No. This gets a bit confusing! The latest version is "v1.1".
The chronological sequence is:
v1.00 Release version
v1.01 public beta patch
v1.02 public beta patch
v1.03 public beta patch
v1.01 final patch (sic)
v1.04 final patch
v1.05 final patch
v1.1 final
v1.1 was formally rereleased and includes both DOS and Win95 versions on the same CD.
v1.1 fixes the ECM light bug, improves framerate for ground attack, introduces mirrors, gives much better views including dogfight, selective friend/enemy views, instrument glance and ground padlock, increases rear visibility, increases RWR functionality, enables the Mig-31, enables screen size autoswitch, etc. etc. and fixes various bugs introduced during the patching process!
You can the v1.1 patch for the Win95 version from:
Patch files are available on BBS / Compuserve etc. However these will only upgrade the Win95 version, not give you the DOS version as well. For this you will need a new CD.
From the USA send $15 and your old CD to:
Su27 Upgrade 675 Almanor Ave Suite 201 Sunnyvale Ca 94086-2901
In the UK phone 01444 246333 for information - the current deal seems to be to send your old CD and a cheque for GBP5 to:
In the rest of Europe phone +44 444 246333 (which is of course the UK number).
v2.0 will be a new product, not an upgrade or patch. You will have to buy it.
Sorbitsya ECM pods are automatic and switch themselves on and off. This means you have 4 levels of ECM:
Sorbitsya only
Onboard ECM only
ECM and Sorbitsya
Not even the last combination is going to save you 15km away from an S300 site. The above was determined by careful testing in controlled conditions against 3 SAM types.
Some example ranges of engagement:
TARGET: inbound Su-27 at 2000m altitude, 1120km/h.
They seem to "stick to the rails" sometimes, don't they? This is because they take a couple of seconds to arm when selected - that realism thing again. Wait, or hold down the fire button a bit longer.
We are told that this is because the real Su27 has no 6 o'clock view. Fair enough, although this is disputed! v1.04 onwards extended the view angles 30 degrees further aft, but only if you are pulling less than 6g.
You can't. That realism thing again. The preferences option only affects measurements in map mode. The HUD and instruments always show meters and km/h. Note that the HUD shows true airspeed (TAS), the dial shows indicated airspeed (IAS).
This is now officially called "the stutter". For a long time SSI were unclear what users were complaining about - at first Win95 took the flak and then the myth arose that it was unique to Pentiums. Neither of these is true. It took a visit to my house by Jim Mackonochie and Steve Whittle to realise what was going on - once identified, they realised the problem had been present on their machines all along. The stutter is subtle on 486s, and as the game was developed and optimised for such machines by the Moscow programmers, it was overlooked. It is due to an interaction between the graphics and flight maths routines. It is more noticeable/intrusive the faster the machine, and some players seem psychologically unbothered by it. It was identified too late to be fixed for v1.1 but SSI are hard at work on a further patch.
11. I can't get Kh-29 air-to-ground missiles to lock on no matter what I do.
Kh29s do NOT lock onto a radar image. They are optical. Use the radar mode 4 (zemlya) to find the target, then turn the radar OFF and move the round circle with the dot on it, which represents your missile seeker's line- of-sight, to the target either by maneuvering the aircraft or with the direction keys. The MFD shows you what the missile is looking at. When you see the target in the centre of the MFD, lock on with Tab, and away you go.
That little mini-HUD that you see in padlock mode is always orientated so that it is at the side of the screen closest to the nose of your plane. Basically, you need to roll so that it is at the bottom of the screen and then pull up on your joystick.
We are told that contrary to what is says on the manual, the Kh31 can only lock onto a fire-control radar, i.e. they DO lock on but only to a radar that has already locked you up (and therefore expect a SAM already on the way). From a sufficient distance they are therefore useful. Close to, you will probably die. Suitable strategy is to fly into range of SAM. Have your radar off. As soon as you are locked up, lock onto the SAM and fire. Then immediately go fully defensive - chuck chaff / flares, break turn, get low, split-S, get lower still, and repeat as necessary.
You cannot lock onto EWR or search radars. This is said to be realistic, but has been disputed.
14. How do I get computer controlled planes to launch more than one bomb or missile at a surface target?
Put more than one target waypoint onto the target in the flight plan. This still is insufficient to get a simultaneous multiple launch e.g. at a ship, where it is most needed to break through anti-air defences. The plane will fire, pause, reorientate, fire again etc.
15. Missile performance (range) doesn't match the specs in the manual.
The specs in the manual are the manufacturers' maximum performance figures. A sales pitch. No missile ever performs up to these levels in actual combat. The maximum ranges in the sim are probably reasonably realistic, perhaps a bit pessimistic. The ranges were upped slightly in the v1.1 patch.
This missile's own radar only goes active 15km from the target. Until it is that close (you have to guesstimate this yourself) it requires guidance from your radar i.e. you have to keep the target locked up until then.
17. I can't sink the ships with the antiship missiles.
Have you watched the ships in action as your missiles approach? They undertake active defence with SAM and AAA. You have to swamp or surprise the defences.
Radar is modelled quite nicely in this sim. Low flying incoming small bogies are especially hard to lock up. Make sure your radar is pointing in the right direction. I.e. don't expect to lock up bogies at 50m alt at range of 15km if you are at 15000m alt with radar pointing straight ahead. Friendly AWACS and EWR obviously help as their information is uploaded to your Su27 by datalink.
