STAR WARS Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II чит-файл №1

Trail's Guide to Jedi Knight

Level 1: Double-Cross on Nar Shaddaa

Objective: Find 8t88 before he escapes with your father's data disc.

Reward: One star towards force powers. Can't be assigned yet, you are

Level of Difficulty: Fairly simple level, difficult to get lost in this one, it
is completely linear, giving only one real path to the finish. i.e. 8t88 isn't
all that difficult to find.

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Move forward and through the hallway. Emerge in the bar proper and leave via
the door on the far side. Head forward and go around the corner on the right
heading down the ramp.
2) Pass under the fan and continue to left. Move foward and when it is possible
drop onto lower area to your right. Move alone the wall and jump onto the angled
wall and move up onto the roof. Drop down the hole you find and move forward
the fan. Take the elevator up and grab the goodies you find up there. Slide down
the wall and follow passage under the fan again until you reach a door.
3) Open the door with the switch and travel along the hallway to room with large
4) Move forward around the drop to far side. Move into area on right and ride
elevator up. Run across the walkway the through area to next walkway.
5) Go across the walkway and through the doorway. Pass some crates on your right
and move through room and up a ramp. Go forward under the fan and through the
next door way. Cross the walkway and peer over the edge. You will see a ledge.
Drop to the ledge and grab the items. Take the elevator up and then drop through
fan. Open door and cross walkway. Keep moving.
6) Move around the corner to the switch on left of the long pathway. Call the
step escalator (cargo lift). As it travels up, drop into side passage on right
when you can. Grab the items and drop down through the hole. Call cargo lift
again and ride it up to the top.
7) Go into the side room with the red light and call the second cargo lift using
the button. Go outside again and ride this cargo lift to the top.
8) Run forward, around the drop off and into the door. Follow the walkway and
take first door on right. Hit switch in room and turn around. Go through exit on
9) Move forward and drop into the hole. Throw switch to lower second lift. When
it is in lowerd position, throw switch again and jump on to ride up. At the top,
jump to the ledge.
10) Follow the ledge to a door and open the door. Follow hallway to the left and
move across the walkway. On other side, turn to left and run across the
to the far end. Grab the goodies and run back across the overhangs to the ledge.
Go through the door way.
11) Run across walkway to far side and open the door. Move forward and down
through the trench and up other side. Drop into the pit you find on the far
12) Follow the ramp up to a switch and throw it. Run back down the ramp and jump
out before you are sealed in. The switch is causing the doors in center of floor
to slide to sides, covering the pit you are in. In the middle you will find the
doors have revealed a ramp.
13) Walk onto the thin wall on side of ramp with the widest space. Run so that
you will land on top of the crate stack below you. Jump up and run across to
on far side of crates. Drop into the hole and gather goodies. On far side is a
hole you can use to drop out of crate stack.
14) Move forward and to the right around the stack of crates. Go up the slope
in the opening at the top. Drop through the fans in the floor and open the
of the two doors. Mission Objective Completed

Level 2: The Lost Disk

Objective: Recover your father's datadisk from clutches of 8t88's severed arm.
Clear out the three-eyed Grans to create a safe landing zone for the Crow. Work
your way to the top of Nar Shaddaa. From there Jan Ors will pick you up in the

Reward: One star towards force powers. Can't be assigned yet, you are

Level of Difficulty: Somewhat difficult level. Difficulty is mainly in the
of bottomless pits you can find yourself falling into.

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Drop down to the level below the landing pad and continue dropping down until
you can't any further. You will find the opening of a tunnel in the floor. Drop
into the tunnel and retrieve the arm. Mission Objective Completed
2) Go through the door that opens in front of you and follow the tunnel. First
take the left branch, and then a drop. Pass the generator and go down a pipe
3) Go forward and through the door on the left. Drop down to the left and head
over the overhang and to the tunnel below. Drop off the edge at the end of the
4) Drop down between the supports to a ledge below, grab all the goodies. Get on
the elevator and travel up. Move to the left and fall through the crack to the
level below. Move forward and around the corner.
5) Follow the multiple walkway ramps you find to the top. Run across the walkway
and through the hallway. In the next room take the ramp to the top and go
the door.
6) Turn left and go down the slope into doorway. Go around left handside
first pit. Go around the second pit and drop down so you land on area above the
furnace or onto the conveyer belt. Jump from the conveyer belt into the control
room. Throw the switch and jump back onto the conveyer belt.
7) Drop off the side of the conveyer belt furthest from the control room. Head
around corner and go over the crates until you find a small lift going to top of
furnace. Jump onto the top of a crate when it passes underneath. Ride the crate
up when the lift is activated. At top, jump off the crate onto the walkway.
8) Go through door on left hand side. Go over the crates and into the control
room. Grab the red key and head back over the crates and out the door. Run
a beam to the ledge on farside.
9) On farside move towards door and throw the switch outside. Wait for beams to
move to other side. Open the red door and activate the switch inside. It will
open the furnace door outside.
10) Run across the beam and follow the passage on the left through the doors. In
the room you will find some crates. Jump till you are on the colored crate and
jump to the ledge on farside. Grab the goodies and head up the ramp in the room.
11) You will find a conveyer belt with an enormous crate on it. Move forward
until you are past the enormous crate and see a diagonal support. Run up the
diagonal support and jump onto crate when it passes down past you. Run to other
side and up diagonal support. Continue doing this until you reach the top.
12) Move forward to the forks. Move to the far left hand side and drop to
diagonal part of level beneath. Turn around and get on forks on far side. Follow
the forks to cubby hole in wall and grab all the items. Get back on forks and
return to the ledge. Move down the ramp in the center.
13) Drop down the hole and run around crates to safety. Jump over crates until
a one step escalator and ride it to the top. Run past the converyer belt on
side and go down the hole.
14) Turn counter clockwise and move forward. Open the door and go through. Move
on to the top of the mound of crates on the left side. Jump across to the crates
on the other side and grab all the goodies. Drop down to the broken conveyer
15) Move across the broken conveyer belt and get on to lift. Move onto the left
wall as the lift rises. The wall will lead underneath the suspended conveyer
belt. Grab all the goodies underneath.
16) Get back on the lift and follow to top. Jump onto a cargo container and jump
into area above furnace.
17) Jump onto the second lift and jump into area on left just below the lifts
destination. Go to the farside and grab the goodies you find.
18) Walk along the hallway and up the ramp. At top, turn around and walk along
wall to the end. Jump to area you see and grab the goodies. Drop back down the
ramp and follow it up and along the ledge. Cross the walkway and go into the
room. Mission Objective Completed
19) Kill all the Grans so the Crow can land and pick you up. Mission Objective

Level 3: The Return Home to Sulon

Objective: Find your way into your father's home to look for Weegee, the family
droid. Go through house, around back and through your father's natural power
generator. Watch your step near the pools of battery acid. Locate your father's

Reward: One star towards force powers. You are uninitiated, but now can assign
stars to force power "speed". If you desire, you can assign all three
force stars.

Level of Difficulty: Extremely linear level. You really don't have much of a
choice in what direction to go. Objects are well hidden or at least take time to
find, i.e. key.

