Soldier of Fortune чит-файл №3


John Mullins may be a military hero, but it will take more than just brute force
to put down these terrorists. You must know how to traverse through the missions
in such a way as to be prepared for the tough spots before they occur, as
of Fortune's limited save-game feature eliminates the age-old save, die, and
reload tactic. You not only must get through each level, but you must do it
without saving more than a few times.

New York Subway, USA, 9/22/00

As you begin the game, John and Hawk are entering a subway that has been taken
over by a New York gang lead by a terrorist named Sabre. The NYPD seems to be
having some trouble taking care of Sabre and his gang, so you and Hawk have been
sent in to rectify the situation.

You start the game with your standard knife, a 9mm handgun, and a 12-gauge
shotgun. I'd advise you to use the shotgun, as the 9mm takes several shots to
down a man (unless you hit him in the head), and most of your shots will be from
close range, so the below-average accuracy of the 12 gauge isn't a problem.

Begin by walking down the stairs; watch out for the gang member waiting just to
the right of the stairs. Turn to your right and continue down the stairs. At the
bottom, you find two gang members fighting a downed SWAT team member. Kill the
baddies and save the cop, if you can. If you don't get there in time, it's not a
big deal. Walk past the toppled cola machine and turn around; another gang
will kick open the door and start firing at you. Take him out and pick up his

Continue down the corridor and shoot the gang member before he kills the
You're at a point where the subway branches in two directions. Walk straight
ahead and try to take out the next two gang bangers before they kill this
hostage. At the bottom of the stairs, turn to your left and walk past the locked
door. Turn right and kill the baddies, both inside and outside of the control
room. Jump onto the ledge at the window to the control room, then crouch and
in. More bad guys will come at you from outside the control room. Kill them and
grab the ammo scattered about inside. Use the medstation if you need it, then
pull the lever. This will open the large door outside the control room. You'll
hear a message from Hawk telling you to head for station 6C. Let's go! Walk out
the door to the control room, then proceed around the outside of the room to the
door you just opened via the lever. Kill the gang banger, then walk down the
stairs. More baddies will come at you. Rip them apart with your shotgun and
continue down the stairs.

At the bottom, you'll come to the actual train tracks. Jump down, kill the
to your right, and start walking to the left. Where the tracks branch to the
right, you'll see a bum and a terrorist beyond him. Kill him, then continue down
the tracks past him. Enter the first cubbyhole on your right and wait there for
the train to pass. Then, walk back out and continue down the tracks to your
right. In the next cubbyhole is a bum. Then, you'll find a gang banger in the
third. Continue down the tracks and enter the fourth hole. This one is much more
than a cubbyhole. Enter it and take out the gang bangers waiting for you. Then,
jump up to the platform on the other side of the tracks. Ascend the stairs to
your right and take out the baddies waiting for you. Be sure to check your fire
at the top, as Hawk will be waiting for you. You'll see Sabre getting away on a
train. Jump past Hawk onto the train waiting for you.

The train will start to move. Next, you'll come to another train to your left
with three gang bangers on the top. Kill them, then jump off once the train
stops. Walk forward and kill the several baddies waiting for you. Kill them, and
you'll hear a message from Hawk, letting you know that Sabre got away. More
baddies will come at you. Take them out, and the mission will end.

You'll see a cutscene from Kazan. Four nukes have been taken by an unknown
organization. Now you must get them back.

Soroti, Uganda, 9/24/00

The Shop has learned that the nukes have been placed on a train headed for South
Africa. Your goal is to find and destroy the nukes. Pay careful attention during
the cutscene intro to the mission; it will let you see the location of most of
the enemies as well as the attack chopper escorting the train. Two techniques
that work well are rushing into the enemies quickly or going at it slowly and
tossing flash grenades at them before storming forth.

Climb the ladder and walk along the roof of the rearmost car. Kill the guard
waiting in the next car and jump down. Continue forward and climb up the ladder
on the rear left of the next car. Walk along the roof and kill the guards that
climb out of the roof of the car ahead of you.

Keep moving and knock off the three guards waiting in the next car. Jump down to
them, then destroy the large boxes blocking your path. Quickly run through the
coal car, dodging the chopper's fire, and take out the guards in the next car.
Pick up a sniper rifle and use it to take out either pilot of the chopper from
the relative safety of the boxcar. Although it's possible to hit the pilots from
the front, it's much easier to wait until the chopper turns sideways, then pin
the pilot. Once the 'copter goes down, continue toward the front of the train.
Kill the guards waiting in the next car and climb the ladder to the roof of the
following car. Keep walking and knock out the next guard. Drop into the next car
and kill yet another guard.

Walk along the left side of the next car, and you'll see a door that's just
barely cracked open. Open it the rest of the way, kill the guards inside, and
shoot off the lock on the door holding the nukes. Walk into the nuke pen, and
it's mission accomplished.

Laskey's Used Books, New York

Walk down the stairs and enter the bookshop. Talk to Sam (the man behind the
register), and he'll take you to the secret bunker of the Shop, your employer.
Follow Sam into the bunker, and a conversation will begin between you, Sam, and
Hawk. You'll learn that the remaining three nukes have been strewn about the
world, and the first is in Kosovo. Use the computer that opens up to check your
mail and get your orders. The Serbs have the second nuke, Queen Bee, and they're
planning on destroying NATO headquarters.

After reading the message, you'll have the opportunity to decide what equipment
to bring to Kosovo. Choose what you wish, but here are my recommendations: the
silver talon .44 handgun, B-42 berserker combat shotgun, raptor SMG submachine
gun, ballistic armor, C4 plastique, and HE-36 fragmentation Grenades.
Click "deploy," and you'll begin the next mission.

Gracanica, Kosovo, 10/1/00

You're in the Kosovar sewers, underneath a city enduring a NATO bomb attack.
Immediately, Serbian flame-throwing soldiers attack you. Take them out. (You can
conserve ammo by shooting them in the gas tank. They'll immediately explode;
stand back.) Remember that, throughout this mission, the Kosovars are friendly;
don't shoot at anyone unless he looks like he's about to kill you.

Walk down the corridor, and you'll come to a larger room with several soldiers
it. Kill them all, then walk out the corridor in the far corner of the room.
walking, and you'll come to another room with some guards in it. Kill them and
take the exit to the right of where you came in. Walk down the corridor and drop
down off the ledge. Keep walking and knock off both soldiers in the next room.
Walk up the ramp and enter the sewer entrance up top. Walk up the ladder, and
you'll see that Hawk has taken care of these guards for you. Turn the wheel to
build up the water pressure as Hawk requested.

