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StarCraft: Brood War чит-файл №8

by Joseph Christopher
version 1.0
Apr. 23, 2000

Why read this guide:
I. Commands
II. Basic Concept
III. The Buildings
IV. The Units
V. The Tech Tree
VI. Terran Campaign Mode \
VII. Zerg Campaign Mode \
VIII. Protoss Campaign Mode > all coming very soon =)
IX. Epilogue /
X. Additional Campaigns /
XI. Multiplayer Strategies
XII. Rushes
XIII. Combos
XIV. Teamwork
XV. Suggestions
XVI. Misc. FAQ
XVII. Credits
XVIII. Revision History
XIX. Final Words
XX. Game Alterations \
XXI. Stellar Forces \
XXII. Insurrection > all coming not so very soon =p
XXIII. Retribution /
XXIV. Gundam Century /

I. Commands

Simply put, Starcraft is a point-and-click game. Click on units
and you'd be calling their attention. After which you can right-click on
any spot or fellow unit to issue an automatic command or you may choose
from the commands menu in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Seeing
a highlighted letter in a command name simply means you may press that
letter instead of clicking its icon to quickly issue the corresponding
command. Seeing your pointer change its shape means you can click on that
very spot and some info or command would be presented to you.

You can also click anywhere on the screen and drag to any other
point to creat a square all the selectable units within which would be
automatically selected as a group when you let go. This feature is extremely
useful for issuing a group command like attacking the same base, harvesting
from the same patch of minerals, etc.

For unit selection, hitting ctrl+left click on any unit would enable
you to automatically select all the units of that type on the screen. This
is quite useful to save you the bother of locating each unit of a certain
type in a crowded area. Be reminded, though, that you only have a maximum
of twelve units to select at a time, so you'll only get twelve even if
there are a hundred of the same type on your screen. If, however, you've
selected less than twelve, you can hold the shift key and click on other
units to select them as well.

For unit grouping, hitting ctrl+number while a number of units
are selected will enable you to access the same group of units even if
you forgot where they are by hitting the number you used. This is extremely
useful for grouping your men into armies and launching a full scale attack.
On the other hand, holding down the shift key while a group of units is
selected readies them for multiple tasks. Just right click on every place
you'd like them to go to or on every opponent you'd like them to attack
and they'll perform each task in the order you clicked.

As for the hot keys, here's a list:

* For the basic structures, these hot keys apply to their respective
workers after hitting b
* For the advanced structures, these hot keys apply to their respective
workers after hitting v
* For the units, these hot keys apply to their respective buildings
* For all the other commands, these hot keys apply to their respective
units and buildings
* All info on which unit/building does what will be discussed later on

Terran - basic : C - Command Center
S - Supply Depot
R - Refinery
B - Barracks
E - Engineering Bay
T - Missile Turret
A - Academy
U - Bunker

- advanced : F - Factory
S - Starport
I - Science Facility
A - Armory

- addons : C - ComSat Station
N - Nuclear Silo
C - Machine Shop
C - Covert Ops
P - Physics Lab

- upgrades : W - Infantry Weapons
A - Infantry Armor
U - U-238 Shells
T - Stim Packs
W - Vehicle Weapons
P - Vehicle Plating
S - Ship Weapons
H - Ship Plating
C - Cloaking Field
A - Apollo Reactor
I - Ion Thrusters
M - Spider Mines
S - Siege Tech
E - EMP Shockwave
I - Irradiate
T - Titan Reactor
L - Lockdown
O - Ocular Implants
M - Moebius Reactor
C - Personel Cloaking
Y - Yamato Gun
C - Colossus Reactor

- units : S - SCV
M - Marine
F - Firebat
G - Ghost
V - Vulture
T - Siege Tank
G - Goliath
W - Wraith
D - Dropship
V - Science Vessel
B - Battlecruiser

- specials : R - Repair
L - Liftoff
S - Scanner Sweep
T - Stim Pack
Y - Yamato Gun
L - Lockdown
C - Cloaking
D - Defensive Matrix
I - Irradiate
E - EMP Shockwave
L - Load
U - Unload
O - Siege/Tank Mode
I - Spider Mines
N - Nuclear Strike
N - Arm Nuclear Silo

Zerg - basic : H - Hatchery
C - Creep Colony
E - Extractor
S - Spawning Pool
V - Evolution Chamber
D - Hydralisk Den

- advanced : S - Spire
Q - Queen's Nest
N - Nydus Canal
U - Ultralisk Cavern
D - Defiler Mound

- upgrades : H - Hive
B - Burrow
V - Ventral Sacs
A - Antennae
P - Pneumatized Carapace
M - Metabolic Boost
A - Adrenal Glands
M - Muscular Augments
G - Grooved Spines
A - Flyer Attacks
C - Flyer Carapace
G - Greater Spire
B - Spawned Broodling
E - Ensnare
G - Gemete Meiosis
G - Plague
C - Consume
M - Metasynaptic Node

- units : D - Drone
Z - Zergling
O - Overlord
H - Hydralisk
M - Mutalisk
S - Scourge
Q - Queen
U - Ultralisk
F - Defiler

- specials : S - Select Larva
R - Parasite
B - Spawn Broodling
E - Ensnare
I - Infest Command Center
W - Dark Swarm
G - Plague
C - Consume
L - Load
U - Unload
G - Guardian Aspect

Protoss - basic : N - Nexus
P - Pylon
A - Assimilator
G - Gateway
F - Forge
C - Photon Cannon
Y - Cybernetics Core
B - Shield Battery

- advanced : R - Robotics Facility
S - Stargate
C - Citadel of Adun
B - Robotics Support Bay
F - Fleet Beacon
T - Templar Archives
O - Observatory
A - Arbiter Tribunal

- upgrades : W - Ground Weapons
A - Ground Armor
S - Plasma Shields
W - Air Weapons
A - Air Armor
S - Singularity Charge
L - Leg Enchancements
S - Scarab Damage
C - Reaver Capacity
G - Gravitic Drive
P - Psionic Storm
H - Hallucination
K - Khaydarin Amulet
A - Apial Sensors
G - Gravitic Thrusters
C - Carrier Capacity
G - Gravitic Booster
S - Sensor Array
R - Recall
S - Stasis Field
K - Khaydarin Core

- units : P - Probe
Z - Zealot
D - Dragoon
T - High Templar
S - Shuttle
V - Reaver
O - Observer
S - Scout
C - Carrier
A - Arbiter

- specials : T - Psionic Storm
L - Hallucination
R - Recall
T - Stasis Field
L - Load
U - Unload
R - Recharge Shields
I - Interceptors
R - Scarabs


II. Basic Concept

The first thing you have to do is gather resources. This is possible
via your gathering units (SCV for the Terrans, Drone for the Zerg, and
Probe for the Protoss). Once you have enough minerals and vespene gas
(obtained by contructing the corresponding builing on a vespene geyser
and ordering your harvesters to gather from that building), you can construct
more buildings, summon more units, upgrade, etc. to suit the needs of what
you may think is the best way to deal with the present situation. Each
race's units also "eat up a certain number of supplies" depending on how
massive that unit is. In turn, each race also has a "supply provider"
that is required whenever you'd like to summon more units.

However, in the campaign mode's case, you'll sometimes be situated
in missions wherein you lack the ability to acquire a certain unit, upgrade
a certain spell, etc. You may also very well be situated in missions that
don't even allow construction of buildings or gathering of resources to
complete. Adjust your actions according to these missions' objectives and
you're on your way to the next.

As you'd probably know by now, there are three different races
in Starcraft to choose from: The Terrans, the Zerg, and the Protoss.
The Terrans are most likely what the beginners will choose, as they seem
to be the star of the show, not to mention having easy to remember unit
and building names. They are not to be underestimated, however, since
they are just as lethal as the other two races in the hands of an expert.
As predicted, these Terrans will make use of marines, tanks, jet fighters,
and of course, the James Bond types. The Zerg, on the other hand, are
your typical "Aliens"---gross, slimy, acidic, purely biological, mindless,
savage, and of course, totally unharmed by your everyday bullets. The
Zerg knows of no technology whatsoever, nor does it need any. Its buildings
are actually alive, and they incorporate the surrounding ground with an
organic purple substance called Creep. Each member of a Zerg army is
practically unaware of its own existence, as consciousness is only granted
upon the Cerebrates (what YOU are supposed to be when you control them)
and the almighty Overmind (you'll find out what that is in the campaign
mode). Lastly, as the Zerg may be compared to the alien species introduced
by the movie, "Aliens", the Protoss, in my honest opinion, can be compared
to "The Predator". They are what the Zerg are not. Their bodies are thin,
weak, and fragile, but their minds are strong and capable of Psionic eminations.
Their cool psychic powers, coupled with a technology far more advanced
than ours today, provide all that they need to be at par with the other
two races. The Protoss rely heavily on teleportation technology in the
wars they fight, partly because they may use this technology strategically
in warfare, but mainly because, in an attempt to save much needed time,
they opt to have their war machines readily constructed on Aiur, their
homeland so all they have to do to is to teleport them on the battlefield
when needed. This makes their worker, the Probe, the best worker in the
game in terms of construction since it can summon multiple buildings all
at once, not like in the Terrans' case, wherein your SCV would be fully
occupied by the task at hand, or worse in the Zerg's case, where your
Drone would BECOME the building therefore making you one Drone short.

Other little details on this game include:

1) Fog of War - You start out on a map knowing only the parts of it covered
by the combined yet overlapping sight ranges of all your
units. As you move your units towards unexplored areas,
they (these areas) become visible on your map. However,
if you leave these areas uninhabited by your own units,
you can now only view a dimmed version of them. You will
not see any of the opponents' units anymore nor will you
be able to detect any activity. If there were buildings
at the time you explored these areas with your units, you
will still see them as they were AT THAT TIME, meaning
you still cannot be certain if new buildings were constructed
with them or if they no longer exist.

2) 200 Supply Limit - besides being limited to the number of "supply
providers" under your control, this rule states
that you cannot build over 200 supply's worth of
any unit or combination of units. This was probably
implemented by the games programmers to ensure no
slowdown during gameplay due to overcrowding of
units, especially for the Zerg, where units generally
consume less supplies.

3) Critters - they are the native animals of whatever planet you are waging
war on. They are neutral units, meaning they would not
attack anyone at all. They do, however, block your path
at times thus you must be merciless and kill them all.
And since they are neutral units, you can't just right click
on them and expect your men to attack, rather you must
left click on the attack button and lastly left click on
the critters to select them as a target.

4) Robotic/Mechanical misuse or terms - whoops, I really messed up on the
definition of these terms in
previous versions of the faq.
Anyway, besides the spells that
affect both, either, or neither,
you can determine the true nature
of a unit by its portrait. If
the portrait is most likely of
the thing istelf, it is either
biological or robotic, and if
it is of the pilot, the unit is

5) Rally Points - rally points are only available on unit-producing buildings,
and they are defined to be the area at which any unit
further produced should go after completion. For example,
you click on a building's rally point icon then click
again on the opponent's base. What happens is whenever
you produce a unit from that building he/she will
proceed to the opponent's base.


III. The Buildings

The charts below feature the different stats (cost, hit points, etc.) of
each building in the game. These charts are only for quick reference,
as I plan to add a full description of what each building does afterwards.
Another side note: All buildings are under the category of "large" (type 3)
unit size. (of course, what else....)

* All Zerg buildings except the Hatchery and its upgraded states(discussed
later) must be built upon an organic purple substance called creep the
area of which is increased via Creep Colonies. Protoss buildings, on
the other hand, must be built within the energy fields produced by a
Pylon. If at any time all the Pylons near any building is destroyed,
that building will halt everything it is doing until a replacement is
built. Terran buildings do not have any similar requirements though their
buildings cannot be built upon Creep. Also, if Terran buildings are
on low life, they'll burst into flames and, if not repaired by their
workers in time, will blow up by themselves.

* Min obviously means Minerals, and Time is in seconds.
Race____|_Name________|_Min_|_Gas_|_Time_|_Hit Points_|_Armor_|_Shields_|
Terran | Command | 400 | 0 | 120 | 1500 | 1 | 0 |
| Center | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Supply | 100 | 0 | 40 | 500 | 1 | 0 |
| Depot | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Refinery | 100 | 0 | 40 | 750 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Barracks | 150 | 0 | 80 | 1000 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Academy | 200 | 0 | 80 | 600 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Factory | 200 | 100 | 80 | 1250 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Starport | 150 | 100 | 70 | 1300 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Science | 150 | 200 | 80 | 850 | 1 | 0 |
| Facility | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Engineering | 125 | 0 | 60 | 850 | 1 | 0 |
| Bay | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Armory | 100 | 50 | 80 | 750 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Missile | 100 | 0 | 30 | 200 | 0 | 0 |
| Turret | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Bunker | 100 | 0 | 30 | 350 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Comsat | 50 | 50 | 40 | 500 | 1 | 0 |
| Station | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Nuclear | 100 | 100 | 80 | 600 | 1 | 0 |
| Silo | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Control | 50 | 50 | 40 | 500 | 1 | 0 |
| Tower | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Covert Ops | 50 | 50 | 40 | 750 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Physics Lab | 50 | 50 | 40 | 600 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Machine | 50 | 50 | 40 | 750 | 1 | 0 |
| Shop | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
Race____|_Name________|_Min_|_Gas_|_Time_|_Hit Points_|_Armor_|_Shields_|
Zerg | Hatchery | 300 | 0 | 120 | 1250 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Lair | 150 | 100 | 100 | 1800 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Hive | 200 | 150 | 120 | 2500 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Extractor | 50 | 0 | 40 | 750 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Spawning | 150 | 0 | 80 | 750 | 1 | 0 |
| Pool | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Hydralisk | 100 | 50 | 40 | 850 | 1 | 0 |
| Den | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Spire | 200 | 150 | 120 | 600 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Greater | 100 | 150 | 120 | 1000 | 1 | 0 |
| Spire | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Queen's | 150 | 100 | 60 | 850 | 1 | 0 |
| Nest | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Defiler | 100 | 100 | 60 | 850 | 1 | 0 |
| Mound | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Ultralisk | 150 | 200 | 80 | 600 | 1 | 0 |
| Cavern | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Evolution | 75 | 0 | 40 | 750 | 1 | 0 |
| Chamber | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Creep | 75 | 0 | 25 | 400 | 0 | 0 |
| Colony | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Sunken | 50 | 0 | 20 | 400 | 0 | 0 |
| Colony | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Spore | 50 | 0 | 20 | 400 | 0 | 0 |
| Colony | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Nydus Canal | 150 | 0 | 40 | 250 | 1 | 0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Infested | 0 | 0 | 5 | 1500 | 1 | 0 |
| Command | | | | | | |
| Center | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
Race____|_Name________|_Min_|_Gas_|_Time_|_Hit Points_|_Armor_|_Shields_|
Protoss | Nexus | 400 | 0 | 120 | 750 | 1 | 750 |
| | | | | | | |
| Pylon | 100 | 0 | 30 | 300 | 0 | 300 |
| | | | | | | |
| Assimilator | 100 | 0 | 40 | 450 | 1 | 450 |
| | | | | | | |
| Gateway | 150 | 0 | 60 | 500 | 1 | 500 |
| | | | | | | |
| Cybernetics | 200 | 0 | 60 | 500 | 1 | 500 |
| Core | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Robotics | 200 | 200 | 80 | 500 | 1 | 500 |
| Facility | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Stargate | 150 | 150 | 70 | 600 | 1 | 600 |
| | | | | | | |
| Citadel of | 150 | 100 | 60 | 450 | 1 | 450 |
| Adun | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Observatory | 50 | 100 | 30 | 250 | 1 | 250 |
| | | | | | | |
| Templar | 150 | 200 | 60 | 500 | 1 | 500 |
| Archives | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Robotics | 150 | 100 | 30 | 450 | 1 | 450 |
| Support Bay | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Forge | 150 | 0 | 40 | 550 | 1 | 550 |
| | | | | | | |
| Fleet | 300 | 200 | 60 | 500 | 1 | 500 |
| Beacon | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Arbiter | 200 | 150 | 60 | 500 | 1 | 500 |
| Tribunal | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Photon | 150 | 0 | 50 | 100 | 0 | 100 |
| Cannon | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Shield | 100 | 0 | 30 | 200 | 1 | 200 |
| Battery | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |


Command Center

Minerals - 400
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 120
Hit Points - 1500
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - none
Abilities - provides 10 supplies
- build SCV
- build Comsat Station
- build Nuclear Silo
- liftoff

Misc. Data - Command Centers are your basic money makers. You start
out (in games other than those in campaign mode) with
only one of them near a resource area and without any
other buildings nearby. This is so because the Command
Center is the prereq of all Terran prereqs and should
generally be always built near resource-filled areas,
where they could build SCVs and use them to gather more

Supply Depot

Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 500
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - none
Abilities - provides 8 supplies

Misc. Data - As the name suggests, the only thing a Supply Depot can
generally do is provide you with...supplies!! And if you're
a genuine newbie to this game, you might be wondering,
"Why build this if Command Centers provide more supplies
and have lots of other abilities as well?" And my answer
comes in the form of a question: "Would you rather spend
double the space, triple the time, and quadruple the minerals
for a 25% increase in supplies provided?"


Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 750
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - none
Abilities - readies Vespene Geysers for gathering

Misc. Data - Vespene Geysers are nothing but a useless piece of land
without something built upon it for the sole reason of
processing its raw energy (called Vespene Gas) into a
compound a lot more useful for the construction of other
units and buildings. The Refinery is that something.


Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 80
Hit Points - 1000
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Command Center
Abilities - train Marine
- train Firebat
- train Ghost
- liftoff

Misc. Data - As the Command Center is the basic money maker of the
Terrans, the Barracks is their basic army trainer. In
this building you will train your most basic attackers
(the marine and the firebat) as well as an advanced spell
caster (the ghost). Build these (or this) early in the
game for a lot of your other buildings depend on it. It
is also your doorway to the advanced buildings section'
of your SCV menu.


Minerals - 200
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 80
Hit Points - 600
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Barracks
Abilities - research U-238 shells (increase marine attack range)
- research Stim Pack tech (Marine and Firebat ability)

Misc. Data - Academies, on the other hand, are your basic researchers.
While they may seem useless at first, besides the fact
that they are required for a number of the Terrans' most
useful assets, constant playing of the game will tell
you that the abilities they research can prove vital(or
fatal) during the game depending on how you use it.


Minerals - 200
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 80
Hit Points - 600
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Barracks
Abilities - build Vulture
- build Siege Tank
- build Goliath
- build Machine Shop
- liftoff

Misc. Data - At last, a taste of the advanced. The Factory is the first
advanced building you can get your hands on in the Terran
tech tree, and I'm pretty sure you'll grab the opportunity.
The units you can build from this installation are robotic
in nature, thus cannot die as easily as those who come
out of the Barracks. Of course, the units here cost a lot
more than the basic ones, so depending on your strategy
they may or may not be worth the price.


Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 70
Hit Points - 1300
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Factory
Abilities - build Wraith
- build Dropship
- build Science Vessel
- build Battlecruiser
- build Control Tower
- liftoff

Misc. Data - Being another advanced building, the Starport was constructed
for the sole purpose of building up an airborne army.
No ground units can come out of this baby, and no sea
units either (since there are NO sea units in Starcraft!)
And since most Starcraft matches that last more than
30 minutes end with a lethal airstrike (at least in my
experience), this building is a definite must for newbies
and experts alike.

Science Facility

Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 200
Build Time - 80
Hit Points - 850
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Starport
Abilities - research EMP Shockwave (Science Vessel ability)
- research Irradiate (Science Vessel ability)
- research Titan Reactor (+50 Science Vessel energy)
- build Covert Ops
- build Physics Lab
- liftoff

Misc. Data - The Science Facility is the summit of the Terran tech
tree, thus is a building reserved only for games that
won't end shortly and easily (unless you're really fast
and are feeling lucky). Its main function is to do some
advanced researching for the advanced spell casters, but
the addons you can annex to it are there for...more
researching! And if you're thinking brute force and trying
to build-up an army of non-spell casters, you'll still
need this building since it's a prereq for upgrading even
the most basic unit weapons and armor to level 2 or higher.

Engineering Bay

Minerals - 125
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 60
Hit Points - 850
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Command Center
Abilities - upgrade infantry weapons
- upgrade infantry armor
- liftoff

Misc. Data - Going back to the basics, the Engineering Bay is your
basic unit upgrader. Though also a prereq for the only
attacking building in your race, its main abilities include
providing marines with bigger guns, firebats with larger
fuel tanks, and both with a thicker, sturdier armor (or
at least that's how I interpret it, you really won't notice
any graphical change in them, only the fact that their
enemies die faster and they die slower)


Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 50
Build Time - 80
Hit Points - 750
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Factory
Abilities - upgrade vehicle weapons
- upgrade vehicle plating
- upgrade ship weapons
- upgrade ship plating

Misc. Data - As the Engineering Bay is your basic unit upgrader, the
Armory is its advanced counterpart. With it you can upgrade
all the weapons and all the armor of all the advanced
units you can ever dream of. It's a prereq for only one
unit, one advanced unit, the goliath, and since this Armory
can't liftoff, consider it one of your few "disposables"
That is, IF (I said IF) you DON'T plan to use a single
goliath in the game (or have enough to end it) and only
built the Armory for the upgrades.

Missile Turret

Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 30
Hit Points - 200
Armor - 0
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Engineering Bay
Abilities - detector
- air attack

Misc. Data - The Missile Turrent is the only attacking building the
Terran race has to offer, and has definitely proven itself
to be invaluable in countless situations. Besides automatically
attacking every single enemy air unit in sight, it is a
detector, meaning cloaked wraiths have no chance of entering
an opponent's Missile Turret filled base unharmed. Beware
though, since these building attackers will only prove
useful until the opponent decides to build higher level
units like the battlecruiser, the carrier, and especially
the guardian. These units can whack tons of Missile Turrets
without suffering a scratch, so the only way to effectively
defend against them is providing air-to-air encounters.


Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 30
Hit Points - 350
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Barracks
Abilities - load and unload

Misc. Data - This building, in my honest opinion, is what truly distinguishes
the Terran race from the other two. It is the only one
without a Zerg or Protoss counterpart, and is another
extremely useful tool for keeping your own base alive
despite the odds. And as with the Missile Turret, Bunkers
live out their usefulness as soon as the first batch of
higher level air units---the battlecruiser, the carrier,
and especially the guardian---arrive. Oh and, I forgot
to tell you what it does: well for starters, it can load
up to four of your biological ground units (SCVs, marines,
firebats, and ghosts) and give them much needed shelter.
While loaded, these ground units will not take any damage
at all since only the Bunker itself can be the target of
all enemy attacks. They can, however, deal damage since
the Bunker has windows through which only loaded weapons
can pass.

Comsat Station

Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 50
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 500
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Command Center
- Academy
Abilities - Scanner Sweep (detector)

Misc. Data - Military intelligence wins you half the war, and that's
just what the Comsat Station (an addon to the Command
Center) gives you. The Scanner Sweep, its only ability,
is a much needed tool for finding out where the opponent
is early in the game, checking out his defenses later on,
and finally re-checking to see what his armies would be
mainly composed of. The Scanner Sweep is also the only
"undetectable detector" in the game since it is a spell
and not a unit. It can also be cast anywhere from anywhere
meaning if you and an opponent's cloaked army is duking
it out, you can readily use the Scanner Sweep to turn
the tables in your favor.

Nuclear Silo

Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 80
Hit Points - 600
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Command Center
- Science Facility w/ Covert Ops
Abilities - arm nuclear silo

Misc. Data - Another addon to the Command Center, The Nuclear Silo
would probably be the sole reason, especially for maps
with abundant resources, a Terran player would build at
least four Command Centers. Like the Comsat Station, this
addon also has only one ability---to arm nukes, yes,
NUCLEAR BOMBS! What I don't understand is why these bombs
don't take out entire maps, but I'll get to that later.
As of now, I can give one tip: if you're planning a nuclear
strike against an average player, one is not enough; you
have to have at least three nukers simultaneously doing
the job to get through, and that means creating four Command
Centers (including the one with the Comsat Station, since
no game lasting more than 30 mins is easily won without
it) Against an above average to expert opponent, however,
forget about nuking. It requires a ghost to be near the
nuking sight (usually the opponent's base) and no above
average to expert player would even allow that to happen.

Control Tower

Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 50
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 500
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Starport
Abilities - research Cloaking Field (Wraith ability)
- research Apollo Reactor (+50 Wraith energy)

Misc. Data - This time the building discussed is an addon to the Starport,
namely, the Control Tower. While being a prereq for all
the Terran's air units besides the Wraith itself, its
main functions are for the said unit---Cloaking Field,
which of course gives the Wraith the ability to go unseen
by enemy eyes unless he has a detector, and the Apollo
Reactor, which increases the maximum amount of time your
Wraith can remain cloaked.

Covert Ops

Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 50
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 750
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Science Facility
Abilities - research Lockdown (Ghost ability)
- research personnel Cloaking (Ghost ability)
- research Ocular Implants (increase Ghost sight range)
- research Moebius Reactor (+50 Ghost energy)

Misc. Data - As the Starport's Control Tower concentrates on upgrading
the Terran wraith, this Science Facility addon concentrates
on a upgrading a ground unit, a biological ground unit---
the ghost. And again like the Control Tower, the Covert
Ops' Personnel Cloaking research enables the ghost to
go unseen by enemy eyes unless he has a detector, while
the Moebius Reactor increases the maximum amount of time
your ghost can remain cloaked. The Lockdown spell will
be discussed later on, and the Ocular Implants, though
seemingly obvious, brings one particularly useful effect:
Normally if you leave your ghost unattended after using
him to launch a nuke, he'd be too close to the nuking
site he'd die on impact. However with the Ocular Implants
researched, he can launch nukes from afar and thus of
course be safe from its harmful effects.

Physics Lab

Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 50
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 600
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Science Facility
Abilities - research Yamato Gun (Battlecruiser ability)
- research Colossus Reactor (+50 Battlecruiser energy)

Misc. Data - Another Science Facility addon and again similar to the
Control Tower, the Physics Lab in turn concentrates on
upgarding the most advanced Terran air unit, the battlecruiser.
The Yamato Gun research obviously gives the battlecruiser
the ability to use its Yamato Gun, but the Colossus Reactor
has a less obvious effect---it decreases the minimum
amount of time a battlecruiser needs to charge up for
its next Yamato blast.

Machine Shop

Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 50
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 750
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Factory
Abilities - research Ion Thrusters (faster Vulture movement)
- research Spider Mines (Vulture ability)
- research Siege tech (Siege Tank ability)

Misc. Data - Going back to the Factory, the Machine Shop is the only
addon that you can build from it, and boy does it do a
lot. First of all, as mentioned above, it can increase
the speed with which vultures move (if they ain't already
fast enough). Second, it gives the vultures the ability
to plant Spider Mines, things that make opponents think
twice before walking through bridges that lead to your
base or even out of his. Last and in my opinion very far
from being the least, it can also give your siege tanks
their well-know ability to go in Siege Mode and beat the
crap of any other ground unit from a mile away.


Minerals - 300
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 120
Hit Points - 1250
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - none
Abilities - create and increase Creep
- evolve Burrow (ground unit ability)
- create larva
- mutate into Lair
- provides 1 control (supply)

Misc. Data - Hatcheries are your basic money makers. You start out
(in games other than those in campaign mode) with only
one of them near a resource area and without any other
buildings nearby. This is so because the Hatchery is
the prereq of all Zerg prereqs and should generally be
always built near resource-filled areas, where they could
select larvas which in turn could morph into your everyday
resource gatherers for the Zerg, the drone. The Zerg system
of construction (morphing, actually) is quite different
from the other two. First of all, its Hatchery---and its
upgraded versions discussed next---is its only unit producing
building, therefore is also equipped with the ability
to build (or morph) all the other Zerg units in the game
(that is, from the larva it creates) The other Zerg buildings
in the game (most of them) therefore only serve as
as well as upgraders (or evolvers) for these units.


Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 100
Hit Points - 1800
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Hatchery
- Spawning Pool
Abilities - create and increase Creep
- evolve Burrow (ground unit ability)
- evolve Ventral Sacs (transporting for Overlord)
- evolve Antennae (increase Overlord sight range)
- evolve Pneumatized Carapace (faster Overlord movement)
- create larva
- mutate into Hive
- provides 1 control (supply)

Misc. Data - The Lair is simply an upgraded version of the Hatchery,
and besides the numerous upgrades in can provide an
overlord with, and again besides having more HP than its
previous form, it generally has the same purpose as the
Hatchery, namely, your basic money---and unit---makers.
Be reminded though, that the Lair (or the Hatchery) do
not produce Zerg units by themselves, rather they only
create the ultra versatile larva which in turn could be
morphed into the other, more useful Zerg units of the game.


Minerals - 200
Vespene Gas - 150
Build Time - 120
Hit Points - 2500
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Lair
- Queen's Nest
Abilities - create and increase Creep
- evolve Burrow (ground unit ability)
- evolve Ventral Sacs (transporting for Overlord)
- evolve Antennae (increase Overlord sight range)
- evolve Pneumatized Carapace (faster Overlord movement)
- create larva
- provides 1 control (supply)

Misc. Data - And as the Lair is an upgrade to the Hatchery, the Hive
is the upgrade for the Lair! It can still upgrade your
overlords if you haven't done that yet, but again besides
having even more HP than the Lair itself, this version
of the Hatchery does just the same thing: create larvas
that morph into drones that in turn gather your much needed
resources. And don't forget about all the other Zerg units
a larva can morph into, ok?


Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 750
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - none
Abilities - readies Vespene Geysers for gathering

Misc. Data - Vespene Geysers are nothing but a useless piece of land
without something built upon it for the sole reason of
processing its raw energy (called Vespene Gas) into a
compound a lot more useful for the construction of other
units and buildings. The Extractor is that something.

Spawning Pool

Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 80
Hit Points - 750
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Abilities - evolve Metabolic Boost (faster Zergling movement)
- evolve Adrenal Glands (faster Zergling attack)

Misc. Data - As mentioned above, most Zerg buildings serve only as
prerequisites for units produced only through the larva
coming out of Hatcheries, Lairs, and Hives. The Spawning
Pool is no different. It's your basic prereq, and thus
needed for the morphing of your most basic attackers,
the zerglings. Notice that most Zerg buildings are also
upgraders (or evolvers) and again the Spawning Pool is
no different. It obviously does something for the specific
unit it is a prereq for, but what? And the answer or
rather answers are providing faster movement and reducing
cooldown time.

Hydralisk Den

Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 50
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 850
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Spawning Pool
Abilities - evolve Muscular Augments (faster Hydralisk movement)
- evolve Grooved Spines (increase Hydralisk attack range)

Misc. Data - It should be obvious what unit is focused upon by the
fan-shaped Zerg building called the Hydralisk Den...What!?
You don't know!? THE HYDRALISK, DAMMIT!!! (whoops, just
had my stim packs, sorry) And again as with most Zerg
buildings, this one's not only a prereq for the said unit,
but also has two upgrades for that unit as well.


Minerals - 200
Vespene Gas - 150
Build Time - 120
Hit Points - 600
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Lair/Hive
Abilities - upgrade flyer attacks
- evolve flyer carapace
- mutate into Greater Spire

Misc. Data - Simply put, the Spire enables your larva to morph into
mutalisks. It can also increase the damage they bring
as well as that which they could sustain. Pretty neat
building and a definite must if ya ask me.

Greater Spire

Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 150
Build Time - 120
Hit Points - 1000
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Spire
- Hive
Abilities - upgrade flyer attacks
- evolve flyer carapace

Misc. Data - If you thought only Hatcheries and Lairs could be further
upgraded, think again. The Spire also has an upgrade of
its own, and it was named...the Greater Spire! (so clever...)
Anyway, not only does this building continue on upgrading
your air units if you haven't done so already, but it's
also a prereq for one of your best bets against building
attackers---the guardian.

Queen's Nest

Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 60
Hit Points - 850
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Lair/Hive
Abilities - evolve Spawn Broodling (Queen ability)
- evolve Ensnare (Queen ability)
- evolve Gamete Meiosis (+50 Queen energy)

Misc. Data - One of the less gross buildings of the Zerg (looks like
a macaroon in my honest opinion), the Queen's Nest is
both a prereq and an upgrader...for the queen! It gives
her the ability to cast two very useful spells (the Spawn
Broodling and the Ensnare) as well as reduces the minimum
amount of time needed to charge up her next spell after
casting one via the Gamete Meiosis.

Defiler Mound

Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 60
Hit Points - 850
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Hive
Abilities - evolve Plague (Defiler ability)
- evolve Consume (Defiler ability)
- evolve Metasynaptic Node (+50 Defiler energy)

Misc. Data - A more advanced spell caster in the game comes in the
form of a defiler, and this unit in turn relies on the
existence of its own mound, the Defiler Mound. And like
the Queen's Nest with its queen, the Defiler Mound gives
its defilers the ability to cast two very useful spells
(the Plague and the Consume) as well as reduces the minimum
amount of time needed to charge up her next spell after
casting one via the Metasynaptic Node.

Ultralisk Cavern

Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 200
Build Time - 80
Hit Points - 600
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Hive
Abilities - none (it's a prereq for the ultralisk so you'll still
need this even if it has no abilities)

Misc. Data - Well, what else to say bout this big green breathing thing
but..."it's a prereq for the ultralisk so you'll still
need this even if it has no abilities."

