StarCraft чит-файл №2

a list of hotkeys for starcraft
General keyboard control
Cancel building / Exit menu - Escape
Cancel unit / building - Left click
Main Menu - F10 / Alt+M
Help Menu - F1 / Ctrl + H
Option Menu - Ctrl + O
Turn map background on / off - Tab
Toggle diplomacy colors - Shift + tab. Will toggle what colors are shown in the
minimap. when turned on, gren is your troops, yellow your allies, and red thy
Turn music on / off - Ctrl + M
Turn sound on / off - Ctrl + S
Quit Mission - Ctrl + Q
Exit Game - Ctrl + X
Center screen at starting position - F2 / F3 / F4
Set rally point - R
Turn up game speed - +
Turn down game speed - -
Center screen on current unit - Ctrl + C
Message to current audience - Enter / Ctrl + J then message then enter. Will
send a message to whatever setting you have it at.
Message to all - Shift + enter
Message to allies - Ctrl + enter
Enter cheat code - Enter / Ctrl + J then code then enter
Toggle multiplayer ranking mode - Ctrl + R

General unit control

Move unit - Select unit, right click target location
Attack unit (enemy) - Select unit, right click target enemy
Attack unit (friendly) - A then left click target
Stop unit - S
Patrol area - P then left click the area you want the unit to patrol to
Hold position (no provoked movement) - H
Group units together to be recalled by keyboard - Select units, then press Ctrl
and a number key (0-9)
Recall grouped units - Press keyboard key assigned to group
Save map position - Shift + F2-F4
Recall map position - F2-F4
Move screen to last transmission - Spacebar
Select all units of one type on screen - Double-click unit of type or Ctrl then
left click
Add command to queue - Hold Shift while making command

Zerg unit control

Larva control

Morph to drone - D
Morph to zergling - Z
Morph to overlord - O
Morph to hydralisk - H
Morph to mutalisk - M
Morph to scourge - S
Morph to queen - Q
Morph to ultralisk - U
Morph to defiler - F

Drone control

Gather resources - G then left click target resource
Return resources - C then left click target hatchery
Become structure - B then structure to become:

Morph to hatchery - H
Morph to creep colony - C
Morph to extractor - E
Morph to spawning pool - S
Morph to evolution chamber - V
Morph to hydralisk den - D

Become advanced structure - V

Morph to spire - S
Morph to queen's nest - Q
Morph to nydus canal - N
Morph to ultralisk den - O
Morph to defiler mound - D
Burrow - U

Queen Control

Infest Command Center - I
Parasite - R
Ensnare - E
Spawn broodlings - B

Mutalisk Control

Guardian aspect - G

Defiler Control

Dark Swarm - W
Plague - G
Consume - C

Infested Terran

Detonate - D

Zerg structure control


Select Larva - S
Set Rally Point - R
Evolve Burrow - B
Mutate into Lair - L


Evolve ventral sacs - V
Evolve sntennae - A
Evolve pneumatized caraspace - P
Mutate into hive - H

Creep Colony

Mutate into spore colony - S
Mutate into sunken colony - U

Zerg Spawning Pool

Evolve metabolic boost - M
Evolve adrenal glands - A

Evolution chamber

Upgrade melee attacks - M
Upgrade missile attacks - A
Upgrade carapace - C

Zerg Spawning Pool

Evolve metabolic boost - M
Evolve adrenal glands - A
Evolve caraspace - C

Hydralisk Den

Evolve muscular augments - M
Evolve grooved spines - G


Upgrade flyer attacks- A
Upgrade flyer carapace - C
Mutate into greater spire - G

Queen Nest

Evolve spawn broodling - B
Evolve ensnare - E
Evolve gamete meiosis - G

Nydus Canal

Place nydus canal exit - N

Defiler Mound

Evolve plague - G
Evolve consume - C
Evolve Metasypnatic Node - M

Infested command center

Build infested marine - I

Protoss unit control


Gather resources - G then left click target resource
Return resources - C then left click target Nexus
Warp in structure - B then structure to warp in:

Warp in nexus - N
Warp in pylon - P
Warp in assimilator - A
Warp in gateway - G
Warp in forge - F
Warp in photon canon - C
Warp in cybernetics core - Y
Warp in shield battery - B