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Turn 180 degrees and head uphill. Shoot the breakable wall and grab the
goodies. Head to the left of the house. After passing the wooden barricades,
shoot the breakable wall to your left up the hill. Continue on to the back of
house. You will find three windows with the shutters open. Shoot the middle one
and drop into the house. Mission Objective Completed.
2) Head through the door on the left. Go across the room and open the door on
side. Drop into the hole in the floor to your left.
3) Go through the door. Head straight and around the corner. There is a
wall on your right. Grab the goodies and then continue and go up the stairs to
the first landing. Go through the door and around through the double doors on
far side. Move forward and jump onto the crates in the far left of the room. The
red key is hidden behind them.
4) Head back through the double doors and the single door. Go up the next flight
of stairs to the next landing. Go through two door. In the next room turn around
and go in the door in the same wall as the door you entered the room from.
Proceed forward through the next door into the garden.
5) Go through the columns and continue forward until you encounter a cave in.
Shoot the wall to the left of the cave in and grab the items inside. Head back
into the garden and go the the double doors on the left. Open the doors.
6) Head up the stairs and through the door at the top. At second alcove shoot
wall and it will slide out of the way. Grab the goodies and continue on thorough
the next two sets of double doors. Move down hallway pass two more doors and up
the stairs. Open the double doors on the left and grab the yellow wrench. Go
to hallway and continue down. Open the door on the right and head down the ramps
to find the blue wrench. Head back up the ramps and head right when you exit
7) Jump into the water and swim to the right. Find the hole in the floor and
down. Use both wrenches in the room you find and swim back out through the pipe.
Head to the far right of the waterfall and go through the opening. As you go up
the ramp, go into the alcove on your right and grab the items.
8) Head back down the ramp and jump onto and over the wall on your left. Go
through the door and continue up the various ramps. Follow walkway until you
arrive at acid pool.
9) Drop into the acid near the entrance and turn back towards the entrance. Go
into the hole and grab the stuff. Come out of the hole and swim quickly to the
the right and out of the acid. Continue along the walls to the opening on the
side. I recommend swimming through the acid after jumping from a wall if you
can't navigate the tops of the walls. Mission Objective Completed.
10) Move through a rocky tunnel. At the center on the right is an alcove with
some items in it. Grab the items. At the end of the tunnel is the workshop.
Mission Objective Completed

Level 4: The Jedi's Lightsabre

Objective: Use the aqueducts and irrigation channels behind the house to make
your way to the water purification plant. Raise the water level inside the
purification plant so you can proceed to the river dam. Find passage to river
dam. Beyond the dam is your rendezvous point with Jan. Once there, you'll be
paying 8t88 a visit, in the city of Baron's Hed.

Reward: Three stars towards force powers. You are now initiated, but can only
assign stars to force power "speed". If you desire, you can assign up to four of
your six force stars.

Level of Difficulty: By far the most difficult level so far. Not as linear as
previous levels, there is still only one path, but multiple roads to get there.
At least one secret can only be found easily if you take a specific path, you
will avoid it otherwise.

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Throw the switch in the room to practice blocking with the lightsabre. When
complete, drop through the floor grate, breaking it if necessary. Use sabre on
the grate in the tunnel and head right when you arrive at the end. Follow the
channel until you come to a door. Open the door with the switch and continue
2) Follow the ramp on the left hand side up to the top. Head along the right
where there is running water. Jump into the water and swim with the current. Use
your sabre on the grate and grab the items. Get back into the water and swim
against the current into the tunnel.
3) Head up the ramps and crouch to continue through the tunnel. Move forward and
to the right until your find running water. Jump into the water and use the
on the grate. Once the tunnel top disappears and you can go up the get a breath,
jump onto the T or Y shaped walkway suspended above the water.
4) Take the right branch towards the waterfall. Above the waterfall is an
entrance. As you head over the waterfall, jump into the entrance. Follow the
tunnel up and back towards the platform grabbing the items. Drop into the water
and get back on the platform. Run forward along the platform and up the sloped
5) Move through the upper left area with ramps and steps. When you are able to,
jump to the level below with a channel filled with water. Ride the water down
until you can jump to the first set of ledges on the side. Drop off the edge of
the ledge to the bottom level. Move down the slope until you can exit.
6) Drop to the ledge below but be careful, there is a drop immediately below the
ledge. Try to jump a little ways forward. Move forward and around the corner
the crates. Drop down into the aqueduct and go through the crack in the side.
Move down the channel until you reach the end.
7) Move through the steel structure. You will need to move along the steep
and jump onto the center beam. Basically try to jump a little early and at an
angle such that you will hit about 1/6 th of the way along the beam or slope. Do
that and you should have no problems. When you reach the end of the structure,
drop into the irrigation channel.
8) Follow the irrigation channel forward and through a small underground until
you find the purification plant. Mission Objective Complete
9) On the left side of the channel just a little before you enter the plant is a
ledge. Jump onto the ledge and walk along to end. Drop into the hole at end and
grab the items you find there. Now get back out and into the channel and go into
the plant. Drop to the water below and swim to your left. There is a hole midway
in one of the concrete walls. Swim down and through the hole, coming up on other
side for air.
10) At the bottom of the center spire, on the right is a hole to enter the
of the spire. Swim down and up through the hole, throwing the switch you find at
that top. The water will rise outside and the tops of the concrete walls will be
capped. Swim down the spire and emerge through the hole at the bottom. Swim to
the right and through the hole in the concrete wall. Move upwards to the water
surface. Get out of the plant through the irrigation channel you dropped in
through. Mission Objective Completed.
11) Follow the irrigation channels away from the purification plant. Move
till you find a large pool of water. At the far edge is the drop off for the
avoiding going over the edge. To your right is some dry concrete. Swim there.
Mission Objective Completed.
12) Follow the hallway and go up the platform. Follow the walkway over the dam
and when you can take a right, do so to take the platform down. Run past the
wooden crates and into the water. The large room has three sets of sloped walls.
In the middle of the second set, under the water is a pipe. Follow the pipe and
grab the items at the end. Follow the pipe back into the middle channel and
follow to the right.
13) Go up the ramp on the left and down the channel. When the channel is over a
pool of water, drop down to the pool and head up the sloped banks. Go through
big door on the right. Mission Objective Completed.
14) Go up the elevator and throw the switch to open the back door down below. Go
down the elevator and go out the door to meet the Crow. Mission Objective

Level 5: Barons Hed - The Fallen City

Objective: Follow the canal into the besieged city of Barons Hed. Jerec's palace
is heavily guarded and blocked off by high walls. Find your way inside those

Reward: One star towards force powers. Your rank is still initiate, and "speed"
is still the only available force power. You can assign up to four of your force
stars towards force power "speed".

Level of Difficulty: The first truly non linear map. You can take a number of
approaches to solve most of the map.

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Jump into the water and swim down the center of the steel structure in the
center of the pool. In the tunnel below is an alcove with some items, grab them
and swim back to the surface. Move forward and head to the right.
2) On the right side is a door. Follow the hallways and ledges along the right
side until crossing a walkway to the left side of the channel. Follow that
hallway until you arrive on a wooden platform suspended above the river.
3) Jump into the water and swim against the current. You will see a tunnel in
wall on your left. Swim in and when you can surface in a chamber, do so and jump
into the top tunnel. Follow it until it branches right. Take right branch and
sabre on the grate above. Jump out. Mission Objective Completed.
4) Follow the tunnel leading outside. Go into the door of the first house you
find and up the stairs. Go into the room on the left and use sabre on the
breakable wall in the lower right. Grab the items and slash the roof of the area
behind the breakable wall. Move up and over to grab more items. Go out to the
room proper, and head out of room past the stairs into the dining room. Go
through the room and down the stairs on the other side.
5) Move over the bridge and take the first left. Move past the bazaar and take
far left alleyway. Go in the far door with an awning and jump over the counter.
Use the sabre on the wall in far left. Grab the large number of items inside.
6) Leave the shop and go left. Take the entrance in the same wall as the store
and go up the stairs. Run across the courtyard into the fruit market to the far
side where the door is lying against the wall. Use activate on the door and grab
the stuff behind it. Head back to the stairs, but go up the ramp to the right of
7) On the ramp, jump onto the railing and turn around. Now jump onto the roof.
Move forward and jump onto the slanted roof on your left. Go in the window and
follow through the building to the upper walkway.
8) Go along the upper walkway and under the awning into the club. Jump onto the
stage and slash the wall on the far left. Find the goodies and leave the club.
Outside, jump onto the railing of the walkway and jump up onto the roof of the
fruit market. Follow the roof around to the other side.
9) Drop down on the other side. Go down the ramp and over to the collapsed
walkway. Jump up to the opening at the top. It is tricky and my require you to
use force power "speed". Grab all the items and go back out. Go up the ramp and
then through the door. Follow your way through the house and at the end, jump
onto the roofs. At the end of the roofs, drop down. Mission Objective Completed

Level 6: Into the Dark Palace

Objective: Find a route through the ruins to the palace tower. Gain entry to the
tower via the upper plaza deck. Locate the primary bulkhead doors protecting the
main entrance. Find a way into the control room above the inner door. Once inner
door is open, fight your way past the guards in the main ante chamber. Find
passage to the top of the palace.

