SimAnt чит-файл №1

Anthony Vexer
Version 1.0

Version_1.0-I finished the guide for my first time. I plan to update it a lot
because their is still alot I don't know about SimAnt. So expect some major
this week.

This guide is legally copyrited (c)Anthony Zachory Vexer. This guide may not
be re-written in any other shape, form, size, color, or any other way. This
guide may not be used to make a profit.
Thank You. -Anthony Vexer.


[1.0] Introduction
[2.0] Ants
[2.1] Yellow Ant
[2.2] Black Queen
[2.3] Black Workers
[2.4] Red Queen
[2.5] Red Workers
[2.6] Soldiers
[2.7] Drones
[3.0] Other Bugs
[3.1] Caterpillar
[3.2] Spider
[3.3] Ant Lion
[4.0] Other Things
[4.1] Human
[4.2] Lawnmower
[5.0] Basics
[5.1] Digging
[5.2] Getting Food
[5.3] Defense on an Attack
[5.4] Attack on Red Colony
[6.0] Getting into the House
[6.1] Inside the House
[6.2] Taking Over the House
[7.0] Codes
[8.0] FAQ
[9.0] Tips
[10.0] Thanks
[11.0] Copyrite


I got mad at this game when I first installed it, because I didn't know
what to do. But, then I learned from the Turtol game. After that, I
was pretty good at the game. But, even the Turtol game confused me alot.
So I figured, I should try to make it clear to people, about all the
stuff in the game. I will try to add as much things, as possible. I will
try to give you the best stragities, I can give you. If you have any
questions about the game, that I didn't answer in this FAQ, please e-mail
me at Thank you.

|2.0 ANTS |

By the name of the game, "SimAnt" their is obviously something about ants
in the game. And the ants are the game. The diffrent types of ants, each
have a special tribute, to the colony. You are the Black Colony and are
against the Red Colony. So here is the Ant section of this FAQ. Enjoy.


In the game you are the Yellow Ant. You begin the game as this ant. This
ant will lay the first egg of the game. You can change the ant once more
eggs are laid. But, the Yellow Ant, represents the ant that you are at
the current time. You can change the ant, by left-clicking it and holding
it down, until options come up, and then clicking "Exchange." Then click
on another ant. You can even be the queen. But, then, if you get killed, your
ants, may not have a queen, and that means, Game Over.


Once the orignial Yellow Ant(the first Black Ant of the game/the ant you
begin as), lays an egg, the Black Queen will come out. Once she comes out
of the egg, you must find her food. But, make sure, your fast, because she
dies without food, very quickly(believe me, I know). The queen will lay
eggs for the Black Colony. But, she can't lay alot of eggs, unless she has
some one to mate with. So set the 'B' Triangle, so that, at least 10% to 15%
of the ants are Drones. Drones mate with the ants. But, make sure she is
protected from Red Ants all the time. Before you go to raid the Red Ant
hole, make sure you have blocked off the area around the hole with rocks
and you have left some ants back to protect her, incase of an invasion.


These are mostly what the queen breeds. They will gather food for the queen.
They can also follow you in a fight or defense against the Red Colony.
Their isn't really much, to say about this type of ants, but, I will
try to add more about them, in the future.

|2.4 RED QUEEN |

This is the ant you must kill to get rid of the Red Ants. One of your
main objectives in the game, is to kill the Red Ant's queen. You must
first defeat the Red Ant army, then go in the Red Ant's anthole, and kill
the queen. Sometimes, if you kill a queen, another one will grow. So, you
must kill that queen, too. Once all of their Queens are dead, you can
try to take over the house.


These are the ants that you will fight. They carry food to the Red
Queen and defend her. They are like the same thing as the Black Workers
except the work for the Red Queen and not the Black Queen.


Soldiers are the best fighter ants. They work great when attack the
Red Colonies anthole. When the Red Workers are delevering food back
and forth to the Red Queen, your soldiers, will attack them, and they will
be almost, defenseless. But, the fight get's harder, when and if the Red
Soldiers, come out and fight. You should go into the fight as a soldier
because if you go into the fight as a Worker, you can be easily killed
by a Red soldier.

|2.7 DRONES |

The drones, are speciffically born to mate with the queen ant.
All they can do is mate with the queen. It helps because they help
bring up the population alot, other than the queen laying two eggs at
a time, she can lay alot more.


In SimAnt, their are other bugs, besides ants. Most of them want
to eat you, but others just walk around. Be careful, because I can't
remember how many times, I've been eaten by a bug, before I could
lay the queen egg. And when that happens, it's Game Over!


The caterpillar doesn't really do anything, but wander around and look
for food. You don't have to worry about it, because all the encounters
I've had with it, it never killed me or tried to fight me, or anything
vicious like that. So what I'm saying is, you don't have to worry about
this bug.

|3.2 SPIDER |

Now, these are the bugs, you gotta look out for. And I mean, really
look out for. This guy, can either poison you, or eat you. So their
are already two ways he can kill you. But, the good thing is, you can
be the Spider. You can become the Spider, by left-clicking on your
Yellow Ant and holding it, until options come up. When the options
come up, select "Exchange" and you will become the spider. You can use
this techinque, just for fun, or to move the spider away from your ants, if
you fell it is going to attack you. The spider, also likes to think
highly of himslef. He'll say stuff like, "I am so cool," or "Which ants
taste better, Black or Red," and other things.

|3.3 ANT LION |

These things look like the rolley bugs we see in real life. But, in the
game, they mostly, hide in holes. They can kill you, too. You should
keep away from them, but you can always attempt to fight them. They will
probally win, but I've won, once or twice with them.


