State of Decay чит-файл №1

Found that Plants vs. Zombies display in the backyard? Look inside the house
itself to find an Xbox 360 slim in the bedroom.

The #1 Rule:

For reaching 7stars in the Cardio attribute, players can earn this achievement.
What was the lead character of Zombieland’s #1 Rule in case of a zombie
apocalypse? Cardio.

Unlockable Avatar Rewards:

Shark Hoodie Unlocked if you train another enclave at your dojo.
Swine and Bovine Mask Unlocked if you build an outpost in a Swine & Bovine.
Zombie Mask Unlocked if you visit the cabins by Tanner Lake.

Scavenge Exploit:

You can duplicate resources if you plan ahead. As you search for supplies,
occasionally you will find Heath, Ammo, Fuel, or Food in packs. Once you do,
press DOWN on the dpad and you can choose "Call for scavengers" to call someone
to search the area. When you receive confirmation that someone is on the way,
grab the resource pack. When the scavenger arrives, that same will be snagged a
second time, in spite of the fact that you just took it. In this manner, you can
obtain twice the supplies you should have received.

Stuck Car Horn:

As you are driving a vehicle, you can press and hold the left thumbstick to
activate your vehicle's horn. Continue holding that button and press the BACK
button to bring up the map. The car horn should still be sounding at that point.
Now let go of the thumbstick and press BACK again. The horn should continue to
blare, and will do so until you press in on the thumbstick again. This could
prove useful in distraction missions.

Dawn Of The Dead references:

The Savini residence is a reference to Tom Savini, who was responsible for the
makeup and special effects in Dawn Of The Dead and its sequels. The Snyder
Trucking business is a reference to Zack Snyder, who remade Dawn Of The Dead.

Easy, Early Cardio Stat Grinding!

When starting a new game, head to the Ranger Station until you're in the "Safe
Zone" (aka that circle on the map where zombies cannot spawn/respawn). Once in
the parking lot of the Ranger Station, either run to the left or to the right
while turning the camera in the direction you're running. Once stamina is
depleted, stop and rest till it fills back up. Repeat and watch the Cardio
levels rise! This will take some time but seeing as the opening section of the
game doesn't have any zombies worse than the normal ones (plus day cycles don't
occur until AFTER you get to the church) this is a great time to build up this
particular stat, thus giving you a heads up seeing as how important stamina
is for such things as running, climbing walls, and melee fighting.

Exceeding the maximum number of outposts:

After moving to a big home base (County Fair, or Snyder Truck Warehouse) with 8
outposts, you can set them all up around whatever base you plan to move to
before you actually move. If you're moving into a base with a low maximum
outpost count (usually for scavenging reasons), make sure you have all 8 in
place where you want them before you move, and then move to a place with a lower
maximum outpost count. You will still have all 8 outposts!

Easy cardio:

At the start of a new game, go to the "safe zone" of the Ranger Station (the
circle on the map where zombies cannot spawn/respawn). When you are in the
parking lot of the Ranger Station, either run to the left or right while turning
the camera in the direction you are running. When stamina is depleted, stop and
rest until it completely refills. Repeat this process to continue to increase
your cardio level. This process takes a while, but since the opening section of
the game does not contain any tough zombies (plus day cycles do not
occur until after you reach the church), this is a great time to build up the
cardio stat. Having a high cardio level will give you more stamina for things
such as running, climbing walls, and melee fighting.