Reward: Three stars towards force powers. Your rank is now learner, and "jump"
now an available force power. You can assign up to four of your force stars
towards force powers "speed" and "jump".

Level of Difficulty: If your goal in this map is to destroy everything, it will
be a long night. The Walker's take a lot to kill them. If you blow up barrels
near them, some will be destroyed, otherwise only the lightsabre seems to damage

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Move forward through what appear to be stables.
2) Turn right, and right into the first building entrance you see. Follow the
staircase inside up.
3) Upstairs, travel through the jammed door and go out the partially blocked
archway in the far left of the room.
4) Head right, and enter the collapsed building. There is a hole in the floor
must drop through.
5) Head down the stairs and into the water. Take the next flight of stairs down
and enter the room on the right. Take the goodies and swim through the hole in
the roof. Take the railgun, but conserve it until told to use it.
6) Head back to flight of stairs to take a breath. Re-enter the water and swim
forward and down the hole. Take the left branch and you will emerge in part of a
7) Jump up and follow the ramp. Go through the hole in wall and take elevator
Enter the room with a number of computer stations.
8) After hearing them, take out the storm troopers in the room on your left. Go
through the other door that was in the hallway. Mission Objective Completed.
9) Drop down and move closer to the palace. Run around the palace to the left
closer to the palace until you get to what looks like a blocked ramp into the
10) There are two rooms in the buildings outside and across from the ramp. Each
has a switch inside you need to take out. First take out the walker with the
gun and proceed into the rooms. Throw one switch, use force power "speed" and
to other switch and throw it. Run towards the ramp, you will see two walkways
extending to meet above you.
11) Run up the ramp, and once on top, turn 180 degrees. Run towards and across
the two walkways you extended.
12) Turn to the left and run across the roof of the building until you come to a
point where you can jump across into an area where a sentry gun was. Mission
Objective Completed.
13) Move into the palace and take right branch following the hallway until you
arrive at the door to the control room.
14) Hit the closest switch and run across outer door as it lowers. Jump up and
hit switch on other side. The inner door will begin to lower. The door has tabs
on top, jump onto this door. Make sure you are on the edge closest to the
room. When the door with tabs has raised near the roof again, jump from this
into the open area above and then quickly run forward and around the corner.
15) Slash the two grates and fall into the control room. Mission objective
completed. Move around the corner and slash the grate in floor. Hit the switch
and drop through grate into the antechamber.
16) Run forward and throw the switch and enter the elevator. Mission Objective

Level 7: Yun - The Dark Youth

Objective: Exercise the force and defeat Yun. This is a test of a true Jedi.

Reward: No star is awarded on this level. You do receive the ability to use
power "pull" once Yun is defeated. You can assign up to four of your force stars
towards force powers "speed", "jump", and "pull".

Level of Difficulty: Yun isn't that hard to defeat, just keep moving. I tried
the hell of it to kill him with conventional weapons. He makes the motions of
getting hurt, but doesn't seem to take damage. You will have to kill him with
lightsabre. Chung tested this for me and found it took over a 100 rail charges
do the trick. Clearly the sabre is easier.

1) Yun is fairly easy to defeat. First off, he will do one of three things. Jump
a lot, blind you, or disappear. None are done at a very high level and will only
last for short periods of time.

2) Keep circling Yun, and come in swinging after he has committed himself. He
will be unable to block you and is easy to hit. Just strike, and continue on

3) It only takes a few strikes to defeat Yun, and then he will be laying at your
feet, demanding your brand of justice. Unfortunately at this stage, you can't
decide his fate, but you will get that option of a sorts, later in the game.

Level 8: Palace Escape

Objective: Escape from the ballroom to the palace rooftop. On the roof of the
palace, a slight misstep means a certain end. Use the air ducts to gain entrance
back into the tower and track down 8t88. Find 8t88's shuttle by using the palace
venilation system to cross to the far tower.

Reward: Three stars towards force powers. Your rank is now apprentice. You can
assign up to four of your force stars towards force powers "speed","jump",
and "pull".

Level of Difficulty: The objective is correct in the sense that you have to
your step, a lot of long falls here. However, the overall level isn't too bad.

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Move and get on the elevator and ride down. At the bottom go around the left
computer and grab items. Get back on elevator and ride it up until a point where
you can slash through the grate and slash the control panel inside. Get back on
the elevator and ride it out through the opening in the roof. Jump up onto the
roof. Mission Objective Completed.
2) Run towards the walls on your right. Use force power "jump" to get on top of
the center wall. Now turn to the left and jump onto the wall. Drop down to the
bottom of the large sloped air tunnel and move forward a little. There is an
entrance to the air ducts below you in the middle of each air tunnel. Slide down
the side of the air tunnel to get into the air duct. Mission Objective
3) Drop down into the duct. Turn right, halfway between the two entrances is a
floor panel that can be destroyed and stuff found underneath. Once the items are
taken turn back to entrance and head forward through the ducts until you are
walking down a slanted section. The left wall of the section can be broken and
stuff found inside. Grab the items and continue on, dropping into the room at
end of the duct.
4) Leave the room through the door and go down the ramp one level. Follow the
walkway and go into the elevator. Jump up on the crates and force jump out of
elevator through the hole in the top. From the top, jump to the ledge below and
use the sabre on the grate.
5) Move forward and down the steel frame to the entrance on the far side. Go
through the hallway and jump onto the nearest elevator cart. Jump over to the
of the next elevator and ride it down. Jump into the tunnel on the side.
6) Fall down through the doors on the bottom of the tunnel and at the bottom
to the left side. Move forward and to the left. When the fan stops blowing, drop
down and run up the inside of the pipe to the back. There is a vertical pipe in
the floor with an alcove. Wait for the fan to stop blowing again and drop
Use force jump to get into the alcove. When the fan is blowing again, get out of
alcove and allow yourself to be blown across to the building on the far side.
7) Jump up onto the left ledge and follow the ledge around the sides of the
building until you find a grate in the side. Jump and slash the grate. Jump
inside and grab the items. Follow the ledge back around to the wind tunnel
Move up and to the right. Jump over to a metal platform, and turn back towards
the wind tunnel. Drop over the edge to the level below. Keep dropping until on a
floor with some small boxes.
8) Crouch to get through entrance and then proceed to the elevator and go up.
Move through the hallway on the top. Run across the panels that open for the
shuttle to far side and wait to get picked up. Mission Objective Completed.

Level 9: Fuel Station Launch (Demo Level)

Objective: The cargo ship is about to debark for the Valley of the Jedi with
on board. Get off the roof tops and into the fueling station. Once inside, drain
the primary fuel tank and pass through it. The shortest route to the refueling
gantry is through the fuel pipes themselves. Shut down the fuel flow to empty
the pipes. Sneak through the fuel pipes to the reservoir under the cargo ship.
Find a way up to the fueling gantry and sneak onto the cargo ship before it

Reward: One star towards force powers. You now gain the force power "seeing".
can assign up to four of your force stars towards force
powers "speed", "jump", "pull" and "seeing".

