Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels чит-файл №3

Solution by Erik Futtrup


(c) 1992 Erik Futtrup, Denmark (email: and Twan
Lintermans, Holland


knock on door: u: n: take slipper {filled with tobacco}: take pipe [1pts]:

take newspaper [1pts]:

soundgag:take violin: play violin}: give paper to holmes [5pts]:

soundgag:give violin to holmes: holmes, play violin}: wait {you get clue
paper}: read clue:
1=Westminster Abbey;
2=Elisabeth+Mary Tudor's tomb;
3=Isaac Newton's tomb;
4=Henry V, read sign Jerusalem chamber!;
5=challenge Holmes}:
wait {visitor leaves}: w: take lamp [3pts]:

take glass [1pts]:

take ampoule: e: s: d: n: take matchbook[1pts]:

s: open door: e: show ampoule to holmes: take hat off:take stethoscope {ss=
short for stethoscope!} [1pts]:

put ampoule in hat: wear hat: turn lamp on: s: s: s: se: se: e: e: read sign:
{7 am - 6 pm}: wait until 7 am: e: s: se: take pacquet [1pts]:

take crayon [1pts]:

nw: e: e: n: ne: n: x tomb: open pacquet: take white: put it on tomb: rub it
with crayon: take white {notice it is stuck a bit}: w: s: w: x tomb: take
brown: put it on tomb: rub it with crayon: take it: s: open door: s: w: read
sign: {clue: henry V}: e: n: n: e: n: e: s: w: x henry's tomb take green
paper: put it on henry's tomb: rub it with crayon: take it: e: n: w: s: w: w:
ne: n: n: n: ne: read sign: {8 am - 6pm}: n: e: {gag: just wait and listen to
the librarian}: be quiet: read old book: open old book: read it {aha, remember
the sticking papers on the tombs!}: w: s: sw: s: s: s: sw: e: ne:e:
look: {candles+warmth, aha}:
heat brown with candles:
heat white with candles:
heat green with candles {....back of the paper, so}:
read back of white [5pts]:

{clock=big ben; chop of head=chamber of horrors}: read back of brown {london
bridge; number in bank= conquerer - fire of london}: read back of green
{Nelson's eye; the tower!}: w: sw: w: ne: w: negotiate with salesman: again:
buy telescope [1pts]:

{hint: Nelson's statue, eye!} {RUBY}: s: e: d: drop white,green,brown: take
oar [1pts]:

u: w: n: ne: n: {sound!}: wear ss: listen to girl {sound: heartbeat is slow or
fast, random! ; if fast then: open bag: open brown bottle: take yellow pill: x
brown bottle: {decelerated....}: give yellow pill to girl [5pts]

if slow then: open bag: open blue bottle: take orange pill: x blue bottle
{accelerated....}: give orange pill to girl [5pts]}:

take ss off: ne: e: s: w: ask sherman about bird: sherman, give me bird:

e: n: w: s: s: sw: show ruby to bird: bird, get ruby: let bird go: ne: n: n:
e: s: w: ask sherman about bird [5pts;RUBY]:

e: n: w: w: n: w: n: {sound}: take tobacco [1pts]:

put it in pipe: open matchbook: take match: light match: light pipe with
match: drop lamp: drop match: n: [1pts]:

w: holmes, give me newspaper: light newspaper with pipe: take torch: light it
with newspaper [4pts]:

x statues: x charles {chopping block}: take wax head: melt it with torch: x
gem: take emerald [5pts]:

e: ask holmes about ash: s: take lamp: e: s: s: s: s: se: open blue bottle:
drop crayon: drop pacquet: take cotton balls: put cotton in ears: u: {wait,
bell has to ring at least twice}: take sapphire: look: take sapphire: [5pts]:

d: take cotton: drop it:drop telescope and matchbook: nw: n: n: ne: e: s:
enter boat:lift anchor: put oar in oarlock:
launch boat: look: look: {sound}: drop anchor: look up: take clump off moss
{can't reach it? Wait for high tide, saturday 8:38 pm for example}: take

lift anchor: row w: again: n: drop anchor: exit boat: {what would you do, if
it was your boat?}: e: e: n: nw: nw: x urchin: wiggins, steal keys: give
shilling to wiggins: wiggins, steal keys [1pts]:

show ruby to holmes [1pts]:

x ruby with glass:
x opal with glass:
x emerald with glass {wear a carnation;
password: swordfish; 20/6/87}:
x sapphire with glass {2:00 am}:
n: offer ruby,emerald,opal,sapphire to guard: [3pts]:

n: x vault door: wear ss: listen to dial: turn dial right: again: turn dial
left: turn dial right: again: {whirr=right direction, clunk=wrong, click=turn
other way}: [3pts]:

{banking: fire-conquerer = 1666-1066 = 600, king william street, the
monument!}: unlock 600 with master key: take topaz [5pts]:
e: take ss off: s: w: w: s: s: sw: w: {Holmes gave you the ring in case sth
happened!}: ask butler about mycroft: give ring to butler [1pts]:

{read carefully, the password mycroft gives you is random!: eg Seymour,
Boleyn, Howard, Cleves}: e: ne: e: s: e (5x): guard, PASSWORD {say the
password from mycroft!}: [3pts]:

n: n: se: u: take mace [1pts]:

d: nw: ne: x keg: hit bung with mace: look into keg: take garnet: wiggins,
take garnet [5pts]:

x garnet with glass {give me to Akbar}: sw: drop mace: e: d: wear armour
{sound}: u: w: s: s: s: take paddle [1pts]:

pull chain [1pts]:

take armour off: s: enter boat: lift anchor: launch boat: paddle w: again
(2x): n: drop paddle {gag: don't drop the paddle and exit boat}: drop anchor:
exit boat: e: e: d: wait until 2 am: wait: wait until 2 am {monday! 20/6/87}:
w: proprietor, swordfish {password on jewel!}: give garnet to Akbar [5pts]:

ask professor about jewels: take hat off: take ampoule: hold breath: break
ampoule: untie holmes: tie moriarty: tie akbar: take whistle: take key: take

unlock door with key: open door: n: hail hansom cab with whistle [5pts]:

enter cab: buckingham palace: exit cab: give jewels to guard {sound!} [1pts]

100 points out of 100, ranking CONSULTING DETECTIVE

"Well done, my dear Watson"......