After the cutscene ends, jump down to the center area. Walk through the sewer
pipe until you come to a room with a few guards in it. Take them out and walk
through the broken wall exit opposite of where you came in. Take out the guards
and walk through the next doorway. Climb the ladder and walk through the
corridor. You'll come to a ledge with a guard on top of it. Two more guards are
below the ledge on your right. Take them out and continue along the ledge (don't
jump down yet). At the end of the walkway, you'll come to some more guards. Kill
them and descend the ladder. Turn left and walk down the ramp. At the bottom,
turn right and drop through the hole in the ground. Walk around and climb the
ladder at the other end. At the top, take out the remaining guards and climb the
tall ladder. Spin the wheel at the top, then head back down the ladder. Turn
right at the bottom and walk back up the ramp.

Kill the guards and continue past the ladder. You'll see the large pipe that you
knocked down via that last wheel you spun; jump on top of it and walk through
squarish entrance. Take out the guards and keep walking. The next room houses
several guards, so be prepared. Kill them, then walk through the corridor at the
opposite end. Knock off the guards and walk through the pipe to your left. Drop
down, kill the guards, and walk through the corridor. Keep walking, and you'll
come to a room. Go through the door on the right and climb the ladder. At the
top, shoot the pipe where it's leaking gas. Jump in and go to the left. Walk out
the other end of the pipe and drop into the other pipe with the greenish-colored
bricks. Keep walking and climb the ladder at the end. Drop down into the center
area, kill the guards, and the level will end.

Now, we're getting close to the Queen Bee nuke. Walk out of the pipe and climb
the large ladder on the left. Enter the dark corridor at the top. Walk outside
and take out the guards there. Walk into the building on the left and continue
along until you come to another large area. This area contains several guards.
Make a 180-degree turn to your right and climb up to the ledge. Walk through the
hallway and descend the stairs. Turn left at the bottom, kill the guards, and
continue along to the right. Kill the guards up top and walk into the lit
opposite the place where you entered. Kill the guards in the next room and pick
up the medkit in the small room where two of them were hiding. Open the door and
walk through.

Walk down the stairs and continue straight ahead; walk up the first set of
you see. Kill the guard at the top. Then, jump across to the ledge on your left.
Open the door and kill the guards inside. Walk around and climb the ladder.
Ascend the stairs and open the door up top. Kill the guards and follow the white
line to your left. Stay to the left; the bridge will break apart on the right.

After it breaks, jump down into the sewer entrance hanging off the wall. It's a
tough jump, so save before you attempt it. Crouch down and enter the pipe. Climb
the ladder at the end and follow the white line around again. Save the Kosovars
if you can, but the Serbs will likely kill them before you can get to them. Make
them pay for their crimes and keep following the white line until it ends at a
broken truck. Enter the abandoned building to the left of the truck, climb up
rubble, and enter the door. Kill the guard up top, then drop down. Walk up
through the rubble past the guard's post and enter the door on the right. Pick
the ammo and the medkit, then walk back out the door (the second door is

Make a sharp right just outside the door and enter the area with the truck. Walk
along the beams above the truck and crouch through the window. Kill the guards
the other side. You'll destroy the Serbian weapon in a cutscene, and the level
will end.

OK, now we're getting really close to the Queen Bee. It's time to find this
and destroy it. Walk through the pipe you're in and climb the ladder at the end.
Push the button to the left of the door. Grab the ammo to your right and crouch
into the corridor across from the entrance. Drop down and walk down the ramp.
Turn left and climb the ladder. Kill the guard, but do not pull the red lever in
the guard tower; it'll sound an alarm. Walk down out of the guard tower and
the building on the right. Grab the ammo and continue through the building.
the guards and exit through the double doors. Open the next set of double doors
and kill any guards you see. Make a sharp left and enter the other set of double
doors. Kill the guards and enter the double doors along the wall to the right of
the control room. You'll see a cutscene where Hawk causes a bit of a ruckus. He
also orders you to unlock the helipad door. Walk under the ladder and enter the
door to the control room. Press the large grey button, and the helipad door
unlocks. Exit the control room and walk back out the double doors. Turn left and
walk down to the other end of the room. Keep walking around the area, killing
guards, until you return to the double doors where you entered. Walk through
and be careful; Hawk still has things blowing up in here. Turn left and walk
the stairs. Kill any guards you see, then keep walking until you come to a large
room with a sunken center area.

Enter the control center to the right and press the button. This will cause the
crane in the sunken area to move a box out of the way of a vent. Shoot the vent
cover and crouch in. Jump out the other end of the tunnel and press the button
next to it; this will open the door back to the sunken-area room, so you don't
have to use the vent to get there. Don't go back to this room, though; instead,
walk down the corridor in the opposite direction. Open the doors at the end and
take care of the guards inside. Grab the goodies in the small room to the right
before descending the stairs in the center. Note that the large door past the
bottom of the stairs is locked. Facing away from this door, walk up the stairs
the end of the room (not the stairs you used to get here), and turn right. Heed
Hawk's message and exit through the double doors, staying away from the truck

The doors to your left are locked, so enter those to your right. Walk through
corridor and kill any resistance you find. Climb the stairs at the end and enter
the door with the red light over it. Kill the baddies in here, then exit back
the door. Hawk will let you know that he's unlocked the main hangar doors (and
also summoned new guards). You must go back to the main hangar, the large room
you walked around earlier. Walk back down the stairs, head through the corridor,
and go through the double doors at the end. Guards will appear; eliminate them
and enter the double doors directly across from you. Enter the next set of doors
and destroy the guards and dogs that attack. You're now back in the main hangar
room. Enter the hangar via either of the doors with green lights above them.

Kill any resistance you find, and talk to Hawk, and watch a cutscene. The Queen
Bee is recovered. Mission accomplished. Now, we're off to Serbia, without Hawk,
to find the third nuke, the Nest Egg. I recommend you bring the same equipment
for this mission; there'll be significant fog, so the sniper rifle is

Uedineniya, Siberia, 10/21/00

It's cold out here, isn't it? Your goal is to infiltrate the compound and
the Nest Egg nuke. Let's do it. Walk forward and be ready for the guards that
waiting for you. Take them out and walk up the stairs to your right. Continue on
and note that you can shoot the emplacement guns down. Walk past the gun on your
left and take out some more guards and another gun. Keep walking, and when you
get to the bottom, note the closed hatch to your left (below your position).