Level of Difficulty: Not all that difficult a level. It is rather linear and
straight forward once the center tank is drained and wrench found to open the

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Run forward and around to the left. Go up the stairs and move forward. Drop
down and squeeze under the pipe. To your right before you drop down is a thin
ledge. Follow it and go up the ramp and grab items you find. Run down ramp and
drop down. Go up step and head for locked door.
2) Go to your left and jump and squeeze through space between pipe and wall of
building. Continue on, and go under the pipe when you can, emerging on the other
side. Move forward and drop off edge. Go up ramp into the shack and grab the
yellow key inside. Run back down the ramps and jump up to the ledge you dropped
from. Continue forward and go under the pipe again. Open the door on the far
3) Move forward and to left. Force jump onto the bunker when you find it and
the items. Drop back down and go in the bunker and out door on far side. Follow
the ledge around the walls to far side. Throw the switch to change the fuel
levels in the tanks and go back to the bunker. The image inside will display a
green bar across the middle tank. Take lift in bunker down to level below.
4) At the bottom of the lift, to the upper left is a cubby hole. Jump up and
items inside. Drop back down and move forward and to the left. Move down and
you see a level that is cut off above the switch, Use force power "jump" to get
up onto it.
5) Follow the level around and go up the lift. Grab the wrench at far side and
drop down over left edge to area below. Head towards the door, but just before
the door, to the left is a cubby hole. Jump up and grab the items you find. Drop
back down and head away from the door, dropping down to the area below. Move out
onto the cut off level and drop down. Head to the orange door and go through.
6) Go down the platform and go across the gap. Head to the left to the area near
the door. Activate the switch and go in the open door. Turn around and close the
door behind you. Move across the platform and open the door on the far side. Go
through. Jump the gap to the far side. Mission Objective Complete.
7) Get on the plat and ride it to the bottom. Stay on the platform and ride it
two levels. Shoot the fuel tanks and grab the items in the two cubby holes. Ride
the platform to the bottom again, and go through the door on far side. Throw the
switch. The floors will begin to slant inward.
8) Run across the pipe shooting the sentry guards. At far end, jump onto the
on the right. Follow the ring down to the far side of the pipe and go in the
cubby hole grabbing items. Jump back to the other pipe and go in the hole in the
wall you caused when destroying the sentry weapons. Go through the orange door
the right.
9) Throw the three switches you find, starting from left to right. Take the
platform down and throw the switch to open the door. Go outside and to the
Close the door behind you. Mission Objective Completed.
10) Open and close each successive door behind you. Take the right fork when it
is presented to you and go through the next two doors. Drop down the tube.
11) Use force power "jump" to cross the pool and go down the next tube. Take the
bottom tube and skip over the pool, following the tube into a spherical
reservoir. Use your sabre to slash through the cap.
12) Jump into the upper left cubby hole and follow the ledge on the right over
the edge of the tube. Go up the stairs, and go around the room and up the lift.
Follow the hallway.
13) Go through the door and turn left and left again. Move forward and take the
large lift up two stops. Move up the ramp past the large fuel tanks and take the
elevator on the right going way up.
14) Go up the ramp and get on top of the top pipe. Run along the pipe to it's
and then slide down the left side. Drop down and run along the fueling pipes and
use force power "jump" to get onto the edge of the departing ship.

Level 10: 8t88's Reward

Objective: Open the topside cargo doors and jump into the ship. Shut down the
venting fan and follow the main duct to the reactor core. Interrupt the reactor
flow and take the lower vents into the shuttle bay.

Reward: Three stars towards force powers. Your rank is now Journeyman. You can
assign up to four of your force stars towards force
powers "speed", "jump", "pull" and "seeing".

Level of Difficulty: Not a terribly difficult level. No huge bottomless pits,
just a combination of timed jumps to reach certain areas.

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Move forward into the chamber with the cargo door. Turn right and head for
door on far right.
2) Go in the door, and head to area behind the stairs, grabbing the items. Now
head up the stairs and throw the switch in front of the window to open the cargo
doors. Mission Objective Completed.
3) Go back down the stairs and outside. Jump down into the cargo bay area. Open
side doors with sabre, and follow either door that you discover from the side
areas. Get to the bottom of the room you find that has crates and out the door
4) Take the top walkway and go through the v-shaped doors. Drop to the bottom of
the room you find and go through the other set of v-shaped doors at the far end.
The other two doors in the room are locked.
5) Take one of the elevators down, and drop into the area with the cargo
containers. Use force "jump" to get onto the colored crate under the lowered
triangular ceiling. Jump into the hole you see above you and then go back to
with elevators and go back up to top.
6) Open the door to your right and then the next, entering the control room.
the red key and head back the way you came to the area with elevators. Go back
through the v-shaped doors and open the two locked doors with the key. Grab the
items and then go back to the control room.
7) Head out the doors onto the walkway. Drop down until you can jump from a
walkway to the lowest ledge. Take the left-hand side and go through the door.
8) Head into the computer room with the R2 unit. Throw the switch on the right
side of the ramp to turn off the lower force field and go into the room with the
C3P0 droid unit. Get the blue key and throw the switch on right side of ramp to
turn off the force field up above. Run up the ramps to the top and go through
door in front of you. Head down the hallways and open doors until you arrive at
the lift going down.
9) Go down the lift and head under the fan unit. Jump onto the sloped trim and
keep following the trim, jumping up when you can until you are on the edge of
trim on the side of the fan unit. Destroy the red boxes on either side of the
unit to shut off the fan. When on the left of the fan, continue walking along
trim into the alcove at the far end. Move to the front of the fan and jump
through. Mission Objective Completed.
10) Move into the ducts and take the one to your right going down at about 45
degrees. Follow it up and past the entrance to the core, going down 45 degrees
again and then up. Go into the two offshooting ducts with items in them and grab
the goodies. Go back to the core entrance and go through.
11) Travel around the edges of the core and open the blue door. Take the
up and throw the switches in front of window until the core is off. (Red light
will shut off) Go down the elevator and slide into the core. Open the grill
the wall with your lightsabre.
12) Enter the vent and push towards the left so you can enter the offshoot vent
on your left. Walk forward, up the stairs and open grill above you, entering
area. Grab the goodies and go back down into the lower vent, riding it to the
13) Jump out of the vents to discover 8t88's shuttle in front of you. Run to far
side and throw the switch to open the door. Mission Objective Completed.

Level 11: The Brother's of the Sith

Objective: Defeat the deadly Gorc and Pic. Retrieve 8t88's head, stored inside
the map to the Valley of the Jedi.

Reward: No stars are awarded towards force powers on this level. However, you do
receive the ability to use force powers "health" and "throw" once the two are
defeated. You can assign up to four of your force stars towards force
powers "speed", "jump", "pull", "seeing", "health", and "throw". Watch your
on the bottom to indicate your current status with regards towards light and

Level of Difficulty: I found that the larger one was much easier to defeat then
the smaller one.

1) You begin the fight facing both brothers. First thing you want to do is
separate them. Get out of the area you start in and jump to the far boxes. The
large one should follow. Try not to get too far from him or he will use force
power "grip" on you.

2) With the big guy, literally run up to and keep running at the large one
swinging your light sabre and you will defeat him with minimal damage. He will
push you away a few times, but other then that he isn't too tough.

3) The small one is much more difficult to defeat. He likes to use force
power "persuasion". Just use force power "seeing" to counter that and chase him
around. Use low short swings, moving side to side. Don't leave yourself open or
he will counter attack almost every time.

Alternatively, I have been told by Ted Youmans that after defeating Gorc, the
one, he jumped back into where 8t88 was. Pic lost track of him and started
back and forth. Out of desperation, Ted started shooting Pic with the repeater
and it worked after only about 20 times. So if you are having difficulty hitting
or defeating Pic, this might be a worthwhile strategy.

4) After the two brothers are defeated, your second mission objective is to get
8t88's head. Jump along the side of the wall where everything is orange, you
be pushed up and onto the boxes. Jump from the boxes into the room where 8t88's
body is. That will be enough to trigger the second mission objective.

Level 12: Escape With the Map

Objective: Enter the main cargo hold. Inside, you can jump from the
suspended cargo into the control room. Manipulate the catwalks around the
venting port to work your way topside. Return to the main deck and look for the

Reward: Three stars towards force powers. Your rank is now Charge. You can
up to four of your force stars towards force
powers "speed", "jump", "pull", "seeing", "healing", and "throw".

Level of Difficulty: Not to difficult a level. The red lighting was nicely used
to signify the core and what not.