Evolution Chamber

Minerals - 75
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 750
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Abilities - upgrade melee attacks
- upgrade missile attacks
- evolve carapace

Misc. Data - Going back to the basics, the Evolution Chamber is your
basic unit upgrader. Though also a prereq for one of the
two attacking buildings in your race, its main abilities
include providing zerglings with bigger claws, hydralisks
with larger jaws, and both with a thicker, sturdier armor
(or at least that's how I interpret it, you really won't
notice any graphical change in them, only the fact that
their enemies die faster and they die slower)

Creep Colony

Minerals - 75
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 750
Armor - 0
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - none
Abilities - increase Creep
- mutate into Sunken Colony
- mutate into Spore Colony

Misc. Data - Zerg buildings should be built on Creep, and since the
main Creep producer, the Hatchery (or Lair, or Hive),
costs too much for such a minor reason, you may use Creep
Colonies to increase the area of your Creep instead.
Note that only the Zerg's main building has the ability
to create Creep and these Creep Colonies are only here
to extend what the Hatchery, Lair, or Hive has created.
One more thing, this building may very well be morphed
into two others, the Sunken Colony and the Spore Colony
both of which, while retaining the Creep increasing abilities
of their their previous form, are also the only two attacking
buildings at the Zerg's disposal.

Sunken Colony

Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 20
Hit Points - 400
Armor - 0
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Creep Colony
- Spawning Pool
Abilities - ground attack

Misc. Data - This is one of the two building attackers I was talking
about, and it sure is a handy thing to have especially
whenever your opponents plan to attack early in the game.
Most likely he'll use a pure ground assault, and since
this building, the Sunken Colony, attacks from below,
your guaranteed a tough defense, at least until air
or ultra long-range ground units arrive.

Spore Colony

Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 20
Hit Points - 400
Armor - 0
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Creep Colony
- Evolution Chamber
Abilities - detector
- air attack

Misc. Data - The Spore Colony is the second attacking building the
Zerg race has to offer, and has definitely proven itself
to be invaluable in countless situations. Besides automatically
attacking every single enemy air unit in sight, it is a
detector, meaning cloaked wraiths have no chance of entering
an opponent's Spore Colony filled base unharmed. Beware
though, since these building attackers will only prove
useful until the opponent decides to build higher level
units like the battlecruiser, the carrier, and especially
the guardian. These units can whack tons of Spore Colonies
without suffering a scratch, so the only way to effectively
defend against them is providing air-to-air encounters.

Nydus Canal

Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 250
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Hive
Abilities - place Nydus Canal Exit

Misc. Data - This building, in my honest opinion, is what truly distinguishes
the Zerg race from the other two. It is the only one
without a Terran or Protoss counterpart, and is another
extremely useful tool both defensively and offensively
in deceiving the enemy into thinking that you don't or
have very few attacking units in a certain area whereas
you can readily send an entire army of reinforcements
when the need arises. Any ideas what this building does?
Well, it provides underground transport for your ground
units and lead them to wherever you have placed the Nydus
Canal exit. Just right click your units on one Nydus Canal
and voila! They're somewhere else!

Infested Command Center

Minerals - 0
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 5
Hit Points - 1500
Armor - 1
Shields - 0

Prerequisites - Command Center (duh!)
Abilities - train Infested Terran
- liftoff

Misc. Data - Oh don't jump for joy the first time you see its stats
cause it's not what you think. It may not cost anything
at all, but it does have its requirements: First of all,
you need a queen since infesting Command Centers is her
inate ability. Second, you must have a Command Center to
infest. It's rather tough to pull this trick off since
few good Starcraft players leave their Command Centers
unguarded. (You CAN do this with your allies though, IF
they allow it to happen) Lastly, the said Command Center
should be at least down to half its life (750HP) before
the spell could be cast. On the bright side, besides the
all powerful infested terran you can train from this
building, the building itself is void of all Terran and
Zerg building weaknesses---unlike Terran buildings, it
doesn't explode by itself when it catches fire on low
HP, and it may be landed on Creep. And unlike Zerg buildings,
it doesn't NEED to be on Creep for it to be functional.


Minerals - 400
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 120
Hit Points - 750
Armor - 1
Shields - 750

Prerequisites - none
Abilities - provides 9 Psi (supply)
- build Probe

Misc. Data - The Nexus is your basic money maker. You start out (in
games other than those in campaign mode) with only one
Nexus near a resource area and without any other buildings
near it. This is so because the Nexus is the prereq of
all Protoss prereqs and should generally be always built
near resource-filled areas, where they could build Probes
and use them to gather more resources.


Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 30
Hit Points - 300
Armor - 0
Shields - 300

Prerequisites - none
Abilities - provides 8 Psi (supplies)
- creates 1 energy field

Misc. Data - The Protoss Pylon has two uses, and one of them is to
provide the Protoss race with "Psi" or supplies. If you're
a genuine newbie to this game, you might be wondering,
"Why build this if a Nexus could provide more supplies
and have other advantages as well?" And my answer comes
in the form of a question: "Would you rather spend double
the space, triple the time, and quadruple the minerals
for a 12.5% increase in supplies provided?" The second
purpose for building a Pylon is to provide an energy field
only upon which most Protoss buildings may be constructed
(like the Creep with the Zerg). But the bad news is losing
the energy field provided by a Pylon renders a Protoss
building practically useless until you are able to build
another Pylon near it. The technique here is to build
multiple Pylons near multiple buildings so as to prevent
a simple Pylon assault from crippling your base.


Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 450
Armor - 1
Shields - 450

Prerequisites - none
Abilities - readies Vespene Geysers for gathering

Misc. Data - Vespene Geysers are nothing but a useless piece of land
without something built upon it for the sole reason of
processing its raw energy (called Vespene Gas) into a
compound a lot more useful for the construction of other
units and buildings. The Assimilator is that something.


Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 450
Armor - 1
Shields - 500

Prerequisites - Nexus
Abilities - warp in Zealot
- warp in Dragoon
- warp in High Templar

Misc. Data - As the Nexus is the basic money maker of the Protoss,
the Gateway is their basic army trainer. In this building
you will train your most basic attackers (the zealot and
the dragoon) as well as an advanced spell caster (the
high templar). It's a definite must to have at the very
least one Gateway very early in the game for a lot of
your other buildings depend on

Cybernetics Core

Minerals - 200
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 60
Hit Points - 500
Armor - 1
Shields - 500

Prerequisites - Gateway
Abilities - upgrade air weapons
- upgrade air armor
- develop Singularity Charge (increase Dragoon attack range)

Misc. Data - The Cybernetics Core is your main air unit upgrader. With
it you can upgrade all the weapons and all the armor of
all the air units you can ever dream of. And besides
having a special upgrade just for the dragoons, it also
is your doorway to the advanced buildings section of your
probe menu.

Robotics Facility

Minerals - 200
Vespene Gas - 200
Build Time - 80
Hit Points - 500
Armor - 1
Shields - 500

Prerequisites - Cybernetics Core
Abilities - build Shuttle
- build Reaver
- build Observer

Misc. Data - As the name suggests, what you can build from this building
are highly or rather purely robotic in nature. Nothing
much more I can say about the Robotics Facility, except
for the three units mentioned above that it can produce,
and the fact that it's also a prereq for the other more
advanced Protoss buildings in the game.


Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 150
Build Time - 70
Hit Points - 600
Armor - 1
Shields - 600

Prerequisites - Cybernetics Core
Abilities - warp in Scout
- warp in Carrier
- warp in Arbiter

Misc. Data - Being another advanced building, the Stargate was constructed
for the sole purpose of building up an airborne army.
No ground units can come out of this baby, and no sea
units either (since there are NO sea units in Starcraft!)
And since most Starcraft matches that last more than
30 minutes end with a lethal airstrike (at least in my
experience), this building is a definite must for newbies
and experts alike.

Citadel of Adun

Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 60
Hit Points - 450
Armor - 1
Shields - 250

Prerequisites - Cybernetics Core
Abilities - develop Leg Enhancements (faster Zealot movement)

Misc. Data - The Citadel of Adun can only do two things: One is to
develop a zealot's walking speed (something very, very
useful in most games) and Two is to pave the way for the
construction of the Templar Archives, which in turn you
most likely will need only one of. So after upgrading
your zealots and warping in your first and only Templar
Archives, consider the Citadel of Adun as one of your
few "disposables".


Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 30
Hit Points - 250
Armor - 1
Shields - 250

Prerequisites - Robotics Facility
Abilities - develop Gravitic Booster (faster Observer movement)
- develop Sensor Array (increase Observer sight range)

Misc. Data - One of the less massive buildings of the Protoss (looks
like fish bones in my honest opinion), the Observatory
is both a prereq and an upgrader...for the observer! It
gives the said unit the ability to reach a certain point
in a shorter amount of time as well as the ability to
spy on a larger area than before.

Templar Archives

Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 200
Build Time - 60
Hit Points - 500
Armor - 1
Shields - 500

Prerequisites - Citadel of Adun
Abilities - develop Psionic Storm (Templar ability)
- develop Hallucination (Templar ability)
- develop Khaydarin Amulet (+50 Templar energy)

Misc. Data - As the Observatory concentrates on upgrading the Protoss
observer, this one-shot building concentrates on a upgrading
a ground unit, a biological ground unit---the High Templar.
It gives him the ability to cast two very useful spells
(the Psionic Storm and the Hallucination) as well as reduces
the minimum amount of time needed to charge up his next
spell after casting one via the Khaydarin Amulet. And
even if you're thinking brute force and trying to build
up an army of non-spell casters, you'll still need this
building since it's a prereq for upgrading even the most
basic unit weapons and armor to level 2 or higher.

Robotics Support Bay

Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 30
Hit Points - 450
Armor - 1
Shields - 450

Prerequisites - Robotics Facility
Abilities - upgrade Scarab damage
- increase Reaver capacity (+5 max Scarabs)
- develop Gravitic Drive (faster Shuttle movement)

Misc. Data - And again as the name suggests, the Robotics Support Bay
provides much needed "support" for two of the Protoss
units found in the Robotics Facility, namely, the shuttle
and the reaver. It also is a prereq for the reaver, by
the way, so IF (I said IF) you DON'T plan to use a single
reaver in the game (or have enough to end it) and only
built the Robotics Support Bay for the upgrades, then
as soon as they're done, consider this building a "disposable"
as well.


Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 40
Hit Points - 550
Armor - 1
Shields - 550

Prerequisites - Nexus
Abilities - upgrade ground weapons
- upgrade ground armor
- upgrade plasma shields

Misc. Data - Going back to the basics, the Forge is your basic unit
upgrader. Though also a prereq for the only attacking
building in your race, its main abilities include providing
zealots with sharper blades, dragoons with larger blasters
and both with a thicker, sturdier armor as well as an
increase in shield layers (or at least that's how I interpret
it, you really won't notice any graphical change in them,
only the fact that their enemies die faster and they die

Fleet Beacon

Minerals - 300
Vespene Gas - 200
Build Time - 60
Hit Points - 500
Armor - 1
Shields - 500

Prerequisites - Stargate
Abilities - develop Apial Sensors (increase Scout sight range)
- develop Gravitic Thrusters (faster Scout movement)
- increase Carrier capacity (+4 max Interceptors)

Misc. Data - While being a prereq for all the attacking Protoss air
units in the game besides the first one (the scout), its
main functions include those for the said unit---increase
in sight range as well as increase in speed. It also has
a special upgrade just for the carriers, and is another
definite must if you're planning to use that giant.

Arbiter Tribunal

Minerals - 200
Vespene Gas - 150
Build Time - 60
Hit Points - 500
Armor - 1
Shields - 500

Prerequisites - Stargate
- Templar Archives
Abilities - develop Recall (Arbiter ability)
- develop Stasis Field (Arbiter ability)
- develop Khaydarin Core (+50 Arbiter energy)

Misc. Data - The Arbiter Tribunal is the summit of the Protoss tech
tree, thus is a building reserved only for games that
won't end shortly and easily (unless you're really fast
and are feeling lucky). Its main function is to do some
advanced researching for the most advanced spell caster,
the arbiter itself. It gives the said unit the ability
to cast two very useful spells (the Recall and the Stasis
Field) as well as reduces the minimum amount of time
needed to charge up its next spell after casting one
via the Khaydarin Core.

Photon Cannon

Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 50
Hit Points - 100
Armor - 0
Shields - 100

Prerequisites - Forge
Abilities - detector
- ground attack
- air attack

Misc. Data - The Photon Cannon is the only attacking building the Protoss
race has to offer, and has definitely proven itself to
be invaluable in countless situations. Besides automatically
attacking every single enemy unit (ground AND air) in
sight, it is a detector, meaning cloaked wraiths have
no chance of entering an opponent's Photon Cannon filled
base unharmed. Beware though, since these building attackers
will only prove useful until the opponent decides to build
higher level units like the battlecruiser, the carrier,
and especially the guardian. These units can whack tons
of Photon Cannons without suffering a scratch, so the
only way to effectively defend against them is providing
air-to-air encounters.

Shield Battery

Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 30
Hit Points - 200
Armor - 1
Shields - 200

Prerequisites - Gateway
Abilities - recharge shields

Misc. Data - This building, in my honest opinion, is what truly distinguishes
the Protoss race from the other two. It is the only one
without a Terran or Zerg counterpart, and is another
extremely useful tool for keeping your own base alive
despite the odds. What it does is recharge the shields
of any unit near it when you choose to do so. With this
building and more preferably a few others beside a seemingly
out-numbered army of yours, you may still have a chance.


IV. The Units

The charts below feature the different stats (damage, armor, etc.) of
each unit in the game. These charts are only for quick reference, as I
plan to add a full description of what each unit does afterwards.


NA - not applicable (duh!)

type column:
A - air
G - ground
R - robotic
M - mechanical
1 - small
2 - medium
3 - large

weapons column:
G - ground
A - air
N - normal
C - concussive
E - explosive
S - splash
! - suicidal

upgrades column:
Gw - ground weapon
Aw - air weapon
Gr - ground weapon range
Ar - air weapon range
St - sight
Sp - speed
Cd - cooldown
Hr - hangar (ammo)

a little note:
Concussive weapons will do 50% damage on medium defense and 25% damage
on large defense while explosive weapons will do 75% damage on medium
defense and 50% damage on small defense. Normal weapons will deal the
same damage no matter what type of defense its receipient has. One last
thing, Protoss shields receive full damage no matter what type of ammo
is used on them.

* you may see certain names that have already been included in the buildings
section. Well, they really are buildings, but they deal damage as well
and so fit in this chart too. They won't have any more supplementary
descriptions, as such info is already posted in the buildings section.

* Cool is the cooldown rate of each unit's weapon. It obviously is in
units of time, though I'm not really sure what unit. Maybe a tenth of
a second? St is the unit's sight range in a standard measure of length
which, once again, I am not aware of. Lastly, upgs is upgrades or the
number of pluses/minuses/doubles a specific stat gains per upgrade.
Armor and shield upgrades are no longer included, since they usually
are just composed of plus ones to their respective units.

Terran | SCV | GB=1 | G=5N | 15 | 1 | 7 | none | Gather
| | | | | | | | Repair
| | | | | | | | Build
| | | | | | | |
| Marine | GB=1 | G=6N | 15 | 4 | 7 | Gw+1 | Stim
| | | A=6N | 15 | 4 | | Aw+1 | Pack
| | | | | | | Gr+1 |
| | | | | | | Ar+1 |
| | | | | | | |
| Firebat | GB=1 | G=16CS | 22 | 1 | 7 | Gw+2 | Stim
| | | | | | | | Pack
| | | | | | | |
| Ghost | GB=1 | G=10C | 22 | 7 | 9 | Gw+1 | Spells
| | | A=10C | 22 | 7 | | Aw+1 | Nuke
| | | | | | | St+2 | Cloaking
| | | | | | | |
| Vulture | GM=2 | G=20C | 30 | 5 | 8 | Gw+2 | Spider
| | | | | | | Spx2 | Mine
| | | | | | | |
| Siege Tank | GM=3 | G=30E | 37 | 7 | 10 | Gw+3 | Siege
| (Tank Mode) | | | | | | | Mode
| | | | | | | |
| Siege Tank | GM=3 | G=70ES | 75 | 12 | 10 | Gw+5 | Tank
| (Siege Mode) | | | | | | | Mode
| | | | | | | |
| Goliath | GM=3 | G=12N | 22 | 5 | 8 | Gw+1 | none
| | | A=20E | 22 | 5 | | Aw+4 |
| | | | | | | |
| Wraith | AM=3 | G=8N | 30 | 5 | 7 | Gw+1 | Cloaking
| | | A=20E | 22 | 5 | | Aw+2 |
| | | | | | | |
| Dropship | AM=3 | none | NA | NA | 8 | none | Load and
| | | | | | | | Unload
| | | | | | | |
| Science | AM=3 | none | NA | NA | 10 | none | Spells
| Vessel | | | | | | | Detector
| | | | | | | |
| Battlecruiser | AM=3 | G=25N | 30 | 6 | 11 | Gw+3 | Yamato
| | | A=25N | 30 | 6 | | Aw+3 | Gun
| | | | | | | |
| Spider Mine | G=1 | G=125ES! | NA | 4 | 7 | none | Burrow
| | | | | | | |
| Nuclear | A=1 | G=500NS! | NA | NA | NA | none | High
| Missile | | A=500NS! | NA | NA | | | Level
| | | | | | | | Splash
| | | | | | | |
| Missile | G=3 | A=20E | 15 | 7 | 11 | none | Detector
| Turret | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
Zerg | Drone | GB=1 | G=5N | 22 | 1 | 7 | none | Gather
| | | | | | | | Burrow
| | | | | | | | Morph
| | | | | | | |
| Zergling | GB=1 | G=5N | 8 | 1 | 5 | Gw+1 | Burrow
| | | | | | | Cd-2 |
| | | | | | | Spx2 |
| | | | | | | |
| Hydralisk | GB=2 | G=10E | 15 | 4 | 6 | Gw+1 | Burrow
| | | A=10E | 15 | 4 | | Aw+1 |
| | | | | | | Spx2 |
| | | | | | | Gr+1 |
| | | | | | | Ar+1 |
| | | | | | | |
| Ultralisk | GB=3 | G=20N | 15 | 1 | 7 | Gw+3 | none
| | | | | | | |
| Defiler | GB=2 | none | NA | NA | 10 | none | Spells
| | | | | | | | Burrow
| | | | | | | |
| Broodling | GB=1 | G=4N | 15 | 1 | 5 | none | none
| | | | | | | |
| Infested | GB=1 | G=500ES! | NA | 1 | 5 | none | Burrow
| Terran | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Overlord | AB=3 | none | NA | NA | 9 | St+2 | Detector
| | | | | | | | Load and
| | | | | | | | Unload
| | | | | | | |
| Mutalisk | AB=1 | G=9NS | 30 | 3 | 7 | Gw+1 | Guardian
| | | A=9NS | 30 | 3 | | Aw+1 |
| | | | | | | |
| Guardian | AB=3 | G=20N | 30 | 8 | 11 | Gw+2 | none
| | | | | | | |
| Queen | AB=2 | none | NA | NA | 10 | none | Spells
| | | | | | | |
| Scourge | AB=1 | A=110N! | NA | 1 | 5 | none | none
| | | | | | | |
| Sunken Colony | G=3 | G=40E | 32 | 7 | 10 | none | none
| | | | | | | |
| Spore Colony | G=3 | A=15N | 15 | 7 | 10 | none | Detector
| | | | | | | |
| Larva | GB=1 | none | NA | NA | 4 | none | Morph
| | | | | | | |
| Egg | GB=3 | none | NA | NA | 4 | none | none
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
Protoss | Probe | GR=1 | G=5N | 22 | 1 | 8 | none | Warp
| | | | | | | |
| Zealot | GB=1 | G=16N | 22 | 1 | 7 | Gw+2 | none
| | | | | | | Spx2 |
| | | | | | | |
| Dragoon | GM=3 | G=20E | 30 | 4 | 8 | Gw+2 | none
| | | A=20E | 30 | 4 | | Aw+2 |
| | | | | | | Gr+2 |
| | | | | | | Ar+2 |
| | | | | | | |
| High Templar | GB=1 | none | NA | NA | 7 | none | Spells
| | | | | | | | Archon
| | | | | | | |
| Archon | G=3 | G=30NS | 20 | 2 | 8 | Gw+3 | none
| | | A=30NS | 20 | 2 | | Aw+3 |
| | | | | | | |
| Reaver | GR=3 | Scarab | 60 | 8 | 10 | Hr+5 | Scarab
| | | | | | | |
| Scarab | G=2 | G=100ES! | NA | NA | NA | Gw | none
| | | | | | | +25 |
| | | | | | | |
| Shuttle | AR=3 | none | NA | NA | 8 | Spx2 | Load and
| | | | | | | | Unload
| | | | | | | |
| Observer | AR=1 | none | NA | NA | 9 | St+2 | Detector
| | | | | | | Spx2 | Perma-
| | | | | | | | nent
| | | | | | | | Cloaking
| | | | | | | |
| Scout | AM=3 | G=8N | 30 | 4 | 8 | Gw+1 | none
| | | A=28E | 22 | 4 | | Aw+2 |
| | | | | | | St+2 |
| | | | | | | Spx2 |
| | | | | | | |
| Carrier | AM=3 | Inter- | 0 | 8 | 11 | Hr+4 | Inter-
| | | ceptor | | | | | ceptors
| | | Inter- | 0 | 8 | | |
| | | ceptor | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Interceptor | AM=1 | G=6N | NA | NA | NA | Gw+1 | none
| | | A=6N | NA | NA | | Aw+1 |
| | | | | | | |
| Arbiter | AM=3 | G=10E | 45 | 5 | 9 | Gw+1 | Spells
| | | A=10E | 45 | 5 | | Aw+1 | Cloaking
| | | | | | | | Nearby
| | | | | | | | Subordi-
| | | | | | | | nates
| | | | | | | |
| Photon Cannon | G=3 | G=20N | 22 | 7 | 11 | none | Detector
| | | A=20N | 22 | 7 | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
Terran | SCV | 50 | 0 | 20 | 1 | 60 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Marine | 50 | 0 | 24 | 1 | 40 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Firebat | 50 | 25 | 24 | 1 | 50 | 1 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Ghost | 25 | 75 | 50 | 1 | 45 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Vulture | 75 | 0 | 30 | 2 | 80 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Siege Tank | 150 | 100 | 50 | 2 | 150 | 1 |
0 |
| (Tank Mode) | | | | | |
| |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Siege Tank | NA | NA | NA | NA | 150 | 1 |
0 |
| (Siege Mode) | | | | | |
| |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Goliath | 100 | 50 | 40 | 2 | 125 | 1 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Wraith | 150 | 100 | 60 | 2 | 120 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Dropship | 100 | 100 | 50 | 2 | 150 | 1 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Science | 100 | 225 | 80 | 2 | 200 | 1 |
0 |
| Vessel | | | | | |
| |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Battlecruiser | 400 | 300 | 160 | 8 | 500 | 3 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Spider Mine | NA | NA | NA | NA | 20 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Nuclear | 200 | 200 | 100 | 8 | NA | NA |
NA |
| Missile | | | | | |
| |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Missile | 100 | 0 | 30 | 0 | 200 | 0 |
0 |
| Turret | | | | | |
| |
| | | | | | |
| |
| | | | | | |
| |
Zerg | Drone | 50 | 0 | 20 | 1 | 40 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Zergling | 25 | 0 | 28 | 0.5 | 35 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Hydralisk | 75 | 25 | 28 | 1 | 80 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Ultralisk | 200 | 200 | 60 | 6 | 400 | 1 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Defiler | 50 | 150 | 50 | 2 | 80 | 1 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Broodling | NA | NA | NA | NA | 30 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Infested | 100 | 50 | 40 | 1 | 60 | 0 |
0 |
| Terran | | | | | |
| |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Overlord | 100 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 200 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Mutalisk | 100 | 100 | 40 | 2 | 120 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Guardian | 150 | 200 | 40 | 2 | 150 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Queen | 100 | 150 | 50 | 2 | 120 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Scourge | 12 | 38 | 30 | 0.5 | 25 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Sunken Colony | 75 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 400 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Spore Colony | 75 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 400 | 0 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Larva | NA | NA | NA | NA | 25 | 10 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Egg | NA | NA | NA | NA | 200 | 10 |
0 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| | | | | | |
| |
Protoss | Probe | 50 | 0 | 20 | 1 | 20 | 0 |
20 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Zealot | 100 | 0 | 40 | 2 | 80 | 1 |
80 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Dragoon | 125 | 50 | 40 | 2 | 100 | 1 |
80 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| High Templar | 50 | 150 | 50 | 2 | 40 | 0 |
40 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Archon | NA | NA | 20 | NA | 10 | 0 |
350 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Reaver | 200 | 100 | 70 | 4 | 100 | 0 |
80 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Scarab | 15 | 0 | 7 | 0 | NA | NA |
NA |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Shuttle | 200 | 0 | 60 | 2 | 80 | 1 |
60 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Observer | 25 | 75 | 40 | 1 | 40 | 0 |
20 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Scout | 300 | 150 | 80 | 3 | 150 | 0 |
100 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Carrier | 350 | 250 | 140 | 8 | 300 | 4 |
150 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Interceptor | 25 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 40 | 0 |
40 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Arbiter | 100 | 350 | 160 | 4 | 200 | 1 |
150 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| Photon Cannon | 150 | 0 | 50 | 0 | 100 | 0 |
100 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| | | | | | |
| |



Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 20
Supplies - 1
Hit Points - 60
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; small

Ground - weapon : Fusion Cutter
- damage : 5 normal
- cooldown : 15
- range : 1
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 7
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Command Center
Abilities - ground attack
- build
- gather
- repair

Quotes - ready : "SCV, good to go, sir."
- selected : "Yes, sir?"
: "Orders, Captain?"
: "I read you."
: "Reportin for duty."
- annoyed : "Come again, Captain?"
: "I'm not readin you clearly."
: "You ain't from around here, are you?"
: "I can't believe they put me in one o these
: "I told 'em I was claustrophobic, I gotta get
outta here!"
: "I'm stuck in here tighter than a frog butt
in a Watermelon C-5"
-----> This is just a wild guess
on what he's really
sayin since it's too
fast and I just can't
get it right. =p

- ordered : "Affirmative."
: "Roger that."
: "Right away, sir."
: "Orders received."
- error : "I can't build there, somethin's in the way."
: "I can't build there!"
- built : "Job's finished."

Misc. Data - Terrans scream of versatility, and the SCV is one of the
many manifestations of this. First of all, it has 60 HP
which is a lot compared to the 40 HP of the Zerg drone
and the 20 HP / 20 Shield attribute of the Protoss probe.
Second, not only can it gather resources and construct
buildings like the other two workers in the game, it can
also REPAIR every single damaged mechanical unit! With
this ability, battered armies may very well live to fight
(and win) another day without having to train and build
tons of reinforcements. Lastly, the SCV is also the only
biological unit that is ALSO REPAIRABLE, meaning they
could replenish each other's HP while some of them work
on the larger mechanical units in the game.


Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 24
Supplies - 1
Hit Points - 40
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; small

Ground - weapon : Gauss Rifle
- damage : 6 normal
- cooldown : 15
- range : 4
Air - weapon : Gauss Rifle
- damage : 6 normal
- cooldown : 15
- range : 4

Sight - 7
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 1
: range + 1
- air weapon : damage + 1
: range + 1
- spells : Stim Pack
Prerequisites - Barracks
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack
- Stim Pack

Quotes - ready : "You wanna piece o me, boy?"
- selected : "Commander?"
: "Standin by..."
: "Checked up and good to go."
: "Give me somethin to shoot."
- annoyed : "We gotta move."
: "Are you gonna give me orders?"
: "Oh my God, he's whacked!"
: "I'd vote we frag this commander!"
: "How do I get outta this chicken shi(BEEP)tty
: "You wanna piece o me, boy?"
: "If it weren't for these damned neural implants
you'd be a smokin crater by now..."
- ordered : "Go, go, go!"
: "Let's move."
: "Outstanding."
: "Rock 'n roll!"

Misc. Data - The marine is yet another manifestation of the versatility
of the Terran race, for this is the only basic unit in
the game that can target and attack air units. While not
a very good match for the two other basic units in the
game, marines can prove to be very useful a little later
on, when Bunkers are built or Stim Packs are researched.
This ability reduces a marine's life by 10, but increases
both his movement and attack speed dramatically.


Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 25
Build Time - 24
Supplies - 1
Hit Points - 50
Armor - 1
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; small

Ground - weapon : Flame Thrower
- damage : 16 concussive splash
- cooldown : 22
- range : 1
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 7
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 2
- spells : Stim Pack
Prerequisites - Barracks
- Academy
Abilities - ground attack
- Stim Pack

Quotes - ready : "Need a light?"
- selected : "Yes?"
: "You got my attention."
: "Fire it out!"
- annoyed : "Ahahhh, that's what I thought."
: "I love the smell of napalhhhm."
: "Nuthin like a goood smoke..."
: "Are you tryin to get invited to my next barbeque?"
: "Got any questions about propane?"
: "Or, propane accessories?"
- ordered : "Naturally"
: "Slammin'"
: "You got it!"
: "Let's burn!"

Misc. Data - Marines are not likely to succeed in battling their mineral's
worth of the other two races' basic units, but alongside
firebats, even if the opponent also has his next level
units, they have a chance. The marines' versatility has
decreased his effectivity in both land and air encounters,
thus in the early stages of the match he needs the help
of a unit made solely for ground wars, and the firebat
is the only one early-to-come-out enough to help him out.
Firebats eat the other two races' basic units like crap,
but it's they who do crap damage on buildings which are
supposed to be the marines' job. The two really complement
each other, so learn to use them well as a team and you'll
win a game in less than 10 minutes.


Minerals - 25
Vespene Gas - 75
Build Time - 50
Supplies - 1
Hit Points - 45
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; small

Ground - weapon : C-10 Canister Rifle
- damage : 10 concussive
- cooldown : 22
- range : 7
Air - weapon : C-10 Canister Rifle
- damage : 10 concussive
- cooldown : 22
- range : 7

Sight - 9
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 1
- air weapon : damage + 1
- sight : range + 2
- spells : Cloak
: Lockdown
: energy + 50
Prerequisites - Barracks
- Academy
- Science Facility w/ Covert Ops
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack
- Cloak
- Lockdown
- Nuclear Strike

Quotes - ready : "Somebody called for an exterminator?"
- selected : "Ghost reportin..."
: "I'm here..."
: "Finally..."
: "Call the shots."
- annoyed : "You callin down the thunder?"
: "Now reap the whirlwind!"
: "Keep it up! I DARE ya..."
: "I'm about to overload my aggression inhibitors."
- ordered : "I hear that."
: "I'm gone."
: "Never knowww what hit 'em"
: "I'm all over it."

Misc. Data - Ghosts are your basic spell casters, and should normally
not come out early in the game. They require a Science
Facility with an attached Covert Ops, which is quite at
the top of the Terran tech tree. The only way you can
have them early in the game is to NOT build a single
attacking unit until the Covert Ops is built, which is
VERY risky. The rewards are handsome though, especially
if you've also already armed your Nuclear Silo (get what
I mean?) If you really went straight for the nuke, chances
are (if you ain't dead yet) the opponent hasn't prepared
for that kind of assault. Now go ahead and NUKE him!!
Defensively however, they can still play a big role in
saving your own hide through their Lockdown spell. This
spell prevents an enemy unit from making any action at
all, and while he is in this state, can be attacked with
impunity by any of your units. The sad part is this spell
would only work on non-biological units, thus is useless
on the Zerg, where ALL units are biological. Wait, did
I forget to say ghost deal damage like babies? Well, they
do, so don't even think of investing on an army of ghost
cause they won't do much on the battlefield, especially
if your opponent is a Zerg.


Minerals - 75
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 30
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 80
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; mechanical; medium

Ground - weapon : Fragmentation Grenade
- damage : 20 concussive
- cooldown : 30
- range : 5
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 8
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 2
- movement : speed x 2
- Spider Mines
Prerequisites - Factory
Abilities - ground attack
- Spider Mines

Quotes - ready : "Awright, bring it on!"
- selected : "Whadda you want!?"
: "Yeah?"
: "I read ya, SIR! (sarcastic)"
: "Somethin on your mind?"
- annoyed : "Somethin you wanted?"
: "I don have time to f(BEEP)ck around!!!"
: "You keep pushin me, BOY!!..."
: "And I'll scrap YOU along with the aliens!!"
- ordered : "Yeah I'm goin..."
: "I dig!"
: "No problem!"
: "Oh, is that it!?"

Misc. Data - At 75 minerals, this vehicle can very well be a good
replacement for the seemingly all-purpose marine. Though
they cannot attack airborne opponents, they deal kick-@$
damage on the ground. Furthermore, if coupled with a speed
upgrade and more importantly the ability to plant spider
mines, an army of these vultures can be a royal pain in
the hide in the early stages of the game. The spider mines,
by the way, are little spider-shaped robots that plant
themselves in the ground immediately after being deployed
by their respective vultures. They then become ultra sensitive
and automatically unburrow themselves at the sight of an
enemy ground unit. They then "run" for the said unit and
explode on impact, dealing insane splash damage. Oh and,
you can only have three of these per vulture, and they're

Siege Tank

Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 50
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 150
Armor - 1
Shields - 0
Type - ground; mechanical; large

Ground - weapon : Arclite Cannon
- damage : 30 explosive
- cooldown : 37
- range : 7
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Siege Mode - weapon : Arclite Shock Cannon
- damage : 70 explosive splash
- cooldown : 75
- range : 12

Sight - 10
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 3
- siege weapon : damage + 5
- abilities : Siege Mode
Prerequisites - Factory w/ Machine Shop
Abilities - ground attack
- siege attack
- Siege Mode/Tank Mode

Quotes - ready : "Ready to roll out!"
- selected : "Yes, sir!"
: "Destination..."
: "Identify target..."
: "Orders, sir!"
- annoyed : "Dat,dararaw,daw,DAT,DARARAW,DAW"
-----> to the tune of "Ride
of the Valkyries".

