 40 of the rats in the Wak -A- Rat arcade?

A. You don't win anything, but Max does say an extra line of speech.

Q. Is there anything I need to take from the arcade tent?

A. Yes, take the fishbowl magnifying lens. It's not far from the Wak -
A- Rat arcade.

Q. How do I ride the Cone of Tragedy?

A. Talk to the man about the Cone of Tragedy.

Q. I went on the Cone of Tragedy, but didn't seem to get anything. What
should I do?

A. Check your inventory.

Q. My inventory is gone! How do I get all of the items returned?

A. Talk to the man near the Cone of Tragedy, and tell him about the

Q. The man at the Cone of Tragedy gave me a claim ticket. Where do I
need to take the ticket?

A. The Lost and Found tent is right past the Hall of Oddities.

Q. I have got all the inventory items returned from the Lost and Found
tent, but there seems to be a fish magnet in there. What should I do
with the fish magnet?

A. Look at the fish magnet.

Q. I went on the Tunnel of Love ride, but it is dark in there. Is there
any way of making more light?

A. Use the light bulb from the apartment with the flashlight from the
Wak -A- Rat arcade game. You need to use the flashlight with the walls
in the Tunnel of Love.

Q. I used the flashlight on the walls, but once I put the flashlight in
the inventory, the light goes off. Is there any way of keeping the light

A. Once you shine the flashlight on the fuse box, the light will stay

Q. How do I stop the Tunnel of Love ride?

A. Make sure that the flashlight is shining on the walls, and then use
Max on the fuse box.

Q. Sam & Max have stopped the Tunnel of Love ride near a castle with a
small door. Is there any way of opening the small door?

A. Look at the man on the right to open the door.

Q. I walked through the small door in the Tunnel of Love. What should I
talk to Doug about?

A. Ask Doug about the bigfoot.

Q. Doug says he wants some candy. Where do I get the candy?

A. You get the candy from the top left shelf in Snuckey's.

Q. How do I start the Tunnel of Love moving after stopping the ride?

A. Press the switch near the door.

Q. How do I open Trixie's trailer?

A. When you give the candy to Doug in the Tunnel of Love, he will give
you a crowbar. Use the crowbar to open the trailer.

Q. What should I do in the trailer?

A. Open the blue chest to get a costume, and open the closet to get the
golf score card.

Questions about Part 4 - Worlds Largest Ball of Twine

Q. How do I get a spanner from the man in the restaurant?

A. Talk to man. Click the question icon and ask him about the spanner.

Questions about Part 5 - World of Fish

Q. Is there anything I need to pick up from the World of Fish?

A. Yes, get the bucket of fish from the bait hut.

Q. What should I do with the large fish in the water?

A. Use the spanner on the large fish in the water.

Q. I climbed into the fish after loosening it, but nothing happened.
What should I do?

A. Once you are in the fish, use Max on the fish.

Questions about Part 6 - Worlds Largest Ball of Twine

Q. The helicopter took me to the top of the ball of twine. How do I get
the piece of string over the railing?

A. Use Max on the piece of string.

Questions about Part 7 - Gator Golf Emporium

Q. Is there anything I need to pick up before going down to the driving

A. Grab the broken golf ball retriever from the basket.

Q. Max is in the beast tank, and I have to get him out. It seems as
though the crocodiles play a part in this puzzle, although the golf
balls don't seem to do anything. What should I do?

A. Use the bucket of fish on the bucket of golf balls.

Q. Okay, I'm hitting fish along the driving range. The crocodiles seem
more interested, but I'm still not sure what to do. What should I do?

A. Hit the fish so that the crocodiles form a line up to the beast tank.

Q. I rescued Max from the dunk the beast tank. Is there anything else I
need to do before leaving the Gator Golf Emporium?

A. Open the door on the dunk the beast tank to find a sno globe.

Questions about Part 8 - Snuckey's

Q. How do I open the glass jar with the severed hand in it?

A. Give the jar to the shop attendant.

Questions about Part 9 - Worlds Largest Ball of Twine

Q. I'm in the museum. What should I do in here?

A. There is a mood ring that can be collected from the ball of twine.

Q. Okay, so how do you get the mood ring out of the ball of twine?

A. Use the severed hand and the fish magnet with the broken golf ball
retriever. Use this new item with the ball of twine.

Questions about Part 10 - Mystery Vortex

Q. I went through the mirror, and arrived in a room with some magnets.
What should I do with the magnets?

A. The magnets control which doors you can enter. For example, if the
combination of the magnets creates a green colour, then you would be
able to enter a green door. Push the switches next to the magnets to use

Q. What should I do with all the different coloured doors?

A. The magnets control which doors you can enter. Try different doors
until you get to a room with Shuv-Oohl.

Q. What should I talk to Shub-Oohl about?

A. Ask him about the Bigfoot.

Q. He wants a mood ring. Where do I find this?

A. You can find the mood ring in the large ball of twine at the museum.

Q. I've entered a very strange room with a Mini Vortex in it. What
should I do in here?

A. Get the sasquatch hair from near the ice.

Questions about Part 11 - Worlds Largest Ball of Twine

Q. I'm in the restaurant at the top of the ball of twine. I've tried
looking through the binoculars, but I can't control them. How do I
control the speed of the binoculars?

