Zerg Strategy Guide (includes Brood War units!!!)
By Ed the Moogle
Version 1.0
Copyright 1999 Ed the Moogle
Don't copy without permission. I'm not responsible for any damage done
with this FAQ or it's contents. The latest version is available at
Zerg Advantages/Disadvantages
Buildings/Building Strategy
Units/Unit Strategy
Rush Stoppers
VS Terran
VS Zerg
VS Protoss
Advantages and Disadvantages
+They're fast, they can build multiple units at a time with one building,
their transports are also Detectors, they regenerate HP automatically,
they're immune to Lockdown, Dark Swarm is useful, infesting Command
Centers rocks!
-Many of their units are weak, their buildings are pretty easy to
destroy, weak air support, must build on the Creep (purple slimy stuff),
Creep gives you away (if your enemy spots it, they know you're there).
1250 HP
Cost: 300 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Make Drones or Overlords, research Burrowing, collect Minerals
and Gas, Create Hydralisk Den, Creep Colonies, Spawning Pools, Evolution
Chambers and Extractors.
The basic building of the Zerg colonies. While only Drones and Overlords
can be made at first, other units will soon follow as you create more
buildings. The Hatchery and it's upgrades produce Larvae at a constant
pace. These Larvae can transform into units, and up to three units can be
produced at a time. With Zerglings and Scourges, two share an egg, so up
to 6 at a time can be produced. The Hatchery later evolves into a Lair,
and then into a Hive.
1800 HP
Cost: 150 Minerals, 0 Gas, 1 Hatchery
Options: Create Spire and Queen's Nest, evolve Overlord Sight Range,
Speed, and Transport capabilities, as well as everything a Hatchery can.
The more advanced version of a Hatchery. With it you are able to create a
Spire, which allows you to breed flying units such as Mutalisks, and a
Queen's nest, which will allow you to upgrade to a Hive.
2500 HP
Cost: 200 Minerals, 0 Gas, 1 Lair
Options: Create Nydus Canal, Ultralisk Den, and Defiler Mound, as well as
everything a Lair can
The most advanced building of a Zerg colony. You can now create Nydus
Canals for quickly transporting your units, Ultralisk Caverns (big,
powerful critters) and Defilers (powerful 'shock troops').
Creep Colony
400 HP
Cost: 75 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Build more buildings nearby (you must build on the Creep),
evolve into Sunken Colonies (50 Minerals) or Spore colonies (50
This is a basic unit of the Zerg colony. It is used to create more Creep,
so that you can produce more room to put buildings on. They can also
produce Sunken Colonies, which attack ground units for 40 damage a hit
(WOW!), and Spore Colonies, which attack air units for 15 damage each,
and fire pretty slowly.
750 HP
Cost: 50 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Harvest Vespene Gas
This is the building required to harvest Vespene Gas. Produce Spore
Colonies nearby to protect your Drones from air units.
Spawning Pool
750 HP
Cost: 150 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Build Zerglings, upgrade Zergling Speed and Attack Speed,
upgrade Hatchery to Lair
This allows you to upgrade your Zerglings, and, more importantly, upgrade
your hatchery to create more havoc.
Evolution Chamber
750 HP
Cost: 75 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Upgrade Zerg Melee Attack, Zerg Missile Attack, and Zerg
This is an important building of a Zerg colony. Here is where you upgrade
Melee attacks (short range), Missile Attacks (long-range attacks) and
Carapace (armor). This building is very important and should be heavily
Hydralisk Den
850 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Upgrade Hydralisk speed and attack power, research Lurkers
(Brood War)
Here is where you can learn to upgrade your Hydralisks to Lurkers, or
upgrade Hydralisk attack power and speed.
600 HP
Cost: 200 Minerals, 150 Gas
Options: Build Mutalisks, upgrade Flyer Attack and Flyer Carapace
With this building, it is possible to build Mutalisks, as well as upgrade
flying units' attack and defensive power. Once you gain a Hive, you will
be able to evolve this to a Greater Spire.
