Terror in the Ice Caverns чит-файл №1

Note : 1. The lamp contains a VERY limited of kerosene.
2. To kill guards, u need the machine gun,
type "shoot guard" or "shoot russian".
3. Don't use the route south of where u find the vial.

Light lamp. Melt ice wall.

Spinning room
before going south press enter to look again -> lever. Pull lever.

In the room to its north, Press enter -> knob. Wear mask. Push knob.

Slime Monster
Throw bottle of slime killer.

Ice Creature
Throw scycathorpius + at beams.

Laser beams
Throw vial.

Trap Door
Insert brass key.
In room with blue print, type Enter -> button. Press button. w.
Insert chip. Load tape. Type US7 (read the small print with lens).

To get in the room with the 3 buttons, u need the I.D. card & bracelet.
Push Green then White. s.s. Press Enter -> switch. Pull switch.
s.e -> laser.

Read book in library. s -> explosives. Find ur way out to the top,
where u melted the ice wall. Drop explosives. Detonate explosives. w.

***** DONE *****

Unused - club, herb.