: "I'm about to drop the hammer..."
: "And dispense some indiscriminate justice!"
: "What is you major malfunction!?"
- ordered : "Move it!"
: "Proceeding..."
: "Delighted to, sir!"
: "Absolutely..."

Misc. Data - Being the longest attack ranging unit in the game, the
siege tank's range of attack is the only one that even
exceeds its own sight range! It still won't be able to
attack units it can't see, but if other allies are there
to see those units for it, then it can very well wreck
ground-breaking havoc! And not only that, the siege tank
is also the most damaging non-suicidal unit in the game,
dealing a whooping 70 damage whereas the next highest
is a distant 40. Of course, the above comments refer to
the siege tank in siege mode, otherwise it is pointless
to attack. In my honest opinion, the siege tank's tank
mode exists only to give the said unit its mobility, since
a siege moded siege tank cannot move.


Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 50
Build Time - 40
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 125
Armor - 1
Shields - 0
Type - ground; mechanical; large

Ground - weapon : Twin Autocannons
- damage : 12 normal
- cooldown : 22
- range : 5
Air - weapon : Hellfire Missile Pack
- damage : 20 explosive
- cooldown : 22
- range : 5

Sight - 8
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 1
- air weapon : damage + 4
Prerequisites - Factory
- Armory
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack

Quotes - ready : "Goliath online."
- selected : "Go ahead, tac-com."
-----> again, another one of
my wild guesses

: "Comlink online."
: "Channel open."
: "Systems functional."
- annoyed : "MilSpec ED209 online."
-----> from Robocop

: "Checklist protocol, initiating..."
: "Primary level one, diagnostic."
: "USDA selected."
: "FDIC approved."
: "Checklist completed, SOB..."
- ordered : "Acknowledged, HQ."
: "Nav-com locked."
: "Confirmed."
: "Target designated." (with observer SFX)

Misc. Data - One of the cooler-looking units in the game, the goliath
resembles those robots found in the game "Mechwarrior"---
headless androids with guns for arms, piloted by human
beings situated in their upper bodies. Their ability to
attack both ground and air units makes them qualified
to replace your marines, but since they cost a lot more,
walk slower, and take up more space, that may not be a
very good idea. What you CAN do with them is situate
them near Missile Turrets, since the two work mighty well
together in repelling the opponent's basic air units.
Missile Turrets detect the cloaked attackers, while the
goliath finishes them all off, dealing double the Missile
Turret's damage on air units.


Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 50
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 150
Armor - 1
Shields - 0
Type - air; mechanical; large

Ground - weapon : Burst Lasers
- damage : 8 normal
- cooldown : 30
- range : 5
Air - weapon : Gemini Missiles
- damage : 20 explosive
- cooldown : 22
- range : 5

Sight - 7
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 1
- air weapon : damage + 2
- spells : Cloaking
: energy + 50
Prerequisites - Starport
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack
- flight
- Cloaking

Quotes - ready : "Wraith aaawaiting launch orders."
- selected : "Go ahead, commander."
: "Transmit coordinates."
: "Standing by..."
: "Reporting in..."
- annoyed : "Last transmission breaking up, come back."
: "I'm just curious, why am I so good?"
: "I gotta get me one o these..."
: "You know who the best darn fighter in the
fleet is?"
: "Yours truly."
: "Everybody's gotta die sometime, Red..."
: "I am the invincible, that's right!"
- ordered : "Coordinates received."
: "Attack formation."
: "Roger."
: "Sector locked in."

Misc. Data - At last, an airborne threat to the enemy's safety. The
Terran wraith once again proves its race's versatile
nature since, like the marine, though would not be at
par with their mineral and gas' worth of the other two
races' basic air units, come with a feature not present
in the opposition---the Cloaking Field. With this ability,
Terran wraiths, coupled with the clever manuevering abilities
of its human player, can always be the first ones to open
fire, thus gaining an instant advantage over the opposition.
Be warned though, that every race has its detectors, and
a smart opponent won't easily reveal where these detectors
are. Each race's building attacker ('cept for the Zerg's
Sunken Colony) is also a detector soooo.....watch out!!


Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 50
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 150
Armor - 1
Shields - 0
Type - air; mechanical; large

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 8
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Starport w/ Control Tower
Abilities - load and unload
- flight

Quotes - ready : "Can I take your order?"
- selected : "Go ahead, HQ."
: "I'm listening."
: "Destination?"
: "Input coordinates..."
- annoyed : "When removing your overhead luggage, please"
be careful."
: "In case of a water landing, you may be used
as a floatation device."
: "To curl chunks, please use the vomit bag in
front of you."
: "Keep your arms and legs inside, until this
ride, come to a full and complete stop."
- ordered : "In the pipe, five by five."
: "Hang on, we're in for some chops..."
: "In transit, HQ."
: "Buckle up."
: "Strap yourselves in, boys."
: "I copy that."

Misc. Data - There are cases when only a ground unit can do the job
but there are just too many blocking factors in thr terrain
(eg. bodies of water) that no ground unit could pass through.
And this is where the dropship butts in. Its ability to
load and unload different ground units in the game can
prove very useful in countless situations, situations
like having to go around a tough frontal defense, needing
to expand on an island, etc, etc, etc. Each dropship has
eight small slots with which to hold its units, but not
all units occupy only one slot. The vulture, for example,
occupies two slots while the siege tank occupies four.

Science Vessel

Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 225
Build Time - 80
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 200
Armor - 1
Shields - 0
Type - air; mechanical; large

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 10
Upgrades - spells : Irradiate
: EMP Shockwave
: energy + 50
Prerequisites - Starport
- Science Facility
Abilities - flight
- detector
- Defensive Matrix
- Irradiate
- EMP Shockwave

Quotes - ready : "Explorer reporting."
- selected : "Ah, greetings, command."
: "Transmit orders."
: "Receiving, headquarters."
: "We have you on visual."
- annoyed : "I like the cut of your jib!"
: "E=MC...doh, let me get my notepad..."
: "Ah, fusion, eh? I'll have to remember that."
: "Eck, who sent all these lab monkeys free?"
: "I think we may have a gas leak." (w/ tiny voice)
: "Do any of you fools know who to shut off
this infernal contraption?"
: "Ahh, the ship, out of danger." (panting)
- ordered : "Let's roll."
: "Eeexcellent!"
: "Commencing..."
: "Affirmative, sir!"

Misc. Data - The science vessel is your advanced spell caster. Besides
being a detector (able to see cloaked units), this vessel
also has the inate ability to cast Defensive Matrix on
any unit in the game. What this spell does is provide
its beneficiary with an extra 250 HP, usually enough
(especially for macho units) for the said beneficiary
to break through an opponent's perimeter defenses or
maybe just to even the odds in situations when you are
outnumbered. The science vessel's other two spells (researched
at the Science Facility) are the Irradiate and the EMP
Shockwave. The former is a spell cast on biological units,
and acts like an insecticide---envelop the unfortunate
victim in a large green sphere of gas which reduces his
HP by the second until he dies (or gets REALLY low on
life). As a side effect, this unit will occasionally go
berserk and try to come in contact with his allies, therefore
reducing their HP as well. If one of your units gets infected,
better send him somewhere far from your armies (if possible
to the opponent's armies so as to infect them too) or
you'll regret it. Now for the EMP Schockwave. This spell
may only be cast on units with energy fields, since its
main effect is to reduce all that can be charged up into
ZERO. And as a plus, Protoss shields are also affected
by this spell, thus are generally cut down to half their
lives on impact.

Minerals - 400
Vespene Gas - 300
Build Time - 160
Supplies - 8
Hit Points - 500
Armor - 3
Shields - 0
Type - air; mechanical; large

Ground - weapon : ATS Laser Battery
- damage : 25 normal
- cooldown : 30
- range : 6
Air - weapon : ATA Laser Battery
- damage : 25 normal
- cooldown : 30
- range : 6

Sight - 11
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 3
- air weapon : damage + 3
- spells : Yamato Gun
: energy + 50
Prerequisites - Starport
- Science Facility w/ Physics Lab
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack
- flight
- Yamato Gun

Quotes - ready : "Battlecruiser operational."
- selected : "Old cruiser, reporting."
: "Receiving transmission."
: "Good day, commander."
: "Hailing frequencies open."
- annoyed : "Identify yourself."
: "Shields up, weapons online."
: "Not equipped with shields...well then buckle
: "I reeealy have to go, number one.
- ordered : "Make it happen."
: "Set a course."
: "Take it slow."
: "Engage."

Misc. Data - The grandaddy of all air units, the battlecruiser not
only has high HP, high armor, and high damage weapons,
it is HUGE! (quite intimidating, huh?) And besides that
no other large air unit can put up a one-on-one match
with this gargantuan since it has a spell that is destined
to give it the upperhand anytime, anywhere---the Yamato
Gun!!! This baby does 250 damage on absolutely ANYTHING
at all, instant death for most units, certain death for
the rest. Battlecruisers may be slow, and they may also
be quite useless if left alone, but let me assure you
that twelve of these, especially if fully charged and
upgraded, can carve a HUUUUUGE hole in the opponent's
main base, well-fortified or not.

Spider Mine

Minerals - n/a
Vespene Gas - n/a
Build Time - n/a
Supplies - n/a
Hit Points - 20
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; small

Ground - weapon : itself
- damage : 125 suicidal explosive splash
- cooldown : n/a
- range : 4
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 7
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Vulture
Abilities - massive damage
- burrow

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ none
- annoyed : / of course
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - As mentioned above, the spider mines are little spider-shaped
robots that plant themselves in the ground immediately
after being deployed by their respective vultures. They
then become ultra sensitive and automatically unburrow
themselves at the sight of an enemy ground unit. They
then "run" for the said unit and explode on impact, dealing
insane splash damage. Oh and, you can only have three
of these per vulture, and they're non-replenishable.

Nuclear Missile

Minerals - 200
Vespene Gas - 200
Build Time - 100
Supplies - 8
Hit Points - n/a
Armor - n/a
Shields - n/a
Type - air; small

Ground - weapon : itself
- damage : 500 suicidal normal splash
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : itself
- damage : 500 suicidal normal splash
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - n/a
Upgrades - n/a
Prerequisites - Command Center w/ Nuclear Silo
- Ghost
Abilities - massive damage

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ none
- annoyed : / of course
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - If only these nukes didn't need the help of a Terran ghost
to be launched, they'd make the Terran race the ultimate
race in Starcraft. They do 500 damage (SPLASH!!) on their
targets, and cannot be blasted off the sky or deflected
like in the movies. There are, however, two counters:
one is to destroy the Nuclear Silo from which that nuke
came, which is quite tough to pull of, and two, the easier
way, is to kill the ghost who helped launch it. You may
cloak the ghost to give him a hard time, but a red blinking
dot appears on the nuke's target area and is easily visible
for a keen eye. And if those downfalls aren't enough,
every player in the game gets a "Nuclear Launch Detected"
message everytime you launch a nuke to make them more
aware of the situation. But really it's the blinking red
spot which I found to be most frustrating since it's what
most people see first when they try look for my dreaded
ghost, so I thought of a plan. (Try this, it actually
works, but with practice) What I do is, use two ghost
to launch two nukes ALMOST simultaneously. The timing
here is tricky, but if you get it right, it would seem
as if the red spot ain't blinkin no more, and that's cause
whenever the red spot of the first nuke blinks, the other
appears and vice versa.

Missile Turret

Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 30
Supplies - 0
Hit Points - 200
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; large

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : Longbolt Missile
- damage : 20 explosive
- cooldown : 15
- range : 7

Sight - 11
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Engineering Bay
Abilities - air attack
- detector

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ none
- annoyed : / of course
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - The Missile Turrent is the only attacking building the
Terran race has to offer, and has definitely proven itself
to be invaluable in countless situations. Besides automatically
attacking every single enemy air unit in sight, it is a
detector, meaning cloaked wraiths have no chance of entering
an opponent's Missile Turret filled base unharmed. Beware
though, since these building attackers will only prove
useful until the opponent decides to build higher level
units like the battlecruiser, the carrier, and especially
the guardian. These units can whack tons of Missile Turrets
without suffering a scratch, so the only way to effectively
defend against them is providing air-to-air encounters.


Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 20
Supplies - 1
Hit Points - 40
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; small

Ground - weapon : Spines
- damage : 5 normal
- cooldown : 8
- range : 1
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 7
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Larva
Abilities - ground attack
- burrow
- build (morph)
- gather

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky growls
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - Drones are the worst workers in the game. Not only are
they the worst in terms of attacking, since they have
a cooldown rate slower than the SCV's while at the same
time a sight range shorter than the probe's, they are
especially pathetic in building construction, since besides
requiring Creep---which is only possible upon the presence
of a Hatchery/Lair/Hive coz Creep Colonies only EXTEND,
not create Creep---these drones BECOME the building they
are supposed to construct therefore making you one worker
short. You think Zerg buildings are so cheap? That's
cause you have to add 50 minerals (for the drone that
will morph into them) to get their REAL price. Oh and
I almost forgot, there is one researchable ability the
drone, like all the other zerg ground units 'cept the
ultralisk, has besides its main functions, the Burrow.
With it, a Zerg ground unit can dig a whole in the ground
and bury itself there, safe from enemy sight. It's almost
the same as cloaking, but the unit won't be able to do
anything til it decides to unburrow itself.


Minerals - 25
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 28
Supplies - 0.5
Hit Points - 35
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; small

Ground - weapon : Claws
- damage : 5 normal
- cooldown : 8
- range : 1
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 5
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 1
: cooldown - 2
- movement : speed x 2
Prerequisites - Larva
- Spawning Pool
Abilities - ground attack
- burrow

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky growls
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - "Quantity over quality", not the other way around, is
the main idea or motto of a good Zerg player, thus his
units will always be weaker than the other two races',
but rest assured their numbers will compensate for that
weakness, and the Zerg's basic attacking unit, the Zergling,
is one of the best examples of this concept. Despite its
relative weakness compared to the Terran marine and the
Protoss zealot, they are on a "buy one, take one" basis,
meaning 50 minerals and 1 supply (same price for the
Terran marine) will yield TWO zerglings under your command!
They have a combined HP of 70 as well as a combined attack
damage of 10, compared to the marine's 40HP-6N offer.
This also works for the Protoss zealot, since they come
in the mineral and supply's worth of FOUR zerglings!


Minerals - 75
Vespene Gas - 25
Build Time - 28
Supplies - 1
Hit Points - 80
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; medium

Ground - weapon : Needle Spines
- damage : 10 explosive
- cooldown : 15
- range : 4
Air - weapon : Needle Spines
- damage : 10 explosive
- cooldown : 15
- range : 4

Sight - 6
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 1
: range + 1
- air weapon : damage + 1
: range + 1
- movement : speed x 2
Prerequisites - Larva
- Hydralisk Den
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack
- burrow

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky growls
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - Zerglings may be the star of the early two minute show,
but once Bunkers are built or zealots increase in number,
they suddenly become useless critters. And this is where
the hydralisk---one of the best units in the game---butts
in. It provides your zerglings good cover, and can be
used to keep your opponent's units occupied while your
zerglings take on his workers. This strategy is suicidal
for players of equal skill, but you get to finish off
at the very least half his workers. This will hamper his
production a bit so by the time all your units are disposed
of, a new, more powerful batch should be raring to go.
This is one of the easiest ways to win and should be second
nature to all good Zerg players out there. Another use
for these all-purpose creatures is defense support. What
you can always do with them is situate them (burrowed)
near Spore Colonies, since the two work mighty well
together in repelling the opponent's basic air units.
Spore Colonies detect the cloaked attackers, while the
burrowed hydralisk gives them the element of surprise
by unburrowing and finishing them all off, saving you
the time and space needed to construct an equal amount
of Spore Colonies.


Minerals - 200
Vespene Gas - 200
Build Time - 60
Supplies - 6
Hit Points - 400
Armor - 1
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; large

Ground - weapon : Kaiser Blades
- damage : 20 normal
- cooldown : 15
- range : 1
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 7
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 3
Prerequisites - Larva
- Ultralisk Cavern
Abilities - ground attack

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky growls
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - Wouldn't it just be prime to have an ultralisk for a pet?
I mean, at least one of these overgrown rhino-dogs is
enough to scare off even the thoughest of men! But anyway,
that's just what an ultralisk is---the biggest, most
ferocious ground unit in the game. Size (at least for
a ground unit) has its disadvantages though, since the
bigger a ground unit is, the more smaller ground units
with range 3 or less attacks can surround that larger
unit at a given time. Nonetheless, ultralisks are great
units especially when coupled with a few other Zerg tricks
which I would definitely love to discuss, but later on,
in another section of the faq.


Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 150
Build Time - 50
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 80
Armor - 1
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; medium

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 10
Upgrades - spells : Plague
: Consume
: energy + 50
Prerequisites - Larva
- Defiler Mound
Abilities - burrow
- Dark Swarm
- Plague
- Consume

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky growls
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - Unlike the other two races, the Zerg's ground unit spell
caster, the defiler, is a unit that can cast a spell with
no charge at all, as well as replenish its own energy
meter by means other than waiting like hell. The spell
being refered to by BOTH these descriptions is called
the Consume spell, during which the defiler "eats" a fellow
Zerg ground unit, of course killing it in the process.
This "sacrifice" adds 50 energy to the defiler, therefore
enabling it to again cast its more offensive spells like
Plague, which reduces an enemy building or unit HP by
as low as one but doesn't kill it, or the Dark Swarm,
which covers an area with a thick orange fog that disables
any long range attacks targeting a unit within the area.


Minerals - n/a
Vespene Gas - n/a
Build Time - n/a
Supplies - n/a
Hit Points - 30
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; small

Ground - weapon : Toxic Spores
- damage : 4 normal
- cooldown : 15
- range : 1
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 5
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Queen
Abilities - ground attack

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky growls
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - Broodlings are what becomes of enemy units killed by the
queen's Spawn Broodling spell (hence the name). They
also are in a "buy one, take one" basis like the zerglings,
but unlike these critters, the broodlings deal laughable
damage and can sustain only a small amount of such. And
if that ain't bad enough, broodlings have a fixed life
span---105 seconds to be exact---and will die even if
they still have 100%HP left.

Infested Terran

Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 50
Build Time - 40
Supplies - 1
Hit Points - 60
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; small

Ground - weapon : itself
- damage : 500 explosive splash suicidal
- cooldown : n/a
- range : 1
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 5
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Infested Command Center
Abilities - ground attack
- burrow

Quotes - ready : "Live for the swarm."
- selected : "Ready to kill."
: "Prepare to die."
: "Ready to serve."
: "Sacrifice me."
- annoyed : "I am wretched."
: "But I am strong!"
: "I am the future."
: "I am Zerg!"
- ordered : "Yes."
: "Immediately."
: "Gladly."
: "For the Overmind."

Misc. Data - The Zerg is the only race with units created for the sole
purpose of being sacrificed to deal huge amounts of damage.
Sure, I've listed a few Terran and Protoss units under
the "suicidal" category but all of them are simply products
of other non-suicidal units. (eg. spider mines from vultures
and scarabs from reavers) In the Zerg's case, units like
the Infested Terran are created to die, but not before
dealing 500 explosive splash damage on enemy units. Keep
in mind thought that if they are KILLED and not sacrificed,
they will not deal any damage at all, and this gives a
great minus on their overall effectivity in the game.
Not only that, these cute bombs require an Infested
Command Center, which is quite hard to aquire unless you
got a Terran ally who's willing to give up 400 minerals
just for you.


Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 40
Supplies - 0
Hit Points - 200
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - air; biological; large

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 9
Upgrades - sight : range + 2
- movement : speed x 2
- ability : load and unload
Prerequisites - Larva
Abilities - provides 8 control (supplies)
- detector
- load and unload
- flight

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky growls
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - One of the very few manifestations of Zerg versatility,
the overlord not only is a detector and can do some serious
transporting for your ground units, it also is---or rather
its main function is---a supply provider! The Zerg Hatchery/
Lair/Hive is the worst supply-providing building in the
game since it only gives you 1(!) supply, but to compensate
the Zerg has under its control a supply-providing unit!
Like the Terran and Protoss' main supply-providers, the
overlord gives its allies a good 8 supply; but unfortunately
unlike Terran and Protoss transports, overlords move as
slow as hell, even after upgrading their movement speed.
Still, their detector (and flight, I almost forgot) ability
compensates for all that and makes them one of the most
versatile units in the game.


Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 40
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 120
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - air; biological; small

Ground - weapon : Glave Wurm
- damage : 9 normal splash
- cooldown : 30
- range : 3
Air - weapon : Glave Wurm
- damage : 9 normal splash
- cooldown : 30
- range : 3

Sight - 7
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 1
- air weapon : damage + 1
- ability : Guardian Aspect
Prerequisites - Larva
- Spire
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack
- flight
- Guardian Aspect

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky growls
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - The mutalisk is yet another good sign of the Zerg being
a "quantity over quality" race. They cost a lot lower
and are fully developed in a relatively shorter time
compared to the other two races' basic air units, namely
the Terran wraith and the Protoss scout. Even their mode
of attack can serve as a big proof that the Zerg really
do believe that large numbers are better than individual
strength. Normally, splash damage would cause harm to
your own allies since the damage is dealt no matter what.
With mutalisks however, splash damage is redefined. The
good news is mutalisk splash damage will only affect enemy
units; the bad news is it can only affect 3 enemy units
at a time, but it really ain't that bad, trust me, you'll
appreciate this kind of splash, which deals 9 damage to
the first target, 2 damage to the second, and 1 damage
to the third, than the normal type of splash which deals
the designated damage to ALL the units in the area, ally
or not.


Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 200
Build Time - 40
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 150
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - air; biological; large

Ground - weapon : Acid Spore
- damage : 20 normal
- cooldown : 30
- range : 8
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 11
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 2
Prerequisites - Larva
- Greater Spire
Abilities - ground attack
- flight

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky growls
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - "Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough,
ain't no river wide enough, to keep me from you!" This
old yet famous song quote pretty much describes the usefulness
of the Zerg guardian in terms of getting through whatever
ground-based defense (building attackers in particular)
the opponent has set up just for you. The guardian has
an outstanding reach, rivaled only by a siege tank in
siege mode, but since it has the inate ability to fly,
siege tanks can't touch it, thus it is virtually unstoppable
by any ground defense an opponent can think of, especially
since most of these defenses are static, and if ever some
are mobile, will still go through a tough struggle before
finally eradicating your forces. The solution here is
to use air units, and that's why guardians should always
be accompanied by at least double their number of mutalisks.


Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 150
Build Time - 50
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 120
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - air; biological; medium

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 10
Upgrades - spells : Spawn Broodling
: Ensnare
: energy + 50
Prerequisites - Larva
- Queen's Nest
Abilities - flight
- Parasite
- Spawn Broodling
- Ensnare
- Infest Command Center

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky growls
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - The queen is your advanced spell caster (even though they
come earlier than the defiler). Besides having the fastest
movement speed among the spell casters, this air unit
also has the inate ability to cast Parasite on any unit
in the game. What this spell does is provide info on
everything that its host sees, meaning if you cast parasite
on a retreating enemy unit, then you'll see where he's
headed and if you're luckier than you thought, even get
to view his entire base---through his own unit's eyes!
The queen's other two spells (researched at the Queen's
Nest) are the Ensnare and the Spawn Broodling. The former
is a spell that may be cast on any unit or group of units
in the game, and its main effect is to decrease both the
said unit's movement and attack speed. Now for the Spawn
Broodling. This spell may only be cast on ground units,
and the effect is the worst you could do to an opponent---
kill him. As a plus, two units, called broodlings, are
spawned from the enemy unit's slain body, and though pretty
useless, are extra units under your command nonetheless.


Minerals - 12
Vespene Gas - 38
Build Time - 30
Supplies - 0.5
Hit Points - 25
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - air; biological; small

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : itself
- damage : 110 normal suicidal
- cooldown : n/a
- range : 1

Sight - 5
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Larva
- Spire
Abilities - air attack
- flight

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky growls
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - As the infested terran aims to sacrifice itself in order
to deal great damage on ground opponents, the scourge
is its airborne counterpart. Scourges are definitely a
lot cheaper than infested terrans, and do not require
a terran player in the game in order to come out. They
also are, even at their cheap price, on a "buy one, take
one" basis thus are easy to flood your base with. They
do have their advantages however, since first of all they
are airborne and cannot attack ground units, especially
buildings, unless they're lifted off. Secondly, they do
not do as much damage as the infested terran, and worse
their damage is no splash. Lastly, they have an even shorter
HP count and can easily be killed by air units doing nothing
at the moment. Still, their cheap price makes them a good
stand-by just in case the opponent pulls off a massive
battlecruiser/guardian/carrier assault.

Sunken Colony

Minerals - 75
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 20
Supplies - 0
Hit Points - 400
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; large

Ground - weapon : Subterranean Tentacles
- damage : 40 explosive
- cooldown : n/a
- range : 1
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 10
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Creep Colony
- Spawning Pool
Abilities - ground attack

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ none
- annoyed : / of course
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - This is one of the two building attackers I was talking
about, and it sure is a handy thing to have especially
whenever your opponents plan to attack early in the game.
Most likely he'll use a pure ground assault, and since
this building, the Sunken Colony, attacks from below,
your guaranteed a tough defense, at least until air
or ultra long-range ground units arrive.

Spore Colony

Minerals - 75
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 20
Supplies - 0
Hit Points - 400
Armor - 0
Shields - 0
Type - ground; large

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : Seeker Spores
- damage : 15 normal
- cooldown : 15
- range : 7

Sight - 10
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Creep Colony
- Evolution Chamber
Abilities - detector
- air attack

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ none
- annoyed : / of course
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - The Spore Colony is the second attacking building the
Zerg race has to offer, and has definitely proven itself
to be invaluable in countless situations. Besides automatically
attacking every single enemy air unit in sight, it is a
detector, meaning cloaked wraiths have no chance of entering
an opponent's Spore Colony filled base unharmed. Beware
though, since these building attackers will only prove
useful until the opponent decides to build higher level
units like the battlecruiser, the carrier, and especially
the guardian. These units can whack tons of Spore Colonies
without suffering a scratch, so the only way to effectively
defend against them is providing air-to-air encounters.


Minerals - n/a
Vespene Gas - n/a
Build Time - n/a
Supplies - n/a
Hit Points - 25
Armor - 10
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; small

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 4
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Hatchery
Abilities - morph

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky sounds
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - The larva is the single most versatile unit in the game!!!
(well, in a way, well, sort of, well...awwww maybe not!)
Seriously though, what the larva can do is to morph itself
into any other more useful unit in the game, thus its
versatility. By itself it really is nothing more than
a road hump, but with a handful of minerals, a bucket
of processed vespene gas, and the right Zerg buildings,
it could be ANYTHING the Zerg could dream of.


Minerals - n/a
Vespene Gas - n/a
Build Time - n/a
Supplies - n/a
Hit Points - 200
Armor - 10
Shields - 0
Type - ground; biological; large

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 4
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Larva
Abilities - cancel morph

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ just a whole
- annoyed : / lotta yucky sounds
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - Ok, I only included this for the sake of showing you its
stats, but really you'll have nothing to do with these
units, since you'll only see them everytime you morph
a larva into a more useful unit, and the morphing ain't
done yet. Of course, the only ability it has, or rather
the only button you can click in its menu is the "Cancel
Morph" button which would kill the egg along with the
unit growing within it and the larva from which it came.
The trick is to be careful when choosing the units to
morph, since stopping an egg from morphing into another
unit will kill the egg, thus leaving you with the task
of waiting for another larva to come out of the Hatchery/
Lair/Hive, and believe me, this wait can be downright


Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 20
Supplies - 1
Hit Points - 20
Armor - 0
Shields - 20
Type - ground; robotic; small

Ground - weapon : Particle Beam
- damage : 5 normal
- cooldown : 22
- range : 1
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 8
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Nexus
Abilities - ground attack
- build (warp)
- gather

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ purely robotic sounds (though there is
- annoyed : / one which seems Protoss in language)
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - Overall the SCV is the most versatile worker in the game,
but if building construction and ONLY building construction
is taken under consideration, then it would be a unanimous
decision that the Protoss probe is the best worker in the
game. Why? Consider this: Terran SCVs use their own arms
and legs to construct the buildings they are assigned to,
therefore would not be able to do anything else unless
they leave the unfinished building unattented or they
finish the construction altogether. Zerg drones are worse;
they BECOME the building they're supposed to construct,
therefore canceling all the previous uses they had as a
worker. The Protoss probe, however, simply open portals
when instructed to construct Protoss buildings. These
portals send in the desired buildings by themselves, thus
can be left alone by the probe, which in turn could either
open more portals that send in more buildings or just
do some serious gathering.


Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 40
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 80
Armor - 1
Shields - 80
Type - ground; biological; small

Ground - weapon : Psi Blades
- damage : 16 normal
- cooldown : 22
- range : 1
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 7
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 2
- movement : speed x 2
Prerequisites - Gateway
Abilities - ground attack

Quotes - ready : "My life for Aiur!"
- selected : "What now calls?"
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "I long for combat."
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
- annoyed : "En taro Adun."
: "All for the empire."
: "Doom to all who threten homeworld."
- ordered : "Thou corrupt."
-----> makes no sense so is probably
really of Protoss language and
I just heard wrong.

: "Thus I serve."
: "Honor guide me."
: "For Adun."

Misc. Data - In my opinion one of the best units in the game, the
zealots are the only basic attackers in the game which
you could still use quite effectively in terms of offense
way after 30 mins has passed. They cost the most and take
the longest to train among the three basic attackers,
but one could easily see how worthy a zealot is of its
high price. And while one of them wouldn't stand a chance
against his mineral's worth of zerglings, the more members
a group of tightly packed zealots have, the less their
mineral's worth of zerglings stand a chance. This is so
because the tendency of a Zerg player battling his zerglings
with your zealots is to leave some zerglings out, usually
those who no longer have any gap to attack from. To
illustrate, imagine a single zealot battling its mineral's
worth of zerglings (four, to be exact)---not much of a
chance, huh? Now imagine a group of six zealots tightly
packed. It would take a little less than twenty zerglings
to completely surround them, and that would no longer
be a one on four situation, thus more chances of winning
for the Protoss zealot. Also don't forget that official
Starcraft rules state that a player is eliminated when
he/she does not have a single building left, and it's
the Protoss zealot that can fully take advantage of this
rule. I mean, you can just swarm your zealots in his base,
and though they are helpless against air units, there
won't be enough to finish all your zealots off before
THEY finish all HIS BUILDINGS off!


Minerals - 125
Vespene Gas - 50
Build Time - 40
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 100
Armor - 1
Shields - 80
Type - ground; mechanical; large

Ground - weapon : Phase Disruptor
- damage : 20 explosive
- cooldown : 30
- range : 4
Air - weapon : Phase Disruptor
- damage : 20 explosive
- cooldown : 30
- range : 4

Sight - 8
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 2
: range + 2
- air weapon : damage + 2
: range + 2
Prerequisites - Gateway
- Cybernetics Core
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack

Quotes - ready : "I have returned."
- selected : "Receiving..."
: "Awaiting instructions..."
: "Transmit."
: "Input command."
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "Make use of me."
: "I am needed."
- annoyed : "Unauthorized transmission."
: "Incorrect protocol."
: "(error tone) Drop your weapon, you have 15
to comply..."
: "5....4...3..2.1(attack sound)"
- ordered : "Confirmed."
: "Initiating..."
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "Commencing..."
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "For vengeance."

Misc. Data - But there will always be situations where an army of zealots
just aren't enough finish the opponent off before his
air units eradicate them all, especially in the Terran's
case, where buildings could be lifted off. Thus you may
need a little help from units that can attack airborne
enemies, and the dragoon is the cheapest way to get that
help. These dragoons can keep your opponent's air force
busy while your zealots go for their buildings and/or
workers, though in rare cases, especially again in the
Terran's case where buildings can be airborne, it may
be the other way around. I really do not recommend attacking
only with dragoons though, since they deal explosive damage
thus are at a disadvantage against certain units. What
you can always do with them is situate them near Photon
Cannons, since the two work mighty well together in repelling
the opponent's basic air units. Photon Cannons detect
the cloaked attackers, while the dragoons finish them
all off, saving you the time and space needed to construct
an equal amount of Photon Cannons.

High Templar

Minerals - 50
Vespene Gas - 150
Build Time - 50
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 40
Armor - 0
Shields - 40
Type - ground; biological; small

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 7
Upgrades - spells : Psionic Storm
: Hallucination
: energy + 50
Prerequisites - Gateway
- Templar Archives
Abilities - Psionic Storm
- Hallucination
- Archon Meld

Quotes - ready : "(may be of Protoss language)"
- selected : "Your thoughts?"
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "I heed thy call."
: "State thy being."
- annoyed : "Your thoughts betray you."
: "I see you have an apetite for destruction."
: "And you learned to use your illusion."
: "But I find your lack of control disturbing."
- ordered : "You think as I do."
: "It shall be done."
: "My path is set."
: "(may be of Protoss language)"

Misc. Data - High templars are your basic spell casters, and yet again
serve as proof that the Protoss really do believe in its
"Quality over quantity" slogan. These "priests" have in
their arsenal every kind of trick to drive swarms or
legions of enemy forces away, all by themselves! Their
first trick: the Psionic Storm. When cast, this spell
enables the high templar sends forth a wave of psionic
eminations that crack like lightning and thunder in the
brains or even circuitries of whatever unit is within
the storm (no buildings though), and will continue to
wear this unit or group of units out till they die or
become really low on HP. Theese units can, however, move
away from the affected area to stop themselves from
sustaining any more damage. But since a single fully
charged high templar can cast up to three of them spells,
he's bound to take out at least one batch of attackers!
Second trick: the Hallucination. With this spell high
templars create an exact duplicate of the unit on which
the spell was cast (well, two copies actually). These
duplicates, in the enemy's eyes, are as real as can be,
only they can't deal any damage and would immediately
vanish upon being the target of another spell. Still,
they are a very good way of scaring your enemies off
till you find the time to replace those copies with the
real deal. Third and last trick is the Archon Meld. This
spell/ability will of course give the Protoss player an
archon under his control, but he must know that the price
for such a unit is the same TWO high templars used to
cast it, since they have joined to become the archon and
will forever be inseparable. Mind your that archons are
also good swarm handlers since they deal a nice 30 damage
on both air and ground units, with range 3, (not 1), and
most importantly, of the type NORMAL SPLASH.