Walk back down the slope and keep moving past the tank. You can destroy it if
want by shooting it in the exhaust vent. Keep going, and you'll eventually come
to another tank, with two emplaced guns beyond it. Take them out, then walk
through the passageway between them. Walk to the end of the corridor and press
the button at the bottom to open the door. Take out the guards inside, then go
through the door next to the tanks. Kill the guards in this room, then climb the
ladders. Take care of these guards, then ascend either stairway. You'll see some
emplacements; ignore them and go back down the stairs. The large doors here lead
back outside, so ignore them. Descend one of the ladders (not all the way back
down) and enter the small door hidden behind the crates. Deal with the female
guard inside, then press the large blue button on the wall. You'll now have 45
seconds to get back outside and into the hatch I pointed out before. Run back
and drop into the hatch.

There's a medpak down the long ladder.

At the end of the hatch, you'll see a hole in the wall. Shoot it and crouch-walk
out. The door to your left is locked, so walk around the ledge past the tank.
Climb up the ladder on your left and beware of the emplacements and guard. Walk
along the ledge from the guard tower and descend down the long ladder for a
medpak. Climb back up and walk to the right.

You'll come to a precipice with some guards on the other side. Deal with the
guards and shoot the pipe, bridging the two locations. Then, you can drop down
into the pipe and get across.

Once you're out of the pipe, ascend the stairs and exit through the small door.
Eliminate the guards outside and climb the ladder. Both doors are locked, so go
back down the ladder and walk between the two tanks. Turn left, and you'll see a
hole in the wall that you can crouch through. Do so and drop down the hole at
end. Bring on the next level.

You're now inside the Siberian compound; now you must get to the chemical
facility. Walk to the end of the corridor and exit to the left. Climb the
and you'll see a cutscene letting you know that the Siberians know you're here.
Keep going up the ladder and open the top. Once you're out in the main room,
knock off the guards and go through the door on the far right. Kill the guards
inside, proceed along the walkway, and head through the next door. Take out the
three guards and walk through the next door. Kill some more guards, then descend
the stairs to your left. Keep going, climb the next set of stairs, and walk
through the door. Stand back; the attack 'copter will leave shortly.

Walk through the open gates and up the stairs on the other side. Kill the guards
and press the button on the platform to the right of the computer. Descend the
stairs that open up; take out the gun that will begin firing at you. Keep going
along this corridor until you come to a ladder. Don't climb it; instead, turn
left or right and walk onward to the room beyond. Take out the guards and note
that the door at the bottom is locked. Go back up and shoot out the grate
covering the flashing area. Drop down it and crouch through. Descend the ladder
and take out the guards at the bottom. Follow the corridor around and climb the
ladder at the other end. Walk around and down, then follow this corridor around
as well. Kill the guard to your right, then go left. Kill more guards and take
the passageway to the left (the one on the right is locked). Follow the pathway
around and up. Walk across the ledge that the guards were on and ascend the
stairs. The door at the end will blow up, giving you access. Take out the guards
and walk down the passageway.

Continue on until you come to the elevator door you saw in the cutscene at the
beginning of the level. You'll find out that the power generator is offline.
down off the walkway and enter the small blue door. Go through another door and
take out the four guards. Grab the ammo and medpak to the left, then go through
the other blue door. Keep going, and you'll come to the control room. Go through
and hit the two buttons to turn the generator back on (you don't have to kill
man in the power room). Continue out the other end of the room to the outside.

Kill the soldiers outside and go to the left. A tank will pop out of the wall;
ignore it and keep going around to the left. Climb the ladder, then enter the
door. You've been here before; take a 180 turn to your right and follow the
passageway around again. Keep going until you come back to the elevator, which
now open. Three guards will be waiting for you. Enter the elevator, and the
will end. It's time to find the Nest Egg.

After the cutscene ends, walk forward and around to the left. Press the button
open the door. Take out the guards inside, then press the button in the control
room. The alarm will stop, and the large doors will open. Kill the guards and
proceed through the door. Once you're through, there'll be a large door on the
left and a smaller door on the far left. Go through the smaller door. Kill the
guards inside and go through the other door into the corridor. Go through the
large door to your right.

Keep walking and go through the next small door. Kill the guard in the control
room, then press the button to gas the Siberian terrorists below. Walk back
through the small door, and go through the large door to your right. The door at
the far end will be locked, so shoot your way through the glass and drop down to
where the gassed terrorists are. Open and walk through the door opposite the one
the trapped Siberian is banging on. Kill the guard and use the computer to open
the door.

As you walk into the next room, things will begin to blow up. Walk forward and
your right; kill the guards and go through the door. Drop down into the broken
elevator and crouch through the door. Follow the corridor into a room full of
guards. Kill them all, then walk through the large door at the other end of the
room. Keep walking straight, turn left at the end, and kill the guard. Turn the
wheel to cause an explosion. You'll see the man fall from the bridge, so you
you can't go that way. Go back to the door you came through and turn right
instead of going through.

Climb up the boxes and into the vent. Follow it around to the end; oh look!
You're on the other side of that precipice! Eliminate the guards and walk
the doors. Turn left and walk up the ramp. Kill some more guards, then enter the
elevator to your left. Press the button to go down. Exit the elevator and turn
right. Take out the guards and enter the small doorway. Kill the guard and
continue on through the next door. Turn right, walk down the ramp, and battle
some more guards. Walk through the door. A countdown will begin, which is not a
good thing. Walk around and take the elevator up. Go through the yellow door on
the right, kill the guards, and pull the large red lever to deactivate the
countdown. Walk through the central area to the blue door. Go back in the
elevator and ride it again. When you come out, you'll kill some guards and see a
cutscene as the nuke is destroyed. Mission accomplished.

Baghdad Outskirts, Iraq, 11/3/00

Now, we travel to Iraq to obtain the final nuke (the Lightfoot) from General
Mohammed Amu, a challenger to Saddam Hussein. Again, I recommend the same
equipment as before; I like the raptor more than the suppressed SMG. The choice
is yours.