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Face the shuttle and open the sloped door on the right. Go in and turn to the
right. Open the the triangular doors and go through. Pass the two large crates
and open the set of triangular doors on the far side. Pass two more crates and
you will observe that the room is in a u shape. At the far end, at the center of
the curve is a door. Open the door and go through.
2) Turn left and go through 2 doors. Follow the ramp down and go through another
two doors. Go across the room and through the door and down the lift to the
bottom. Walk to the left of the crate in front of you and pass along the space
between wall and crate. Grab everything you find there.
3) Head back out to the main area of the room, and proceed to the conveyer belt
on the floor. Throw the switch to the right of the force field and use force
power "jump" to get up onto a passing grate. Mission Objective Complete.
4) When the conveyer belt begins to change direction for the second time, you
should see a cubby hole in front of you. Jump into it and grab the goodies. Drop
back down onto a passing crate. Face the same wall the cubby hole is in, and
you pass in between the crates suspended above you, you will see another cubby
hole up in the wall. It is about the midpoint of the wall.. Use force
power "jump" to get up there. Grab the items and drop down onto a crate.
5) Drop from the crate to the conveyer belt. Run against the conveyer belt back
to the entrance. A little before the entrance to your left is a grey strip of
floor. Run on to it and follow it to a lift. Take the lift up a level. Move
forward and to the left between the wall and crate. Use your sabre on the
portion of the crate and jump inside. Grab the stuff and get out.
6) Leave the crate and head towards the lift, but turn left and walk to the
Drop down to the crate suspended below. Move to the edge of the crate and turn
right. Jump to the ledge above you and go through the door you find into the
control room. Grab the blue key and go through the door on the far side.
7) Drop down to the suspended crate below you. Turn right and jump to the ledge
you find. Go in the door on your right and take the red circular lift up. Kill
the officer to get the yellow key and take the yellow lift up two stops. Grab
green key.
8) Move forward and take the blue lift down one stop. Grab the red key. Take the
blue lift up a stop, and the yellow lift down one stop. Use the panel beside the
door to move the platform to the front of the door. Go through two yellow doors.
Move to the red door and use the panel to move the walkway. Go through the two
red doors. Ride the red lift up one stop and use the panel to move walkway. Go
through two blue doors and then use the panel to move the walkway again. Go
through two green doors. Mission Objective Completed.
9) Ride the lift up and move forward up the ramp. Go through the red light and
the ramp and down the next to the other side. Follow the ramp down and cross the
walkway you find to the far side. Go through the door. Mission Objective
10) Walk up the sloped floor and walk around the top till you find a door. Cross
over and go through the door. Drop down to the level below and go through the
door at the bottom. Run out to meet the Crow. Mission Objective Completed.

Level 13: The Lost Planet of the Jedi

Objective: Locate the first bunker that guards the magnetic field. Find and
destroy all the circuits powering the first magnetic field. Sneak past the
magnetic shield and find the main cargo lift to the base of the valley of the

Reward: One force star is awarded at the end of this level. You also now receive
the abilities of "persuasion" and "grip". You can assign up to four of your
stars towards force
powers "speed", "jump", "pull", "seeing", "health", "throw", "persuasion"
and "grip". Watch your meter on the bottom to indicate your current status with
regards towards light and dark. The next level, and it's ending movie sequence
will be affected by your meter. If you are dark or light, you will have
movies, and will end level with different powers.

Level of Difficulty: I really like this level. There is a lot of water, and a
number of very thin ledges to run across. The level is pretty linear, and the
need to sneak into the area along a pipe under a bridge was a nice touch.

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Move out and drop down ledge by ledge and follow the steep path you find at
bottom. Drop into the water. As you pass under an over cropping rock, look up
jump into the area you find. Drop back into the water, and follow the river to
grate. Swim up the hole you find to your left.

2) Follow the path you find up and forward, and then up again until you find a
bridge. Follow it across and go through the door on your left. Follow the path
and into the computer area. Use sabre on the panel you find. Go back down the
path and through the door. Go in the side room and destroy the panel you find in
there. Go back to the bridge.

3) Go across the bridge and up the path. Behind the left sentry gun are some
items. Gather them and continue up. Go right and up the ramp. Follow along to
yellow grate. Use sabre to go through the grate. Drop down to the suspended
platform below and move forward to the lift but turn right into the side room.
Destroy the fuel tanks and go in the broken grate. Grab items. Jump out and head
up the lift. Move forward and destroy the panel. Take the lift down and go
the suspended platform to the red door. Go through.

4) Follow the path down to the bridge and continue along the path going down to
the force field. To the left of the field is a room with computer equipment. Go
inside and destroy the panel. The force field is now down. Mission Objective

5) Go through the field and head down the path to a pool of water. Mission
Objective Completed.

6) Jump into the pool of water and swim down and over the left edge. Follow the
channel and take the first right you find and head to the surface. On land
the path up the slope and to the right. Drop down onto the sloped wall on your

7) Run up the sloped wall and jump into the cubby hole you find on the left
Follow back down the slope and jump to the ledge on the left. Follow it forward
to some water. Drop into the water and swim against the current. Before the
fall, under water about halfway is a tunnel on the right. Take the tunnel up to
an area with some items. Gather the stuff and get back into the water.

8) Follow the current to the end. Near the end on the right is a tunnel
underwater, take it. Swim into the pool and to the far end. Up in the wall is a
large cave. Jump up into the cave and grab the items. Drop back into the water
and swim to the far right. Get onto the steep path and go up to the top.

9) Run past the pillars and crates to the room on the far side with a window.
Jump onto the window ledge and use the railgun or concussion rifle to destroy
ATST below on the bridge. Leave the room and take the lift down. Jump onto the
crates and then on top of the double crate. Grab the items you find.

10) Drop down and send the lift back up. Jump off before you go back up
Drop to area that was underneath the lift and use the sabre on both grates.
Follow the tunnel and run across the pipe to the far side. Keep moving forward
ignoring the left offshoot. Slash the grate you find and jump up.

11) Run out to the center area and run towards where the force field was. Go in
the doorway to the left and up the ramp. Throw the switch inside to raise the
door across the courtyard. Run across the courtyard and into the door before it
closes. Mission Objective Completed

12) Call the lift and take it up to the top. Run into the area on the left to
open the closed door. Use the switch and run back out and get onto the elevator.
Mission Objective Completed

Level 14: Maw - The Revenge

Objective: Destroy Maw or perish.

Reward: Two stars are awarded towards force powers on this level. This level
also force you to make an important decision towards the light or dark side of
the force. You loose all powers associated with the other side. For instance if
you choose the light side, you will loose force powers "grip" and "throw", but
gain force power "blinding". If the dark side is chosen, you will loose force
powers "health" and "persuasion" and gain force power "lightning bolts". There
are different movie sequences based on your decision. Your rank is now disciple.
You can assign up to four of your force stars towards force
powers "speed", "jump", "pull", "seeing", and your three light or dark jedi

Level of Difficulty: Maw wasn't too hard to defeat, just keep moving. I tried
some of the force powers on him, but throw seemed to be the only one that worked
well. Persuasion isn't as useful because you are on thin bridges and sometimes
can't reach him.

1) Maw floats due to a lack of legs from the beginning cutscene. Much of the
level consists of walkways so you can't exactly chase him around much. I found
circling him was almost impossible so I would suggest the best strategy is to
in swinging and then a quick retreat.

2) After hurt, Maw will move to the center area and then to an arena on far
Get used to it, once he takes off, not much you can do to chase him down other
then follow the walkway.

3) On the final arena area, Maw takes little to defeat. Watch out for his
spinning attack, and keep moving. You can circle him in this area.

Level 15: The Falling Ship or Into the Dark Side

Objective: Race to the captured Moldy Crow in the landing bay before the cargo
ship crashes into the canyon floor below. You can use the breaking thrusters to
slow the ship's descent.

Reward: One star is awarded towards force powers on this level. You can assign
to four of your force stars towards force
powers "speed", "jump", "pull", "seeing", and your three light or dark jedi

Level of Difficulty: Boy, this is a different level. Apparently the path to the
cargo hold is a little quicker if you make the tricky jump into the secret area.
I didn't try the other route, so I am not sure if this is true. I found this to
be the most difficult level so far. It is difficult to control your movement,
get oriented properly, but it is a lot of fun and different.