Warp in advanced structure - V

Warp in robotics facility - R
Warp in stargate - S
Warp in citadel of Adun - C
Warp in support bay - B
Warp in fleet beacon - F
Warp in templar archives - T
Warp in observatory - O
Warp in arbiter tribunal - A


Psionic storm - T then left click target locale
Hallucination - H then left click the target
Archon warp - R when selecting more than one templar


Load - L then left click units to load


Build scarab - R


Build interceptor - I


Recall - R
Stasis field - T then left click target

Protoss structure control


Build probe - P
Set rally point - R


Train zealot - Z
Train dragoon - D
Train templar - T


Upgrade ground weapons - W
Upgrade ground armor - A
Upgrade plasma shields - P

Sheild battery

Recharge shields - R

Cybernetics core

Upgrade air weapons - W
Upgrade air armor - A
Develop singularity charge - S

Robotics facility

Build shuttle - S
Build reaver - V
Build observer - O


Build scout - S
Build carrier - C
Build arbiter - A

Citadel of Adun

Leg enhancement - L

Robotic support bay

Upgrade scarab damage - S
Upgrade reaver capacity - C
Upgrade gravitic drive - G

Fleet beacon

Develop apial sensors - A
Upgrade gravitic thrusters - G
Upgrade carrier capacity - C

Templar archives

Develop psionic storm - P
Develop hallucination - H
Develop Khaydarin Amulet - K


Research gravitic booster - G
Develop sensor array - S

Arbiter Tribunal

Develop recall - R
Develop stasis field - S
Develop Khaydarin Core - K

Terran unit control


Gather resources - G then left click target resource
Return resources - C then left click target Nexus
Build structure - B then structure to become:

Build command center - C
Build supply depot - S
Build refinery - R
Build barracks - B
Build engineering bay - E
Build turret - T
Build academy - A
Build bunker - U

Build advanced structure - V

Build factory - F
Build starport - S
Build science facility - I
Build armory - A
Repair - R


Use stimpack - T


Use stimpack - T


Personal cloaking - C
Lockdown - L
Nuclear strike - N


Lay spider mine - I

Siege tank

Siege mode - O


Cloak - C


Load - L then left click unit to load
Unload all - U
Unload single - Left click unit to unload

Science vessel

Activate defensive matrix - D then left click target
EMP Shockwave - E
Irradiate - I


Yamato gun - Y

Terran structure control

Command center

Build SCV - S
Set rally point - R
Liftoff - L
Build comsat station - C
Build nuclear silo - N


Build marine - M
Build firebat - F
Build ghost - G
Liftoff - L

Engineering bay

Upgrade infantry weapons - W
Upgrade infantry armor - A
Liftoff - L


Research U-238 shells - U
Research stimpacks - T


Build vulture - V
Build siege tank - T
Build goliath - G
Build machine shop add-on - C
Liftoff - L

Machine shop

Research ion thrusters - I
Research spider mines - M
Research siege mode - S


Build wraith - W
Build dropship - D
Build science vessel - V
Build battlecruiser - B
Build control tower - C
Liftoff - L

Control tower

Research cloaking - C
Research apollo reactor - A

Science Facility

Research EMP shocwave - E
Research irradiate - I
Research titan reactor - T
Liftoff - L
Build covert ops - C
Build physics lab - P

Covert ops

Research lockdown - L
Research personal cloaking - C
Research ocular implants - O
Research mobeius reactor - M

Physics lab

Research yamato gun - Y
Research colossus reactor - C


Upgrade vehicle weapons - W
Upgrade vehicle plating - P
Upgrade ship weapons - S
Upgrade ship plating - H

Comsat station

Scanner sweep - S then click target area

Nuclear silo

Arm nuclear silo - N

Battlenet commands

/whois (player_name) - Displays if (player_name) is on, and, if so, what game
or chatroom he or she is in
/stats (player_name) - Displays the wins / losses / drops for player_name
/w (player_name) [message] - Sends the message [message] to (player_name), no
matter where they are
/ignore (player_name) - Stops or restarts displaying messagess from player_name
/time - Displays the current time
/who (player_name) - Displays people in chat with that nickname
/ban (player_name) - Bans player_name from the game
/kick (player_name) - Kicks player_name from the game