Minerals - n/a
Vespene Gas - n/a
Build Time - 20
Supplies - n/a
Hit Points - 10
Armor - 0
Shields - 350
Type - ground; large

Ground - weapon : Psionic Shockwave
- damage : 30 normal splash
- cooldown : 20
- range : 2
Air - weapon : Psionic Shockwave
- damage : 30 normal splash
- cooldown : 20
- range : 2

Sight - 8
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 3
- air weapon : damage + 3
Prerequisites - High Templar
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack

Quotes - ready : "The merging is complete."
- selected : "We burn."
: "We need focus."
: "(of Protoss language)"
: "Power overwhelming!"
-----> Starcraft invinsibility cheat
(for single player mode)

- annoyed : "It all looks so different on this side."
: "Break on through!"
: "It's beautiful..."
: "They should have sent a poet."
- ordered : "Destroy."
: "Annihilate."
: "Obliterate."
: "Eradicate."

Misc. Data - Hooyaah!! Archons are the best! They rule! I could win
most matches with one batch o them, and 2-3 batches
for more than one opponent! Heh, well, that is, IF there
are no Terrans with their dreaded EMP Shockwaves around.
You see, EMP shockwaves reduce all that can be charged
up---including shields---to zero. And since archons are
97% shields, they won't have much to defend themselves
with after a taste of the shockwave. But even after being
shockwaved, archons can still wreck havoc, that is, (once
again) IF there are no siege-moded siege tanks to finish
them off. If there are, then you're screwed. Head back
to your base and start warping in some air units.


Minerals - 200
Vespene Gas - 100
Build Time - 70
Supplies - 4
Hit Points - 100
Armor - 0
Shields - 80
Type - ground; robotic; large

Ground - weapon : Scarab
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 10
Upgrades - Scarab : capacity + 5
Prerequisites - Robotic Facility
- Robotics Support Bay
Abilities - ground attack
- build Scarab

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ purely
- annoyed : / robotic sounds
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - The Protoss is the only race with units created for the
sole purpose of storing even more units inside their
bodies, and these stored units, once released, would
blindlessly attack the desired enemy units in sight. And
the reaver is one of those units. Its sole purpose is
to hold scarabs in its hangar, and to release these
"bombs" towards enemy property. One of the main disadvantages
of a reaver is its speed, since it looks like a caterpillar,
and moves just about as slow as one. The faster ground
units can take it out before it could take anything out,
and if air units find their way to it, it's sure as dead.


Minerals - 15
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 7
Supplies - 0
Hit Points - n/a
Armor - n/a
Shields - n/a
Type - ground; medium

Ground - weapon : itself
- damage : 100 suicidal explosive splash
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - n/a
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 25
Prerequisites - Reaver
Abilities - ground attack

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ none since it
- annoyed : / can't be clicked
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - The scarabs, as mentioned, are but ammunition for the
mighty reaver. Their advantages include, of course, their
damage---100 and upgradable to 125!---which makes them
similar to the Terran spider mine, only they can't be
killed and they can very well be replenished at the low,
low price of 15 bucks. Scarabs are also heat-seeking,
and will stay alive until it finds a new target in cases
where its former target is currently unreachable (eg.
cloaked, on stasis, or already dead)


Minerals - 200
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 60
Supplies - 2
Hit Points - 80
Armor - 1
Shields - 60
Type - air; robotic; large

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 8
Upgrades - movement : speed x 2
Prerequisites - Robotic Facility
Abilities - flight
- load and unload

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ purely
- annoyed : / robotic sounds
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - There are cases when only a ground unit can do the job
but there are just too many blocking factors in thr terrain
(eg. bodies of water) that no ground unit could pass through.
And this is where the shuttle butts in. Its ability to
load and unload different ground units in the game can
prove very useful in countless situations, situations
like having to go around a tough frontal defense, needing
to expand on an island, etc, etc, etc. Each shuttle has
eight small slots with which to hold its units, but not
all units occupy only one slot. The high templar, for
example, occupies two slots while the reaver occupies


Minerals - 25
Vespene Gas - 75
Build Time - 40
Supplies - 1
Hit Points - 40
Armor - 0
Shields - 20
Type - air; robotic; small

Ground - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : none
- damage : n/a
- cooldown : n/a
- range : n/a

Sight - 9
Upgrades - sight : range + 2
- movement : speed x 2
Prerequisites - Robotics Facility
- Observatory
Abilities - detector
- flight
- permanent cloaking

Quotes - ready : \ purely
- selected : / robotic sounds
- annoyed : "I sense a soul in search of answers."
-----> sounds like this
observer's been spying
on Adria, the witch
from the game "Diablo".

: "It sounds like...a huge, gargantuan, swollen,
bloated mushroom!" |
----------------- |
| |
| |
-------------------> and again another
Diablo quote.
This time it's
from Griswold,
the game's blacksmith

: "One small step for man, one giant...(static)
...Stop Poking Meeee!" |
----------------- |
| -----> ain't it
| obvious
| where this
| came from?
-----> Warcraft's pissed Orc quote

: \ will someone help me out with these remaining
: / quotes? They're say something about Warcraft.

- ordered : > purely robotic sounds

Misc. Data - Observers have two highly invaluable uses: One, because
they are relatively small, can fly, and are permanently
cloaked, you may very well use them to scout for enemy
units, defensively or offensively. By defensively I mean
distributing a good number of observers way outside your
base to warn you of any incoming attacks the opponent
may be having just for you. On the other hand, by offensively
I mean situating an observer somewhere in the opponent's
base unreachable by all his detector's sight ranges put
together. This way you can see his development as well
as what type of units he'll use against you. This spot
is often non-existent for good players, especially for
the Zerg, but it won't hurt to try, after all it's just
a measly 25 in minerals and 75 in gas. Number two, observers
are detectors, thus will render all cloaking and burrowing
skills of the enemy useless. Again, you may use this feature
defensively and offensively, since you can use it to
help detect all kinds of cloaked attackers as well as
help take out burrowed units before swarming the opponent's
base. All in all, the observer is a must for any semi-long
term games or even longer.


Minerals - 300
Vespene Gas - 150
Build Time - 80
Supplies - 3
Hit Points - 150
Armor - 0
Shields - 100
Type - air; mechanical; large

Ground - weapon : Dual Photon Blasters
- damage : 8 normal
- cooldown : 30
- range : 4
Air - weapon : Anti-matter Missiles
- damage : 28 explosive
- cooldown : 22
- range : 4

Sight - 8
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 1
- air weapon : damage + 2
- sight : range + 2
- movement : speed x 2
Prerequisites - Stargate
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack
- flight

Quotes - ready : "Teleport successful."
- selected : "Awaiting command."
: "Standing by..."
: "Contact."
: "Cho'Gall?"
-----> from Warcraft 2

- annoyed : "Single unstable (echoing)"
: "(sound waves) Psionic link, dissipating."
: "Adjusting your transmission..."
: "Adun...(voice tightening and hard to understand)"
: "(not sure but..)Solarized Shot Hearers reengaged."
- ordered : "Due yours."
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "Look who's acknowledged."
-----> Nah, judging by the scout pilot's
noble personality, this shouldn't
be true.

: "It will be done."

Misc. Data - The scout, in my opinion, is the best air unit around.
It'd be a cold day in hell before a mutalisk could take
it out two-on-one, and even if there were three mutalisks
against one scout, the two would get killed and the last
one would have half its HP left. For the wraiths, two of
them against one scout would result in one getting killed
and the other one escaping with half his life---cool!
On the ground, however, there are a number of units that
can put a scout's life in danger, since its ground weapon
is just as weak as the Terran wraith's. Examples of
these ground units are the goliath, the hydralisk(a bunch
of them), and the archon itself. Still, it is one of
my favorite units in the game and is the cause of many
of my most basic wins.


Minerals - 350
Vespene Gas - 250
Build Time - 140
Supplies - 8
Hit Points - 300
Armor - 4
Shields - 150
Type - air; mechanical; large

Ground - weapon : Interceptor
- damage : 0
- cooldown : 0
- range : 8
Air - weapon : Interceptor
- damage : 0
- cooldown : 0
- range : 8

Sight - 11
Upgrades - Interceptor : capacity + 4
Prerequisites - Stargate
- Fleet Beacon
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack
- flight
- build Interceptor

Quotes - ready : "Carrier has arrived."
- selected : "Instructions?"
: "Your command?"
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
- annoyed : "Our enemies our legions."
: "And still you procrastinate."
: "Command, or you will be relieved..."
: "This is not an idle threat!"
- ordered : "Commencing..."
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "Affirmative."

Misc. Data - Carriers take a real while to reach their full potential,
but when they do, they'll ROCK!! (not always, but at least
sometimes) The thing is, carriers can't survive alone,
especially when it still doesn't have its hangar upgrade,
which is the only upgrade that can make it somewhat stand
a chance against the battlecruiser, the only other mothership
in the game. Even so, a fully charged battclecruiser can
just Yamato blast his way through half your carrier's
life, thus is still the dominant ship. And that's why
I really do not recommend using this air unit, which by
the way is the second Protoss unit ever made for the sole
purpose of storing even more units within its body. These
units are called interceptors, and though can play a good
role in confusing enemy units, will all explode along
with the carrier from which they came if that carrier
gets whacked.

Minerals - 25
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 20
Supplies - 0
Hit Points - 40
Armor - 0
Shields - 40
Type - air; mechanical; small

Ground - weapon : Pulse Cannon
- damage : 6 normal
- cooldown : 0
- range : n/a
Air - weapon : Pulse Cannon
- damage : 6 normal
- cooldown : 0
- range : n/a

Sight - n/a
Upgrades - ground weapon : damage + 1
- air weapon : damage + 1
Prerequisites - Carrier
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack
- flight

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ purely
- annoyed : / robotic sounds
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - The interceptors, as mentioned, are but ammunition for
the "mighty" carrier. They are the smallest air units
in the game, (even smaller than the scourge in my opinion)
and consequently use the weakest of air weapons. They
do, however, come in fours (or eights when upgraded) thus
are still able to wreck havoc if not properly dealt with.
Their mode of attack is one of the coolest I've seen,
and winning through a whole lotta interceptors really
make a player look flashy. In the said attack mode, the
interceptor flies in a certain loop or orbit, and at one
point of this "loop", (usually that which is nearest the
target) it shoots out two small beams from its Pulse Cannon
and hits the enemy while on the way back to the carrier
from which it came---cool, huh?


Minerals - 100
Vespene Gas - 350
Build Time - 160
Supplies - 4
Hit Points - 200
Armor - 1
Shields - 150
Type - air; mechanical; large

Ground - weapon : Phase Disruptor Cannon
- damage : 10 explosive
- cooldown : 45
- range : 5
Air - weapon : Phase Disruptor Cannon
- damage : 10 explosive
- cooldown : 45
- range : 5

Sight - 9
Upgrades - ground attack : damage + 1
- air attack : damage + 1
- spells : Stasis Field
: Recall
: energy + 50
Prerequisites - Stargate
- Arbiter Tribunal
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack
- flight
- Stasis Field
- Recall
- cloaking nearby subordinates

Quotes - ready : "Warp field stabilized."
- selected : "We feel your presence."
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "We are vigilant."
- annoyed : "We sense a soul in search of answers."
-----> Hey, this is what
the witch Adria says
in another Blizzard
game called "Diablo"!
Either Blizzard wants
fans of both Starcraft
and Diablo to appreciate
their work or they're
just running out of
quotes ;)

: "Do you seek knowledge of time travel?"
-----> Another supposed
parallelism between
these two great games.

: "We take that as a yes."
: "And now for your first lesson, (sinister laugh)"
: "(rewinding sound) Do you seek knowledge of
time travel?"
- ordered : "In Khast's name..."
-----> not sure, not sure.

: "(may be of Protoss language)"
: "(may be of Protoss language)"

Misc. Data - The sole unit on the top of the Protoss tech tree, the
arbiter is the said race's advanced spell caster---and
its spells really are ADVANCED. Spell number one is the
Stasis Field. It encases all units in the target area
within a blue crystal of some sort, making these units
invulnerable as well as immobile for a whole minute,
which could decide the outcome of the match. They are,
in a way, "taken out" of the game since they cannot
attack nor can they be attacked; they also cannot cast
spells nor be the target of any, and any abilities they
may have had (like detector and cloaking abilities) will
be temporarily disabled. Everything else will go on as
if the affected units weren't there at all. Spell number
two is called Recall. This is one of the few spells that
may target any area in the map, and its purpose is to
teleport all your units present in the target area to
where the arbiter currently is. And since the arbiter
has a third ability, the ability to cloak ALL nearby units
(your units) in the game, casting Recall on an army of
yours somewhere else into where your arbiter is (hopefully
in the middle of an opponent's base) will result in you
instantly having a cloaked army under your control!

Photon Cannon

Minerals - 150
Vespene Gas - 0
Build Time - 50
Supplies - 0
Hit Points - 100
Armor - 0
Shields - 100
Type - ground; large

Ground - weapon : STS Photon Cannon
- damage : 20 normal
- cooldown : 22
- range : 7
Air - weapon : STA Photon Cannon
- damage : 20 normal
- cooldown : 22
- range : 7

Sight - 11
Upgrades - none
Prerequisites - Forge
Abilities - ground attack
- air attack
- detector

Quotes - ready : \
- selected : \ none
- annoyed : / of course
- ordered : /

Misc. Data - The Photon Cannon is the only attacking building the Protoss
race has to offer, and has definitely proven itself to
be invaluable in countless situations. Besides automatically
attacking every single enemy unit (ground AND air) in
sight, it is a detector, meaning cloaked wraiths have
no chance of entering an opponent's Photon Cannon filled
base unharmed. Beware though, since these building attackers
will only prove useful until the opponent decides to build
higher level units like the battlecruiser, the carrier,
and especially the guardian. These units can whack tons
of Photon Cannons without suffering a scratch, so the
only way to effectively defend against them is providing
air-to-air encounters.


V. The Tech Tree

Every unit, building, and upgrade has its own immediate requirements and/
or pre-requisites. This section aims to further explain that aspect of
the game graphically so as to make it easier to comprehend. As of now,
I can only do the buildings part of the tech tree. If anyone could suggest
anyway to include the units and upgrades in this illustration without
increasing its overall width (length is just fine), please mail me bout
it, ok? Here goes:


¦ Nuclear Silo ¦
| \
| \
| -------------- ---------------
| ¦ Covert Ops ¦ ¦ Physics Lab ¦
| -------------- ---------------
| \ /
| -------------------- -----------------
| ¦ Science Facility ¦ ¦ Control Tower ¦
| -------------------- -----------------
| ------------------ \ /
| ¦ Comsat Station ¦ ------------ ----------
| ------------------ ¦ Starport ¦ ¦ Armory ¦
| | \______ ------------ ----------
| | \ \ /
| | ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------------
| | ¦ Bunker ¦ ¦ Academy ¦ _ ¦ Factory ¦ --- ¦ Machine Shop ¦
| | ---------- ----------- _/ ----------- ----------------
| | \ | / -----------
| |__________ ------------ ------------------- ¦ Missile ¦
| \ ¦ Barracks ¦ ¦ Engineering Bay ¦ --- ¦ Turret ¦
|______________ \ ------------ ------------------- -----------
\ \ \ /
---------------- \ \ ------------------ ------------
¦ Supply Depot ¦ ------ ¦ Command Center ¦ ¦ Refinery ¦
---------------- ------------------ ------------


----------- ------------- --------- -----------
¦ Defiler ¦ ¦ Ultralisk ¦ ¦ Nydus ¦ ¦ Greater ¦
¦ Mound ¦ ¦ Cavern ¦ ¦ Canal ¦ ¦ Spire ¦
----------- ------------- --------- -----------
\ \ | / |
\ -------- / |
\--------------¦ Hive ¦--/ |
-------- |
| |
---------------- ---------
¦ Queen's Nest ¦ ¦ Spire ¦
---------------- ---------
\ |
¦ Lair ¦
---------------- ----------------- ----------------- --------
¦ Spore Colony ¦ ¦ Sunken Colony ¦ ¦ Hydralisk Den ¦ / /
---------------- ----------------- ----------------- / /
| \ / \ / / ____/
| ---------------- ----------------- / /
| ¦ Creep Colony ¦ ¦ Spawning Pool ¦ ------/ /
| ---------------- ----------------- /
| --------------------- | _______/
----- ¦ Evolution Chamber ¦ | /
--------------------- | /
\ | /
------------ -------------
¦ Hatchery ¦ ¦ Extractor ¦
------------ -------------


--------------- --------------------
¦ Observatory ¦ ¦ Arbiter Tribunal ¦
--------------- --------------------
\ ---------------- / |
\ ¦ Fleet Beacon ¦ _____/ |
\ ---------------- / |
------------------------ \ \ / --------------------
¦ Robotics Support Bay ¦ \ ------------ ¦ Templar Archives ¦
------------------------ | ¦ Stargate ¦ --------------------
| | ------------ |
--------------------- | -------------------
¦ Robotics Facility ¦ | ¦ Citadel of Adun ¦
--------------------- | -------------------
\ | /
------------------ --------------------
¦ Shield Battery ¦ ¦ Cybernetics Core ¦
------------------ --------------------
\ /
----------- --------- -----------------
¦ Gateway ¦ ¦ Forge ¦ --- ¦ Photon Cannon ¦
----------- --------- -----------------
\ /
--------- --------- ---------------
¦ Pylon ¦ ¦ Nexus ¦ ¦ Assimilator ¦
--------- --------- ---------------


VI. Terran Campaign Mode


VII. Zerg Campaign Mode


VIII. Protoss Campaign Mode


IX. Epilogue


X. Additional Campaigns


XI. Multiplayer Strategies

Of course, completing every mission the single player mode has to offer
is just the tip of the iceberg. All it does is familiarize you with each
and every unit in the game, as well as provide some cool storyline details.
Now you must venture into the real Starcraft world, where your enemies
are human beings such as yourself, not some dumb AI that can only win
through an inhuman ability to simultaneously control multiple units and
give them multiple tasks. Dealing with human opponents would require a
little adjusting to, though I'm sure playing through the single player
mode should have already given you a few tips to get you started. Nevertheless,
I wrote this section to mention a few of the many multiplayer tricks and
strategies you can apply to each unit's strengths and weaknesses. Hope
you learn a lot.

Choice of Race

One of the very first problems a Starcraft newbie would experience
is having to decide which race suits him fine. Well, this is what I have
to say: No race is at a total disadvantage, and anyone who's interested
enough can very well learn to play all three races in the game. All you
have to do is know the "theme" of each race, so as to avoid pulling off
the wrong strategy for the right race. Below is a brief description of
what each race has to offer:

The Terrans: theme - versatility

advantages - repairability of most units
- liftoff ability of most buildings
- no building site requirements
- best military intelligence in the game
(via Scanner Sweep)
- cloaking ability of some units
- highly effective defense strategies
- the nuke

disadvantages - buildings catch fire and burn up when low
on HP; and eventually explode
- units are next to useless without their
additional abilities
- addons are required for every building before
production of most units in that building
can take place

The Zerg: theme - overwhelming numbers

advantages - cheap units w/ fast production rate
- almost immune to strategies that require
- totally immune to the Lockdown spell
- burrowing for most ground units
- teritory (Creep) cannot be built upon by
buildings of the other two races
- regeneration of HP
- the infested terrans

disadvantages - loss of drones upon production of buildings
- only one unit-producing building
- does not have an all-purpose air unit

The Protoss: theme - power and toughness

advantages - self-constructing buildings
- instantly replenishable shields
(via Shield Battery)
- best building attacker in the game
(Photon Cannon)
- best spy in the game (observer)
- has (but does not totally depend on) the
most useful spells in the game
- best cloaker in the game (arbiter)
- the archon (against Zerg and fellow Protoss)

disadvantages - totally vulnerable to the EMP Shockwave spell
- the archon (against Terrans)
- too many building prerequisites

Choice of Game Type

Not knowing which game type does what to the game can mean total
loss for any Starcraft player, and while most of you would be choosing
the basic melee mode (where you start out with four workers and a worker-
producing building and play as you normally would), it won't hurt to try
all the other game types this Blizzard product has to offer, namely:

Team melee : same as Melee mode, you still start out with
four workers and a headquarters, but if you and
another player are in the same team, you'll both
control the very same units! Starting out with
the headquarters of one race and the workers of
all the others is also possible here, depending
on how many are on one team.

Free for all : same as Melee mode, you still start out with
four workers and a headquarters, but no one can
ally themselves among other players, and even
computer opponents can't form alliances.

Team free for all : same as Free for all mode, you still start out
with four workers and a headquarters, and no one
can form any type of alliance whatsoever, but
there is an exception; if you and another player
are in the same team, you'll both control the very
same units!

Capture the flag : same as Melee mode, you still start out with
four workers and a headquarters, but this time
each player is given a flag that after a few minutes.
That flag's location (called a "beacon") can be
moved once at the beginning of the game. Flags
can only be carried by workers (SCVs, drones,
and probes). Bringing an enemy flag to another
player's flag beacon instantly kills that flag's

Team capture the flag : same as Capture the flag mode, you still start out
with four workers and a headquarters, and bringing
an enemy flag to another player's flag beacon
instantly kills that flag's owner, but there is
an exception; if you and another player are in
the same team, you'll both control the very same
units, defend but one flag beacon!

Use map settings : this type of game depends on the amount of programming
that went in creating the chosen map. You may
start out with more than four workers, or may
start out with none. It all depends on the map's
settings, this type of map may even have a storyline
to it, and give you a set of heroes just like in
the campaign mode, it really is just all up to
the programmer. Maps with settings other than
those for the other types of play are usually
labeled "USE MAP SETTINGS" under their titles.

One on one : same as Melee mode, you still start out with
four workers and a headquarters, but the game is
limited to only two players: you can your opponent.

Greed : same as Melee mode, you still start out with
four workers and a headquarters, but the winner
is not the only one who has at least one building
left, rather it is the one who first gathers the
required amount of minerals

Slaughter : same as Melee mode, you still start out with
four workers and a headquarters, but the winner
is not the only one who has at least one building
left, rather it is the one who, when the set time
runs out, garners the most points, which are granted
for every unit or building a player has killed
or destroyed.

Sudden Death : same as Melee mode, you still start out with
four workers and a headquarters, but the winner
is not the only one who has at least one building
left, rather it is the one who first destroys
the enemy headquarters.

Ladder : same as Free for all mode, you still start out
with four workers and a headquarters, and no one
can form any type of alliance whatsoever, but only
ladder maps are allowed, and the results will be
recorded and compared to other's scores, the highest
of which for the month will win a prize from Blizzard.

Choice of Battlefield

Ok, now you have to choose which battlefield suits your type of
play fine. And the answer is...you don't have to, or better yet, it ain't
about which battlefield suits your style of play fine, rather it's all
about which of the many styles of play under your arsenal suits the chosen
battlefield fine. And yes, in order to be a good Starcraft player, you
MUST have a whole lotta strategies in mind, not just one or two or even
three. But you might be wonderin', "What's in a map?", "What's in a terrain?"
Well, there's a LOT. Terrains can very well be the deciding factor of
any games' general outcome, so don't you dare take any terrain for granted,
less you want it to turn against you. Below are the basics rules of the
terrain as well as the different types of battlefields known to Starcraft

Bigger is slower: Maps come in different sizes and shapes, and so does
the strategies that come with them. But the general
thought is this: the bigger the map is, or rather the
farther you are situated from your opponent, the longer
it would take for the match to end. This is so because
in maps such as these, producing units faster than
your opponent won't guarantee you victory early on.
To illustrate, suppose you can build a certain unit
at the rate of 15 per minute, while your opponent can
do ten in the same period of time. If you attack early,
say, as soon as you have produced 30 units, your opponent
now has 20, and he'd normally lose. However, if it
takes you a whole minute to reach his base, he'll have
a good 30 by the time you do, and considering the fact
that he's STILL sending in more, AND the fact that he
has building attackers to help him out, your attack
will fail. Not so if you waited a while longer, say,
til you get 60. Get the point? Don't get too excited
when the map is too big or you are just too far from
the opponent. Have the patience to go slow and you'll
have the upperhand, in due time.

Choke points must be : First things first, I'll define what a choke point
taken advantage of is, then I'll give the strategies that come with
it. A choke point is a small or narrow piece of
land (like a bridge) that leads to a larger one,
most likely a resource area or a player's base.
And since choke points are the only ways a ground
unit can enter a resource area or another player's
base without the help of transport units, it's
clearly vital to master the art of defending and
breaking through the defenses of the different
choke points found in the game. For the Terrans,
defending choke points mean building Bunkers right
next to choke point openings and using siege-moded
siege tanks to back these bunkers up. It's best
to fill your Bunkers with a combination of marines
and firebats, depending on what type of unit your
opponent keeps stacking up. If you don't know what
to expect, just fill each Bunker with three marines
and a firebat. And don't forget your Missile Turrets.
They're simply a must for any Terran defense.
Breaking through one is of course much easier,
if you have the right units, especially the long
range ones like the siege tank and the battlecruiser.
For the Zerg, build as many Sunken Colonies as you
can upon the choke point openings, but leave some
space for a few Spore Colonies. Then fill up the
choke points themselves with tons o' hydralisks,
burrowed of course. As for the total destruction
of well-fortified choke point defenses, guardians
can do that job single-handedly, though you have
to worry bout his own air units, cause guardians
can't defend themselves from those things. Just
back these guardians up with some anti-air units
and you'll be fine. Lastly for the Protoss, choke
points should be filled with Photon Cannons, but
not too much, just to hold the first wave off.
After that, use tons of high templars with Psionic
Storms to take out swarms of the opponent's units
with ease. And don't forget to morph these templars
into archons if using up their energies just wasn't
enough. Oh and by the way, carriers are your best
bet AGAINST choke points, but you have to have
a lot of them, fully upgraded especially in the
interceptor capacity part.

There's more than : Few people know exactly what to do with island maps
meets the islands the first time they get to battle in one, but in
reality the strategies that come with it have a common
concept---air superiority is the key. The Zerg are
the ones particularly affected by island situations,
since they'll instantly have the upperhand early on,
with their detector of an overlord serving as an early
scout and instant transport unit soon enough. Later
in the game, however, it's also the Zerg who's likely
to loose and this is also because of the overlord,
since these are flying units themselves thus are easy
targets for enemy planes. Not only that, island maps
don't have choke points of any kind, and knowing this
seems to make you feel half the Zerg guardian's worth
drift away. One last thing: DO NOT, by any means,
forget about the fact that long range ground unit
attackers can whack opponent's men, EVEN if a body
of water separates the two groups, as long as they're
close enough. Knowing this fact will prove to be
useful time and again, and can, in more ways than
one, catch an opponent off-guard.

Height is might : Nope, I ain't talkin bout no unit heights, what I'm
tryin to say is that ground units on a higher piece
of land will ALWAYS do what he does better than those
ground units below him. We all know that anyone from
a valley can't see what's on top of the mountain unless
he actually climbs it, while it won't take much effort
for anyone on the top of the mountain to view the whole
valley. This is also quite true for Starcraft, since
highland areas that are unexplored will remain unexplored
til an air unit of yours passes by the area, or a ground
unit actually "climbs" his way to it (highlands can
sometimes have links to the valleys below and these
are where all ground units can pass). As for attacking,
if unit A is on higher ground and unit B is not and
they engage in battle, unit A will be granted a larger
sight range and become a more efficient killer, while
unit B, besides having to come closer to be able to
open fire, will "miss" (not dealing any damage at all)
in some of his attacks.

Don't just parade, : There are things such as "doodads" in Starcraft like
get some shade trees for the jungles and metallic wind mills for
space platforms. While these items may seem nothing
but nice tries from the map makers to give their
masterpieces a touch of random realism, they too
come with strategies of their own, since they can
be used to "hide" your own ground units, especially
the very small ones like marines, hydralisks, and
dragoons. The idea of hiding these units under the
shade provided by certain doodads is to allow them
to open fire on unsuspecting opponents, and continue
to do so until they are finally found (thus I said
hydralisks and dragoons instead of zerglings and
zealots respectively. Detectors cannot be of any
help in these situations, but leaving your units
without tasks to accomplish will allow them to
automatically open fire on their opponents, doodad-hidden
or not.

Scouts n' Spies

No war is won without military intelligence, and Starcraft is
one of the few war games that actually give an emphasis on that fact by
ensuring that no single strategy can ever be formulated to win in all
types of matches wherever they are held. With this in mind, a good Starcraft
player must therefore ALWAYS depend his strategies on those being done
by his opponent, for if he doesn't, there is a great chance of him losing
the game. This is where scouts and spies fulfill their role. Scouts are
used by most Starcraft players to gain some info on the general location
of an opponent, his base, and his armies (if they aren't all in one place).
Spies, on the other hand, differ from the scouts in the sense that they
aim to STAY where they found the opponent instead of retreating or sacrificing
themselves. Scouts are what you can get early in the game, but later on
you must shift to using spies in order to be fully updated on your opponents'
actions. Terran scouts include the marine for its expendability, the
ghost for its cloaking ability, and the wraith for its flight. Science
vessels may also serve as scouts, but their high costs makes it risky
to use them as such. And don't forget about the Scanner Sweep, which is
arguably the best scout in the game---just cast it anywhere that smells
fishy and voila! Instant enemy info! As for spies, the Terrans will only
have temporary ones, since their cloaking abilities don't last forever,
their science vessel is too big to remain unseen, and their Scanner Sweep
is only temporary for very obvious reasons. On to the Zerg---their scouts
include the zergling for their expendability, the mutalisk for its flight,
and the overlord for its availability. But it's spying that Zerg players
do best, since besides their queen's Parasite spell, their ground units'
burrowing ability can enable them to distribute burrowed zerglings throughout
the map and instantly detect any incoming attacks from their opponents.
And for the Protoss, both the tasks of scouting and spying fall under
one unit---no, not the Scout---the observer. Its tiny body, coupled with
its ability to fly, its detector ability, and its permanent cloaking
feature, make it the best scout, and more importantly, spy in the game.
If you could just manage to place one of these in the middle of an opponent's
base before he starts constructing his detectors, chances are you'll find
a "blind spot" where the observer could remain, giving you all the info
you'll need on your opponent's strengths and weaknesses.


Just like a game of chess, it is expected of good Starcraft players
to have already memorized at the very least a handful of the many openings
they and their opponents could do as soon as the match begins. And the
bulk of these openings fall under the category of "rushes" which revolve
around the concept of stacking up and using your most basic units to take
out the opponent swiftly and easily. Usually this makes up the whole
game of average and below average players, but since no rush can be successful
if the right counter-rush has been applied, matches between Starcraft
experts only use rushes as "opening moves" to try and catch their opponents
off guard, which seldom happens, thus both continue til the mid and end
parts of the game. Going back to the rush, each race has its basic rules
for efficient rushing, more popularly known as their "build-orders" as
shown below:

Terran - build fifth SCV
- gather with four other SCVs
- gather with fifth SCV
- build sixth SCV
- build seventh SCV
- gather with sixth SCV
- gather with seventh SCV & build first Barracks
- build eight SCV & build first Supply Depot
- train first and second marine
- train third marine & build second Barracks
- at this point you can use your first marine to scout for the
enemy and if he's close enough, attack with what you have.
You may, however, opt to wait for a third and fourth Barracks
to come your way (while still scouting for your enemies) so
you could produce more than 20 marines and attack with that.

Zerg - morph fifth drone
- gather with four other drones
- scout with overlord
- gather with fifth drone
- morph Spawning Pool with fifth drone
- morph sixth drone
- gather with sixth drone
- morph first six zerglings

- at this point you can use your first zergling to help your overlord
scout for the enemy and if he's close enough, attack with what
you have. You may, however, opt to wait for a second Hatchery
as well as a third and fourth overlord to come your way (while
still scouting for your enemies) so you could produce more than
40 zerglings and attack with that.

Protoss - warp fifth probe
- gather with four other probes
- gather with fifth probe
- warp sixth probe
- warp seventh probe
- gather with sixth probe
- warp first Pylon & gather with seventh probe
- warp eight probe & warp first Gateway
- warp second Gateway & gather with eight probe
- warp first and second zealot & warp second Pylon
- warp third and fourth zealot
- warp second Pylon & warp fourth and fifth zealot
- at this point you can use your first zealot to scout for the
enemy and if he's close enough, attack with what you have.
You may, however, opt to wait for a third and Gateway to come
your way (while still scouting for your enemies) so you could
produce more than 10 zealots and attack with that.

There are, however, many other kinds of rushes. In fact, more than
half the units in the game has its own version of a rush! And though they
may not be as fast a rush as the three basic ones already mentioned, they
can still gain you a win if your opponent was expecting something else.
More details on the three basic rushes and many more will be found in the
Rushes section.


