------------------------------------------------------------ P R O T O S S ------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------- DARK TEMPLAR SNEAK ATTACK --------------------------
Basically, you are making a frontal attack with Zealots, Dragoons, Templars, and Dark Templars. But while the lots, goons, and templars are busy attacking, you run the dts, to the mineral production of you¦re opponent. I haven¦t gotten this to work with zerg yet (mainly because of their overlords can detect dts so easily).
Order of Buiding Process: Pylon - 7 Gateway - 7 Assimilator - 9-11 2nd Gateway - 12 Core - Should be done by the 15th probe Citadel Templers Archives 3rd Gateway
Obviously, this can be changed somewhat. Add pylons when necessary. On you¦re 9-11 probes, put them on the gas, 12-15 on minerals again. When a probe is waiting for something to build, have it get some minerals. Depending on how good, you may get another nexus in. I¦ll update this more as I use it.
(Terran) 10 Zealots, 5 Dragoons, 2 or 3 Templars, and 4 Dts
Of course, these are rough estimates. It depends if you know where you¦re opponent is. If you have a good deal knowledge what he has and where, this can be a piece of cake. Just about any terran user will have bunkers and tanks. If he has a wall of depots, get a reaver to take them out, have the lots and goons distract, while the dts go for the comsat, and then turrets if he has some. Easy kill after this. During the attack, build some more units to take out SCVs that try to run. The templars are only there for more expert players, but they are nice.
(Protoss) 10 Zealots, 5 Dragoons, 6 Dark Templars
Again, more dts will help out, but the deal with this strategy is to distract the cannons with the lots and goons. The Dark Templars can eat alive cannons, and most likely, you will face someone who only uses one or two pylons. The Dragoons are for the pylons, while the lots take care of the cannons.
(All 3 Races) 2 or 3 shuttles, and 8 to 12 dark templars.
This takes a bit more time, but almost no player on B.net gets turrets around his minerals. Begin with the Robotics Factory just when you start building Dts. Load them up into the shuttles, and drop them on their minerals. You won¦t be able to take out all of their defense, but losing their mineral production is just as deadly.
------------ CORSAIR RUSH ------------
This is interesting rush, and I got nailed by it by someone, so I know it works. This only works on Island maps and when you¦re opponent is Zerg.
Order of Buiding Process: Pylon - 7 Gateway - 7 Assimilator - 9-11 2nd Gateway -12 Core - Should be done by the 15th probe Starport Robotics Factory (To shuttle ground units) -YOU SHOULD WE READY TO ATTACK ONCE YOU NAIL THE OVERLORDS-
Ok, get 3 or 4 quick corsairs, and rush to where ever you¦re opponent is. Nail his ovies, hopefully he has them all bunched together. If done quick enough, he should have much, and is probably building a squire for a muta rush. Nail the ovies, and any muta that pops up. When all is clear, launch you¦re shuttles (or carriers if you¦re quick). He shouldn¦t have much, because you¦re corsairs were nailing his supply limit. Keep sending corsairs over, to take out overlords quicker. Theres alot of different things you can do once you nail his ovies, but most likely he is dead.
----------- REAVER DROP -----------
Order of Buiding Process: Pylon - 7 Gateway - 7 Assimilator - 9-11 Core - 12 Robotics Factory - 15 Robotics Support Bay -15 2nd Robotics Factory
This one is pretty simple. On the first RF, build the reaver while on the 2nd RF build the shuttle. Of course, you¦re going to want to build defense, and someother kind of offense. Drop the reavers right on you¦re opponents minerals, and bye bye to his production line.
------------------------------------------------------------ T E R R A N ------------------------------------------------------------
----------- MARINE DROP ----------- Barrack - 8 Depot - 9 Gas Factor 10-12 Factory w/ machine shop -13 Starport w/ tower -15 or 16 2nd barrack
Simple strategy. Basically, its a normal drop on an opponents minerals. You can add firebats (especially of its protoss) but basically you want 2 drop ships with marines (mixed with firebats is a possibility). This doesnt take much time to do, so its as deadly as a reaver drop.
------------ TANK TACTICS ------------
Use the same method of building as above. Tanks are the most deadly ground unit in the game. IF used right, nothing can survive. They are cheap, and can be built very early in the game. The best way to attack, is to transport tanks, and ground support right on the area where you¦re opponent is. Heres a couple of different set ups. (Set ups are based on BufferOverflow¦s strategy)
The 2nd set up has a lot more bang, but also takes a little longer. Suggestion: Know what you¦re opponent has and is doing. You want the larger force if he has a lot of ground units coming, but if hes hanging aorund trying to get the big stuff, the ¦lighter- set up is just as deadly.
------------------------------------------------------------ Z E R G ------------------------------------------------------------
----------- LURKER DROP -----------
Another drop. Spawning Pool - 8 Overlord - 8 (again) Extractor - 9-11 Hydralisk den - 12 (upgrade to lair) Learn lurker ability as well as trasport and speed ugrade for ovie
Drop on minerals. Enough said. Without any detection, this is the most deadly drop there is.
---------------- ZERG POWER BUILD ----------------
Spawning - 8 Build 8 again Overlord Build 9-12 Build 6 zerglins (3 eggs; once spawning pool is up) Build Drone to make Extractor Build 3 for gas Keep on buidling zerglins until you reach 300 minerals Build 2nd Hatchery Continue with zerglings on the 1st, drones on the 2nd For best use of minerals, have 2 per block. Build 3rd hatchery once minerals are there Build 2 Evo Chambers (upgrade attack, and carapace. Build Hydralisk Den, and start racking out Hydras from the 3rd. Upgrade to a Lair, and get the added upgrades on the Den
One power build I use. You should attack you¦re opponent multiple times before you get the hydras. At this point, I leave you with a number of options. Mass hydra, lurker drop, and Guardians. If you¦re quick enough, the opponent should be in weak shape and any attack should take him out.
---------- MASS HYDRA ----------
Use the same building order as you did to do the lurker drop, but instead, make you¦re focus on 48-60 hydras. With 3 or 4 hacteries, this can be done within a couple of minutes, and if executed correctly is dangerous as hell. A good strategy is to add in a couple of hydras to nail anything that trys to escape and to distract help if its a 2v2 or 3v3. A common strategy though.
-------------- ZERGLINFG RUSH -------------- (By Hone from starcraft.org)
Heres a beautiful little strategy. Use it well.
Build drones until you have 8 drones harvesting minerals Morph an overlord Build 9th drone As soon as your overlord hatches build your 10th and 11th drone As soon as larvae is available build your 12th drone When you have about 130 minerals in the bank send a drone to your natural expand Build 1 more drone to build a second hatch Build a spawning pool as soon as the minerals are available As soon as you have 160 minerals send a drone to build a 3rd hatch at your ramp Morph an overlord as soon as 100 minerals are available Do not build any more drones Hot key the area directly outside your expand with shift-[F3] (this is where much of the initial fighting is likely to take place As soon as your pool is finished start morphing zerglings, hopefully you will not have to make any other units or building except for zerglings and overlords for the rest of the game
The key to this strategy is to not lose a drone. You just have enough to get the minerals. Also you need to be quick, or a group of zealots could be the end of your life.