Queen's Nest
850 HP
Cost: 150 Minerals, 100 Gas
Options: Upgrade Lair to Hive, build Queens, research Broodlings,
Ensnare, and 50+ Queen Energy.
This building allows you to create Queens, a useful unit. Ensnare covers
your enemies in goo, slowing down their moving speed and thus making them
more vulnerable, and Broodlings will instantly destroy most ground units
and create two weak ground units called Broodlings. The final option adds
50 to the Queen's maximum energy.
Nydus Canal
250 HP
Cost: 150 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Create exit canal
This is a useful building. Any units that enter this building will
instantly be transferred to the other end of the tunnel. I find this
useful for covering outposts. When the enemy attacks, I send some units
through the canal to eliminate the threat.
Greater Spire
1000 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 150 Gas
Options: Create Guardians and Devourers, everything else a normal Spire
This is an important building. You now have the ability to mutate your
Mutalisks into Guardians (long-ranged, slow, powerful units) or Devourers
(Powerful, slow air-support units).
Ultralisk Cavern
600 HP
Cost: 150 Minerals, 200 Gas
Options: Make Ultralisks, upgrade Ultralisk Speed, upgrade Ultralisk
This building is capable of making Ultralisks, a tough-as-a-dump-truck
Zerg that can take a huge amount of punishment, and dish it out as well
(they sorta resemble the X-ATM092 from Final Fantasy 8, don't they?).
Defiler Mound
850 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 100 Gas
Options: Create Defilers, research Plague and Consume, and +50 Defiler
Defilers are potentially one of the most dangerous units in the game.
This building is well worth getting, and a Defiler attack followed by a
major strike could spell victory.
Infested Command Center
1500 HP
Cost: 0 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Create Infested Terrans, Liftoff (the only Zerg Building that
can do so).
This building is capable of creating Infested Terrans, which do a massive
500 damage to ground units. The only problem is that these are extremely
hard to get. You must use a Queen and fly into a heavily damaged Command
25 HP
Cost: Nothing (randomly created by Hatchery, Lair or Hive)
Base Armor: 10 (wow!)
Base Damage: N/A
Size: Small
This unit transforms into any basic Zerg unit, provided you have enough
resources to do so. Larvae themselves are useless.
200 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 0 Gas
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: N/A
Size: Big
Provides control over other Zerg units. It also doubles as a detector for
spotting cloaked units and a transport as well. Put these guys near your
front likes to make sure cloaked units don't destroy your Sunken
40 HP
Cost: 50 Minerals, 0 Gas
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 5
Size: Small
This is the basic unit of the Zerg hive. They harvest gas and minerals.
Instead of creating buildings like the Protoss and Terran forces, the
drone itself mutates into the building. They're rather easily destroyed,
so don't rely on them to defend you if you get rushed.
35 HP
Cost: 50 Minerals, 0 Gas (for 2)
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 5
Size: Small
The basic fighter of the Zerg. They are small and easily destroyed, but
can do a good amount of damage if they attack in large groups. They're
also quickly produced, so they make a useful defense as well, at least
until you get some stronger units.
80 HP
Cost: 75 Minerals, 25 Gas
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 10
Size: Medium
The basic long-range fighter of the Zerg. 10 damage is fairly good, and a
large group of Hydralisks can easily take out some air units. A large
group of Hydralisks may prove to be a strong defense or a strong offense.
Lurker (Brood War unit)
125 HP
Cost: 50 Minerals, 100 Gas, 1 Hydralisk
Base Armor: 1
Base Damage: 20 (Straight-line, may hit multiple times on larger units).
Size: Large
This is a very strong ground defense. They burrow under the ground and
attack with Needle Spines, which can rip through Marines like nothing
else. It's also effective against those pesky Siege Tanks, because it can
hit multiple times, adding up to 40 or maybe 60 damage! Just be careful,
they're helpless when above ground, and take longer to burrow than other
25 HP
Cost: 25 Minerals, 75 Gas (for 2)
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 110
Size: Small
A small Zerg air unit. They have the ability to explode on enemy air
units and deliver a lot of damage. They are very useful for destroying
Battlecruisers and other heavy air support. Have them defend your
outposts, with ground support from some Hydras and Ultras. They also make
good support for your main base, but are not advised for attacking
because they are easily destroyed.
