Shadowgrounds Survivor чит-файл №2

While playing, press [F8] to bring up the console, then type any of the
following cheat codes. Use up and down arrow to cycle through previously used
Set 1
With these codes, please include externInclude developer: in front of the code.
For example: externInclude developer:open_door to open a door.

Code:.............................. Result:
main Developer..................... Scripting/Keys Enabled (*)
open_door.......................... Open Door Close to You
spawn_alienattack.................. Alien Attack!
reloadstuff........................ Ammo for All Weapons/Flashlight
givestuff.......................... All Weapons
warpforward........................ Warp 300 Units Forward
warpmore........................... Warp 3000 Units Forward
fullhealth......................... Full Health
giveallkeys........................ Get All Keys
loseallkeys........................ Lose All Keys
openallremotedoors................. Open All Remote Doors
closeallremotedoors................ Close All Remote Doors
immortal........................... God Mode
stuffed.............................God Mode, Full Health, All Weapons, etc.

(*) The debug menu is a text menu, where you use F2 and F3 to select which
option you want. Then you use F4 to accept that option. There are sub-menus for
some of the choices too. After an option is selected, you can repeatedly hit F4
to re-run that cheat multiple times.

Set 2
These codes do NOT need anything entered before them.

setMissionSuccessCounter 1.......... Win Current Mission
setMissionFailureCounter 1...........Lose Current Mission
hideGUI............................. Hide GUI
showGUI............................. Show GUI
disableAllAI........................ Disable All AI
enableAllAI......................... Enable All AI
enableHostileAI..................... Enemies Don't Move
disableHostileAI.................... Enemies Move Again