Sub Culture чит-файл №1

Type in the following code during gameplay:
* billy - Speedup
* bedlk - God mode
* colours - Stage 5
* cotton - Stage 2
* delicates- Stage 3
* didit - Mission success
* dryer - Stage 1
* halfload - Stage 6
* kamikaze - Kill yourself
* mutant - Radiation protection
* haveall - All missions available
* havesome - All missions available
* imnotluc - God mode
* refill - Shield restored
* rinse - Stage 0
* scotty - Teleport (see below)
* tick - Geiger counter added
* tonka - Hull strengthened
* tumble - Stage 4
* wonga - Money


Type SCOTTY and the game should freeze. Now type one of these names to
teleport to that location.

* Touka, Boot, Flats
* Beluga, Knob, Anchor
* Velcova, Arch, Outlet2
* Tryton, Pipe, Outlet3
* Aquatraz, Volcano, Pipe2
* Refinery, Cave, Bucket
* Ribs, Tunnel
* Outlet, Wood
* Can, Limpet
* Abyss, Cleft