120 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 150 Gas
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 9
Size: Large
Queens cannot actually fight, but they have some other attacks that are
some of the best in the game. They start with the ability to infest
heavily damaged Command Centers. They also can Parasite, which lets them
see what the Parisited unit sees. This is ideal for spying, as the only
thing that can remove it is Restore (with Medics) or by killing the unit.
Broodlings will instantly kill a non-mechanical ground unit, and create
two Broodlings, which are very weak. A large group of Queens using
Broodlings can potentially wreak some havoc before they are destroyed.
Ensnare slows down any enemy unit, which is an excellent defensive
counter to those damn Stim Packs.
120 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 100 Gas
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 9
Size: Medium
The basic Zerg flying unit. Their shots 'bounce' to inflict more damage.
With each bounce, it loses 1/3 it's total attack power For example, it
may hit one unit for 9 damage, then bounce off and hit another for 3,
then another for 1. A large group of these can be extremely dangerous to
both air and ground units.
400 HP
Cost: 200 Minerals, 200 Gas
Base Armor: 1
Base Damage: 20
Size: Big
The largest Zerg unit. It's large size prevents it from burrowing, but
it's high attack power and HP make it very hard to take down. A large
group of these can withstand a brutal amount of punishment, and level
outposts rather easily. Just be sure to have some air support, they're
sitting ducks when air units attack.
150 HP
Cost: 50 Minerals, 100 Gas, 1 Mutalisk
Base Armor: 2
Base Damage: 20
Size: Big
These are one of the most dangerous air units. Their range surpasses that
of Photons, Spore Colonies, and Missile Turrets, making them ideal for
piercing enemy defenses. They can also tear down entire bases when in
large groups. The only bad thing is that they cannot attack air units.
Bring some Scourges and Mutalisks to fix that. A lot of these can ruin
your enemy's day.
Devourer (Brood War unit)
250 HP
Cost: 150 Minerals, 50 Gas, 1 Mutalisk
Base Armor: 2
Base Damage: 25 (Air units only)
Size: Big
They fire very slowly, but can be very dangerous enemies. With each shot,
an Acid Spore sticks to the enemy, which makes it take more damage and
fire slower temporarily. Only a Medic's Restore ability can remove it. A
large group of these can spell doom for Battlecruisers, but send in some
Scourges just to be safe.
80 HP
Cost: 50 Minerals, 150 Gas
Base Armor: 1
Base Damage: N/A
Size: Medium
One of the cheapest units in the game, period (Gameplay-wise, not
money-wise). Defilers cannot actually kill units, but their other skills
make up for it. Dark Swarm makes any units within it's range temporarily
invincible. This is useful for tearing down Terran defenses. Cast it on
Bunkers, then send in some Zerglings and Hydras to rip it down while they
helplessly try to fire back. Just be careful when enemies enter the Dark
Swarm, then you won't be able to harm them! Plague reduces any building
or unit to 1 HP, slowly draining it's HP. It does not affect Protoss
Shields, though. This is useful when Battlecruisers or Carriers attack.
Consume destroys 1 unit and instantly adds 50 energy to the Defiler's.
Create a bunch of Zerglings so that you can rapidly cast Dark Swarm or
Plague, then consume the Zerglings and cast it again.
Infested Terran
60 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 50 Gas
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 500 (HOLY CRAP!)
Size: Small
They're similar to Scarabs fired from Protoss Reavers, except they do 5
times the damage! They move quickly, and can destroy Bunkers, Turrets,
and Photons easily. The only bad thing is that they inexplicably pause
momentarily before exploding, so you may want to use Dark Swarm to ensure
that they don't get destroyed.
How to stop those damn Rushes
Zergling Rush: You shouldn't have any trouble with this. You have
Zerglings too. Just be ready for them.