No unit is a god of war, thus it will always have its fair share
of weaknesses. It is therefore the job of a good Starcraft player to
know of these weaknesses and deal with them accordingly through the strengths
of the other units under his control. Combined, many units will fill each
other's gaps and ensure victory. Spell casters are one of the best units
to include in combos, but combos were never limited to these types of
units. Very seldom will two of a unit with both ground and air weapons
fare better than a combo of a ground attacker and an air attacker in the
battlefield, thus another proof of the obvious need for combos. And you
thought only fighting games had them, didn't you? A more elaborate discussion
on each and every combo known to Starcraft players will be found in my
Combos section.


But still, even with all their units combined, no race can be
called a perfect killing machine, since it will STILL have it's weaknesses
thus need of a more complicated type of combo, one that is only possible
through teamwork, more preferably with an ally using a race different
from yours. Multi-racial combos simply fill up more gaps and weaknesses
and even create new strengths for supposedly average units. Once again,
it's the spell casters of each race that could prove to be forces to
reckon with, but yes, multi-racial combos are not limited to these versatile
units. And with an alliance composed of all three races, using the right
teamwork moves, there is no chance even for four people using the same
race, forming an alliance among themselves, to win. Further discussions
will be found in my Teamwork section.

Retreats n' Counters

It's not a common practice for most Starcraft players to retreat,
sometimes because they'll have a next batch of attackers anyway, and
other times because they know that their units would die anyway if chased
during a retreat, and just concentrate on maximizing the damage the said
unit could ever deal. But that's not always the case, and retreating is
not always supposed to be caused by a failed attempt to wipe an enemy
out. Ever heard of hit and run tactics? Yup, that's how retreating should
be done, BEFORE any of your units take a good beating, but AFTER these
units have whacked something important from the enemy (like workers,
supply providers, etc). Hit and run tactics are especially recommended
for the basic air units,(wraiths, mutalisks, and scouts) since they can
fly (fast enough) and hit both ground and air units. The trick is to ignore
your opponent's perimeter and central defenses and just hammer on whatever
building or group of units you choose. And after the mission's been
immediately pull out all units involved to have them repaired (for the
Terrans), regenerated (for the Zerg), or recharged (for Protoss shields).
For Terran opponents, besides, their SCVs, it's best to target their Supply
Depots, science vessels, and lone battlecruisers for these are the most
useful yet most helpless units they have. Targeting siege-moded siege
tanks is also a stress-reliever, but make sure they ain't guarded by
marine-filled Bunkers or by tons of Missile Turrets. For the Zerg, besides
their workers and Nydus Canals, just concentrate on their overlords.
Overlords are the most helpless unit that come in abundance in the game,
and since the Zerg NEED this abundance, cutting their overlord supply
by half could very well mean their bitter end. And lastly for the Protoss,
don't even dare killing an arbiter before anything else (unless it's
cloaking something or lotsa things), cause if you do, and it casts Stasis
Field before it dies, chances are you'll get a Psionic Storm in your
face afterwards. Just target the probes, the zealots (cause they CAN do
much if not attended to) and my favorite unit to whack with an air force,
the reaver!
Counters, on the other hand, include but are not limited to what
you can do after you've become a victim of hit and run tactics. Besides,
replenishing your supply of what is lost, you can do one of three things:
construct more defensive units and buildings so as to make your base a
little harder to pass through the next time around, OR you can chase those
cowards and give 'em all you've got till they all die, OR lastly you
can try to reach their base before they do since there's a good chance
of that base being defenseless. And even if it's not, then you can just
pull off a hit and run tactic of your own. Other counters include what
you can do when and after being rushed (unsuccesfully of course), after
or even during an opponent's swarm attack, after a nuclear launch was
detected, etc. It mostly is in a case to case basis, but here are a few
pointers: For the rush, experiencing one in which the opponent's units
clearly out number yours, use your workers to even the odds. Most likely
a rushing opponent aims for your workers, so if all your other attacking
unit are dead, try running your workers around your base til reinforcements
arrive, that way you'll lose as less workers as possible. You may also
use hit and run tactics if they're targeting your buildings and not your
workers. When being swarmed, any unit with splash damage can be your best
friend. Terrans have the almighty siege tank, but not much when pitted
against air units, but least they have goliaths, which, though not equipped
with splash damage, are mighty effective against mist air units. The Zerg
will always have their slimy spells like the queen's Ensnare, which would
dramatically decrease a unit's overall speed, and the defiler's Plague
which does the same to any unit's HP! But really it's the Protoss who
were trained to handle swarms with ease. First off, they have reavers
that out heavy ground artillery with one blow, then there's their high
templars with their Psionic Storms, also able to take out a multitude
of opponents up to three consecutive times, and if that ain't enough,
the archon meld to give you a highly damaging, (not to mention splash)
unit. And if that ain't enough, the arbiter's Stasis Field spell can
cut an army's strength in two, making it easier for you take them all

Drops n' Outposts

Once you get the general feel of the game, you'd be looking for'
more solutions your most common of problems like frontal defenses that
are just too tough for you to handle. But like I said, no known defense
is impenetrable. These seemingly tough frontal defenses will always have
their weakness, and especially for the not-so-good Starcraft players,
these weakness can easily be take advantage of by drops and outposts.
Each race's transport unit (dropships, overlords, and shuttles) are the
main men in a dropping operation, since the whole conept of dropping revolves
around getting your ground units inside the opponent's base without having
to go through his tough frontal defense. Most of the time I use a drop
on the enemy's workers, but dropping isn't limited there. You may also
use drops to take out important buildings, maybe even their "headquarters"
if you're fast enough. You may also take out their detectors and building
attackers, in order for your REAL attack to have a higher chance of success.
From where do you do the drop? The answer is definitely NOT through the
opponent's frontal defenses, rather through the other parts of his base,
specifically those without or with a few building attackers in the vicinity.
This is to ensure that your transport unit doesn't die before unloading
everything, cause if that happens, every unit still in it will die too.
Outposts, on the other hand, are the slower but surer ways to get
through these defenses, and it involves taking out the defenses themselves,
rather than trying your best to ignore them, only to find that there are
more at the base's center. Each race has a different type of outpost,
and so I took the liberty to discuss each here:

Terran : involves - SCVs
- marines
- siege tanks
- Bunkers
- Missile Turrets

: concept - The siege tanks should be able to get free hits on
the opponent's perimeter defenses, while the marine-
filled bunkers back them up in case short range units
try to attack. The Missile Turrets should serve as
anti-air devices as well as detectors, while the SCVs
are there to repair damaged units and buildings as
well as construct more Bunkers and Missile Turrets
closer to the opponent's base after his perimeter
defenses have been leveled by the siege tanks (in siege
mode, of course)

Zerg : involves - hydralisks
- Sunken Colonies
- Spore Colonies
- Nydus Canals

: concept - Zerg is worst race in terms of outposting, since
none of their buildings besides their headquarters
itself can be built on areas without creep. Thus for
on outpost to be possible for the Zerg, you either
have to create another Hatchery in the middle of the
map (very unlikely) or you can just morph in Creep
Colonies all the way to the desired spot. These Creep
Colonies can of course be morphed into Sunken and
Spore Colonies, and that's just what you should do.
Now, create a Nydus Canal in your base and morph
an exit anywhere near the opponent's base, then send
in your hydralisks! These creatures can also do some
hit and run, so as to lure their opponents into the
loving arms of Sunken and Spore Colonies.

Protoss : involves - probes
- zealots
- reavers
- Pylons
- Shield Batteries
- Photon Cannons

: concept - Against the Terrans you may use this outpost the
Zerg way, and against the Zerg you may use it the
Terran way. For the Protoss you can do either, but
how exactly do you apply both Terran and Zerg outpost
strategies for the Protoss? Simple. Doing it the Terran
way means the reavers should be able to get free hits
on the opponent's perimeter defenses, while the zealots
back them up in case short range units try to attack.
The Photon Cannons should serve as anti-air devices
as well as detectors, while the probes are there to
construct more Pylons and Photon Cannons closer to
the opponent's base after his perimeter defenses have
been leveled by the reavers. On the other hand, doing
it the Zerg way means your zealots can also do some
hit and run, so as to lure their opponents into the
the awesome power of the reavers, coupled with the
Photon Cannons create by your probes. And while all
this is happening, you can use the Shield Batteries
to recharge your zealots and have them go for another
hit and run.

Text Messages

WTF!? Strategies for text messaging? Sure there are. Not much,
but since ya got nuthin to lose but precious time, it's always worth a
try. First of all, you need to use text messaging to more easily gain an
ally. While actions may speak louder than words, many people on Bnet are
just too dumb to notice that you're trying to help them out, and in return
even attack. Tell them what you want (in this case alliance) and be direct
to the point, but say it in a non-forceful way cause people tend to resist
force no matter what. Then you need to use text messaging for the allies
you have gained. It's up to you when and what to send, but usually you'll
wanna say something when you need or are trying to offer help. You and
a partner may also try to use text messaging to plan things out, since
two allied players with an allied plan can take out even three allied
opponents who play as if they weren't allies (eg. attacking on their own,
defending on their own, etc). Lastly, you need to learn how to use text
messaging on your enemies, and yes you can, and it can be in more ways
than one: First trick is to use text messaging to bully your enemies and
make them think that you're being a smart-mouth simply because you can
afford to be one, meaning you simply are better than the opposition. This
works in two ways, one, it can really take away an opponent's self-confidence
and affect his style of play, and two, it can infuriate a fellow smart-mouth
and cause him to attack blindlessly at your well-constructed base, thus
making him an easy target for counter attacks. Second trick is to ask
tons o' newbie questions like, "Hey, where do I get those large ships?"
or, "Why's my map showing my base and nothing else?". And this again can
work in two ways, one, it can arouse a sense of pity among your opponents
and leave you be while you amass the fleet of the century, and two, it
can lead merciless thugs into thinking that your base would probably be
undefended and launch a scrubby attack, only to find that his units are
long gone. Third and my favorite text message trick is to type the message,
"has left the game." Get it? If my name was JChristopher, it would have
printed, "JChristopher: has left the game." and you'll notice people in
the game start ignoring you. (hehehehehe) This especially works in large
maps, where passing through your base will never be part of a direct route
towards another. This way people will leave you be and as long as you
don't show any activity when an opponent's around, AND you put all your
units on hold, there's a fair chance of you winning the game, you shrewd
little devil you...^_~

Tips and Tricks

always accept alliance offers, since two people working together can
win even against three who are not. Besides, declining an alliance offer
from one person might cause him to form alliances with the other people
in the game, thus will easily wreck havoc in your base. Be alert though,
of back stabbers who usually show their true color once the common
enemy is near elimination.

while sending in detectors may be the most direct and common solution
to a cloaked attack, there are other ways worth trying. First of all,
if the cloaked attackers are coupled with non-cloakers, you can just
hit these non-cloakers with attacks that have splash damage in them,
cause this splash will affect all nearby units, cloaked or not. Secondly,
there are spells such as the Scanner Sweep, the Ensnare, and the Plague
which can and will reveal all the cloaked units in the target area. The
Parasite spell is also a good anti-cloaking device, since it prevents
its host from ever becoming unseen in your eyes, and if cast on an opponent's
detector, will also reveal all cloaked units by its side! But really,
whenever you suspect a bunch of cloaked units in a certain area, there's
no need to detect those cloaked morons, just PSI STORM that area, and
kill them on the spot!

defend not only the perimeter of your base, but the center as well.
Not all people get scared by a few hits from building attackers, and
if their transport units get through, and you don't have central defense,
it's all over for you.

never, at any point during and beyond midgame, lose control of all your
detectors. Always have reserve detectors at your base. Not doing so may
mean victory for your opponents, especially if they're using the Terran

when going for mass zerglings or hydralisks, it won't hurt to have a
little mineral advantage, and this is how you do it: After morphing in
your ninth drone, you normally would not be able to morph another one
till you morph in your second overlord. But that is so untrue. Morph
your ninth drone into an Extractor to decrease your "supplies used"
by one. NOW morph in your tenth drone, then CANCEL the creation of the
Extractor. Proceed as you normally would.

once your mineral clusters start changing in form (starting to appear
scarce), it's way past time to create a second base. Don't let this
happen without a second base yet, for if you do, you'll get behind in
the production race. Reserve a good 400 minerals and start sendin worker

casting an Irradiate spell on a non-biological unit is one of the lamest
and most useless things to do, right? Wrong! It actually is a very good
tactic (when being attacked by tons o' biological units) to cast Irradiate
spells on your own units, say, on your battlecruisers, and have them
fly over your opponents. Not only will they kill the opposition through
their devastating blasts, but also through the stench that you just gave

whenever a queen's energy reaches it's full potential, there's no use
in just letting her be, waiting for the opportunity to cast her more
powerful spells like the Ensnare and the Spawn Broodling. Always try
to cast Parasite somewhere in the entire map for added scouts and spies.
After all, the Parasite spell costs a measly 75 in energy, and it won't
stop a queen from casting her other spells in case the need suddenly
arises. What to Parasite? I really recommend parasiting one or all of
three things: the opponent's weakest units, his strongest units, or
the critters! The weakests units, say, the workers, would most likely
not be clicked that often, but is the most active unit in any player's
base. Casting Parasite on them will give you a better view on the different
areas of the opponent's base. On the other hand, casting Parasite on
the opponent's strongest units will enable you to detect any incoming
attacks from that particular unit and the army that comes with it.
Lastly, casting Parasite on the game's critters (neutral animals that
wander the area) will have both an advantage and a disadvantage: The
advantage is critters are the last things an opponent would consider
a threat to his base, so unless it's blocking his path, it could be
your greatest spy! The bad news is, since you cannot control the critters,
they may just wander off to an uninhabited area and not serve as a spy
to your opponent's base.

never allow your mineral and vespene count to go well over 500, since
no unit costs more than that, and that simply implies that somewhere
in your base a worker or a building is not doing anything, OR you just
need to have more buildings (possibly even a new base) to produce and
upgrade your armies a lot faster. If, however, you have exceeded your
supply limit of 200, then there's nothing more to do but attack!

try constructing Supply Depots in FRONT of the Bunkers that guard your
choke points. These buildings will ensure that no ground unit can just
ignore your Bunkers and go for what's inside your base. While this strategy
can prove useless against most units in the game, at least you won't
have to worry bout losing to a swarm of the enemies' short range ground

the Scanner Sweep is the only thing a Comsat Station can do, so might
as well use it in an unexplored area in the map whenever it's energy
is full, rather than just letting it sit there, waiting forever for
cloaked units to attack your base. After all, the Scanner Sweep is one
of the cheapest spells in the game, and casting one when your energy
is full won't prevent you from casting a couple more when the need
arises. One last thing: some units in the game will have a larger attack
range than sight (eg. siege tanks in siege mode) thus will render their
"extra" attack range useless since they still cannot attack what they
cannot see. However, using the Scanner Sweep to fill that gap, you
can now utilize that unit's full attacking potential.

when using early scouts like the overlord, try not to enter each resource
area through the most direct route from your base. (eg. If you're from
the south and you suspect the opponent to come from the north, try entering
the northern part of the map through the right and not from below) This
way you can fool the opponent into thinking that your base is situated
somewhere else.

unless your attacking units have splash damage, always attack ONE unit
at a time. By doing this you can reduce the total amount of damage your
armies will take since the opponent's gonna get one attacker less in
a shorter period of time. Oh, I forgot to tell you in previous versions
of this faq that the above strategy works mostly on air units. Ground
units may or may not attack one enemy unit at a time, since if your ground
units are just gonna spend a good amount of time circling round their
target, might as well order them to target something else.


XII. Rushes

As mentioned, it is expected of good Starcraft players to have already
memorized at the very least a handful of the many openings they and their
opponents could do as soon as the match begins. The bulk of these openings
fall under the category of "rushes". More than half the units in the game
has its own version of a rush, and though they may not be as fast a rush
as the three basic ones already mentioned, they can still gain you a win
if your opponent was expecting something else. Here are a few of the many
rushes that can be done successfully under the right circumstances:

Marine rush

Concept - marines are the first unit attackers you can get your hands
on, thus are exactly what you'll need to pull off the fastest
rush a Terran player can do.

Build Order - build fifth SCV
- gather with four other SCVs
- gather with fifth SCV
- build sixth SCV
- build seventh SCV
- gather with sixth SCV
- gather with seventh SCV & build first Barracks
- build eight SCV & build first Supply Depot
- train first and second marine
- train third marine & build second Barracks

And so... - at this point you can use your first marine to scout for
the enemy and if he's close enough, attack with what you
have. You may, however, opt to wait for a third and fourth
Barracks to come your way (while still scouting for your
enemies) so you could produce more than 20 marines and attack
with that.

Ghost rush

Concept - you really did not think you could defeat an opponent with
ghosts alone, did you? These units deal pitiful damage, and
are not trained for open air combat. They do, however, have
in their arsenal the almighty nuke, and this is what makes
them worthy of their own version of a rush.

Build Order - build fifth SCV
- gather with four other SCVs
- gather with fifth SCV
- build sixth SCV
- build seventh SCV
- gather with sixth SCV
- gather with seventh SCV & build first Barracks
- build eight SCV & build first Supply Depot
- build Refinery & build Academy
- build ninth and tenth SCV
- gather with ninth and tenth SCV
- build eleventh and twelfth SCV
- gather gas with eleventh and twelfth SCV
- build second Supply Depot & build Factory
- build thirteenth and fourteenth SCV
- gather with thirteenth SCV
- gather gas with fourteenth SCV & build Starport
- train first and second marine & build Bunker
- train third and fourth marine & build Science Facility
- enter marines into Bunker & build second Bunker
- train fifth and sixth marine & build Covert Ops
- train seventh and eight marine & build third Supply Depot
- upgrade Personnel Cloaking & build Nuclear Silo
- enter marines into Bunker & train first ghost
- arm Nuclear Silo & upgrade Ocular Implants

And so... - at this point you can use your first ghost to scout for
the enemy and if he's close enough, attack with what you
have. You may also try constructing yet another Command
Center from which you could attach a second Nuclear Silo,
and build your second nuke. THEN attack! The marines and
the Bunkers, by the way (trained with the use of SURPLUS
minerals), will stop some lame rushes from taking your base
out with one blow, giving you enough time to launch your

Vulture rush

Concept - if both you and an opponent did not attack each other early
on, chances are he's going for the more high-tech units in
the game, possibly flyers, and so it's a whole lot better
to use your vultures, ignore whatever high-tech units he
may have, and just whack every worker and building you can
get their fragmentation grenades on. A pretty risky strategy
though, since it all fails if the opponent concentrates on
long range ground units and tightly sealed choke point defenses.

Build Order - build fifth SCV
- gather with four other SCVs
- gather with fifth SCV
- build sixth SCV
- build seventh SCV
- gather with sixth SCV
- gather with seventh SCV & build first Barracks
- build eight SCV & build first Supply Depot
- build Refinery
- build ninth and tenth SCV
- gather with ninth and tenth SCV
- build eleventh and twelfth SCV
- gather gas with eleventh and twelfth SCV & build Factory
- build second Supply Depot & build second Factory
- build first vulture & build Machine Shop
- build second and third vulture & research Spider Mines
- build fourth and fifth vulture & build third Factory
- build third Supply Depot & research Ion Thrusters
- build sixth, seventh, and eight vulture & plant spider mines

And so... - at this point you can use your first vulture to scout for
the enemy and if he's close enough, attack with what you
have. You may, however, opt to wait for a fourth Factory
to come your way (while still scouting for your enemies)
so you could produce more than 20 vultures and auxillary
SCVs (for repairing) and attack with that.

Siege Tank rush

Concept - if both you and an opponent did not attack each other early
on, chances are he's going for the more high-tech units in
the game, possibly flyers, and so it's a whole lot better
to use your siege tanks, ignore whatever high-tech units
he may have, and just whack his whole base slowly but surely.
You may also leave some in your base for defense purposes;
pretty cool rush if ya ask me.

Build Order - build fifth SCV
- gather with four other SCVs
- gather with fifth SCV
- build sixth SCV
- build seventh SCV
- gather with sixth SCV
- gather with seventh SCV & build first Barracks
- build eight SCV & build first Supply Depot
- build Refinery
- build ninth and tenth SCV
- gather with ninth and tenth SCV
- build eleventh and twelfth SCV
- gather gas with eleventh and twelfth SCV & build Factory
- build second Supply Depot & build second Factory
- build first Machine Shop
- research Siege Tech & build first siege tank
- build third Supply Depot & build second Machine Shop
- build second and third siege tank
- build forth and fifth siege tank

And so... - at this point you can use your first SCV to scout for the
enemy and if he's close enough, attack with what you have.
You may, however, opt to wait for a third Factory to come
your way (while still scouting for your enemies) so you
could produce more than 10 siege tanks and attack with that.
Getting yourself an Armory and upgrading vehicle weapons
is also an option before attacking.

Wraith rush

Concept - if both you and an opponent did not attack each other early
on, chances are he's going for the more high-tech units in
the game, possibly flyers, and so it's a whole lot better
to use your wraiths, bypass whatever high-tech units he may
have via cloaking field, and just whack his whole base slowly
but surely. This strategy is particularly risky for Zerg
opponents, who have detectors everywhere, but still worth
the try.

Build Order - build fifth SCV
- gather with four other SCVs
- gather with fifth SCV
- build sixth SCV
- build seventh SCV
- gather with sixth SCV
- gather with seventh SCV & build first Barracks
- build eight SCV & build first Supply Depot
- build Refinery
- build ninth and tenth SCV
- gather with ninth and tenth SCV
- build eleventh and twelfth SCV
- gather gas with eleventh and twelfth SCV & build Factory
- build second Supply Depot
- build thirteenth and fourteenth SCV
- gather with thirteenth and fourteenth SCV
- build first and second Starport
- build third Supply Depot
- build first wraith & build first Control Tower
- build second and third wraith & research Cloaking Field
- build fourth and fifth wraith
- build sixth and seventh wraith

And so... - at this point you can use your first wraith to scout for
the enemy and if he's close enough, attack with what you
have. You may, however, opt to wait for a third Starport
to come your way (while still scouting for your enemies)
so you could produce more than 10 wraiths and attack with
that. Researching the Apollo Reactor is also an option before

Zergling rush

Concept - zerglings are the first unit attackers you can get your hands
on, thus are exactly what you'll need to pull off the fastest
rush a Zerg player can do.

Build Order - morph fifth drone
- gather with four other drones
- scout with overlord
- gather with fifth drone
- morph Spawning Pool with fifth drone
- morph sixth drone
- gather with sixth drone
- morph first six zerglings

And so... - at this point you can use your first zergling to help your
overlord scout for the enemy and if he's close enough, attack
with what you have. You may, however, opt to wait for a second
Hatchery as well as a third and fourth overlord to come your
way (while still scouting for your enemies) so you could
produce more than 40 zerglings and attack with that.

Hydralisk rush

Concept - zerglings will not always be able to finish the job, especially
against the Terrans who can just lift their buildings off
and let their allies take your zerglings out while they flee
and survive. Thus I offer another type of rush, the hydralisk
rush. Hydralisks, because of their ability to attack both
ground and air units, will ensure the destruction of all
the opponent's buildings, lifted off or not.

Build Order - morph fifth drone
- gather with four other drones
- scout with overlord
- gather with fifth drone
- morph sixth, seventh, and eight drone
- gather with sixth drone
- morph Spawning Pool with seventh drone
- gather with eight drone
- morph ninth drone
- morph Extractor with ninth drone
- morph second overlord & morph tenth drone
- scout with second overlord & morph eleventh and twelfth drone
- gather gas with tenth, eleventh, and twelfth drone.
- morph thirteenth and fourteenth drone
- morph Hydralisk Den with thirteenth drone
- morph second Hatchery with fourteenth drone
- morph third overlord & morph first and second hydralisk

And so... - at this point you can use your first hydralisk to help your
overlord scout for the enemy and if he's close enough, attack
with what you have. You may, however, opt to wait for both
hydralisk evolutions as well as a fourth and fifth overlord
to come your way (while still scouting for your enemies) so
you could produce more than 20 hydralisks and attack with

Mutalisk rush

Concept - zerglings will not always be able to finish the job, especially
against the Terrans who can just lift their buildings off
and let their allies take your zerglings out while they flee
and survive. Thus I offer yet another type of rush, the mutalisk
rush. Mutalisks, because of their ability to attack both
ground and air units, will ensure the destruction of all
the opponent's buildings, lifted off or not.

Build Order - morph fifth drone
- gather with four other drones
- scout with overlord
- gather with fifth drone
- morph sixth, seventh, and eight drone
- gather with sixth drone
- morph Spawning Pool with seventh drone
- gather with eight drone
- morph ninth drone
- morph Extractor with ninth drone
- morph second overlord & morph tenth drone
- scout with second overlord & morph eleventh and twelfth drone
- gather gas with tenth, eleventh, and twelfth drone.
- morph thirteenth and fourteenth drone
- morph Lair from Hatchery
- gather with thirteenth and fourteenth drone
- morph second Hatchery with thirteenth drone
- morph Spire with fourteenth drone
- morph first three mutalisks
- morph next three mutalisks

And so... - at this point you can use your first mutalisk to help your
overlord scout for the enemy and if he's close enough, attack
with what you have. You may, however, opt to wait for both
mutalisk upgrades as well as a fourth and fifth overlord
to come your way (while still scouting for your enemies) so
you could produce more than 10 mutalisks and attack with

Guardian rush

Concept - even hydralisks will not always be able to finish the job,
especially against the Protoss who have building attackers
that CAN attack ground units, and basic ground units (zealots)
that are just too powerful in groups. Thus I offer yet another
type of rush, the guardian rush. Guardians, because of their
ability to attack their foes from afar, will ensure the
destruction of all the opponent's building attackers, basic
units, and especially workers. It has its risks, like when
the opponent is going for an air raid, but still its ability
to wreck havoc remains, thus is one of the coolest rushes
I can think of.

Build Order - morph fifth drone
- gather with four other drones
- scout with overlord
- gather with fifth drone
- morph sixth, seventh, and eight drone
- gather with sixth drone
- morph Spawning Pool with seventh drone
- gather with eight drone
- morph ninth drone
- morph Extractor with ninth drone
- morph second overlord & morph tenth drone
- scout with second overlord & morph eleventh and twelfth drone
- gather gas with tenth, eleventh, and twelfth drone.
- morph thirteenth and fourteenth drone
- morph Lair from Hatchery
- gather with thirteenth and fourteenth drone
- morph Spire with thirteenth
- morph Queen's Nest with fourteenth drone
- morph Hive from Lair
- morph first three mutalisks & morph Greater Spire from Spire
- morph next three mutalisks

And so... - at this point you can use your first mutalisk to help your
overlord scout for the enemy and if he's close enough, bring
all your mutalisks somewhere close but unseen or unreachable
by ground units, morph them all into guardians, and then
attack. You may, however, opt to wait for both mutalisk
upgrades as well as a fourth and fifth overlord to come your
way (while still scouting for your enemies) so you could
produce more than 10 guardians and attack with that. Sending
in a queen (for Terran opponents) to infest their Command
Center is also an option while attacking.

Ultralisk rush

Concept - if both you and an opponent did not attack each other early
on, chances are he's going for the more high-tech units in
the game, possibly flyers, and so it's a whole lot better
to use your ultralisks, ignore whatever high-tech units
he may have, and just whack his whole base slowly but surely.
You may also leave some in your base for defense purposes;
pretty cool rush if ya ask me.

Build Order - morph fifth drone
- gather with four other drones
- scout with overlord
- gather with fifth drone
- morph sixth, seventh, and eight drone
- gather with sixth drone
- morph Spawning Pool with seventh drone
- gather with eight drone
- morph ninth drone
- morph Extractor with ninth drone
- morph second overlord & morph tenth drone
- scout with second overlord & morph eleventh and twelfth drone
- gather gas with tenth, eleventh, and twelfth drone.
- morph thirteenth and fourteenth drone
- morph Lair from Hatchery
- gather with thirteenth and fourteenth drone
- morph Queen's Nest with thirteenth drone
- morph Creep Colony with fourteenth drone
- morph Hive from Lair & morph Sunken Colony from Creep Colony
- morph fifteenth and sixteenth drone & morph third overlord
- morph fifteenth and sixteenth drone into Creep Colonies
- morph seventeenth drone
- morph Sunken Colonies from Creep Colonies
- morph Ultralisk Cavern with seventeenth drone
- morph first six zerglings
- morph first three ultralisks

And so... - at this point you can use your first drone to help your
overlord scout for the enemy and if he's close enough, attack
with what you have. You may, however, opt to wait for a
second Hatchery to come your way (while still scouting for
your enemies) so you could produce more than 10 ultralisks
and attack with that. Getting yourself an Evolution Chamber
and upgrading melee attacks is also an option before attacking.
The Sunken Colonies and the zerglings, by the way (morphed
with the use of SURPLUS minerals), will stop some lame rushes
from taking your base out with one blow, giving you enough
time to send in your monster-mammoths.

Zealot rush

Concept - zealots are the first unit attackers you can get your hands
on, thus are exactly what you'll need to pull off the fastest
rush a Protoss player can do.

Build Order - warp fifth probe
- gather with four other probes
- gather with fifth probe
- warp sixth probe
- warp seventh probe
- gather with sixth probe
- warp first Pylon & gather with seventh probe
- warp eight probe & warp first Gateway
- warp second Gateway & gather with eight probe
- warp first and second zealot & warp second Pylon
- warp third and fourth zealot
- warp second Pylon & warp fourth and fifth zealot

And so... - at this point you can use your first zealot to scout for the
enemy and if he's close enough, attack with what you have.
You may, however, opt to wait for a third and Gateway to come
your way (while still scouting for your enemies) so you could
produce more than 10 zealots and attack with that.

Dragoon rush

Concept - zealots will not always be able to finish the job, especially
against the Terrans who can just lift their buildings off
and let their allies take your zealots out while they flee
and survive. Thus I offer another type of rush, the dragoon
rush. Dragoons, because of their ability to attack both
ground and air units, will ensure the destruction of all
the opponent's buildings, lifted off or not.

Build Order - build fifth probe
- gather with four other probes
- gather with fifth probe
- build sixth probe
- build seventh probe
- gather with sixth probe
- warp first Pylon & gather with seventh probe
- build eight probe & warp first Gateway
- gather with eight probe & warp Assimilator
- build ninth probe & warp Cybernetics Core
- build tenth and eleventh probe
- gather gas with ninth, tenth, and eleventh probe
- warp first and second dragoon & warp second Gateway
- warp second Pylon & warp third and fourth dragoon

And so... - at this point you can use your first dragoon to scout for
the enemy and if he's close enough, attack with what you
have. You may, however, opt to wait for a third Gateway and
the Singularity Charge upgrade to come your way (while still
scouting for your enemies) so you could produce more than
20 dragoons and attack with that.

Archon rush

Concept - if both you and an opponent did not attack each other early
on, chances are he's going for the more high-tech units in
the game, possibly flyers, and so it's a whole lot better
to use your archons, ignore whatever high-tech units he may
have, and just whack his whole base slowly but surely.
You may also leave some in your base for defense purposes;
pretty cool rush if ya ask me. Note: This rush works best
in maps with more than just one vespene geyser near your

Build Order - build fifth probe
- gather with four other probes
- gather with fifth probe
- build sixth probe
- build seventh probe
- gather with sixth probe
- warp first Pylon & gather with seventh probe
- build eight probe & warp first Assimilator
- build ninth, tenth, and eleventh probe
- warp second Assimilator & warp first Gateway
- gather gas with ninth, tenth, and eleventh probe
- build twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth probe
- warp Cybernetics Core & warp second Pylon
- gather gas with twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth probe
- warp first zealot & warp Citadel of Adun
- warp second zealot & warp second Gateway
- warp third Pylon & warp Templar Archives
- warp third and fourth zealot & warp fourth Pylon
- warp third Gateway & train first and second high templar
- summon first archon & warp third and fourth high templar
- warp fifth zealot & warp fifth and sixth high templar
- summon second archon & warp seventh and eighth high templar
- summon third archon & warp first Shield Battery
- summon fourth archon & warp second Shield Battery
- warp ninth and tenth high templar & warp sixth zealot

And so... - at this point you can use your first zealot to scout for
the enemy and if he's close enough, attack with what you
have. You may, however, opt to look for yet another vespene
geyser, warp an Assimilator there, build more probes to gather
from that resource, and stop warping zealots (with the use
of SURPLUS minerals) to give way to more than 10 archons
and attack with that. Getting yourself a Forge and upgrading
ground weapons is also an option before attacking. The Shield
Batteries by the way, (warped with the use of SURPLUS minerals)
will help your archons stop some lame rushes from taking
your base out with one blow, giving you enough time to send
in your arch-angels of destruction.

Reaver rush

Concept - if both you and an opponent did not attack each other early
on, chances are he's going for the more high-tech units in
the game, possibly flyers, and so it's a whole lot better
to use your reavers, bypass whatever high-tech units he may
have (via shuttle help), and just whack his whole base slowly
but surely. You may also leave some in your base for defense
purposes; pretty cool rush if ya ask me.