A. There are some wires near the elevator. Pick up the wires and use
them on the binoculars.

Q. I've tried looking through the binoculars, but everything appears to
be too small. Is there anyway I can magnify the view of the binoculars?

A. At the carnival, there is a fishbowl magnifying lens you can pick up
from the arcade tent. Use the magnifying lens on the binoculars to
magnify the view.

Q. How do I know which rock is Frog Rock?

A. Just stop the binoculars at the various rocks until you find it. You
won't be able to find Frog Rock unless you first give the mood ring to
Shuv-Oohl at the Mystery Vortex.

Questions about Part 12 - Frog Rock

Q. I've arrived at Frog Rock. What should I do here?

A. Put the three pieces of sasquatch hair, and the mystic mole man
powder onto the rock.

Questions about Part 13 - Bumpusville

Q. How do I get the blue manual from the shelf above the door?

A. Make sure that the severed hand is attached to the broken golf ball
retriever, and then use the broken golf ball retriever with the manual.

Q. What should I do with the maintenance droid?

A. After reading the blue manual, use the maintenance droid.

Q. Sam has opened a panel on the maintenance droid. It seems that the
panel is wired to the alarm in the house. What should I do with the

A. Unplug the wires that are connected, and then connect all of the

Q. I entered the room with the virtual reality machine, but Lee-Harvey
kicked me out. Is there any way I can make him leave the room?

A. Disarm the alarm by using the maintenance droid.

Q. I am using the virtual reality machine. How do I defeat the dragon?

A. The dragon can be quite difficult to defeat. Try and use the sword on
the middle of the dragon.

Q. How do I release Bruno and Trixie?

A. Use the key from the virtual reality machine with the keyhole near
the door.

Questions about Part 14 - Savage Jungle Inn

Q. How do I get a brochure?

A. Talk to Evelyn Morris, and talk to her about something. When you stop
talking to Evelyn Morris, she will give you the brochure.

Q. What should I do with the brochure?

A. Look at the brochure, and two more locations will appear on the map.

Questions about Part 15 - Celebrity Vegetable Museum

Q. What should I give to the woman?

A. Give the John Muir portrait to the woman.

Questions about Part 16 - Dinosaur Tarpit and Bungee Jumping National

Q. How do I get the hair off of the woolly mammoth?

A. Use Max on the mammoth.

Q. How do I get the dinosaur tooth from the green dinosaur?

A. You need to throw the 91 yards of twine into the dinosaur's mouth.

Q. I've tried throwing the 91 yards of twine into the dinosaur's mouth,
but it keeps falling out. How do I get the twine to stay in the
dinosaur's mouth?

A. Press the button near the dinosaur. When the dinosaur's mouth is
open, quickly open the inventory. The mouth of the dinosaur should open,
allowing you to hook the twine onto the dinosaur tooth.

Q. Okay, I've hooked the 91 yards of twine onto the dinosaur tooth. How
do I get the tooth?

A. Use Max on the twine.

Q. I used the bungee cord, but couldn't get any tar from the tarpit. How
do I get the tar?

A. Use the Snuckey's cup on the broken golf ball retriever. This item
will allow you to collect tar from the tarpit.

Questions about Part 17 - Celebrity Vegetable Museum

Q. What should I talk to the woman about?

A. Ask her about the John Muir vegetable.

Questions about Part 18 - Bumpusville

Q. How do I get the toupee in the room with the big truck?

A. Use the Conroy Bumpus eggplant from the Celebrity Vegetable Museum on
the toupee.

Questions about Part 19 - Savage Jungle Inn

Q. How do I get past the bigfoot who is guarding the hall?

A. Give the rasp to the bigfoot.

Q. The bigfoot won't let me enter the hall. How do I create a bigfoot

A. Use the tar with the woolly mammoth hair. Use the tar and woolly
mammoth hair with the blue costume. Use the toupee with the woolly

Q. Conroy Bumpus has mistaken me for a bigfoot! How do I prove that I am
not a bigfoot?

In the inventory, use the bigfoot costume.

Q. Conroy Bumpus and Lee-Harvey have moved over to the freezer. What
should I do next?

A. Talk to Max, and he will shut the door.

Questions about Part 20 - Worlds Largest Ball of Twine

Q. What should I do with the ice pick?

A. Give the ice pick to the man in the restaurant at the top of the ball
of twine.

Questions about Part 21 - Mystery Vortex

Q. How do I remove the cork from the wine bottle?

A. Use the bent ice pick on the wine bottle.

Q. What should I do with the cork?

A. Put the cork in the sno globe.

Q. What should I do after putting the cork in the sno globe?

A. Use the mini vortex, and then use the empty sno globe in the mini

Questions about Part 22 - Savage Jungle Inn

Q. Where is the pool?

A. The pool is to the right of the totem poles. Click to the right of
the totem poles, and Sam and Max will walk up the path to the pool.

Q. What should I put in the pool?

A. Use the John Muir gourd, the dinosaur tooth, the pillow and the sno
globe with the pool.


5. Easter Eggs


1. The attendant in the three Snuckey shops is Bernard from the Day of
the Tentacle.

2. In the shooting game at the end of the game, one of the targets is a
tentacle from the Day of the Tentacle.