Marine Rush: More Zerglings and Sunkens. A few Sunkens and two controls
of Zerglings should do the trick.
Battlecruisers: Players tend to group them together, leaving them open to
Plague and Ensnare. Once they're plagued, send in some Scourges and
Devourers to finish them off.
Carriers: These are not good news. Send in a bunch of Scourges and hope
some of them connect. You may waste a lot of resources trying to stop
Guardians: Scourges. Blast 'em down to 10 HP, then finish them off with
Ultralisks: These huge SOBs are tough to stop. Try combatting them with
some Ultras of your own. If you have Infested Terrans, use them!
VS Terran Strategy
First and foremost, get some Zerglings in case Marines try to rush you.
Firebats may prove trouble at first, but you should have Hydras, which
mow down Firebats easily. Put some Sunkens near your Hatchery, and
continue mining Minerals and Gas. Get about 4 controls of Mutas and 2 of
Guardians, and you should be able to do some significant damage to their
base. Just watch out if they're trying to nuke you. Park some overlords
near your defenses so they don't take out your Sunkens in one fell swoop.
VS Protoss Strategy
You may be in trouble if they try to Zealot rush you. Try to get Hydras
as fast as you can, they are much more effective in stopping Zealots.
Lurkers are also useful. Just put them in front of your Sunkens and watch
the sparks fly. Get some Ultralisks, and send in the Scourges against
their air units. Then send in your Ultras, covered by some Hydras, and
trash the place up. Try to stop all their Probes and their Nexus first
and foremost. This can most easily be accomplished with a small fleet of
VS Zerg
They're pretty much on the same level as you, pulling off huge numbers of
units very early on and such. Get some Lurkers and Sunkens to fight them
off at first, then go for my cheap-o Guardian strategy. To battle their
air defenses (remember, they have the same as you), try some Mutalisks.
Devourers may not prove very effective.
Corrections/Questions/Comments? E-mail brunerp@juno.com or
By Ed the Moogle
Version 1.0
Copyright 1999 Ed the Moogle
Don't copy without permission. I'm not responsible for any damage done
with this FAQ or it's contents. The latest version is available at
Zerg Advantages/Disadvantages
Buildings/Building Strategy
Units/Unit Strategy
Rush Stoppers
VS Terran
VS Zerg
VS Protoss
Advantages and Disadvantages
+They're fast, they can build multiple units at a time with one building,
their transports are also Detectors, they regenerate HP automatically,
they're immune to Lockdown, Dark Swarm is useful, infesting Command
Centers rocks!
-Many of their units are weak, their buildings are pretty easy to
destroy, weak air support, must build on the Creep (purple slimy stuff),
Creep gives you away (if your enemy spots it, they know you're there).
1250 HP
Cost: 300 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Make Drones or Overlords, research Burrowing, collect Minerals
and Gas, Create Hydralisk Den, Creep Colonies, Spawning Pools, Evolution
Chambers and Extractors.
The basic building of the Zerg colonies. While only Drones and Overlords
can be made at first, other units will soon follow as you create more
buildings. The Hatchery and it's upgrades produce Larvae at a constant
pace. These Larvae can transform into units, and up to three units can be
produced at a time. With Zerglings and Scourges, two share an egg, so up
to 6 at a time can be produced. The Hatchery later evolves into a Lair,
and then into a Hive.
1800 HP
Cost: 150 Minerals, 0 Gas, 1 Hatchery
Options: Create Spire and Queen's Nest, evolve Overlord Sight Range,
Speed, and Transport capabilities, as well as everything a Hatchery can.
The more advanced version of a Hatchery. With it you are able to create a
Spire, which allows you to breed flying units such as Mutalisks, and a
Queen's nest, which will allow you to upgrade to a Hive.
2500 HP
Cost: 200 Minerals, 0 Gas, 1 Lair
Options: Create Nydus Canal, Ultralisk Den, and Defiler Mound, as well as
everything a Lair can
The most advanced building of a Zerg colony. You can now create Nydus
Canals for quickly transporting your units, Ultralisk Caverns (big,
powerful critters) and Defilers (powerful 'shock troops').