The L key dumps fuel whilst you are in the air, and refuels you whilst you are on the ground. But it is realistic - it does so in real-time, i.e. slowly. It takes about five minutes to refuel to 90% from empty. Ctrl-A will accelerate this process, but meanwhile ......
23. How do I do the Cobra? The K key doesn't work.
You are going too fast. Try flying level at 450km/h, then push K. See? A prize for anyone successfully using this in combat, as in "I'll pop the brakes and he'll fly right by". (Hint: you are in the wrong sim. Probably the wrong universe. Please close the door as you leave.)
24. I have created my own mission, but I can't start it.
(i) You have to save it first before you can start it.
(ii) To fly yourself in the mission make sure that you have one Flanker designated as "Me". You can only do this on a flight leader of "your" side.
(iii) If you have assigned a start time after the default to "Me" you will have to watch the "prequel" unfold before you automatically jump into your plane at the designated time.
25. Where can I get more missions to fly? Or even a campaign?
Check out the unofficial Su27 home page on WWW:
or its mirror:
Also try Eric Joiner's:
SSI have also come out with an updated mission suite, SU27_MIS.ZIP in the Modern Combat section of FSFORUM on Compuserve, and on the above WWW sites.
It is strongly recommended that you join the flanker e-mail list. There are about 10-20 posts a day dealing with tactics, flight experiences, new patches, and interaction with the programmers themselves. To join, simply send an e-mail containing the text-line
subscribe flanker to:
Majordomo is an automated mailing list server, not a human. You will receive full instructions as to how to post to and unsubscribe from the list. Save them somewhere safe! Please note that once you have subscribed you will immediately start to receive e-mails which at first glance seem to be written to you personally from complete strangers. These are of course the postings to the list, and they can be distinguished by the Header "To:".
For live chat there is irc: #flanker-o-club on DalNet - point your favourite irc program any DalNet server, e.g: Find out more about irc and DalNet at
Finally, there is HMASP (Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots), the Russian equivalent of Top Gun. You will find further details at A new mission to fly against the clock every weekend, submit your TRK file and have your performance scored against everyone else. Are you the world's best virtual Flanker pilot? Or the worst?.
Left shift plus a view key will cycle only through enemy aircraft / objects. Right shift plus a view key cycles only through friendlies. Ctrl-shift-Fkey is an allowed combination, to cycle backwards.
Right Ctrl key accelerates object panning / rotating with keyboard arrow keys twofold.
Select a plane with F2 or F5, then the F9 key will switch to dogfighting view - cycles through a view from the original plane towards other planes within visual range (6km?). You can use R-shift and L-shift F9 as described above to choose friends and foes.
Tilde ~ key now allows you to switch visual padlock between multiple planes in your current field of view, so long as you have not locked them up and you are in a close air combat mode.
* (star/asterix) key allows you to visually padlock ground target. Whilst in ground attack mode, put the circular target designator in the HUD onto the target and lock using *. This is the CCIP marker with appropriate munitions, otherwise it is the centre circle. The effect lasts about 2 minutes.
Keypad 0 allows you to quickly glance at instruments no matter where you are looking. Works only as long as key depressed. Absolutely invaluable for dogfighting.
The backspace key now duplicates the Caps Lock key - weapon selection.
However, try the following. If you know better, tell me.
(i) Calibrate the joystick from Win95 control panel. DON'T choose Thrustmaster, select 3-axis, 2 or 4-button stick instead. (4-axis if you also have pedals.) Then select Thrustmaster from Su27 Preferences.
(ii) If you have ACM gamecard and Soundblaster there may be a conflict in game ports. Uninstall both, then reinstall first ACM then the Soundblaster.
(iii) Pick up your .M50 and .B50 files from Mike's WWW site
If he sees you making anything less than a picture perfect take-off he aborts. It's too dangerous up there to follow a flight leader who doesn't know his stuff! Also, he doesn't want to slam into your tail. Pull back steadily on the stick, don't hesitate, don't let the nose drop. Don't pull too high an AoA before take-off velocity. Finally, if you are heavy with 100% fuel on board, you will need to light those burners.
Go to the joystick calibration screen in Su27. Close your throttle to minimum. Now notch it forward a bit, so that the blue ribbon is visible below the min RPM line. Now push the min RPM button. Repeat as necessary. You should now be able to throttle down to true idle.
Yes. Put yourself on a runway, first waypoint as take-off, mission type GAI. The mission will start without you. As soon as EWR picks up bogies or they approach within 10km of your airfield (visual pick-up) you leap into your plane on the runway.
(i) Play on a LAN using the built-in IPX networking.
(ii) Over a modem. For this you need the Win95 version and the Win95 Plus Pack's dial-up server. Use this to network together your 2 computers using IPX protocols, and then effectively you have a LAN-over-a-phone-line. This works very well.
(iii) Trying to get TCP/IP working between 2 machines over dial-up connections to the Internet is a pretty hopeless task - anything but the fastest ping times lead to dropped connections.
(iv) There are some reports however of success with the DOS version and Kali over the Net.
(b) AI responds very poorly to incoming missiles Beyond Visual Range - planes just fly straight and level and dump chaff and flares.
(c) Your wingmen can catch up to you and pull into formation even with identical loadouts and fuel levels whileyou're in AB. This shouldn't be possible.
(d) Computer aircraft have advantages in power thus are harder to fight in the vertical.
(e) Computer aircraft apparently burn less fuel than the player's aircraft.
(f) AI pilots never lead turn or try to create lateral separation before the merge, ie they are not aggressive in gunsonly fights