Bugs aren't the only things in the game. No, sir. Their are Humans and
Lawnmowers, and they are very dangerous. They are very deadly. Be careful
of them, when your in the house or the yard. You should be careful
because they can easily wipe you out, in one handful.

|4.1 HUMAN |

The humans aren't as bad as the lawnmower, but they still do big time
damage. They are the worst enemy in the house. They can take out about
200 ants at a time, if he uses the spray. Watch out for them, because
they can be pretty dangerous. They can also step on you, when your trying
to get into the house. The humans only go after you(at least that only
what I see). So your gonna have to manage with two major enemies inside
the house.


The lawnmower is the worst enemy in the game. They can swipe out a whole
ant army, in one blow. Be careful, and avoid them anyway possible. They
can really mess up your game. The only advice I have for you, is get
away from them, by moving away from them, and going underground. I haven't
really been inside a house or in the yard, too much, yet.

|5.0 BASICS |

The basics of the game are the things that you must know how to do
in order to play the game the right way. Their pretty easy to learn.

|5.1 DIGGING |

Digging a hole, is the first step to starting a colony. To dig
a hole, you must, first be on the surface. When your one the
surface, double-click an area, in the dirt, with no food or rocks, and
you will begin digging the hole. When inside, dig tunnels, by
double-clicking, the black dirt, in the direction you want to dig
in. Build a place, where the queen can be safe from Red Ants, and a
place to keep food. And when you get a little better, you can even
build a place to keep larva. When, going to attack the Red Ant Colony,
make sure, you barracade, the hole off, with rocks. Pick up small
rocks, by double-clicking them, then double-click the area, that you
want to place it in.


Getting food is easy. You get food, by going up to the green
stuff on the surface. You can only pick it up, if you have an
anthole. Otherwise, you will just eat it yourself. To eat it
or pick it up double-click it and then, if your hungry, you will
eat it yourself, but if your not hungry you will pick it up, and
when you pick it up, bring it into your anthole, and put it in a
spot to keep your food, and put all your food their. If the other
ants are bringing food to a diffrent spot, you can change, your
spot to theirs. It doesn't matter, where it is, as long as the
food isin't scattered all over the anthole.


When the Red Ants attack your colony you must be ready with
soldiers and workers. Send them out as soon as you see them
attacking. Protect the Queen Black Ant, if she isn't in the
anthole for some reason. Make sure your a soldier ant when you
go into the attack. To get ants to follow you press 2, several
times, on the keyboard.


When you want to attack the Red Colony, press 2 about six or so
times, to get all the other ants to follow you. Go in as a soldier
and fight, whatever gets in your way. Your main goal, when rading
the Red Colony is to kill the Red Queen. You should lead the attack
into kill the Red Queen, yourself. The ants listen better, if you
command them.


Once you've defeated the Red Ant Colony in the dirt, you then must
defeat them inside the house. To get into the house. Move across
the yard, making several Black Ant Colonies as you go. Watch out
for the Human and the Lawnmower. They can really mess you up, so
be very, very careful. Then enter the house, when you get to that


When your inside the house, you must first, find the Red Ant
Colony, anthole. Not, too hard, look at the map. But, getting their
you must be very careful, of Humans, and other house insects.


To take over the house, you must scare out the Humans and kill
the Red Ant queen. So once, you found the Red anthole, you should
have scared, the humans out, so all you have to worry about, is
the Red Ants. Lead them into combat, and defeat them. When you
defeat them you beat the game. But, after reading this FAQ/Walkthrough
you might think the game is easy. Trust me, it's not.

|7.0 CODES |

Like most Sim games, SimAnt has codes. The codes I am giving
you are for the PC. Pause the game and enter these codes.

queen Another Black Queen Ant
Queen Another Red Queen Ant
eggs Black Colony gets more eggs
EGGS Red colony gets more eggs
HOLE Red Ants have more holes
oops 10 Black Queen larva
OOPS 10 Red Queen larva
just 10 Queen Ants
will Never loose fights against Red Ant Colony
erad Starve an Ant
jeff Start a colony in ever patch
jenn Black Ant Colony has max health all the time
joke Funny picture
FUND $10,000

|8.0 FAQ |

Q:What does the $10,000 do in the game?

A:Nothing at all.

Q:Can I be the Caterpillar?

A:I've never tried, because I never needed to.

Q:Can I be the Ant Lion?

A:I never tried that, either.

|9.0 TIPS |

*Go into a fight as a soldier. You fight better and stronger.
*Lead soldiers and workers into a fight. Soldiers work better.
*Block off the entrance to your hole when going to attack the
Red Ants.
*When attack Red Ants, leave some soldiers and workers behind,
in case, they try to attack your colony when, you gone(this
happened to me, once before).

|10.0 THANKS |

I want to Thank:

GameFAQs for publishing this guide and having a great site,
GameSages for having the best code site,
GameWinners for having a great code site,
Maxis for making the game, and
You for reading this and not copying this.

|11.0 COPYRITE |

(c) This guide is copyrite Anthony Vexer 2001

(c) This guide is copyrite Anthony Vexer 2001

Thank you.