Creep Colony
400 HP
Cost: 75 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Build more buildings nearby (you must build on the Creep),
evolve into Sunken Colonies (50 Minerals) or Spore colonies (50
This is a basic unit of the Zerg colony. It is used to create more Creep,
so that you can produce more room to put buildings on. They can also
produce Sunken Colonies, which attack ground units for 40 damage a hit
(WOW!), and Spore Colonies, which attack air units for 15 damage each,
and fire pretty slowly.
750 HP
Cost: 50 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Harvest Vespene Gas
This is the building required to harvest Vespene Gas. Produce Spore
Colonies nearby to protect your Drones from air units.
Spawning Pool
750 HP
Cost: 150 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Build Zerglings, upgrade Zergling Speed and Attack Speed,
upgrade Hatchery to Lair
This allows you to upgrade your Zerglings, and, more importantly, upgrade
your hatchery to create more havoc.
Evolution Chamber
750 HP
Cost: 75 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Upgrade Zerg Melee Attack, Zerg Missile Attack, and Zerg
This is an important building of a Zerg colony. Here is where you upgrade
Melee attacks (short range), Missile Attacks (long-range attacks) and
Carapace (armor). This building is very important and should be heavily
Hydralisk Den
850 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Upgrade Hydralisk speed and attack power, research Lurkers
(Brood War)
Here is where you can learn to upgrade your Hydralisks to Lurkers, or
upgrade Hydralisk attack power and speed.
600 HP
Cost: 200 Minerals, 150 Gas
Options: Build Mutalisks, upgrade Flyer Attack and Flyer Carapace
With this building, it is possible to build Mutalisks, as well as upgrade
flying units' attack and defensive power. Once you gain a Hive, you will
be able to evolve this to a Greater Spire.
Queen's Nest
850 HP
Cost: 150 Minerals, 100 Gas
Options: Upgrade Lair to Hive, build Queens, research Broodlings,
Ensnare, and 50+ Queen Energy.
This building allows you to create Queens, a useful unit. Ensnare covers
your enemies in goo, slowing down their moving speed and thus making them
more vulnerable, and Broodlings will instantly destroy most ground units
and create two weak ground units called Broodlings. The final option adds
50 to the Queen's maximum energy.
Nydus Canal
250 HP
Cost: 150 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Create exit canal
This is a useful building. Any units that enter this building will
instantly be transferred to the other end of the tunnel. I find this
useful for covering outposts. When the enemy attacks, I send some units
through the canal to eliminate the threat.
Greater Spire
1000 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 150 Gas
Options: Create Guardians and Devourers, everything else a normal Spire
This is an important building. You now have the ability to mutate your
Mutalisks into Guardians (long-ranged, slow, powerful units) or Devourers
(Powerful, slow air-support units).
Ultralisk Cavern
600 HP
Cost: 150 Minerals, 200 Gas
Options: Make Ultralisks, upgrade Ultralisk Speed, upgrade Ultralisk
This building is capable of making Ultralisks, a tough-as-a-dump-truck
Zerg that can take a huge amount of punishment, and dish it out as well
(they sorta resemble the X-ATM092 from Final Fantasy 8, don't they?).
Defiler Mound
850 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 100 Gas
Options: Create Defilers, research Plague and Consume, and +50 Defiler
Defilers are potentially one of the most dangerous units in the game.
This building is well worth getting, and a Defiler attack followed by a
major strike could spell victory.
Infested Command Center
1500 HP
Cost: 0 Minerals, 0 Gas
Options: Create Infested Terrans, Liftoff (the only Zerg Building that
can do so).
This building is capable of creating Infested Terrans, which do a massive
500 damage to ground units. The only problem is that these are extremely
hard to get. You must use a Queen and fly into a heavily damaged Command
25 HP
Cost: Nothing (randomly created by Hatchery, Lair or Hive)
Base Armor: 10 (wow!)