First off, we must find this safe house and get our disguise. Kill the guards in
the main area and enter the hallway directly across from your entrance, just
the truck. Kill the guards to your left, then proceed and jump out the right
window. In this next area, you'll find a townsman and several guards. Kill the
guards, then climb the ladder in the center.

Jump onto the rooftop just past the top of the ladder and walk across to the
building. There's a window on the roof that you can crouch into. Ascend the
stairs inside and jump out the next window. Now, drop down into the center area
and deal with the guards. Walk into the corridor that does have a door in it.
Smite the guards and enter the door to the building in the center area (there is
a light directly above the door).

Now, you're in the safe house; sheath your weapons. Exit the small room you're
and turn right. Grab the armor and walk out the door. To your right is the
ladder. Walk up it to the roof like Hawk said and try not to grab any attention.
Turn right and jump across to the next building. (This jump is much easier if
are running.) Enter the door farthest to your left. Continue on through the next
door and take out the guards waiting for you. Follow the corridor to your right
and be ready for the machine-gun toting guard waiting for you. Take the corridor
on your right and descend the stairs. Continue down and around until you come to
an open area. Walk forward past the first door (it's locked) and kill the
Enter the large double doors to your right. Follow this corridor to its end and
open the large door. Walk outside and kill the guards, then shoot the middle
boxes to your left. Crouch into the hole in the wall (below your position).

Once you're down, turn right and follow the stairs downward. Don't bother with
the wooden stairs in the middle of the room; the door at their apex is locked.
Instead walk around them and enter the corridor on the other side. At its end,
you'll see some boxes; destroy the wooden one next to the window and crouch out.
Eliminate the guards outside, then walk down the stairs and into the doorway.
(Ignore the other door, as it leads to a place you've already been.) There will
be some guards waiting for you; put some lead in them and continue. You'll now
come to a larger room with several guards. After eliminating them, continue on
through the next doorway. Follow the corridor around and take out the guards in
the open area. Walk down the slope on the left-hand side of the area and enter
the door to your right. Once inside, climb the ladder and exit through the door
up top.

Walk around the ledge to your left and enter the doorway at the other end. You
must deal with some more guards on your way. Ignore the first door in here; it's
locked. Continue forward, and you'll see a cutscene in which Hawk hides on the
back of a truck. Walk and drop down into the area shown in the cutscene and take
out the guards Hawk left behind. Enter the room to the right of where you
down and press the large button to open the gate. Enter the gate and move on to
the next level.

Now, we're really close to the Lightfoot. We just need to get to the truck in
this bunker and blow it up. Enter the double doors to your right. Step on to the
large elevator and press the button to go down. Take out the guards and walk
through the corridor. Descend the stairs to your left and turn both wheels. You
can then sneak through the passageway under the now-broken pipe. Kill the guards
and walk up the stairs across from the passageway. Continue following the
corridor and killing guards until you descend the stairs and pass a forklift. In
the next room, you'll find two ladders and another corridor. Take the left
up and kill the guards.

Walk around, toss a grenade into the guard-laden watchtower, and drop down next
to it. Climb the ladder on the side of the tower and turn the wheel inside (note
that you must turn it a lot), then run under the now-open gate before it closes
again. Take out the guards on the other side, then run past their little bunker
and into the corridor to the left. Walk to the end and kill the guards waiting
the other side of the truck. Walk up the ramp and deal with any resistance you
find. A missile-toting guard will emerge from the door on your left; kill him
enter it. Walk through the second door and press the button. You must then
quickly get on the lift and ride it to the next level. Kill the guards and go
through the passage to your left. Take the ladder down and crouch through the

Follow the passageway around, but be careful not to fall off the edge. Hawk will
raise the bridge. Cross the bridge and take out the guards. Take the stairs down
and press the button that they were guarding. This will mess with the
system, letting Hawk get through (and eliminating a guard).

Drop down from the button area and take the passageway across the now-lowered
bridge. In the room beyond, a ventilation system cover was conveniently left
unattached by Hawk. Enter it and begin following it around. You'll come to a
point where you can continue straight or turn right; continue straight. Upon
exiting, remember the poor guard's fate and jump, don't walk, across the bridge.
Continue on through the next two passageways and shoot open the hatch at the
Walk in, and you'll meet up with Hawk. It's time to get the Lightfoot.

I hope you have lots of ammo; there are lots of guards. Exit the door and take
some out. Enter the bunker with the small truck at the door and take the door to
your left. Kill any guards you see outside and walk down the ramp. Take out the
guards and dog at the bottom and open the door. Drop down the elevator shaft
across from the doorway and take out the guards. Climb the ladder to your left
and press the button. Immediately jump onto the moving platform behind you. If
you miss it; don't worry. Just press the button again, and it will return. When
the platform stops, drop down and climb the ladder to your right. Walk out the
door and eliminate the guards. Enter the control room and exit through the other
door. Take out the next few guards unfortunate to be in your way and open the
next door. Use some C4 (or a lot of bullets if you have no C4) on the locked
and press the button. The large piece of equipment will bash the locked gate
below. Press the button again, and it'll smash through.

Walk through the gate and head through the door on the left. A tank will be
waiting for you. Toss a few rockets at its top, and it'll stop firing. Walk past
the crates on the right and look around. There's a large cargo plane, containing
the Lightfoot. Get in the truck with Hawk; your job is to protect him as he
disables the nuke. It will take awhile, so be ready with lots of ammo before
entering. Once Hawk disarms the nuke, it's mission complete and back to Laskey's
Used Books.

New York, USA, 11/10/00

So, apparently the nuke sales were just a sidebar for Sergei Dekker's order to
raise cash for its real plan. We're going to go politely ask Wilhelm Dekker, the
man we know as Sabre, to enlighten us as to the details of this plan. For this
next mission, take a bulldog suppressed submachine gun, a .44 handgun, and the
berserker for weapons. For gear, take armor, some medkits, and a few grenades.
There will be a hostage mission, so you'll need the accuracy.

