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Space Ace HD чит-файл №1

Regain Your Manhood (Bronze): Energize in the First scene.

Just Dex (Bronze): Complete the game in Cadel mode, with Infinite Lives.

Oh Captain! My Captain! (Silver): Complete the game in Captain mode, in 5 Lives

Call Me Ace (Silver): Complete the game in Ace mode, in 5 Lives mode.

Infantilized (Silver): Complete the game without Energizing in all but the
final level.

Go Go Ace! (Gold): Complete the game Energizing in all scenes - (Ace mode, with
5 Lives).

Borf Hunter (Gold): Complete the game in Ace mode, with no Move Guide, in 3
Lives mode .

Additionally there is one secret trophy:

Get the Popcorn (Bronze): Watch the entire game.