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Move forward towards the closed door, and avoid the pit in the floor. Look to
your upper left when you arrive at the door, and you will see a tunnel. Move up
the wall and jump into the tunnel entrance. This will likely take a few tries.
Once you are in the tunnel, take lightsabre out and slash through the two grates
if they are not already damaged. Drop down the shaft.

2) When you drop into the room, you will see a fan to your left. Just behind the
fan is a grate, jump up and run at the fan, slashing through the grate. Do the
same for the fan found behind the first one.

3) Run down the sloped hallway and drop into a bowl with red lighting. Fall
through the oval opening with red lights into a tunnel beyond.

4) The tunnel will have two other oval shaped openings along the one side. Run
beyond these openings and drop into a rectangular box like room. Along the edges
to your left and right are tunnels, take the edge tunnel on the left.

5) Follow the tunnel until you reach a hole in a funnel. Walk into the funnel,
and drop towards the cross in the cylinder shaped depression. One of the quarter
circle spaces between the arms of the cross leads to a tunnel with red panels.

6) Follow the red panel tunnel into a room with some crates and two ramps. Take
the ramp that leads downward to a door.

7) Open the door and run forward pass the flashing red arrows into the room. Hit
both switches in the room. One will activate the landing thrusters and slow the
descent of the ship, the other will lower the Crow in the landing area.

8) Go back through the door and up the two ramps. You will pass some flashing
arrows pointing back towards where you were. In front of you as you keep moving
forward, you will pass some arrows flashing in the direction you are heading.

9) Follow the second set of arrows and the tunnels it leads you to until you
a ramp with hazard colors around it. Head down the ramp.

10) At the bottom of the ramp you will find a door. Open the door and just
outside the door on your right you will see a switch. Activate the switch to
raise the boarding walkway.

11) Once the boarding walkway is in place, run across it into the waiting Crow
and get out of there. Mission Objective Completed.

Level 16: Sariss - Jedi Battleground or Yun - Battle to the Death

Light Objective: Both the Valley of the Jedi and Jan are in danger. You must
defeat Sariss so you can find the Valley. The freedom of the galaxy depends on

Dark Objective: Yun has been sent to stop you from making it back to the Valley
Tower. Correct your previous mistake and destroy him.

Reward: Two stars are awarded towards force powers on this level. You are now a
Jedi Master, or a Jedi Primarch based on which path you have chosen. You gain
force power "absorb" or "destruction". You can assign up to four of your force
stars towards force powers "speed", "jump", "pull", "seeing", and your four
or dark jedi powers.

Level of Difficulty: If you are a jedi that follows the light side, you will
battle Sariss, she likes that "sight of death" force power. If found it easiest
to battle her near the ship, where I could run and get out of her line of site.
Often I found myself using the force power of "persuasion". That of course is
only available if you choose to follow the light path. Her lightsabre skills
aren't that great, and she likes the figure eight swing, leaving herself open
easy attack. I found that circle strafing around here and attacking her was
effective. When she hits you with the evil eye, hit her to break her
concentration or run into the ship. If you are a dark jedi, you will have to
battle Yun again. He has no problem with following you into the crashed ship.
Best strategy would likely to enter the ship, and use force power "throw" on him
a few times, combined with a power-up you picked up. He is tougher then when you
first fought him.

1) If you are a light jedi, you start the level on top of a large mesa. Yun's
body is in front of you, and his sabre is lying there on the ground. My advice
to grab the sabre and get off the mesa. You are wide open for force attacks
against you, find an area where you can run for cover and get out of line of
sight. If you are a dark jedi, he is still alive and looking for blood. Get into
the ship as quickly as possible and make him follow. Kill him using force
power "throw".

2) On the floor of the canyon, below the mesa, is what remains of the falling
ship. There is an entrance where you can run inside the ship that you might find
useful. I used it when I was a distance from Sariss and she used the "eye of
death" force power on me. Breaking line of sight will stop the power.

3) Inside the ship, you will find an empty shell. Much smaller then the previous
level was actually. Inside are a few health packs and a lot of shrapnel that can
be used with force power "throw". However, it seems that Sariss doesn't want to
come into the wreck and will return to the mesa top if you stay in here for an
extended period of time. Yun on the otherhand is more then happy to follow you.

4) If you are a light jedi, the combination of lightsabre and force
power "persuade" will make defeating Sariss much easier. If you are a dark jedi,
keep moving and get down near the ship and use force power "throw".

Level 17: The Valley Tower Ascent

Objective: Activate the internal cargo conveying system. It should help you
the outer perimeter of the valley. Exhaust from imperial mining operations is
discharged from several openings in the mountain. Find a vent near the main
exhaust port. Suspend the air flow from the main exhaust port long enough to
break into the exhaust monitoring station. Find a way into the maintenance room
high above the exhaust monitoring station. There an elevator will take you to
main superstructure.

Reward: One star is awarded towards force powers on this level. You can assign
to four of your force stars towards force
powers "speed", "jump", "pull", "seeing", and your four light or dark force

Level of Difficulty: This is long. Very long to finish for me. Too many wind
tunnels for my liking, and hence a lot of areas with precarious footing.

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) You begin on an elevator going up. Stay put. When you arrive at the top,
follow the ramp to your left up and into a room. In the room is the switch that
opens the door down at the base of the ramp. Activate the switch, and run down
the ramp and through the door before it closes. Move down the hallway and past
the large walker. Call the lift, and take it up to the ledge above you.

2) On the ledge you will find a door and a switch. Activate the switch to open
the door and enter. In front of you is a room with a number of paths you can
take. The first ramp on your left leads up to an area with a switch to turn off
the red force field to your right. The second ramp on your left leads down to an
area where some troops are guarding a grill. The pipe in front of you with the
cross in it leads to a dead end wind tunnel. To your right is a lift protected
with a force field. Take the first first ramp on your left up to deactivate the
force field and come back down and call the lift.

3) Take the elevator down one level. Run across the cross and take a left to
in front of the grill in the wall. Use your sabre on the grill, and the grill
behind it. Move forward to enter into a room with yellow light.

4) Move forward into the shaft and fall down. You will descend at a slower rate.
Turn 180 degrees so you are facing back where the grills would be where you came
through and drop onto the ledge you see below you. On the ledge is a switch.
Activate it. Mission Objective Complete

5) Turn around and you will see cargo boxes rising from below you. Jump onto and
ride a cargo box back to the ledge you came from above. Go back through the
grates and ride the elevator up two stops.

6) You will arrive on a level with conveyer belts on the floor and cargo
containers travelling from left to right. Run across the conveyer belts and jump
to the ledge above. Go in the doorway on the left and destroy the fuel tanks in
front of you. Run into the passage that was hidden by the fuel tanks and grab
goodies. Come back out to the conveyer belt and jump onto one of the cargo
containers. Ride the cargo container off the ramp and into the next vertical

7) Ride the cargo container almost top. Above you, you will see a solid lime
green color and a ledge. Jump onto the top ledge and grab the railgun and

8) Drop down in between the crates to the bottom of the shaft. Jump onto a crate
and try and jump into the tunnel entrance on the side of the shaft.

9) Jump into the air tunnel and avoid the ledges on the side so you are blown to
the top of the tunnel. Move forward and out the air tunnel onto the ledge just
below the top exit of the air tunnel.

10) Drop down the ledges until you can access the large lift within the same
canyon wall as the wind tunnel exit you left. Activate the lift and travel up.

11) Move forward and take the small elevator down that you find in a room to
left. You will arrive in a room with an exit that leads to a walkway that
the mouth of a wind tunnel. When the tunnel isn't blowing, activate force
power "run" and run into the tunnel mouth to the back of the horizontal tunnel.
Grab the items you find and when the tunnel stops blowing again, travel back to
the walkway. Jump onto the other side of the walkway and travel up the stone

12) Move forward up the ramp throw the switch you find. If you look up, you will
see a platform moving across the screen. Run back the way you came, across the
walkway and up the elevator. Go through the door, and on your right you will see
the platform you moved. Get on the platform and activate the switch found on the
outside canyon wall to move the platform across the canyon.