Begin by entering the truck to your right. Kill the gang bangers and walk out
other end. Enter the door and take out the guards on the other side. Climb up
crate to your right, hop to the one on your left, and finally jump to the
rafters. Crouch across the ladders to the other side and go through the door.
Turn to the right and take out any hoodlums that try to stop you. Make another
right and shoot the explosive barrels to create a way out of this area. Climb
over the fallen post and go to the other side of the fence. Follow the
around and ignore the first two doors you come to; they're locked. Instead,
the door at the end of the passage. Eliminate the guards in the room and take
other door out. Remove the breath from some more of Dekker's gang and enter the
next door. Kill the guards and take the stairs on the left. Enter the door up
top, and you'll see a cutscene where Sabre obtains some arms from some of the
Order's dealers. Kill them and take their weapons. Note that you now have the
guardian heavy machine gun, which boasts a phosphorus grenade alternate fire

Exit through the door Sabre used and take out some more of his men. Crouch under
the truck and immediately turn left. Take another left and follow the passageway
around, killing anyone who tries to stop you. Make your way around the crates
forward and to the electric fence. Shoot the guard into the fence, which will
cause a short and open a gate. Walk through the gate, and you'll toss a grenade
down a chute in a cutscene. Then, drop down to chase Sabre.

Turn right and crouch into the passageway. Pop out of the pipe and turn left.
Sabre's getting nervous, isn't he? Take the next left as well and follow the
passageway around.

Crouch down below the bar and shoot the explosive container on the right to get
through. Once you're through, turn left, take out the gang member, and take a
right. Walk through the door and create some more havoc. Climb the ladder and
continue on. Enter the door at the end and kill more guards. Go through the next
door and jump down onto the tracks. Follow it around and enter the door on your
left at the end. Follow the passageway around, taking out any guards you
encounter. The door to your left leads back to where we just came from, so go in
the door that lies straight ahead instead. The guards have prepared a trap for
you, so open the door and step back until the explosion is complete. Kill them
and continue on to the next door. Note that this track is electrified; jump
across to the other side. Enter the first door on your right. Eliminate the
opposition and continue through the following door. Walk down the stairs and
follow the corridor around.

At the end, turn left and enter the tunnel. Kill the armored guard at the other
end and go through the door. Kill the guards and continue after Sabre through
tunnel on the other platform. Kill the guards at the other end, and you'll be
done with the level.

After emerging from the subway, you'll enter a hotel, where Sabre's is hiding
with some hostages. Try to use a smaller, more accurate gun so as not to hit the
hostages and SWAT team members inside. Kill the guards in the first room and run
past the SWAT team members to the left. Follow the SWAT team member through the
hallway and take out the gang members holding a woman hostage at the other end.
Climb the stairs and enter the door on the second level. Enter the hallway and
take out some more of Sabre's men (and a woman). Keep moving, and a door will
open with baddies and a hostage. Be careful not to shoot the hostage. Go through
the door at the end near the elevator. Keep going to the end of the hallway,
watching out for more hostages, and enter the stairwell through the door on the
left. Go down and enter the door on the level directly below yours (not the
bottom level). Shoot out the window and crouch out; go up the emergency exit
stairs. Take out the gang members outside and take care not to shoot the cops.
Once up top, save the game and jump from the railing to the small hole in the
wall of the next building. You can make the main jump, but this one is much

Go through the door and take out the gang bangers that attack you as you fall
through the floor. Enter the door on the ground level. The first door on your
left houses an old staircase that will be destroyed when an enemy jumps down to
you. Kill him and walk back out; enter the second door on the left this time.
Take out some more guards and enter the pseudoroom immediately to your right.
Climb the ladder and take out the guards up top. Enter the doorway, cause
carnage, and proceed to the second door. Kill the guards and walk up the plank
the roof. You'll have a confrontation with Sabre, and he'll be the loser.
accomplished. Now, we go to Sudan to destroy the missile factory from which
Dekker plans to make a purchase. Bring in whatever weaponry you like best; I
suggest something large.

Kordofan, Sudan, 12/10/00

Before we can destroy this missile factory, we've got to find it. Let's go. Walk
forward and take out the guards to your right. Ascend the stairs and enter the
doorway. Take out the guards and follow the passageway around. Help Hawk clear
the next room. The two doors on your left are locked; take the passageway to
right, past the locked door, and head onward. Exit through the door at the end
and silently kill the guard. Hawk will let you know he's going the other way;
you'll meet up later.

Proceed toward the train and walk around it to the right; watch out for the
guards and dogs. Step to the end of the tracks (right) and continue along the
pathway beyond them. Walk past the next train and turn right, ascending the
stairs. Enter the doorway and tear through the building. Climb the next set of
stairs and take the wooden walkway outside.

Enter the doorway at the end of the walkway and go down the stairs to the left.
You must deal with several guards. At the bottom, enter the doorway in front of
you. Turn right and pick up some light amplification goggles.
The other doorway leads outside, so don't take it. Instead, backtrack through
door from which you entered and walk back up the stairs. Take the branch to the
left and take out the guards at the top. Press the controls for the crane until
the floor below opens up, then drop through. Take out the guards at the bottom
and proceed up the stairway farthest from the point from which you dropped. (The
other stairwell leads back to what was formerly a locked door.) Once up the
stairs, kill more guards and follow the passageway around until you reach the
stables. Continue following the passageway until you reach the door shown below,
then enter it.

Ascend the stairs, take out the guards at the top, and walk to and through the
next door.

Kill the guards outside, and Hawk will show up, telling you it's time to go.

Walk around the back of the roof and jump through the window. It's time for a
level. Walk down the stairwell to your right. Eliminate the guards at the bottom
and turn left. Climb the stairway and go outside; take care of the guards
outside. Climb the stairs to the near right of where you came from. The door to
your right is locked, so take the path to your left instead. Hawk will tell you
to follow the cow paths to the slaughterhouse. It sounds like a good idea, so
let's do it. Show the guards why it was a bad idea to mess with you and drop
off the walkway to your right. Jump down into the cattle path and follow it
around. The guards will conveniently close the gate and block you off, so jump
out of the cattle path to your right. Jump onto the crates, then onto the roof.
Enter the second window (the one into the room with the ceiling fan) and press
the button. Now, the cattle path gate is open; jump back down into the path and
continue on to the right. When you come to the end, kill the guards, climb the
stairs, and enter the door. Pull the lever, then walk back outside. You just
opened the gate in the cow paths with that lever; continue on down the paths to
the right.

When you come to the end, jump over the bars to your right and continue on. The
door past the hanging cattle to the left is locked; let's take care of that now.
Go through the passageway to the right and head into the control room. You'll
that Hawk is already in there, but pull the lever anyway, so you can get in
him. Return to the main room and walk past the hanging cattle into the now-
unlocked door. Go through the door up top and descend down to the bottom level.
Walk under the conveyor belt and through the door. To the drainage tunnels we
exit through the other green door. Walk down the stairs, eliminate the guards,
and spin the wheel in the control room. Now, enter the pipe to the left of the
wheel and climb the ladder.