Base Damage: N/A
Size: Small
This unit transforms into any basic Zerg unit, provided you have enough
resources to do so. Larvae themselves are useless.
200 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 0 Gas
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: N/A
Size: Big
Provides control over other Zerg units. It also doubles as a detector for
spotting cloaked units and a transport as well. Put these guys near your
front likes to make sure cloaked units don't destroy your Sunken
40 HP
Cost: 50 Minerals, 0 Gas
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 5
Size: Small
This is the basic unit of the Zerg hive. They harvest gas and minerals.
Instead of creating buildings like the Protoss and Terran forces, the
drone itself mutates into the building. They're rather easily destroyed,
so don't rely on them to defend you if you get rushed.
35 HP
Cost: 50 Minerals, 0 Gas (for 2)
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 5
Size: Small
The basic fighter of the Zerg. They are small and easily destroyed, but
can do a good amount of damage if they attack in large groups. They're
also quickly produced, so they make a useful defense as well, at least
until you get some stronger units.
80 HP
Cost: 75 Minerals, 25 Gas
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 10
Size: Medium
The basic long-range fighter of the Zerg. 10 damage is fairly good, and a
large group of Hydralisks can easily take out some air units. A large
group of Hydralisks may prove to be a strong defense or a strong offense.
Lurker (Brood War unit)
125 HP
Cost: 50 Minerals, 100 Gas, 1 Hydralisk
Base Armor: 1
Base Damage: 20 (Straight-line, may hit multiple times on larger units).
Size: Large
This is a very strong ground defense. They burrow under the ground and
attack with Needle Spines, which can rip through Marines like nothing
else. It's also effective against those pesky Siege Tanks, because it can
hit multiple times, adding up to 40 or maybe 60 damage! Just be careful,
they're helpless when above ground, and take longer to burrow than other
25 HP
Cost: 25 Minerals, 75 Gas (for 2)
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 110
Size: Small
A small Zerg air unit. They have the ability to explode on enemy air
units and deliver a lot of damage. They are very useful for destroying
Battlecruisers and other heavy air support. Have them defend your
outposts, with ground support from some Hydras and Ultras. They also make
good support for your main base, but are not advised for attacking
because they are easily destroyed.
120 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 150 Gas
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 9
Size: Large
Queens cannot actually fight, but they have some other attacks that are
some of the best in the game. They start with the ability to infest
heavily damaged Command Centers. They also can Parasite, which lets them
see what the Parisited unit sees. This is ideal for spying, as the only
thing that can remove it is Restore (with Medics) or by killing the unit.
Broodlings will instantly kill a non-mechanical ground unit, and create
two Broodlings, which are very weak. A large group of Queens using
Broodlings can potentially wreak some havoc before they are destroyed.
Ensnare slows down any enemy unit, which is an excellent defensive
counter to those damn Stim Packs.
120 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 100 Gas
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 9
Size: Medium
The basic Zerg flying unit. Their shots 'bounce' to inflict more damage.
With each bounce, it loses 1/3 it's total attack power For example, it
may hit one unit for 9 damage, then bounce off and hit another for 3,
then another for 1. A large group of these can be extremely dangerous to
both air and ground units.
400 HP
Cost: 200 Minerals, 200 Gas
Base Armor: 1
Base Damage: 20
Size: Big
The largest Zerg unit. It's large size prevents it from burrowing, but
it's high attack power and HP make it very hard to take down. A large
group of these can withstand a brutal amount of punishment, and level
outposts rather easily. Just be sure to have some air support, they're
sitting ducks when air units attack.
150 HP
Cost: 50 Minerals, 100 Gas, 1 Mutalisk
Base Armor: 2
Base Damage: 20
Size: Big
These are one of the most dangerous air units. Their range surpasses that
of Photons, Spore Colonies, and Missile Turrets, making them ideal for
piercing enemy defenses. They can also tear down entire bases when in
large groups. The only bad thing is that they cannot attack air units.