13) Run forward and run around until you find the room on your left with a
of gas tanks. Destroy the tanks and gather the items found underneath. Exit the
room and walk to the edge of the canyon. Drop onto the ledge you find below.

14) Move forward through the room and take the elevator you find up. You will
arrive on a rock ledge, with a ramp leading upwards. Follow the stone ramp up,
and get on the platform elevator. Activate the elevator to head up.

15) Run past the ramp and around the corner, down a high passage way. Run past
the exhaust port and down another high passage way. At the end of this passage
way you will find a lift. Take the lift up to the upper level.

16) Run around the corner to the wind tunnel. You want to drop into the tunnel
and fall into the passage way you see on your lower left.

17) Follow the passage to a door. Open the door and run down the passage way on
your left. Follow the ramps under the pipes and emerge on the other side. Throw
the switch you find and head back under the pipes to where you were. Activate
switch in the room and run into the pipes where the doors have been closed
temporarily. Fall into the cylindrical depression in the floor and look straight
down using activate to open the doors below you. Fall through to the room below.
Mission Objective Completed

18) Throw the switch you find in front of you. Take either hallway and take the
elevator you find at the end, up to the next level. Follow the hallway you find
up there until you find a ramp leading to a set of double doors. Open the doors.

19) Follow the hallways to a large air tunnel and a ledge. Follow the ledge to
the mid point where there is a room and a switch. Activate the switch. Mission
Objective Completed.

20) Drop off the ledge and into the bottom of the large air tunnel and rise up.
When you go through the hole in the roof, push to a side and you will find the
pipe bulges to a larger diameter in the middle. Run into the two tunnels you
and grab all the goodies. Then jump back into the air flow and ride the tunnel
the top and into the monitoring station. Slash the grate you find and move
forward and into the elevator. Mission Objective Completed

Level 18: Descent Into the Valley

Objective: The control room will allow you to lower the payload through the
staging area. Continue on to level 3, past the cargo statging area. Find the
ventilation system the empire installed to filtrate the air from the valley
Drop into the air shaft leading to the valley interior.

Reward: Three stars are awarded towards force powers on this level. Your rank is
now Jedi Lord or Jedi Dark Lord. You have reached the highest jedi level in
record time, eat your heart out Luke. You can assign up to four of your force
stars towards force powers "speed", "jump", "pull", "seeing", and your four
or dark force powers.

Level of Difficulty: Not too difficult though the second switch was difficult to
find at first.
Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Follow the lift to the top and go in the door. Your immediate goal for the
level will be to lower the payload, suspended above your head, down the various
levels. Move across the room and go down the ramp as it descends clockwise.

2) Throw the switch and get on the small lift. You must fall down to the bottom
of the bay where you see the large cargo door in the floor. If you try and aim
for the level just above the floor you will suffer no or less damage from the
fall. Take the small lift up past two levels.

3) Jump to cubby hole on the other side and grab the items. Drop down and follow
the tunnel into the room with a ramp and cargo container. Jump onto the
and then jump to the ledge above the ramp. Grab the goodies. Drop down onto ramp
and follow it up. The hallway will lead you to two doors. The locked control
is on your right.

4) Open the door in front of you and within the room take the door on your
Follow the hallway clockwise and down ramp into a room with a large hole in
middle. Move forward and jump onto hallway roof in front of you. Grab items.
around and shoot a rail under the ramp. Go under the ramp and grab the goodies
the hole in the wall. Move into hallway and use switch to call elevator.

5) Go in the elevator and throw the switch. At destination move out onto the
outer walkway. Move along the walkway and open the door you find with the
In the room grab the control room key and then go out door on other side.

6) Take the lift up and drop down to follow the tunnel, then head up ramp to
control room door found on right. Open the door and throw the switch you find
inside to lower the payload. Mission Objective Completed.

7) Leave the control room and take the door on the right. Continue through the
next door and go clockwise along the hallway. Go around the pit and take the
elevator down on far side. Walk across the outer walkway and through the two
doors. Beside the payload is a switch you must activate. After the payload has
passed jump down on top of it.

8) Turn towards the flat faced wall and go to left ledge and down the hole in
floor. Follow the hallway and take the left branch as needed. Go through door on
far side and take the elevator found down. Throw the switch in the room and the
payload will lower again. At one point the payload will begin to rotate.

9) Leave the room and take the walkway to the right branch. Jump onto the
rotating payload. Be careful, if too steep you will slide off. Run along the
payload and try and jump to the lower of the two levels. At the end of the lower
of the two levels is a door, go through it. Mission Objective Completed.

10) Take the hallway on the right down counter clockwise and throw the 3
you find at bottom. Follow the walkway and go down hallway. Ride the elevator

11) Move forward and down the rocky hallway. After passing through hallway, when
you first see rock on the right again, turn around and shoot the wall behind
Grab the goodies. Turn around and move down till you hit a drop off.

12) At drop off, jump for the walkway. Turn left and follow it until you find a
ramp going up. Shoot the breakable wall and grab goodies inside. Follow ramp
and go right, all the way.

13) Enter room and go through the door. Drop through the hole with hazard colors
in floor. Go out door and jump to far triangular ledge. When on ledge walk along
top of thin wall and jump to ledge on otherside. Throw the switch to raise a
walkway below you. Drop down onto walkway and move forward.

14) Go through the hallway on the right. Go through the door way and up the
ramps. Above the final ramp is a ledge. Jump onto this ledge.

15) Jump up the various individual ledges to the top. Drop onto the thin hazard
ledge below you and follow the ledge to the end. You will find a room and some
goodies inside.

16) From the hazard ledge, jump up on to the roof of the room you were just in.
Go in the opening and follow the hallway to a room with a ramp. Mission

17) Go down the ramp and push the button you find on the wall. It will stop the
airflow temporarily. While the airflow is still blowing, fall down the air
to right, the blowing air will slow your descent. At the bottom of the tunnel,
use your sabre on the grill in the floor. Fall through. Mission Objective

Level 19: The Valley of the Jedi

Objective: Make your way to the excavation below the imperial super structure.
Manipulate the ancient doors to open a passage to the imperial troops guarding
the valley core. Find an alternate passage to the Valley of the Jedi entrance.
Fight your way through the blast doors to the Valley of the Jedi burial chamber.

Reward: One star is awarded towards force powers on this level. You have
all available force stars. Assign up to four of your force stars towards force
powers "speed", "jump", "pull", "seeing", and your four light or dark force

Level of Difficulty: I admit I got stuck on this one for a little while. The
door/counterweight solution took me a little while to notice. After that, smooth
sailing to the final two battles.

Note: The following walkthrough is a straight path to finish the level. There
parts of the level that are not explored by following this walkthrough.

1) Leave the air shaft, and head up a ramp then through a door on right. Take
ramp you see to your right down and follow the hallway. You will go down another
ramp and then take an elevator down. At the first stop, get off and jump onto
cargo box. Jump from the cargo box onto the ledge above and then drop down.
Proceed to elevator and take it down one more stop.

2) In the room, you will find a large box. Force jump to the top of the box and
follow the only walkway up and over the window sill. Grab the items on the ledge
just outside the window, and then look up to your high right. There is a rocky
ledge you can jump to and gather some other items. Head back to the top of the
box, and if you look over towards where the elevator is you will see a window
with items on the window sill. You can get the items by jumping across, or going
outside and jumping to ledge from out there. Once you have gathered all the
items, return to the top of the box and cut the grate with sabre. Drop through.