Take out the guards and enter the double doors on the left. Take out the guards
in here, turn left, and jump into the ventilation system. Argh; it's colder in
here than it was in Siberia! Follow the tunnel around until you come to a large,
deep, red vat. Jump down. Welcome to the fetid sewer system. Proceed through the
tunnel until you come to a four-way intersection; go right and drop down this
hole as well. This no longer looks like a drainage system; it looks more like a
weapons facility to me.

Walk into the first room, kill the guards, and crouch into the hole on the
conveyor belt under the red light. On the other side, you'll talk with Hawk; the
Order is definitely here. Proceed through the next passageway and climb up into
the next duct. Smite the guards and turn right; enter the double doors. Continue
following the passage around until you come to the bridge shown in the
screenshot; be careful not to cross it, as it's going to blow up.

Climb up the stairs instead and take out the guards up top. Follow the
around and climb the stairs. Once you're on top, press the button. This turns on
the crushing weights on the conveyor belt; wait until the first one is about to
go back up and make a mad dash through. Follow the conveyor around to its end.
Watch Hawk run across, and the bridge will break; there is some shoddy
in this facility, eh? While Hawk's looking for another way across, blow up the
explosive container and get ready to walk out the side window. Hawk will send a
crane over to get you; hop on, then jump off to the other side. Enter the doors
in front of you and climb the stairs; Hawk will enter the ventilation system
as it turns on. Now, you must shut it off, so he can escape on the other side.

Walk on and kill some guards; continue around the wooden walkway and enter the
doorway below the red light. Follow the passage around and descend the ramp. Get
in the mining cart and remain there until it stops. Drop down to the left and
along the ground until you come to a ladder. Climb it and walk along the
tracks (watch out for the mining car the guards will send at you). Once past the
car, take out the guards and keep going until you come to an elevator. Ride it
the top and take out the guards. Hawk seems to have disappeared; not good at

You now have two options; left or straight. Go left and take out any guards you
stumble upon. Ascend the red and white stairs and continue along. Descend the
ladder into the control room and push both levers. Wait for the explosion to
finish, then walk into the room beyond the levers. Walk into the room to the
and push the button. Now, climb the ladder just outside this room. Walk around
the walkway, jump through the red and white outlined window, and head back to
top of the first ladder you descended. Run back toward the elevator, and you'll
notice that a large metal bar has fallen in just such a way as to let you access
the wind tunnels you just deactivated. How quaint. Enter them and crawl through,
dropping down to the lower level. Follow them around back to the elevator and
climb out. Follow the only still-open passage and go through the door at the
You'll see a cutscene in which Dekker reveals his motives. That's it for this
mission; Dekker will run away laughing, and John will go on a rampage and
the facility. It's time to head back to Laskey's Used Books again.

Tokyo, Japan, 12/20/00

By now, it's become pretty clear that Dekker and the UN don't get along very
well. We're now in Japan at SUNI Systems' headquarters. For this mission, take
whatever weapons you wish; there are SUNI employees you're not supposed to kill,
but the rooms are larger than they were in the hotel, so small sidearms aren't

Walk forward, then turn right. Walk to the end of the corridor and take another
right; walk through the door and dispatch the guards. One door in here is
and the other only contains a guard, so grab onto and climb the ladder to your
right. At the top, enter the ventilation duct. The floor will break, and you'll
find yourself falling into a room with several of the Order's thugs waiting for
you. Kill them and collect their ammo. Both doors behind you are locked, so go
the stairs instead.

Once up top, take out the guards and follow the alleyway around. You'll come to
another open area with hostiles waiting for you. Deal with them and continue
onward. After you kill the guards waiting near the truck, enter the door to your
left. Move to your right and take out guards while the truck drives away; step
down into the street once it goes. Follow it around, and you'll come to a
car; enter the doorway to the right and press the button to open the gate back
down the street.

Go through the gate and take out the guards. Walk through the door they came out
of. The elevators are offline, so make a 180-degree turn to your left and
the stairs. Go all the way down to the bottom level, take out the guards, and
enter the door. Ignore the doors marked P1 and P2 and continue on to the third
door. Barge in and bust a move on the guards before pressing the button to turn
on the emergency power. A seemingly endless horde of guards will be summoned, so
run back up to the second floor and get on the elevator. You'll be treated to
lovely cutscene in which Dekker kills a female SUNI employee.

Welcome to the SUNI office complex. Walk out of the elevator and dispatch the
guards in the restrooms. Walk back out and turn left. Some more guards will
ambush you from the other elevator, so be ready. Walk through the double doors
and be prepared for the guards waiting inside. Take them out and proceed. The
room on your left contains some goodies; take them if you need them. Go through
the double doors and kill the guards. Then, proceed through the second set of
doors. The large silver door is locked, so turn around and go down the stairs to
your left. Take a right at the bottom, dispatch the guards, and walk through the
double doors. Knock off the waiting enemies and grab the R-22 microwave pulse
emitter. Go through the first door on your left and shoot out the window. Walk
carefully onto the ledge and proceed around to the right.

Take out the guards in the next room and continue on around the ledge. At the
next window, quietly apply shots to the heads of both guards before entering, so
they don't have a chance to kill the hostages. Once the baddies are dead, talk
the hostages, and they'll tell you the passcode to the mainframe computer
Walk out the double doors. Take out the guards and proceed through the double
doors at the opposite end of the room. Walk ahead, then head to your right and
the stairs. The silver door leads to the mainframe area; enter it and be ready;
there are several guards inside. Walk into the main area and go through the door
to your left. Walk up the ramp and follow it around to the center area. Enter
door and leave through the other door. We're getting close.... Follow the
passageway around, smiting guards as necessary.

Enter the control room through the door at the end of the passageway. Walk down
to the mainframe and do your dirty work. When the cutscene ends, the alarm
will have been triggered. Exit this room and be sure not to touch the red
they hurt. Turn left and go through the open doorway. Shoot the cover off the
ventilation duct (we sure do love using our mercenary-friendly ventilation
don't we?) and climb in. Drop down, crouch, and continue out the other side.