Bring some Scourges and Mutalisks to fix that. A lot of these can ruin
your enemy's day.
Devourer (Brood War unit)
250 HP
Cost: 150 Minerals, 50 Gas, 1 Mutalisk
Base Armor: 2
Base Damage: 25 (Air units only)
Size: Big
They fire very slowly, but can be very dangerous enemies. With each shot,
an Acid Spore sticks to the enemy, which makes it take more damage and
fire slower temporarily. Only a Medic's Restore ability can remove it. A
large group of these can spell doom for Battlecruisers, but send in some
Scourges just to be safe.
80 HP
Cost: 50 Minerals, 150 Gas
Base Armor: 1
Base Damage: N/A
Size: Medium
One of the cheapest units in the game, period (Gameplay-wise, not
money-wise). Defilers cannot actually kill units, but their other skills
make up for it. Dark Swarm makes any units within it's range temporarily
invincible. This is useful for tearing down Terran defenses. Cast it on
Bunkers, then send in some Zerglings and Hydras to rip it down while they
helplessly try to fire back. Just be careful when enemies enter the Dark
Swarm, then you won't be able to harm them! Plague reduces any building
or unit to 1 HP, slowly draining it's HP. It does not affect Protoss
Shields, though. This is useful when Battlecruisers or Carriers attack.
Consume destroys 1 unit and instantly adds 50 energy to the Defiler's.
Create a bunch of Zerglings so that you can rapidly cast Dark Swarm or
Plague, then consume the Zerglings and cast it again.
Infested Terran
60 HP
Cost: 100 Minerals, 50 Gas
Base Armor: 0
Base Damage: 500 (HOLY CRAP!)
Size: Small
They're similar to Scarabs fired from Protoss Reavers, except they do 5
times the damage! They move quickly, and can destroy Bunkers, Turrets,
and Photons easily. The only bad thing is that they inexplicably pause
momentarily before exploding, so you may want to use Dark Swarm to ensure
that they don't get destroyed.
How to stop those damn Rushes
Zergling Rush: You shouldn't have any trouble with this. You have
Zerglings too. Just be ready for them.
Marine Rush: More Zerglings and Sunkens. A few Sunkens and two controls
of Zerglings should do the trick.
Battlecruisers: Players tend to group them together, leaving them open to
Plague and Ensnare. Once they're plagued, send in some Scourges and
Devourers to finish them off.
Carriers: These are not good news. Send in a bunch of Scourges and hope
some of them connect. You may waste a lot of resources trying to stop
Guardians: Scourges. Blast 'em down to 10 HP, then finish them off with
Ultralisks: These huge SOBs are tough to stop. Try combatting them with
some Ultras of your own. If you have Infested Terrans, use them!
VS Terran Strategy
First and foremost, get some Zerglings in case Marines try to rush you.
Firebats may prove trouble at first, but you should have Hydras, which
mow down Firebats easily. Put some Sunkens near your Hatchery, and
continue mining Minerals and Gas. Get about 4 controls of Mutas and 2 of
Guardians, and you should be able to do some significant damage to their
base. Just watch out if they're trying to nuke you. Park some overlords
near your defenses so they don't take out your Sunkens in one fell swoop.
VS Protoss Strategy
You may be in trouble if they try to Zealot rush you. Try to get Hydras
as fast as you can, they are much more effective in stopping Zealots.
Lurkers are also useful. Just put them in front of your Sunkens and watch
the sparks fly. Get some Ultralisks, and send in the Scourges against
their air units. Then send in your Ultras, covered by some Hydras, and
trash the place up. Try to stop all their Probes and their Nexus first
and foremost. This can most easily be accomplished with a small fleet of
VS Zerg
They're pretty much on the same level as you, pulling off huge numbers of
units very early on and such. Get some Lurkers and Sunkens to fight them
off at first, then go for my cheap-o Guardian strategy. To battle their
air defenses (remember, they have the same as you), try some Mutalisks.
Devourers may not prove very effective.
Corrections/Questions/Comments? E-mail brunerp@juno.com or