3) Take the elevator down until you find yourself on bottom and then hit switch
to send it back up. Jump off the elevator and grab the goodies underneath. Take
the next elevator down and follow out to rocky area. Mission Objective

4) Follow the path clockwise around the drill until you get to the bottom and
the drill bit. Drop down the hole you see in the floor. Follow the rooms in a
clockwise direction again until it brings you too a room with a dead end on the
right. The dead end is a breakable wall. Shoot the wall and grab the goodies.
Turn 180 degrees and head into the room with steel supports. Keep moving forward
and down an inclined tunnel.

5) At the bottom of the inclined tunnel is a room with a low steel ramp. Near
ramp on the left is a shootable wall. Shoot it and grab the goodies inside. Walk
up the ramp and into the next room. You will move into a tunnel that has two

6) Both exits lead to the same room. In the room you will find two kell dragons.
You will fight each, one at a time. Best tactics are to drop a few thermal
detonators at them to soften them up and then go charging with sabre in hand.
second dragon will stay near the hole and not follow you so you can easily
withdraw from it.

7) Drop into the opening in the floor that the dragon was guarding. Try to fall
into the tunnel that begins in the middle of the shaft and follow this tunnel
through it's narrow corridors. You will have to travel up inclines of about 60
degrees twice until you emerge in a room with a bunch of ledges spiraling around
on the walls.

8) Take the hallway at the bottom of the ledges into a room with a ramp and
support. Slide down the available shaft. Mission Objective Completed.

9) Open the stone door you find in front of you with the switch with four hands.
Each push opens the door one quarter and a fifth push closes the door. You want
the first door to be completely open. If you look through the slits in the walls
on the left, you will see the counterweights for the doors moving. Move forward
to the second stone door and push the button five times so that the door will
close. Run through the door before it closes behind you. NOTE: Twice I have been
told by people they couldn't find the button for the second door. This is not a
problem with the level itself, but seems to be a bug in the program. If this
happens to you, go to console and type hyper 8 . This will move you to a respawn
point beyond the counter weights. You can back track to the area you came from.

10) You will emerge in a room with what should be an opening, but the opening
crates blocking it and you can't get through. Instead you must find an alternate
route. Run up the available passage. Continue on, and you will find yourself
running across a counterweight complete with rope you could cut. But why make
your life more difficult? After passing the first counter weight, you will find
breakable wall on your left with some goodies inside. Grab them and continue on,
passing over a second counterweight.

11) After passing the second counterweight you will drop into an area behind
crates. Mission Objective Completed.

12) You must travel beyond the crates and take a left to a large door. An At-St
is on the other side. Use either your railgun, concussion rifle, or sabre to
defeat the walker. The commando inside has the red key. Use the key to open the
blast doors. Mission Objective Completed.

Level 20: Boc - The Crude or Boc - A Nuisance

Light Objective: Boc is the last of Jerec's Dark Jedi and he will fight to the
very end. You must destroy him quickly and stop Jerec from seizing the Valley's

Dark Objective: Eliminate the feeble and pretentious Boc. His weak attempts to
keep you from the power of the Valley will be to no avail. Show him the true
power of the dark side.

Reward: No stars are awarded towards force powers on this level. You should
assign your force stars towards force powers "speed", "jump", "pull", "seeing",
and your four light or dark jedi powers, as there are no more force stars
available in the game, and only one level left after this one.

Level of Difficulty: Boy, this one was tough. Boc is plain difficult to catch.
repeatedly jumps up and down, and can be difficult to hit. If you are light
then use of force powers "absorb" and "health" seem to be a good combination and
will help you defeat him. Alternately force power "persuade" is a good choice,
but you can't just circle strafe him and keep swinging your sabre. He will run
away on you. What you want to do is use the force power and sneak up behind him
and attack then withdraw. If you are a dark jedi, keep close to him. He doesn't
use many force powers other then jump, but if you get away from him, you will
a lot of force power "destruction" coming your way.

1) With his two sabres and repeated jumping, Boc can be a difficult opponent. He
doesn't stick around, and will block most attacks you throw at him. You have to
be sneaky, and able to use your force powers to defeat him.

2) The central mound can be used often for cover from attack. If you are waiting
for your force powers to recharge, keeping the mound between you and Boc may be
good idea.

3) Off to the side of the coliseum, is a room with a lot of shrapnel and a bacta
tank. If you are a dark jedi and you are finding Boc difficult to defeat, then
The Pope has an alternate strategy for you. In the room with all the debris,
opposite the statue with the health pack behind it, are two ledges, one to the
left and one to the right. You must use force power "jump" to reach them. The
ledges are deep enough that if you stand at the back of them, Boc can't hit you
with force power "destruction". If you time things properly, you can move to the
edge of one of the ledges, nail Boc with force power "throw", then quickly move
to the back of the ledge before he uses force power "destruction". A little
patience and Boc will be quickly vanquished this way.

Level 21: Jerec - The Force Within or Jerec - A Battle for Power

Objective: The unstable valley has swallowed you and Jerec, trapping you
in the center core. His power will be replenished and strengthened unless you
cut him off from the force stream. As Jerec revives in the core, he pulls at the
Jedi monuments. Once the statues block your access, he will destroy you at whim.
A mechanism left by the ancient jedi can temporarily interrupt his rejuvenation.

Objective: The unstable valley has swallowed you and Jerec, trapping you
in the center core. Crush him so you can claim the power of the Valley and take
his place as ruler of the galaxy! As Jerec revives in the core, he pulls at the
Jedi monuments. Once the statues block your access, he will destroy you at whim.
A mechanism left by the ancient jedi can temporarily interrupt his rejuvenation.

Reward: No force stars, it is the last level after all. You are now a Jedi Lord,
or a Jedi Dark Lord and should have assigned all your force stars to the neutral
and either light or dark powers available to you.

Level of Difficulty: Well to start off, lets say I hope you have practiced your
lightsabre dueling, because if you haven't, it will take quite a while to finish
off Jerec. Attack him, and when he goes to rejuvenate, run and hit the switches
behind both statues to stop or limit the process. Use force power "speed". He
will be weaker each time until you finally defeat him. And I must say that force
power "absorb" is a must on this level if you are a Jedi Lord. If you aren't, I
hope you like eating force power "destruction". Generally, block block attack,
block block attack, etc. Keep moving and don't under estimate Jerec. Steffan
told me of another strategy for defeating Jerec that exposes a few bugs in the
AI. When Jerec tries to go for the entrance to recharge, he will not attack you.
Position yourself in front of him and keep pushing him back and don't let him
into the center of the tower. If you are sucessful, you can easily kill him.

1) You start facing Jerec just outside the spire that recharges him. Inside the
spire is the source of his power. The center air channel will lift you to the
top, and you will have to make a jump for it if you want to get out.

2) Keep your sabre centered on Jerec at all times and prepare to block his
attacks. Swing only when he leaves himself open, or you will regret it. Watch
his combinations of sabre swings and force powers.

3) Chris Western sent me news of an interesting tactic for defeating Jerec.
alot (15) sequencer charges near the entrance so that when Jerec goes to
himself.... This would be a good tactic for dark jedi who don't have access to
force power "absorb". Note conventional weapons are only good when Jerec is
heading to recharge. Any other time, you do no damage and only add to his power.
Kinda counter productive wouldn't you think?

4) If you find yourself up above in the top of the spire, you will find you have
very little manuvering room to defeat Jerec. Tread lightly.

5) When Jerec is recharging, he will pull the statues towards the entrances to
block your access to the tower. Behind each statue is a switch you need to push
in each time he tries to recharge. When you have pushed both, his access to the
valley core is cut off and he will not have regenerated completely. Use force
power "speed" to keep his recharge time to a minimum. When you have stopped both
statues, jump into the tower and find Jerec. Attack him with your sabre to stop
his regeneration process.

6) Some times you hit what you are aiming for, other times...Another tactic for
defeating Jerec, sent to me by Sean Byrnes is to run into an alcove where items
respawn and allow Jerec to follow you. When he gets close, use force power
to get over him and attack him pinning him inside the alcove. When he tries to
flee, you have him pinned. Now, Sean mentions that you should weaken him down a
little first, sort of to the point just before he goes to recharge. That way he
will only be thinking of running and not attacking.