Several guards will be sent in to kill you; see that they fail and run away from
here. As you run, you'll see a cutscene in which Dekker informs his minions that
he doesn't want you to leave this floor. If Dekker wants something, it's a good
bet you don't, so head off this floor. Head back toward the elevator. From the
position shown in the screenshot, head to the left.

At the bottom of the stairs, take out the guards and exit through the elevator.
You'll see Dekker get away, but that's irrelevant; you got the Jessica Six
information you came for. Exit the elevator through the ladder to your left and
jump out onto the top floor. Take out all the guards that come after you and run
out onto the roof. Enter the small grey door before the attack 'copter hits you.
In here, you can load up on rockets and ammo. Whip out your rocket launcher and
walk back outside. Knock that attack chopper out of the sky. Mission

Basra, Iraq, 1/05/01

Looks like Mohammed Amu is in a little deeper than you thought. It's time to go
find out; be sure not to kill Amu, as you need him alive. Bring in some heavy
weaponry with you; the Iraqi soldiers are armored. I would recommend not taking
the pulse emitter, as there really isn't much ammo for it here.

Walk forward under the viaducts until you come to the end. Then, turn right.
up the ramp and make a 180-degree turn. Take out the guard and walk across the
stone pathway. Some guards will ambush you from the rear; be ready. Once you're
across, shoot the explosive canister to blow open the large double doors.

Now that you're inside, follow the corridor around until you come to a gate
leading to a large central area. Eliminate the many guards and proceed through
the corridor to the far right. Walk up the stairs to your left, take out the
guards, and continue along the corridor. You'll come to Amu's arms room. Shoot
the plank barring the leftmost gate and walk out into the courtyard. Turn right
and continue on to the truck trailer. Walk around to the rear and step into the
truck. Grab the items inside, then climb to the top. Hop onto the roof and shoot
out the left window. Crouch through the window and jump across the barrels and
out the facing window. Take out the guards from the roof and hop down. Proceed
through the open double doors and around the bend. Take out the guards in the
next area and ascend the ornate staircase. Walk into the corridor.

Descend the stairs, kill the guards, and turn right. Pass the first set of
you come to and walk up the second. Walk down the stairs on the other side and
turn right; eliminate the guards. You'll come to a staircase on your left; don't
take it. Instead, turn right and enter the corridor. At the end, there will be a
room to the right with some ammo and a medpak. Grab the goodies and head up the
stairs to the left. Walk through the corridor and kill the guards at the other
end. Continue on through the door behind the guards. Walk up the stairs and take
out the guards at the top. Continue through the next corridor. Keep moving and
dealing with guards until you come to the balcony at the end of the floor and
go no further. Jump out onto the roof. Walk around to the area on the right
the guards were attacking. Walk through the corridor, and you'll come to a
staircase guarded by a small army of men. Take them out and descend the stairs.
Turn left and walk out the door.

Kill the guards outside and turn right; shoot the crates and make your way up to
the roof.

Walk through the door and head up the stairs to the right. Sounds like Amu's
giving a speech. Walk out onto the roof and look through the grating into the
room below. Shoot the guard in the head and shoot the explosive container. You
just blew open the locked door at the foot of the ladder. Descend the ladder and
go through the doorway. Continue through this room and head out into the great
outdoors. Take out all the guards, then walk ahead toward the far double doors.
You've found Amu; it's time to go get him.

Turn right and blast any guards you see. Walk down the slope and turn right. At
the end, make a left and continue downward. Kill the guard, and climb up the
crates, and enter the ventilation tube.

Walk through the duct and destroy the tank and guard. Descend the steps under
tank for some grenades and armor. The wooden steps lead back to the gate you
avoided via the ventilation system, so walk out the door. Kill the guards and
climb up the ladder to the guard tower. Press the button to open the large gate
and go through it. Once you're through the gate, climb up the ladder and show
these guards how efficiently phosphorus grenades can really be. Walk through the
corridor and out the door. Take out the guards and tank (with your rocket
launcher), then walk through the corridor to the right of the tank. Walk up to
the street and head through the gate, so you're outside again. Continue across
the courtyard and turn left into the corridor. Climb the ladder into the next
room and press the button. Now, shoot the equipment you just moved via the
and drop down into the hole it creates.

Jump out of the vat, take out the guard, and ascend the stairs. Walk on and
descend the next stairway. Continue on, take a left, kill more guards, and climb
the staircase. Grab the ammo and continue on to the red-carpeted hallway. Open
the door. Kill the guards and go through the hallway to the right. Take out the
guards and proceed through the single door to your right. Kill the guards and
climb all three staircases. Go through the door and pour the guards a cup of
steaming hot lead. Walk around the hallway and open the door. Kill, kill, kill
some more and walk through the opening at the other side. Climb the library
stairs and open the door. Introduce yourself to the guard and continue through
the next door.

You'll see Hussein and Amu talking. Break up their conversation. They'll run
away; chase them through the door on your right. Keep going, through the door
up the stairs, until you emerge on the roof for your little chat with Amu. He'll
start rambling like a little schoolgirl until Dekker's men come and take him
He's extended our mission; the oil refinery he mentioned needs to be taken care
of. Let's go.

Kill the guards and walk down the ramp. Walk to the right, past the truck, and
turn right. Turn left at the fence; walk down the small staircase into the main
area. Remember this point; for the rest of the level, I'll refer to it as the
starting point. There are tons of guards peppering this area, so be prepared.
Take a right at the bottom. On the other side of the console is a wheel; spin

Run back to our starting point. Our mission here is to destroy the four main
pumping stations. We've got three to go. Looking out from the starting point
staircase, go up the stairs ahead and to your left. Once up them, turn left and
ascend the second staircase. Immediately, make a 180-degree turn to your left
walk forward; you'll see the second pumping station ahead and to the right. Turn
the wheel and turn around. Head to your left and, at the computer console, turn
right. Touch all the computers in this area to find shipping records going to
Germany. Make a left and enter the elevator ahead of you on the left. Once
upstairs, walk around and take the first left you can; welcome to the third
pumping station. Spin the wheel and head out left onto the walkway. Follow it
around to the corner. Take a right, then a quick left. Follow this walkway
until just before the door and turn right. Follow it until it ends, then make a
quick 180-degree turn to the left. Keep going straight until you come to the
wall, then make a right and an immediate left. Walk across the causeway and turn
right, then left. You'll be in another elevator room. Enter the elevator and go

Now, you just have to find the last pumping station. Head out of the elevator
room and turn left. Walk up the ramp, turn left, and you're at the last station.
Spin the wheel and enjoy the cutscene as the facility crumbles. The Iraqi
threat is no more. Mission accomplished.

