The Small Divide Stratagy FAQ Starcraft: Brood War for PC! Version 1.0 :January 28th 2001: Author: Paul Wolfstien AOL IM: PaulWolfstien E-mail: Web-site:
*************** Version 1.0 *************** -I wrote this version that has very little in it yet. But don't worry, I WILL UPDATE!
*************** Next version *************** -I should have basically everything. How to play against ALL races, with Human/Computer strats!
*************** Table of Contents *************** I-Intro II-Map stats III-Terren IV-Protoss V-Zerg VI-Basic Stratagy's for this map VII-How to reach me on! VIII-Credits
*************** I: Intro *************** Wassup people? Well, I've been in the mood to write FAQ's lately, I dunno why. I JUST AM! :P And, after playing SC:BW for a while, I've decided to write an FAQ on a map in the game. (Which BTW, is my favorite) This map is called "The Small Divide". Why is this map my favorite? Well, because it's a VERY strategic map to play on. It's only a 1v1 map.
Copyright 1998 Blizzard Entertainment. All rights reserved. Smacker Video Technology. Copyright 1994-1998 RAD Game Tools, Inc. This FAQ is copyright 2001 Paul Wolfstien. This FAQ cannot be used for profit in ANY WAY! This FAQ can be used on ANY web-site as long as you follow these guidelines. 1: There are NO BANNERS on the page where this FAQ will be seen IE-Above the FAQ. Also, you must have my FULL WRITTEN PERMISSION to use this FAQ! I will most likely let you use it ... but just ask! If not, you will be sued for all the money your worth, and trust me, I have a FUN time finding these things out. Also, the FAQ must be UNCHANGED. Thank you very much.
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(Note: If I let you use this FAQ on your web-page I will have a written record from you saying that I allowed you to use my FAQ. This will be an e-mail. (Obviously) I will always print that out, as should you, for reasons I shouldn't have to explain.)
Now that all the legal BS is out of the way. Onto the FAQ, Mon ami!
*************** II: Map Stats *************** The Small Divide
Suggested players: 2 (Can ONLY be two)
"Jump the narrow gap and take out your enemy."
Map Size: 64X64 Tileset: Jungle Number of Players: 2
Each Mineral field contains: 1,500 Minerals Each Vespene Gesyer contains: 5,000 Gas
Number of bases: 2 Number of expansions: 2 (1 outside of each starting base)
Starting bases are: Top Left (Player 1), and Bottom Right (Player 2).
*************** III: Terren *************** I will give my thoughts on how to play with Terren/Protoss/Zerg against each other for Humans and the Computer. Though I think the computer plays pretty crappie IMHO. But hey, it's the Computer lol.
(Note: When I say against Humans, I'm using MY personal experience here. Not, what YOU or YOUR friend may be able to do. Just wanted to point that out.)
Terren: Against Terren. (Human) -The majority of the time I play Terren players they will go marines/medics early. Since this is an air map (Meaning no ground to move units through) Terren players have to use dropships for ground units. Since I've RARELY ever come across a player who will attack me with Wraiths, I'll just discard that senerio. I actually, don't think I've ever been hit with wraiths. (Were talking first attack BTW people)
So you can probably either expect one or two attacks here people ...
1: They will drop Marines/Medics in your base by themseleves. They are trying for an early win.
2: They will drop Marines/Medics backed by seige tanks and they may try to "Trap" you in your base. Meaning ... they will bring SCV's with them and try to build bunkers, with Missle Turrets, ect so you cannot expand and they will blow you up with their tanks.
How do I stop this! (With Terren) -Hmmm, lets play out number 1.
Number 1: What you should do is have a good supply of the same yourslef! Because Marines & Medics (Which I will call M&M's from now on :P) are so good ... every Terren player should use them. (Especially early in the game) They are cheap, and build very quickly. If your going to stop just plain M&M's then you should just have some bunkers backed with SCV's for healing and a few Seiged Tanks. This will be easy if your playing defensive. Also keep in mind depending on how many units of M&M's they drop should then reconcile with how many units of defence YOU have as well! :P I mean, this senerio is suppose to play out as early as possible. However, this isn't a bad attack at all later in the game, suppiled with the right amount of units, and taken that they are (hopefully) upgraded. it can be VERY deadly.
Number 2: This is pretty nasty. I HIGHLY recommened that you have Seiged tanks of your own by now ... and cloaked wraiths would be beautifal just in case they forgot Comsat (or a Vessel) to nail their Tanks with. The key is detecting this trap very early, so they can't build Missile Turrets and totally screw you out of a win :P. What you have to do is make sure they can't get their little set up of Bunkers with Missile Turrets. So you'll need to bring out your M&M's, and your tanks, and hopefully your Cloaked Wraiths! Use the wraiths to IMMEDITLY attack the tanks, and PRAY you don't get a Comsat! :P If you don't yay! Bye, bye tanks, and then you should have an easy time with your tanks, CW's, and M&M's.
Those are basically all the attack's I've had against me with ALL the races facing a Terren player. Well, a FEW of them have adjusted against Zerg using Vessels a lot more often. But, besides that, that's it.
Attacking Protoss: with Terren
Number 1: On this map, it's going to be tough for a Protoss player to stop either of these senerio's if the Terren player is any kinda good. Due to Protoss being slower than Zerg or Terren (Units wise) It's hard for them to make enough crap, or to get the crap you want to make before your dead. I'll give this my best shot.
I would try to have a few proton cannons in your base, spread accordingly. I'd say about three is good. One thing you can try, but it could cost you is to go STRAIGHT Dark Temp's and pray you don't get a Comsat! :P A more safe approach would be making as many Zealot's as humanly possible! I just think trying to go High Temp's is too dangerous for how fast this attack can come out. If you did want to try to use HT's, then mix them up with Z's. That's about all the chance you'll have for a quick M&M drop.