Build Order - build fifth probe
- gather with four other probes
- gather with fifth probe
- build sixth probe
- build seventh probe
- gather with sixth probe
- gather with seventh probe & warp first Pylon
- build eight probe & build first Gateway
- build Assimilator
- build ninth and tenth probe
- gather with ninth and tenth probe
- build eleventh and twelfth probe & build Cybernetics Core
- gather gas with eleventh and twelfth probe
- build second and third Pylon
- build Robotics Facility
- warp first zealot
- build Robotics Support Bay & warp shuttle
- warp second zealot
- warp first and second reaver

And so... - at this point you can use your first zealot to scout for
the enemy and if he's close enough, attack with what you
have. You may, however, opt to wait for the Gravitic Thrusters
upgrade to come your way, while warping in more reavers and
then attack with that. The shuttle will not only get your
reaver to the opponent's base faster, but will also help
in retreating these units when they run out of ammo. The
zealots by the way, (warped with the use of SURPLUS minerals)
will help your reavers stop some lame rushes from taking
your base out with one blow, giving you enough time to send
in your shiny trilobytes.

Scout rush

Concept - if both you and an opponent did not attack each other early
on, chances are he's going for the more high-tech units in
the game, possibly flyers, and so it's a whole lot better
to use your scouts, kill each and evert high-tech flyer he
may have (scouts are good at this), and just whack his whole
base slowly but surely. This is especially useful for the
Zerg, since their supply providers ARE flyers, thus killing
all these units will very well cripple the opponent's production
rate. On the down side, this rush is very risky for Terran
opponents, since even their most basic unit attacker can
attack air units, and scouts just aren't that good in air-to-
ground encounters.

Build Order - build fifth probe
- gather with four other probes
- gather with fifth probe
- build sixth probe
- build seventh probe
- gather with sixth probe
- gather with seventh probe & warp first Pylon
- build eight probe & build first Gateway
- build Assimilator
- build ninth and tenth probe
- gather with ninth and tenth probe
- build eleventh and twelfth probe & build Cybernetics Core
- gather gas with eleventh and twelfth probe
- build second and third Pylon
- build build first Stargate
- upgrade air weapons
- warp first scout & build second Stargate
- warp second and third scout

And so... - at this point you can use your first scout to...what else(?)
but scout for the enemy and if he's close enough, attack
with what you have. You may, however, opt to wait for a
second Stargate and/or Fleet Beacon to come your way in order
for you to have scouts with higher quantity and/or quality.
The "upgrading your air weapons" part is also just an option
before attacking, but most likely you'll have the extra
gathered resources to spend on it.


As mentioned, no unit is a god of war, thus it will always have its fair share
of weaknesses. It is therefore the job of a good Starcraft player to
know of these weaknesses and deal with them accordingly through the strengths
of the other units under his control. Combined, many units will fill each
other's gaps and ensure victory. Spell casters are one of the best units
to include in combos, but combos were never limited to these types of
units. Very seldom will two of a unit with both ground and air weapons
fare better than a combo of a ground attacker and an air attacker in the
battlefield, thus another proof of the obvious need for combos. Below is
a list of every possible combo using two units, and some using more:

| | | |
Terran | SCV | SCV | Are you kiddin me, boy!? |
| | | Use this type of attack, |
| | | (note: it ain't no combo) |
| | | when rushing the opponent |
| | | VERY early in the game; the |
| | | SCV is the best worker in |
| | | terms of attacks, remember? |
| | | |
| SCV | Marine | Attacking with an SCV is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| SCV | Firebat | Attacking with an SCV is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| SCV | Ghost | Attacking with an SCV is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| SCV | Vulture | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| SCV | Siege Tank | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| SCV | Goliath | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| SCV | Wraith | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| SCV | Dropship | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| SCV | Science | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | Vessel | way around is the better |
| | | idea. Still, a combo of two |
| | | non-attackers is quite lame |
| | | an idea if ya ask me. |
| | | |
| SCV | Battlecruiser | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Marine | SCV | Nothing this type of combo |
| | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by marines alone, except in |
| | | super-early rushes, where |
| | | the marines will need all |
| | | the help they can get. |
| | | |
| Marine | Marine | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Marine | Firebat | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Marine | Ghost | In the case of a mass mech |
| | | attack by either Terran or |
| | | Protoss, the ghosts may use |
| | | their Lockdown spell to pa- |
| | | ralyze those major mechs |
| | | while the marines give them |
| | | a good beating. |
| | | |
| Marine | Vulture | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Marine | Siege Tank | Marines will play some hit |
| | | and run, while those tanks |
| | | (in siege mode, of course) |
| | | will play hit and hit. A |
| | | pretty mighty combo if ya |
| | | ask me. |
| | | |
| Marine | Goliath | Both will fare well on the |
| | | ground, but when enemy air |
| | | units arrive, it's time for |
| | | these goliaths to do what |
| | | they do best. |
| | | |
| Marine | Wraith | The marines will swarm the |
| | | opponent's base, heavily |
| | | concentrating on all nearby |
| | | detectors in the base. Then |
| | | come the wraiths (cloaked, |
| | | of course) to finish off |
| | | what remains of the marine |
| | | strike. |
| | | |
| Marine | Dropship | Your dropship will load the |
| | | marines and situate them |
| | | somewhere in the middle of |
| | | an opponent's base, what |
| | | else were you thinking for |
| | | this type of combo? |
| | | |
| Marine | Science | Nothing specific for this |
| | Vessel | type of combo; just use the |
| | | marines for attacking, and |
| | | at the same time use the |
| | | science vessels for casting |
| | | spells other than defensive |
| | | matrix on opponents when |
| | | needed. |
| | | |
| Marine | Battlecruiser | Always use your basic units |
| | | to do basic things while |
| | | the others do the more com- |
| | | plicated ones. Such is true |
| | | for this type of combo, |
| | | where your marines will do |
| | | nothing but attack the opp- |
| | | onents, while your battle- |
| | | cruisers use their Yamato |
| | | Guns on the tougher, splash |
| | | damaging enemies. |
| | | |
| Firebat | SCV | Nothing this type of combo |
| | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by firebats alone, 'cept in |
| | | super-early rushes, where |
| | | the firebats will need all |
| | | the help they can get. |
| | | |
| Firebat | Marine | The strategies that come |
| | | with this combo are quite |
| | | simple: just use your fire- |
| | | bats against his stronger |
| | | but shorter-ranged ground |
| | | units, while the marines |
| | | continously whack them from |
| | | afar. |
| | | |
| Firebat | Firebat | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Firebat | Ghost | Many people believe that it |
| | | simply is illogical to drop |
| | | a nuke in an area where |
| | | your allies are present but |
| | | you wouldn't mind sacrifi- |
| | | cing a few firebats for a |
| | | well-placed nuke, would |
| | | you? Would you!? |
| | | |
| Firebat | Vulture | No specific strategies for |
| | | this type of combo. Just |
| | | remember NOT to plant your |
| | | spider mines till most your |
| | | firebats are killed. Spider |
| | | mines can kill firebats, |
| | | you know. |
| | | |
| Firebat | Siege Tank | No specific strategies for |
| | | this type of combo. Just |
| | | remember NOT to worry 'bout |
| | | the splash damage dealt by |
| | | a siege-moded siege tank, |
| | | since firebats are but a |
| | | small price to pay for lots |
| | | o' kills. |
| | | |
| Firebat | Goliath | Both will fare well on the |
| | | ground (though firebats'll |
| | | fare better), but when the |
| | | opponent's air units arrive |
| | | it's time for the goliath |
| | | to do what it does best. |
| | | |
| Firebat | Wraith | The firebats will swarm the |
| | | opponent's base, heavily |
| | | concentrating on all nearby |
| | | detectors in the base. Then |
| | | come the wraiths (cloaked, |
| | | of course) to finish off |
| | | what remains of the firebat |
| | | strike. |
| | | |
| Firebat | Dropship | Your dropship will load the |
| | | firebats and situate them |
| | | somewhere in the middle of |
| | | an opponent's base, what |
| | | else were you thinking for |
| | | this type of combo? |
| | | |
| Firebat | Science | Nothing specific for this |
| | Vessel | type of combo; just use the |
| | | firebats for attacking, and |
| | | at the same time use the |
| | | science vessels for casting |
| | | spells other than defensive |
| | | matrix on opponents when |
| | | needed. |
| | | |
| Firebat | Battlecruiser | Always use your basic units |
| | | to do basic things while |
| | | the others do the more com- |
| | | plicated ones. Such is true |
| | | for this type of combo, |
| | | where your firebats will do |
| | | nothing but attack the opp- |
| | | onents, while your battle- |
| | | cruisers use their Yamato |
| | | Guns on the tougher, splash |
| | | damaging enemies. |
| | | |
| Ghost | SCV | As mentioned when done the |
| | | other way around, don't use |
| | | a combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals |
| | | |
| Ghost | Marine | Nuke his base then clean it |
| | | all up. 'Nuff said. |
| | | |
| Ghost | Firebat | Nuke his base then fire it |
| | | up. Easier said than done. |
| | | |
| Ghost | Ghost | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Ghost | Vulture | Nuke his base then attack |
| | | while planting your spider |
| | | mines to ensure its steril- |
| | | ity. |
| | | |
| Ghost | Siege Tank | Nuke his entire base then |
| | | give it a good whacking. A |
| | | very old strategy and one |
| | | good example of winning the |
| | | traditional way. |
| | | |
| Ghost | Goliath | Nuke his base, especially |
| | | in areas where ground units |
| | | are abundant, then use your |
| | | goliaths to take out the |
| | | other areas, since if most |
| | | the opponent's ground units |
| | | are taken out, goliaths are |
| | | sure to dominate. |
| | | |
| Ghost | Wraith | Nuke his entire base then |
| | | clean it all up, just like |
| | | with the marines. |
| | | |
| Ghost | Dropship | Nuke his base then retreat |
| | | with the help of your drop- |
| | | ship. Mission accomplished, |
| | | piece o' cake. |
| | | |
| Ghost | Science | Cloaking is an essential |
| | Vessel | part of successful nuking, |
| | | but when all fails and your |
| | | ghost starts getting hit by |
| | | enemy attacks, quickly cast |
| | | Defensive Matrix on him to |
| | | prolong his life, hopefully |
| | | long enough to accomplish |
| | | the mission. |
| | | |
| Ghost | Battlecruiser | Nuke his entire base then |
| | | finish it off with the awe- |
| | | some power of the battle- |
| | | cruiser's Yamato Gun. |
| | | |
| Vulture | SCV | Using an SCV to repair your |
| | | mechanical units while they |
| | | duke it out with the enemy |
| | | is a good idea, but seldom |
| | | does it work in situations |
| | | other than those that are |
| | | only in theory. |
| | | |
| Vulture | Marine | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Vulture | Firebat | No specific strategies for |
| | | this type of combo. Just |
| | | remember NOT to plant your |
| | | spider mines till most your |
| | | firebats are killed. Spider |
| | | mines can kill firebats, |
| | | you know. |
| | | |
| Vulture | Ghost | Many people believe that it |
| | | simply is illogical to drop |
| | | a nuke in an area where |
| | | your allies are present but |
| | | you wouldn't mind sacrifi- |
| | | cing a few vultures for a |
| | | well-placed nuke, would |
| | | you? Would you!? |
| | | |
| Vulture | Vulture | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Vulture | Siege Tank | Vultures will play some hit |
| | | and run, while those tanks |
| | | (in siege mode, of course) |
| | | will play hit and hit. A |
| | | pretty mighty combo if ya |
| | | ask me. |
| | | |
| Vulture | Goliath | Both will fare well on the |
| | | ground (though vultures'll |
| | | fare better), but when the |
| | | opponent's air units arrive |
| | | it's time for the goliath |
| | | to do what it does best. |
| | | |
| Vulture | Wraith | The vultures will swarm the |
| | | opponent's base, heavily |
| | | concentrating on all nearby |
| | | detectors in the base. Then |
| | | come the wraiths (cloaked, |
| | | of course) to finish off |
| | | what remains of the vulture |
| | | strike. |
| | | |
| Vulture | Dropship | Your dropship will load the |
| | | vultures and situate them |
| | | somewhere in the middle of |
| | | an opponent's base, what |
| | | else were you thinking for |
| | | this type of combo? |
| | | |
| Vulture | Science | On the battlefield itself, |
| | Vessel | planting a spider mine will |
| | | often result in a waste of |
| | | ammo since a good opponent |
| | | would most likely target |
| | | that above all things. Good |
| | | you got a science vessel by |
| | | your side to give the mine |
| | | an extra 250 HP (via Defen- |
| | | sive Matrix) till it does |
| | | its job. |
| | | |
| Vulture | Battlecruiser | Those YGuns can really rock |
| | | an opponent's base, but |
| | | coupled with the vultures' |
| | | spider mines? Instant anni- |
| | | hilation! Just use your |
| | | spider mines wisely, and |
| | | remember to YGun down any |
| | | who seek to destroy these |
| | | burrowed bombs before they |
| | | accomplish their missions. |
| | | |
| Siege Tank | SCV | Using an SCV to repair your |
| | | mechanical units while they |
| | | duke it out with the enemy |
| | | is a good idea, but seldom |
| | | does it work in situations |
| | | other than those that are |
| | | only in theory. |
| | | |
| Siege Tank | Marine | Siege tanks, especially |
| | | those in siege mode, can |
| | | wreck some serious havoc in |
| | | any given base because of |
| | | their long-ranged attacks. |
| | | However, also because of |
| | | these attacks, siege-moded |
| | | siege tanks are helpless if |
| | | ever an enemy unit gets too |
| | | close. And it's the marines'|
| | | job to prevent that from |
| | | happening. |
| | | |
| Siege Tank | Firebat | Siege tanks, especially |
| | | those in siege mode, can |
| | | wreck some serious havoc in |
| | | any given base because of |
| | | their long-ranged attacks. |
| | | However, also because of |
| | | these attacks, siege-moded |
| | | siege tanks are helpless if |
| | | ever an enemy unit gets too |
| | | close. And like the marine, |
| | | it can also be the job of |
| | | the firebat to prevent that |
| | | from happening. |
| | | |
| Siege Tank | Ghost | Many people believe that it |
| | | simply is illogical to drop |
| | | a nuke in an area where |
| | | your allies are present but |
| | | you wouldn't mind sacrifi- |
| | | cing a few siege tanks for |
| | | a well-placed nuke, would |
| | | you? Would you!? |
| | | |
| Siege Tank | Vulture | Siege tanks, especially |
| | | those in siege mode, can |
| | | wreck some serious havoc in |
| | | any given base because of |
| | | their long-ranged attacks. |
| | | However, also because of |
| | | these attacks, siege-moded |
| | | siege tanks are helpless if |
| | | ever an enemy unit gets too |
| | | close. And like the marine, |
| | | it can also be the job of |
| | | the vulture to prevent that |
| | | from happening. |
| | | |
| Siege Tank | Siege Tank | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Siege Tank | Goliath | The perfect "brute" combo, |
| | | works both ways and, as you |
| | | may already have noticed, |
| | | utilizes your goliaths to |
| | | take out the opponent's air |
| | | units and the siege-moded |
| | | siege tanks for those that |
| | | move on land---cool! |
| | | |
| Siege Tank | Wraith | The siege tanks (any mode |
| | | will do) will swarm the |
| | | opponent's base, heavily |
| | | concentrating on all nearby |
| | | detectors in the base. Then |
| | | come the wraiths (cloaked, |
| | | of course) to finish off |
| | | what remains of the siege |
| | | tank strike. |
| | | |
| Siege Tank | Dropship | Your dropship will load the |
| | | tank-moded siege tanks and |
| | | situate them somewhere in |
| | | the middle of an opponent's |
| | | base, whatelse were you |
| | | thinking for this type of |
| | | combo? |
| | | |
| Siege Tank | Science | Using a science vessel to |
| | Vessel | provide your high damaging |
| | | units with much needed pro- |
| | | tection via Defensive Mat- |
| | | will give these units more |
| | | than enough time to destroy |
| | | more than twice their total |
| | | worth. Highly recommended. |
| | | |
| Siege Tank | Battlecruiser | Another cool "brute" combo, |
| | | works both ways and, as you |
| | | may already have noticed, |
| | | utilizes your battlecrui- |
| | | sers to take out the enemy |
| | | air units and the siege- |
| | | moded siege tanks for those |
| | | that move on land---cool! |
| | | |
| Goliath | SCV | Using an SCV to repair your |
| | | mechanical units while they |
| | | duke it out with the enemy |
| | | is a good idea, but seldom |
| | | does it work in situations |
| | | other than those that are |
| | | only in theory. |
| | | |
| Goliath | Marine | Goliaths cannot do much if |
| | | surrounded by short-ranged |
| | | ground units. And though |
| | | your marines could be used |
| | | to keep this from happening,|
| | | perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Goliath | Firebat | Goliaths cannot do much if |
| | | surrounded by short-ranged |
| | | ground units. And though |
| | | your firebats could be used |
| | | to keep this from happening,|
| | | perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Goliath | Ghost | In the case of a mass mech |
| | | attack by either Terran or |
| | | Protoss, the ghosts may use |
| | | their Lockdown spell to pa- |
| | | ralyze those major mechs |
| | | while the goliaths give |
| | | them a good beating. |
| | | |
| Goliath | Vulture | Goliaths really were made |
| | | for back-up purposes, and |
| | | so doing it the other way |
| | | around is perhaps the bet- |
| | | ter idea. |
| | | |
| Goliath | Siege Tank | The perfect "brute" combo, |
| | | works both ways and, as you |
| | | may already have noticed, |
| | | utilizes your goliaths to |
| | | take out the opponent's air |
| | | units and the siege-moded |
| | | siege tanks for those that |
| | | move on land---cool! |
| | | |
| Goliath | Goliath | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Goliath | Wraith | With the goliaths' superior-|
| | | ity over air units, they |
| | | could be used to to take |
| | | the opponent's mother ships |
| | | and mobile detectors while |
| | | their wraith squad back-up |
| | | hammers on everything else |
| | | that's less of a threat. |
| | | |
| Goliath | Dropship | Your dropship will load the |
| | | goliaths and situate them |
| | | somewhere in the middle of |
| | | an opponent's base, what |
| | | else were you thinking for |
| | | this type of combo? |
| | | |
| Goliath | Science | Using a science vessel to |
| | Vessel | provide your high damaging |
| | | units with much needed pro- |
| | | tection via Defensive Mat- |
| | | will give these units more |
| | | than enough time to destroy |
| | | more than twice their total |
| | | worth. Highly recommended |
| | | against air units, even mo- |
| | | ther ships if you will. |
| | | |
| Goliath | Battlecruiser | And yet another cool "brute"|
| | | combo, works both ways and, |
| | | as you may already have |
| | | noticed utilizes your goli- |
| | | aths to take out the enemy |
| | | air units and the battle- |
| | | cruisers for those that |
| | | move on land---very cool! |
| | | |
| Wraith | SCV | Using an SCV to repair your |
| | | mechanical units while they |
| | | duke it out with the enemy |
| | | is a good idea, but seldom |
| | | does it work in situations |
| | | other than those that are |
| | | only in theory. |
| | | |
| Wraith | Marine | Wraiths are quite pathetic |
| | | in air-to-ground situations,|
| | | and using your most basic |
| | | ground units (marines) to |
| | | help them out is just the |
| | | thing to do. |
| | | |
| Wraith | Firebat | Wraiths are quite pathetic |
| | | in air-to-ground situations,|
| | | and using your most basic |
| | | ground units (firebats) to |
| | | help them out is just the |
| | | thing to do. Not as recom- |
| | | mended as the wraith-marine |
| | | combo, but recommended none-|
| | | theless. |
| | | |
| Wraith | Ghost | In the case of a mass mech |
| | | attack by either Terran or |
| | | Protoss, the ghosts may use |
| | | their Lockdown spell to pa- |
| | | ralyze those major mechs |
| | | while the wraiths give them |
| | | a good beating. |
| | | |
| Wraith | Vulture | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Wraith | Siege Tank | Wraiths are quite pathetic |
| | | in air-to-ground situations,|
| | | and using your less basic |
| | | ground units (siege tanks) |
| | | to help them out is just |
| | | the thing to do. Not as |
| | | recommended as the wraith- |
| | | marine combo, but recommen- |
| | | ded nonetheless. |
| | | |
| Wraith | Goliath | The wraiths here could pick |
| | | on large ground units that |
| | | can't attack airborne foes, |
| | | but once the opponent's air |
| | | force arrives, it's time to |
| | | play some hit and run to |
| | | lure them into the goliaths'|
| | | loving missiles. |
| | | |
| Wraith | Wraith | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Wraith | Dropship | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Wraith | Science | Using a science vessel to |
| | Vessel | provide your wraiths with |
| | | much needed protection via |
| | | Defensive Matrix will give |
| | | them enough time to destroy |
| | | more than twice their total |
| | | worth. Should've been one |
| | | of those highly recommended |
| | | combos, but for some reason |
| | | I don't use it much. Per- |
| | | haps it's because wraiths |
| | | should always come in tens, |
| | | and casting Defensive Mat- |
| | | rix on all of them is just |
| | | too tedious! |
| | | |
| Wraith | Battlecruiser | No specific strategies for |
| | | this type of combo. Just |
| | | remember NOT to show your |
| | | battlecruisers to the enemy |
| | | if your cloaked wraiths can |
| | | accomplish the mission by |
| | | themselves. |
| | | |
| Dropship | SCV | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Dropship | Marine | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with a dropship? You |
| | | don't! Using the dropship |
| | | as a decoy is quite a cool |
| | | idea, but still I wouldn't |
| | | recommend it. |
| | | |
| Dropship | Firebat | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with a dropship? You |
| | | don't! Using the dropship |
| | | as a decoy is quite a cool |
| | | idea, but still I wouldn't |
| | | recommend it. |
| | | |
| Dropship | Ghost | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with a dropship? You |
| | | don't! Using the dropship |
| | | as a decoy is quite a cool |
| | | idea, but still I wouldn't |
| | | recommend it. |
| | | |
| Dropship | Vulture | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with a dropship? You |
| | | don't! Using the dropship |
| | | as a decoy is quite a cool |
| | | idea, but still I wouldn't |
| | | recommend it. |
| | | |
| Dropship | Siege Tank | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with a dropship? You |
| | | don't! Using the dropship |
| | | as a decoy is quite a cool |
| | | idea, but still I wouldn't |
| | | recommend it. |
| | | |
| Dropship | Goliath | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with a dropship? You |
| | | don't! Using the dropship |
| | | as a decoy is quite a cool |
| | | idea, but still I wouldn't |
| | | recommend it. (I actually |
| | | said that six times in a |
| | | row!! whew...) |
| | | |
| Dropship | Wraith | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Dropship | Dropship | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Dropship | Science | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | Vessel | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Dropship | Battlecruiser | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Science | SCV | Well, you can Irradiate all |
| Vessel | | the opponent's units while |
| | | using the SCV to repair any |
| | | damage sustained, but this |
| | | type of combo just won't |
| | | work for long even against |
| | | average players. |
| | | |
| Science | Marine | Only works for the Protoss: |
| Vessel | | EMP Shockwave his base then |
| | | clean it up. 'Nuff said. |
| | | |
| Science | Firebat | Only works for the Protoss: |
| Vessel | | EMP Shockwave his base then |
| | | fire it up. Easier said |
| | | than done. |
| | | |
| Science | Ghost | Only works for the Protoss: |
| Vessel | | EMP Shockwave his base then |
| | | nuke it. If absolutely |
| | | nothing explodes or even |
| | | flames up, then he must be |
| | | using some sort of god mode |
| | | hack for Starcraft! |
| | | |
| Science | Vulture | Only works for the Protoss: |
| Vessel | | EMP Shockwave his base then |
| | | attack while planting your |
| | | spider mines to ensure its |
| | | sterility. |
| | | |
| Science | Siege Tank | Only works for the Protoss: |
| Vessel | | EMP Shockwave his base then |
| | | give it a good whacking. A |
| | | very old strategy and one |
| | | good example of winning the |
| | | traditional way. |
| | | |
| Science | Goliath | Only works for the Protoss: |
| Vessel | | EMP Shockwave his base, in |
| | | areas where air units are |
| | | in abundance, then use your |
| | | goliaths to take them all |
| | | out without even breaking a |
| | | sweat. |
| | | |
| Science | Wraith | Only works for the Protoss: |
| Vessel | | EMP Shockwave his base then |
| | | clean it all up, just like |
| | | with the marines. |
| | | |
| Science | Dropship | A combo of two non-attack- |
| Vessel | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Science | Science | This ain't no combo so try |
| Vessel | Vessel | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Science | Battlecruiser | Only works for the Protoss: |
| Vessel | | EMP Shockwave his base then |
| | | finish it off with the awe- |
| | | some power of the battle- |
| | | cruiser's Yamato Gun. |
| | | |
| Battlecruiser | SCV | Using an SCV to repair your |
| | | mechanical units while they |
| | | duke it out with the enemy |
| | | is a good idea, but only |
| | | for your battlecruisers, |
| | | which are large enough to |
| | | hide the SCVs that are try- |
| | | ing to repair them. |
| | | |
| Battlecruiser | Marine | Only works for the Zerg: |
| | | Use your battlecruisers to |
| | | cast Yamato Guns on the |
| | | opponent's buildings. While |
| | | they're busy, your marines |
| | | will be on the lookout for |
| | | stray scourges that most |
| | | likely would go for the air |
| | | units--the battlecruisers-- |
| | | you are using. |
| | | |
| Battlecruiser | Firebat | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Battlecruiser | Ghost | In the case of a mass mech |
| | | attack by either Terran or |
| | | Protoss, the ghosts may use |
| | | their Lockdown spell to pa- |
| | | ralyze those major mechs |
| | | while the battlecruisers |
| | | give them a good gunning. |
| | | |
| Battlecruiser | Vulture | The vultures can simply |
| | | help the battlecruisers out |
| | | in whacking an army of effi-|
| | | cient ground-to-air units, |
| | | but really it's just the |
| | | battlecruisers that'd take |
| | | care of almost everything |
| | | else. |
| | | |
| Battlecruiser | Siege Tank | Another cool "brute" combo, |
| | | works both ways and, as you |
| | | may already have noticed, |
| | | utilizes your battlecrui- |
| | | sers to take out the enemy |
| | | air units and the siege- |
| | | moded siege tanks for those |
| | | that move on land---cool! |
| | | |
| Battlecruiser | Goliath | And yet another cool "brute"|
| | | combo, works both ways and, |
| | | as you may already have |
| | | noticed utilizes your goli- |
| | | aths to take out the enemy |
| | | air units and the battle- |
| | | cruisers for those that |
| | | move on land---very cool! |
| | | |
| Battlecruiser | Wraith | No specific strategies for |
| | | this type of combo. Just |
| | | remember NOT to show your |
| | | battlecruisers to the enemy |
| | | if your cloaked wraiths can |
| | | accomplish the mission by |
| | | themselves. |
| | | |
| Battlecruiser | Dropship | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Battlecruiser | Science | Using a science vessel to |
| | Vessel | provide your high damaging |
| | | units with much needed pro- |
| | | tection via Defensive Mat- |
| | | will give these units more |
| | | than enough time to destroy |
| | | more than twice their total |
| | | worth. Highly recommended. |
| | | |
| Battlecruiser | Battlecruiser | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
Zerg | Drone | Drone | Are you kiddin me, boy!? |
| | | Use this type of attack, |
| | | (note: it ain't no combo) |
| | | when rushing the opponent |
| | | VERY early in the game; |
| | | still a very lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me, but it's your |
| | | choice. |
| | | |
| Drone | Zergling | Attacking with a drone is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Drone | Hydralisk | Attacking with a drone is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Drone | Ultralisk | Attacking with a drone is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | (That's three times I said |
| | | the exact same thing...) |
| | | |
| Drone | Defiler | Changing my lines a little |
| | | bit, using a drone to win's |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | the opponent's units have |
| | | already suffered the full |
| | | effects of the defiler's |
| | | Plague spell, and you got |
| | | no other men to finish the |
| | | job. |
| | | |
| Drone | Broodling | Going back to the original, |
| | | attacking with a drone is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Drone | Infested | And again for the 5th time, |
| | Terran | attacking with a drone is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Drone | Overlord | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. (Hooyah! an en- |
| | | tirely different quote!) |
| | | |
| Drone | Mutalisk | And for the last 3 times, |
| | | Attacking with a drone is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Drone | Guardian | Attacking with a drone is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Drone | Queen | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. (That's twice I |
| | | used the new quote :p ) |
| | | |
| Drone | Scourge | Attacking with a drone is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | (Whoa! That makes a total |
| | | of EIGHT identical comments |
| | | for the drone! Goes to show |
| | | how these workers really |
| | | fare in the battlefield...) |
| | | |
| Zergling | Drone | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The drone is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Zergling | Zergling | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Zergling | Hydralisk | The strategies that come |
| | | with this combo are quite |
| | | simple: just use your zerg- |
| | | lings against his stronger |
| | | but shorter-ranged ground |
| | | units, while the hydralisks |
| | | continously whack them from |
| | | afar. |
| | | |
| Zergling | Ultralisk | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Zergling | Defiler | The defiler's Dark Swarm |
| | | spell enables any unit to |
| | | penetrate any opponent's |
| | | base unharmed by what most |
| | | likely it would face first, |
| | | namely, units with long- |
| | | range weapons! With this |
| | | spell cast in strategic |
| | | locations throughout your |
| | | opponent's base, your ultra-|
| | | lisks should have no prob- |
| | | lem finishing their mission |
| | | in record time. |
| | | |
| Zergling | Broodling | Nothing this type of combo |
| | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by zerglings alone, simply |
| | | because the broodlings are |
| | | extremely weak, even weaker |
| | | than the zerglings! |
| | | |
| Zergling | Infested | Works both ways, since the |
| | Terran | strategies that come with |
| | | combos such as these are |
| | | quite simple: Use either of |
| | | your units to attack the |
| | | opponent's units and keep |
| | | them busy, while the rest |
| | | of the combo target your |
| | | opponent's buildings. |
| | | |
| Zergling | Overlord | Your overlord will load the |
| | | zerglings and situate them |
| | | somewhere in the middle of |
| | | an opponent's base, what |
| | | else were you thinking for |
| | | this type of combo? |
| | | |
| Zergling | Mutalisk | The zerglings will enter an |
| | | opponent's base, split up, |
| | | and attack everything in |
| | | sight. And while they do, |
| | | the mutalisks and their |
| | | bouncing Glave Wurms will |
| | | finish the job, or jobs. |
| | | |
| Zergling | Guardian | Your zerglings will swarm |
| | | the opponent's base, attack-|
| | | ing anything you want it to.|
| | | Meanwhile, you must utilize |
| | | your guardians to take out |
| | | enemy spell casters as well |
| | | as his splash-damagers, |
| | | since it's these two types |
| | | of units that can really |
| | | ruin a swarm. |
| | | |
| Zergling | Queen | Nothing specific for this |
| | | type of combo; just use the |
| | | zerglings for attacking, |
| | | and at the same time use |
| | | your queens for casting |
| | | spells other than Parasite |
| | | on enemy units when needed. |
| | | |
| Zergling | Scourge | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Hydralisk | Drone | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The drone is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Hydralisk | Zergling | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Hydralisk | Hydralisk | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Hydralisk | Ultralisk | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Hydralisk | Defiler | The defiler's Dark Swarm |
| | | spell enables any unit to |
| | | penetrate any opponent's |
| | | base unharmed by what most |
| | | likely it would face first, |
| | | namely, units with long- |
| | | range weapons! With this |
| | | spell cast in strategic |
| | | locations throughout your |
| | | opponent's base, your ultra-|
| | | lisks should have no prob- |
| | | lem finishing their mission |
| | | in record time. Take note |
| | | that even though your hydra-|
| | | lisks themselves wouldn't |
| | | be able to deal damage to |
| | | their enemies, they can and |
| | | should attack the enemy |
| | | buildings instead. |
| | | |
| Hydralisk | Broodling | Nothing this type of combo |
| | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by hydralisks alone, simply |
| | | because the broodlings are |
| | | extremely weak, even weaker |
| | | than the zerglings! |
| | | |
| Hydralisk | Infested | Works both ways, since the |
| | Terran | strategies that come with |
| | | combos such as these are |
| | | quite simple: Use either of |
| | | your units to attack the |
| | | opponent's units and keep |
| | | them busy, while the rest |
| | | of the combo target your |
| | | opponent's buildings. |
| | | |
| Hydralisk | Overlord | Your overlord will load the |
| | | hydralisks and situate them |
| | | somewhere in the middle of |
| | | an opponent's base, what |
| | | else were you thinking for |
| | | this type of combo? |
| | | |
| Hydralisk | Mutalisk | The hydralisks will enter |
| | | an opponent's base, split |
| | | up, and attack everything |
| | | in sight. And while they |
| | | do, the mutalisks and their |
| | | bouncing Glave Wurms will |
| | | finish the job, or jobs. |
| | | |
| Hydralisk | Guardian | Your hydralisks will swarm |
| | | the opponent's base, attack-|
| | | ing anything you want it to.|
| | | Meanwhile, you must utilize |
| | | your guardians to take out |
| | | enemy spell casters as well |
| | | as his splash-damagers, |
| | | since it's these two types |
| | | of units that can really |
| | | ruin a swarm. |
| | | |
| Hydralisk | Queen | Nothing specific for this |
| | | type of combo; just use the |
| | | hydralisks for attacking, |
| | | and at the same time use |
| | | your queens for casting |
| | | spells other than Parasite |
| | | on enemy units when needed. |
| | | |
| Hydralisk | Scourge | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Ultralisk | Drone | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The drone is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Ultralisk | Zergling | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Ultralisk | Hydralisk | The strategies that come |
| | | with this combo are quite |
| | | simple: just use your ultra-|
| | | lisks against his stronger |
| | | but shorter-ranged ground |
| | | units, while the hydralisks |
| | | continously whack them from |
| | | afar. |
| | | |
| Ultralisk | Ultralisk | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Ultralisk | Defiler | The defiler's Dark Swarm |
| | | spell enables any unit to |
| | | penetrate any opponent's |
| | | base unharmed by what most |
| | | likely it would face first, |
| | | namely, units with long- |
| | | range weapons! With this |
| | | spell cast in strategic |
| | | locations throughout your |
| | | opponent's base, your ultra-|
| | | lisks should have no prob- |
| | | lem finishing their mission |
| | | in record time. |
| | | |
| Ultralisk | Broodling | Nothing this type of combo |
| | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by ultralisks alone, simply |
| | | because the broodlings are |
| | | extremely weak, even weaker |
| | | than the zerglings! |
| | | |
| Ultralisk | Infested | Works both ways, since the |
| | Terran | strategies that come with |
| | | combos such as these are |
| | | quite simple: Use either of |
| | | your units to attack the |
| | | opponent's units and keep |
| | | them busy, while the rest |
| | | of the combo target your |
| | | opponent's buildings. |
| | | |
| Ultralisk | Overlord | Your overlord will load the |
| | | hydralisks and situate them |
| | | somewhere in the middle of |
| | | an opponent's base, what |
| | | else were you thinking for |
| | | this type of combo? |
| | | |
| Ultralisk | Mutalisk | The ultralisks will enter |
| | | an opponent's base, split |
| | | up, and attack everything |
| | | in sight. And while they |
| | | do, the mutalisks and their |
| | | bouncing Glave Wurms will |
| | | finish the job, or jobs. |
| | | |
| Ultralisk | Guardian | A good example of a "brute" |
| | | combo, works both ways and |
| | | utilizes your guardians to |
| | | take out the opponent's |
| | | spell casters and your ul- |
| | | tralisks to take care of |
| | | everything else. |
| | | |
| Ultralisk | Queen | Nothing specific for this |
| | | type of combo; just use the |
| | | ultralisks for attacking, |
| | | and at the same time use |
| | | your queens for casting |
| | | spells other than Parasite |
| | | on enemy units when needed. |
| | | |
| Ultralisk | Scourge | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Defiler | Drone | As mentioned quite earlier, |
| | | using a drone to win is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | the opponent's units have |
| | | already suffered the full |
| | | effects of the defiler's |
| | | Plague spell, and you got |
| | | no other men to finish the |
| | | job. |
| | | |
| Defiler | Zergling | Plague his base then eat it |
| | | up. Easier said than done. |
| | | |
| Defiler | Hydralisk | Plague his base then slime |
| | | it all up. Sounds good, |
| | | tastes even better. |
| | | |
| Defiler | Ultralisk | Plague his entire base then |
| | | give it a good whacking. A |
| | | very old strategy and one |
| | | good example of winning the |
| | | traditional way. |
| | | |
| Defiler | Defiler | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Defiler | Broodling | Using a broodling to win's |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | the opponent's units have |
| | | already suffered the full |
| | | effects of the defiler's |
| | | Plague spell, and you got |
| | | no other men to finish the |
| | | job. |
| | | |
| Defiler | Infested | Plague his base then blow |
| | Terran | it up. 'Nuff said. |
| | | |
| Defiler | Overlord | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Defiler | Mutalisk | The only difference between |
| | | this combo and doing it the |
| | | other way around is the or- |
| | | der of action: This time |
| | | the defiler casts Plague |
| | | BEFORE its back-up units--- |
| | | the mutalisks---attack. |
| | | |
| Defiler | Guardian | The only difference between |
| | | this combo and doing it the |
| | | other way around is the or- |
| | | der of action: This time |
| | | the defiler casts Plague |
| | | BEFORE its back-up units--- |
| | | the guardians---attack. |
| | | |
| Defiler | Queen | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Defiler | Scourge | The only difference between |
| | | this combo and doing it the |
| | | other way around is the or- |
| | | der of action: This time |
| | | the defiler casts Plague |
| | | BEFORE its back-up units--- |
| | | the scourges---attack. |
| | | |
| Broodling | Drone | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The drone is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Broodling | Zergling | Nothing this type of combo |
| | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by zerglings alone, simply |
| | | because the broodlings are |
| | | extremely weak, even weaker |
| | | than the zerglings! |
| | | |
| Broodling | Hydralisk | Nothing this type of combo |
| | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by hydralisks alone, simply |
| | | because the broodlings are |
| | | extremely weak, even weaker |
| | | than the zerglings! |
| | | |
| Broodling | Ultralisk | Nothing this type of combo |
| | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by ultralisks alone, simply |
| | | because the broodlings are |
| | | extremely weak, even weaker |
| | | than the zerglings! |
| | | |
| Broodling | Defiler | Many people believe that it |
| | | simply is illogical to cast |
| | | Plague in an area where |
| | | your allies are present but |
| | | you wouldn't mind sacrifi- |
| | | cing a few (and even a lot) |
| | | of your broodlings for a |
| | | well-placed Plague , would |
| | | you? Would you !? |
| | | |
| Broodling | Broodling | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Broodling | Infested | Look, your infested terrans |
| | Terran | would probably even KILL |
| | | all your broodlings in the |
| | | process of backing them up. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Broodling | Overlord | Your overlord will load the |
| | | broodlings and situate them |
| | | somewhere in the middle of |
| | | an opponent's base, what |
| | | else were you thinking for |
| | | this type of combo? |
| | | |
| Broodling | Mutalisk | Nothing this type of combo |
| | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by mutalisks alone, simply |
| | | because the broodlings are |
| | | extremely weak, even weaker |
| | | than the zerglings! |
| | | |
| Broodling | Guardian | Nothing this type of combo |
| | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by guardians alone, simply |
| | | because the broodlings are |
| | | extremely weak, even weaker |
| | | than the zerglings! (How |
| | | many times did I say that? |
| | | five? Ow, shucks...) |
| | | |
| Broodling | Queen | Works both ways, since, |
| | | after all, broodlings DO |
| | | come from the queens! But |
| | | as far as I'm concerned, |
| | | the fact that an enemy unit |
| | | was killed in the process |
| | | is enough for the combo to |
| | | be well worth the energy of |
| | | the beloved queen. |
| | | |
| Broodling | Scourge | Besides being both small |
| | | and weak, the scourge is a |
| | | sacrificial unit while the |
| | | broodling dies after some |
| | | time. Teaming them up is |
| | | pretty much the same as |
| | | having them attack indivi- |
| | | dually. |
| | | |
| Infested | Drone | As mentioned, do not use a |
| Terran | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The drone is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Infested | Zergling | Works both ways, since the |
| Terran | | strategies that come with |
| | | combos such as these are |
| | | quite simple: Use either of |
| | | your units to attack the |
| | | opponent's units and keep |
| | | them busy, while the rest |
| | | of the combo target your |
| | | opponent's buildings. |
| | | |
| Infested | Hydralisk | Works both ways, since the |
| Terran | | strategies that come with |
| | | combos such as these are |
| | | quite simple: Use either of |
| | | your units to attack the |
| | | opponent's units and keep |
| | | them busy, while the rest |
| | | of the combo target your |
| | | opponent's buildings. |
| | | |
| Infested | Ultralisk | Works both ways, since the |
| Terran | | strategies that come with |
| | | combos such as these are |
| | | quite simple: Use either of |
| | | your units to attack the |
| | | opponent's units and keep |
| | | them busy, while the rest |
| | | of the combo target your |
| | | opponent's buildings. |
| | | |
| Infested | Defiler | The defiler's Dark Swarm |
| Terran | | spell enables any unit to |
| | | penetrate any opponent's |
| | | base unharmed by what most |
| | | likely it would face first, |
| | | namely, units with long- |
| | | range weapons! With this |
| | | spell cast in strategic |
| | | locations throughout your |
| | | opponent's base, your in- |
| | | fested terrans should have |
| | | no problem finishing their |
| | | mission in record time. |
| | | |
| Infested | Broodling | Nothing this type of combo |
| Terran | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by the infested terrans |
| | | alone since broodlings are |
| | | extremely weak, even weaker |
| | | than the zerglings! |
| | | |
| Infested | Infested | This ain't no combo so try |
| Terran | Terran | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| | | |
| Infested | Overlord | Your overlord will load the |
| Terran | | infested terrans and unload |
| | | them somewhere right in the |
| | | middle of an opponent's |
| | | base, what else were you |
| | | thinking for this type of |
| | | combo? |
| | | |
| Infested | Mutalisk | The infested terrans will |
| Terran | | enter an opponent's base, |
| | | split up, and attack every- |
| | | thing in sight. And while |
| | | they do, the mutalisks and |
| | | their bouncing Glave Wurms |
| | | will finish the job, or |
| | | jobs. |
| | | |
| Infested | Guardian | Your infested terrans will |
| Terran | | swarm the opponent's base, |
| | | attacking anything you want |
| | | it to. Meanwhile, you must |
| | | use your guardians to take |
| | | out enemy spell casters as |
| | | well as his splash-damagers,|
| | | since it's these two types |
| | | of units that can really |
| | | ruin a swarm. |
| | | |
| Infested | Queen | Nothing specific for this |
| Terran | | type of combo; just use the |
| | | infested terrans for attack-|
| | | ing, and at the same time |
| | | use your queens for casting |
| | | spells other than Parasite |
| | | on enemy units when needed. |
| | | |
| Infested | Scourge | "SACRIFICE US!!" This combo |
| Terran | | works both ways, since the |
| | | strategies that come with |
| | | combos such as these are |
| | | quite simple: Use either of |
| | | your units to attack the |
| | | opponent's units and keep |
| | | them busy, while the rest |
| | | of the combo target your |
| | | opponent's buildings. |
| | | |
| Overlord | Drone | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Overlord | Zergling | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with an overlord? |
| | | You don't! Using your over- |
| | | lord as a decoy is quite a |
| | | cool idea, but still I |
| | | wouldn't recommend it. |
| | | |
| Overlord | Hydralisk | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with an overlord? |
| | | You don't! Using your over- |
| | | lord as a decoy is quite a |
| | | cool idea, but still I |
| | | wouldn't recommend it. |
| | | |
| Overlord | Ultralisk | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with an overlord? |
| | | You don't! Using your over- |
| | | lord as a decoy is quite a |
| | | cool idea, but still I |
| | | wouldn't recommend it. |
| | | |
| Overlord | Defiler | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Overlord | Broodling | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with an overlord? |
| | | You don't! Using your over- |
| | | lord as a decoy is quite a |
| | | cool idea, but still I |
| | | wouldn't recommend it. |
| | | |
| Overlord | Infested | And how do you expect to |
| | Terran | attack with an overlord? |
| | | You don't! Using your over- |
| | | lord as a decoy is quite a |
| | | cool idea, but still I |
| | | wouldn't recommend it. |
| | | (Please bear with the fact |
| | | that I restate my comments |
| | | in different events, since |
| | | there really is no better |
| | | way to do it.) |
| | | |
| Overlord | Overlord | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Overlord | Mutalisk | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Overlord | Guardian | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Overlord | Queen | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Overlord | Scourge | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. (yeah, yeah, repetitive |
| | | I know that!) |
| | | |
| Mutalisk | Drone | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The drone is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Mutalisk | Zergling | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around---or just attack-|
| | | ing with these units as if |
| | | they weren't teamed up---is |
| | | the better idea. |
| | | |
| Mutalisk | Hydralisk | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around---or just attack-|
| | | ing with these units as if |
| | | they weren't teamed up---is |
| | | the better idea. |
| | | |
| Mutalisk | Ultralisk | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around---or just attack-|
| | | ing with these units as if |
| | | they weren't teamed up---is |
| | | the better idea. |
| | | |
| Mutalisk | Defiler | Many people believe that it |
| | | simply is illogical to cast |
| | | Plague in an area where |
| | | your allies are present but |
| | | you wouldn't mind sacrifi- |
| | | cing a few mutalisks for a |
| | | well-placed Plague, would |
| | | you? Would you!? |
| | | |
| Mutalisk | Broodling | Nothing this type of combo |
| | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by mutalisks alone, simply |
| | | because the broodlings are |
| | | extremely weak, even weaker |
| | | than the zerglings! |
| | | |
| Mutalisk | Infested | Works both ways, since the |
| | Terran | strategies that come with |
| | | combos such as these are |
| | | quite simple: Use either of |
| | | your units to attack the |
| | | opponent's units and keep |
| | | them busy, while the rest |
| | | of the combo target your |
| | | opponent's buildings. |
| | | |
| Mutalisk | Overlord | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Mutalisk | Mutalisk | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Mutalisk | Guardian | Your mutalisks will swarm |
| | | the opponent's base, attack-|
| | | ing anything you want it to.|
| | | Meanwhile, you must utilize |
| | | your guardians to take out |
| | | enemy spell casters as well |
| | | as his splash-damagers, |
| | | since it's these two types |
| | | of units that can really |
| | | ruin a swarm. |
| | | |
| Mutalisk | Queen | Nothing specific for this |
| | | type of combo; just use the |
| | | mutalisks for attacking, |
| | | and at the same time use |
| | | your queens for casting |
| | | spells other than Parasite |
| | | on enemy units when needed. |
| | | |
| Mutalisk | Scourge | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Guardian | Drone | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The drone is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Guardian | Zergling | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Guardian | Hydralisk | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Guardian | Ultralisk | A good example of a "brute" |
| | | combo, works both ways and |
| | | utilizes your guardians to |
| | | take out the opponent's |
| | | spell casters and your ul- |
| | | tralisks to take care of |
| | | everything else. |
| | | |
| Guardian | Defiler | Many people believe that it |
| | | simply is illogical to cast |
| | | Plague in an area where |
| | | your allies are present but |
| | | you wouldn't mind sacrifi- |
| | | cing a few guardians for a |
| | | well-placed Plague, would |
| | | you? Would you!? |
| | | |
| Guardian | Broodling | Nothing this type of combo |
| | | can do that can't be done |
| | | by guardians alone, simply |
| | | because the broodlings are |
| | | extremely weak, even weaker |
| | | than the zerglings! |
| | | |
| Guardian | Infested | Works both ways, since the |
| | Terran | strategies that come with |
| | | combos such as these are |
| | | quite simple: Use either of |
| | | your units to attack the |
| | | opponent's units and keep |
| | | them busy, while the rest |
| | | of the combo target your |
| | | opponent's buildings. |
| | | |
| Guardian | Overlord | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Guardian | Mutalisk | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Guardian | Guardian | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Guardian | Queen | Nothing specific for this |
| | | type of combo; just use the |
| | | guardians for attacking, |
| | | and at the same time use |
| | | your queens for casting |
| | | spells other than Parasite |
| | | on enemy units when needed. |
| | | |
| Guardian | Scourge | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Queen | Drone | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Queen | Zergling | Spawn Broodlings from your |
| | | opponent's spell casters as |
| | | well as his splash-damagers |
| | | then swarm with your zerg- |
| | | lings after those anti- |
| | | swarm units are taken out. |
| | | |
| Queen | Hydralisk | Spawn Broodlings from your |
| | | opponent's spell casters as |
| | | well as his splash-damagers |
| | | then swarm with your hydra- |
| | | lisks after those anti- |
| | | swarm units are taken out. |
| | | |
| Queen | Ultralisk | Spawn Broodlings from your |
| | | opponent's spell casters as |
| | | well as his splash-damagers |
| | | then swarm with your ultra- |
| | | lisks after those anti- |
| | | swarm units are taken out. |
| | | |
| Queen | Defiler | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Queen | Broodling | Works both ways, since, |
| | | after all, broodlings DO |
| | | come from the queens! But |
| | | as far as I'm concerned, |
| | | the fact that an enemy unit |
| | | was killed in the process |
| | | is enough for the combo to |
| | | be well worth the energy of |
| | | the beloved queen. |
| | | |
| Queen | Infested | Spawn Broodlings from your |
| | Terran | opponent's spell casters as |
| | | well as his splash-damagers |
| | | then swarm with your infest-|
| | | ed terrans after those anti-|
| | | swarm units are taken out. |
| | | |
| Queen | Overlord | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Queen | Mutalisk | Spawn Broodlings from your |
| | | opponent's spell casters as |
| | | well as his splash-damagers |
| | | then swarm with your muta- |
| | | lisks after those anti- |
| | | swarm units are taken out. |
| | | |
| Queen | Guardian | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Queen | Queen | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Queen | Scourge | Cast Ensnare on the largest |
| | | of your enemies' air units |
| | | (eg. Battlecruisers) then |
| | | chase them all with a batch |
| | | of scourges! It's guaran- |
| | | teed no escape! |
| | | |
| Scourge | Drone | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The drone is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Scourge | Zergling | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Scourge | Hydralisk | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Scourge | Ultralisk | And again, I claim that it |
| | | works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Scourge | Defiler | Many people believe that it |
| | | simply is illogical to cast |
| | | Plague in an area where |
| | | your allies are present but |
| | | you wouldn't mind sacrifi- |
| | | cing a few scourges for a |
| | | well-placed Plague, would |
| | | you? Would you!? |
| | | |
| Scourge | Broodling | Besides being both small |
| | | and weak, the scourge is a |
| | | sacrificial unit while the |
| | | broodling dies after some |
| | | time. Teaming them up is |
| | | pretty much the same as |
| | | having them attack indivi- |
| | | dually. |
| | | |
| Scourge | Infested | "SACRIFICE US!!" This combo |
| | Terran | works both ways, since the |
| | | strategies that come with |
| | | combos such as these are |
| | | quite simple: Use either of |
| | | your units to attack the |
| | | opponent's units and keep |
| | | them busy, while the rest |
| | | of the combo target your |
| | | opponent's buildings. |
| | | |
| Scourge | Overlord | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Scourge | Mutalisk | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Scourge | Guardian | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Scourge | Queen | Nothing specific for this |
| | | type of combo; just use the |
| | | scourges for sacrificing, |
| | | and at the same time use |
| | | your queens for casting |
| | | spells other than Parasite |
| | | on enemy units when needed. |
| | | |
| Scourge | Scourge | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
Protoss | Probe | Probe | Are you kiddin me, boy!? |
| | | Use this type of attack, |
| | | (note: it ain't no combo) |
| | | when rushing the opponent |
| | | VERY early in the game; |
| | | still a very lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me, but it's your |
| | | choice. |
| | | |
| Probe | Zealot | Attacking with a probe is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Probe | Dragoon | Attacking with a probe is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Probe | High Templar | Changing my lines a little |
| | | bit, using a probe to win's |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | the opponent's units have |
| | | already suffered the full |
| | | effects of the high temp- |
| | | lar's Psionic Storm spell, |
| | | and you got no other men to |
| | | finish the job. |
| | | |
| Probe | Archon | Going back to the original, |
| | | attacking with a probe is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Probe | Reaver | Attacking with a probe is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Probe | Shuttle | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Probe | Observer | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Probe | Scout | Attacking with a probe is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Probe | Carrier | Attacking with a probe is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Probe | Arbiter | Attacking with a probe is |
| | | just plain pathetic, unless |
| | | it's a super-early rush. |
| | | Don't use this combo. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | |
| Zealot | Probe | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The probe is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Zealot | Zealot | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Zealot | Dragoon | The strategies that come |
| | | with this combo are quite |
| | | simple: just use your zea- |
| | | lots against his stronger |
| | | but shorter-ranged ground |
| | | units, while the dragoons |
| | | continously whack them from |
| | | afar. |
| | | |
| Zealot | High Templar | Many people believe that it |
| | | simply is illogical to cast |
| | | Psionic Storm in an area |
| | | where your allies are but |
| | | you wouldn't mind sacrifi- |
| | | cing a few zealots for a |
| | | well-placed Psionic Storm |
| | | would you? Would you!? |
| | | |
| Zealot | Archon | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Zealot | Reaver | No specific strategies for |
| | | this type of combo. Just |
| | | remember NOT to worry 'bout |
| | | the splash damage dealt by |
| | | a reaver's almighty scarab, |
| | | since zealots are but a |
| | | small price to pay for lots |
| | | o' kills. |
| | | |
| Zealot | Shuttle | Your shuttle will load the |
| | | zealots and situate them |
| | | somewhere in the middle of |
| | | an opponent's base, what |
| | | else were you thinking for |
| | | this type of combo? |
| | | |
| Zealot | Observer | Only works if you're plan- |
| | | ning to attack hidden units;|
| | | Left-click on your observer |
| | | then right-click on any of |
| | | your zealots. The observer |
| | | will then follow the said |
| | | unit wherever it goes, and |
| | | enable it to attack hidden |
| | | enemies of any kind. |
| | | |
| Zealot | Scout | You can very well use your |
| | | zealots to wreck havoc in |
| | | any opponent's base, but if |
| | | airborne resistance proves |
| | | to be too much to handle, |
| | | then it's time for your |
| | | scouts to lend a helping |
| | | Anti-matter Missile. |
| | | |
| Zealot | Carrier | Always use your basic units |
| | | to do basic things while |
| | | the others do the more com- |
| | | plicated ones. Such is true |
| | | for this type of combo, |
| | | where your zealots will do |
| | | nothing but attack the opp- |
| | | onents, while your carriers |
| | | specifically target their |
| | | interceptors towards the |
| | | tougher, splash-damaging |
| | | units. |
| | | |
| Zealot | Arbiter | The Protoss arbiter is one |
| | | of the best back-ups any |
| | | type of unit could have, |
| | | since its ability to cloak |
| | | all nearby subordinates can |
| | | never go wrong. And even if |
| | | the an opponent has a fair |
| | | share of detectors, it |
| | | still would be wise to keep |
| | | your arbiters around, since |
| | | their Stasis Field can very |
| | | much lighten your current |
| | | load. |
| | | |
| Dragoon | Probe | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The probe is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Dragoon | Zealot | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Dragoon | Dragoon | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Dragoon | High Templar | Many people believe that it |
| | | simply is illogical to cast |
| | | Psionic Storm in an area |
| | | where your allies are but |
| | | you wouldn't mind sacrifi- |
| | | cing a few dragoons for a |
| | | well-placed Psionic Storm |
| | | would you? Would you!? |
| | | |
| Dragoon | Archon | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Dragoon | Reaver | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Dragoon | Shuttle | Your shuttle will load the |
| | | dragoons and situate them |
| | | somewhere in the middle of |
| | | an opponent's base, what |
| | | else were you thinking for |
| | | this type of combo? |
| | | |
| Dragoon | Observer | Only works if you're plan- |
| | | ning to attack hidden units;|
| | | Left-click on your observer |
| | | then right-click on any of |
| | | your dragoons. The observer |
| | | will then follow the said |
| | | unit wherever it goes, and |
| | | enable it to attack hidden |
| | | enemies of any kind. Added |
| | | note: This combo pretty |
| | | much emulates the Photon |
| | | Cannon itself! |
| | | |
| Dragoon | Scout | You can very well use your |
| | | dragoons to wreck havoc in |
| | | any opponent's base, but if |
| | | airborne resistance proves |
| | | to be too much to handle, |
| | | then it's time for your |
| | | scouts to lend a helping |
| | | Anti-matter Missile. |
| | | |
| Dragoon | Carrier | Always use your basic units |
| | | to do basic things while |
| | | the others do the more com- |
| | | plicated ones. Such is true |
| | | for this type of combo, |
| | | where your dragoons will do |
| | | nothing but attack the opp- |
| | | onents, while your carriers |
| | | specifically target their |
| | | interceptors towards the |
| | | tougher, splash-damaging |
| | | units. |
| | | |
| Dragoon | Arbiter | The Protoss arbiter is one |
| | | of the best back-ups any |
| | | type of unit could have, |
| | | since its ability to cloak |
| | | all nearby subordinates can |
| | | never go wrong. And even if |
| | | the an opponent has a fair |
| | | share of detectors, it |
| | | still would be wise to keep |
| | | your arbiters around, since |
| | | their Stasis Field can very |
| | | much lighten your current |
| | | load. |
| | | |
| High Templar | Probe | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| High Templar | Zealot | Psi Storm his entire base |
| | | then clean it all up. 'Nuff |
| | | said. |
| | | |
| High Templar | Dragoon | Psi Storm his entire base |
| | | and then again clean it all |
| | | up. Easier said than done. |
| | | |
| High Templar | High Templar | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| High Templar | Archon | Psi Storm his entire base |
| | | then give it a good whack- |
| | | ing. A very old strategy |
| | | and one good example of |
| | | winning the traditional way.|
| | | |
| High Templar | Reaver | Psi Storm his entire base, |
| | | especially in areas where |
| | | air units are abundant, |
| | | then use your reavers to |
| | | to take out the other areas,|
| | | since if most the enemy's |
| | | air units are taken out, |
| | | your reavers are sure to |
| | | dominate. |
| | | |
| High Templar | Shuttle | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| High Templar | Observer | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| High Templar | Scout | Psi Storm his entire base, |
| | | especially in areas where |
| | | ground units are abundant, |
| | | then use your scouts to |
| | | take out the other areas, |
| | | since if most the enemy's |
| | | ground units are taken out, |
| | | your scouts are sure to |
| | | dominate. |
| | | |
| High Templar | Carrier | No specific strategies for |
| | | this type of combo. Just |
| | | remember NOT to let even a |
| | | single interceptor out of |
| | | those mighty carriers with- |
| | | out first draining those |
| | | high templars of their Psi |
| | | Storming energy. |
| | | |
| High Templar | Arbiter | The Protoss arbiter is one |
| | | of the best back-ups any |
| | | type of unit could have, |
| | | since its ability to cloak |
| | | all nearby subordinates can |
| | | never go wrong. And even if |
| | | the an opponent has a fair |
| | | share of detectors, it |
| | | still would be wise to keep |
| | | your arbiters around, since |
| | | their Stasis Field can very |
| | | much lighten your current |
| | | load. |
| | | |
| Archon | Probe | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The probe is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Archon | Zealot | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Archon | Dragoon | The strategies that come |
| | | with this combo are quite |
| | | simple: just use your zea- |
| | | lots against his stronger |
| | | but shorter-ranged ground |
| | | units, while the dragoons |
| | | continously whack them from |
| | | afar. |
| | | |
| Archon | High Templar | Many people believe that it |
| | | simply is illogical to cast |
| | | Psionic Storm in an area |
| | | where your allies are but |
| | | you wouldn't mind damaging |
| | | (NOT sacrificing) a few Ar- |
| | | chons for a well-placed |
| | | Psionic Storm, would you? |
| | | Would you!? |
| | | |
| Archon | Archon | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Archon | Reaver | Another cool "brute" combo, |
| | | works both ways and, as you |
| | | may already have noticed, |
| | | utilizes your archons to |
| | | to take out the opponent's |
| | | air units and the scarab- |
| | | loaded reavers for those |
| | | that move on land---cool! |
| | | |
| Archon | Shuttle | Your shuttle will load the |
| | | archons and situate them |
| | | somewhere in the middle of |
| | | an opponent's base, what |
| | | else were you thinking for |
| | | this type of combo? |
| | | |
| Archon | Observer | Only works if you're plan- |
| | | ning to attack hidden units;|
| | | Left-click on your observer |
| | | then right-click on any of |
| | | your archons. The observer |
| | | will then follow the said |
| | | unit wherever it goes, and |
| | | enable it to attack hidden |
| | | enemies of any kind. |
| | | |
| Archon | Scout | Works only for the Terrans: |
| | | (otherwise, archons alone |
| | | will do) Keep your scouts |
| | | above and a little in front |
| | | of your archons, and have |
| | | them instantly destroy any |
| | | science vessels nearby, be- |
| | | fore they can even think of |
| | | casting that dreaded EMP |
| | | Shockwave. |
| | | |
| Archon | Carrier | No specific strategies for |
| | | this type of combo. Just |
| | | remember NOT to worry 'bout |
| | | the splash damage dealt by |
| | | a power-overwhelmed archon, |
| | | since interceptors are but |
| | | a small price to pay for |
| | | lots o' kills. |
| | | |
| Archon | Arbiter | The Protoss arbiter is one |
| | | of the best back-ups any |
| | | type of unit could have, |
| | | since its ability to cloak |
| | | all nearby subordinates can |
| | | never go wrong. And even if |
| | | the an opponent has a fair |
| | | share of detectors, it |
| | | still would be wise to keep |
| | | your arbiters around, since |
| | | their Stasis Field can very |
| | | much lighten your current |
| | | load. |
| | | |
| Reaver | Probe | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The probe is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Reaver | Zealot | No specific strategies for |
| | | this type of combo. Just |
| | | remember NOT to worry 'bout |
| | | the splash damage dealt by |
| | | a reaver's almighty scarab, |
| | | since zealots are but a |
| | | small price to pay for lots |
| | | o' kills. |
| | | |
| Reaver | Dragoon | Works both ways, but really |
| | | there's nothing to get too |
| | | excited about with a combo |
| | | such as this. |
| | | |
| Reaver | High Templar | Reavers are powerful units, |
| | | thus will be the instant |
| | | target of all enemy units |
| | | nearby. It usually won't |
| | | stand a chance when in a |
| | | small group, and using more |
| | | than that can sometimes |
| | | cost too much. The solution?|
| | | Hallucination! With fake |
| | | units roaming your oppo- |
| | | nent's base, there's a fair |
| | | chance he'll target those |
| | | first while your real units |
| | | deal the real damage---cool!|
| | | |
| Reaver | Archon | Another cool "brute" combo, |
| | | works both ways and, as you |
| | | may already have noticed, |
| | | utilizes your archons to |
| | | to take out the opponent's |
| | | air units and the scarab- |
| | | loaded reavers for those |
| | | that move on land---cool! |
| | | |
| Reaver | Reaver | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Reaver | Shuttle | Your shuttle will load the |
| | | reavers and situate them |
| | | somewhere in the middle of |
| | | an opponent's base, what |
| | | else were you thinking for |
| | | this type of combo? Well, |
| | | actually there is one more |
| | | thing about this combo, and |
| | | it's popularly known as the |
| | | "Reaver Drop". In this drop |
| | | the basic principle is to |
| | | unload your reavers, have |
| | | them attack anything at all,|
| | | build more scarabs, and re- |
| | | load them into your shuttle |
| | | while they replenish both |
| | | their shields and their |
| | | ammo. Fly them over to ano- |
| | | ther uninhabited part of |
| | | the opponent's base and... |
| | | DROP! |
| | | |
| Reaver | Observer | Only works if you're plan- |
| | | ning to attack hidden units;|
| | | Left-click on your observer |
| | | then right-click on any of |
| | | your reavers. The observer |
| | | will then follow the said |
| | | unit wherever it goes, and |
| | | enable it to attack hidden |
| | | enemies of any kind. |
| | | |
| Reaver | Scout | The perfect "brute" combo, |
| | | works both ways and, as you |
| | | may already have noticed, |
| | | utilizes your scouts to |
| | | take out the opponent's air |
| | | units and the scarab-loaded |
| | | reavers for those that move |
| | | on land---cool! |
| | | |
| Reaver | Carrier | And yet another cool "brute"|
| | | combo, works both ways and, |
| | | as you may already have |
| | | noticed utilizes your car- |
| | | riers to take out the enemy |
| | | air units and the scarab- |
| | | loaded reavers for those |
| | | that move on land---cool! |
| | | |
| Reaver | Arbiter | The Protoss arbiter is one |
| | | of the best back-ups any |
| | | type of unit could have, |
| | | since its ability to cloak |
| | | all nearby subordinates can |
| | | never go wrong. And even if |
| | | the an opponent has a fair |
| | | share of detectors, it |
| | | still would be wise to keep |
| | | your arbiters around, since |
| | | their Stasis Field can very |
| | | much lighten your current |
| | | load. |
| | | |
| Shuttle | Probe | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Shuttle | Zealot | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with a shuttle? You |
| | | don't! Using the dropship |
| | | as a decoy is quite a cool |
| | | idea, but still I wouldn't |
| | | recommend it. |
| | | |
| Shuttle | Dragoon | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with a shuttle? You |
| | | don't! Using the dropship |
| | | as a decoy is quite a cool |
| | | idea, but still I wouldn't |
| | | recommend it. |
| | | |
| Shuttle | High Templar | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Shuttle | Archon | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with a shuttle? You |
| | | don't! Using the dropship |
| | | as a decoy is quite a cool |
| | | idea, but still I wouldn't |
| | | recommend it. |
| | | |
| Shuttle | Reaver | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with a shuttle? You |
| | | don't! Using the dropship |
| | | as a decoy is quite a cool |
| | | idea, but still I wouldn't |
| | | recommend it. |
| | | |
| Shuttle | Shuttle | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Shuttle | Observer | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Shuttle | Scout | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Shuttle | Carrier | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Shuttle | Arbiter | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Observer | Probe | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Observer | Zealot | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with an observer? |
| | | You don't! Perhaps doing it |
| | | the other way around is the |
| | | better idea. |
| | | |
| Observer | Dragoon | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with an observer? |
| | | You don't! Perhaps doing it |
| | | the other way around is the |
| | | better idea. |
| | | |
| Observer | High Templar | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Observer | Archon | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with an observer? |
| | | You don't! Perhaps doing it |
| | | the other way around is the |
| | | better idea. |
| | | |
| Observer | Reaver | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with an observer? |
| | | You don't! Perhaps doing it |
| | | the other way around is the |
| | | better idea. |
| | | |
| Observer | Shuttle | A combo of two non-attack- |
| | | ers is quite a lame idea if |
| | | ya ask me. |
| | | |
| Observer | Observer | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Observer | Scout | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with an observer? |
| | | You don't! Perhaps doing it |
| | | the other way around is the |
| | | better idea. |
| | | |
| Observer | Carrier | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with an observer? |
| | | You don't! Perhaps doing it |
| | | the other way around is the |
| | | better idea. |
| | | |
| Observer | Arbiter | And how do you expect to |
| | | attack with an observer? |
| | | You don't! Perhaps doing it |
| | | the other way around is the |
| | | better idea. (Yup, that's |
| | | SEVEN times I said the very |
| | | same quote!) |
| | | |
| Scout | Probe | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The probe is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Scout | Zealot | Scouts are quite pathetic |
| | | in air-to-ground situations,|
| | | and using your most basic |
| | | ground units (zealots) to |
| | | help them out is just the |
| | | thing to do. |
| | | |
| Scout | Dragoon | Scouts are quite pathetic |
| | | in air-to-ground situations,|
| | | and using your most basic |
| | | ground units (dragoons) to |
| | | help them out is just the |
| | | thing to do. Not as recom- |
| | | mended as the scout-zealot |
| | | combo, but recommended none-|
| | | theless. |
| | | |
| Scout | High Templar | Scouts are powerful units, |
| | | thus will be the instant |
| | | target of all enemy units |
| | | nearby. It usually won't |
| | | stand a chance when in a |
| | | small group, and using more |
| | | than that can sometimes |
| | | cost too much. The solution?|
| | | Hallucination! With fake |
| | | units roaming your oppo- |
| | | nent's base, there's a fair |
| | | chance he'll target those |
| | | first while your real units |
| | | deal the real damage---cool!|
| | | |
| Scout | Archon | Another cool "brute" combo, |
| | | may not work both ways but, |
| | | as you may already have no- |
| | | ticed, utilizes your scouts |
| | | to take out the opponent's |
| | | air units and the high dam- |
| | | aging archons for those |
| | | that move on land---cool! |
| | | |
| Scout | Reaver | The perfect "brute" combo, |
| | | works both ways and, as you |
| | | may already have noticed, |
| | | utilizes your scouts to |
| | | take out the opponent's air |
| | | units and the scarab-loaded |
| | | reavers for those that move |
| | | on land---cool! |
| | | |
| Scout | Shuttle | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Scout | Observer | Only works if you're plan- |
| | | ning to attack hidden units;|
| | | Left-click on your observer |
| | | then right-click on any of |
| | | your scouts. The observer |
| | | will then follow the said |
| | | unit wherever it goes, and |
| | | enable it to attack hidden |
| | | enemies of any kind. |
| | | |
| Scout | Scout | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Scout | Carrier | Hmmm....I use this combo, |
| | | but I don't know what to |
| | | say about it. Perhaps just |
| | | attacking with these units |
| | | as if they weren't teamed- |
| | | up is the better idea. |
| | | |
| Scout | Arbiter | The Protoss arbiter is one |
| | | of the best back-ups any |
| | | type of unit could have, |
| | | since its ability to cloak |
| | | all nearby subordinates can |
| | | never go wrong. And even if |
| | | the an opponent has a fair |
| | | share of detectors, it |
| | | still would be wise to keep |
| | | your arbiters around, since |
| | | their Stasis Field can very |
| | | much lighten your current |
| | | load. |
| | | |
| Carrier | Probe | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The probe is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Carrier | Zealot | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Carrier | Dragoon | Only works for the Zerg: |
| | | Use your carriers to attack |
| | | opponent's buildings. While |
| | | they're busy, your dragoons |
| | | will be on the lookout for |
| | | stray scourges that most |
| | | likely would go for the air |
| | | units---the carriers---you |
| | | are using. |
| | | |
| Carrier | High Templar | Carriers are powerful units,|
| | | thus will be the instant |
| | | target of all enemy units |
| | | nearby. It usually won't |
| | | stand a chance when in a |
| | | small group, and using more |
| | | than that can sometimes |
| | | cost too much. The solution?|
| | | Hallucination! With fake |
| | | units roaming your oppo- |
| | | nent's base, there's a fair |
| | | chance he'll target those |
| | | first while your real units |
| | | deal the real damage---cool!|
| | | |
| Carrier | Archon | No specific strategies for |
| | | this type of combo. Just |
| | | remember NOT to worry 'bout |
| | | the splash damage dealt by |
| | | a power-overwhelmed archon, |
| | | since interceptors are but |
| | | a small price to pay for |
| | | lots o' kills. |
| | | |
| Carrier | Reaver | And yet another cool "brute"|
| | | combo, works both ways and, |
| | | as you may already have |
| | | noticed utilizes your car- |
| | | riers to take out the enemy |
| | | air units and the scarab- |
| | | loaded reavers for those |
| | | that move on land---cool! |
| | | |
| Carrier | Shuttle | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Carrier | Observer | Only works if you're plan- |
| | | ning to attack hidden units;|
| | | Left-click on your observer |
| | | then right-click on any of |
| | | your carriers. The observer |
| | | will then follow the said |
| | | unit wherever it goes, and |
| | | enable it to attack hidden |
| | | enemies of any kind. |
| | | |
| Carrier | Scout | Hmmm....I use this combo, |
| | | but I don't know what to |
| | | say about it. Perhaps just |
| | | attacking with these units |
| | | as if they weren't teamed- |
| | | up is the better idea. |
| | | |
| Carrier | Carrier | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| Carrier | Arbiter | The Protoss arbiter is one |
| | | of the best back-ups any |
| | | type of unit could have, |
| | | since its ability to cloak |
| | | all nearby subordinates can |
| | | never go wrong. And even if |
| | | the an opponent has a fair |
| | | share of detectors, it |
| | | still would be wise to keep |
| | | your arbiters around, since |
| | | their Stasis Field can very |
| | | much lighten your current |
| | | load. |
| | | |
| Arbiter | Probe | As mentioned, do not use a |
| | | combo such as this. It's |
| | | sheer waste of minerals. |
| | | The probe is a very pathe- |
| | | tic creature in terms of |
| | | attacking, and even as back-|
| | | up it won't have much use. |
| | | |
| Arbiter | Zealot | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Arbiter | Dragoon | Whenever you see an entire |
| | | enemy fleet come your way, |
| | | meet them with your arbiter |
| | | en route, Stasis Field half |
| | | their troops, then Recall |
| | | all those dragoons in your |
| | | base longing for battle. |
| | | |
| Arbiter | High Templar | Arbiters are powerful units,|
| | | thus will be the instant |
| | | target of all enemy units |
| | | nearby. It usually won't |
| | | stand a chance when in a |
| | | small group, and using more |
| | | than that can sometimes |
| | | cost too much. The solution?|
| | | Hallucination! With fake |
| | | units roaming your oppo- |
| | | nent's base, there's a fair |
| | | chance he'll target those |
| | | first while your real units |
| | | deal the real damage---cool!|
| | | |
| Arbiter | Archon | Whenever you see an entire |
| | | enemy fleet come your way, |
| | | meet them with your arbiter |
| | | en route, Stasis Field half |
| | | their troops, then Recall |
| | | all those archons in your |
| | | base longing for battle. |
| | | |
| Arbiter | Reaver | Perhaps doing it the other |
| | | way around is the better |
| | | idea. |
| | | |
| Arbiter | Shuttle | A combo of a transport unit |
| | | and a different air unit is |
| | | quite a lame idea if ya ask |
| | | me. |
| | | |
| Arbiter | Observer | Only works if you're plan- |
| | | ning to attack hidden units;|
| | | Left-click on your observer |
| | | then right-click on any of |
| | | your arbiters. The observer |
| | | will then follow the said |
| | | unit wherever it goes, and |
| | | enable it to attack hidden |
| | | enemies of any kind. |
| | | |
| Arbiter | Scout | Just Stasis Field half your |
| | | opponent's troops and send |
| | | those scouts in. No need to |
| | | use your Recall spell since |
| | | scouts fly fast enough to |
| | | reach the area before the |
| | | stasis wears off. That way |
| | | you can cast yet another of |
| | | those fields to really give |
| | | an opponent a serious head- |
| | | ache. |
| | | |
| Arbiter | Carrier | Whenever you see an entire |
| | | enemy fleet come your way, |
| | | meet them with your arbiter |
| | | en route, Stasis Field half |
| | | their troops, then Recall |
| | | all those carriers in your |
| | | base longing for battle. |
| | | |
| Arbiter | Arbiter | This ain't no combo so try |
| | | it but don't claim it to be |
| | | a combo of any sort. |
| | | |
| | | |