Hanover, Germany, 1/16/01

For this final mission, you'll be infiltrating Dekker's personal mansion.
will be of the essence, so you'll want quiet yet powerful weaponry. I recommend
the bulldog T-31 suppressed SMG and the R-22 microwave pulse emitter. Grab some
armor, medpaks, and grenades as well. The guards in Dekker's mansion are
so the R-22 comes in handy.

Walk in, around, and up the stairs. Take out the guards with the R-22. When you
come to a locked gate, kill the guard and shoot the button behind him to unlock
the gate. Turn right, then turn right again. Go down the stairs, around the
water, and through the door, microwaving any thugs daft enough to try to stop
you. Open the wooden door and its partner. Kill the guards in the next room and
grab their weaponry and armor. By now, you should have picked up a heavy machine
gun and a slugthrower. The slugthrower is very handy right now. Jump into the
water and crawl through the drainage tunnel to your left.

When you come out the other end, crouch out the hole in the wall and walk down
the staircase. Be on the lookout for guards; they're swarming this place like
ants. Head up the ramp on the other side and out the door at the end of the
Smite the guard and jump into the sewer pipe; the door at the top of the stairs
is locked. Shoot the hole in the wall at the end of the tunnel and jump out.
Eliminate the guard and climb the ladder to the right. Go through the tunnel
hidden behind the crates to your left and turn right. The bottom will drop out;
fall down. Kill the guards, turn left, and enter the door. Open the second door
and ascend the stairs; watch out for the guard hiding behind the door. Climb the
ladder atop the stairs.

Walk outside and turn right. Handle Dekker's men and continue through the next
doorway. Toss a phosphorus grenade at the two rocket launcher-toting guards at
the main entrance and head left (The main entrance is locked). Go through the
passageway and ascend the staircase. Fry the guard at the top and spin the wheel
to open the gate at the other side of the courtyard. Be sure to turn the wheel
all the way and run back down, as the gate will begin to close as soon as you
go. You must still crouch through the opening. Eliminate the guards in the next
courtyard and run around the building to the right. Go into the stables and
the ladder. After you've dealt with the slug-throwing baddies, press the button.
Go back down the ladder and board the secret elevator.

Once you leave the elevator, dispatch the guards and pick up any ammo you need.
Continue along up both the straight and spiral staircases and walk around the
corridor to the door. Apparently, Dekker's target is good old New York City, and
he's got more than one bomb - not good. Pull the lever and knock off those
guards. Continue onward. Don't touch the door with the red light over it; you'll
sound an alarm.

Instead, take a left. Descend the staircase and microwave the guards below. Keep
walking. Open the next door and kill the guard. A security gun will appear; blow
it away as well. Now, climb the staircase. Open the door at the top with
there are several well-armed guards waiting for you. Once you've taken care of
them, climb the staircase and open the door. Turn left and dispatch the guards.
Walk through the small door at the far right of the room. Turn left and fry the
guard in the kitchen. Turn right and enter the door on your left. Exit this room
through the other door and take out the guards. Walk down the left corridor and
enter the first door on your right. Grab the battery and go through the other
door. Exit the bedroom back into the corridor. Now, enter the double doors
the hall. Take out the guards at the top of the stairs and enter the room.
see a cutscene that shows you where you must go next. Open the window and step
front of the mirror; hit the use button to flip to the other side of the wall.
to the bottom and press the button. This deactivates the security system,
you go through the doors that previously had red lights over them. Exit this
and go back to the hallway.

Turn left and enter the door with the green light over it. Take out the gun and
go through the small door to your left. Hit the use button on the far-rightmost
bookcase, the one with the two small cabinets on it. Walk through and fry the
guards. Once the guards are dead, enter the elevator. Press the button to move
to the lower levels.

Start walking and take the gun that pops out at you. The large doors are locked,
and one of the small doors has a laser defense turned on, so enter the other
Once inside, eliminate the guards and climb the stairs. Hop onto the crates,
head up to the yellow pipe. Walk across and enter the ventilation duct (yes, yet
another ventilation duct). Drop down and follow it through to the end. Before
falling out, toss a few grenades to the guards. Once they're dead, drop down and
press the button. Now, one of the large doors is open. Go through it. It will
lock behind you. Now, it's time to stealthily move through some security lasers.
If you're playing on the effortless or easy difficulty level and short on time,
feel free to simply run through the lasers; you'll incur less damage than if you
cut yourself shaving. Go through the door afterward. Keep going and smite any
guards who try to stop you. Press the buttons in both control rooms, and the
will open. Proceed. Press the button and go through the second door.

Walk around, and you'll see Dekker. Turns out Sabre was his brother, so now
you're even; Hawk for Sabre. Anyhoo, he starts the countdown; continue along to
the left and go through the next door. Run through, dealing with any guards you
encounter. Enter the next door and kill the guards. Once they're dead, destroy
the glowing blue console. Then, continue through the next door and go on until
you've destroyed all three consoles. Once you've destroyed the third and ended
the countdown, go through the large door. Walk into the red-carpeted room, take
out the guard, and continue. Go through the large door and kill the guards.
the button and proceed through the next door. Kill some more guards and go
through the next large door and its twin. Walk around the platform and continue
through the next two large doors. Kill the guards in the room, then get on the
elevator to the far right. Walk around and go through both doors. Go back down
and go through the now-unlocked clear door. Go through the clear door to your
left and take out the guards. Go through the next clear door and follow the
passageway to the right. Enter the door and take out the guards hiding in the
gallery to your left. Then, go through the door at the opposite end of the room.
Turn right, handle the guards, and go through the elevator.

Exit the elevator and turn right. We're getting close.... Follow the corridor to
its end and press the blue button. Save your R-22 for Dekker; use the heavy
machine gun for his guards. Try to hide behind a crate and toss phosphorus
grenades at the men coming at you; you can take out several with each shot. Once
Dekker emerges, just strafe around him to avoid his fire and keep your R-22
microwave gun on him. He'll fry relatively quickly compared to the damage he can
take from other weapons.

Once he's dead, it's time to head back to New York. Congratulations, John;
mission accomplished. Enjoy your reward money.