XIV. Teamwork

As mentioned, even with all their units combined, no race can be called
a perfect killing machine, since it will STILL have it's weaknesses thus
need of a more complicated type of combo, one that is only possible through
teamwork, more preferably with an ally using a race different from yours.
Multi-racial combos simply fill up more gaps and weaknesses and even create
new strengths for supposedly average units. Once again, it's the spell
casters of each race that could prove to be forces to reckon with, but
yes, multi-racial combos are not limited to these versatile units. And
with an alliance composed of all three races, using the right teamwork
moves, there is no chance even for four people using the same race, forming
an alliance among themselves, to win. Below is a list of every possible
multi-racial combo using two units, and some using more:



In this section goes all the mail sent to me by my readers out there.
(Well not all really, but anyways...) If ever you are able to submit a
strategy/comment so new I wouldn't know about it if it weren't for you,
then I'd put it here. However, if you contribute a variation to the strategies
I already know or is already listed in this faq, I MAY include it in this
section or maybe just alter my own strategies instead. Rest assured I
will still give FULL credit to anyone who contributes anything useful
for this faq. Here goes:

"In the mission where you have to save the Norad 2, make defence around
your base then destroy the bunker nearest to the ramp in the Norad 2 area.
Start making attackers and clear a path for raynor and the dropships from
the inside. About 2-3 groups of 12 will do it."
-by Novabird@aol.com-

"I usually end up spending minimally on base defense, especially with
Protoss: their Photon cannon is probably the stupidest defense building
in the game. Sure, it hits everything and can detect, BUT it has only
200 hp and doesn't shoot as fast as the Missile Turret. The fact that
it shoots everything is, in fact, occasionally a disadvantage, because
it then cannot concentrate its fire on air units or ground units, but
ends up getting attacked by both."
-by Dan(DoobaDan@aol.com)-


XVI. Misc. FAQ

* * * * * * * *


* * * * * * * *


Sure there are, though I'd hope you'll never need them. These
cheats would only work in single player mode, and are done by hitting
enter before and after typing the messages below, quotation marks and
the brief explanations that follow are of course not included:

" Power Overwhelming " - enables invincibility for all your men. Well,
not really. I once tried to send a single,
uncloaked Ghost towards the center of a Zerg
base jampacked with Hydras, Sunkens, and
a whole lotta Guardians. And even with the
infamous cheat to aid me, my Ghost did not
last long enough to nuke the base's center.
Be especially careful with this cheat in
campaign mode where the storyline must include
some casualties before moving on.

" Operation Cwal " - speeds up all productions, constructions, and
upgrades in the game. This is one cheat I actually
approve of, since it is the only "fair" cheat,
affecting all your opponents as well. The only
cheap use of this trick is to enable it when you
need it, and disable afterwards.

" Show me the money " - gives you an instant boost of 10,000 minerals
and Vespene gas. You can do this repeatedly
to indefinitely increase your cash.

" What's mine is mine " - gives you an instant boost of 500 minerals.
Don't know who'd use this cheat given the
one above---honorable cheaters, maybe? If
there's such a person?

" Breathe Deap " - gives you an instant boost of 500 Vespene gas.
Again, don't know who'd use this cheat given the
one above---honorable cheaters, maybe? If there's
such a person?

" Food for Thought " - disables all supply requirements. You can have
armies at your disposal without the need for
Supply Depots, Overlords, or Pylons. You still
can't build over 200 supply's worth of any
unit or combination of units tough.

" Black Sheep Wall " - reveals the entire map. It will seem as if you
have cleverly distributed your units throughout
the entire map thus you are able to see everything
that's happening. Still won't see cloaked units

" War ain't what it used to be " - whenever a unit of yours explores
one part of the map and leaves it
be, you can still view that part
of the map, but in a dimmed version
and without the units, right? Well,
this cheat prevents that from happening.
Once again an entry for the "most
honorable cheat award." ;)

" Modify the phase variance " - disables all tech tree requirements.
(eg. you can build a Factory, Hydralisk
Den, or Cybernetics Core without the
need to have a Barracks, Spawning Pool
or Gateway respectively.

" Medieval Man " - enables all spells. Also works for the opponent
so be careful.

" The Gathering " - disables all energy requirements. With this cheat
enabled, you can forever cloak your Terran Wraiths,
Spawn Broodlings with your Zerg queen all over the
place, or create fleets upon indespensible fleets
of Hallucinations with the Protoss High Templar.

" Noglues " - disables all spells for your enemies. Totally unfair,
but in my opinion is simply useless compared to the
other cheats.

" Something for nothing " - gives all units one level of upgrade. If
the upgrade is an ability (NOT a spell)
it will also give that to the corresponding
unit. Other upgrades, as long as they're
not spells, are also included. Enter this
cheat three times for a full upgrade on
all weapons and armor.

" There is no cow level " - you instantly win the current game. yawn.

" Game over man " - you instantly lose the current game. yikes!

" Staying alive " - after winning, IF you win, you get to continue
controlling your units and making fun of the opposition's
remaining forces until you disable the cheat.

" Ophelia " - level select for campaign mode. After entering this code
you'll have to hit enter and type in yet another one
to complete the level skip. Use this formula to verify
which level you'll go to:

" Race# " - (where race is of course either Terran, Zerg, or Protoss
while # is any number from 1 to the maximum number of
missions the specified race has to offer)

" Radio Free Zerg " - changes the background music into something...
different---cool really but only works if you're
playing as the Zerg.


Again, sure there are. Unfortunately, I won't tell. Besides,
what I know of really aren't cheats, but more like making use of
glitches and all the other tiny details in the game overlooked by its
skilled programmers. These "cheats", as with those brought about by
all the mass-produced Diablo trainers out there, destroy the supposedly
challenging experience this game has to offer. They are, however, still
pleasing to the eye (eg. screenfuls of Zerg) thus I have tried to acquire
info on all these cheats (just to view, not to fight with). But no
matter how sad your Starcraft-playing story is, you can't make me
squeal them to ya...unless...(hehe) you'd like to trade a cheat of
your own! Just mail me bout it, k? ^_~ As of now, these are what I
can trade your cheats for: (these were only tested on the original
version 1.0)

a) Having a Command Center right next (and I mean right next!) to mineral

b) Having a Command Center that fires back at opponents

c) Having a Command Center that produces units other than SCV's, or
add-ons other than Comsat Stations and Nuclear Silos

d) Building a Missile Turret above a Command Center

e) Building Protoss buildings near the Command Center without a Pylon
near it.

f) Exceeding the 200 supply limit for the Zerg


Ok, to answer all that, I have listed a number of rules
which as far as I know have never been broken in the realm of
spellcasting: (note: if two rules contradict, the one that came first...
"overrules" the other one)

RULE#1 - Stasis Field cancels EVERYTHING---from all the damage a nuke
could bring to all the protection a Defensive Matrix can
provide---all of them! And I really do mean all! Detector
ability as well as the ability to cloak all nearby units is
also canceled, temporarily that is. If, however, the other
spell was cast BEFORE the Stasis Field, it depends: spells
with instant effects will push through, those with long-term
ones won't.

RULE#2 - Spells that affect an entire area of units will do their job
no matter what. This rule is of course second only to rule#1,
therefore it is only when a unit is in Stasis Field that area
spells won't do what they're supposed to. Abilities that hide
units from enemy sight won't save these units from the harmful---
or beneficial---effects of these spells. One last note: these
spells are all one hit wonders, meaning two of them won't do
any more than increase the area affected and the duration of
the effect by a small percent.

RULE#3 - Splash damage will also affect units which are cloaked, burrowed,
or hidden in any way. The same goes with all damage-dealing
area spells.

RULE#4 - The Defensive Martix only provides protection against unit-dealt
damage. This means that spells like Lockdown, Irradiate, EMP
Shockwave, Parasite, Spawn Broodling, Ensnare, Plague, and
Dark Swarm will still push through. Defensive Matrix also
cancels a units cloaking ability, whether it be permanent
or not.

RULE#5 - Against robotic units, the Irradiate spell does not prove
useful at all, but it can still be cast on these types of
units since its ability to deal damage on all biological
units nearby still remains.

RULE#6 - Archons are imune to ALL types of unit-specific spells with
only the Defensive Matrix and the Hallucination as exceptions.
Archons are ETHEREAL (as I've heard from someone I forgot
who, sorry), neither robotic nor biological thus cannot be
the target of unit-specific spells, since most of which can
only target a specific type of unit.

RULE#7 - Lockdown also cancels everything, but there are a few exceptions
like a unit's "ability" to receive damage.

RULE#8 - Spells that entirely contradict each other will cancel out,
except for their side effects. A good example of this would
be an Ensnared marine under the influence of Stim Packs. The
effect? A marine that walks and shoots as quickly as before
but can no longer be hidden by any means (side effect of Ensnare)
and has suffered a loss of life (side effect of his Stim Pack

RULE#9 - Except for a siege tank in Siege Mode and units under the
Lockdown spell, the Recall spell cannot be used to teleport
units which at their current state (eg. burrowed) would not
normally be able to move. This spell will also not work if
the arbiter is on a place normally not passable via the units
it will teleport (eg. bodies of water for ground units).

* * * * * * * * * * *


* * * * * * * * * * *


Nope. Never have I joined any Starcraft tournament whatsoever.
And it only follows that I haven't won one. Though even if I did join,
the chances of me taking home the grand prize won't go well over 50% :p.


I did a long time ago. Actually I didn't have a modem during
the peak of Starcraft's popularity thus all my Battle.net experience
on this game came from computer rentals, using many different names.
I don't play on Bnet nowadays simply because if I do, I'll get hooked
up again and would spend 80+% of my time and money playing.


I use them all regularly. Not that I'm a Starcraft master
or anything, just because it really gets boring if you concentrate
on executing every single strategy for one and only one race.


The ideal map for me is a map where the terrain cannot interfere
greatly and be the cause of the general outcome of the game. Therefore
my favorite maps are Challenger, Blood Bath, and The Hunters (yeah,yeah).


Stacking up on each race's basic air unit (Wraiths, Mutalisks,
and Scouts) is what I do best. I will occasionally pull off massive
ground attacks with Siege Tanks, Ultralisks, or Reavers, but only
to work around an opponent who has heavily prepared for the first type
of strategy I mentioned. The only exception would be for the Protoss,
if there are no Terrans with their dreaded EMP Shockwaves around,
I'd go for mass production of...Archons!!


As of now, only 5. Actually I'm kinda proud of it (even if
it seldom means anything at all), but I hear of people who would do
7 with ease. Now that's a Starcraft nerd if ya ask me! I suppose I
could handle 7, but all I'd be doing is defending my base from multiple,
non-stop rushes that'd improve by the minute! Of course, I'm talking
bout Melee mode here. If it were Free for All, (where computer opponents
cannot form alliances among themselves) taking seven computer opponents
out would be a breeze...


Yup, but of course only when those I will insult are close
friends. I can make them realize they have no hope when:

a) They attack and I even help them out by casting Defensive Matrix
on the largest of their units.

b) They witness my ghosts nuking my own base just to free up space.

c) My buildings float by their base to eat up all Missile Turret/Spore
Colony/Photon Cannon ammo.

d) I use Yamato Guns on their workers.

e) I launch an attack through their main entrance with legions of
spawned broodlings all Plagued and Ensnared.

f) My defilers consume ultralisks instead of zerglings.

g) I cast Dark Swarm on their whole base and do nothing afterwards.

h) They are kept busy by armies of Hallucinations.

i) Only one Carrier equiped with one and only one interceptor greets
all trespassers.

j) All my attacking units are sent to his base, then just before they
fire their first missiles, I cast Stasis Field on all of them.


Worst? none really. Except when I first felt the fury of the
six zergling rush!! I was simply devastated at that time (about two
years back), when I honestly thought gas buildings should always come
before your sixth worker and any other building! That particular loss
convinced me that all the previous games I won were child's play and
I had to push myself to the limits in order to keep up with the power
of the so-called "rush".

As for best, I'd include in this category matches in which
I won in the nick of time, by chance, or through a clever tactic. This
happens rarely, since most of the time a Starcraft match ends with
one player dominating the other, launching a full-scale attack and
leaving nothing alive. Anyway, here goes:

a) Protoss vs. Zerg
My base was getting overrun, but so was his. I almost nailed him
with my last scout fleet, but he managed to save his own Hive with
one, I repeat, ONE life left. I was so frustrated, but all's not
lost. I had one, and I again repeat, ONE stray, non-upgraded zealot
left. All wasn't lost for him either, for besides his mutalisks
hammering on my base, he had one well-placed guardian blocking my
long path. I looked back at my base, there was a Pylon beside a Citadel
and a Nexus left. No more probes or any other unit, except for that
lone zealot, which was unseen by the enemy cause he's just outside
the opponent's base. I told myself, "What the heck..." and rushed
my last hope towards his base. Of course, the dreaded guardian
started spitting as if there ain't no tommorow. I watched in horror
as my zealot's life turned from green, to yellow, to red. Then, as
if on cue, the zealot RAN towards the Hive and delivered his final,
killing blow just as he ate the last acid spore his body could
contain. I looked back at my base to see my last two buildings (a
Pylon and a Citadel) blow up simultaneously. Still I was proclaimed
the victor. I suddenly remembered clicking on the Leg Enhancement
Upgrade just before the overrunning started.

b) Protoss vs. Terran
We both just ran out of attacking units though I still had a ton
of high templars by my side. Since there were no cash left, I could
just morph them all into archons, but he'll easily EMP Shockwave
his way through my army. Half a minute after all was peaceful (we
each unsuccessfully attacked the other's base), I decided to take
the risk---I got one Scout left, so I used all the energy of all
my high templars to create tons and tons of hallucinated scouts!
I sent them all to his base, while preparing a sneak attack with
my now fused high templars. However, I should've seen the look on
his face when he shouted "WTF!?....HOW!?!?" He was too overwhelmed
with the scouts alone---five seconds later he quit....yeah, he
QUIT!!! Hahahahahahaha!!

c) Protoss vs. Protoss
I launched a full scale attack on his base but unfortunately a few
of his buildings still survived. I has no more than 2 arbiters
left on his base, hammering away on his remaining buildings. Suddenly
he delivered a sneak reaver attack on my base, and I had no defenders
left. I knew I'd definitely win if I stop this last resort, but
it seemed hopeless having two weak air units in terms of damage on
the other side of the base (By the way he had 6 reavers all taking
out the perimeter Photon Cannons with ease) Here's what I did: Of
course, I first rushed the two arbiters back on my base and let one
of them cast Stasis Field on the reavers. Any ideas? Heheh...I then
created one high templar for each Gateway I had (there were only
two) and waited, impatiently. The spell wore off even before the
high templar came out, but luckily the other arbiter was fully
charged so I let it cast a second Stasis Field. Finally the two
high templars arrived, but they still weren't charged up for a
Psionic Storm, which was obviously what I was planning. I cast my
last Stasis Field. Meanwhile, my opponent can't do anything cause
he gots no cash, probes, or Nexus left. When my last Stasis Field
wore off, I had more than enough. One Psionic Storm went for a direct
hit, while the other one was cast in anticipation of where they're
headed. Yes, another hard-earned victory!

d) Terran vs. Zerg
He found my base late in the game using a guardian/mutalisks horde,
whereas I found his in the same way with my battlecruiser/wraith
army. And since we both did not know the direct route towards each
other's base, our units did not meet along the way, and we both
decided to just be the first to eliminate the opponent's buildings.
Seeing as the match could turn out as a loss on my part, I tried
my best to discretely transport my SCV into a nearby resource-filled
area, where I started to create a bunker. I had enough cash left,
so I didn't finish the bunker and instead built another unfinished
one in another nearby resource area. I had one building left, but
he still had three. And while his second building was starting to
bleed, mine already burned out! Good thing I built those unfinished
bunkers, which in that state blended with the surrounding "space
platform" terrain. He eventually found both, but not before I butchered
his last building.

e) Terran vs. Terran
We both launched a tank push-aided battlecruiser attack on each
other's base, but both our defenses eradicated the opposition's
air units. All that's left from both our attackers are the siege
tanks, so we both decided to liftoff our buildings. Too late for
both of us though, since we both (we're pretty equal in skill)
damaged each other's base so heavily all our buildings where flaming
red. I, however, managed to load an ignored dropship with two SCVs
which seemed like saving graces until I found out I had 10 crystals
left! I clicked on his buildings (visible because of my tanks on
the ground below) and saw that they had a little more life than
mine, thus will explode later than mine will. One by one our remaining
buildings were starting to explode, so I rushed my dropship towards
the floating Command Center and unloaded the SCVs. The first one
ate all that the siege-moded tanks could throw up, but the second
one lived long enough to give my CC an extra three life. It turned
out that extra three was all I needed to win the game by burn out.

f) Terran vs. Protoss
I purely concentrated on offense and have managed to massacre all
his observers and robotics facilities during my previous attack.
His defenses were more than a handful, and all I got left still
attacking his base were cloaked wraiths---and he STILL gots lotsa
scouts all eager to attack; I did not change my target, but it turned
out he had one observer left (perhaps from afar) and when this observer
came, all my wraiths started cooking like popcorns! I still tried
to target his buildings though, since they're almost wiped out.
Then I remembered my scanner, which by the way just got charged up.
I of course used it to kill his last observer, by this time I had
three wraiths left, him one whole nexus and lotsa units. He unexpectedly
sent all but a few scouts to my base(which was totally defenseless)
and started wiping out MY buildings! It was another close fight,
Since his last Nexus was almost done, but my wraiths' cloaking were
also close to wearing off, besides the fact that my buildings are
burning like hell. Finally my wraiths lost all cloaking ability,
thus his scouts were finishing off BOTH my last Wraiths and my last
buildings! Suddenly his Nexus exploded. I had one Wraith and one
Academy left, (both in bad shape) afterwards.

g) Zerg vs. Zerg
I tried to put up a Hatchery beside his base, but he was clever
enough to destroy it barely a few minutes after its completion
Still luckily for me his units left the spot right away and never
checked on it again, so I managed to create a Nydus Canal exit just
before the spot ran out of Creep. It's Ultra time! Sent them by
the tens and got him panicky till the end of the match. He did try
to launch a full scale attack using tons of mutalisks, guardians,
and hydralisk-carrying overlords at my base in sheer desperation
but I eliminated him even before he got totally past my perimeter

h) Zerg vs. Terran
All my units were given only one set of orders: "Target the enemy's
Command Center and ignore everything else." And so they all went
straight for center of his base, got all killed by tons of Missile
Turrets, but got the mission accomplished: His Command Center is
now burning red, and all I had to do is get my queen near it, five
queens actually, since any less than that wouldn't survive his turret-
filled base in 5 seconds. Second objective achieved: Enemy's Command
Center has just been infested. He sure gots lotsa turrets, but there
were only two bunkers to guard himself against attacks from within.
They started firing away as soon as my newly infested Command Center
was put up, so the only thing left to do is...create Infested Terrans!
He didn't bother to help with with his other units, perhaps because
he thought my Infested Command Center would get whacked even before
it could create its first human bomb. How wrong was he, since I
was able to create THREE infested terrans just as the Infested Command
Center's life turned red. These three were enough to cut down my
attackers by half, and the fourth one finished them all (one infested
terran per Bunker and one per batch of four marines). My next target
were of course his supply depots followed by his turrets and it
was too late before my InfCC finally got leveled by his air units---
there already was a huuuge hole in the center of his base. All I
did next was finish him off with tons of Ultralisk drops.

i) Zerg vs. Protoss
This is rather simple, but still a very memorable win for me: I
attacked his base with every last unit I had left---including the
zerglings I created just in case he was gonna rush me. I even had
defilers burrowing in and out of his base, casting Plagues when
opportunities showed themselves. He of course also had tons of units
in his base, and since it was his base I was attacking, there were
Photon Cannons everywhere to help him out. The whole confusion ended
with him having one, yes ONE flaming Pylon left, but he still had
enough units to give me a headache, since it was my base which was
battered before I launched my final attack. There was one obvious
thing for him to do, and that was to send out all his units on my
base and finish me off. I saw his units leave, but then I could
still view his lone Pylon on my screen...why? I had ONE burrowed
zergling left! He had a few Scouts left to guard this Pylon, but
they weren't enough to kill the zergling before it delivered two
strikes---all I needed to destroy the Pylon.


Yes, of course, and I prefer to call them my "Did you know?"s.
Nothing much you can learn here but oh well, here goes...


a) ...you can rate a Starcraft player by his general motto?

newbie - "I wanna be rich...owo-ow, I wanna be rich!"
below average - "Betcha can't break through my Alcatraz of a base!"
average - "The best defense is a good offense."
above average - "If there's a will, there's a way."
expert - "Hit me!"
strategy god - "I came, I saw, I conquered."

b) ...I got hooked onto Starcraft because I honestly thought it was
such a high-tech game ever since I saw...the SCV!? The first time
I saw it, I really thought it was one of the main attacking units
in the game and is supposed to be a product of a technology far
more advanced than ours! ^_^

c) ...Vespene Geyser processors (the Refinery, Extractor, and Assimilator)
are the only buildings compatible for all races, meaning you can
use a Refinery for your drones, an Extractor for your probes, an
Assimilator for your SCVs, etc, etc, etc.?

d) ...Terran addons become neutral after their main buildings are
destroyed/lifted off? This means that after taking out an opponent's
Command Center, if all that's left is the now unattached Comsat
Station, you can build your own Command Center right next to it
and use it to your advantage!

e) ...there are still other insignificant messages you can view after
the "End of Briefing" message in your very first Terran mission?
the one with the "Skip Tutorial" button? Well, all you have to do
is wait and this'll what you'll get...

| |
| End of Briefing. |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| |
| End of Briefing. |
| (Really.) |
| |
| |
| |

| |
| End of Briefing. |
| (This time I mean it!) |
| |
| |
| |

| |
| End of Briefing. |
| (Hey it's your dime anyway.) |
| |
| |
| |

| |
| End of Briefing. |
| |
| |
| 1 pound sliced chicken brst. |

| |
| 1 pound sliced chicken brst. |
| 1 tsp corn starch. |
| 3 tbsp soy sauce (dark). |
| 1 sliced lemon. |

f) ...the Zerg overlord is the ONLY unit in the game you can build
indefinitely? It consumes zero control (or supplies) thus cannot
exceed Zerg's supply limit by itself---cool! Too bad overlords don't
have any forms of attack, otherwise I'd be a Zerg fan all the way!

g) ...the Zerg larva eventually dies after the Hatchery, Lair, or
Hive from which it came got whacked? So next time, whenever you
lose any one of these buildings, quickly click on what's left of
them and morph these larvae into something definitely more useful.

h) ...there are TWO death sequences for the Zerg drone? One is when
they get mutilated and spurt small amounts of blood, while the
other one is when they totally explode into nothingness. You can
see the former everytime you kill a drone without a task at hand,
while the second one may be viewed upon killing a drone with a
cluster of minerals or a mass of processed vespene gas in its grasp.

i) ...the mutalisk is the highest flyer in the game while the science
vessel is the lowest? Try flying a mutalisk through a bunch of
any other type of unit in the game and you'll always see the mutalisk
fly OVER the unit and not under it. As for the science vessel,
it's the other way around---all the OTHER air units pass over and
not under it---cool!

* * * * * * * * *


* * * * * * * * *


While most of you may think this faq was four months in the
making, it (at least the first release) only was made in two weeks
(if that ain't too long itself). The reason why I haven't been writing
any faqs for a long time was not to get this faq together, but to give
myself lots o' time for the tons and tons of schoolwork I have to do.


Of course. Actually it's a Broodwar faq I was planning to write,
but since my Hellfire faq had a Diablo counterpart, I'd like the same
for the Broodwar.


Sure. Just make sure you have read, understood, and sworn to
follow everything I stated in my legal notice found both at the beginning
and at the end of this faq, ok?


I'm sorry, but everything I could help you with is already
in this faq! I'd permit you to use my faq as a guide for the one
you're writing, but please have the decency to put me in your credits
section ok?


I only write strategy/rpg/action faqs once in a while, so I
guess I'll be writing lots o' fighting game faqs in the near future
but, oh well, you'll see...


XVII. Credits

Janice (my kid sis) for copying some of the in-game text for me when I
just didn't have the time and for doing a good deal
of typing in the stats part of my faq

THE web site (http://www.battle.net) for a big, big part of my charts

Red Phoenix (red_phoenix_1@hotmail.com) for info on the whats and hows
of ASCII arts

Dan (DoobaDan@aol.com) for tons of corrections and for the correct definition
of mechanical and robotic units

Patrick (GalahadPC@aol.com) for many quote corrections and explanations

Gamefaqs.com for paying attention to this faq
Blizzard and all its affiliates for creating such a great game

And to all my new found victims, err...opponents and my favorite Starcraft
quote/s that suit them fine ^_^

Phil - This is not an idle threat!
Leejay - Set a course...take it slow...
Jeff - Never knowww what hit 'em.
Larry - I have returned, for vengeance.
Roland - Nuclear launch detected.
Tintin - How y'all doin'?
Kting - Identify yourself.
Jay-ar - Not enough minerals! (heehee)
Devan - hklaarlkrlk...laarrrgghhk!!

and in case anyone actually cares, my fav quotes are...

" Annihilate, Obliterate, Eradicate, Destroy !! "


XVIII. Revision History

none yet. suggestions, anyone?


XIX. Final Words

Please feel free to email me if there's something about Starcraft I left
out (I'm sure there will be as this faq barely tries to tell everything
about such a big, big game) or if you just want to comment on my work.
Thank you. If ever I revise this faq and add something you feel came from
one of your emails to me, email me again and remind me bout it so I can
give you credit. Thanks again.


XX. Game Alterations


XXI. Stellar Forces


XXII. Insurrection


XXIII. Retribution


XIV. Gundam Century